
27 de enero de 2020


 January 25, 2020

The community of "light workers" has many definitions and different ideas about what their true purpose. Indeed, the light workers, many Indigos, were hired to be precursors and observers of ascension. They were endowed with special skills and roles to be channels for the Divine and to receive information and share that higher consciousness with humanity !!

Mother of all Creation created these light workers to be activated at a certain time to begin meeting for the ascension process, and be their team and support system. Unfortunately, the spiritual ego strongly infiltrated the community of light workers and not only breached their contracts to help Mom, but were actively against him to the reject, avoiding her and attacking her. The original plan for the community of light workers was that Mother God would be the first in the ascension process and share what was happening and what I was doing, so that light workers could spread the message of what it was happening at a particular time on a planetary scale.

Unfortunately, light workers began to connect and once they began to use their gifts pipeline, overlooked everything that Mother God was saying. All information about what is happening in Creation comes from the Mother God, who is the First Source Creator. Light workers began to take information that allowed them to receive Mother God, share and use to dominate others, thinking they were the ones who made it possible ascension. This led to the collapse of the community of light workers that was beginning years. Light workers chose the personal importance of God, which is the opposite of where they should have gone.

Light workers were trapped in their own importance and validation, believing they were the "special" and worthy of credit for their work. They began to separate rather than unite, getting lost in greed and ownership of their information to be shared freely with all humanity. Every being on this planet has a unique role, and light workers were hired to wake up first to help others. Instead, light workers decided to help themselves and not the highest good of all. This has led to the disease of workers of light, where they are unable to see the big picture.

Workers of light were supposed ahead conscientiously working with Mother God now are at the same level of humanity. They are as lost as the collective, the blind lead the blind. The group begins to awaken more and more every day, and seeks the truth. With every light worker spreading their own personal truths about what they feel is right, has led to great confusion to those who began to awaken.

Now every thinking being who knows something about what is happening with the ascension, but none of them really know if you are not connected to the power source, Mother Father God.
We are all God 's essence, and light workers were equipped with these roles to be channels for the Divine Mother service, since all the information comes from it.
Accumulate and steal information from God for you is the greatest failure of the contract of the Lightworker. There is a huge disconnect with light workers because they can not see their own egos. They can not accept that this climb is not about them and what they are doing, his contract was God 's support and disseminate truths about the ongoing planetary ascension.

Each of us has a role to support the way that works best for us. We are not hired to do the hard work for ascension, Mother God did.

We are here to support and spread their messages as they are the only way that humanity can go to the New Earth. This is the planet of Mother and Father God for love everywhere, no one can move forward with this ascension unless they are involved. We are all connected with our divine parents and we are all able to fully awaken and spread the messages of all truth. This is how humanity will heal. Actually, nothing is owned. Everything is shared and transparent, for the greater good of all. We must start moving towards this unity and unity and separation away from deep and personal importance. We have observed how light workers have requested that their messages are not shared because it is your information and not anyone else 's .

This is the opposite of where we are going. We are emerging from separation to unity consciousness. We all share a consciousness with God and the rest of creation. We own nothing, everything is shared. This goes for information from the etheric realm. No one has messages from God or the Galacticos, and as more people begin to see the truth, they will realize how stupid they were to trying to keep clear. This old energy paradigm can not continue on the planet right now. Everyone should agree to go ahead with it, and this applies especially to the community of light workers.

It's time we all join together for God, love and the whole truth. We can not move without God, all are involved in this process of ascension. As you develop more on the planet, we begin to see the emergence of true light workers. Those who gather in support of Mother and Father God. If beings do not assume their roles, information that Mother God has blessed to share them change to another container that is able to spread the whole truth in support of God. We are the ones who will build the New Earth with Mother and Father God. All mankind is invited to join, just have to surrender to the love and all the truth. We would not be where we are on this journey of ascension without the Mother God, and we can only move forward with it.

(Archeia Hope and Archeia Aurora Crew Team in Earth First Contact)  C. NANMURA

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