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Tunia of the Pleiades: GESARA

Question: Hi, Tunia and Hakann,

I am glad I can ask you this question. My question is about money —— some suggest to obtain gold, silver and crypt currency. I understand we are moving up to 5D. Do we still value silver, gold, crypt currency in 5D? What do you think of the suggestions?

Nesara & Gesara — are they real and human should expect it? If yes, why do we need silver, gold and crypt currency? Some say Nesara & Gesara are complicated, and humans will receive more user-friendly money. Do you see this coming? If yes, could you elaborate on it?

Thank you so much!

Answer: Dear questioner,

This is Tunia speaking. Thank you so much for your question! This is a great topic to talk about.

Most of the time when we get a question, the channeler hears either me or Hakann tell him, “okay, I’ll answer this one.” This was the first time that both Hakann and I were very eager to answer a question, so that the channeler heard both of us say “I’ll take this one” simultaneously. Thankfully, Hakann was gracious enough to allow me to take this one. He’s sitting next to me and will offer input as needed.

First I will offer some general comments about money. As you may have heard before, we consider it to be a form of slavery

If we’d ask you, “do you have enough bricks and enough unoccupied land and enough unemployed people so that you can build houses for everyone,” then clearly the answer is yes. But if we ask you “do you have enough money to build houses for everyone,” then suddenly the answer is no.

If we’d ask you, “in the US, only about 2% of the population is employed in agriculture. With this in mind, do you think that it makes sense that the entire adult population needs to be spending most waking hours and most of their energy doing jobs they hate, in order to keep society running?“ You would probably say, “no.” But if we were to ask you, “can we afford to base the economy around 20-hour work weeks,” then suddenly the answer is “no, we don’t have enough money for that.”

There is a discrepancy here because an incredibly large amount of money is subtly siphoned off from the real economy and disappears into secret bank accounts. The actual richest people on your world are not who you are told they are, and those people are far richer than the current so-called richest man, namely Elon Musk.

Bad people often try to control you by telling you to think in terms of models about reality, instead of thinking about actual reality directly. In general, it is often better to directly look at reality, instead of looking at models of reality.

For example, thinking “do we have enough bricks and unoccupied land and unemployed people to build houses for everyone”, then you’re thinking in terms of actual reality. If you are thinking about how much money that would cost, then you are thinking in terms of models of reality.

One possible future for Earthlings is that your positive military gets its act together and starts arresting the bad guys. If they do not do this, another possible future is that regular Earthling civilians at some point decide that society has become so toxic and absurd and they simply walk away from it. They’ll start their own lives outside of the system and especially outside of the current money system. Once enough people do this, the current system will crumble and the way will be prepared for something better.

Consciousness is rising every day, so every day one of those scenarios comes closer and closer.

So, that is conventional money. Then, what is cryptocurrency?

Basically, the appeal of crypto currencies for the issuer is that I can make them out of nothing. Then I can sell my nothings for something.

So cryptos are just another money-magic trick. Often a bad guy creates them out of nothing and then sells them for something. And then most average citizens start fighting to acquire these tokens that have an inherent value of zero. The bad guys think this is hilarious.

The bad guys want you to spend your money on things that do not exist, so that you will own nothing. And they want you to have your attention firmly directed towards video games and virtual worlds and porn and towards how bad the other political side is.

So you can think of regular money as a scam by bad people, and you can think of the vast majority of crypto-currencies as another scam by the same bad people. Cryptos are like the controlled opposition.

Have people become rich from crypto-currency? Yes. But keep in mind that crypto-currencies do not generate wealth in and of themselves. If Tom makes money from Bitcoin, then mathematically at some point other people need to lose that same amount of money. Yes, if Tom times is smarter at trading cryptos than Anne, then maybe Tom can get some of Anne’s money. But do Earthlings as a collective benefit from both Tom and Anne effectively playing a crypto zero-sum trading game against each other? Not really.

Yes, I know that some average people have gotten wealthy from crypto-currencies. I am not denying that. But still that will inevitably mean that at some point, other people will lose that same amount of money. Society as a whole does not benefit. And the days where you can trivially make a profit by just buying and holding Bitcoin are behind us. I am not saying that it is impossible to make a crypto profit in 2022, but it is harder, unless you’re a scammer.

Note that the gini coefficient, which is a measure of wealth inequality, is huge in cryptos. So cryptos aren’t actually this tool that allows the average person to climb out of poverty. It’s yet another tool with which the rich and the cheaters can extract money from the population.

Also keep in mind that your mainstream media generally cover crypto-currencies in a neutral to positive manner. Do you think they would talk about crypto currencies this way if those really were the common man’s path to wealth and liberty and freedom from banks? If cryptos were really that, then your mainstream media would make sure that the common view on crypto enthusiasts is not that they’re cool and smart and hip people. Instead the mainstream media would make sure that the common view on crypto enthusiasts was that they’re weird basements dwelling nerd incels who are dangerous, unhinged and possibly alt-right or criminal.

I’m not saying this view is accurate. I am saying that if cryptos really were the common man’s path out of financial slavery, then mainstream media would slander cryptos and crypto enthusiasts.

Yes, I know that theoretically cryptos have use cases, but how many average people have actually used crypto systems for anything? The only really effective uses cases of crypto currency so far are scamming people, getting around sanctions and crime. Admittedly if you live in particularly authoritarian countries where it’s really hard to buy certain legitimate goods, Bitcoin might be genuinely useful.

If you like cryptos, I would like to invite you to ask yourself the following. Suppose that there was no way to make a profit from trading cryptos and no way to buy illegal things with cryptos, but you could still do things like record purchases on the blockchain and buy cups of coffee or concert tickets with cryptos, albeit in an expensive and roundabout way. In that case, would you still be passionate about cryptos? If not, then do you like cryptos, or do you like the idea of becoming wealthy without much effort?

I am actually not judging the desire to become wealthy without much effort. In fact, from one perspective, every Pleiadian is born wealthy without much effort. We do not have a currency, but I just get everything from the community that my heart desires and I do not have to contribute very much labor to the community. So I am not judging you for wanting to have a comfortable life without much effort. I want that too. In fact, I was born into that life.

But if you have cryptos and you want other people to buy cryptos too because that makes your own tokens more valuable, then well, just be honest about that. Just say “I genuinely think you should buy this crypto, but to be transparent, if you buy them, then my own tokens will become more valuable too. So I have a financial incentive to tell you to buy them

Would you like it if I recommend you to buy something without mentioning that I will financially benefit from you making that purchase? Don’t you think that you deserve to know that information?

As always, I am merely offering my perspective. If you disagree with me, that is fine. Please do not treat me as an all-seeing oracle who always speaks the one and only objective truth, for I am not that. I am not perfect, I have my own biases. As always, we encourage everyone to use their own discernment to determine what is true and what is false. Hakann’s message “How Do I Know What Is True” can help here. Your own soul can always advise you better than I can.

Are there any forms of cryptos that I am not skeptical about? Yes, those that are backed by actual physical real-world assets. In that case, there is no money-magic like trick where something is created out of nothing and then sold for something real.

So, money is a magic trick and it’s subject to inflation. Crypto is a magic trick and it’s controlled opposition by the dark forces. The stock market is overvalued. Suppose we’re not a particularly savvy trader who can make profits even under these conditions. Where should average people put their savings?

Well, I know you have strange rules about not giving financial advice. So the following is not financial advice. I will merely share what the channeler has done. The channeler has most of his savings in silver (and would have bought mostly silver and a bit of gold if he was rich enough to afford gold). Will silver make a good profit in the short term? Very likely not. Will silver make a good profit in the medium term? Maybe, maybe not. At the very least it’s a good store of wealth in this inflationary environment.

The channeler has also bought some Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese dong. It could come to pass that those currencies will become much more valuable in the future and will each become worth one or a couple of US dollars. At that point, the channeler hopes to be able to sell those currencies for a profit.

Will indeed the Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese dong indeed become more valuable? I, Tunia, am genuinely not sure. Some people are working towards that goal and are making plans, but those plans might not come to fruition. That said, the upside here is large and the downside here is small.

Another option is to start out by thinking, “what do Earthlings need and how can I help” or “how can I serve God?” or “what would I like to see more of in this world?” That line of thinking might lead you to realize that you can start a company that benefits humanity. In this case, you can invest your money into your own company. You don’t necessarily need to store your money in some kind of “stuck” form and hope that it becomes more valuable over time. You can also use it to build something that benefits the world.

Finally, what about GESARA? For people who don’t know about GESARA, it is a law that includes the abolition of illegal debt, which is most bank-issued and government-issued and mortgage debt. It abolishes the income tax and replaces it with a flat tax on the sale of non-essential new items. It increases benefits to senior citizens. It creates world peace and releases large sums of money and suppressed technologies so that they may be used for humanitarian purposes. And it does several other good things. You can think of GESARA as the key to the economy of the new world.

Will GESARA and NESARA happen? It is quite likely, but not certain, that something like this will one day be implemented. I don’t think it is super likely that something literally called GESARA will be implemented and that it will have the exact same bullet points that are floating around on your internet. But something a bit similar to GESARA, with maybe another name? Yes, that is likely, although again not certain, and again it is not clear when that will happen.

You are wise to ask if gold, silver and crypto currency will still have value in 5D. In our Pleiadian society, we do not use gold or silver or cryptos as currencies or wealth. We do not have currencies.

You can think of our society as sort of libertarian, because no one is forced to do anything they don’t want to do. We just freely volunteer our time to benefit the community, and that is enough. So long as we don’t directly harm anyone else, we are free to do as we like. We have very few laws.

That said, while we do have personal belongings, no one owns means of production or bits of the ship we’re on. That would be weird to us. And why would we desire to do so? We already get everything we need simply by asking for it.

In this way you could also think of our society as communist, because we get everything we want from the community. And most of us are inclined to freely contribute to the community. That said, there is no top-down control over us, as communist societies on your world exercised over their people.

This society works for us because we have a sufficiently high level of consciousness that no one abuses this situation. Why would they, when they can already get everything they desire by just asking? We do not have people who have insatiable levels of greed, because our parents love their children so much that their hearts are filled by love, and so they do not become greedy.

Although it is up to you how you want to build your society, we think it is likely that you will construct a society like that too. And at that point you will not need gold or silver or cryptos.

But that point is some time away still. In the current moment, gold and silver and money and cryptos still have their uses. And in the coming in-between period where you transition from the old system to the new, gold and silver and money and cryptos will still have uses for some time.

I hope this helps. Better times are coming, I promise, but it’s not certain when exactly they will be here. And unfortunately the direct future may be challenging. However, you are very strong and beautiful and capable. You got this. I love you very much.


For Era of Light

**Channel: A.S.


**These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post


Message 13th August 2021. Mike Quinsey


13th August 2021. Mike Quinsey.

Foreword: The Internet is buzzing with many websites picking up on the Kryon message. “Some Virus Truths for you to consider” 14th April 2020. He concludes that it is the Immune System that is killing people, not the virus, that is just a flu. My link is Steve Beckow’s website “Golden Age of Gaia”

Matthews Message of the 2nd. August also covers the subject and makes the point that the masks are not protective and prevent the inhalation of oxygen and the exhalation of toxins from the body.

In a similar vein is “Doctors for Covid Ethics” UK Column meeting at a Symposium – Session 1. “The False Pandemic” 

Mike Quinsey.

13th August 2021. Mike Quinsey.

As you adapt to the changes that are being made it has become obvious that some are here to stay. It is acceptable as you have much lost time to make up because you have been deliberately held back by the actions of the dark Ones. However, you have broken loose from their control and are making up for lost time. The changes are making the way you do things somewhat different, and for many who have got used to the “old ways” they do not come easily. But as with any changes you do eventually get used to them and can benefit from them. However on a worldwide basis many countries are so backward or live in poverty it is almost impossible to make up for lost time. Yet if the quality of life is to improve the beneficial changes must come in and quickly before you are overtaken by the climate changes that are already causing havoc. 

These are difficult times but you will eventually get through providing adequate action is taken now, and you will be very pleased at what the future holds for you. It was inevitable that you had to make good a situation brought upon you by the way your progress was delayed, preventing you from gaining advantage of new ways that would have saved you time and money. Instead you were held in a time lock. However that period has finished and as soon as practical, and knowing that the dark Ones can no longer impede or prevent your progress, you will get help to evolve at a much faster pace. It is all waiting for you so do not feel downtrodden or forgotten, you will get everything that was due to you and more, and the plan is Going to succeed and although the dark Ones were confident of their success they were fooled into a trap from which there was no way out. Take heart from our news and know that we shall continue to guide and follow your progress to ensure it goes smoothly.

So it is even more important than ever that you keep on the path of Light knowing that all is well in spite of what is happening around you. You may say that you have been through the wringer and that would be true, but you are all the stronger for it so be assured that every experience has its benefits. It will not be too long before the playacting ceases and then you will be seen in your true colours. What you have experienced is but a small blip on your life path yet it is one of the most important so far. Most of you have had hundreds of lifetimes gaining experience but you have not necessarily had to call upon it to get through this one. You were however well equipped before you incarnate so as to be able to handle your life plan.

You have learned so much about other ways of life simply because the different Races brought with them their own laws and beliefs that have expanded your own understanding. You too have had lives in all of them and it has added a rich vein of knowledge and understanding to your own. It is for this reason that you may feel strongly attracted to the ways and beliefs that others have. In fact, such influences often show themselves in fashion and food preferences. That should make you feel better about yourself and possibly explain your attraction to the people in other countries.

So what is happening now is an adjustment to the changes that are here to stay. Some are beneficial and others for the convenience of those who have businesses that cater for your needs. It will clearly take some time for them to come back to anywhere near normal, but when they do things should run more smoothly. A shortage of labour is affecting some countries and again it is going to take some time before the difficulties are overcome. The shake-up has been much more damaging than you may think but in the long run it will be seen as necessary changes. All that is happening will in the long run be seen as necessary and useful to enable things to settle down.

Be assured that in the long run life will become more acceptable and more time given for leisure pursuits. Without the sudden need to make immediate changes it would have taken much longer to reach the same level. Because your activities are overseen by us we can help to ensure you move in the right direction. Without it chaos would reign and it would have been difficult to find your way out of trouble, after all we are looking at a worldwide problem. We can see the wider picture and are able to visualise what is needed to ensure your time and efforts are not wasted. Our influence is always to keep you on the right path without interfering with your freewill.

Your weather is giving cause for concern but be assured that the outcome will be more settled and acceptable. Mother Earth is wiser than you may think and quite able to manage the changes required to give you a more moderate weather pattern without the extremes you are experiencing now. It will take time and inconvenience many but it has to be carried out. In the end you will be pleased and well satisfied. It all takes time to come out of the dark period and leave behind that which has no place in your future. There is so much being done to resettle you into a more acceptable life pattern and it will come in due course. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey





Hello beloveds it is I Lord Ashtar along with Lord Michael coming through for all of you today today.

I'd like to talk about where you are on your journey not only on your journey to the fifth dimension but where you are on your journey with what's going on on the planet right now and Lord Michael will bring through messages and he will interject in this conversation that I, that we are bringing through this channeler

Where you are on your journey now is you are at a crossroads, you are at a point at a bend ; we're going to say where your consciousness is really opening up to all that is on the planet and not only to all that is on the planet but to what really is going on and does exist on this planet.

A lot of you have really opened up to seeing the truth of what's going on and a lot of you have really become conscious to your gifts, your journey, sort of your your birthright and your destiny we're going to say.

A lot of you that are healers, have really come online. A lot of those that this channeler does healing with are healers that she's able to really do palm activations and all kinds of activations with.

A lot of you, out there are really searching for something else than what was just going on and going through we're going to say with your lives as they were and are.

A lot of you are realizing that there's a lot more vastness out there, that there are different dimensions, that you are really shifting your consciousness and that you are really not only changing who you are but you're really shifting and changing all of humanity.

For a lot of you are really holding the light, for a lot of those that are still sleeping and a lot of you are really reaching out now to figure out what it is that your journey truly is and a lot of you are really looking for all the information you can about what is truly happening on your planet.

So from where we sit up in the high councils and the high collective of light, we can feel for your energy, we can feel for your vibration on this planet and plane and we can feel that you really have done an uptick in your vibration and your frequency and we can feel that you really have shifted the consciousness not only your consciousness but shifted the consciousness of humanity.

We can see that you are not where you were a year ago or even six months ago and we can feel that the energies and all the activations and everything that is sent down from the angelic realms, sent down from the sun and sent down from the galactic communities really is shifting all of you for this is a monumental journey you're on and we just want to give you some inspiration today.

We just want to tell you how proud we are of all of you. You are really going through a lot on your planet right now you are really realizing a lot of the truths have been taken from you and not only taken from you but hidden from you for a very long time and you're also realizing that a lot of what is out there is not the truth it is mistruths that are being told to you over and over and over

A lot of you are seeing really for yourselves what is going on and wanting to really sit more in your truth of who you are and a lot of you we see having a lot of hardships really rolling through this really dark agenda not being able to work, you know having your lives really turned upside down but we want to tell you and share with you how beautiful all of you are for still really rolling through this process, getting through this dark agenda and how grateful we are for all of you for really trudging through it and really knowing that there is an end in sight that you will come through this and that you will change and shift not only how you navigate but how everyone navigates on this planet and plane for all of you are children of the light all of you are holding so much light not only within your energy field but all around your aura space as well.

You're beaming, you're radiating, you're exuding light all around you and you have so many that are helping you, you have not only your guides and angels but you have your galactic families as well for a lot of you are starseeds and the wayshowers and the light workers and you have jumped in to really be of service on this planet and plane now.

So for all of you we give a big shout out and for all of those in the collectives who are holding the light you are the reason all of you that are awakened, you are the reason that humanity; all the collective that is sleeping is still rolling through this. They are rolling through it with really at a monumental pace.

You are fast tracking to the ascension as well you do have the second and third waves coming upon you very quickly but we just want to shout out how proud of you, how wonderful it is that all of you are really doing so much for humanity, for all in humanity and really pulling together as one.

You are going to push right through these mistruth, you are going to find the truth on your planet, you're going to take back your freedom, your free will and you're going to push forward.

We are helping you, we are with you every step of the way, we are all thousands and thousands and thousands, literally millions of us cheering you on as you go through this very emotional rollercoaster and you go through a lot of emotions that have to be purged and let go of as well but we're here to cheer you on, we're here to tell you how much we love you and we're here to really stand with you, beside you and all around you for you are the ones that are really pushing for this jump not only jump in humanity but we're really pushing for this shift for you don't want to be down here and play in these games anymore, you're really pushing for a change, you're really pushing to see the truth, to feel the truth and to actually live on a planet of truth and you're also pushing forward to live in a planet where people really live with their hearts, in their heart centers more where people live with compassion and where people are able to feel peace around them not fear.

So i Lord Ashtar along with Lord Michael, along with the entire angelic kingdom, along with all the collectives of light councils of light, we're behind you. We're sending you such love, blessings and light.

Lynne Rondell


Rinus Verhagen: The Rat of Orange

The Rat of Orange

December 20, 2019
By Rinus Verhagen

Is today December 20, 2019 the day that the Satanic Elite will be switched off by entering the GCR, with the help of the QFS?

Will the Democrats go under with the DNC, by mass arrest for their part in the crimes against humanity and corruption?

What will happen in Nazi occupied Europe by the EU Fascists and their crime against the European people?

Let's first treat the Poor washed up culture Ver-Rijkers (the uninvited forced Migrant Barbarians) with equal politically correct prejudice.

We have a participation law, which was what was meant to make the Dutchman do forced labour, equal opportunities to make them work very hard for their poverty, as the Dutchman has to endure because of the raid of the Cabal government.

When Psychopath Rutte cleared the field the Transition took place, the Low IQ washed ashore Chance pearls are allowed to work to survive just like the expropriated Dutchman.

If they think they are sick, weak or nauseous, do not receive benefits but give a free ticket back to their own culture and homeland.

With the introduction of the new Money System, they can get a premium to leave, which is always cheaper than a civil war.

They only get this per person when they open a bank account in their country of origin where the money can be deposited.

Anyone who registers as a Migrant after 1 January 2020 will only get a mandatory return trip or work in a work project for the lowest possible salary to force them to serve the fascist Bilderberg Mafia in The Hague with their boss the Fake King Willy the Stupid of Amsberg.

We will have to get rid of this parasite plague, take back our land that was stolen from us on May 13th 1940 by the Dutch Nazi's Political Party Cartel and the former Royal House.

The fascist monstrosity EU will not be able to function for long, because of the exclusion of the Gold Covered New Money System via the QFS.

The Troll with the nutcracker face, Kuru Merkel once said when the Euro falls, this is the end of the EU, so let's make sure that this is going to be true.

Let's make this dream come true, which for them the Fake unelected fascists Elite will be a nightmare and downfall.

Through the ITCCS in Brussels I received information about theft, tax evasion and Genocide of the indigenous population of the Netherlands.

Via the Corrupt Banks, Trillions of Euros from the Dutch population are stolen and laundered, which is implode the economy and systematically force the population into poverty.

In the Netherlands are Round Table, Rotary, Kiwanis groups, where the misguided middle class think they are doing good, in fact they are channels of the Cabal to use the pathetic idiots of these associations as their fake prosperous fake Satanist Elite.

If a director of a company siphons off taxpayers' money to his friends, or himself (so as Joe Biden, or an apartment in The Hague Pechtholt D66) or a criminal organization so as the Bilderberg Elite, to the Clinton Foundation through the Postcode lottery, paid 25 million to fulfill Pay for Play in the Ukraine MH17 to shape their Nazi plans.

Then we can say that these Bilderberg Nazis in The Hague and Koningshuis together are a Criminal organization, and comply with Article 140 Ws, unfortunately this does not work for them, only against the robbed population.

Fake royal Adder Willy von Amsberg and Psychopath Mark Rutte are both Director of Two Dutch Trust (foundations) under which we all fall, they are registered with EDGAR.

Through a contact, I got the confirmation where they are called Psychopath Rutte and Willy the stupid separate as Director of the Netherlands.

The Netherlands the country that does not exist for the Dutchman, according to Fake Queen Maxima is registered in Washington DC as a company, with GESARA we should regain our sovereignty.

Tax evasion Mark Rutte his Hitler Cabinet plans.

2390 Foreign money flow to the Netherlands, in Billions

The tax treaties with 23 developing countries are being reviewed.

The Substance requirements (among Dutch executives) will be increased.

Countries receive Spontaneous information from the Netherlands if companies do not meet these requirements.

Information exchange between tax authorities will also apply to financing companies that make agreements with the Dutch tax authorities.

Agreements with the tax authorities (rulings) can only be made by companies with sufficient ties to the Netherlands.

The Act on the Supervision of Trust Offices will be tightened up in consultation with the Dutch Bank.

2958 flow of investments in Billions from the Netherlands. Article from NRC Handelsblad 3 September 2013.

Here are 568 Billion Euro away, we can use the Biden, DNC Obama tactics.

Is this money used to maintain the war of ISIS?

Have corrupt politicians such as Rutte and Fake King Willy used straw men to pocket their own money and put it in the Vatican Bank?

In 2013, these two trusts (foundations) invested 2390 billion Euros in the Netherlands.

Think of money laundering.

And the same year 2958 Billion Euro out of the Netherlands.

A difference of 568 Euro's what the Dutch population is expropriated through the fake tax system.

The post-war Hitler Cabinet orders us on all sides, as well as our pension of 1400 Billion Euro which was given in management to an unelected fascist club the EU.

On top of that they have imposed an extra 280 Billion Euro to pay the tax without the people knowing about it.

Then we are talking about 848 Billion which the population is expropriated for.

Then this is about € 50,000 per person, where we have to say that not all Dutch people work for their income, because stranded Migrants they end up here in the Walhalla at our expense, so the working people have a millstone around their neck to drown to carry out the fascist Nazi agenda of Rutte and Willy the silly.

The Dutch Fake Government is nothing more than a criminal organization, no wonder our tax burden is 89% of every Euro, in payroll tax and other taxes imposed.

A family with two children has to cough up € 200.000 to serve their fascist agenda.

Are you going to see what this has been stolen from the hardworking Dutchman over the last 10 years, we come to 8.5 Trillion Euro.

Via ITTCS we can report this theft and expropriation, the declaration against the Nazi Rutte Government (Hitler Cabinet) of our hard-earned prosperity through hard labour in the past. per mail, of

Why is this so important? Because Nazi Prince Bernhard von Lippe is the father of Satanist and Pedophile Pizza Gate Beatrix of Fake Orange, the driving force behind the Genocide to which the Dutch population is exposed.

Her Low IQ son Willy the Stupid is no longer like her signboard for the Nazi agenda 21 which was put to the vote by Bernhard von Lippe (grandfather of Moron Willy Escobar) in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro in Brasil, which was accepted by 178 countries, to legalize the genocide, which we now see happening with the implementation of the Kalergi Plan.

Switching to a Gold supported financial system through the QFS that controls the flow of money has exposed how the amounts to these fascists have been laundered by money launderers, such as Joe Biden and his son Hunter and laundering US taxpayers' money Pay for Play (HRC).

The money flows that have been identified seem to work in the same way as the Clintonfoundation works, so that investments are returned to the corrupt politicians involved via detours.

Mark Rutte and Fake King Willy have already been reported to the International Court of Justice in The Hague by the Union against Governmental Affairs.

We need a new legal universal law based on common law.

Natural law

- Important for dealing with loved ones
- Not enough to force this exclusively on our humanity.
- We are unique and have the Universal Law:
- Freedom of Choice
- Freedom of Will.

Hierarchy of legal systems

- Universal law
- Humane law
- Natural law
- State law with the word person replaced by human
- Public and private law with the word person replaced by the word man

Universal law

- Right to free will
- Right to free choice
- No one can sit with this between the Creator and the human being.
- Here man is expected to be a Creator by coming with new things for the improvement of mankind.
- The right to voluntariness with mutual approval
- Free will, also to choose
- Freedom
- Voluntary
- To serve other people willingly

Humane Straight

- The interpretation is up to man
- Not: to the state, government, church, nation, party,
- company or cabal/mafia and other lunatics
- We're gonna do it, now!
- This Law is good for all the people on our earth
- Now the laws are only good for big business and we were their slaves.
- We humans have not been their slaves since 15-8-2011.
- We show everyone that we:
- respect each other,
- help each other
- shelter each other
- support each other, during love and sorrow, better and less times, in light and dark, etc.
- One human family, which then deals with each other according to the Natural Law.

Short history

- Draco Marduk, grandson of Anu, had the task of stealing everything from the world and then destroying the earth.
- This is contrary to the Universal Rights of free choice and free will of earthly man.
- By fraud: tacitly assuming that man agreed to become a slave without possessions and without a soul, he managed, through the Church, politics, royal and noble families with the banks, to own everything on earth.

Hierarchical system

- Marduk created a hierarchical system in which each upper layer had to treat the lower layer as a slave without ever showing that the lower layer is a slave.
- Hardly anyone knew the whole plan of robbery and destruction.
- 75% of the top layers were extraterrestrials.
- Man was almost completely at the bottom, even the elites would be murdered.

Stones of Georgia

- Because of free choice and free will he had to tell man what he was doing in accordance with Universal Rights: such as 90% destruction of the number of people on earth.
- He had that written on the stones of Georgia in ten languages.
- Protocols of Zion is also an example: I told you and you tacitly agreed to this

21-12-2012 end of the world

- In 2012 Marduk's contract with Earth expired.
- 90% of the population was not completed.
- The FEMA Camps, boats and trains remained empty.
- 100% possessions were in trusts and owned by Marduk.
- Every man and everything else was in trust.

2012 new era for the earth

- Kimberley was told by a tribe that the Dracos' contract with Earth was coming to an end and she acquired all the rights of the trustees.
- 41 levels above Trump, Kim was granted exclusive rights over all of Earth's possessions.
- Manna World Holding Trust and
- new money system Quantum Financial System (QFS)
- Withdraws all rights of the bloodlines (13 families, Black Nobel, Rothschild, royalties, white and black Jews with their Talmud rights etc.),

5 years extension to complete task

- Marduk asked for a 5 year extension of his contract.
- Didn't get it, and the assets stayed with Kim.
- 11 -8 - 2016 Kim signed a Peace Treaty with the Universal Protection Unit (Galactic and Universal team (100.000 different creatures are in it).
- SOL3 is thus protected and
- We are original sovereign people of Earth

End Maritime law (1)

- Marduk deceived and threatened us again in violation of our Universal Rights.
- August 2016 Marduk was killed by extraterrestrial aid under the Peace Treaty.
- This put an end to maritime law on earth (a dictator, an autocrat, a captain).

Law systems that have expired (2)

- 21-6-2011 Roman law, Romanus Pontifex has been dissolved
- Rite Mandamus and rite Probatum
- – 983210-331235-01004

All jurisprudence of Roman law from the outset has thus become invalid.

- 15-8-2011 The Trust Cestui que Vie with office BIS dissolved via Rite Probatum Regnum and Rite Mandamus.
- • 983210-341748-240014
- settlement rights, birth certificates, death certificates, bonds and claims are hereby terminated.
- BIS dissolved, as well as Aetemi Regis, Eternal Crown (Canon law, as sole ruler of the earth is hereby terminated).

Legal systems that have expired (3)

- Maritime, Romanesque, Canon and Civil law are unlawful and null and void from the outset.
- They are based on a false presumption: to have freely agreed to become slaves, without possessions and soul.
- This applies to Talmud law, even to a higher degree. No human being stands above another human being
- Common Law is full of the above laws and we should never use

Rights that have expired (4)

- 11-7-2013 Pope publishes Motu Proprio, which waived the immunity of all judges, prosecutors, lawyers and public officials (including bankers) as of 1-9-2013
- from then on, they are personally responsible for seizing homes, cars, money and assets of the real beneficiary, deprivation of liberty, fraud, harassment and the transformation of trust funds.
- The Golden Rule is hereby recognized by the Pope:
- All people are endowed with universal rights and no one stands between them and the Creator.
- Canon law has thus become far subservient to man and is null and void.

Expired and current laws

- All current laws are based on coercion and not mutual consent
- In these laws man does not stand in for the person in the form of a slave.
- Common Law is an example of this
- Our Civil Law is even worse because a citizen is not a human being and therefore has no human rights.
- Even the Rights of Man does not know only the person

Administrative law and 1 time human being

Universal Human Rights

Control over mankind lifted for mankind of his own choice

- 18 -1- 2016 Pope Francis has agreed to return all the assets of the Vatican Bank to mankind (UCC3-501).
- Done with the free will of the Pope.

Cestui Que Vie 3rd version

- Man: becomes person and thing
- Become a slave without possessions and soul

At birth declaration

- 3 trusts are created with this
- You are owned by the owner/state, who resells the trust to a bank
- Your children are not yours
- You relinquish your possessions
- You renounce your soul

A lot is earned from the premature death of a human being.

By collecting the insurance policy made with our birth certificate and traded on Wall Street as Derivatives.

Cestui que Vie

- Man was forced into slavery with no possessions, no children of his own and no soul.
- A few super slaves: politicians, judges, lawyers, police and bailiffs have bigger houses.
- Misuse was made of hidden data, ignorance and the false assumption: man wanted it himself.
- Disbanded again on 15-8-2011.

Kim writes Letter to many

- On 28-10-2018 Kim writes a letter to the Deep State, the military, the government and others: those who are not awake yet pay attention. You too have been abused for slavery, abused for fraud and total control over humans.
- Wake up and join us, your old rotten system is broken.

Power vacuum?

- Humans and hybrids now fight for power
- Over 39 groups fight each other for power
- Royalties, elites and secret societies have had centuries of training, experience and knowledge. Service to Self
- Don't take man into account.
- We want Service to Others.

Our 39 counterparties

- Secret societies
- Jesuits
- Asian families
- Zionists America and EU, Talmud (scalar techn)
- Nazis flying saucers
- Mafia/Costa Nostra/Mob
- The Rothschild family has the most Droca DNA and is in all parties (Pindar-penus)

Our counterparties

- They have unlimited quantities of Money
- Media
- Politicians
- Justice
- Police
- Army
- Large companies
- The sleeping mass (cottage, garden, tree, animal)

QFS makes their money and power worthless

- Hundreds of billions of dollars a day are made to maintain the Swift system.
- Within 1 second QFS can take over.
- QFS is already working twice from somewhere at the beginning of 2018.
- They do not allow this takeover.

Humane Law

- Constitution
- Legal articles
- We as human beings come up with this Constitution
- We as human beings fill in the articles of law ourselves

Constitution Human Rights

- We are quickly adopting the Constitution of the Humanoid races of the Universe.
- At least 1 million people from at least 100 countries together approve this Constitution. (Each country has its own parallel paths. 10,000 per country)
- These confirmations will be judged by a jury and, if approved, a jury will ratify the Humane Constitution for our Earth.
- We ask the Universal Protection Unit for protection and help.
- If we ask them, they help us.
- They have the experience, technologies, which are several dimensions higher than ours and
- the will to help us
- Kim is the only humanoid on the Councel Board

Articles of Law Humane Law

- Child trafficking, abuse, satanic rituals, pedophilia, etc. are prohibited.
- In case of violation, imprisonment will follow.
- Privacy, no one writes to or reads the personal data of their computer, mobile phone and other electronic data carriers without the owner's permission.
- In case of violation, a hefty fine will follow.
- All possessions that have been paid for are the property of the owner.
- All debts will be cancelled.
- Swift banking system will be abolished as of 02-02-2020.
- All central banks and ordinary banks will be nationalized.
- All data about us as human beings can be viewed transparently
- All secret treaties in the world are void and transparent.
- All archives are transparent
- No human being is immune during the exercise of his function. It is true that making mistakes is human.
- Man derives from the sovereignty of states and can intervene in the case of violations committed by states anywhere in the world. Domestic affairs in which you are not allowed to interfere then no longer apply.
- All taxes are reclaimed retroactively from birth and put into a trust from which local education, medical aid, infrastructure, communications resources and innovations are paid.
- The patent system and copyright will be abolished. Every inventor and writer will be compensated.
- The positions of politicians, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, bailiffs and court clerks will be abolished.
- All legal rulings and (government) documents based on lies, fraud or corruption are null and void and must be re-evaluated by a jury. If the government officials or others involved do not cooperate in finding the truth and correctness, they will be held personally damagingly responsible.
- All Media are given only one chance to come up with the truth. If they fail to do so, they will be boycotted.
- All explosive weapons out of the world. In case of no hearing, these weapons will be destroyed with scalar techniques.
- All land mines will be blown up with scalar tools.
- HAARP and weather manipulations are forbidden.
- Kimberly A. Goguen comes in her book titled: to the Heart of the Matter, with 489 similar recommendations, which should lead to improvements in the world.
- People who help, support and inspire Kim are e.g:
- Thomas William, Steffen Rowe, Randy Maugan, Alan James, Steven George, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, David Icke, Benjamin Fulford and Kevin Annet.

Human Rights Enforcement

- First we need to get the Constitution and a few important articles of law ratified.
- Then we have a foundation on which we can build Enforcement.
- We ask for help from others on how they have dealt with this in the past.

All we have to do is get up.

Then the game's over.

Source: Operation Disclosure

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