
3 de febrero de 2019

What Will It Take to Bring Us to Peace? – Part 1/2

February 2, 2019
By Steve Beckow

I’m willing to wager that there’s been a war each decade in every century since 1200 BC. (1)

In other words, my contention is that humanity has not been able to keep the peace for more than a decade at any time in its last three-thousand-year history.

I’d like to touch on this record here.

Humans have been in a more or less constant state of killing each other and razing towns from 1200 BC till the present day.

Matthew Ward once called it “relentless blood-shedding.” (2)

What difference is there between Genghis Khan’s horde, a Roman legion, and a wave of conquistadors? Or a wave of white settlers and their cavalry?

If I’m correct – and some may not agree with me – if we were to achieve a lasting peace now, it’d be the first time in the last three millennia of our history. I’m flabbergasted when I think of this statistic.

Yet Mike Quinsey’s source says that we will achieve lasting peace, with a little help from our friends:

“Peace is being enforced where possible and necessary because many still harbour visions of ‘blood and glory’ although modern warfare and weaponry is becoming so deadly it is a path to a quick death. The realisation has come to many that wars are pointless and heart breaking, often causing immense trauma for those that survive who suffer mentally for a long time afterwards.

“Humans are becoming more sensitive to the taking of the life of another human Being, and their reluctance to do so is starting to show. These are the beginnings of a great change with regards to how others are viewed, who are in essence exactly the same as you and simply want a good happy life where all can live in complete harmony. It is not a pipe dream and will happen and must come, and bring peace to Mother Earth and all life that lives upon her.” (3)

Keeping in mind that we’ll get there, let’s look at the recent history, leading away from our now-nuclear belligerence.

Hannibal and the Romans

Most readers here will know that the galactics, at the behest of higher universal councils, have prevented nuclear bombs from exploding in a World War III which the cabal wanted. (4)

It was intended that members of the cabal would either last out the war and the following nuclear winter in deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) or leave the planet until the effects subsided. (5)

The bunkers were imploded in 2011 (6) and the planet was quarantined (7) so that dark ships could not enter or leave. At that point, the cabal would have had to endure war here on the surface with the rest of us.

This insanity is going on without public awareness. Any discussion of it is ridiculed as “conspiracy theory.”

We have to ask ourselves: What is it that human beings are doing that creates endless wars?

(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)


(1) When the galactics left Earth because their presence was no longer wanted. See Steve Beckow, “Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC?,” Golden Age of Gaia,November 24, 2017, at

(2) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 19, 2014,

(3) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, Jan. 19, 2019. at

(4) See “No Nuclear Explosions and No Nuclear War” at

(5) See “Project Camelot Interviews George Green – Part 1 of 2,” at and “Project Camelot Interviews George Green – Part 2 of 2,” at

(6) Said SaLuSa:

“We respect all life, whereas they have none at all even when it comes to fellow humans. Life to them is expendable, and they will use it to gain over anyone who gets in their way. We on the other hand will remove our “enemies” to safety rather than kill or wound them. You may therefore be assured that we removed all personnel prior to destroying underground military bases. Anyone who says otherwise is untruly reporting events, and out to paint a false picture of us.” (SaLuSa, Dec, 2, 2011, at

And Matthew Ward:

“You may have heard that two vast underground areas that housed Illuminati-controlled laboratories, vehicles, weaponry, storehouses and living quarters were destroyed, but it was by safe technologies, not nuclear devices; and some within the Illuminati camp have been removed from power, but not by killing them. As both defensive and offensive measures, the light forces use only the power of light and technologies that have no harmful aftereffects.” (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 10, 2011, at

See also “Many Underground Command Centers Now Destroyed,” December 3, 2011, at and “The Truth Will Be Revealed – Part 6,” May 21, 2013, at

(7) “As we have mentioned before, the Earth is quarantined … by many Starships.” (SaLuSa, Sept. 18, 2015, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia

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