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25 de junio de 2020

Help Us Keep the PAO Ship Aloft

Help Us Keep the Pao Ship Aloft

Help Us Keep the PAO Ship Aloft

As we move toward the third anniversary of the DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) attack on Sheldan, Colleen and I continue to work tirelessly to promote the PAO’s message in the world. We are proud of the high quality of work we offer you, the up-to-the-minute commentaries, heartfelt stories, and, especially, PAO’s relevant and inspiring Webinar guests.
We remain ever grateful to you, our steadfast Lightworkers. As you know, PAO does not have abundant financial backing. We are a shoestring organization. But whenever we have reached out to you for help, you have responded, gladly and generously. You have helped us to advance Sheldan’s message. You have purchased PAO’s activational materials. You have come to our Webinars. You have kept us going, financially and spiritually.
You have clearly demonstrated that you, as Lightworkers, need the PAO. And PAO needs you. One indirect result of our current world health emergency has been a significant decline in Webinar attendance. The world has been understandably unsettled by the crisis and why should Lightworkers be any different? Coupled with the multiple demands of other alternative messages competing for attention, little wonder that even loyal PAO followers temporarily withdrew. But pandemic or not, PAO enthusiastically soldiered on with our aspirational presentations.
Right now, we are battling to keep the PAO ship aloft. Despite Colleen’s best efforts, the cost of Sheldan’s continuing recovery stretches her resources, financially as well as emotionally. She has little energy or money left to support PAO. Buoyed by the Galactics, Sheldan continues to progress, sometimes by big steps, but more often by increments. But while Sheldan has been sidelined, the truth of his message endures. It must be upheld.

Here are some ways you can help keep the PAO aloft:

• Tell your friends about the PAO and our monthly Live Activational Webinars.
• Post information about Sheldan and the PAO on your social media.
• Purchase Webinar archives and books.
• Help PAO’s cause by donating what you can.
Peace and Blessings,
Miles Simons
PAO Team

22 de junio de 2020

Mike Quinsey Message, June 19, 2020

Mike Quinsey Message, June 19, 2020

Events are moving on quite quickly but news of them rarely reaches your ears because those that dictate the course of humankind are so secretive about their actions. Sometimes it is necessary for their protection, but as the Illuminati are slowly being set back by the Alliance their influence is considerably weakening. At the same time many of their members engaged in negative activities are being arrested for crimes against Humanity. As a result they are unable to interfere with plans to remove those negative forces that jeopardize the positive work being carried out to release Humanity from the tentacles of the dark Ones. A point should soon be reached where it is possible to work openly and permanently banish them, and once again restore freedom upon Earth.
The dark Ones have no limit to their actions against those souls of the Light, who have been suppressed for so many years that progress has been put back by at least 50 years or more. However, recent actions by the Light have reached a turning point, where it may be reasonably assumed that changes for the better and upliftment of Humanity are possible. With the coming of the New Age that commenced in 2012, you were assured of success, and indeed the seeds of change have already been planted. We know that you have been very patient but once the changes go ahead it must be ensured that they are free from negative interference.  It has been no mean task to prepare matters for a trouble free period when immense progress can be made. Minor troubles are more localized and will not however affect the changes that are being lined up.
We never fail to mention that nothing of any note happens without good reason, and even happenings that seem to have no immediate benefit to you can cause a chain of events that achieve something that is necessary to keep you moving on in the right direction. Mother Nature is perhaps a good example as earth changes are often far reaching without any apparent reason, yet on reflection you will understand the purpose for them. The Earth is preparing you for beneficial changes that will result in a more pleasant environment and restore it to its prime condition.  Providing note is taken of the potential outcome you will be able to accommodate changes without being inconvenienced. Understand that over a very long period man has caused so much damage to the Earth for example with activities such as mining. So it is your responsibility to put it right although once you show willing to do so, we will be on hand to give you assistance.
You will find that your wait has been well worthwhile, and you will soon forget the trials and trauma of living in the lower vibrations. They will have served their purpose and the evolution of all souls will have benefitted from their experiences. You are greater and stronger than you have ever been and well prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. Some may care to disagree but until you can see the whole picture you cannot appreciate the extent of the Plan for Humanity. Matters are controlled from sources high above your level where the overall view is panoramic, and where it is possible to predict the future potential by seeing all of the options available. One thing is for certain that whatever choices you make Ascension will come as planned and nothing will be able to stop it.
It is such an important time with so many changes taking place and in principle they will gradually guide you onto the correct path. There is a greater plan for your salvation and many advanced beings are present to ensure you make satisfactory progress. Take the wonderful opportunity being offered to you to move out of the lower vibrations, and keep your eyes on your goal that will ensure you never have to go through the same experiences again. All is planned for your upliftment if you are prepared to focus on the path ahead and do not stray from the light. Regular meditation would be beneficial and help keep your vibrations at a high level so that you can continue evolving.
Keep your aura closed so as not to allow another person to interfere with it.  Check it often and mentally see it perfectly placed around your physical body. It is your protection at all times and for those who can see auras an indication of how healthy you are and whether you a being of Light. It can also indicate your general state of health and the onset of disease. The colours of your aura also act as an indication of your personal nature and abilities, for example one that is predominately green is a person who is more likely to live in service to others such as Nursing or any profession of that nature. Obviously the colours of the aura also indicate those souls who are negative by nature, shown when the colours tend to be dull and lacking light.
There is a lot more to the human being than meets the eye, and it is possible to know the potential skills they will develop that they have been born with that have purposefully been given to help them through their life plan. For many souls life may not appear to have any real purpose, but realise that even so called negative experiences are planned and usually for karmic reasons. Part of evolving is to experience those aspects of life that will enable you to overcome challenges that you have failed to meet. But be assured that once you have learned the lessons presented to you, they do not usually occur again. So from one life to another you should progress spiritually as each one is planned with that in mind, and remember that you will always be given another opportunity if at first you have failed.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

12 de junio de 2020

The enforced lockdown because of Covid19 has ensured that people have sufficient time to think about the future and what they want from life.

Mike Quinsey Message, June 12, 2020 
The enforced lockdown because of Covid19 has ensured that people have sufficient time to think about the future and what they want from life. Consequently changes are taking place that will in some instances result in those that are permanent. These had to happen to speed up your pathway to Ascension, as many souls are now ready for such advancement. There is still time to lift your vibrations to ensure you are ready to ascend as it is still some years from occurring. The exact time is not yet known but there is an indication that it will take place during 2029/2030. The changes that are coming will bring into being new and easier ways of doing things, some providing time saving with the net result that you will have more time to yourselves. There are so many advancements that have been held back from you that have long been in use by the dark Ones. Clearly they must eventually be released and once their minions have been rounded up that opportunity will arise.

We would remind you that you are still creating your own future so it is important that you remember to think positively at all times. As you evolve, your power of thought will become stronger and stronger. It is also worth reminding you that as you project your thoughts, you should express yourselves as though you had already benefitted from them. In other words by doing so you will attract more of the same, meaning that if you keep projecting negative thoughts concerning “lack” you will end up with more of the same. Some souls seem unable to understand their power of thought and attract all types of problems to themselves.  It is the “I never have any luck” person who cannot understand that it is themselves that have brought it about. However, as we have told you previously, there is only the one exception and that is karma that you may have brought upon yourself that is still to be cleared.
 Be assured that most souls on Earth at this time agreed to be present wishing to be part of the Ascension process. Many are doing their best to be ready and if you adhere to the recommendations we have given previously you have every chance of success. Certainly you have received every encouragement to follow a path that takes you to Ascension. Nearly all of you have been evolving through your experiences covering five complete cycles, with the present one being the first opportunity for all souls to ascend having passed the marker.
 There are untold benefits awaiting you including life without the interference of the dark Ones. Perhaps one of the biggest surprises will be reunion with those souls who were members or friends of your family waiting to greet you. A loss of family members is undoubtedly one of the saddest times you will have experienced upon Earth, and meeting again will be a most memorable occasion.  Any time lapse from when you last met will be of no consequence as each soul can present itself in the form you last remembered it in. There can also be souls that you have only met whilst out of the body, which experiences you may not have had any waking memories of.
 Life is tough living in a freewill Universe, but it has its rewards because when you come through it you are ready to face whatever challenges come your way. You will have come from a level where you have been pushed to your limits, and evolved at a faster rate than you would have in an easier situation. You knew fully well what you might encounter but had faith in your own ability to come through it successfully. For all of the hard times you have experienced you will have a future ahead that will give you every pleasure and satisfaction. Even on Earth you have had some exciting and fulfilling times but they will not compare with what the future holds for you.
 In your present  situation you are rapidly beginning to learn of the vastness of Space and how it is teeming with life very much like your own, and all with few exceptions are human-like. At this time, many are preparing to meet up with you offering their help and guidance into a new era. You are all admired for your confidence and determination to rise up again after reaching the depths of despair. There will be celebrations recognising your great achievement in rising up again. You have yet to look back at your journeys and experiences that will surely make you feel humble but overjoyed at your success.
 We try our best to lift you up when you encounter difficult times, as we do appreciate how much you are affected by what goes on around you. When you have needed it we have given you a boost and raised your spirits. What few souls are aware of is that often we meet with you when you are out of the body during your sleep period. So you obviously know us well, and we look forward to the time we can come together again. What you are now experiencing may seem like a dream, and it is unreal yet seems quite real when you are experiencing it. It raises the question as to what is actually real, as you probably know by now that all that exists is through the power of thought.
 There is so much for you to learn, as you might say “never a dull moment” and it will take you all of the way to being a Galactic Being.  That is way into your future, but it tells you what great potential you have, you are in reality great beings. Naturally in your present situation you are unaware of it, because at your present level you are at such a low vibration. However, that situation is rapidly changing as all of the time Mother Earth is moving into areas in Space that are of a higher vibration. Yes, having successfully passed the marker you have earned the opportunity to move into the higher vibrations and all that it entails.
 I leave you with love and blessings, and may the light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes from my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
 In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

6 de junio de 2020

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Proceeding with the Change


Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message,

5th June 2020. Mike Quinsey.

Realise that regardless of what you do upon Earth, it cannot affect the progress of the changes that are proceeding well as seen from Mother Earth’s point of view. How mankind is reacting to them will determine how easily they take place and the only way is to flow with them and be prepared so that you are not taken by surprise. Governments have a habit of waiting until changes are forced upon them, and by then find it difficult to handle them. It is apparent that there is a sense of urgency connected with the changes and it is becoming evident that your way of life has to change, otherwise you will find yourselves forced to take action, as they impinge on your normal way of life.

You have been given many indicators as to what you need to do and it does mean that big business cannot carry on as it has in the past. You cannot expect to continue evolving whilst you cling onto the old ways that are slowly proving to be inadequate for the tasks that face you. It is no good looking back and instead you must anticipate what is needed to cope with what lays ahead. We cannot tell you what to do as that must be your decision but we do nevertheless try to point you in the right direction. However, regardless of what you do Ascension will take place and rightly so for those souls who have prepared for it.

Some of you will be hoping to ascend but not feel ready at this time. You will however be likely to understand that whatever you have gained where your spiritual development is concerned, will go forward with you and give you a better start that may finally lead to a successful Ascension. We would like to see as many souls as possible make the grade, but on the other hand there is no urgency. Be assured that as always you will be helped but there is no pressure being applied, as souls develop at their own speed and in so doing are more certain of success. Clearly there is no point in moving into higher vibrations until you are completely ready.

On Earth the concerns are real regarding the present conditions that indicate hard times lay ahead, but first you must set your sights upon a sensible way to bring changes into place that will overcome the likelihood of further problems. We have often referred to the way you have been held back, and now is the time for time saving and life saving ideas to be passed onto you. Much depends on how quickly the Illuminati and their supporters can be brought to justice to answer for their crimes against the people. At this time much is happening in this respect and once they are out of the way there will be no stopping the introduction of many new innovations that will make life so much easier for you.

Remember that to some extent you attract to yourself what you focus upon and give energy to. It is therefore vital that it is all that is good and wholesome, and never upon those aspects of life that you find negative. If you can go a stage further you can live life by living in the moment and be assured that all that you need will come to you. Few will be able to live up to it as it involves a totally new way of living against an orderly life where nearly everything is planned in advance. Many will already be aware that in the higher vibrations you simply visualise/think what you want and it appears for you, so what you are doing is preparing for such a time.

Living on a make-believe world for many lives has set your mind in such a way that you expect and accept that what is around you is normal, not realising that you live in a time capsule that is keeping you in a permanent state of need and preventing you from enjoying a much better way of life. Many of your negative experiences are the result of your own actions that will involve karmic issues to be cleared. Naturally there is good karma and you attract good things to yourself. Know that what you do to others goes full circle and comes back to you in some form or another.

You cannot get away with any negative act and will certainly have karma to deal with, more likely later but sometimes instant. The system of karma is absolutely fair and in no way a punishment, but carefully arranged so that you can learn lessons from it. It may not immediately be apparent as to how you have incurred it but be sure it is necessary if you are to overcome whatever led to the necessity for it. If you still do not learn from it further karma will be incurred until you do. Such things hold up your evolutionary progress even so that every attempt will be made to help you past it.

In fact lessons are being learnt all of the time as your Guides will ensure that you progress knowing exactly what you need to advance your understanding where your spirituality is concerned. If you are by nature a gentle soul that abhors violence or anything that is negative, you will most certainly be a perfect example of how to conduct yourself and respect another soul’s life plan regardless of what it is. You have no way of knowing what has prompted that soul to have certain experiences, so it is better not to form an opinion that is perhaps a judgement based on very little facts. The higher your vibrations you are less likely to need karmic lessons, especially if you have reached a level where you understand a souls responsibility and acknowledge their God Self.

The truth is so different to what most people imagine and not helped by those who claim to know, but only have distorted and incorrect knowledge. Finding the truth can be most difficult which is why you all have Guides who do their best to get you on a path that leads to it. Yet as you have freewill they would not interfere with your choices but will help you find the correct path.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

30 de mayo de 2020

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: What is Taking Place

29th May 2020. Michael Quinsey.

The break from normal activities has given people an opportunity to have a deep look at their lives and where they are going. It is a worrying time for many, but is necessary to be able to sit quietly and contemplate your future. Few realise the true significance of what is taking place, but the circumstances reveal how unsettled the population is and how few are satisfied with their lives. This is in part due to the uncertainty of their future that is yet to be determined and there is a sense of loss of direction. It is as you might say “all in the boiling pot” and it is being laid down as you advance as you are in fact creating your future.

Peace is within your reach as World Wars are no longer an option, and there will be less and less confrontations as time progresses. Gone are the times of the Big Powers dominating the world and it has been a long journey, but now people are awakening to the pointless carnage and destruction that wars bring upon them. The truth surrounding “war” and who benefits from them will become known and you will learn that the Illuminati play both sides against each other, whilst benefitting from the sales of weaponry to both of them. The truth must come out and those responsible will answer for what at many times have been horrendous crimes against Humanity. 

Those who have a broader view and an open mind are better able to establish the truth as for anyone with anything less it will be difficult to take in the full extent of what has been taking place. Understand that the dark Ones have held sway for hundreds of years whilst building up their control of all aspects of life on Earth. You have now earned your freedom and no can take it away from you except through yourselves. The stage has been set and all that remains is for you to take charge of your lives and ensure you make the best out of the opportunities that are being presented to you. It may seem impossible to see the Light amongst all of the darkness that has shrouded the Earth and its people, but be assured that your time has come and no one will be able to prevent you from reaching Ascension.

We stress again that the changes will take time but the basis for them already exists waiting for mankind to fully awaken to the great future that beckons. Have faith and keep looking forwards and do not let anything of the lower vibrations distract you from your pathway. We are able to look ahead and see the true potential and you are well on track to be successful. Indeed, you can help the higher vibrations manifest quicker by concentrating on all that is of the Light, and know that you create your own protection by doing so. We say again that you are great Beings of Light and have yet to realise your true potential. You have sufficient to create anything that you desire so think positively and focus on what you want out of life.

Meanwhile there are still testing times to come, but knowing that in the long run all will turn out satisfactorily should enable you to cope with whatever problems arise. You will after all only be given tasks that are within your ability to handle. You need to keep going so that you do not lose the benefit from any advancement that you may have already achieved. This is not the time to lose track of your life plan although you may be sure your Guides will do their best to help you keep to it. After Ascension you will have much more independence because you will have proved that you are ready to take on much greater responsibilities.

In the future you will take on a much greater responsibility and be quite capable of handling it. You will for example be mentors to other souls following in your footsteps, and the system of those who have advanced helping others to reach the same stage, is the way evolution is continually growing. Normally a soul will decide how much they want to take on and whatever it is will ensure that progress is made. With help from those who know what you need to experience you will plan your next phase of development. So you have much to look forward to and it should inspire you for greater things.

There will always be other souls who cross your path who will benefit from your vast experience, and helping each other is very much the normal when you reach the higher dimensions. It is in every ones interest to do so, so that no one is left behind.  In reality no one is left without help although in the lower vibrations some souls seem determined to continue doing their own thing that is allowed in a freewill Universe. There are times when some souls cannot understand why God allows certain negative events to take place, possibly having forgotten or perhaps never told that they have freewill that is respected and honoured.

You never stop learning as you evolve and there are also endless opportunities on other planets and in different Universes. In your present position you have been denied so much that your evolution has been slower than it could otherwise have been. Nevertheless, you have led lives that have been specifically arranged to ensure that there are ample opportunities to progress, and remember that you are always accompanied by your Guides. They will not necessarily always be the same ones, as there are times when you need a specific Guide who has the experience to teach you what you need.

You are doing a wonderful job of bringing the Light into your dimension, in spite of the darkness that is always present and challenging it. However, the Light is stronger than ever and the dark Ones have lost the opportunity to try and overcome it, as time has run out for them.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
 Mike Quinsey.

15 de mayo de 2020

Andrew and Anna of the Magdalenes

Divine Union EraofLightdotcomHello, I am Andrew the Magdalene. I speak with my fellow travelers of the Magdalene Order. We are many who have taken the oath to serve the Mother and master the alchemical practices and arts of the divine mystery schools. We have traveled far and wide, we are seasoned followers of the way, as are you, fellow travelers currently embodied on Gaia. Gaia is undergoing a massive transition currently, which you know and are experiencing. We too were embodied during a time of massive transition and change, as the Roman Empire marched on relentlessly, which was an extremely trying time to live through. (I am seeing villages burned, conquest, endless rows of marching soldiers on cobblestoned roadways.) We have all had our own experiences with death and loss but also with life and rebirth, of personal peace in the midst of tragedy. It is the ability of a master to cultivate an inner garden of extreme bliss and inner peace. Only those who have done the deep work are able to achieve such a high vibration while within the physical form. We see this as becoming true for many of you. We see joy in your current now amidst all of the current global uncertainty and we applaud you. We celebrate you, dear friends in form. We celebrate you this day.
We Magdalenes are a simple, peaceful order. We lived simply, eating only what grew from the Mother’s bountiful fields. Both men and women were equally cherished, roles of governing were split, duties were shared. Love was ripe in our communities. The children were to be cherished by all. Such simplicity of bounty and all good things we see in your very near futures. We wish to impart these images of hope for we too know what it was like to be on the run, to be in the in-between space from lack into plenty. For much of our lives were spent hidden in secret. We knew the alchemical ways to keep ourselves hidden and under the radar from the prying eyes of the Romans, whose spies were everywhere. It was much like your big brother situation. Ears and eyes were everywhere, in the walls we felt at times. We could summon the elements and shroud our villages with mist. We could become invisible by obscuring our surrounding energy fields. With such power comes great responsibility. It was not to be misused and so the mystery schools were of great importance in keeping the Christed and Sophia codes alive where we could all cultivate our inner mastery more fully and completely. Many of us took vows of silence for a time to cultivate these energies more fully. We are delighted to see that the Ley lines that we assisted to cultivate are humming nicely now. Gaia is alive with light. From our vantage point we see with great tears of joy. For we see much work of our own doing in days gone by as finally coming into fruition. Many of us are embodied and if you feel akin to us perhaps we are extensions of you. (I am seeing a grand reunion of an entire village welcoming a weary traveler, who is their own, great celebrations, great joy. I am seeing Yeshua surrounded by children, there is much shouting with joy). We welcome you home, dear friends of the way.
I am Andrew. Contrary to popular belief, there were of course equally many Magdalene men and we were the backbone of the Magdalene society – while the women were the arms and legs and everything else. (There is much laughter and chiding). No. We worked as one unit. Truly this equality, this divine inner circle of infinity that keeps continuing, this is the balance that is to come for the people of Gaia on her form in this now. Gaia is birthing. You are experiencing and being witness to the birth pangs. We men cultivated the fields, we planted the seed. The women gave birth to the new, as is now occurring. We are delighted to see that the family is being more focused on in this time of your quarantine. We encourage you to build your family ties and units with great intention. Children are the future of Nova Gaia. The adults are the future elders of the way. Many of us will be returning as infants eager to be birthed into the new land. Some of us are the seasoned travelers currently embodied, eager to be welcomed home. I am Andrew. Perhaps I should give the women a chance to speak, although I fear this may be a lengthy message! (Laughter ensues).
I am your Grandmother Anna. Children of my heart, I see you. I know you. I love you. I am you, for my genetic lineage brims with light all across Gaia. I lived such a long life, I had many children! The Christ dances with the Sophia, divine union. This we see. The music is playing. The new earth rises. A new day dawns. Such was prophesied in my day, and it is coming into fulfillment. The Christ beacons you home. But children, it is the inner home of the inner peace of the inner way. It is a very small door that only you can pass through. For it is the door within your own heart, a portal to the higher dimensional ways. It is too small for grief and fear to fit. You must drop them by the wayside. There is only room for your true, raw, authentic Christed form. All of the burdens may be dropped now. Now is the moment of faith, of peace, of renewal. Of trust, yes. Trust in the divinity of unified planning and divine protection. Trust and faith. May they surround you as a garment of light.
I am your Grandmother Anna. I speak for the divine feminine in this now. You are all my precious children for you love the light. I see this in your eyes, I see the divine Mother looking through you, looking above you, and looking all around you as a mighty clear diamond shield, completely protecting you. Invoke her protection. Invite all of the blessings of the universe already offered on your behalf to encoat you with light, with love, with sound mind, with protection, and with deep heart healing.
I am Grandmother Anna. I touch your heart. I kiss your brow. I smooth your forehead. There now. It’s all right. You are so loved. Not much longer. The light rises. The dawn is here. Truly. It is a new day. Feel the light, feel the codes, dance the dance, sing the song of the new creation and be at peace. We are the Magdalenes. We love you.
» Shared per request » Channel: Galaxygirl

10 de mayo de 2020

A Clear Channel by the Arcturians

We, the Arcturians greet you in love and truth, we wish to highlight the importance of maintaining a pure and clear channel at this time of ascension. We have created some key areas of focus to assist you in experiencing and energising a clear channel within your being.
Your channel is your connection to the Creator and the Universe of the Creator, it allows the Creator’s energies to flow through you while also influencing your entire being. When you create the perfect conditions for your channel to thrive and achieve all it needs to you, a deep awakening will take place within your being, allowing you to become more aware of your channel and its positive presence in your life.
Please accept and receive our insights to support your awareness of your clear channel within your being.
1. Release Who You Are Being
During this stage of ascension on the Earth, not everything you are experiencing within your being is necessarily who you truly are. Numerous energies, moods, habits, ideas, beliefs, and thought processes are emerging from or through your being to be recognised, healed, and released. It can be a confusing and intense time as you may begin to question who you are and become overwhelmed by fear or negativity. This may be completely different from your normal outlook. As the Earth moves through Multi-Dimensional Shifts, fear, negativity, and old habits are rising to be acknowledged and released. It is so important to realise that most of what you are experiencing on the Earth within your being now is present to be cleansed, healed, and eternally released. Therefore, try not to give too much energy to your emotions, thoughts, and habits of a negative or limiting vibration. Recognising an emotion, thought or habit is the key, realising there is a reason for its presence, there is something for you to acknowledge or learn. Realise you are acting or reacting this way because of a wound or stagnant energy that is now requesting to be released.
First ask, what message do I need to acknowledge due to your presence?
Then, how best can I liberate myself and be free from this energy?
You may not receive the understanding straight away; it may dawn with time. When you and the energy are ready to shift then the liberation will take place.
Then you may ask yourself, who am I being in the moment and who do I choose to be?
This question will support you in accessing the truth and clarity within your being, create intentions of qualities you wish to embody.
Remember that who you are being in your reality is not always your truth.
2. Cleanse Your Body and Energy Systems Daily
The Crystalline vibrations, light frequencies, and sounds are being gifted and reminded to you now as a gentle and yet powerful way of purifying and cleansing your being. With so much upheaval and uncertainty on the Earth, as well as the rising of fear, to be embodied and released, cleansing your being is essential in order to remain balanced. When you cleanse your being you also release all outside influences from the world around you which may be lowering your vibration. A daily practice of cleansing your body and energy systems will not only positively influence your mind, body, and emotions, it will purify your connection with the Creator through your channel, ensuring you receive the necessary light and inspiration.
‘I call upon the Crystalline Vibrations, Light Frequencies and Sounds appropriate for my being to cleanse, purify, and heal my entire body and energy systems. May all that no longer serves me, or my ascension pathway be cleansed and released. Leaving my being glowing with pure Crystalline Vibrations. Thank you.’
3. Connect To Higher Vibrations of Light Each Day
We, the Arcturians, invite you to ask and hold the intention of connecting with higher vibrations of light within your being, surroundings, and the Creator each day. Thus, each day you will open yourself up to receive and connect with quicker vibrations of light, love, and truth which will serve your ascension and awakening, maintaining a centred grounding in a growing vibration of light. As your light vibration develops and is empowered each day so new skills, wisdom, abilities, and insights will be stimulated from within your being. Improvements in your health and well-being will also manifest.
4. Energetically Cleanse Your Surroundings
Choosing to energetically cleanse your home, workspace, surroundings, and anywhere you choose to reside will ensure you remain in a space of clarity, positivity, and love. it will also assist in supporting those around you and even Mother Earth in remaining in the light of the Creator. When your surroundings are cleansed you automatically feel balanced, supported, and able to relax deeper into the truth of your being. During this period of ascension cleansing, your surroundings is a must. It allows you to be aware of how outside energies can influence your being and compromise your clarity.
Practicing this process frequently will enhance your awareness of the presence of different energies in different areas you exist. If cleansing of certain surroundings is not possible then you will be able to remove yourself with knowledge and understanding.
‘I invite my Team of Guides and Angels to support a deep cleansing and purification of my surroundings now. Please dissolve any energies, vibrations, thought systems, and blockages which lower the vibration of the space for me and others. May my surroundings be enthused with pure love, light, and truth, creating a sacred space for me and all to exist in. Thank you and so it is.’
5. Choose Your Alignments and Connections
Within your being your Channel is constantly drawing light through your being from the Creator. This is a natural and important part of your existence as a spiritual being in a physical body. While your soul will attract all the light vibrations, waves, and frequencies you require, you have the divine right to call upon or anchor certain alignments and connections you feel a resonance with. Examples of energy connections are Angelic or Arch-angelic Beings, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, Elementals, Goddess Beings, Planets, Stars, Rays of Light, Dimensions, and Qualities of the Creator. You simply need to state your request and intention to be aligned and connected to a certain energy, then take time to experience the process, accessing any new understandings which may dawn.
We, the Arcturians, believe there is a need to choose your alignments and connections in your physical reality as well. Examine whether the people, situations, surroundings, creations, and opinions of others serve you and are beneficial for you to be connected with and experience energy from. You have a choice as to your alignments and connections; these influence the clarity of your being and channel.
(Natalie has Channeled a book that explains about the rays of light entitled 'A Guide to the Rays of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy'. Purchase through my website and you will receive the first 6 Ray Meditations FREE)
6. Be An Expressive Force In The World
Ensure you allow your energy to radiate and shine from your being into the world around you. Not only will this maintain your health and well-being, it will strengthen your energy field and allow a greater capacity for light within your being. Your expressive energy will assist those around you, creating a continuous flow of service allowing the Creator to be present.
7. Choose Your Focus
Where you place your focus is essential to the reality you experience and create. In truth, there is no more we need to state, your focus is a powerful force within everything you are, create, and experience.
8. Explore Within
When you take time to meditate or sit quietly you create an opportunity to explore and discover the universe of the Creator which resides within you. Everything you could possibly want or require is available to you and can be accessed through your being. The more you become accustomed to the energies within your being, the more you will know and understand your truth, purpose , and Creator relationship. Becoming accustomed to the reality within your being will advance your ascension more than anything else. It will ensure you are aware of the energies flowing through your channel and being expressed through your being.
Simply take time to focus on your breathing as you request to explore the Creator’s presence and Universe within your being.
9. Trust In Your Truth
Your truth will be experienced, expressed, and acknowledged differently by you than by others. It is essential you trust in your own interpretation and understanding of your truth. Trusting in your intuition and inner guidance will empower your being, creating confidence, faith, and a feeling of being supported. You are trusting in the presence of the Creator within you, which is a powerful and pure force of light and love. You are being asked to trust in your own expression of the Creator, without judgment or doubt.
In practicing these key techniques, we, the Arcturians, believe you will be supported to experience and be a clear channel of the Creator. This is completely needed and necessary now on the Earth for yourself and others. Existing as a clear channel means you will not be influenced by outside energies and upheaval on the Earth, remaining centred on your pathway and in your own energies.
With eternal support,

7 de mayo de 2020

message and interpretation from the pleiades

Patricia V YaBas    Joan Ashtar 

publication of the pleiades 
interpretation of  Patricia V YaBas and Joan Ashtar 

original publication 
Masked, do not breathe in the midst of suffocation ...
Realities are not sustained, The improbable kings arrive for proper occupations ... The current failures disintegrate ... The angelics come and stay ...
publication and interpretation by  Patricia V YaBas

Masked, not breathing in the midst of suffocation ...
Of course, masks produce epoxy

Realities are not sustained,
does it also refer to the dissolution of clones?
The improbable Kings come for proper occupations ...
The star seeds will occupy their rightful places?
The current failures disintegrate ...
This refers to the fall of the matrix?
The angelics come and stay ...
Are the angels and archangels already with us to do battle?
I hope I'm not wrong on those points. publication and interpretation of Joan Ashtar together with that of Patricia V YaBas

Masked, do not breathe in the midst of suffocation ...
Of course, the masks produce epoxy.
The masked does not breathe in the middle of the axphyse. Carbon dioxide is lethal in the human body, when you press it and retain it in the mask, it returns to us through contact with it and through our breathing .

Realities are not sustained,
does it also refer to the dissolution of clones?
The realities are not sustained, in addition to uncovering the Clones, also corrupt journalists
The improbable Kings arrive for appropriate occupations ...
The star seeds will occupy their rightful positions?
Unlikely kings arrive for proper occupations. Star seeds will take their place and it is already decided which seeds will be responsible for replacing all the rulers of the planet.
The current failures disintegrate ...
This refers to the fall of the matrix?
Current faults disintegrates refers to the dissolution of the matrix and the entire current system i cut in 3D
Angelic come and stay ...
S on the angels and archangels who are already with us to give battle?
Los Angeles and archangels come and quexa to help us in the battle, I will only comment that they come more and more to attract light and eliminate darkness

*** © misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author, as the source thereof, and including this URL  and the Copyright notice ***

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...