
12 de marzo de 2019


Resultat d'imatges of winged creators
• These magnificent beings were originally seeded life on earth and facilitated life evolutionary leaps and biological transformations. • They brought in the past a 'library of genetic codes', which through experimentation, produced the human species, but also most other forms of life on Earth.

 • The Central Race is the oldest in the Universe, since they are the first original beings created by God or principal source. • This race of beings created sequentially, in seven stages, based on seven distinct archetypal qualities of the Main Source.

• Consequently, the Central Race consists of seven families, known as the Tribes of Light.

• Radiant Beings of the Central Race, are souls inhabiting Eternal Light made of pure refined bodies. One could say, who are the Sons of God or the 'Shards of God. They are incarnations of the moving first generation of the main source. 

• In themselves, they are living Lighthouses of Love, Light, Wisdom and Power. 

• If you use your imagination, they can appear as luminous entities, Holographic, filled with a light, flowing from them, in soft pulsating waves of a fathomless splendor. 

• Tribes of Light have been recorded in the histories of the Earth with the name of Elohim, bright angelic hosts. • These entities seem bright gods, but they are all of you, are your past and future.

Native households of Families of the Central Race are most galaxies in the universe and just in the realms of space time. 

• These spectacular Kingdoms, an incomprehensible beauty of harmonic and saturated Infinite Love all the way cosmic symphonies have been intimated by the greatest mystics who have graced the Earth. 

• The Central Race is responsible for the evolutionary progress of the human species, wherever it appears in the Super Universe.

Experienced and personalized DNA through a template that makes the 'human vehicle', or 'soul carrier', familiar with a body, mind and emotions function as a unified whole.

• This design planets suitable for human life, which are sown genetic seeds to start the human evolutionary process is exported. 
Alma transport adapts and grows with life forms, ecosystems and conditions of a planet. 

• Therefore, the soul carriers provide opportunities for members of the Central Race Consciousness send parts of his soul, to explore the distant edges of super universe they inhabit. 

• In this way, the soul carriers are occupied by conscious soul fragments throughout the grand universe. • Carriers are temporary vehicles Souls are born, grow, have a life and then return.

• The Eternal Soul uses reincarnation to migrate melee, to continue its exploration of Creation. 
Grand Central Race has been communicating with humans for approximately 11,000 years old, were preparing for the discovery of the Grand Portal. 

• They are quite capable of contacting people with or without an intermediate technology. 

• know them by the balance they exhibit between art, science and philosophy, as well as emotions, mind and soul. (Michel Love) 

Thenansehed published by Everth  1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds 
by Joan misteri Ashtar © 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

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