
6 de febrero de 2019

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Feb. 6 2019

Compiled 6 Feb. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces.” Articles on a CIA/Vatican Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult:

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Special Thank You to Martha for her untiring research efforts in discerning the Truth, Dale who keeps me in line and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophiles to help us Save the Children.

As of Jan. 21 2019 We The People returned to the original Constitution. Power over political affairs has now been taken away from political elites in Washington DC and given back to The People in their local State-run governments. We give thanks President Trump and the brave souls of the Alliance, whom we keep in our prayers.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. 

Judy Note: At any time HSBC would send notices to set exchange appointments. The RV/GCR was believed to happen around the beginning of Chinese New Year and President Trump’s State of the Union Address on Tues. Feb. 5, although thousands of military personnel exchanged last Thurs. Jan. 31 and several private bank exchanges occurred this last week.

Zim redemption appointments would be made through emergency text or receipt of a number to call through an email. Currency exchange appointments would use 800#s sent out through websites or email. If you were a Zim redeemer and called an 800 number you would be steered to a redemption center in your area, or you would be given another number to call to obtain your redemption appointment.

A. Rumored Timeline

Beginning Jan. 2 and for around two years there would be Military Tribunals for political elites including Bush, Clintons, Obama, Biden and Soros, most of whom were believed residing at GITMO:

Tues. Feb. 5: At any time HSBC would send out notices to set exchange/ redeem appointments. The RV/GCR was believed to happen around the beginning of Chinese New Year and President Trump’s State of the Union Address on Tues. Feb. 5, although thousands of military personnel exchanged last Thurs. Jan. 31 and several private bank exchanges occurred this last week.

Feb 8: FBI Anon Leak to be made public on indictments of ex CIA Chief John Brennan and former FBI Director James Comey.

Feb. 15: President Trump and Queen Elizabeth were to collapse the British (with Brexit) and American (Federal Reserve, IRS) Cabal financial system, along with implementation of Martial Law in both the US and UK.

Feb. 15 was the date President Trump set for the Democrats to approve Border Wall funding, or he would declare a National Emergency (Marital Law) in order to do it.

Feb. 15 was also the deadline of when the U.S. government was no longer funded. Certain major announcements would be made over the following long weekend which celebrated George Washington’s birthday.

B. Feb. 5 Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for February 5, 2019 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

1. All global Special Forces under the command of the Alliance have been ordered to return home to their families. The Cabal has been cornered on all fronts with no escape.

2. Zimbabwe's demonetization of bond notes was their soft announcement of a gold-standard currency.

3. The transition was about to occur. Expect the RV to suddenly pop within the coming weeks.

C. Feb. 5 2019 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. Last Tues. Jan. 29 US Treasury Secretary Munuchin made the announcement that military personnel could exchange all currencies.

2. We know that the USTN was live because last Thurs. Jan. 31 thousands of military personnel exchanged on military bases.

3. A few private exchanges have occurred in various banks this week.

4. Most intel sources were under gag orders.

5. We should be redeeming/exchanging soon and would be for the next twelve days.

6. Bank exchanges were based on the rate of the currency on the front screen at the time of your exchange. If you wanted front screen rates (not negotiated rates) and were exchanging at a bank, be aware that rates on all currencies would likely be going up in the next few days, and then go down again, so it may pay you to wait until the rate reached the level you wanted before exchanging.

7. HSBC was the lead bank which would be over all of the over 7,000 exchange centers across the nation.

8. If you were a Zim redeemer and called the 800 number you would be steered to a redemption center in your area, or you would be given another number to call to obtain your redemption appointment.

9. Start times would be the same time in each time zone of the country. That is, if the time to start on the East Coast was 2 pm EST, the time to start on the West Coast would be 2 pm PST.

D. Feb. 5 2019 8:54 pm EST World Bank Swamp About to be Drained, X22 Report: X22 Report: The World Bank Swamp is about to be Drained

Trump and Fed Chair Powell have an informal dinner at the White House. Powell said that they will make decisions not on political agenda's but what's best for the country. What's best for the country would be to dismantle the Federal Reserve. Always be independent and prepared for any situation, beat the elite and bankers at their own game. Trump will appoint a new president of the World Bank, their mission to drain the swamp. The movement is spreading, Italy already on board.

E. Feb. 5 2019 Bush Jr. Said to be Executed for 9/11, Obama, Clintons, Biden Jailed at GITMO, Byington:

F. International Child Trafficking Ring Run by the Vatican:

Feb. 5 2019 Brazil’s Largest Child Sex Ring Connections to Bill Clinton and Oprah - a female sex slave farm that produced babies for trafficking and where the women would be murdered after ten years of having babies.

Feb. 4 2019 Bittencourt Murdered after Exposing Sex Slave Farm:

Sabrina Bittencourt, 38, was reportedly ‘living under protection’ in Spain and had begun to receive death threats after claiming John of God ran a “sex slave farm.” She claimed young girls were held captive to produce babies to be sold on the black market before being murdered.

Feb. 4 2019 DHS Agent Says 10,000 Trafficked Children Enter the US Each Year: 

Feb. 5 2019 Pope Francis confirms priests forcing nuns into "sexual slavery,” Tucker Reals CBS News:

G. Resources:

Military Tribunals, complete transcripts:

C-VINE International News Network Facebook for Military Tribunals:

Trump Twitter: Donald J. Trump ‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Trump’s Email:

Q Posts:



Martial Law:

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