, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Suicidal ideation or



Suicidal ideation or

Suicide is defined as the act of deliberately take his ownlife. 

Suicidal behavior is any action that could lead a person to die, like jumping from a bridge or building, hanging, drug overdose, take a shot with a gun, and as many more. 

People who make the decision to commit suicide usually found within one or more of these risk factors: 

 Border Line (borderline personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcohlismo, drug use, depression, schizophrenia , serious financial problems, severe difficulties in interpersonal relationships, high stress, (I make a parenthesis because if you look at the written maybe you share a personal theory, that would help a little.

Resilience and emotional intelligence should be subject of study in basic subjects from elementary education as developing these can I consider, reduce suicides learning to handle everyday situations, mental illness if they are a separate issue but who commit suicide almost always carry a "cocktail" of at least two of the causes cited.) 

people who attempt suicide are often trying to get away from a life situation that seems unmanageable. 

Many of those who commit suicide attempt are seeking relief from: 

Feeling ashamed, guilty or as a burden to others. 

Feeling like a victim. 

Feelings of rejection, loss or loneliness.

Suicidal behavior can occur for a situation or event that the person views as overwhelming, such as 

aging (the elderly have the highest rate of suicide). 
The death of a loved one. 

Drug or alcohol. 

Emotional trauma. 

Serious physical illness. 

Unemployment or financial problems. 

Risk factors of suicide in adolescents include: 

access to firearms. 

Family member who committed suicide. 

History of deliberate self - harm. 

Background of abuse or neglect. 

Live in communities where there have been recent outbreaks of suicide in young people. 

Sentimental break.

Most suicide attempts do not end in death, although this is the purpose of the act. 

A lot of efforts are planned or carried out by allowing at least a small chance of rescue, these attempts often represent a wakeup call screaming seeking help with a situation that no longer can continue and that has overtaken the person . 

Some people attempt suicide in a way that is less likely to lead to fatality, such as poisoning or overdose. 

Men are more likely to choose violent methods, such as shooting. 

 As a result, attempts suicide they are more likely to end in death.

Relatives and friends of people who attempt or commit suicide often blame themselves or become very angry and can see the attempted suicide as a cowardly, foolish and selfish act. 

Unfortunately people who try to commit suicide often mistakenly believe they are doing a favor to their family and friends (and even themselves) to leave this world. 


These indicators are common, but not always. 

A person may show certain symptoms or behaviors before a suicide attempt, including: 

Having difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly. 

Giving away belongings. 

Leave or talk about the need to "get my affairs in order."

Sudden change in behavior, especially calmness after a period of anxiety. 

Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy. 

Having self - destructive behaviors such as excessive drinking, using illegal drugs or make cuts in the body. 

Withdrawing from friends or not wanting to leave. 

Have sudden trouble at school or work. 

Talking about death or suicide or even stating the desire to harm. 

Talk about feeling hopeless or guilty. 

Changing eating or sleeping habits. 

Prepare ways to take his own life (like buying a gun or many pills)

It is possible that people who are at risk of suicidal behavior does not seek treatment for many reasons: 

They believe nothing will help. 

They do not want to tell anyone they have problems. 

They think that seeking help is a sign of weakness. 

They do not know where to go for help. 

A person may need emergency treatment after a suicide attempt. 

 They may be needed first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation or more intensive treatments. 

People who try to commit suicide may require hospitalization to treat and reduce the risk of future attempts. 

Therapy is one of the most important parts of the treatment.

It should evaluate and treat any mental health disorder that may have led to suicide attempt. 

This includes: 

bipolar disorder 
borderline personality disorder 
dependence on alcohol or drugs 
Major depression 

always serious attempts and threats of suicide. 

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, there are numbers that you can call in your city anywhere in the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 

research them and share them 

Call the local emergency number immediately if youknow someone who tried to commit suicide.

Do not leave the person alone, even after asking forhelp when this is still alive, if I can take his own life not manipulate awaits the arrival of the authorities. 

Expectations (prognosis) 

Nearly a third of people who attempt suicide try it again within a period of one year. 

About 10% of people who threaten or attempt suicide eventually take their own lives. 

Call your health care provider 

Call a doctor immediately if you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts. 

The person needs immediate psychiatric help. 

 He did not downplay the person as if he were just trying to get attention. 


Avoiding alcohol and (other than prescription drugs) drugs can reduce the risk of suicide. 

In households with children or teenagers: 

Store all prescription at a high side and low key drugs. 

Do not keep alcohol in the house or keep it low key. 

Do not store firearms in the house. 

If you have them , keep them under lock and separate bullets. 

Many people who attempt suicide talk about it before making the attempt. 

 Sometimes just talking to someone who cares and not make judgments (do not advise listening) is sufficient to reduce the risk of suicide.

However, if you're a friend, family member or just know someone who thinks he can attempt suicide, never try to handle the problem on their own. I looked for help. 

Centers have suicide prevention services "hotline". 

Never ignore a threat or attempted suicide. 

Coty blessings ...

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