
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Lightworker. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Lightworker. Mostrar todas las entradas

28 de julio de 2021



 "The 144,000 Lightworkers and Warriors of Light were mentioned in the book of Revelation, on the Emerald tablets, by the Ashtar Command, Sananda, the Native Americans and many Others ...

A great call was sent out to all Lightworkers in the known universes to come here to help and guide this planet through the ASCENSION process.  

They are one of the most mysterious groups mentioned in the Bible.

But who are the 144,000?

The Book of Revelation and the Emerald Tablets predict the arrival of 144,000 Lightworkers who will save the Earth from the "Dark Forces" during the END OF TIMES of Kali Yuga ...

Most of the 144,000 Lightworkers are now here and ready for their Divine purpose and mission on Earth.

Most of the 144,000 are incarnated starseeds of more evolved planets, although some of the 144,000 are advanced native souls on Earth.

 Ashtar command:

The Ashtar Command predicted that those who ascend in the first wave will have the opportunity to return to Earth in an ascended state, to awaken the rest of humanity to the opportunity of ascension.

The book of Enoch supports this prediction by speaking of the sudden appearance of 144,000 Ascended Masters on Earth, who will transform the world and reject the clouds of darkness and despair.

The appearance of 144,000 teachers is also predicted in Native American prophecies.  They will begin to gather into their own feathered serpents or winged serpent wheels (Merkabah) and become a great force of light to help the rest of humanity dance their waking dreams.

Book of Revelations:

This would also provide an explanation for the 144,000 mentioned in the book of Revelation.  Chapter 7 of Revelation refers to countless people from every nation dressed in what John considered a white robe.

This could have been his perception of the bodies of light that adorn the crowd, following the trail of the 144,000, to ascend through the second and third waves of ascension.  John also said that these were the ones who were purified in the time of great trouble, a seven-year period of great tribulation.

This would correspond to natural disasters that were predicted as necessary for the Earth to purify itself of industrial civilization and pollution before its own rise.

Kali Yuga:

Earth makes a 360-degree journey through the galaxy every 25,920 years.  

Each complete cycle is known as Yuga.  There are four parts to Yuga.  Two parts (180 degrees) of ascending consciousness and two parts (180 degrees) of descending consciousness.  

This cyclical rise and fall of consciousness on Earth has been going on since its inception, and this explains the rise and fall of the great civilizations on Earth.

The Kali Yuga is the last quadrant of descending consciousness within the Yuga.  The Earth is now in the Kali Yuga.  

The biblical name of Kali Yuga is the end of time.  The end of time will not be the end of the Earth, but the end of darkness and evil on Earth, and the dawn of the Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment.

The cellular memories of the 144,000 were planned, timed, and activated to "depart" at this time and awaken to their true identity, mission, and purpose to incarnate on Earth at this crucial moment in Earth's history.

We arrived and entered the eleventh hour of the Great Shift that is taking place on Earth, and it was time for each and every one of the remaining 144,000 to erase the half-life dream from their eyes, slap their foreheads, and undo the dream. of materialism.  .  Wake up and dedicate yourself to the titanic task of saving this planet!

Earth's dream masses will not save the planet.  Only the 144,000 Lightworkers can save the planet.

But ALL 144,000 Lightworkers MUST take your place and take it NOW!

The time for confusion, hesitation, and procrastination is over!

There is a planet to save. And we are the ones who signed up to save him!

This is the largest mission the Great White Brotherhood has undertaken in the last 200,000 years.

The Eyes of the Whole Galaxy are Upon Us.  Watching to see if we make it or not. Watching if the earth will be saved or destroyed.

In the End the Light Is and Will Always Be Victorious !!!"

4 de diciembre de 2019


Vibrations of harmony. Quietly and introspectively, changes are occurring slowly but steadily in his consciousness. Now you're starting to lose "time" in your daily life and the same time, have brief experiences of being in the NOW. Within the time of the NOW NO no expectations, disappointments, failures or victories, as these are all concepts related to time. You may briefly feel these concepts in the NOW, but usually "live" in the past or present.

8 de diciembre de 2018

Lightworker Missions

Source: Asking Angels
MiThere are missions for each lightworker including being a Transmuter, Gatekeeper and Lightholder. Which are you? To find out a description of the work of each, read below. To find out what a Lightworker is visit the article Are You A Lightworker?

What Is A Transmuter?

There are many transmuters on the earth at this time whose innate job it is to transmute lower vibrational energy on the earth (and in the earth grids) into higher vibrational energy of love and pure light.
The transmuter type of lightworker does not always know this is what they are doing. The work therefore is not necessily consciously done, yet it IS done by these lightworkers and done quite effectively. By simply existing on this plane, on the earth, the energy of these lightworkers (and all lightworkers) will lift and transmute darker energy they come across everyday. Where ever they walk or travel, they lift the energy of those places. At the spot where they reside, they can be a vorticy of higher light energy that attracts darker energy to be cleared from the earth.
When darkness touches light, it instantly changes into something higher. When we enter a dark room and flick on the light switch, the light floods all the dark places and replaces the dark. It lightens it. Transmuter lightworkers are specialist lightworkers who change lower energy into higher.
This is true of emotional and mental energy as well. The earth is flooded with darker energy from dark emotions (depression, anger, guilt) simply from millenia of humans creating these dark energy forms. There are lower thought forms that are real things - like the thought to murder or hurt another. These thoughts are made from living energy, and it isn't very nice energy. So transmuters tend to take this living energy inside there own bodies (minds, emotional body) and change them back into light from where they originated. The downside to this work is that Transmuters become very tired and often sick, i.e. chronic fatigue, headaches and sickness. If you are always tired for no good reason and a medical shows no reason why, you could be a transmuter lightworker.

What Is A Gatekeeper?

A Gatekeeper is someone who has passed through the Ascension Portal, ascending into a higher frequency of light. They have passed an initation of sorts and now act as the way-showers for the rest of humanity. The number is reportedly in the thousands, so this is good news. They carry the energy and the knowledge of how to get there, all of which helps to uplift the rest of the race. They have anchored the higher dimensions onto earth for they now carry this energy in their body. They have merged with their Light Body.
In other words, they are helping the others to pass through this same gateway to ascension, whilst living in a physical body. Even though they have completed the need to be here physically, they have chosen to remain as their mission, they have decided to stay so as to show others the way by example.
The gatekeepers hold open the gate or ascension portal for all those who decide to step through, which hopefully will be most. Only those with very little light/love within, will not make it through, will not allow themselves to evolve or change. The purpose of being on earth at this time is all about going higher and further than we ever have before.
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What Is A Lightholder?

If you are a lightworker but do not feel like you do much transmuting, and are not a gatekeeper, then you are a lightholder. A lightholder is one who simply holds the light inside and shines it out steadily in their normal, everyday life. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Lightholders do much more than they may realise! There are millions and millions of lightholders on earth. They may not have passed all the way through the ascension gateway yet, but they are close. They are full of light and love and ready to share it. This light is very powerful and it is bathing the earth, since lighthholders live in all countries and cities. Most may not even realise this is what they are doing. They do not necessarily suffer from the same deep exhaustion of the transmuters or gatekeepers, and instead they work hard in normal jobs and careers - in every possible field of endeavour. They could be hairdressers, fashion designers, scientists, mechanics, you name it.
Most lightholders also do some form of transmuting, even if it is a smaller amount than the transmuters do. Every little bit helps to lighten the planet ready to go into higher dimensions. Lightholders need their strength for their jobs and careers, whereas transmuters take a lot of rest in order to complete large amounts of transmuting.

More Than One Mission?

Can you be all of these at once? I believe the answer to be Yes. These are such exciting times. It goes to show that even if we sometimes feel we are being ineffective or not doing enough for the world, this is never true. On an energy level we are each of us doing so much, and doing so well, we really should be applauded each day! So go ahead and applaud yourself because collectively we are winning the fight, the Light is winning because of all of us working together towards the same goal.

18 de noviembre de 2018

Four Things That Happen When You’re A Lightworker

energy update

Ladies and gentlemen, before we start with this article, I would like to ask you a simple question – are you a lightworker, or you know someone who is? If your answer is yes, then please, show them respect and honor their gifts, because without lightworkers our planet would be much darker.

1.) You Notice That You Don’t Fit In Any Type Of Class Or Group

First of all, you’ll notice that the feeling of being misunderstood is amplified. Well yes, and you don’t feel like you belong “in this world”. You just want to return “return home.” The things that were once easily tolerated are no longer.
Lightworkers have very little interest in the media and what other people buy into as “normal.”Spirituality becomes a way of life and there is no need to partake in any one religion or philosophy.

2.) You Know Things (Without Anyone Telling You)

Lightworkers, you’ll notice that words no longer hold weight on their own. You feel deeply and you crave space for prayer, contemplation and meditation. You are moved to tears on a drop of a hat.
You also find that you cannot be in crowded places because you are well aware of energy and frequencies. And yes, you begin to read and feel others without the exchange of communication. Lightworkers tend to need seclusion and alone time to recharge their energies as they take on the vibrations of those around them.

3.) People Tell You Their Problems And Secrets – All The Time

They have an invisible thread to others. As we said, Lightworkers have an open heart that is felt strongly, which is the main reason why people share secrets, problems, and personal stories. Usually when they are finished, they will comment on how they’ve never shared these things with anyone before.
Lightworkers are always being exposed to the problems of those around them without judgment. They have the ability to listen and guide others through difficult moments while navigating with divine wisdom.

4.) They’re Not Afraid Of Death Or Dying

Death becomes a transition in the stage of life for Lightworkers. And, the real truth is that many lightworkers have had near-death experiences, diseases, and have overcome huge obstacles in their lives.
Their journey has allowed them to let go of the illusion that death is final. There is an acceptance that life is transcendent.And, one last thing – as a lightworker, your job is to have an open heart and a deep awareness to help others transition through these ever-changing times.
Lightworkers are showing the way for everyone, they carry the torch, holding the light of this planet in balance, they have come here to help the planet shift into higher consciousness.
They are extraordinary beings and they have come here to fulfill their lightworker mission. Lightworkers carry this light within their soul to enlighten and illuminate the world. Most lightworkers are healers and how they heal things is completely up to them.
Well, some of them take on the role of teaching, energy or psychic healer, some do their work in subtle ways. When a lightworker comes into the physical world, they sometimes struggle to find their light within. Lightworkers forget their mission and purpose, often their light is put out altogether.
When their light is “on”, the lightworkers go on their journey of self discovery and try to heal them selves. But, unfortunately, when their light is “off, the lightworker beomes a darkworker and dwells in the shadow trying to find ways to start their light again. This is a very difficult procedure for lightworkers to go through, however when their light is shining bright again, they become powerful again and resume their mission.
And, one more thing – all the lightworkers have different mission! But, their primary goal is to help people through their shadows and find their light. Most lightworkers are accountable for balancing the energy of fear with the energy of love. Lightworkers are great at manifesting and most often create things with just their thoughts.
They have special unique ability to heal and make everyone feel comfortable and safe. They’re also very intuitive and have immense psychic ability! And yes, lightworkers are also very sensitive to energy. You may come across a lightworker when you go through hard times or the time of your awakening, they help people realize their purpose in life.
It’s not your job to change anyone, but to accept their choices and bring forth the Divine light. Your presence as a warrior of light is a major shift in consciousness and spiritual evolution. And, remember – you are not alone!
Throw some love into the wind

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