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Archangel Metatron: Using the Rays to Create Health

Metatron: Good afternoon. It is I, Metatron. Let us begin with a dialogue. Do you have questions?

Jim: Yes. Could you please give me feedback on if I’m understanding the use of the ninth Ray correctly? Let’s say I found a healthy cell in the body, for example in the liver. If I then added the fourth, fifth and sixth Rays to make it stable yet flexible and mobile and tapped the cell so it would begin to vibrate as a sound frequency. Then used the ninth Ray to vibrate it through all the cells of the liver to create health throughout it. Would that be an application of the ninth Ray?
Metatron: Absolutely. You see, the purpose of all the Rays is one of creation and aligning that creation with Source directly. By impregnating your cell with the energetics of the fourth, fifth and sixth Rays, and adding the sound frequencies of the ninth Ray, it more fully provides an operative schematic for the cellular system to come into full alignment with Source. The result would be healing because, if the cell had any disruptive energetics, by using this process there would then be coherency. You would term it as healing.
Jim: In other words; by amplifying a healthy cell using these four Rays, that healthy cell would start to vibrate at a level where it would affect all the less healthy cells, and bring about an alignment?
Metatron: Yes. If you used it on a healthy cell the result would be even more coherency, which would then affect the entire organ, and then the body. There is a resonance that occurs with sound. There are sound currents within the human body. When that resonance is interjected into the human form, it affects the entire body.
Jim: If you took a new stem cell that had no identification as yet and vibrated it with the Rays, would that vibration, because of its lack of identity, begin to move through all of the body?
Metatron: Yes. You see, when you are embodied for any length of time, you begin to operate within limits. In reality, there are no limits. It is beautiful, is it not, the creative process that is so unlimited and far-reaching?
Jim: It’s elegant.
Metatron: It is a beauty to behold.
This is a conversation between Jim Self and Archangel Metatron as they prepare to teach a class together.
We would like to thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Metatron to speak through her. With her collaboration the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.
This is an excerpt from the interactive book, A Course in Mastering Alchemy, by Jim Self and Roxane Burnett.
Universal Copyright 2019 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author and is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis

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