, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub -5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : EVCUATIÓN PROJECT BY WORLD Ashtar Command




IBA AM OLODUMARE, known for you as your God 

I tell my children that the end of these times are approximate. No living being can remain on this planet The earth has to change its essence and form. 

I created a rescue group organized by a commander Ashtar Sheran, who leads a rescue command and action:  Ashtar Command. 

The Ashtar Command which will lead a series of commands that your orders will liberate humanity from slavery that keep you for millennia. 

In the picture I show the end you can see the steps of the time in which the earth will change and when it is finished its ascent. 


This report is a synthesis of what has so far been telepathically reported on what the draft global evacuation by the organization "COMMAND ASHTAR".

All you then receive as information has already been given to humanity, including books that are considered sacred as religious and spiritual prophesies channeled through humanity.

This synthesis is dedicated to all those terrestrial volunteers who have awakened to the cosmic service, which must be alert to enter your preparation and serving on this mission will help in difficult times, and those needs that humanity is pointing.

Some of these volunteers will be separated from his personal affairs for an indefinite time to be prepared consciously and strategically.
These volunteers will be located in different areas   of activity, act as leaders of orientation and preparation of an impersonal manner, be guided internally to them .

We do not need to impose our presence on you and thus feed the negative nature of ignorance those who oppose us.

For some of those who are brought to our ships for a preparation as ascended beings, then return to Earth, they will be granted real evidence of their actual stay among us This rising   for some will be temporary. There is a rising phase "World Evacuation"

Any situation   or incident or planet Earth will be covered by our second spatial organization taking full control, even before they occur. Is done from space, an excellent job, motorizing the secret councils of governments of all nations OF THE WORLD , not only all the proposed plans were recorded, but, also, is evaluated every leader, every leader within their emotional and rational being, in order to determine their likely response of any circumstances .

As the Earth 's voluntary progress in its internal repair will go drawing back the veil of his identity and his mission on planet Earth. A communication network to be established   contact with each other as well known and can meet face to face with its partners in the plan.

Those who are part of our mission, be placed within the ranks of the media. Much of this work is being done.

We will be able to come simultaneously to freely pass the news regarding cosmic events, which will eliminate all opposition, which ultimately give you an honest reporting of events.

THE LIFE OF OUR REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE INSTANTLY TERRESTRES protected while they give their testimony. They are spokespersons for lkos command and communication of truth. His testimony will be said.

So far only beginning stages of evacuation   or physical removal, but vital in its intensity and impact. ALL THOSE SERVANTS OF LIGHT, volunteer in action REMAIN UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT TO LEAD OTHERS AND ASISITIRLES IN THE CREATION OF A ATAMOSFERA free from fear about the human groups that are   ready to be rescued.
This special legion of servants of the light answer questions, teach the people and prepare their hearts for what is to come . Without this cooperation our mission land will be impossible to proceed in his purposes, because fear and hostility towards us still persists some large scale.

This active work is the involvement of a protective cosmic organization, acting on each volunteer and Lightworker on Earth, land eagles are not alone. Those of you who are raised or brought to our ships be housed, fed and accommodated comfortably for us in a big mothership. Your food will be as normal as the food they are accustomed, with the possibility of knowing and experiencing other unfamiliar foods for you.
We know that everything will be your liking.

During the stay in our ships, you asistiréis a welcome session with the participation and other beings from different worlds. You know   part of your galaxy and your universe; then it will explain the purpose of that meeting, with a complex information of the current crisis of the planet and its inhabitants; the decisions reached by the superior intelligence and the role these to restore the life of the planet.

Command assignments will be made, then each command will meet with the group under his charge to make decisions and plans. This meeting of cosmic servers consist of many light workers or spiritual guides, así' other from a distant galaxy that reach the Earth's atmosphere on time for their participation in the evacuation of the planet at difficult times. All volunteers who are brought to our ships will undergo a comprehensive medical examination to determine the exact state of health. Any treatment needed will be carried out with our equipment and technology. Many of these volunteers are already being served in their current terrestrial location.

SUFFER ANY NEEDS OR Hardship, living comfortably within each lesson, l or need they give while maintaining motivation as object of serving the evidence to be brought back to earth.
There will be legal, personal, medical advice, scientific, technical, public relations officers, reporters, religious, educators, assistants and publicists; Related people with theater, cinema, muchisimoa help the dissemination of events. There will be representatives of all media and leadership skills, with the spiritual will to work and cooperate as one team towards a single goal.

"For the release of atomic power", by oppression of planetary vibrations, energy release and eclipses alignment sy planet transformation and planetary ascension These are not ordinary times, are times to talk about to the old order of things and the beginning of new ones. The beginning of the new earth and she must be prepared for his ascension .


Strong planetary changes that are coming will bring to selfish dreams materials and reprehensible things .

In case of planetary catastrophe rescue will be done in minutes, approximately 10% of humanity will be brought on board our ships to return to the next planet about 5 to 7 years, depending on the duration of the repair time on Earth.


"LOVE IN THE AURA AND THE HEART" because without it is not possible to support higher vibrational frequencies that are necessary for spiritual ascension and body movement.

Your efforts are calibradamente   registered and loving every effort to meet the love of your neighbor will not be forgotten and your reward will come; even more, you will not be to be a participant of the destruction that you have   worked so faithfully to prevent it You will be removed from the chaos and protected in our ships   that will come to take them to safety.

The main purpose of these telepathic communications by Ashtar Command is to prepare the minds of those enlightened souls, at least one description parecial expected in these crucial times and lessen the manifestation of the TM or.

Nothing is said here is new, this report is only a memory aid for those slumbering minds and souls sque are volunteers, who came to earth on a special mission. For your consideration and awaken some basic statements are summarized so that ye present your memory and thus be prepared for those times.

1.       Each of you names are written in our computer records, your sectors have been carefully appointed to certain fleets and commands that monitor and anticipate the needs of your sector. You know they are there our contact with you is permanent.
2.       Each of you will receive no instructions needed accurate at the time of greatest crisis, so you know where to be at any given time. No one will be forgotten or lost sight of Secure your interests
3.       - Households separated in the great exodus will be gathered again on our ships barely possible. Fear nothing of any kind, thinking only an attitude of grace towards our Father Creator
4.        There will be some your acquaintances and dear to tenderéis to leave behind for reasons that esta'n within your being. These are times when what you should be impersonal and have no attachment to anything or anyone. You ought to let it go into the hands of the father, who receive spiritual beings, its essential memories at home, where there are many mansions, will be escorted   to a place created for them by their thoughts and patterns of life, so start espiritualidadevolutiva upward. You must accept that their own choices and free will have created their personal destiny.
5.       There will be a certain nostalgia for the usual environments, but his brief time with us will bring oblivion to the new routines and settle her new environment. Our ships are very beautiful places to be. The atmosphere within it is joy, love and care. By mutual environment. There will be those your acquaintances   who have the   prior training needed in order to help them adapt to the new environment is for them that one of you will be taken long before our ships prior training, the preparation will serve for many in our vehicles so we can come up with confidence and fear.
6. You will        recognize and ye shall know leaders who are   special representatives of our mission long before they have llegadoa the biggest crisis. Follow them and pay attention to your instructions so that all the come good at the time of great confusion. Cuadno hgay your planet was healed, you will take back to him, getting all necessary assistance for reconstruction, higher intelligences guide will walk at your side quickly proclaim assisting the recovery of the Earth to the universal love.
7.       Keep your shortterm commitments, FOLLOWINSTRUCTIONS only temporary activities without committing to longerterm events. There are many land who have been called to work with usform a single service team. Many of the calls received various information from us, but this process will require an open mind and a willing heart for service with the ability to analyze and descernimiento to stay within the light ,is why all must be subject to tests and thereby verifying their skills, dedication and  integrity.
8.       We need integrated beings to raise consciousness to a higher love and not create chaos and confusion with information tendiciosa dark nature, therefore if you have not responded to overcome these tests we need checking on each volunteer's time that your service is only to encourage and celebrate the love that are in confusion, avoiding negative speculation about reports of our presence, since it corresponds to the truth of the facts. You ought to be impersonal.

This informative synthesis of the Ashtar Command is just to clarify planetary cosmic events that are going happening in the evolution of this humanity , mirazlos as a process of purification and cleansing for a blessed transformation of creation.

It is obvious that the earth 's crust and tectonic manifesting volcanic activity accelerated in a way that will disturb many areas. the reaction of the planet will not wait , this is why we ask the children of light and all of them receive these manifestations stay away preventively in coastal areas, coastal rivers and lakes and seek higher areas inland away from these places.

All of these developments are made in the prophecies and are manifesting in the here and now. Still time to prepare as possible in upland areas safer places. Consider this, but we are wrong, nothing will have lost, but if we're right, you have won your lives and everything they have developed   and learned in this life.

THE EVACUATION PLAN WILL TAKE EFFECT WHEN THE PLANETARY LEVEL REACHES   A CERTAIN CRITICAL POINT, INCLUDING THE CHANGE AND MAGNETIC auric SURROUNDING THE EARTH . It is when should be considered indispensable element of human action, will and mental activity of mankind prevents any real knowledge of the time and date of the occurrence of these actions. Ded action and reaction against humanity influences are given a key factor.

The emergence of a devastating war level would be a crucial precipitating incident   after the intervention of a cataclysmic nature. geological factors that entice the interior of the planet are an inherent part of the trigger action. The combination of these events will trigger the first two phases of evacuation immediately discretely.

The third fasees a Public occurrence while the first two are covert maneuvers   for a complete realization, so will continue immediately after the other two.

THE LEGION OF COMMANDERS based on land already have tnido training and summary of the informaci'po, but basically invisible to some surveys will not necessarily be so for its phases.

Will be landing in qaue people walk into their ships. When you can not land or have no open places, then they will resort to other methods such as levitation. For some will sleep to lessen the trauma all, others will remain on ships depending on their ability to continue in service. Others will be escorted to other planets where acclimatization is possible while others will be transferred to huge ships with the appearance of cities.

THE FATE DEPENDS ON HUMAN SURVIVOR OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION.   in some cases ue the devastation of the earth in the form locala some people simply will be located in the OTRS areas with less risk.

EVACUATION IN looming RESCUE PROJECT  does not necessarily involve landings except in some areas   isolated as possible. Given the possibilities of impairment and hostility to our presence, it is that we are discarding all planned landings and use the invisible levitation, that means that those who have the facility to see us, to see our ships and those aque are hoisted, will be of great benefit for those who do not see.  



This phase CONSIDERS THE REDEMPTION RIGHT AWAY OF SPIRITUAL LEADERS AND WORKERS OF LIGHT, BUT NOT THE LEGION SPECIAL AAQUELLOS, WHO will remain until completion of the last phase, they will have full protection.

This rescue is a secret way and will be with rays of levitation. The scoutships reach wherever these special persons are.


It is for those who have followed the masters of light and children.

This second phase will be as close to the first as time permits. This phase is vital to the back for children of all ages and races. The child has no power of choice in understanding nor personal responsibility. Most children will be taken on board   while sleeping in suspended animation, because the trauma events can be very loud until they are awake.
Do not worry about them because they will be cared for with love, they will not miss you. Our ships are assigned to pick up persons of specific groups. Those assigned to medical personnel will be scattered and enabled on tasks neediest of the planet will be changed, and many of the izamientos of these persons will be medically trained to locate where there is greater need.


In the remaining time, the sky was   filled with ships that extend levitation to rescue who has no fear and whose vibratory frequency is sufficient to withstand the rays of levitation.
This phase consists of an invitation to the crowds who accept our arrival and presence in the atmosphere of Earth. Of course this final lifting includes those believers from the earth commanders who have assumed responsibility lsa heavy land details in preparation arrival.


·          Work on the mental and emotional churning as spiritual growth is the priority and number one requirement. Simplify your life, so you   are not burdened or  loaded with foreign material possessions. Many of your homes be filled with your spiritual friends and family before departure. In addition to citizens of the tierrala successful evacuation will be given to all spiritual centers both in etheric and physically, in the mountains and below the tierra.Aún plants and animal specimens are being recalled several planets to continue their evolution and return them   in large and beautiful forms and expressions.

·          There is nothing to fear with our arrival to the places you are. We are loving and normal people like you are with the attitude of good neighborliness and helpers in times of crisis. They call us   aliens because we are from other planets and galaxies out of the ground, our appearance is of the human archetype; therefore we are human in papariencia and essence. Our galactic organization is in charge of your spiritual evolution by serving as internal spiritual guides   alos you term as guardian angels.
Do not be precipitéis by those who are in a process of mystical knowledge different from your knowledge, it is for them that are also being prepared with mystical and religious messages that prepares them to also experience the ascension process and evacuation.

They see us angels vomo cuadno be rescued by our ships.

© Joan Ashtar

It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people awake now, with this legal knowledge to enforce the laws but they refuse because they are part around illegal activity. misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a, as a source of it and be included this URL and notice of the Copyright   * Posted by Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar * Why do we publish this

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...