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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Hidden Illuminati complots. Mostrar todas las entradas

15 de abril de 2018

The Syria Pentagram

The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.

Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.

This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).

The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years.

All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past. 


These five points are:

Aleppo, a city with a strong Goddess presence:

Homs, the birth place of Julia Domna. Julia Domna was a Roman empress who tried to bring wisdom to the Roman court:

Palmyra, the birth place of Zenobia, a queen that lead the revolt against the oppression of the Roman empire:


Raqqa, the area where the Halaf culture was born:

Manbij, which was the center of worship of the Syrian goddess of fertility, Atargatis:

Three of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently:

Manbij will be free soon, too:

The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria:

When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.

Those who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region: 


This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.

Victory of the Light!


Many people are asking what is behind the Panama papers. This link explains it all:

18 de marzo de 2018

Microplastic Contamination Found in Most Major Brands of Bottled Water Globally

According to a recent study’s findings, 93 percent of bottled water showed signs of microplastic contamination averaging 10.4 large (> 100 um) microplastic particles per liter of bottled water. The tests included brands like Evian, Aquafina, and Dasani. 
recent study from the State University of New York at Fredonia titled Synthetic PolymerContamination in Bottled Water was part of a project involving original research and reporting by the US-based journalism organization Orb Media. The study looked at 11 globally-sourced brands of bottled water including Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, Nestle Pure Life, and San Pellegrino along with other leading international brands. In total 259 bottles of water were processed across 27 different lots purchased from 19 locations in nine countries. According to the study’s findings, 93 percent of bottled water showed signs of microplastic contamination averaging 10.4 large (> 100 um) microplastic particles per liter of bottled water. While smaller microplastic particles were found (6.5-100 um) averaging 325 particles per liter.
Fragments were found to be the most common type of microplastic particle (66%), followed by fibers (13%) and films (12%). The table below, taken from Fredonia’s data analysis, shows the polymeric content of the particles discovered.
The recent bottled water study used newer methods for faster and more accurate detection of microplastic contamination. Bulk sampling, density separation, filtration/sieving and visual identification have been the most commonly employed methods for research into the occurrence of plastic pollution. However, such methods are both time-consuming and hold the potential for misidentification. Several recent studies have shown the use of Nile Red (NR) as an accurate stain for the rapid detection and measurement of microplastics.
Part of the impetus for Fredonia’s bottled water study was as a follow-up to the first global tap water survey of plastic pollution to have been completed a year prior in 2017. For the tap water study, a total of 159 tap water samples were collected from eight distinct regions of the world during the first three months of 2017. The study found when comparing plastic contamination in tap water by region, the United States and Lebanon had the highest percent of plastic detected. What is perhaps more shocking is that in comparing both the 2017 tap water study and Fredonia’s recent bottled water study, the State University of New York authors commented, “We found roughly twice as many plastic particles (>100 um) within bottled water as compared to tap water on average (10.4 vs. 5.45 particles/L)”
Interestingly in February 2018, one month before the results of the recent bottled water study was made public, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) released its draft report on the toxicity findings of the common chemical in plastic called bisphenol A or BPA. According to data from the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 93% of Americans six years and older had detectable levels of BPA in their urine. Despite countless global studies over the years pointing to BPA's negative impact on human health, the NTP’s new 2018 report found BPA was unlikely to be harmful to people in the doses usually seen. It should be noted that the NTP report relied solely on rat studies to come to their conclusions.  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deputy commissioner said in a statement “Our initial review supports our determination that currently authorized uses of BPA continue to be safe for consumers,”. Was the NTP’s report an attempt to quell the rising tide of academic and public findings as well as the growing consciousness around widespread plastic contamination of our food and water? The NTP’s findings are still in draft format with the data published online. The NTP is currently accepting public comment.
Fredonia’s bottled water study has also spurred the World Health Organization (WHO) into action. A day after the microplastic contamination results went public, the WHO announced that it would launch a review into the risks of plastics in drinking water. Bruce Gordon, coordinator of the WHO’s global work on water and sanitation, told BBC News, ”The public are obviously going to be concerned about whether this is going to make them sick in the short term and the long term.” Whether or not WHO’s involvement into the microplastic contamination issue will move the needle towards the positive is debatable given their past history of questionable public health campaigns such as their multi-year anti-fertility vaccination program in Kenya.
What can be concluded from the recent bottled water study? Perhaps first and foremost, despite tight marketing campaigns and clever advertising slogans, there may be no perfectly pure, uncontaminated bottled water on the market. Encompassing the 2017 global tap water study, it also appears that the idea of safe, clean tap water is a long-foregone myth with microplastic contamination as just another one of several impurities continually being discovered. Despite the best assurances by our public health officials, many are understanding we have a real problem with access to clean water both in the US and globally. With each subsequent study spotlighting water contamination, the importance and availability of clean water is racing to the forefront of global attention and concern.

Interested in eliminating bottled water?

Try out the Aquatru filtration system which uses reverse osmosis technology to transform tap water directly into clean drinking water. Check out the Aquatru system here, or learn more by reading our article on the topic: The #1 Reason Never To Buy Bottled Water Again.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

11 de marzo de 2018

The best way to keep the slaves under control is to let them think that they are free

What is the common denominator of all these nouns? All are preaching "missing" that supports the agenda of limitation and control of Cabal.They are all lies. ......... 
🤔🤔🤔 The best way to keep the slaves under control is to let them think they are free .While at the same time control barriers risingkeep them free within the coral. When they learn that the ankle chain may break away and can simply, the game ends . 

The problem we all have is this. Yes, we can separate ourselves , but ankle chain what was already tied, is still crawling with us. This is the anchor for the old belief system, that damn control system is revealed as we wake up. 

Kabbalah never allow us to be truly free until the chains break and change our belief system . The reality is that we as the big elephant, have been conditioned to believe that the chain is just a way of life for us. Everything in life there isa lack, which is a conditioned belief that indeed keeps us in the slave mentality. 

That's why we do not see the manipulative lies and attempts to keep us enslaved or controlled.We all need to look up the definition of a sovereign. We are presentedthe idea that we can exchange for Sovereigns, and this is true, but ifkeep our slave thinking, we will be drawn back into the confines of the limited freedom of Kabbalah, not knowing for sure that we are free.It is the devil we know compared with the devil we do not know, thinking. We are afraid of the new, so we cling to the old. That is preaching fear . 

Is it so difficultsee that all these nouns and their definitions are used against us to limit our thinking and submit to the controls that were part of our old slave mentality?We have been conditioned to allow such controls are part of our lives. When we really become independent in our core beliefs, and live our lives from that perspective, then we are truly free, rather than just think we are. 

The question is how we cut our ankles chains so you do not have to keep dragging these old reminders that once we were slaves and we still act accordingly? How can we get rid of these shackles of Cabal conditioning in our center, and allow us to be truly free?The elephant can not cut his shackles and, indeed, we can not. At this time, it is beyond our power, we have the psychological tools. Reacondicionarnos we will have to believe in our own sovereignty, our true Self as children of God, endowed with His likeness and nature. How do we participate in activities that change our core beliefs that will change our behavior?  

Then comes the Plan, the Alliance and the GCR / RV. 

We have all collectively created a new way of being. As creators, children of God, before incarnating in this lifetime we knew it's time to cut the shackles and live lives that reflect who we really are .We create a plan to do this and committed to the most powerful beings of light available to us, and we formed the Alliance. This Alliance Plan and have the power to cut the mental and physical shackles and leave us free to create a new way of life for ourselves . The GCR / RV is the tool we use to perform the task of freeing all humanity and eliminate our fundamental beliefs in lack and limitation. We are the target of spear penetrates the heart of Cabala and destroys forever . This noble task is ours by spiritual contract as Sovereigns, running dominion or control over us, theynot only survive, but thrive, along with all humanity.We will join in a benevolent machine that will feed the hungry, clothe the naked, protect homeless people and all humanity will awaken the brightness of a new day full of love and joy . 

Our true partnership is with the God who serves each of us individually, but combined to achieve everything we perceive to do, individually and collectively . It is our privilegewake up and serve our neighbor. I've been preparing for this all my life and when I look back and see the events in my life that portend this great event, I am honored to be part of it. 

Blessings and love to all

Ron Giles

6 de marzo de 2018

Rothschild family governs how the United States ....

 The Rothschilds are a prominent, originally from Germany, who established banking and financial houses in Europe since the eighteenth century family. Pioneering provide capital for business, finance infrastructure projects such as railways and the Suez Canal, Rothschild shaped the way the international world of high finance works. 

Related Rothschild family wealth is five times greater than the combined power of 8 billionaires in the world - Anonews 

The family is a frequent target of anti -Semitic conspiracy theories. The Rothschilds Empire had its genesis during the 1760s when Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) founded a banking business in his native Frankfurt in the German duchy of Hesse .

With time and with the help of the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, the family business expanded by several European countries. 

During 1815 and 1914, the Rothschilds controlled the world's largest bank. 

TODAY: The name Rothschild is literally associated with wealth. For more than 200 years, the Rothschild family remained the most powerful and richest family in the world. His wealth has been done mainly in the banking world. However, they have massive investments in other industries such as real estate, oil and construction.

The Rothschild family has frequently been the subject of conspiracy theories. These theories take different forms, like saying that the family controls wealth and financial institutions in the world or encouraged or discouraged wars between governments. We will let you draw your own conclusions about this.

The dynasty of the Rothschild family is controlled by enlightened family strategists who know how reality works and how to manipulate energy and human perception.They know that money, like everything else, is energy and put the financial system to exploit this knowledge. People talk about "money flows", but actually flows of energy and energy have created a construction that ensures that the energy of money flowing to them. This construct we call "economic system" or "the economy" and appears to consist of banks, finance houses, stock exchanges and other forms of trade; but all these entities are only acupuncture points on the meridians of money to ensure that the world's wealth flow to the bloodline families.

The Rothschild family controls the global financial system and has accumulated its power by stealing and exploitation. Entire system is based on a gigantic fraud because there is no money, as we perceive it. Paper money and coins are not backed by anything.Its value is the value we can only persuade they have. They are just worthless pieces of paper (a promissory note or promissory note) and metal parts luring us to take seriously. Most "money" is not even something you can have today; single figure on the screen of a computer. "Money" is circulated through what is called "credit", but this "credit" is a belief system, that's all: a belief that it exists. Banks are not paying us anything, they are creating,

The bloodline families, particularly the Rothschilds have controlled governments and banks for centuries and have been able to make laws for the financial system and introduce what is called 'fractional reserve lending'. This allows banks to lend at least ten times more than they have on deposit. In other words, they are paying 'money' they do not have and does not exist called 'credit', and are charging interest on it.

When you go to a bank to borrow, say £ 50,000, you must provide a "guarantee" to sign over your house, land, car or business, and this will go to the bank if you miss repayments. The bank is not giving you anything in return for all this. Enter your account £ 50,000 and that's all. The £ 50,000 do not actually exist, is a line of 'credit' nonexistent. Let's say you give someone a check for £ 20,000 from the original £ 50,000 and receiver deposits the money in another bank. Now this second bank can lend ten times more than £ 20,000 others, legally, and charge interest. When you follow the original £ 50,000 bank to bank, the amount of 'credit' that is created while circulating the banking system is absolutely fantastic.

This is how the Rothschilds have come to possess governments and most of the world.Interest on money is the key here. If money is put into circulation without interest, and there was no interest in the money in any way, return to its rightful role as an exchange unit of energy that overcomes the limitations of barter. When interest is introduced that the problem starts because you're then making money with money and no longer serves the people, he enslaves. The system of credit / bank interest means the unit of exchange for human activity enters circulation from the beginning as a debt.

Governments could create their own interest free money to pay utilities, but instead, what they borrow from the banking system and the population has to pay it back, plus interest.It's the same with individuals and companies. Governments do not create their own money interest; They are controlled by families who also control the banks, especially the Rothschilds. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by the Rothschilds when he began to print money without interest called 'greenbacks' to finance the North in the American Civil War. The Rothschilds financed both sides in the Civil War, as they do in all wars that design, but eventually Lincoln refused to pay its phenomenal interest levels. Greenback system worked so well that Lincoln was considering making it the permanent means of government finances. This was the worst nightmare for Rothschild. Rothschild made Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865 and dollar policy was with him.

17 de diciembre de 2017


Image result banquet tereo
The  Banquet of Tereus  is a picture of the Prado Museum, which Rubens painted commissioned by Philip IV to "decorate" festively pavilion "hunt" where the monarch "rested". All tables refer to Greek mythology and have related sequences rape and cannibalism, as here and  Saturn Devouring His Son . 
The  Banquet of Tereus  is the subject of cannibalism served as an infant by the mother feast one 's father. Never again to paint these issues Flemish painter, for what appears to be a specific request of the Spanish monarch.

Those who attack me

I often ask my followers if you 've received any attack or threat by saying what I say. I always say no. But it is not true. There are a few who attack me, harass and slander.My most aggressive enemies are supposedly on the same side as me, but behave like real  trolls . They are just a dozen, but lose no opportunity to badmouth me, my family and my work.
To all of them I say that we know the facts. And I think my tour gives sick token of my good faith, I think, my good work. 

Children eat elites

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the aristocratic and financial elites who control the moribund Western society, redundant, since the West is where the sun dies, are Satanists, ie they believe their power is granted by Satanás.Y to remain in power, they believe they have to make the most heinous acts possible. How much more abominable, happier gets his anti god, then it gives them more power.

The most horrible thing is killing.
Worse still kill an innocent child.
The more innocent worse. Then his favorite victims are newborns.
Worse still rape him before killing him.
But worse still cut off one foot while violas.
And worse still eat it.
But there's more.
The most terrible thing is to force the mother to eat his own son.

I do not say this, but witnesses. Come and see.

When borregada learns that the elites work well, they understand that spraying the population with poison to kill hunger, thirst, disease ... is, for them, a trifle when not a necessity.

Testimony of a girl traumatized by years of Satanism.
Testimony of a man who had to film the ceremonies.

Then we can see how enthroned by Satanists elites impose artists, shamelessly and with impunity insensitive to our eyes, victims of Satan rituals. 

DAMIEN HIRST is Satanist

The Virgin Mother (1999) (other invested 666) measures 33 feet high (what a coincidence, 33) and depicts a black Virgin Mary, pregnant with Jesus, but flayed. 

Satan's desire. No doubt.

How come nobody has thrown paint or trash this sculpture is outdoors ?? 

Because we are stupefied, lobotomized, living dead.

The piece was purchased by billionaire Khazar Aby Rosen for display on the square of the Lever House, New York, and so welcoming visitors.

Only a Satanist can find interest in this subject, because it is a representation of what Satanists do: flay pregnant mothers to extract the fetus. Sometimes, they have done so even before the child of the victim.

modus operandi

In their desire to worship Satan, which favors them, believers in the Church of Satan should make an offering, an act that is the height of evil. In this case, it will be because of raping a young virgin, multiple times and much suffering, and when the young woman has been pregnant with the seed of Satan, will be flayed alive, your child will be removed, raped, killed and eaten by specifiers. I'm not counting crazy. It's what they do, as surviving witnesses described in the videos above.

This work is therefore a truculent and transgressive work as claimed by critics and art experts, but the description of a reality that seems Damien Hirst learn about, so he has "happened" this idea.

On the other hand, the buyer, of course millionaire and Khazar, Aby Rosen, acquiring the work, says that understands and approves: likes to see that, he likes what he represents. And when installed in a public place, he finishes off the Satanist gesture that publicly affirms that the Virgin Mary has been offered in sacrifice to Satan and his son Jesus has been sacrificed.

The reality exceeds fiction.
They come for all of us

27 de noviembre de 2017

Let's boycott the racist corporations of the Illuminati for their flagrant anti-white ads [VIDEO] with a list of companies

Let's Boycott Racist Illuminati Corporations For Their Blatant Anti-White Commercials [VIDEO]
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Monday, 27-Nov-2017 15:23:41

Let's Boycott Racist Illuminati Corporations
By Mike Stone (
Nov 27, 2017
Click here
If the bully down the block punched you in the face every time you passed by his house, would you continue to walk down his street, get punched in the face for it and actually pay him money to hit you?
That's exactly what you're doing when you continue to financially support companies and organizations that are punching you in the face repeatedly, day after day, with their anti-white, pro miscegenation agenda.
Let me spell it out for you, white man: There's a war on, and you are the one that's under attack. You're marked for extinction. Your head is on the chopping block. While you were asleep, the enemy took over, and he's entrenched himself in all the major positions of influence.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you'd better put down your smartphone, turn off the boob tube, and educate yourself. And you'd better do it fast. Your life, and the future of your race is at stake.
Myron Fagan warned us about this years ago, but very few listened. And now we're paying the price. Fagan worked tirelessly in exposing the New World Order. He and others, outlined in precise detail how every great white civilization was first mongrelized and then destroyed from within. It wasn't accidental. It was planned. And it worked every single time.
As Fagan wrote, "The plot is to mongrelize our people and to transform the U.S. into a Land of Mulattoes - on the theory that they (the Masterminds) can very easily control the Mulattoes."
It's happening in Europe as we speak. Low IQ "migrants" from Africa and the Middle East are being funneled into white, formally Christian countries by the millions. Women and children are being beaten, raped and murdered. Men who dare to speak out are jailed for "hate speech." In twenty years, Europe will be completely conquered, European whites will be extinct, and what little is left of European Christianity will be destroyed. America is next. Unless you act now.
Your first step is a complete economic boycott of all the companies that want to see you dead.
You'll find Subway on that list... Tide detergent is doing the same thing. So is 7-Up. Here's a list of companies from the video: Plural Sight, Subway, 7-Up, Zaxby's, Doritos, Live Links, Car Fax, Red Robin, State Farm, Old Spice, ESPN, Belvita. Nissan, Tires Plus, Visa, Foot Locker, H. H. Gregg, FedEx, The General insurance, Boston Market, Volkswagen, Best Buy, Trip Advisor, Quirky, TransUnion, Little Caesars. Turbo Tax,, DQ, Hyundai, Dannon, Time Warner, Nationwide, Ally, Homelife, Yahoo, Samsung, Icebreakers, Maytag.
43 anti white commercials
Unfiltered reality
July 27, 2017

15 de noviembre de 2017

Benjamin Fulford: Khazarian Mob Takedown

eolnewsThe great purge of Khazarian mobsters continues as hundreds of arrests of Saudi princes, generals, and politicians is now being followed up with the 842 sealed indictments against senior Khazarian gangsters in the U.S., confirmed by Pentagon, CIA, and other sources.
Pentagon sources sent the photos below showing Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator John “Daesh” McCain “in custody wearing orthopedic boots to hide GPS ankle bracelet on their right leg.”
The fact is that most politicians in Washington, D.C. have become very rich since joining politics, in ways that cannot be remotely justified by their salaries. This means most have been bribed, and that is why most of them are going to go to jail. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been deliberately acting senile in public recently in order to have a medical excuse to avoid arrest, NSA sources say.
These same NSA sources are now saying the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas on October 1 was an attempt by mercenaries working for the G4S security company hired by George Bush Sr. to create a distraction in order to kill U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Sultan (MBS). Trump and MBS were meeting in secret at the suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, owned by MBS, to discuss the mass arrest of the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks, these sources say.
Both Trump and MBS were evacuated safely and the arrests have now begun in a way that can no longer be denied by the corporate propaganda media, multiple sources confirm. As the arrests were taking place, Trump had a secret meeting in Vietnam with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Here is what a CIA source, who had eyes and ears at the meeting, had to say.
“There is a lot more than the ‘the sideline meetings and brief handshakes’ that the media has portrayed. The three world leaders (Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping) met off the record. President Jokowi [of Indonesia] was there as well (as a representative of the Soekarno M1 gold holdings). Trump was informed that next month, Putin and/or the Russian Central Bank will
officially announce the new gold-backed currency. It is backed by Russia, China, and India along with their gold holdings. Indonesia will use the Collateral Accounts gold to back the new currency. This move will put a lot of pressure on the U.S. dollar and the global Rothschild banking system. It was also agreed between the attendees that it was time to de-escalate the North Korean situation.”
It is not yet clear how well the Russian gambit will succeed, but there can be no doubt that some alternative to the current U.S. petrodollar system is needed. The U.S. Corporate government in the Washington, D.C. special district (not a part of the Republic of the United States) is definitely bankrupt. This can be seen in the fact that U.S. government debt has ballooned by $640 billion since September 30th. In addition, the U.S. ran a $539 billion trade deficit and a satanic $666 billion government deficit in the fiscal year that ended on that date.
It is probably no coincidence then that the U.S. corporate government is saying that it will get $800 billion from arrested Saudi princes and $250 billion from new sales of products to China. That would bring in $1.05 trillion, almost enough to pay for the $1.205 trillion in new debt accumulated in fiscal 2017. The rest, presumably, they hope to extort from client states like Japan, South Korea, and Qatar (hence the big arms sales announcements). However, these numbers are almost certainly based in large part on wishful thinking.
A member of Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s cabinet, for example, contacted the White Dragon Society last week to complain about all the American demands for money that took place when Trump visited Japan last week and said “Japan does not have any more money to give.”
The Japanese government instituted a “my number system” that gives a unique number to each citizen recently to force out money that was hidden in multiple bank accounts under different names. This managed to weasel out 1 trillion yen or $8.8 billion which was handed over to the Americans when Trump visited, this source says. This is big money by ordinary people’s (or government’s) standards, but a far cry from what the U.S. Corporation needs to carry on as usual.
The Saudi Arabians, obeying their Khazarian masters, apparently tried to use war scares against Iran last week in a vain attempt to save the petrodollar by starting the apocalyptic World War 3 delusion still envisioned by Khazarian fanatics.
Pentagon sources say the Saudis flew some F15’s to Cyprus in a “desperate move that scares no one, since Saudi pilots suck and Pakistani and Israeli pilots won’t risk being jammed or shot down by Russia.”
Instead, Saudi Arabia is “under pressure to return kidnapped [Lebanese] Prime Minister [Saad] Hariri,” the sources say. Furthermore, the November 13th quake on the Iran-Iraq border “appears to show Iran may already have nukes,” the source says. This may also have been a secret Israeli attack on Iran, Egyptian sources speculate.
In any case, the Saudi purge has now taken in former Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. and close Bush family ally Bandar Bin Sultan. Bandar and Crown Prince MBS “may be star witnesses that Israel did 9/11,” the Pentagon sources say. Of course, the trail to Israel will then lead to the Rothschilds hiding in their complex in Zug, Switzerland.
For now, it is their U.S. operations that are being shut down. On that front, NSA sources are saying that top Clinton/Bush bagman (and satan-worshipping child torturer) John Podesta was stopped from fleeing the U.S. by U.S. fighter planes and arrested. The meltdown of the Bush/Clinton cabal is now publicly visible in even the corporate media in the form of news that the Podesta’s companies have shut down. Furthermore, Trump released another 13,213 of un-redacted files on the Kennedy assassination last week.
The Khazarians and their corporate media slaves are still clinging to the illusion that special counsel Robert Mueller will eventually have Trump arrested as part of the ongoing “Russian election interference” investigation. However, Pentagon sources say that even though Mueller was involved in the 9/11 cover-up, he “is still a Marine who takes orders from Marine Generals [John] Kelly, and [James] Mattis, as the perfect snitch to take down the Bush-Israel cabal.”
Also, if you think President Trump is really in charge, please read the article in the link below where White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly says he does not read Trump tweets and that his job is to “make sure the president is briefed up on what he’s about to do.”
The Pentagon sources say tests of the U.S. emergency broadcast system (EBS) have been done so that citizens can be informed even if the Khazarian-controlled Google and the corporate media continue to lie to them. Hopefully the list of people to be arrested includes the top management of Google, Facebook, etc. so that the Internet can become a true source of information once again.
On a final note, there appears to be something ominous about to take place in China. Last week the Chinese government announced that foreigners would be allowed to take majority (51%) ownership of Chinese financial firms.
While on the surface that looks like a good move, Japan, South Korea, and other Asian countries recall how Khazarian carpetbaggers caused devastation by sweeping up local financial companies in the wake of the engineered 1997 Asian financial crisis. China’s housing market is now in a bubble that is far worse than Japan’s was. If the housing bubble pops as the laws of financial gravity say it must, then we may see Khazarian firms swooping in to grab up bankrupt Chinese lenders at cents on the dollar. This announcement makes one wonder if the NSA was right when they said Chinese President Xi Jinping was a Rothschild agent.
We must not forget the Khazarian ruling class has been responsible for tens of millions of deaths since the end of World War 2. Various authorities, including the U.S. military, have been given irrefutable evidence the Khazarians were actively planning to kill 90% of the world’s population, or 6.3 billion people.
We need to stop them permanently this time. This means taking away the main source of their power—their control over the financial system. This means the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan, etc. must be taken out of their control. They are not going to just hand over the keys, so at the end of the day, it will require men with guns to do the job. That is why U.S., Chinese, and Russian military forces are humanity’s best hope.

» Source

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...