
3 de febrero de 2019

What Will It Take to Bring Us to Peace? – Part 2/2

February 3, 2019
By Steve Beckow


(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)

What is it that human beings are doing that creates endless wars?

I’ve addressed the question before, but I tell myself that any new discussion, from any new angle, may prove the penny that drops.

So let me try a different cut here and say that, in my view, our values precondition us to war and our attitudes make them unavoidable.

What so many of our leaders until now have valued, in my view, has been money, sex, and power.

To see that they got them, they adopted the belief that might makes right. Our wars have been a grab for another country’s wealth or an expansion of one’s own power or territory.

It doesn’t matter that any misguided dictator, king, or emperor has fallen. Always a replacement can be found to try again. New despots never seem in short supply.

Generation after generation have come to the end of their lives realizing that wealth, sex, and power don’t bring them happiness yet we still keep striving after them.


Meanwhile, now that the cabal controls the press, the mass of the population receives a slanted and laundered version of current events and history.

We’re not told the true history of why wars have been started, what activities they hide, etc. We’re herded from one mass shooting to the next downing of an airliner to stoke our fear.

In the modern day, it isn’t “terrorists” who do it. It’s our very own governments. “State terrorism” it’s coming to be known as.

As this is happening, we don’t seem to take actions that would relieve the causes of war – such as a redistribution of wealth, the valuing of cooperation, and the taking care of people, especially the disadvantaged.

Only the fact that the clock is running out on this cycle is causing us to leave this vale of tears. It isn’t our handling of events.


In my estimation, and you may disagree with me, we really have been sheep that would have gone to the slaughter if it weren’t for the intervention of other civilizations – those who left this Earth in 1200 BC, feeling no longer wanted or needed, plunging it into a chaos of its own making. (1)

One of our usual responses in a situation like this is to look to the younger generation to take matters further than we have. But that avenue even has been compromised. Look at the disadvantages this generation of evolved souls labor under.

The job market has shrunk so much from automation that anything resembling decent conditions of labor, pay, benefits, etc., is not available to them, as it was to my generation. They make do in any way they can.

“Terrorist” attack on 9/11?

Many have never known job security, pensions, union representation, medical benefits, etc. What kind of an experience in the wider world will they have to build upon?

Our report card to date would have to register many dismal failures – starting with World War I, World War II, and a planned World War III.

What will it take us for to come to our senses and demand that we clean up the government, the justice system, the penal system, religious institutions, educational institutions, the media, and every other corrupted organization in our world?

How far down must we descend in working, living, and health conditions before we act? How bad do things have to get? What is worse than planning World War III?


(1) Steve Beckow, “Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC?,” Golden Age of Gaia, November 24, 2017, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia

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