
20 de agosto de 2019

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Banks Conceal the QFS by Fear

  • The  activation of QFS destroys the centralized banking system
  • The new system is alive, and has  i Source Intelligence  uántica  benign
  • Ensures  l operations egales,  controlled  by the owner, and transparent
  • Ensures financial security and transparency for humanitarian purposes
  • os countries that do not meet the requirements  relegates RAN  fourth or fifth world
  • There is much more gold  than necessary  to achieve the support of all coins
The biggest financial progress of all time is called Quantum Financial System QFS.  The financial elite that hides can not continue stealing with the new system,  and other skeptics manipulated consider them a theory of the conspiracy, among the many there are, like the flat earth.
This misunderstanding may be a result of the fact that  the QFS has no comparison with anything that has been submitted before the world. It's like a flying saucer compared to a car. There is no real basis for understanding this technology.  Has no equal, has no equivalent in advanced technology that anyone has had before. It's new.
Technology using the new system provides  absolute financial security and  transparency  required to meet  humanitarian objectives.  With the QFS, we can flood the world with currencies backed by gold, to eliminate the old system of central control of the cabal of all financial transactions.
With the activation of QFS, the Alliance of Earth will be  completely destroyed the banking system  centralized,  which was designed to destroy the world economy, and to put the world 's population in a permanent debt bondage.
The truth is that the QFS has been running in parallel with the central banking system for many months, and  has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds  from the cabal. Many bankers have been arrested  as a result, without people noticing, as always.
We earthlings do not have the technology to fight the old ways, so that Heaven had to  intervene with technologies outside world,  or perhaps other dimensions, to perform the necessary work. We know that this is true when what is embedded in a quantum computer, is  an intelligence  artificial  that comes with creations  that are not third density.
It is considered that  the QFS is alive, with  i Source Intelligence  uántica  benevolent,  interacting with each financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance to ensure this:  operations l egales,  controlled  by the owner, and transparent.  If one understands quantum physics, then you can understand what effect this Quantum Intelligence is doing with every financial transaction that passes through the QFS.

or what the coins of gold, which  have  a certified digital gold, can be transferred through the QFS.  The gold certificate refers to a serial number on a piece of gold held in reserve to support the currency. Technologies outside world are used to  quarantine the gold  used to back currencies. There is no way it can be stolen  or taken out of the safe vault where it is stored. Why it is called  currency backed by gold, because it has to refer to the piece of gold behind it .
References to  "asset - backed currencies"  is the process of establishing a currency based on real assets within the country. Assets are the rationale for establishing the amount of money available in a country, but all denominations of coins must be reconciled within the QFS, and they should award a  gold certificate  so that they are valid within the QFS.
This process is huge and is a gigantic task that is no small thing to fulfill it But it is a process that is required to guarantee the value of world currencies used in the QFS. A fiat currency can not become a legal currency in the QFS system if its origin is not clean, clear, non - criminal, and if has been used to support illegal activities of any kind.
If you own fiat currencies, and has won honorably performing legal activities, it will be exchanged at the bank for gold-backed currencies. The word here is called 'reconciliation' and  reconciliation is performed by a sentient being  and kind of the fifthdensity .
Without the ability to  reconcile old money in the new QFS,  all activities of any Central Bank will no longer be relevant in this new financial system. Any country that does not comply with the global agreement GESARA will remain outside the QFS, and eventually will be out of international trade. Its cargo oil or grains, or whatever, is still valuable, but how will you pay for the products a nation that meets GESARA a non - participant in the QFS? The money will not be transferred.
Countries that do not meet the requirements, if any, will be left to exchange goods or to negotiate a credit exchange with other countries, a system that is currently not configured to do business at any level of relevance. That is, that  the countries that do not meet the requirements will be relegated to the countries of the fourth or fifth world.
The Alliance will use a  specific quantitative formula  to establish the amount of money available in the country, which will support gold in the QFS. The formula results establish a  fair value of the assets of a  country.
There is much more gold than is needed to achieve the gold backing of all world currencies.  Once established through the GCR, the gold price is irrelevant. If the price of gold rises, the value of all coins also rises, which it does not produce a net change in the nominal value of all currencies.
The formula includes; land assets, the country's economy, population  (which is an asset of the country) and a number of other factors to determine the actual value of the country. This formula applies to each country so that all coins are on par with any other country. The application of the formula and the common value of all the gold means that  the currency of a country has the same value as the currency of another country.
This is called global currency reset  or GCR :  is the resumption of all currencies, along with all other world currencies, and each has a  gold certificate  to validate their authenticity. It is the requirement of each country use the formula to restore and implement global standards for the QFS can function as planned.
That's why  any  country should meet G esara  to participate in the QFS.  Each country is required  to use the formula to restore and implement global standards  for the QFS can function as planned.
Published by Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar © misteri 1963
© misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced on condition that it respects its integrity and mentions the author, as a source of it and that this URL be included and the Copyright notice

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