
16 de agosto de 2019

According to the Constitution of the United States of America (the correct spelling of the United States), the legal money is money.

Remember, POTUS has been telling us that we return to the gold standard. Once you complete this war against "fake government" of the US.UU., Which was incorporated in 1871, also known as families of mobsters bankter, including Rothschild, Rockerfellers et al and other reptiles (lizards) who usurped the Republic (our legal government), the Republic will be restored automatically and return to constitutional law and the gold standard. 

 According to the Constitution of the United States of America (the correct spelling of the United States), the legal money is money.
Once we are in the gold standard, this will be the end of the USD (fiat dollar is not backed by anything). Also in the gold standard, your money will help and may buy more gold - backed currencies ... In addition, POTUS and other 208 countries agreed to return to the gold standard. 
That's why you are reading reports from country after country offload the USD. All currencies are returning to SOVEREIGN backed by gold and assets and their status as a sovereign nation.

These 209 countries also agreed to world peace. This is galactic mandate. This war is not just a battle between humans. It is also a battle between the reptilians / dracon / Archons (Nephilim) who came to Earth to enslave humanity and the Galactic Federation. It is why in the discourse of Independence Day on July 4 POTUS, POTUS spoke of military "securing the heavens." 
Galactic Federation Military and fought against demons / reptiles / izards who controlled the deep state and sent off the planet and shut the gates. 

We must resist this battle is much bigger than a battle against "illegal aliens". This is the truth of "the wall".The wall is also a coded message, but will save that discussion for another day. Suffice to say that the "wall" is a portal / closed barrier, which protects mankind from the harmful / nefarious demons that have hurt us for thousands of years. We are now free and sovereign.I remember how sacred texts speak of an era in which "Satan will be bound for a thousand (or thousands?) Of years." 

 Soon, we will also experience a jubilee debt and massive wealth to be launched to the planet. Our Galactic Family (whom many call "angels") and Prime Creator wants us to experience freedom, joy and wealth.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets. 

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