
17 de febrero de 2019

CALL ZORRA Saturday 16 February 2019 (the most important summary of the program)

Welcome everyone, this is Jane-Quazar and today is February 16, 2019.
We have a very important and very special calling and purpose is on the RV and its process. For that we have two special guests: Jared Rand and Bill Whitely who have extensive experience in the business world.Take a pen and paper to take notes but before that, let's do the Invocation of Saint Germain of the Violet Flame. ( Invocation was made )

Jane:  Now we know the point of view or perspective for the RV Bill Whitely
( Summary of the most important )  Bill Whitely: You do not know what messes up is inside. I learned very quickly that what seems easy, it was not. I won a lot of money, I lost a lot of money, I spent thinking I was going well and did not. I created companies that were successful and then I had to sell them or close them 

What they can invest the money in the RV 

They have the market, but should be very careful because remember that when someone makes money, someone else loses. For me it is a good investment to buy land, always go up in value. Another interesting thing is to invest in the food industry, that's something you need every day. Also purification of water and air. Holeopática medicine is something that you can also consider doing a business.
( Summary of the most important )  Jared Rand: I've had different experiences in life business. I have had several companies, I had a lot of money as was poor and lived on the street. We must understand what it really means the RV. They have heard so much information that they no longer know what to believe. They have formed groups that have told people that if they gave up their currencies, they were going to get a better exchange rate when done. None of this is real and unfortunately many people fell into that trap. Understanding that they must have is that the picture is more extensive than you have thought since I heard this news. The real reason behind the RV is equitable distribution of wealth to the human race. It has chosen group of people who would be in charge of this mission and although we know that not everyone will act in a correct way, but let's focus on the positive side. Once you make your exchanges, then comes the period of  " adjustment "  where they understand their new realities and what kind of impact you had on in people around them and what they will do in the future. What will come to mind is: how am I going to retrench  How can I protect my fortune  Who I'm going to hire to help me  How will I order what should I do  All this is something to be asked in the early days. There is a famous phrase that says: How toeat an elephant One bite at a time ... when rushing to do things often go wrong. Take your time. Educate first, wait to be seated  " dust " . No need to start the first day after exchanges. I'll give a quick fix to consider to start. Refer to these companies as Merrill Lynch, Edward Jones  ( Financial Advisors ) or any wishing. Make an appointment and learn everything they need asking. Pay all your debts and buy what they need or like. After they took care of that, they begin to provide financial assistance to people in need. I'll give you the fastest way used for distribution and support. 

Remember that  
the main goal of much money involved in this transaction is to eliminate poverty worldwide. Look asístanlos 5 people and giving them a monetary contribution to help them solve all their economic problems . After they are free from debts and are removed from their shoulders the stress of not having how tostay, ask them to each of them to  look for other 5 people to give assistance to these new people . Each of them will find 5 other people and so on. The intention is that soon, everyone is benefited.Lack of money is what has caused violence, robbery, assault, misery, disease. If you spread the wealth they have because that is the purpose ROYAL RV , soon everyone will have enough money to no longer have to worry about anything. Once you are free of that stress, they start making projects. Look for people who wish to collaborate in a genuine way on any project they have designed. All sooner or later they will cooperate for the common good worldwide.
The first thing to do to respond to adopt responsibility is to hydrate all mankind and then start making projects.
Jane:  Ohhh, how interesting what the two have shared with us  Now I will bring him to add Zorra to us from your perspective what is happening.
Zorra: Well, it could be reduced to a comment of what happened on the planet: it has had a poverty mentality in many from the beginning.RV true intention is to end the poverty mentality, ending once and for all with that programming. They must change their minds and re-programmed. Blessings they will receive has the sole purpose of END POVERTY not only in USA, China, Germany, Switzerland or other countries. THIS IS GLOBAL. GLOBAL is a movement to eliminate poverty on the planet. That is the real purpose of the RV or GCR, bring abundance to all, no one will be left out. There is a certain amount of people who invested in these currencies  but do not forget Saint Germain Accounts will also be distributed.  These accounts have trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions  of money. The money they will receive will be digital because there is so much of physical money. They will be able to buy everything they want and enjoy their blessings. Help your immediate family and friends and then to people in need in their neighborhoods, cities, states / provinces and countries . It is not mandatory to do so, it's just a suggestion.

The reason that has been taking place in a very slow way, was to hope that people will awaken each day and thus have a better understanding of the new reality that will face. Imagine what tranquility not having to worry if they will have the money to buy food. 
All will receive a lot of money through exchanges or packages Saint Germain Prosperity.
Jane:  And have everyone around the world in this state of harmony and joy would help greatly to raise the vibrational frequencies of the Whole Planet.
Zorra:  That's right , what you said perfectly. That is the ultimate purpose: we want to have a perfect balance and harmony full of love on the surface as well as live in the Hollow Earth.
Jane:  I will share information I recently received: The reason we are saying it is at any time because they want to be absolutely prepared to make exchanges. There are some things going on behind the scenes and Trump wants to be sure there will be no Cabal or any interference.We have to wait a few more days but do not know how many, but as we continue to have these calls and we will report further, we will share with you all. This event is Global therefore want to ensure that everything is perfect for that moment. Centers also exchanges or banks will have security personnel. In addition, toll - free numbers to call will be announced when all currencies are backed by gold.
Jane:  Ok want to thank everyone especially Bill and Jared. Zorra, send an energy boost for all
Zorra:  5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Receive !
Jane:  Let's have another call on trust and any information we receive on the RV. Thank you all
In  His Gabi

Gabi Thanks for your translation


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