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25 July 2020---" What happened during medical insulation and life stops under the pretext of Corona!

---" Thanks to Trump, Putin, the White Dragon community and all Earth teams worldwide:

---- The Vatican was emptied and the bishops who worship Satan were secretly arrested and had a ritual murder of children in church slaughter and insulation of the reptile pope!

---"- Buckingham Palace in London has been emptied from the crawling family known as Windsor and hundreds of forensic researchers have hundreds of evidence of brutal crimes taking place in this palace...

---" The Queen of Reptiles, Elizabeth, was isolated, prepared for trial, and the British throne returned to the rightful King John III, the heir to the throne of Christ on earth....

---"- Mafia bosses working under the Vatican wing were arrested and emptied all Vatican bank data, who used to receive suspected money to be shared by the gang and paid millions of dollars to every ruler who was named in each country as bribe of obedience!...

---"- The Khazri Federal Bank, which controlled the country's economy and owned all central banks in all countries, was nationalized and its owners were the Rothschild and Rockefeller family.

---"- The fake petrodollar turned into a real currency, supported by a golden cover...

Secret military tunnels were made in the United States and worldwide, release children and babies prepared for the murder, arresting forces present in all tunnels and releasing more than half of
A million children, many of whom were dead....

---" Tens of thousands of women and children have been released worldwide from the white slave trade, on which intelligence services were located in large countries...

---"- Now the truth of intelligence is known as Q revealed
And the fact that John F. Kennedy Jr. is his founder...

---"- And that the Nesara Act is launched in a large group of countries, most of which are Africans....

---" The increase in Iraqi dinar in your country is striking to ten dollars....

* And surprises keep going ' the next few days!****

----" Many thanks to the community of the white dragon that implemented the agenda of the 144,000 gods of Venus that are in the Bible, of which 142,000 are in a human body and the rest are on ships...

Warrior of the light












***©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that its integrity is respected and that the author is acknowledged. The source of the publication includes this URL and the copyright notice ***



 (A Mr.Ed Inspired Video) :)

Date: Tuesday, 14-Aug-2018 20:13:43

Source: Rumor Mill News | By Mr.Ed

Published on Aug 14, 2018

* NOTE by Mr.Ed - I will take credit for this video as I am the other party in this video he mentions. I will also repost an article I put together about 4 years ago on the Chimera Group. 

My long time friend Ron Van Dyke was expressing his doubt in Trump being a good guy with us in mind so I was giving him a bit of a hard time over it. I didn't know it would go watch for the Chimera Group repost and do you part for disclosure and send it to your social media so the people can see who is the real enemy of mankind on earth.

The Paradoxman asks:

Is Donald Trump actually draining the swamp as he promised in so many speeches leading up to and following his election? One of my long-time friends emailed me: “So if you don't trust Trump ... it means you would rather have Hillary in his place? That was the only 2 to pick from. How about a little support for our president?” I watch quite a few videos every day and have Ivona Reader read many articles I get for my review. The “Deep State” criminal operation that has been building the swamp for decades definitely needs draining. It’s waters are murky and polluted. If the thousands of criminal indictments succeed in having primary players in the government corruption scandal brought to trial publicly, then I will know that Trump’s rhetoric is backed by tangible evidence, unlike his predecessor. My friend also wrote: “It is the Chimera Group ET race that rules this planet ... and have for a very long time. They are the ones who fucked with our creation that our creator created for us. They are the ones who went into the reincarnation process and made it so we can no longer ascend up and out of here. They have turned this school of experience and learning into a prison planet.”


QAnon Unmasks Britain as State Actor that Interfered in US Presidential Election

The military intelligence source QAnon has dropped another bombshell with the latest round of leaked classified information, which has been released with the tacit approval of the Trump White House. QAnon has revealed that contrary to popular perception and an ongoing criminal investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it was senior government officials from the United Kingdom, rather than Russia, that interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.
QAnon has in previous articles been shown to be linked to a faction of U.S. military intelligence that recruited Trump to run for the U.S. Presidency in 2015. While the Deep State has leaking classified information to destabilize the Trump administration, Trump has responded in kind by authorizing QAnon to leak classified information that exposes the Deep State and its nefarious global activities.
On July 25 (post 1700), QAnon released the bombshell information by first posing a leading question and then went on to list different mechanisms by which this interference was attempted:
What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election?
Data collection.
Creation of fake intel dossier using ex spy.
Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election. Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election.
What makes the scenario described by QAnon plausible is the nature of the Five Eyes agreement which makes it possible for the United Kingdom to gather intelligence on U.S. citizens and organizations, and then pass this on to U.S. officials. This practice is widely known as the means by which Five Eyes countries (U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) routinely circumvent domestic laws preventing intelligence agencies spying on their own national citizens without due legal process.
While the Five Eyes agreement makes it possible for information gathered by partner intelligence agencies to be shared through official channels, QAnon has revealed that this sharing can also be achieved unofficially. QAnon has pointed out that former government officials with the right security clearance, can get access to intelligence information when traveling to another Five Eyes country, and no official record is kept.
On May 8 (post 1320), QAnon referred to Hillary Clinton traveling to New Zealand and gaining access to U.S. Intelligence files through the Five Eyes system.
Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.
Former or serving officials can subsequently share or leak this information through unofficial means, as Congressman Devin Nunes discovered when reviewing intelligence data used to launch the FBI investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign:
Normally, intelligence passed on from a member of the “Five Eyes” alliance — Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K., and the U.S. — to another member comes through an official channel for intelligence sharing.
However, Nunes, upon reviewing the document that formally launched the FBI’s investigation, said there was no intelligence shared through that official channel, meaning that the intelligence was shared through unofficial means.
QAnon is revealing that a number of US officials traveled to Britain to get access to Five Eyes intelligence information on the Trump Presidential campaign, which was then used to sabotage his campaign through a contrived narrative of Trump being secretly manipulated by Russia. This is consistent with what is known about the Christopher Steele Dossier which was produced through collaboration between elements of the British intelligence community and Obama administration officials.
QAnon listed some of the 32 U.S. officials that were part of this collective effort to derail the 2016 election regardless of the will of American voters:
  1. [Peter Strozk]
    LP. [Lisa Page]
    No Name. [John McCain]
    [James] Clapper.
    [John] Brennan.
    [Susan] Rice.
    LL. [Loretta Lynch] 
    HRC. [Hillary Rodham Clinton]
    BC. [Bill Clinton]
    Hussein. [President Obama]
QAnon has pointed out in particular that trips to London by John McCain, Peter Strozk and Lisa Page were done in order to gain intelligence data on the Trump campaign through the Five Eyes system, without leaving a paper trail.
It is more than coincidental that on July 23, two days prior to QAnon’s above post, it was announced at a White House Press Conference that several former Obama administration officials, several of whom QAnon included in the above list, may have their security clearances revoked:
Sanders said the administration is reviewing clearances for former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director director James Comey, former national intelligence director James Clapper, former CIA director Michael Hayden, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe.
What gives plausibility to the above list of officials is the recent admission by James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, that President Obama authorized spying on the Trump Presidential campaign to investigate Russian collusion claims.
QAnon went on to describe how the Obama administration, along with the British government, actively colluded in framing Russia:
What if intel masked penetration(s) to frame Russia?
SR. [Seth Rich]
JA. [Julian Assange]
Why does the UK gov desperately want JA?
Think source files.
The more you know.
QAnon is here referring to Julian Assange’s knowledge that Seth Rich had access to Democratic National Committee servers, and was the real source for the files that were passed on to Wikileaks, not Russia as recently claimed by the Mueller indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers
Clearly these are explosive claims, some of which are currently being investigated by U.S. Attorney John Huber with the assistance of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice. It is not known when Huber and the Inspector General will release their findings and begin prosecutions of those that have identified in thousands of sealed indictments.
However, what QAnon’s information does clearly reveal is the thinking behind the Trump administration when it comes to dealing with historic allies such as the United Kingdom, who Trump and his military intelligence advisors believe played a key role in manufacturing the Russia collusion claims to subvert his Presidency.
QAnon’s revelation helps explain Trump’s unprecedented recent intervention in British politics where he supported a hard Brexit strategy for leaving the European Union, and undermined Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit policy. More startling was Trump’s endorsement of former British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, who the President said would make an excellent Prime Minister.
Perhaps even more telling was Trump’s behavior when meeting with Queen Elizabeth II. He broke Royal protocols in a manner that led some to claim that the Deep State/International Cabal was signaling its surrender to Trump.
It has long been known that Britain is a key player in the Deep State through its powerful financial institutions based in the City of London. One of the key figures in the City of London is Baron Jacob Rothschild who is the fourth Rothschild to gain the hereditary peerage established by Queen Victoria in 1885.
According to QAnon, the Rothschild family controls world wide assets of over two trillion U.S. dollars and forms the occult leadership of the Deep State, which actively practices Satanism and performs child sacrifices. The Deep State compromises aspiring politicians through pedophilia as documented in books such as The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska (1992) by a former State Senator for Nebraska, John DeCamp.
Therefore, it is very feasible that Deep State elements of the British establishment did set out to undermine the Trump Presidential campaign through manufactured evidence of Russian collusion, which was approved by President Obama and pursued by multiple officials in his administration as QAnon claims. The disturbing conclusion that emerges is that British government officials, rather than Russian intelligence officers, are most responsible for interfering in the U.S. Presidential process by contriving evidence and leaking classified information through the Five Eyes agreement.  
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice



Pedophiliac, Satanic N.W.O & Perhaps in the Nick of Time !

George Soros says he is alarmed and frustrated at the speed in which President Trump is dismantling the New World Order.

Speaking exclusively to the Washington Post, the billionaire globalist admits he regrets not foreseeing Trump’s meteoric rise to power.

Fearful that Trump “is willing to destroy the world”, Soros has vowed to “redouble [his] efforts” in pouring millions of dollars into opposing everything Trump stands for. reports: While the Hungarian-American might come off as full of doom and gloom in his interview, he actually has a reason to feel that way because Trump has single-handedly presided over the dismantlement of the Liberal-Globalist world order that Soros has worked for decades to build, destroying the old paradigm of Trans-Atlantic relations in a simple spree of tweets and presiding over the return of Christian morals, ethics, and values in American society, ideas that are absolutely anathema to the atheist billionaire.

From Soros’ perspective, Trump is indeed destroying the world, albeit not in the apocalyptic sense like he’s implying but in the ideological one of pioneering a completely new world order than the one that the President inherited.

Obama, who can be regarded as Soros’ surrogate in the White House, worked towards building a world where the US bows before the authority of the UN on many (but crucially, not all) key issues such as climate change and sustainable development agendas, heralding in a new multilateralism that would have moved International Relations closer to a so-called “one world government”, albeit one that would still be largely under indirect American influence.

Concurrent with this, the Obama-Soros vision was to have the media attack all of their opponents as “racist, fascist, white supremacists” for daring to think that the future might be different, but then all of a sudden Trump came along and committed to undoing their legacy. Continue reading at:



Once-banned videos now starting to appear on… prepare for massive attacks against Mike Adams and the entire platform

Image: Once-banned videos now starting to appear on… prepare for massive attacks against Mike Adams and the entire platform

(Natural News) Heads up, folks: Once-banned videos that were blacklisted on YouTube are now starting to appear on (see stunning example below).

This means the establishment is going to go into “attack overdrive” to try to discredit me as well as the entire platform. You should expect to see every aggressive, malicious attempt ramped up in an effort to smear and everyone involved in the project. Remember: The more they attack, the more they are revealing the importance of the information found on

Explosive Sandy Hook video banned by YouTube now available on

Now, thanks to a channel called News Paradigm, the world is able to see an explosive Sandy Hook video that was systematically banned by YouTube. This video describes the totally fake, bogus “FBI sniper” — actually a crisis actor who also played a grieving parent. We do not know the originator of this video — or the identity of the narration voice you hear — but would be happy to credit that person if they contact us.

The video describes how elements of the Sandy Hook school shooting strategy were utterly and completely faked and staged as a form of elaborate theater for the news cameras. This doesn’t mean children didn’t actually die at Sandy Hook; it just means that the real violence was clearly augmented with fake actors to hype up the story and add theatrical elements. As I’ve explained before, “The violence is real. The narrative is fake.”

This stunning video explains that a crisis actor named David Wheeler played the role of a “sloppy sniper” FBI sniper, who walked around with the muzzle of his gun pointing in random directions, carrying the sniper rifle by the magazine, indicating to every intelligent person that this individual had no actual experience whatsoever with sniper rifles. He was a stupid, sloppy actor wearing a costume for the TV cameras. He was also an actor in another low-budget film, but his most famous role to date is playing “David Wheeler” and the FBI “sloppy sniper” at the same time, this video explains. (CNN thinks the public is so stupid that they hoped no one would notice.)

According to the video, Wheeler also played the role of a grieving parent, and he testified before Congress as a tear-filled parent. His role in the entire affair was completely fictitious. Yet YouTube, Google, Facebook, etc., have all tried to wipe this clean from the internet through systematic banning of all videos and articles related to David Wheeler and Sandy Hook. The evidence of massive fakery and fraud on the part of the Sandy Hook script writers is so convincing that every gatekeeper on the internet has waged an all-out effort to ban every video mentioning this.

It all brings up the question: If this video is just a silly conspiracy theory that no one would believe, then why the all-out effort to ban it? (Answer: Because the video is actually a piece of brilliant journalism and independent investigation that exposes the blatant fake news fraud surrounding Sandy Hook events where the violence was real, but the news was faked / staged.)

Whether you agree with this video’s conclusions or not, the fact that it was aggressively banned demonstrates exactly why we need and other independent platforms of free speech that are not monopolized by Google and other evil internet gatekeepers. See more videos every hour at Also, be ready for a wave of malicious lies, fake news and false accusations against myself,, Natural News and other independent media websites. The only tactic the lying establishment has remaining is to try to smear the very people telling the truth and keeping the public informed.

Watch the full Sandy Hook / David Wheeler video here, and share the following URL to spread the word:


Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination by EraOfLight vaccines kill

Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination

by EraOfLight
vaccines kill
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.

Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball.

Massachusetts Senator and big spender, Ed Markey, has introduced a bill that would shovel no less than a billion dollars toward the universal flu-vaccine project.

Here is a sentence from an NIAID press release that mentions one of several research approaches:
“NIAID Vaccine Research Center scientists have initiated Phase 1/2 studies of a universal flu vaccine strategy that includes an investigational DNA-based vaccine (called a DNA ‘prime’)…”

This is quite troubling, if you know what the phrase “DNA vaccine” means. It refers to what the experts are touting as the next generation of immunizations.

Instead of injecting a piece of a virus into a person, in order to stimulate the immune system, synthesized genes would be shot into the body. This isn’t traditional vaccination anymore. It’s gene therapy.
In any such method, where genes are edited, deleted, added, no matter what the pros say, there are always “unintended consequences,” to use their polite phrase. The ripple effects scramble the genetic structure in numerous unknown ways.

Here is the inconvenient truth about DNA vaccines— They will permanently alter your DNA

The reference is the New York Times, 3/15/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research—the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction:
“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”

“’The sky’s the limit,’ said Michael Farzan, an immunologist at Scripps and lead author of the new study.”

“The first human trial based on this strategy — called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. — is underway, and several new ones are planned.” [That was three years ago.]

“I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.”

Here is the punchline: “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”

Read that again: “the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.”
Alteration of the human genetic makeup.

Not just a “visit.” Permanent residence. And once a person’s DNA is changed, he will live with that change—and all the ripple effects in his genetic makeup—for the rest of his life.

The Times article taps Dr. David Baltimore for an opinion:
“Still, Dr. Baltimore says that he envisions that some people might be leery of a vaccination strategy that means altering their own DNA, even if it prevents a potentially fatal disease.”

Yes, some people might be leery. If they have two or three working brain cells.

This is genetic roulette with a loaded gun. Anyone and everyone on Earth injected with a DNA vaccine will undergo permanent and unknown genetic changes…

And the further implications are clear. Vaccines can be used as a cover for the injections of any and all genes, whose actual purpose is re-engineering humans in far-reaching ways.

The emergence of this Frankenstein technology is paralleled by a shrill push to mandate vaccines, across the board, for both children and adults. The pressure and propaganda are planet-wide.

The freedom and the right to refuse vaccines has always been vital. It is more vital than ever now.

It means the right to preserve your inherent DNA.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.


Very good information to read and share - Jared Rand * Part 3-The coasts around the planet will suffer an increase in water level will not be a cataclysm nor will they be big situations that cause fear | Tuesday, May 15, 2018 

very good information to read and share !! 

Jared Rand third (Called surprise Billie / Zaraya !!)

We want to reach the ego thing of the past. 

Once you acquire everything they need no longer be imperative that we are constantly vigilant to buy, buy and buy ... though, of course, some will continue with that mentality. 

We need to change the way you see things. 

People have been trained to think that one is for what you have and based on fear, self programmed and acquired the habit of giving much value to material and often unnecessarily.

-Most banks, once you deposit them, bankers hijack your money and invest it in the stock market and do business that generate much profit. One has absolutely no protection against fraudulent activities that these private entities can do. They have full control over your money and on your person. Know your phone number, your document, address, date of birth, where you work, how much money cobras and you, your investments, everything ... did see that belonging to a bank was for our convenience and is quite the opposite.

-Everything is controlled. There is no one single movement that human beings do, other than controlled. Nobody has a 100% privacy. The technology was used in our cell contra.Los, tablets, computers and televisions were created to spy on every move anyone makes in their daily lives. All conversations, messages, emails, photos uploaded on social networks, your videos and your family, or mentioning where you are at that moment, you're looking at Google, which purchases online, the videos you watch YouTube, etc. We are under constant control. Therefore, has not made them difficult to steal children, jovencit @ s, Killing those who were exposing too much information that did not suit them you know. That spy system through technology was created by the CIA and unfortunately, people have fallen into the trap. They put their lives on social networks innocently sharing their activities and their lives when in reality they themselves have facilitated the work of these malicious beings.
 -GAIA (Mother Earth) MUST release all negative energy and also pass through a process of enlargement. It will extend the size 1/3 has but only on the surface. We were on a timeline based on all the accumulated negativity that corresponded to the destruction of the planet. We have now moved to another timeline based on the high vibrations that we have on the planet at this time and geographical "change" will not be as destructive as previously predicted.

The coasts around the planet will suffer an increase in water level, therefore, they will have flooding in those areas. If you live near the coast, such as prevention, they could seek to move to another higher area. Volcanic activities will continue and earthquakes and openings that are made on the floor as been seeing or revealing. 
 All this is due to the process that Gaia is intended. 

It will not be a cataclysm not going to be great situations that cause terror. Meditate daily and connect with Mother Nature sending her love for the process of "re-birth" of the new Gaia is more subtle.
Artificial -Intelligence used to check: The chemtrails sprayed in heaven were created to eliminate different chemicals remain diseased organisms both humans, as animals and plants.Towers for cellular antennas are much more than eso.Emiten micro waves acting on the brain deteriorándolos little poco.El use of cell phones, computers and televisions is very bad for health because they emit these waves absorbed by constantemente.Son the body and make this go sick with time.The computers, cell phones and televisions are turned off even have a camera system with microphone that allows them to see and hear everything that happens in your home within 24 hours. TVs that are called SMART TV or Smart TV have all this technology included in them.

People do not understand the seriousness of what is happening. They have taken away the freedom that God has given them. EGO many, it makes living in a constant competition to have the latest technology that came on the market without realizing the great harm that this causes for themselves. Once you know this information, you are in the guard of this invasion or remain part of the system. 

I do not believe if you do not want, look on theinternet that is the Artificial Intelligence and will find a lot of information that will surprise you .Have the habit of searching the Internet any information that creates lying or are not sure to be true. Today habemos many bringing this information because we are on a mission to help others to open consciousness.
It -in currently being processed liquidation of large sums of money to all countries to help its economy. Prosperity packages are to be distributed to all go. Good faction governments have the money already in their possession but still can not be used as the "cleansing" of corrupt bankers still stands. 

There are thousands being arrested daily and if the information made known once the world 'speople fall into a very difficult stress control and we need a global emotional destabilization.
We have installed a Hercules banking system parallel to this where within seconds is detected who are those who steal or divert money and automatically get arrested. Many years living under their control that has exponentially expanded the process of liberation of the planet in all its forms.
It's going to take a while to adapt, once was mencione- for all countries with a new financial system based on gold begin to enjoy and understand this new process. Hyper inflation will disappear, prices of all products are astronomical and they will recover their real value. Everything will adjust gradually. That's why they have created learning centers to inform and educate the reforms that will happen around the globe in addition to the truths of what has been going on for years that led us to that we touch bottom therefore the beings of light distributed across the globe they have signed an agreement for world Peace (G20) and began much- -from time cleaning all the dark beings who have manipulated the existence of other human beings.
There was an entity- from artificial intelligence that infiltrated our universe. It is not known where it came from It was "a creature / entity" like an octopus. Its tentacles and head were destroyed and no longer represents a danger to the Earth. This entity like a virus infested other universes like this. For that reason the Anunnaki and other these- -the dark faction came to this planet to work with this organization Artificial Intelligence to keep the human race under this bondage. They contacted some humans much technology promising among other things to change of power in the entire planet. 
Everything that has to do with entertainment, universities, public schools, media, food, medicine, etc; They are controlled by them.

They used an advanced technology called: the "time machine" going to the past to change the future of this planet. They changed the timelines.The different realities that are presented in different parallel universes we have.
-called surprise BILLIE / Zaraya answering the question from a listener: Agartha is an intra-earthly city in the earth's crust and is beautiful.Hollow Earth is more beautiful still. That's where I was born! No need to worry about the weather.There are mountains, valleys, oceans. Nothing that looks and suffers here on surface exists there.It's a totally different world where many people who lived on the surface, and simply disappeared because they preferred to go live in the Hollow Earth. They all live in harmony, peace and love between people, animals and Mother Nature. Why animals like a shark, for example, when you find the way to reach the waters of the Hollow Earth, it is automatically transformed into a being of love and loses all desire to eat meat or harm another being. All they are arriving there,instantly become sixth dimension. They have a higher consciousness and understand that it is not necessary to harm another being that we are all brothers. Here, on the surface, something happened that is going to surprise a lot. The president of North Korea, was the picture of my father. At first he did not care but when he took it in his hands and looked at her, burst into tears.LOVE the picture of my father issues, she led him to change his attitude and make peace with South Korea. In addition, the image serves to raise the vibration and purify food products. He received the picture of my father. At first he did not care but when he took it in his hands and looked at her, burst into tears. LOVE the picture of my father issues, she led him to change his attitude and make peace with South Korea. In addition, the image serves to raise the vibration and purify food products. He received the picture of my father. At first he did not care but when he took it in his hands and looked at her, burst into tears.LOVE the picture of my father issues, she led him to change his attitude and make peace with South Korea. In addition, the image serves to raise the vibration and purify food products.

 (Note:.. People were impressed with the comment Zaraya and asked very excited where they could get the picture of God the Father Zaraya added that created a medal so that people can use all the time can be purchased from the website that they have) 

 -In a very short time, we will have economic freedom that always should have had. Money was created to manipulate. Once you get used to it it is not necessary, because with the technology that we will begin to learn to use, we will be able tocreate everything we need. 

-have maintained as separate humanity for so long that nowadays people do not want to unite and achieve "strength" needed to fight evil.

Once you know the information is in you the responsibility to unite for the good of all. It is in the conscience and the heart of every human being, not a few. We are all committed to this. 

Let us rise to be the world we so desire. What happened you can not be changed but if we can change the future. 

Communicate with the God who is inside and create the reality that desen daily. That's the way to fight the darkness. 

As long as we anchored in its way, we will not beable to achieve the necessary changes. These meditations we are doing where every day the number grows greatly helps LIGHT wrap the planet.

The light bothers them, we know that. So we ask them not to fall into the traps of consumerism for you damaged themselves not only with technology but with food and everything that we have been warning. 

They do not argue, do not fight, do not envy, do not judge, do not lie ... change your thoughts and feelings THANK YOU , THANK YOU , THANK YOUI wish: ...... for everyone on the planet and not for themselves. Send energy of light and love to all. By the Law of Attraction, the Universe will bless us all.

They must understand the universal laws. Try itdaily and you will see how things change, as their whole life makes a positive spin for all. Ask abundance, prosperity, peace, love, harmony for all. Not only when they are in a complicated situation but also when they are well. That has to be a constant in their lives. 

ALL OUR NEED TO COMMIT TO CHANGE present and our future. It is not the work of a few. 

These few are carrying a heavy backpack when we should all be involved. 


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...