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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta HISTORY PROHIBITED. Mostrar todas las entradas

3 de abril de 2018


DEEP within the bowels of Freemasonry, unknown to the vast majority of “Blue Lodge” Free & Accepted Masons (F&AM) is a dual legend of the origin of Freemasonry in remote antiquity.

In one version, the founder of Freemasonry is said to be the Hebrew Patriarch Enoch, who “walked with God” and did not taste of death. Enoch is often associated with the Great Divine Being Metatron, and, in Elizabethan Occultism, the system of Magick and the occult cipher which bears his name.

The legend of Enoch closely parallels the story of the later Hebrew prophet Elijah, who was said to have been taken alive into the Heavens in a Fiery Chariot. He is also associated with the Babylonian astrologer Heabani, also said to have been taken alive into the skies by the god Hea.

This legend is paralleled by another associated with a mysterious being called “Oannes”. The historian Berosus, and later Alexander Polyhistor, described Oannes, or John as a sentient amphibious creature which emerged from the Persian Gulf in ancient Sumer in the daytime to teach the arts and sciences to humanity.

At sunset, he returned to the waters of the Gulf. One may find associations with various versions of the Jonah legend, that of the fish-god Dagon, etc. Sumer appeared ‘out of nowhere’ about 5500 years ago in southern Mesopotamia. No trace of their culture or unique language have been found elsewhere. They disappeared about 4000 years ago, having left a profound impact on Babylonia and other civilizations in economics, the art of writing, mathematics, astronomy, legal practices and architectural forms, as well as religion.

As noted above, one early Masonic history has it that,
“The Masons hold their grand festival on the day of St. John, not knowing that therein they merely signify the fish-god Oannes, the first Hermes, and the first founder of the Mysteries…”
At the time the orthodox Grand Lodge was organized in the early eighteenth century, this was associated with St. John the Baptist and celebrated on June 24th.

Later the date was shifted, and, it appears St. John the Baptist was supplanted by St. John the Evangelist, but John the Baptist remains the chief patron saint of Freemasonry. The first three Degrees of Freemasonry, known collectively as “Blue Lodge” Masonry, are also called “Johannite Masonry” - that is, the “Masonry of John”. We find this very revealing.

The “fish symbolism” of the Vesica Piscis, usually translated ‘fish bladder’ but perhaps, more accurately, ‘Vessel of the Fish’ was incorporated into the great buildings of the Knights Templar, and the legend of the death and rebirth of the High Priest John is incorporated into Aleister Crowley’s play, “The Ship” - in which the Vesica Piscis is also included.
At top of each pillar in standard Masonic ritual
are globes representing Earth (left) and the Universe (right).
The legend of the Oannes is discussed in connection with Sumerian and Babylonian Sirius lore in Robert Temple’s The Sirius Mystery, perhaps the only literate ‘ancient astronaut’ book available.

Interestingly, Crowley, in his Qabalistic 777 Table of Correspondences, associates “John the Baptist” (key scale 23) with the sea gods Neptune or Poseidon, Water and the Hebrew letter Mem, which ‘means’ (that is, represents) water.

The aquatic “god” Oannes or John seems to be the primal key to the earliest contact between the Ultraterrestrials and human adepts.
The Rite of the Seven Degrees at London,
by Pierre Lambert de Lintot.
The globe of the Universe in a medieval illustration
showing how to ascend to the stars in symbolic form.


“In fact, he was the universal teacher of all human learning; and, at sunset, this being again plunged into the sea, and remained concealed from the eyes of men, until light again dawned on the world.”Mackenzie, Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia, article, “Oannes”
IT is not our task here to “prove” or “disprove” the legend of the ancient amphibious visitors from the Star System of Sirius, but, rather, to show that aspects of this legend have survived and continued to motivate occult societies and Masonic fraternities over a period of many centuries.

Further, we contend, aspects of this mythos have been communicated in cipher form to adepts of modern occultism, Theosophy, mediumship and UFO contacteeism down to the present day.

The Standard Systems of Freemasonry, orthodox or not, all begin with a Three Degree System, sometimes referred to as “The Blue Lodge”, or Ancient Craft Masonry. As we have shown, even at this level some aspects of the Legend survive. Beyond this, in the “Scottish Rite” in America, an additional 30 Degrees are ofiered and are generally accepted as “orthodox”.

Beyond the rank of Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33rd Degree, there are a variety of additional esoteric and (some say) “irregular” Degrees. In the system of the Rite of Memphis, there are 97 Degrees in all, and many of these contain rich evidence of a survival of the legend of Ultraterrestrial communication.

The very first of these Higher Degrees, the 34th, called “Knight of Scandinavia,” offers the initiate a secret “Runic Cipher” of its own, but, in its recitation of the Legend of the Norse God Odin’s quest for knowledge, are many hints of Ultraterrestrial communication.

Odin, or Wotan in Teutonic myth, is identified with HermesThoth and other sky gods who, at great cost to themselves (in some cases) come to Earth to teach humanity the liberal arts and sciences. We again find reference to the Tarot Card “The Hanged Man” in that the card is sometimes associated with Odin and his doomed son, Balder. This makes the legend yet another version of the teaching god John, or Oannes.

The 34th Degree is concerned with,
“…the Sciences termed Occult or Secret. The temple is a square; the hangings of sky blue, sprinkled with silver stars.”
Throughout the Masonic System, the Star symbolism repeats itself again and again.

We are told that the “Sacred Things” of this Degree will be delivered,
“by knowledge brought from Asgaard” that is, the high abode of the gods, by “Sigge, the high priest of our all-father Odin… He it was who established in Scandinavia the secret religious Mysteries and appointed as their Guardian Twelve Great Pontifis.”
Fleeing the Roman General Pompeii, he initiated the Norse King Gylphi into the Mysteries. The initiate is told that before all else there is Muspelsheim, the luminous world.

That the Source was beyond our Solar System is hinted at, in quoting the classical Voluspa:
“Formerly the sun Knew not his place,
The Moon was ignorant of its powers,
And the Stars Knew not their stations.”
The latter has a double meaning, because it clearly refers to different star constellations than those seen on Earth, but has a New Aeon Cipher value of 408, the value of WORK THROUGH THE SECRET CHIEFS, that is, the Ultraterrestrial Masters.

Further along, as the basic mythos of the Northern Peoples is unfolded, the candidate is given to understand that creation, including our world, is the root system of a great Tree. The many “cities” of the heavens are described, as is the Spring of Wisdom from which anyone who drinks is called “Nimis” or “Minis”.

Here is one of the cipher tricks which tells the initiate that this story ties into UFOlogy and is more than a fable. Odin, who drinks from the Spring and is thus a Nimis, has a cipher value identical with that of Albert K. Bender’s word of power for calling his Ultraterrestrial visitors, “Kazik”.

ODIN = 50 = KAZIK. NIMIS has a cipher value of 86, that of TREE. Remember, the Spring is pointedly at the base of the Great Ash Tree Ydrasil, but also, to show that this exact same motif continues to reoccur in modern UFO contact cases, NIMIS = 86 = SOLIM SOLARA.

Bear with me; I will explain.

In September of 1994 the present author lectured at the 31st annual National UFO Conference on the Secret Ciphers of the UFOnauts. A member of the audience gave me a small list of words she said she had received in a recent UFO communication. The first was a term, SOLIM SOLARA, which, she was told, was a “mantram to call UFOs”.

ODIN, whose ancient name is the numerical equivalent of the “calling mantram KAZIK” (1950s), becomes a NIMIS by drinking from the Spring of Knowledge. NIMIS is the exact numerical equivalent of SOLIM SOLARA, a mantram given for the same purpose in the 1990s. All of this appears in a ritual last revised in English in the year 1911.

The ritual goes on to inform the candidate that,
“there are in heaven very many pleasant cities, and none without a divine garrison.”
The end of the world is described, after which a new civilization,
“…shall arise out of the sea, which has overwhelmed the old, another Earth most lovely and beautiful.”
Those who survive, the candidate is told, shall be those that “neither the flood, nor the black conflagration” can harm, i.e. those who are space borne or amphibious in nature.

The senior initiator, termed “The Highest” now explains the reason for this ritual mythological drama.
“There are in it,” he tells the candidate, “traces of the primeval creed which taught that humanity arose from a marriage of Heaven and Earth.”
He then creates the candidate a Knight of Scandinavia, and gives the ritual secrets of the Degree.

The Pass Word, SIGGE, in New Aeon Cipher, has a numerical value of 75, equivalent of ORDEAL X, the Hermetic Secret Ritual for communion with Higher Beings, mentioned in The Book of the Law, but very old and closely associated with “The Sleep of Siloam” - the ultimate initiation ritual of the Egyptians, a symbolic crucifixion and resurrection.

It is answered by OROMAZE, meaning most pure light, with a cipher value (81) of ALCHEMY, the secret occult science of transmutation. ODIN, 50, or KAZIK, a word for summoning Ultraterrestrials, is answered by AUTOPSIE (128), or SPACE SHIP (and THE ORDEAL X).

The Pass Word of the final section, ABORIGENE (=138) explained in the ritual text as “society without origin” is equivalent to TITANS & ATLANS, the aboriginal inhabitants of the Earth in the Richard Shaver mythos, to say nothing of classical mythology. As if to show that these cipher equivalents are not arbitrary, ABORIGENE is answered by RUROSTA, or “truth” as the ritual text describes it, and as 78 in cipher, TRUE.

In the “Closing Conference” the meaning of the Degree is underscored:
“The will can embrace worlds and raise itself towards Divinity…The Alchemists had analogous doctrines, they supposed that the soul must pass through the development of the Seven planets, before it reposed in the center of felicity.”
The clue to the real meaning of ‘passing through the development of the Seven planets’ is found in the very Next Degree, the 35th, or Knight of the Temple, which, we should remember, is closely associated with the former ADEPT OF SIRIUS degree, already discussed.

Particular attention is given in this Degree to,
“…the apparent motion of the Stars, their velocity, distance, terms, and gravitation.”
In short, to celestial navigation.

The Pass Word is SIRIUS or DOG STAR, answered by SOTHIS, another name for Sirius, as discussed before. The Tarot Card “The Star,” sometimes called “The Dog Star,” and the seven smaller stars depicted are sometimes said to refer to the seven traditional “planets” while the large central Star ALWAYS refers to Sirius, “the center of felicity.”

The card is occasionally referred to as “The Star of the Magi” and, since it depicts nothing associated with the Nativity of Christ, one would assume the reference is to the ancient Persian Order of the Priesthood, the Magi, a prototype of the Masonic Fraternity and the priests of the Oannes of Sirius.

The next Degree, the 36th, or “Sublime Negociant” reveals that the 34th, 35th and 36th are something of a “set”.

After having learned the mythos of the teacher-visitor from Sirius, the 36th Degree proceeds with a paradoxical “warning” against Star and ‘idol’ worship, with specific reference to the,
“Astronomical observations of the Priests of Babylon, Chaldea and Sidon. It quotes a chapter in the Islamic Holy Book, The Koran, being the protests against star and idol worship. The labor is consecrated to Geometry, and astronomy.”
The Name of the Degree, “Sublime Negociant” has the same Cipher Value as that of another Degree, significantly named “Commander of the Stars”.

The various words both link it to the Degrees preceding, and, bizarrely enough, to the Inner Circle of Contactee Mark Probert. The Probert sessions, in the 1940s and ‘50s, were, of course, influenced by the late Meade Layne, an occult initiate, as we have elsewhere documented, and a student of the work of Frater Achad, the “father of the Ultraterrestrial ciphers” in a very real sense. The Degree itself dates back to 1780.

The Pass Word, MEUNITH = 128 = AUTOPSIE, a word of the 34th Degree (see above) and TWO FOLD NAME.

A second Password, TZDIKIM (a peculiar transliteration of the Hebrew Word for “Holy Sages”) has a cipher value of 114, equivalent to THE NAME and, MAHARAJA NATCHA, one of the Probert “Inner Circle” of Ascended Masters existing outside space and time as guardians of humanity against alien invasion.

This, of itself, could be coincidental, but, when we come to the ‘innocent’ passwords of the next section, we find ABRAHAM = 60 = DJWAL KHUL another of the Himalayan Adepts answered by BRAHMA, which, aside from pointing to the relationship between the legendary idol maker from Chaldea who became the founder of the Hebrew people and the first person of the Hindu Trinity, BRAHMA = 59 = HIWA KAHN, or “Great Beast” - the name Crowley assumed at the time of taking the dictation of The Book of the Law.

The Words of Recognition, SARAH = 23 = YADA, the name of another Inner Circle member, answered by WATI SARIS = 97 = OROMAZ & ZAO, used in the same manner in the 34th Degree, confirms that these Degrees are a set. Even the final Word of the Degree, JEHOVAH = 67 = NATALLI, the name of yet another Inner Circle member.

At least three members of this circle and a number of similar adepts are discernible in this brief set of Masonic Words from a single Degree, the name of which has the same value, 245, as THE SECRET CHIEFS.


BOTH the names of Degrees, and their contents refer again and again to the lore of the stars in general, the visits of the sky gods, their founding role in Freemasonry, and their purposes among us.
“It has also reference,” the text tells us, “to the Avatars or Savior Gods treated by the Mysteries… Our Order is the depository of all that is valuable to man, as it has preserved, in its temples that which the profane world has long lost…”
The seven stars on the Jewel of the 41st Degree point to the fact that “Stellar or Star worship was succeeded by the Sun and Moon.”

In the “Prince of Light” or 42nd Degree the candidate is told that “our Order is a social chain which dates from the foundation of the world.” The Sign of the Degree is given as “With index finger of right hand trace the stars; holding an instrument with left hand.”

The Word and Password are JAH (or Pole Star in old Arabian lore) and ORION.

The 47th Degree is called “Knight of the Seven Stars”.
“The most ancient of all Symbols, the 7 Stars of Ursa Major’s annual revolution round the Mystery Sun, a talisman (swastika), the seven sisters and their consorts in the Pleiades, one unfaithful.”
The notes on the Degree inform us that,
“The Columns fall - scene changes - flaming star shows the route the adept should take…new calculation of numbers - use and virtue of the mapped signs of the Zodiac.”
In the following degree a “new apparition of a Celestial Guide” appears. In the elaborate 49th Degree,
“Sublime Sage of the Pyramids”, the candidate is given “a globe round which is twined a serpent, sustained by two open wings.”
A note, probably by John Yarker, tells us “The Ancient Arabs believed the Pyramids were Antediluvian.”

That is, they were built before the great Universal Flood described in many cultures.

In the 51st Degree an important symbol is given; we are told “the Cabiric Prometheus stole the fire of heaven to help mankind.” The Symbol is a ladder of 7 steps and above it a star. This seems a clear reference to the Oannes legend. It also hints, by the Word of the Degree, at the Richard Shaver antediluvian world myth.

The Word is SISIT, given as “the Chaldean Enoch”. Its value is the same as the Shaverian ‘telepathic broadcasting device’ of the ancient Titans (Prometheus was a Titan; the Degree is named “Sublime Titan of the Caucasus”), or 80 = TELAUG.

The 53rd Degree is more explicit. A brazier of fire is surrounded by a Phoenix and a Serpent. The phoenix, in legend is the bird which burns itself to ashes and is reborn from the flames.

The Candidate is told that,
“This Serpent, forming a circle, is an emblem of eternity…The Phoenix is a still more natural exposition…it symbolized the cycle of the Star Sirius or Sothis of 1461 years.”
The Sign is to imitate looking through a telescope. The Token is to join left hands and point to the Star Sirius with the right index finger. The Word is PHOENIX, a symbol of Sothis or Sirius, as the notes inform us.

We have spoken elsewhere of the 63rd Degree, “Sublime Kawi” in the Yarker version, but sometimes given as “Adept of Sirius”. SUBLIME KAWI = 149, the same value as the following (64th) Degree, SAGE OF MYTHRAS, already discussed, but a Degree of Great antiquity and deserving of much attention.

It speaks of travel to the Stars by the Adepts.The candidate is called “child of Earth” implying the giver of the Degree is something else. The new initiate is given a cipher script, a secret code similar to the later “Royal Arch” cipher.

Stellar, that is Star symbolism, continues up through the Degrees. The 95th, or “Grand Conservator” has as its jewel and symbol a four-pointed star inside a double circle with a triangle in the middle, holding a jewel.

The Misraim, Ancient & Primitive, York, and even Scottish Masonic systems all contain similar stories and symbols.
Memphis Ciphers, from Le Sanctuaire de Memphis,
by J. E. Marconis de Negré.


THE New Aeon Qabala (NAEQ6), also known as the "
Secret Cipher of The UFOnauts” reveals a great deal about Parsons, Hubbard, and The Book of Babalon itself.

Hubbard almost certainly used his considerable charismatic and hypnotic ability to implant Parsons with a bogus “4th Chapter of The Book of the Law” - but he could not resist leaving his signature all over it, in terms of his name, ideas and motives, encrypted in the UFOnaut Cipher. He probably learned the cipher from his pulp magazine occultist connections.

Elsewhere, I have demonstrated that Ray Palmer and Richard Shaver were using the cipher, or something much like it, throughout the 1940s, in the pages of Amazing Stories and elsewhere.

La Fayette Ron Hubbard came out of this same circle. In “Cipher 6” as it is called, LA FAYETTE RON HUBBARD has a value of 248, identical to the value of the name, number and first several words of The Book of Babalon, or Liber 49.


He also encrypted his intent in the same value in the text. 248 = BABALON AND I SHALL BE FREE.

Hubbard, we recall, according to biographer Bent Corydon, spoke to his son Ron, Jr. about the blood of the Scarlet Woman in terms of being the key to ‘real power’.

“The blood of their bodies, the blood of their souls,” as he put it. It should therefore come as no surprise that L. RON HUBBARD = 115 = BLOOD TO BLOOD in The Book of Babalon.

The Book of Babalon also refers to future witch covens as of eleven, strange wording (as covens are traditionally 13), until one applies NAEQ6: COVENS = 74, or 7+4= 11!

The third party to the Babalon Working, the late Margerie Cameron Parsons always referred to herself simply as “Cameron”, having the value of 93, the traditional number of both “love” and “will” the forces of the New Aeon.

Hubbard’s later assertions about the mad extraterrestrial dictator Xenu also shows up in The Book of Babalon and more generally in Crowleyan literature.

XENU = 78 = ALL POWER and FIRE and MAGICK and MY STAR and NUIT, the latter being the Egyptian (and Crowlean) Star Goddess.

The nonsense name given to Earth by Hubbard in the Xenu legend, TEEGEEACK = 158 = BABALON TIME in The Book of Babalon, but also NINE MOONS , the gestation cycle of human beings. More ominously, as Xenu regarded Earth as a disposable backwater planet, TEEGEEACK = 158 = AN APPENDIX.

Most significantly, defying all chance expectations, TEEGEEACK = 158 = PLANET EARTH!

Dozens of such Hubbard-specific phrases exist in this Book, suggesting that Parsons, in writing it, was responding to a posthypnotic suggestion by Hubbard. Parsons then apparently proceeded to “open a door” and the era of flying saucers began.


IN ancient times there appear to have been complex and sophisticated maps of the entire surface of the Earth.

While most of these source maps disappeared with the burnings of the Library at Alexandria, which survived until the 7th Century, that of Carthage which the Romans destroyed, and other repositories of traditional wisdom, enough fragmentary source maps remained in Constantinople and elsewhere for medieval cartographers to formulate imperfect copies of world maps and area maps of great antiquity and accuracy, though their own inferior knowledge allowed many errors, including those of projection, to distort some features.

The medieval portolano charts, the famous world map of Piri Muhyi ‘l-Din Reis of 1513, the Oronteus Finaeus world map of 1534 and others all suggest a very ancient knowledge of latitude and longitude, all the continents including Antarctica, the use of complex trigonometry, etc. in the source map or maps. In some of these maps Antarctica appears with ice free coasts and running rivers, and glaciers are shown in various areas, also indicating an incredibly primeval genesis.

While some effort has been made to link this knowledge to prehistoric civilizations, no such civilizations are known to have existed. An aerial survey, perhaps shared with early human civilizations is suggested.

From very early times the oldest civilizations show a great reverence for certain stars, particularly Sirius, the brightest Star in the heavens, in the constellation Canus Major, the “Great Dog”.

Interest in the Sun and Moon had obvious agricultural meaning, but the attempt to link the extremely early Egyptian fascination with the double star Sirius as being related to the beginning of the Flooding of the Nile is brought into question by the world wide attention to that brightest of the fixed stars. The Sumerians and later Babylonians often depicted Sirius as a sort of wheel in their great works of art, and the Anasazi peoples of the Southwestern North American Continent built special Temples to catch the rising and setting light of Sirius on significant days, as had the early Egyptians.

The Anasazi, whose origins and even real name are unknown, appeared out of nowhere and disappeared in pre-Columbian times. The Sumerians were of similar unknown origin; they just appeared.

The two thousand year old Moose Mountain medicine wheel in Canada is also oriented to catch Sirius in its rising at Midsummer dawn, as are more recent Amerindian medicine wheels. The similarity between the medicine wheels in North America, and the depiction of Sirius in Babylonian plaques (as in the Lamashtu Plaque) is remarkable.

Within the structure of Freemasonry is a continuation of the reverence for Sirius, and of an ancient legend of a humanoid but fish-like being, called the Oannes, who brought to ancient Mesopotamia the working tools of civilization, law, writing, architecture and culture. The Oannes established an initiatory priesthood to carry forward this knowledge, and this forms the core of Freemasonry.

The Oannes is often depicted as a fish man with Sirius over his head, or that of his (later) priests. He is said to have spent the days among men, and the nights in the depth of the Persian Gulf. The Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Photius (820-893) informs us the beings arrived from the sky in luminous eggs, which put down in the Gulf.

The fish god symbolism shows up in the stories of the Mesopotamian god Odocon, or Dagon, later taken up by the Canaanites, the Phoenicians and at last the Carthaginians, before their destruction by the Romans. The story shows up in the form of the wonderworking prophet Joshua, the son of Nun (Yeheshua, the fish’s son) later reflected in the story of Jesus (Yeheshua), whose sign was the fish (Vesica Piscis, or Vessel of the Fish), whose chief disciple was a fisherman called “The Big Fisherman”, who could walk on water and produce fishes miraculously.

His card became “The Hanged Man” formerly “The Drowned Man” .

The Freemasons revere yet another guise of the same story, John the Baptist, whose feast day, June 24th, coincides with the Summer Solstice and the ancient feast day of The Oannes, “Oannes” meaning “John”. The Grand Lodge of Speculative Freemasonry was founded on June 24, 1717, in honor of that Saint. It was on June 24th of 1947 that the traditional ‘first’ flying saucer sighting took place in the Pacific Northwest.

The Oannes myth has been linked to the Celtic Guoydion legends, and the Jonah or Ionas of Babylonia, Hebrew and Chaldean myth. The Biblical Jonah is swallowed and disgorged by a great fish to teach in the Babylonian City of Ninevah.

The symbolism continues to the present time. In the reign of Henry VIII Cardinal John Fisher was martyred for his loyalty to Roman Catholicism and opposition to the King’s divorce of Catherine of Aragon. He was executed on June 22nd, 1535, the traditional day when the Sun enters the Sign of Cancer, which is associated with Sirius and the “Dog Days” of Summer because of Cancer’s former association with the Summer Solstice.

John Fisher was made a Saint by the Roman Catholic Church in 1935, with June 22nd given as his feast day. Consider the date, his first and last names.

Still more recently, Philip K. Dick, the visionary author of V.A.L.I.S. (“Vast Active Living Intelligence System”) and other modern Gnostic works, who associates VALIS with the Vesica Piscis, experienced a profound mystical transformation in 1974. Shortly before his death he told Greg Rickman that, being in tremendous pain from a tooth extraction:

I came home and I was in great pain. He hadn’t given me any pain medication and my wife called the pharmacy. I was in such pain that I went out to meet the girl when she came. She was wearing a golden fish in profile (on a) necklace. The sun struck it and it shone, and I was dazed by it. I asked her what it was and she said it was a sign worn by the early Christians, and instantly the world transformed into the apocalypses.

The profound change in consciousness lasted a year. Dick eventually became a follower of UFO contactee Benjamin Creme. His last work published in his lifetime was The Divine Invasion, just before his untimely death ten years ago.

All serious magical rituals are a hidden advanced technology, concealed in a cipher now revealed. The Ultraterrestrials have been our teachers, puppet masters, body snatchers, lovers, and slave masters. Among us are Adepts who are in league with them, from the ancient priesthoods of light and darkness, to the Hidden Church of Light or Great White Brotherhood, and the Dark Lodges or the Black Lodge.

Other adepti have raised themselves beyond the human condition and, as Ascended Masters are at once our ancestors, benefactors and an indicator of what we, as humans can become. Hitler met the “New Man” and was frightened by him. He was neither Aryan nor German, but the Georgian Mystic G.I. Gurdjieff.

The Ultraterrestrials, behind smoke, mirrors and illusion both need us and are afraid of us.

8 de marzo de 2018

Archons, the forbidden history and the awakening of consciousness

26.000 years ago, the Archons declared this planet was his property and all living creatures were their hostages and slaves. They declared this planet quarantined and all space vehicle entering or exiting this planet needed a special permit from the Archons. This is the reason for the "non-intervention" we hear so much. The human race has been taken hostage by the Archons for all those millennia, and maintained in a closed cycle of reincarnation in the same place again and again, dragging amnesia and lethargy. The time of amnesia is almost over. Archons have maintained their control with a special technology which is called The Veil. It is an electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending up to 8.6 miles (13. 8 kms) above and below the earth's surface to such an extent that prevents the light from reaching the Earth in quarantine. Veil is operated by the non-physical Archons. This technology could be described as etheric HAARP. This technology distorts the time / space structure at the quantum level and creates great difficulties for the propulsion systems of UFOs of positive extraterrestrial forces. In the past, this significantly hindered the progress of positive ET races towards this planet. This technology distorts the time / space structure at the quantum level and creates great difficulties for the propulsion systems of UFOs of positive extraterrestrial forces. In the past, this significantly hindered the progress of positive ET races towards this planet. This technology distorts the time / space structure at the quantum level and creates great difficulties for the propulsion systems of UFOs of positive extraterrestrial forces. In the past, this significantly hindered the progress of positive ET races towards this planet.

Besides keeping the good ETs at bay, the Veil has the function of programming / reprogramming the human population and keep it in the process of reincarnation / recycling. Now I will discuss now some of the main astral / etheric programs in operation for humans reincarnated. 

 1) Reduction of consciousness and deactivation of the light body / merkaba. This program is maintained with resonance technology pricked ethereal waves.

2) blocking the free will and positive initiatives.This program is maintained with etheric infrasonic technology. Part of that sound precipitates towards the physical plane and some people can hear it as a very low frequency hum.This is the source of the mysterious sounds escuhados at the beginning of 2012. The infrasound block certain centers in the physical brain and this blocks positive initiatives. This infrasound is also the cause of unusual tiredness that many people experience no apparent reason. 

3) Reduction of intelligence. This is done by inducing strong magnetic fields to the etheric brain and the membrane between the physical and etheric brain and this causes disturbance in the process of thinking. This program produces a confused, forgetful mind and lack of concentration.

4) Inducing disharmony in Relationships. This is done interfering fields of the etheric body and creating dissonant frequency auric membrane with etheric infrasound. This program produces an artificial separation between love and sexuality, closing the heart, overactivity of the mind and imbalance between feminine and masculine principles. 

5) Inducing poverty. This is done by projecting images / holograms poverty to the etheric brain. 

6) Subculture division. This program operates when choosing targeting different subcultures with specific opposing hologram images thus creating division among them. 

7) food / obesity disorders. This program is induced by projecting images into the etheric brain of certain foods that produce obesity.

8) The eye that sees everything. This spy program operates from the etheric plane and monitors all activity of physical beings and then reports to non-physical Archons. 

9) implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that are placed in the aura of every human being just before reincarnating, since the person needs decender from the mind / astral planes superior to the lower / etheric astral into the physical plane to embody. These implants eliminate the memory of previous incarnations and are the main reason that we do not remember our past lives., Nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. The implants are poetically called as "veil of forgetfulness".

There are also physical implants. Physical implants were very popular in Atlantis but were discontinued after the fall of Atlantis happen.There was an attempt to reintroduce physical implants after the 2nd World War II with physical biochips that were put in the vast majority of the population through vaccination programs. This is the reason why the World Health Organization has made vaccination compulsory. Physical biochips reinforced other programming but were successfully deleted from the human population 2 years ago with a special technology that can be remotely operated, developed by the Resistance Movement. Thus,

Grid Archons etheric is controlled by a very small group of Archons etheric who give their orders to millions of Draconian etheric (commanders sector), and those trillions of reptilians (warriors) and these amoebas (elemental beings semi-conscious that exactly they obey orders without question).

The Archons control with advanced etheric grid technology. The plane etheric within the layer of 17.2 miles controlled by Archon whole is permeated with cameras with strong electromagnetic field can distort the space-time structure according to the program of the central computer etheric directing the flow of etheric energies along the planet in a way that controls humanity mostly. These cameras detect all positive thinking and emotions and if they are too powerful, the cameras send a signal to the central computer which then strengthens the etheric grid distorted electromagnetic fields around the person experiencing positivity, effectively turning it off. If this is not enough, ELF additional active chambers with infrasonoro low frequency hum that represses the person, with additional electrical pulses sent to the solar plexus chakra shorting kundalini, turning it off. This is sometimes combined with strong electromagnetic fields around the third eye chakra, disorienting the mind back to the somnolent or almost drugged person. Along with that, strong negative thought forms are projected, constantly bombarding the mind of the person.

Beyond that, each embodied person has an amoeba attached to the solar plexus area, which tries to control the emotional life of that person energy parasite. Amoeba is also connected with parasitic amoeba in others, orchestrating conflict.

Archons etheric transmit data from the mainframe etheric to physical black box is in possession of one of the many ancient families of the Italian black nobility and is conectedada with physical mainframe Cabal ( "the Beast") and then linked to the mainframe computers within the NSA. Although the forces of Light managed to put a computer virus in the Black Box, this virus has not been as effective as expected.

Etheric Archons are allergic to certain things.First the energy of love, especially love between a man and a woman. When they see a happy couple, they want to destroy the love between them, because that Love empowers nonphysical forces to remove the etheric Archon and his henchmen Light. 

Second, they are allergic to healthy sexual energy.They suppress this energy in the human population, they do not succeed in suppressing it , they pervert. Sexual energy is the life force itself and get CUNADO suppress it , they have a fleecy population on the planet's surface that can be easily controlled.

Third, they are allergic to extraterrestrial civilizations positive energies and energies of the Ascended Masters. They try to suppress, distort and manipulate these energies whenever possible 

5 de diciembre de 2017


Steve Taylor
March 01, 2006
New Dawn, no.95, March-April 2006
from NewDawnMagazine Website

If you asked them what life was like in prehistoric times, most people would conjure up an image like the famous opening scenes of 2001 - Space Odyssey - groups of hairy savages grunting and jumping around, foaming at the mouth with aggression as they bash each over the heads with sticks.

We take it for granted that life was much harder then, a battle to survive, with everyone competing to find food, struggling against the elements, men fighting over women, and everyone dying young from disease or malnutrition.

A whole branch of science has grown up around this view of the human race's early history.

This is relatively new discipline of evolutionary psychology, which tries to explain all of the negative sides of human nature as adaptations which early people developed because they had some survival value. Evolutionary psychologists explain traits like selfishness and aggression in these terms.

Life was such a struggle that only the most selfish and aggressive people survived and passed on their genes.

The people with gentle and peaceful genes would have died out, simply because they would have lost out in the survival battle. Evolutionary psychologists see racism and war as natural too. It's inevitable that different human groups should be hostile to one another, because once upon a time we were all living on the edge of starvation and fighting over limited resources.

Any tendency to show sympathy for other groups would have reduced our own group's survival chances.

But fortunately we don't have to believe any of this crude nonsense. There is now a massive amount of archaeological and anthropological evidence which suggests that this view of the human race's past is completely false.

Life for prehistoric human beings was far less bleak than we might imagine.

Take the view that life was a struggle to survive.

The evidence suggests that the lives of prehistoric human beings were a lot easier than those of the agricultural peoples who came after them. Until around 8000 BCE, all human beings lived as hunter-gatherers. They survived by hunting wild animals (the man's job) and foraging for wild plants, nuts, fruit and vegetables (the woman's job).

When anthropologists began to look at how contemporary hunter-gatherers use their time, they were surprised to find that they only spent 12 to 20 hours per week searching for food - between a third and a half of the average modern working week!

Because of this, the anthropologist Marshall Sahlins called hunter-gatherers the original affluent society. As he noted in his famous paper of that name, for hunter-gatherers,
The food quest is so successful that half the time the people do not seem to know what to do with themselves. [1]
Strange though it may sound - the diet of hunter-gatherers was better than many modern peoples'.

Apart from the small amount of meat they ate (10%-20% of their diet), their diet was practically identical to that of a modern day vegan - no dairy products and a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, roots and nuts, all eaten raw (which nutrition experts tell us is the healthiest way to eat.)

This partly explains why skeletons of ancient hunter-gatherers are surprisingly large and robust, and show few signs of degenerative diseases and tooth decay.

As the anthropologist Richard Rudgleywrites,
We know from what they ate and the condition of their skeletons that the hunting people were, on the whole, in pretty good shape. [2]
The hunter-gatherers of Greece and Turkey had an average height of five feet ten inches for men and five feet six for women.

But after the advent of agriculture, these had declined to five feet three and five feet one. An archaeological site in the lower Illinois Valley in central USA shows that when people started cultivating maize and switched to a settled lifestyle, there was an increase in infant mortality, stunted growth in adults, and a massive increase in diseases related to malnutrition.

Hunter-gatherers were much less vulnerable to disease than later peoples.

In fact, until the advances of modern medicine and hygiene of the 19th and 20th centuries, they may well have suffered less from disease than any other human beings in history. Many of the diseases which we're now susceptible to only actually arrived when we domesticated animals and started living close to them.

Animals transmitted a whole host of diseases to us which we'd never been exposed to before.

Pigs and ducks passed the flu on, horses gave us colds, cows gave us the pox and dogs gave us the measles.

And later, when dairy products became a part of our diet, we increased our exposure to disease even more through drinking milk, which transmits at least 30 different diseases. In view of this, it's not surprising that with the coming of agriculture, people's life spans became shorter.

The transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer way of life to a settled agricultural one began in the Middle East at around 8000 BCE, spreading into Europe and Asia over the following millennia (and developing independently in some places).

Many of the world's cultures have myths that refer an earlier time when life was much easier, and human beings were less materialistic and lived in harmony with nature and each other.
  • In ancient Greece and Rome this was known as the Golden Age
  • In China it was the Age of Perfect Virtue
  • In India it was the Krita Yuga (Perfect Age)
  • In the Judeo-Christian tradition has the story of the garden of Eden
These myths tell us that, either as a result of a long degeneration or a sudden and dramatic Fall, something went wrong.

Life became much more difficult and full of suffering, and human nature became more corrupt.

In Taoist terms, whereas the earliest human beings followed the Way of Heaven and were a part of the natural harmony of the universe, later human beings became separated from the Tao, and became selfish and calculating.

Many of these myths make clear references to the hunter-gatherer way of life - for example, the Greek historian Hesiod states that,
during the Golden Age the fruitful earth bore [human beings] abundant fruit without stint,
...while the early Indian text the Vaya Purana states that,
early human beings frequented the mountains and seas, and did not dwell in houses (i.e. they lived a non-sedentary way of life).
The garden of Eden story suggests this too.

Originally Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge, until they were forced to leave the garden and forced to work hard and sweat to make the soil produce anything. It appears that, at least in part, these myths are a kind of folk memory of the pre-agricultural way of life.

The agricultural peoples who worked harder and longer, had shorter life spans and suffered from a lot more health problems must have looked at the old hunter-gatherer way of life as a kind of paradise.

Warfare and Social Oppression
There are other significant reasons why these peoples would have seen earlier times as a Golden Age.

There is a great deal of evidence suggesting that prehistoric human beings were much less war-like than later peoples. Archaeological studies throughout the world have found hardly any evidence of warfare during the whole of the hunter-gatherer phase of history. There are, in fact, just two indisputable cases of group violence during all of these tens of thousands of years.

A cluster of sites around the Nile Valley show some signs of violence from around 12,000 BCE.

The site of Jebel Sahaba, for instance, has a grave containing the bodies of over 50 people who apparently died a violent death. And in south-east Australia, there are some signs of inter-tribal fighting - as well as of other kinds of social violence such as the cranial deformation of children - at several different sites dating from 11,000 and 7,000 BCE.

Lawrence Keeley's book War Before Civilization suggests several other examples of prehistoric violence and warfare, but all of these are dubious, and have been dismissed by other scholars.

For example, Keeley sees cut marks on human bones as evidence of cannibalism, when these are more likely to be the result of prehistoric funeral rituals of cleaning bones of their flesh. He also interprets highly abstract and stylized drawings in caves in Australia as depicting battles, when they are open to wide variety of other interpretations.

In this way, as the anthropologist R. Brian Ferguson remarks, Keeley's rhetoric exceeds his evidence in implying war is old as humanity. [3]

The lack of evidence for warfare is striking. There are no signs of violent death, no signs of damage or disruption by warfare, and although many other artifacts have been found, including massive numbers of tools and pots, there is a complete absence of weapons. As Ferguson points out, it is difficult to understand how war could have been common earlier in each area and remain so invisible.

Archaeologists have discovered over 300 cave prehistoric art galleries , not one of which contains depictions of warfare, weapons or warriors.

In the words of the anthropologist Richard Gabriel,
For the first ninety-five thousand years after the Homo sapiens Stone age began [until 4,000 BC], there is no evidence that man engaged in war on any level, let alone on a level requiring organized group violence.

There is little evidence of any killing at all. [4]
There seems to have been equality between the sexes in prehistoric times too.

The fact that women provided so much of the tribe's food strongly suggests that they had equal status, since it's difficult to see how they could have low status while performing such an important economic role.

The healthy, open attitude ancient hunter-gatherers had to the human body and to sex - shown by the massive numbers of sexually explicit images and objects archaeologists have discovered - suggests this too, since the oppression of women appears to be closely linked to a sense of alienation from the human body, and a negative attitude to instincts and bodily processes.

Contemporary indigenous peoples are sexually egalitarian too.

Before European conquest and colonization, many of them traced descent and ownership of property through the mother's rather than the father's side of the family.

And as the anthropologist Tim Ingold notes,
in immediate return hunter-gatherer societies (that is, societies which live by immediately using any food or other resources they collect, rather than storing them for later use), men have no authority over women.

Women usually choose their own marriage partners, decide what work they want to do and work whenever they choose to, and if a marriage breaks down they have custody rights over their children. [5]
In prehistoric societies there were no status differences between individuals either. There were no different classes or castes, with people who had more power and possessions than others.

For archaeologists, the most obvious signs of social inequality are differences in graves, in terms of size, position and the goods which are placed inside them.

Later agricultural societies have larger, more central graves for more important people, which also have a lot more possessions inside them. Men generally have more important graves than women.

But the graves of the ancient hunter-gatherers are strikingly uniform, with little or no size differences and little or no grave wealth. Almost all contemporary hunter-gatherers show a striking absence of any of the characteristics that we associate with social inequality.

The anthropologist James Woodburn speaks of,
the profound egalitarianism of immediate-return foraging peoples and emphasizes that no other way of human life permits so great an emphasis on equality. [6]
Foraging peoples are also strikingly democratic.

Most societies do operate with a leader of some kind, but their power is usually very limited, and they can easily be deposed if the rest of the group aren't happy with their leadership.

People don't seek to be leaders - in fact if anybody does show signs of a desire for power and wealth they are usually barred from consideration as leaders. And even when a person becomes a leader, they don't have the right to make decisions on their own.

Decisions are made in co-operation with other respected members of the group.

The Ego Explosion
All of this strongly argues against the idea that prehistoric human being were 'brutes'whose only concern was survival, and whose lives were full of cruelty and conflict, as men competed against each other for status and food and sex.

Warfare, social oppression and male domination - and an existence that was nasty, brutish and short - belong to a later phase of human history.

Evidence from artwork, cemeteries and battle sites suggests that there was an eruption of these social pathologies during the 4th millennium BCE, starting in the Middle East and central Asia.

The root cause of this change seems to have been 'environmental.'

Around this time massive areas of land which had been fertile for thousands of years started to turn into desert. This happened all over the Middle East and central Asia, creating the massive belt of arid or desert land which runs across from the Steppes of southern Russia to the Arabian and Iranian deserts.

The groups who lived in the area - including the original Indo-Europeans and Semites - were forced to flee and look for new fertile lands, causing massive waves of migrations.

This environmental disaster seems to have changed the psyche of these peoples. Whereas before they had been peaceful and egalitarian, now they became aggressive, hierarchical and patriarchal.

Over the following centuries, they spread over the Europe, Middle East and Asia, killing and conquering the peaceful Old World peoples they came across, including the civilization of Old Europe (which was reconstructed by the archaeologist Marija Gimbutas).

By 500 BCE, these peoples had more or less completely conquered the whole of Eurasia, leaving only a few indigenous peoples such as the Laplanders of Scandinavia, the tribal peoples of Siberia, and the indigenous peoples of the forests and hills of India.

In mainland Europe the only surviving non-Indo-European indigenous peoples were the Basque people of northern Spain (who amazingly still survive today) and the Etruscans of Italy, who were soon to be wiped out by the Romans.

In my book The Fall, I try to explain how these people were (and are) different from the peaceful peoples who came before them.

My theory is that the environmental catastrophe (the drying up their fertile lands) caused an Ego Explosion. These peoples developed a stronger and sharper sense of identity, or of individuality, which made them feel more separate to nature and to other people, and more liable to be aggressive and to lust after power and status.

We - modern day Eurasians - are the descendents of these peoples, and we have inherited their strong sense of ego.

This is still the main difference between us and indigenous unfallen peoples such as the Native Americans, Australian Aborigines and the peoples of Oceania, and the reason why they have much more respectful attitude to nature than us, and a more spiritual vision of the universe.

Our strong sense of ego walls us off from other people and nature, makes us unable to sense the alive-ness of the world around us, and may ultimately be responsible for our extinction as a species.

However, there are some signs that, as a culture, we are slowly transcending the fallen psyche, and going beyond our ego-separateness.

Over the last three hundred years or so, there has been a new spirit of empathy growing, which has led to less cruel treatment of children and animals, less severe punishments for criminals, the women's movement, the abolition of slavery, the socialist movement, a new respect for nature, a more open and healthy attitude to sex and the human body and so on.

And there has been a new sense of the sacred and of the possibility of self-transcendence, which has led to a massive upsurge of interest in esoteric/spiritual philosophies and practices like paganism,shamanismBuddhism, meditation and so on.

There are signs that we are reconnecting with nature, regaining our sense of the aliveness of the world and of the hidden mysteries of the cosmos.

The characteristics of the prehistoric golden age may be slowly re-emerging. The only question is whether there is enough time left for these characteristics to emerge fully, before the old fallen psyche leads us to self-destruction.

The idea that human history is a gradual but continual progression - starting from a state of savagery, with generations slowly making technological and social advances and passing these down, and leading to the pinnacle of western European civilisation - is a leftover from the Victorian era, part of the same colonial mentality which saw primitive indigenous peoples as sub-humans who could be justifiably conquered and killed.

Rather than a progression, the last 6000 years of war, oppression, misery and hardship are the result of a painful degeneration from an earlier, healthier state.

We may finally be moving forward now - but only in the sense of turning a full circle, and rekindling glimmers of ancient harmony.

  1. Sahlins, M. (1972) Stone Age Economics. New York: Aldine de Gruyter,. p.36.
  2. Rudgley, R. (2000) Secrets of the Stone Age. London: Random House, p. 36.
  3. Ferguson, R.B. (2000) The Causes and Origins of Primitive Warfare. Anthropological Quarterly, 73.3, 159-164, p.159.
  4. Gabriel, R. (1990) The Culture of War: Invention and Early Development. New York: Greenwood Press, p. 21.
  5. Ingold, T., Riches, D. & Woodburn, J. (Eds.). (1988) Hunters and Gatherers, Volume 2: Property, Power and Ideology. Oxford: Berg.
  6. Woodburn, J. (1982) ‘Egalitarian Societies.' Man, 17, 431-51, p.432.

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