
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta European Union. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta European Union. Mostrar todas las entradas

15 de diciembre de 2018

The European Union chooses Barcelona instead of Madrid to install the platform KIC Urban Mobility

Barcelona has been chosen by the European Union to host the entity that will lead innovation in urban mobility in Europe over the coming years. For it will be installed in the city's Community Innovation and Knowledge in Urban Mobility.

The KIC Urban Mobility  is formed as a public-private European platform which will be devoted to research and implement solutions that improve the collective use of urban spaces ensuring a multimodal mobility, accessible, comfortable, safe, efficient and sustainable from the perspective offering integrated solutions through new forms of urban transport.

The KIC is valid for between seven and fifteen and  a financial volume expected to be reached to 400 million euros from the European Union and to 1,200 million from the partners . The headquarters will be installed in Barcelona and will have 4 sub - offices located in Copenhagen (Denmark), Prague (Czech Republic), Munich (Germany) and Helmond (Netherlands).

The choice of Barcelona to host the platform for innovation in urban mobility involves the consolidation of the city as abenchmark of excellence in research and innovation in the European Union currently the Catalan capital already hosts nodes two KIC  : the renewable energy (KIC InnoEnergy) and health (health EIT).

Objectives for 2026

The KIC on Urban Mobility Barcelona willwork to reach 5 strategic objectives: 
• Highlight the value of urban spaces for the quality of life through the reformulation of mobility. 
• Promoting innovation through education and training. 
• Integrate services and user - centric products. 
• To foster the competitiveness of European industry and encouraging mobility generating market opportunities.
• Stimulating markets and changes in behavior through regulation and commitment of prescribers mobility.

8 de diciembre de 2018

---- "Markets run currency and political risks": EU urges rejection stimulate the dollar


 5 December 2018 21:09 GMT 
According to a statement from the European Commission, encourage the international role of the euro would help the EU both international affairs and domestic.                                                

  The European Commission adopted on Wednesday "a recommendation to promote wider use of the euro in international agreements and energy transactions" and invited the leaders of the European Union to discuss the international role of the single currency during the next European Council and Euro next Summit to be held this December, according to a statement posted on the website of the Commission. 

Image ilustrativaMoscú: "Confidence in the dollar falls because of US sanctions"
"Despite its position as major buyers and important manufacturers, European companies still trade in US dollars in key strategic markets, often even among themselves , " the statement said. 

This situation "exposed to markets currency and political risks, such as unilateral decisions that directly affect transactions denominated in dollars." 

According to the statement, the reinforced role of the euro would help both international affairs and within the European Union. 

In addition, the European Commission intends to hold consultations to promote the use of the European currency in the oil and gas transactions. The results of these consultations will be presented in the summer of 2019.

Currently the dollar is the most used in the world, followed by the euro currency. However, countries like Russia, Venezuela, Turkey, China and India pose abandon the use of the US currency.                                             

30 de septiembre de 2018

The Spain that hide us

Lately we have so entertained with the masters, yellow ribbons, Valley of the Fallen, Villarejo, Epi and Blas were gay couples, etc ....... that 99.8% of Spaniards have not heard that last September 1 the ECB launched the bomb that will condemn the Spanish economy to an absolute bankruptcy.

Spain historically has always sought a scapegoat to blame for their own mistakes, is the "Judeo-Masonic conspiracy", the red, the "drought", etc ... and ultimately to blame for everything is perfidious Europe Protestant as a Nazi German judges and other Swiss and Belgian judges who have mania to Spain because they're fucking Calvinists. That includes some bald lawyer named Boye who is also an enemy of Spain because it has the annoying habit of doing his job well.  

The "impartial and independent" Spanish media will soon begin a ruthless and unprecedented media blitz against the goat of the day, which will be the independence process. Citizenship is free to swallow whatever he wants, but it is important to clarify some things: 

1- The Spanish economy has been managed by Jordi Pujol, Carles Puigdemont Artur Mas. It is thesole responsibility of the Spanish state.

2- Treaty of Basel 2: signed in 2004 to avoid excessive bank lending. All EU countries had four years to apply smooth and gradual way so that their economies did not suffer, but in Spain was applied suddenly when period expired and that bank lending in Spain was closed overnight, they provoking the terrible crisis of 2008. the day of application not decided or Pujol, no more, no Puigdemont. It was the sole responsibility of the Spanish state.

3- also blame profligate governments autonomous, but the Minister Montoro forced them to reduce their deficits dramatically lowering him to meet Catalunya and 0.58% based on drastic cuts. The Spanish state instead, self applied by pin deficit limit of 5%. That 5% not decided or Pujol, neither more nor Puigdemont.EXCLUSIVELY he decided what the Spanish state.

4- The TUS pension piggy bank is almost empty because the state used the money to buy back its own debt and create a fictitious lawsuit to convince international investors that the Spanish economy was doing well. There is no money to continue the comedy and the risk premium will again put through the roof, which is what corresponds to a bankrupt country like Spain.That piggybank not emptied nor Pujol, neither more nor Puigdemont. EXCLUSIVELY what made the Spanish state. 

5- The debt of the Spanish state corresponding to Catalunya for GDP and population is two hundred billion, divided by five million Catalans older leaves each must Catalan € 40,000. That debt not generated or Pujol, neither more nor Puigdemont.EXCLUSIVELY it has generated the Spanish state.

Men black Brussels will come soon and they will matter a damn if you're Prime Minister Tabarnia or if you have a huge Spanish flag on the balcony, and even going to matter unless you have to pay the mortgage or cole of children. They are going to collect that debt from your skin forcing Pedro Sanchez to raise taxes and reduce costs in a dramatic way, and you can not stop it because inheritance received has taken him by the testicles. In addition, the Spanish Constitution sacrosanct both brandished before the indepes requires payment of debt through ahead of health, education, pensions, social benefits, rights of citizens, etc ...

With numbers in hand, Spain's economy is doomed and can end up ruining taken over two generations, as has happened in Greece. If you live on a pension, get used to eating potatoes six days a week. If you are middle class, soon you will be poor. And if you are Basque and Navarre, enjoy the tax concert duration Spain because soon it can not afford. 

The economy is basically a much simpler than it seems science, and certainly Brussels has very clear two things: 

A- allow the EU could ruin eight million Greeks, but can not afford to ruin 45 million because Spanish consumers would stop buying European products, and that would affect the entire EU economy.

B- Economists Brussels well aware that Spain is bankrupt but Catalonia has a viable and solid economy because it remains the Spanish epicenter of the productive economy (I insist thousand times as "productive" because Madrid is much given but produces very little), Catalonia is still one of the four industrial engines of Europe, it has a debt of 34.40% in relation to GDP (which in macroeconomic terms equates to a very healthy economy), and has a higher growth rates the EU average. can not afford to ruin just why political Madrid take decades managing the Spanish economy with the ass to benefit cronies Palco at the Bernabeu and buy the captive vote of 75% of Spaniards.
I do not have a crystal ball, but the numbers you end up putting everything in place. And with numbers in hand is not ruled out that the EU allows Catalunya "shopping" to save Spain from disaster. Those who are economists you know perfectly what I mean with that "go shopping".

In 2019-2020 there may be significant changes to the theme Catalunya, and it is possible that the Spanish soon have to apply a basic concept in economics called "opportunity cost": choose between keeping high the honor of the motherland but end up poorer the Greeks, or sacrificing the unity of Spain to lead a minimally decent life. And when the media will say that everything is the fault of Pedro Sanchez and the Catalans indepes, return to read the points 1 to 5 and remember that Aznar built the bomb, Zapatero installed the detonator, and Rajoy managed the explosion of a nefarious way.
If you think what I have written may be of interest, share it. And if you want to criticize, I'll thank you to do it with respect and use solid arguments and reasoned with reliable data, because the bile and Hispanic testosterone will not change the tragic reality that is upon us.Unless a miracle happens here we will pringar all regardless of our political choices, and like it or not, it is precisely that Catalunya Indepe which may hold the key miracle

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

13 de julio de 2018

Juncker, president of the EU, this drunk NATO meetings, shows that the EU is hogwash

The Council of the European Union (where the presidents of the states meet) decide not to take the drunk Juncker, it shows that this organization is a porquera aimlessly.

I Juncker become "alcoholic supermarket" ...

How many times must humiliate the European Union this son of a Nazi? The terrible thing is that he takes his job cochondeo ...

When carrying cogorza can be seen in the background is a fucking nobody.


29 de junio de 2018

¿Frexit sight?

US President, Donald Trump, proposed to his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, withdraw from the EU, the Washington Post citing European government sources said. 

Had Trump proposed to Macron leave the EU? 

According to the medium , the US president promised the French president a bilateral trade agreement with better conditions than exist for the European Union, in the event that France leaves the block. 

US President, Donald Trump, proposed to his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, withdraw from the EU, the newspaper The Washington Post reported citing European government sources. 

"Why not leave the EU?" Presumably would have asked Trump to Macron during a debate on economic issues.

"The European Union no longer exists as a united force" 

According to sources, the US president proposed to his colleague that if France left the EU, Trump would propose a bilateral trade agreement in better conditions than exist for the Union. 

The article was published in the "Opinion" section of the rotary facing the Trump tour through Europe, where in July will participate in the NATO summit in Helsinki and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Posted by Enrique Sierra Mendoza

25 de junio de 2018

The dismantling of the European Union by the Alliance is running


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors / leaks from several sources that may or may not be true or accurate. ) 

👉 the dismantling of the European Union by the Alliance is running. 

👉 All European nations have their own currency as required by law GESARA. 

👉 All requirements for the RV are complete. 

👉 transactions were completed, the documentation received, the funds were deposited and canceled. 

👉 exchanges / swaps begin once the green light is given. 

👉 There will be multiple ways to receive your appointment once you start.

13 de mayo de 2018

FINALLY! EU to INTERVENE in Spanish police 'BRUTALITY' in Catalan independence referendum

EIGHT months after Catalonia held a referendum into becoming independent from Spain, the European Union has finally agreed to look into aggression by the Madrid government in the weeks following the all-important vote.

2017: Catalan police use force to hold back crowd of protesters

Spanish police took a hard-line when dealing with those campaigning for separation at the time of the referendum and were accused by Human Rights Watch of using “excessive force” against “peaceful protestors”.
The Spanish state argued they were justified in their actions as they deemed the vote to be illegal.
In a letter to Catalonian MEPs sent by the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker last month, the elite trade bloc finally agreed to investigate the vicious methods used by the Spanish police to suppress independence campaigners.
The announcement contrasted with the view expressed by Brussels at the time of the vote when Mr Juncker refused to intervene in the violent outbreaks and backed the Madrid view that the vote was not authorised by the Spanish constitution.
EU Catalan referendumGETTY
The EU have finally agreed to investigate police violence
In a statement released 24 hour after the independence referendum last October the EU said: “Under the Spanish Constitution, yesterday's vote in Catalonia was not legal.
“For the European Commission, as President Juncker has reiterated repeatedly, this is an internal matter for Spain that has to be dealt with in line with the constitutional order of Spain.”
Brussels did use the statement to argue “violence can never be an instrument in politics” but failed to intervene following the police brutality and instead continued to argue the vote was an “internal” matter.
Catalonian politicians were then forced to flea the country following the vote as the Spanish state prosecuted those involved in organising the referendum.
A number of MPs remain in prison and the ex-Catalonian leader, Carles Puigdemont, is currently being detained in Germany after Madrid put out a European arrest warrant for his capture.
After months of pleas for the EU to take a stand against the violent methods, the trade bloc appears to now be listening.
In March MEPs from the European Free Alliance party (EFA) wrote to President Juncker along with EU Council President Donald Tusk and the European Parliament President Antonio Tajani to urge “the European leaders and the EU institutions to stop ignoring” the actions of Madrid in Catalonia, which they argued “puts basic European values at stake”.
The letter asked the Europhiles to “demand Spain to refrain from further repressive actions, to stop regression in democratic and civic rights and to engage in constructive dialogue.”

EU under fire as Catalonia leaders arrested across bloc

The letter continued: “The leaders of the European Union cannot ignore that the Spanish State continues to put pressure on its citizens, who are also European citizens, for exercising their basic freedoms and fundamental rights.”
Finally accepting there was an issue that need to be investigated, it was revealed earlier this week in the local Catalonian press that Mr Juncker’s office responded to the letter on April 23, promising to look at Spanish aggression as a matter of urgency.
The response promised the EU Commission had “taken note of the letter’s content with attention” and the bureaucratic body was “looking into the points you have raised and will respond to you rapidly”.
The European Commissioner for Justice, Věra Jourová, is understood to now be investigating the matter.
Catalan referendumGETTY
Spanish state police used violence to suppress the independence referendum
Catalan referendumGETTY
The EU has previously called the violence an 'internal' matter
The EFA have now written a second letter, this time addressed to Ms Jourová, to urge her to hold a meeting with Catalonian MEPs about their concerns.
In a direct plea to the Commissioner the politicians said: “The EU cannot ignore that the Spanish State continues to prosecute its citizens, who are European citizens, on political grounds.
“In our idea of Europe, politicians should not be in prison or in exile for having defended their democratic mandates and their legitimate projects in a democratic and peaceful way.”

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...