
3 de abril de 2018


IN ancient times there appear to have been complex and sophisticated maps of the entire surface of the Earth.

While most of these source maps disappeared with the burnings of the Library at Alexandria, which survived until the 7th Century, that of Carthage which the Romans destroyed, and other repositories of traditional wisdom, enough fragmentary source maps remained in Constantinople and elsewhere for medieval cartographers to formulate imperfect copies of world maps and area maps of great antiquity and accuracy, though their own inferior knowledge allowed many errors, including those of projection, to distort some features.

The medieval portolano charts, the famous world map of Piri Muhyi ‘l-Din Reis of 1513, the Oronteus Finaeus world map of 1534 and others all suggest a very ancient knowledge of latitude and longitude, all the continents including Antarctica, the use of complex trigonometry, etc. in the source map or maps. In some of these maps Antarctica appears with ice free coasts and running rivers, and glaciers are shown in various areas, also indicating an incredibly primeval genesis.

While some effort has been made to link this knowledge to prehistoric civilizations, no such civilizations are known to have existed. An aerial survey, perhaps shared with early human civilizations is suggested.

From very early times the oldest civilizations show a great reverence for certain stars, particularly Sirius, the brightest Star in the heavens, in the constellation Canus Major, the “Great Dog”.

Interest in the Sun and Moon had obvious agricultural meaning, but the attempt to link the extremely early Egyptian fascination with the double star Sirius as being related to the beginning of the Flooding of the Nile is brought into question by the world wide attention to that brightest of the fixed stars. The Sumerians and later Babylonians often depicted Sirius as a sort of wheel in their great works of art, and the Anasazi peoples of the Southwestern North American Continent built special Temples to catch the rising and setting light of Sirius on significant days, as had the early Egyptians.

The Anasazi, whose origins and even real name are unknown, appeared out of nowhere and disappeared in pre-Columbian times. The Sumerians were of similar unknown origin; they just appeared.

The two thousand year old Moose Mountain medicine wheel in Canada is also oriented to catch Sirius in its rising at Midsummer dawn, as are more recent Amerindian medicine wheels. The similarity between the medicine wheels in North America, and the depiction of Sirius in Babylonian plaques (as in the Lamashtu Plaque) is remarkable.

Within the structure of Freemasonry is a continuation of the reverence for Sirius, and of an ancient legend of a humanoid but fish-like being, called the Oannes, who brought to ancient Mesopotamia the working tools of civilization, law, writing, architecture and culture. The Oannes established an initiatory priesthood to carry forward this knowledge, and this forms the core of Freemasonry.

The Oannes is often depicted as a fish man with Sirius over his head, or that of his (later) priests. He is said to have spent the days among men, and the nights in the depth of the Persian Gulf. The Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Photius (820-893) informs us the beings arrived from the sky in luminous eggs, which put down in the Gulf.

The fish god symbolism shows up in the stories of the Mesopotamian god Odocon, or Dagon, later taken up by the Canaanites, the Phoenicians and at last the Carthaginians, before their destruction by the Romans. The story shows up in the form of the wonderworking prophet Joshua, the son of Nun (Yeheshua, the fish’s son) later reflected in the story of Jesus (Yeheshua), whose sign was the fish (Vesica Piscis, or Vessel of the Fish), whose chief disciple was a fisherman called “The Big Fisherman”, who could walk on water and produce fishes miraculously.

His card became “The Hanged Man” formerly “The Drowned Man” .

The Freemasons revere yet another guise of the same story, John the Baptist, whose feast day, June 24th, coincides with the Summer Solstice and the ancient feast day of The Oannes, “Oannes” meaning “John”. The Grand Lodge of Speculative Freemasonry was founded on June 24, 1717, in honor of that Saint. It was on June 24th of 1947 that the traditional ‘first’ flying saucer sighting took place in the Pacific Northwest.

The Oannes myth has been linked to the Celtic Guoydion legends, and the Jonah or Ionas of Babylonia, Hebrew and Chaldean myth. The Biblical Jonah is swallowed and disgorged by a great fish to teach in the Babylonian City of Ninevah.

The symbolism continues to the present time. In the reign of Henry VIII Cardinal John Fisher was martyred for his loyalty to Roman Catholicism and opposition to the King’s divorce of Catherine of Aragon. He was executed on June 22nd, 1535, the traditional day when the Sun enters the Sign of Cancer, which is associated with Sirius and the “Dog Days” of Summer because of Cancer’s former association with the Summer Solstice.

John Fisher was made a Saint by the Roman Catholic Church in 1935, with June 22nd given as his feast day. Consider the date, his first and last names.

Still more recently, Philip K. Dick, the visionary author of V.A.L.I.S. (“Vast Active Living Intelligence System”) and other modern Gnostic works, who associates VALIS with the Vesica Piscis, experienced a profound mystical transformation in 1974. Shortly before his death he told Greg Rickman that, being in tremendous pain from a tooth extraction:

I came home and I was in great pain. He hadn’t given me any pain medication and my wife called the pharmacy. I was in such pain that I went out to meet the girl when she came. She was wearing a golden fish in profile (on a) necklace. The sun struck it and it shone, and I was dazed by it. I asked her what it was and she said it was a sign worn by the early Christians, and instantly the world transformed into the apocalypses.

The profound change in consciousness lasted a year. Dick eventually became a follower of UFO contactee Benjamin Creme. His last work published in his lifetime was The Divine Invasion, just before his untimely death ten years ago.

All serious magical rituals are a hidden advanced technology, concealed in a cipher now revealed. The Ultraterrestrials have been our teachers, puppet masters, body snatchers, lovers, and slave masters. Among us are Adepts who are in league with them, from the ancient priesthoods of light and darkness, to the Hidden Church of Light or Great White Brotherhood, and the Dark Lodges or the Black Lodge.

Other adepti have raised themselves beyond the human condition and, as Ascended Masters are at once our ancestors, benefactors and an indicator of what we, as humans can become. Hitler met the “New Man” and was frightened by him. He was neither Aryan nor German, but the Georgian Mystic G.I. Gurdjieff.

The Ultraterrestrials, behind smoke, mirrors and illusion both need us and are afraid of us.

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