
17 de agosto de 2019

📢💝📢💝📢el beggar and his fate 📢💝📢💝📢

! ️ ATTENTION HUMANITY ! ️📢💝📢💝📢💝📢💝📢💝📢

LEE this great story ... 🍁
was a homeless beggar, who had tried to gather food and realized that every day their food disappeared; one day mouse caught stealing their food and asked: 
- "Why rob me  I am a beggar. 
Can rob rich people, who will have no effect on them. " 
The mouse replied: 
-". It is your destiny that you can only have 3 things in your power No matter how much you beg, no matter how juntes, is all that you'll have. " 
the beggar was shocked and said: 
-" Why is this my fate  " 
and mouse replied: 
-" I do not know you should try to ask the Buddha. ".
Then the beggar made his way to meet the Buddha and, as he traveled, came down in the afternoon. He came to the house of a wealthy family and asked if they could spend the night with them. To let him in, asked: 
- "Young man, why are traveling so late  " 
He replied: 
I have a question for the Buddha and tomorrow I will continue my journey "The family consulted him -." We can give you a question for that you do the Buddha   we have a 16 year old daughter who can not speak; We just want to know what we have to do to talk ". 
The next day the beggar thanks them for shelter and says: 
- "Of course, I will ask that question for you."
He continues his journey. At one point, he sees a sea of mountains that had to cross. Scale one and meets a magician. The magician decides to use his staff to bring the young and fly over the ocean and mountains. And the sorcerer asks: 
- "Where are you going   Why you decided to cross these mountains 
To which the young man replied: 
" I'm going to give the Buddha a question about my destiny. " 
The magician says , 
can give you a consultation that you do the Buddha, please  I tried to go to heaven for a thousand years. According to my teaching, you should be able to go to heaven now. You can ask the Buddha what I have to do to get to heaven  . "
"Of course I'll do that question for you," he says.
And as his journey continues, he is a final hurdle. A river can not cross. But thankfully, he knows a giant turtle decides to help him at the crossing. While crossing the river, the turtle asks: 
- "Where are you going"  . 
- "I'm going to see the Buddha I have to ask you about my fate.". 
The turtle then says: 
- "You can, please consult me too  . I tried to become a dragon for 500 years according to my teachings, and would have to having transformed into Dragon you can ask the Buddha what to do.  . " 
Then the young turtle thanks for taking him across the river and says, 
-" of course I'll do that question for you. "
The beggar finally meets the Buddha. 
And the Buddha says all 'll 
answer all 3 questions but only 3 questions. " 
The young man is amazed that has 4 questions to ask. So think carefully. Think tortoise, living 500 years trying to become a dragon. Think of the sorcerer, who has been living a thousand years trying to get to heaven and reminds the young man who must live their entire lives without speaking. Then he observes himself. He says: 
- "I'm just a homeless beggar. I can come back and continue begging. " 
And so, while contemplating the problems of others, their problems seem small; and feels sorry for the turtle, by the sorcerer and the young, and decides questions.
When talking to the Buddha, he makes them the questions. The Awakened responds: 
- "The turtle want to not leave their shell. While not willing to leave the comfort of his shell, a dragon will never return. 
The sorcerer always carries his crosier and never leaves him; it acts as an anchor, away from the sky. 
And as the young girl will be able to speak when he meets his soul mate. "
Then the beggar bows in reverence before Siddhartha Gautama Buddha and begins his journey back home. He meets with the turtle and says: 
"Just you leave your shell and become Dragon". Turtle its shell is removed and inside she finds precious pearls found in the deepest parts of the ocean. It delivers the beggar and says: - "Thank you I do not need this because I'm a dragon. " And he flies off into infinity. 
The beggar is also the sorcerer at the top of the mountain and says: - "Just you leave your rod and ascend to heaven." The sorcerer dropped his rod and gives the young; giving thanks clasping her hands, she rises to the heavens. 
The young man now has the fortune of the tortoise and the power of the sorcerer.
Returns to the wealthy family that had given him shelter and says: 
- "The Buddha said her daughter can talk when you meet your soul mate." 
And at that moment, the girl down the stairs and asks: 
- "Is that the young man who was here last week  " 
The young who was once a homeless beggar found his soul mate.
This story teaches us so many things, so many lessons. 
For the writer, it means that you have to give then to receive, make and then collect, then love to be loved and be whole in body and soul to be. To be.
Sometimes, if we want to become dragons, if we are lions, we must be willing to leave behind what comforts us, making us feel safer. We must leave our comfort zone, how did the turtle; leave our anchors, as did the sorcerer; and to find true love, we must be willing to become someone who puts others before himself.
When you're alone and sunk in thought, sometimes your problems seem so big that even feel that the world ends; but if we look at the life and problems of others, others who do not have as many opportunities as we do, and who spends his life worse than us sometimes makes our problems look tiny. And if we are willing to help those who are struggling more than we do, you may change the course of your own life, your destiny and the universe will give back those acts in a way you never imagined and never expected.
Even the apparent misfortunes of life can emerge new horizons previously glimpsed, not intended and even unwanted. 
No matter what you want or do not want: what you need to get, you come. You want it or not. In you it is how to take what the universe holds for you. 
And everything you do comes back. 
It will come back to you. Everything good you do in the world and the world will come back to you.
If you are going through a difficult time, I hope this brief history free and can help you 
Nelly wall A.
Shares wisdom

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