
13 de febrero de 2019



What family SOULS BELONG?

Just let the vibration of the words resonate within you and observe the movement of your soul as you read this. Do not identify with the profession you have chosen or the activity undertaken so far, but with what moves and touches the soul. We are part of one family, not several. Depending on the position that we occupy within it may seem that we all participate in. Do not judge this feeling only we belong to one but all families meet and communicate with each other in the afterlife and in the here despite the personalities of each.

 Let vibrate your soul!


Currently it exists on planet Earth we call a family of teachers. They reside within it, among others, the Ascended Masters. The aim of the existence of these souls is to start the movement. When incarnated and personality ensures transparency, they are become leaders, initiators of any movement, either light or darkness.

 For these souls, one of the tests of the Incarnation is the ego and possible distortions of their status as teachers: the lure of power by manipulation.Because the teacher is one who directs, transmitting, showing the way, you should start the movement from love and above all of humility.

The teacher does not need any title because he knows it is, and naturally, in every cell of your physical shell is a master not only about his life but over everything it touches, which entails a great responsibility.

 Some may experience it as a burden, others may reject it, not respecting that energy and distort their actions. These souls, the embodiment requires them to commit. The soul knows that family belongs, knows his nature and identity. If the personality decides to err, The soul forced to compromise! The force that animates the embodiment can make him jump around in the air, overthrow all structures to promote full alignment.

Teacher force is expressed in both doing and not doing. If kept in its center, it retains the serenity, its impact is much greater, since the vibratory force that was in his soul is such that it would be enough to utter a single word in his life, at the right time, to meet its mission. That's how the teacher is, the one who starts the path.


There is a large and important family that includes many souls. It has many cores and has cleaved to form other families. It is the family of healers. The souls that compose transmit fluid healing and lavished in every possible way.These souls have received many initiations in his hands, his heart and his conscience. Healing energy permeates every cell. should not be sought in neighboring or any magic potion, he lives inside. Some techniques amplify, and initiations received increased expansion and transmission of that fluid.Members of this family would contain not only but also channel it and spread it. This fluid is operational but do nothing; Now this gift is intensified when he is aware of it. It is urgent, therefore, that the souls that are part of this family open their eyes to this reality! Sometimes healers who come to us with hands in pockets get something ironical answers to your questions. Menudos Healers, hands in his pockets! What a waste!

When these souls carelessly placed his hand on a friend or a plant, for example, the fluid circulates and healing takes effect. They could now argue every reason to block it, despite all, activate healing.

 These souls heal not only humans but also to plants, animals, inanimate objects suppose. Sanan everything they touch! They're the depositaries of healing fluid.


These souls, like all others, are born of the Source. They chose the family of healers, and when there was a split within this family, identity felt strongly called to regroup with other souls to create an authority responsible for protecting the fluid from the healing of the universe of souls family and in other planetary universes. They became warriors and healers strengthened their identity. Are responsible to some extent, the alignment of healing wherever they are, whether in the universe of souls or Earth, Mercury or Arthur.

Healers Warriors are protectors healing fluid in the universe. They are present and active there where the use of this fluid, either in or beyond the here becomes distorted. These souls seek to ensure that the fluid is channeled at its purest: the energy of love.


This family is not native to the Healers. The very essence of the warrior is protected, but that does not mean that the soul incarnates armor. Warriors are the protectors of energy: light energy or dark energy. For these souls, there are no half-measures. If they decide to protect the vibration of light, vibration of the soul. Perhaps you notéis that in the course of his earthly incarnation and learning, tend to play the role of saviors. Now, when the soul of the warrior is recognized beyond the third dimension, it acts without trying to save the world.
 These souls need to be incarnated in the Earth plane or other. They feel compelled to sow compassion through the density of the planet chosen. The mission is to defend the family, work, act to curb the dark and protect the universe of souls. This action is superb delivery of a total and rooted love.Many of the souls of this family, forgetting his celestial origin, become "bodyguards" carry arms and lost in the second dimension.

It is easy to distinguish the warriors because they are not very sociable. They tend to be rather sullen and withdraw into his shell, but they are always ready to defend or save. You will find many souls of this family practicing martial arts because these arts are based on the warrior energy characteristic of his family. However, they have a big heart. Therefore, for members of this family, the incarnation is a delicate period and a great test. Although you perceive that the personality of these has lacked time to acorazarse, brimming with love. They must learn to conserve this energy of love even if they are warriors, defenders, protectors, doorkeepers.


In the universe of souls there is a special family: the fairy alchemists. These souls are incarnated on Earth to spiritualize matter. Some of them are very close to Los Angeles because, even if they belong to the core family, are not very dense. On the contrary, they are quite light and life are passed flitting like butterflies. Find it hard to integrate their physical shell and often resist incarnation.

In the field of physical experience they enjoy the gift of dematerialize everything they touch. They could walk through walls with the physical shell which explains his problems with keys or doorknobs, and they forget that they do not need. They spiritualize everything they touch and automatically raise your vibration. Faced with a density act by spreading waves emanating from his body, and this is nothing more incarnate, from earliest childhood.

 These souls give the impression of being on the moon, absent, like the image we have of fairies. They have chosen not because they like incarnating density at all. They have come because their presence contributes to transmute matter.We could say that they are genuine living transformers.


These messengers are dedicated to communicate and convey love in many different ways: through art, song, literature, theater ... There are many at this point on the globe. The ye find in any field or profession, as writers, poets, journalists, musicians, etc. These souls are distinguished among other things, by the fact of not being tied to the physical. This does not mean that some of them do not feel attracted to material goods; But most have one goal: to communicate, to make the message accessible as: through singing, dancing, writing, art. Everything serves to communicate.

These souls do not stand out by its roots, thus can easily enter the world of drugs. Its lightness not exactly help incarnate. For them, the physical is not important compared to the art of communication and artistic expression.Therefore, within this family, there are many artists who, in the journey of the incarnation and personality, they forget that, above all, are communicators and not necessarily in the form imposed by society.

FAMILY teachers

These souls teach everything that can be taught, all sorts of knowledge and experience. Teach love, light, loss of illusions, listening, how important it is to live now ... This family consists of two cores, two filters, a balance and two peripheral strips; however, it is stable. In the long run it may be cleaved and two equally stable families are created. Some souls experience this division will decide to exert more precise and direct action.

The souls of this family possess and transmit knowledge fluid, fluid that fully identifies. As a incarnated souls go after truth, knowledge and desire transmission it is great. They are the guardians of knowledge disseminated in different planets. The could also be called "the doorkeepers." This family manages the wealth of knowledge of the whole universe. His psyche enjoys the virtue of going to consult the Akashic records, authentic deposits diversity of knowledge. On planet Earth, they are presented as students of numerology, Kabala or classical languages ​​like Sanskrit, all in order to transmit all the wisdom that store.

If the transmission of knowledge follows a tortuous path and distorted, can this family feel the need to secede and create another family whose intention would be to act as warriors fluid knowledge, clear parallel with the warriors fluid healing

 These souls are easy to recognize. Teach fills a great joy because this is their vocation whatever form it takes. The label does not make them any teachers lack: they are by nature constantly because the fluid channel knowledge. When they spot the identity of his soul they can receive lots of information unknown on Earth and disseminate them. They should not hesitate to channel the knowledge and retransmit. To do this, simply channeling the fluid that permeates your soul.



The action of these souls is fleeting. They come for a short period of time in order to raise awareness on the planet where they embody. Do not trigger any movement that does not serve to become aware of something. simply appear to raise awareness and often do with a spectacular death, to return and leave again.
 They are present in collective catastrophes in places where earthquakes, accidents, hurricanes occur. Initiate movements of consciousness through his life and death to leave the planet. Part of those tragic episodes in which a lot of beings are killed or tortured and leave Earth looks so violent. These souls manifest so choose to raise awareness of humans.

 A narrow mind consider that this is really crazy, right? However, we encourage you to increase your awareness. These souls come to be at the service of the planet's evolution.


Include a family whose souls are called pillars. Few who are currently incarnated on our planet and remain in constant communication with other planets. Its density is considerable. When a pillar sits beside his presence is noticed immediately. They come to entrench the celestial planes in the depths of the Earth and recreate the connections between the sacred places on earth.And although personality may not know it, the soul acts

Where matter acts or the planet require. They are very busy and do not cease to be, because oversee the balance and unity, stabilizing the energies and creating new energy circuits, especially those planets subject to decisive changes, such as yours at this time. Go where they go, rooted power beyond the here and now. They are responsible for rooting the vibrations of the Source.

These souls are embodied in strategic places on the planet with the function of being pillars. Create at home, they channeled and organized interplanetary meridians. Sometimes it costs them around because they must perform a specific action where they have decided to incarnate. Now, they are able to move to those places that require their presence and this can confuse the ego, you might not understand why suddenly the soul press to go to Yucatan or Tibet.

 This family owns fifteen cores, which implies a large force of mutation and transmutation. It looks like a ship at a certain stage a split will occur, not now but when the time comes. The pillars walk the families of souls and monitor the movements of energy continuously communicate with the universe of divine sparks. "Patrol" around the periphery of the universe of all the families of souls. Why it has so many cores, to move across the universe.

When these souls choose the incarnation, they require physical density. Often their bodies are robust as they need a different muscle strength and exceptional bone, other physical wraps. They depend on the physical and know how to use the material, how to handle and transmute. To some extent they resemble shamans and healers, but they are not. His will is applied to heal the planets, interplanetary and interstellar universes. Establish networks through which can circulate rays and fluids, such as healing or knowledge, and thus reach the planets and stars. The pillars know by heart the universe of families of souls because they are able to receive their fluid and help vibrationally down,
They are the keepers of this universe.

 Thenansehed published by Everth 1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds  
by Joan Ashtar  ©  misteri 1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

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