
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Esoteric and Metaphysical. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Esoteric and Metaphysical. Mostrar todas las entradas

19 de abril de 2020

*? Psychic powers on a spiritual level ?

I share with you some concepts that we handle on a spiritual level. 

*? Psychic powers ?*🦉

Telepathy:* ❤
◼️Capacity to hear someone else's thoughts, or to talk to them in your mind. 

*? Clairvoyance ?    
◼️Capacity of finding missing persons, without knowing them or having seen them, using a personal object of the person or a photo of them as a reference.

◼️Afirmation clairvoyant about the future.

◼️Capacity to get information about an object by touching it.

*Aura reading:*        
◼️Capacity to perceive, describe and interpret the aura, a supposed energy field surrounding people and objects.

◼️Texto written without conscious thought.

*Astral projection or mental projection:* 
out-of-body where the astral body is separated from the physical body.

*Multilocation or multilocation:* 
◼️Estar in different places at the same time.

*Energy medicine:* 
◼️Capacity of healing with the person's own empathic astral energy.

*Energy therapy:*   
◼️Sanatión channeling different energies.

Ability to communicate with spirits.

*Pre-cognition, premonition or precognitive dreams       
◼️Percepción of events before they occur.

*Remote vision:*   
◼️Capacity of obtaining information about an event, person, object or place that is at great distances.

*Retrocognition or retromonition:*   
 ◼️Percepción of past events.

*Psional skills* 

*? Editing psionic or light daggers 
◼️Crear daggers of energy or light, through mind or thought.

*? Psiball or psychic balls ? 
◼️Crear energy or chi (Ki) balls through the mind (through relaxation thus gathering the energy needed to throw).

*Kinetic skills* 

◼️Permiten mentally control the external environment.

*? Telekinesis or psychokinesis ?  
◼️Capacity to move objects with the mind.

*Automatic writing:* 
◼️Capacity of writing without conscious thought.

◼️La ability to be present in multiple places at the same time

◼️Manipulación of the atmosphere to control the weather, cause rain, hail, winds and thunderstorms.

◼️Manipulation of plant growth, and thus make trees or vegetation grow at high speed.

◼️Manipulation of the cold, which allows objects to freeze.

◼️Manipulation of the perception of time on oneself, that is, without changing the perception of others.

◼️Manipulation of electricity.  According to some science fiction novels, electrokinesis would allow lightning strikes of electrical energy.

*Death warning:*  
◼️La ability to experience feelings of impending death associated with the near-death experience.

◼️La ability to gain insight into a situation through a standardized occult process.

*Aerokinesis or Eolokinesis:*     
◼️Manipulation of the wind.

◼️Manipulation and absorption of invisible energies.

◼️Manipulation of the light to create beams of light, flashes or increase the luminosity of the environment.

◼️Destrucción of objects.  In some science fiction novels it allows objects to dissolve or fade.

◼️Manipulation of dirt, rocks, etc.

◼️Manipulation of water.

◼️Capacity of floating in the air.

*Magnetokinesis or ferrokinesis:*
◼️Manipulation of magnetic fields to control metal objects.

◼️Manipulation or creation of fire.  (See thermokinesis)

*? Radiokinesis ? 
 ◼️Capacity to create radioactivity or to generate radioactive plasma bursts.

*Sonokinesis or echokinesis:*  

*Thermokinesis or pyrokinesis:* 
◼️Manipulation of body temperature, by lowering or raising it at will.  In some science fiction novels, thermokinesis allows you to increase the temperature of an object to make it red hot or to set it on fire.

*Umbraken kinesis:*   
◼️Manipulation of darkness to decrease the luminosity of the environment.

*Materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object*

*? Radiesthesia ? 
◼️Ability to locate objects.  Often using a tool called a dowsing rod.

◼️Es the ability to pass through solid matter, making the subject virtually invulnerable to anything.

◼️Manipulation of sand particles.

◼️Manipulation of water in its gaseous state.

◼️Capacity that allows for the generation of psychic explosions,having the capacity to generate explosions from nothing in the environment or from the palm of the individual's hands.


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26 de marzo de 2018

decree to remove negativity

(Repeat three times) 
I call upon Mother Earth, to my higher self , and everything is source. 

(Repeat three times) 
I call the divine energy of abundance to come to the water from this vessel, energizes, enhances and harmonizes the, thus attracting abundance into my life. 
Example: Anchoring the energy of abundance in a business or project 

(Repeat three times) 
I invoke the divine energy of abundance in its own right, because I am the son of divinity, so that it is permanently anchored my business, all timeline and reality. Decree (repeat 3 times) I call upon Mother Earth, the universal source and my higher self 

(Repeat 3 times)
Decree my rejection of any interference of my being by the dark or low vibration, terminated any contract with them, at any timeline and reality. Decree also immediate damage without any physical or etheric implant have put in me, under penalty of burning in the divine fire of my free will retreat. PASS your contacts

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...