
16 de noviembre de 2019

Mike Quinsey message: change in policy

Mike Quinsey message, November 15, 2019                                                  

15  th  November 2019. Mike Quinsey.

The waiting game for some indication of movement towards positive changes will soon end, and come after major political changes in the US. UU. These are inevitable and will take place in sight and will be the first steps toward political freedom. For too long, the Illuminati have "fixed" the election results, and only a miscalculation, for example, when it seemed his choice, Hilary Clinton, would be declared the winner, but it went wrong. They were neglected and others took advantage of the situation, which resulted in Trump empower and became the President. It is possible that its mandate should be completed allowing for the first time you make an appointment for someone who will work for the betterment of all mankind. Have little or no idea of ​​what happens behind the scenes,

Firm and honest policy is needed to ensure that you get the right people with the talent, experience and adequate capacity to carry out their duties. There is a saying that you only get what you deserve, but it's more a matter of what you attract to you. It applies everywhere and are your thoughts that are the real magnet. That is why we have said often that protects your thoughts when expressing wishes for a certain outcome in your life, so we ask you again to think positively at all times. It may be that the principle will prove difficult, but will become easier with time and practice. It may simply be a matter of turning the other cheek, but be prepared and ready to get away from difficult situations. No doubt you are a coward,

Realize that, slowly but surely, you're raising your vibrations, and as you do, it will be easier to control your feelings and reactions. You will also feel good within yourself and understand how debilitating it can be when you lose control of their emotions. Believe it or not, also substantially stretch the period of your life while maintaining high vibrations at all times. It not expected to fix the world, but your presence will make the difference. The stakes are high as you go along and having made such good progress so far, gradually it will be easier to maintain.

Currently, there are many changes throughout the world and are powerful. Clearly, the old traditional ways are under scrutiny and in most cases people who have taken them to the surface to be revised are. Much has changed over the years and what was acceptable before is no longer fit to fulfill the purpose for which it was introduced. Many who see the future and know how things can be improved are pushing for change. Old habits die hard , and there is some reluctance to give up to that with which they have become familiar.

However, when it becomes clear that new ideas and inventions increase the quality of life, objections will disappear soon. Few changes that move from their comfort zone, but when fully understand that they will be they who will benefit will be achieved. Their traditional way of thinking and doing things change rapidly and often only funding stops progress. Resulting lifting of mankind closer to the people, and the result will be greater cooperation to dissolve tension and mistrust that has often prevented join. Rest assured that in the future will realize the benefits of working for the good of all people, rather than seeing themselves as separate units.

There is a lot of help waiting that you provide, but the world is in turmoil today too so it can be introduced. The approach of 'everyone for himself' has to change and once you see that working together is achieved much more and the same time, the standard of living is improved. You are all one and the lower vibrations know to be true and have continuously maintained in a permanent state of war and confusion. The consequence is that has been exploited and led to conflicts that have delayed many, many years. In addition, the financial cost alone would have removed money could clearly have been spent on improving their quality of life. That it is, of course, in the process of change now that the wars between countries have ceased. No less important is the cost in human life,

However, despite the stories sad that Mother Earth can count, there are pockets everywhere small groups have been formed by people with spiritual values and understanding, who have followed their own way and are contributing to peace in the earth. It is natural for those who have a genuine love for other souls who experience their own life plan. These groups are the foundation of a great community that will soon begin to emerge; in fact, embrace other beings regardless of color or creed to the recognizing unit all souls. Understand that everyone is on a journey that began thousands of years and have experienced very different lives and are much wiser to benefit them. Obviously, his memory of them is delayed to see that their experiences are not hindered by them.

You should now start to realize that you are much bigger than you could imagine, and the return to the higher realms will be more aware of your true self background. You speak of heaven on earth and it will become your reality once again to them. However, obviously you must be ready in a true sense of Universal Love for all life forms. There is no reason why you should not succeed as long as you have learned to control your ego, in fact there is no need to do so. See how long you can go without the influence of his ego and be amazed at how easy it is. Humans often have a propensity to misread the comments seem to be against them and easily offended.

You did not come to Earth to become a waste, although some souls are little or no interest in their own development. Even if you know the true purpose of life it is subject to a life plan their guides know and implement for you. As mentioned earlier, situations are set to experience according to their life plan. At the same time, it will provide all help to succeed, but, of course, has free will to take the path you choose. Clearly, it is better to follow the path to which you go, but certainly missed opportunities reappear, after all, the purpose of life experiences is that evolution.

More and more people begin to awaken spiritual and themselves, rather than just serving themselves, they feel the need or the need to help others, and there is no doubt that the desirable changes are beginning to take hold. I leave you with love and blessings, and that the Light illumine your days and your way to the end. This message comes through my higher self , my Divine Being.

In love and light.
Mike Quinsey

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