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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Russia. Mostrar todas las entradas

20 de septiembre de 2017

Khrushchev explains on Ukrainian television the historical situation of Crimea

Serguei Khrushchev

As we have already explained in another entry , in times of the USSR the Crimean peninsula was part of the Russian Federation until February 19, 1954, in Khrushchev's time, when it was transferred to Ukraine, as we have said, in an illegal way. It should also be remembered that Khrushchov, secretary general of the CPSU from 1953 to 1964, was Ukrainian and recently his son Serguei has appeared on Ukrainian television to explain that in 1954 the change in the administrative ascription of Crimea was made for economic reasons: construction of the North Crimean canal. "The Gosplan assured that it was better to build  [the canal]  under the authority of a single legal person"

, said Khrushchev on television, noting that the decision did not intervene political factors.Khrushchev's son denied the Russians that it was an attempt to cajole the Ukrainian bureaucracy, nor a gift to my mother, born in western Ukraine. "It was a structural and fair decision. And Crimea knew a rebirth. Many vineyards were planted , "he added to the cameras. Khrushchev's son is like his father: his neurons do not work like other humans. The construction of the canal began in 1961, that is to say, seven years after the peninsula was part of Ukraine.

The canal was closed definitively in 2014 and during its operation brought the water of the Dnieper river to the peninsula, that was used mainly for the irrigation of the agricultural crops. The annexation of Crimea to Russia has been rejected by most countries of the world, although it was widely adopted in the three consultations that have been held since the fall of the USSR in 1990. Only North Korea, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and Nicaragua voted in favor. More information:

Nikita Khrushchov with Stalin in 1936

Nikita Khrushchev with José Stalin

13 de septiembre de 2017

! Return the gold from the hand of China and the BRICS, and thus the end of the dollar and EEUU¡

During the last eclipse, called great eclipse of the US, there was much talk, including myself, what could mean this natural phenomenon for the North American country. It was said that could mean a sign of judgment for EUU as the eclipse would be visible only in that nation and, moreover, it would travel from coast to coast, from west to east. 

We all know that the Bible mentions the stars as signs of judgment, or speaks of signs in the heavens that mark certain events on earth. And as I explained in my blog, the left hand of the Creator represents the judgment, severity; but the right hand represents mercy, forgiveness. So the question is: US reach divine mercy or, on the contrary, will be tried and convicted?

On 21 August, the day of the eclipse, was the first of the month of Elul, ie, the first day of the month of repentance in the Jewish calendar, and from that day the Americans have 40 days to repent before the judgment comes home. 

30 days after starting the month of Elul begins the month of Tishri Hebrew year 5778, and comes ten days after Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) in Tishri 10 (30 September 2017). That's the term that gives the Creator to repent and get forgiveness, otherwise, judgment will fall on them.

This scheme has been repeated throughout history; That was when the prophet Jonah was sent to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh just the first of Elul, and for 40 days was in town calling to repentance, which occurred just before the 10th day of Tishri, by that God forgave the people of Nineveh because they abandoned their evil ways before it reached the day of judgment. On theother hand, as happened last August 21 in the US, so in Nineveh there was a total solar eclipse that crossed the city from side to side.

But how could the trial to the US?

As well as the recent hurricanes that have hit Texas and Florida is another mega hurricane approaching its shores, and comes direct from China; Asian Dragon.

Remember the prophecy of Revelation 12: 1-2 , which literally reads ?:

A great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars . I was pregnant. She screamed in pain, working to give birth.

She was pregnant and cried out in travail, the anguish of childbirth.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his heads seven diadems.

Here the question is who is the dragon, does China ?; and woman, is it Israel ?; what is certain is that the son is the Messiah.

But anyway, a dragon will cause great havoc in certain nations of the world, and not forget that the main ally of Israel is the US.

Perhaps China is the instrument of God to bring judgment to the US? Well , apparently it is.

Focusing on China

As I had mentioned in a previous video, it is brewing a mega global financial earthquake that has China 's epicenter; but China is not alone in this global financial reshuffling; It has as an important ally and partner in Russia and the BRICS.

Undoubtedly, the storm begins to glimpse the horizon, and will be a Category 7 that strongly hit the US economy because the financial storm is heading directly toward them.

Becomes the gold standard.

Russia and China announced during the recent meeting of BRICS held precisely in China, which launched a joint plan for global marketing of oil and gas referenced in yuans.But hang on , the most important thing is that these yuan will be convertible directly into gold through the central bank, and take as areference the price of gold on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which since last year has launched its international reference gold price quoted in yuan.

With this action Moscow and Beijing seek tooverthrow the petrodollar scheme and replace it with petro-Yuan, or petro-gold, because in fact that is. And therein lies the importance of this step taken by Russia, China and the BRICS; because with this step begins the era, or rather restored, the gold standard era.

That's right , China and Russia revive the gold standard to thereby eliminate the dollar as international reserve currency and, so, that way, ending US world hegemony anchored in the power of the dollar and military power that gives them the fact that the dollar is the world reserve currency.

The economy is repeated in cycles

As some of you know, the economy, and in general any natural or social phenomenon is repeated in cycles, cycles known as Fibonacci cycles.

So it is with the economic and financial meltdowns that every few years go, but even in this case the rule has been delayed for two years, yet the cycle repeats.

The latest financial crisis occurred in 2008, just on 29 September 2008. That day the Dow Jones fell 777 points, becoming the biggest financial collapse in history. It turns out that the September 29, 2008 corresponded to 29 Elul of 5768 in the Jewish calendar, the day known in the Bible for the release of debts.So on the last day of the last two years Shemitah (2001 and 2008), the stock market fell so that set new records, and also the two events were separated by exactly 7 years.

But what is a Shemitah?

As soon as they settled Jews in the Holy Land, they began to count and observe seven - year cycles. Each cycle culminating in a sabbatical, known as "Shemitah"; literally slow or stop.

But I repeat, this new cycle will not be a Shemitah because they already nine years since the last cycle of 7 years has coincided with a market crisis; but neither will it be a Fibonacci cycle will be one year away ; the next cycle Fibonacci since the last mega financial crisis, the year 1929 is just the year 2018, ie, 89 years after the economic downturn.

Where do they go rats?

Also as you will recall, he had promised to tell them where to go rats fleeing the sinking ship, which is nothing other than the US economy. Today is the revealed; those rats escape China.

Remember I told you that one of the first to abandon ship are the Rothschilds? Well, they abandon their investments in US assets; In other words, they abandon the dollar to bring their gold to China; Of course, not only their gold, also their money in cash, but of course no longer in dollars, are now yuan, and by theway, gold yuan, not anything like paper dollars that have no real backup but yuans yes They will have a real support, and that support is nothing less than gold.

But they did not believe the overnight; No, they have been doing it gradually, just since 2013. So, from that year was expected, or rather, already planned, the collapse of the dollar and replacing it as the world reserve currency by Chinese Yuan.

The web portal of RT on February 6, 2013 informing us of the plans that were taking place in those Rothschild times to shift a substantial proportion of its gold reserves located in the City of London and the Federal Reserve US to China. Then the average headlined:

The Rothschilds plan to redistribute gold reserves to China

's legendary Rothschild banking house is trying to redistribute global gold reserves to the Chinese market, experts say analyzing the recent activities of the family.

The note we clarified that the Rothschild family had manipulated the world gold market to artificially reduce the price and thus amass a huge amount of metal and then send it to China and other "emerging markets"; emerging markets must understand the BRICS.

Also another fact to consider is the action taken by the German government, in an act of desperation has hastily repatriate its gold reserves that were previously "saved" in the Federal Reserve of the United States, in the City of London and in Paris.

German gold

Years ago, when Germany tried to repatriate their gold from the United States, the US government notified them that would not be possible only until 2020, but somehow the Germans managed to be forcibly returned three years earlier. And they are pressured to return them before because they fear that something is about to happen, something that would make it impossible to recover their gold later.

So if we unite ends, if unroll the skein, it isclear that the elites were preparing for something really big, and that event shall epicenter China, and will have as main victim the dollar and therefore the US.

But we must not speculate, because it's an official news that China Launches Petro-Yuan through futures contracts OIL AND GAS referenced in yuans and also convertible directly into gold through the Gold Exchange Shanghai. And the first to jump on the boat China, how could it be otherwise, is Russia.That's right , during the recent meeting of BRICS was made the official announcement.

This news which means, in other words, is that the gold standard is back thanks to China and the BRICS.

The Yuan-gold is here

This moment was expected therefore talked much about it, many doubted that at some point it out to realize, but today is already a reality.

I, from my first post, in early 2013, then tried the matter and no one believed me, because practically nobody talked about it ; they madeit impossible to conceive the idea that the dollar was replaced by another currency as world reserve currency.

Many have always believed that China would never give the final step to end the dollar; but today it has become official: The Petro-Yuan, or Yuan-gold as you want to call replaces the dollar as a means of payment in international trade.

And it is that no fiat currency can never compete against gold; and gold is now in Beijing, Moscow and New Delhi.

They want to destroy the BRICS to save the dollar

The imperialists are trying to destroy the unity of the BRICS through cross - border disputes between China and India, but they will not succeed; and if the unit becomes Unbreakable BRICS, America will finish.

Many tried before and paid with their lives to do so; among them we have characters like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, among others

So if we bring together oil, gas and gold in the same formula, the collapse of the dollar is inevitable.

BRICS, EBIT and the new global financial order

Chinese proposal changes the rules of the game in an industry that is dominated by the dollar and opens new possibilities for trade and raw materials introducing payment for gold in the equation.

This new Chinese product certainly will become the benchmark for pricing oil in Asia, as China is the largest importer of oil in the world. Most of China's crude imports, which averaged about 7.6 million barrels a day in 2016, are traded on long-term contracts between major Chinese oil companies and foreign oil companies. Offers also take place between large multinational Chinese and Chinese independent refineries, and between large foreign oil and global business enterprises. All this market lose, reference oil prices, indicators such as Brent o West Texas Intermediate, both denominated in US dollars. And it would be to be negotiated with the new Chinese contract.

China's decision will also allow exporters like Russia and Iran can easily circumvent US sanctions and leave them without effect, through trade in gold convertible yuan. And hence the product can extend its use beyond these first two candidates because the yuan is fully convertible into gold in Shanghai and Hong Kong. "The rules of the global oil game can begin to change dramatically , " says Luke Gromen, founder of US macroeconomic research FFTT.

China has long wanted  to reduce the dominance of the US dollar  in commodity markets  while at the same time trying to internationalize its currency. Gold futures denominated in yuan were traded on the Shanghai Gold Exchange since April 2016 and the end of this year, Budapest can also market this product.

The dragon awakens

Another fact that confirms all these plans is the note posted on twitter by the portal means Chinese Xinhua News, which read:

"The head office of the bank of BRICS its way in Shanghai; It is expected that building 150 meters high will become a reference iconic symbol along with the Huangpu River "

This is the new BRICS bank, Banco that will replace the World Bank and the IMF in the Asia Pacific region, ie the BRICS and its partners, because basically they have the ability to build their own debt; in other words, they no longer shrink more debt with vultures World Bank and IMF, that is, with the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish banking elite, except, of course, the Rothschilds, as they continue their business in China.

Do not forget that the Asia Pacific region is currently the largest economic growth; the largest human population and, therefore, greater consumer; and likewise, has the first and third world economic powers are China and India respectively; and all this with a view to further increasing the gap with the West.No wonder the Rothschilds move their business to that region of the world.

Rothschild will drop the World Bank and the IMF to replace them by the Bank of BRICS Bank and Chinese investment in infrastructure in Asia or EBIT. They also replaced the bag of gold in London by the Shanghai Gold Exchange; and Wall Street and the City of London by the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Hong Kong. The City of London will become just a satellite of Chinese stocks.

This is the story of the century and the media have not even been aware of it.

If you want to forget about the prophecies and celestial phenomena, the Shemitah and cycles fibonassi, but still hard data indicate that the days of the dollar are numbered, and if you do not see it is because they want tosee; as the saying goes, no more blind asthose who will not see



10/18/2017 - This early date is the central committee of the Chinese ruling party meets is the deadline for the US to abide by the order that Russia and China sent "Uncle Sam" on your date recent meeting of September 4 .

According to unofficial source Russian "Faal Sorcha" , the guidelines were: stabilize the dollar and not increase the country's debt over 20 trillion dollars, which Trump has done since raised the current debt ceiling . If it does, China (and the countries that follow) will start to buy oil only in its currency and gold, which, in fact, resurface the gold standard, repealed by Nixon between 1971 and 1973.

Ultimately, the Russian sources inform Sorcha Faal fully confirm we approach the peak, (...) the value of this information comes from the Russian government, clearly including the phrase "overcome forever the petrodollar".

The most original of this approach (which curiously Venezuelan television is openly explaining) is extending the implications of these facts. Not only from 18 October the dollar ceases to be accepted in buying oil for many countries is that, since the companies and the US government (see his own army) can not be oil supplies unless they buy Chinese currency, which will accelerate the destruction of the currency.

Other relevant information (already anticipated Jim Wille months ago) is that, due to debts War Yemen, Saudi Arabia has put on sale 5% of its oil company, Aramco, being the only buyers in the market ... China and Russia. Which would explain the Saudi approach to Russia in recent weeks, which has stopped supporting terrorists in Syria and, ultimately, would leave US petrodollar ... definitely not without oil.

Conclusion: Invade Venezuela is the only solution left to them to subsist, since the allied countries such as Mexico (approaching the BRICS) and Brazil (in a deep institutional crisis) are unable to supply the North American market. Russia, China and Iran, in return, Venezuela will defend to death, because in that country the global chess game is decided.

12 de septiembre de 2017

Two Koreas–One Road: The future of cooperation between North Korea, South Korea and Russia

Vladimir Putin has proposed multilateral economic projects which would involve both Korean states and Russia.

By ADAM GARRIESeptember 7, 2017, 13:26

There is a real possibility that in spite of US attempts to resolve the Korean crisis though economic warfare and the threat of renewed military action, that a totally different approach is being taken about regional powers.
While it has received little media attention, the Eastern Economic Forum in the Russian city of Vladivostok has been the first major international event outside of tense UN meetings where representatives from North and South Korea have been present in the same room in recent years.

Moreover, the meeting has seen the presence of South Korean President Moon Jae-in who held one to one talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin who is hosting the event.
President Putin proposed joint Russian–South Korean–North Korean economic initiatives as the most positive and mutually beneficial manner to bring peace, reconciliation and increased prosperity to Korea and the wider region.
The proposals were met with the following positive response from President Moon,
“We have arranged to strengthen the base for implementing trilateral projects involving both Koreas and Russia. The projects aim at consolidating the Korean Peninsula and Russia’s Far East.
Both nations realise a free trade agreement between South Korea and the EAEU will boost cooperation not only between Moscow and Seoul but also between Russia and members of the union”.
Moon further stated that his country is in talks with Russia over purchasing liquefied natural gas from Russia as well as in discussions over further joint participation in oil exploration projects on Sakhalin island.
At the same time, North Korea’s Minister of Foreign Economic Relations Kim Young-jae held discussions with Russia’s Far East Development Minister Aleksandr Galushka on the best ways to pursue economic cooperation.
Galushka stated,
“Our Korean partners seek to develop trade and economic relations. But we drew their attention to the fact that missile and nuclear activities suppress the opportunity to develop trade and economic ties, severely damage the trade and economic aspect of our relations.
We asked them to refrain from such actions in the future, as they bring to naught the efforts of the (Russia –North Korea) intergovernmental commission”.
The Russian approach to trade with North and South Korea, something which would almost certainly involve cooperation between Pyongyang and Seoul, appears to be a far more tenable approach to the present situation than America’s proposals which are based on threatening North Korea into compromise as opposed to the Russian plan which is essentially the classic carrot and stick model. Russia seeks to use the prospect of material gain to woo North Korea into a position of de-escalation.
In many ways, the most realistic first step would be the construction of a Russia-Korean Economic Corridor which would necessarily traverse both Korean states.
With Donald Trump stating his desire to pull out of the free trade agreement between the US and South Korea, a free trade agreement between South Korea and the Eurasian Economic Union, a free trading bloc founded by Russia, could be an obvious substitute. In this sense, Donald Trump has helped to push South Korea closer to Russia on the key issue of trade.
Such a reality would necessitate overland shipping routes between South Korea and Russia, in addition to existing maritime routes. Such a land route, whether rail based, truck based or both, would have to go through North Korea.
President Putin hinted at the presence of not only a transport corridor but also of trans-Korean gas pipelines emanating from Russia. He stated that Russia is currently considering projects involving Korea that would include, “piping Russian gas to Korea, and integration of the electric grids and railway systems of Russia, South and North Korea”.
He went on to say,
“Implementation of the initiatives will not only have economic benefits, but will also contribute to strengthening trust and stability in the Korean Peninsula”.
It is obvious that the Korean Peninsula’s problems cannot be solved only with sanctions and pressure. One should not give in to emotion and drive North Korea into a corner”.
While Russia continues to call on North Korea to pause its weapons tests, Vladimir Putin has conceded that trying to get North Korea to give up its weapons in total at this point in time, is an unrealistic goal due to the examples of Libya and Iraq which were destroyed by a US invasion, one that could not be defended because neither country had a WMD deterrent.
The Russian President stated,
“They (in North Korea) view the possession of atomic weapons and missile technology as their only means of protection. Do you think they’ll give it up now?
The build-up of some military atmosphere, of hysteria, is counter-productive, in my opinion. It will lead to nothing, because what is happening now, of course, is a provocation from North Korea. This is quite obvious. They are provoking the situation, but if they are doing it, they are not stupid people, believe me. So, they expect the corresponding reaction from (their) partners, and they achieve it”.
Putin then referred to the last time Pyongyang and Washington had direct talks. In 2005, both sides were on the verge of agreeing to a nuclear deal wherein North Korea would disarm if allowed to build nuclear power stations. Washington refused the offer and tensions continued to build thereafter.
Vladimir Putin clearly saw this as a lost opportunity and without naming the part responsible for the failure of the 2005 talks,clearly blamed the US for failing to capitalise on the 2005 would-be deal.
He said,
“We almost agreed on everything in 2005. Agreements were reached, according to which North Korea assumed the obligation to curtail the nuclear missile program, and all the other participants in this process promised to contribute to this process, and spoke of the need to restore normal, good relations between the North and the South, on the possibility of implementing tripartite Russia-North-South projects.
But then, unfortunately in my opinion, someone demanded from North Korea what it did not promise, and gradually this situation deteriorated to the current level”.
Russia’s plan presents the world with a genuine opportunity to bring peace to the Korean peninsula. By capitalising on Russia’s historic good will towards the Korean people and the new economic realities which will require deeper trans-Asian cooperation, there is a golden opportunity to turn a tense Korean peninsula into one where economic cooperation could alleviate decades of tension and distrust.
China would almost certainly welcome such measures, not least because of China’s close trading relationship with Russia and the stated desire of Beijing to foster peace on the Korean peninsula.
As for the United States, if the United States was truly concerned with de-escalating Korean tensions, Washington too would support the initiatives. In reality Washington may have an interest in prolonging the situation for two reasons.
First of all, tensions in the region allow the US to promote and justify the sale of further weapons to South Korea and Japan.
Secondly, the crisis allows America to attempt and justify a perpetual military presence in a region near to China which helps complete America’s long-term strategic goal of disrupting China’s One Belt–One Road on all sides. Even Steve Bannon admitted that this was the real reason for America’s ‘concerns’ over North Korea.
In spite of America’s peculiar and somewhat open economic/logistical war with China, there is little the US could do could prohibit a tripartite economic/trading/infrastructure partnership between Russia and the two Korean states.
Such a reality is not only preferable to a state where nuclear war constantly looms, but it is a genuinely postie opportunity for all parties involved.

Secondly, the crisis allows America to attempt and justify a perpetual military presence in a region near to China which helps complete America’s long-term strategic goal of disrupting China’s One Belt–One Road on all sides. Even Steve Bannon admitted that this was the real reason for America’s ‘concerns’ over North Korea.

READ MORE: America uses North Korea as a transparent excuse for meddling in South Korea and provoking China

In spite of America’s peculiar and somewhat open economic/logistical war with China, there is little the US could do could prohibit a tripartite economic/trading/infrastructure partnership between Russia and the two Korean states.

Such a reality is not only preferable to a state where nuclear war constantly looms, but it is a genuinely postie opportunity for all parties involved.

21 de agosto de 2017

German politician: it is impossible to put Russia on his knees with "stupid penalties"

18:50 20.08.2017URL short

The German government is mistaken if he thinks that "these stupid sanctions" could bring Russia to its knees, told the newspaper Bild president leftist faction in the Bundestag, Dietmar Bartsch.

"It's absurd! Who knows Russia and remember that in the years of World War II, millions of people died there of hunger and thirst but did not give up , you can not seriously believe that these stupid penalties likely to put the country on its knees" he said .

'Thanks, Trump': why anti -Russian sanctions are positive for Russia

In his view, the restrictive measures only strengthen the authority of Vladímir Putin defended Russia's interests.

"This leads rather to the fact that people have many friends - and there - say '! So Putin is better because it allows contain Russia' , " said the German politician.

Dietmar Bartsch also responded to those who qualify to members of his party as "connoisseurs" about Putin.

"Understanding Putin means knowing the Russian language and understand the Russian mentality. There is nothing wrong with that , " observed

3 de agosto de 2017

as Putin gave the order to free humanity from slavery - PROPERTY RECORDS Zionist mortally wounded.

PROPERTY RECORDS Zionist mortally wounded.


                by rafaadmin

Ladies and Gentlemen close attention to the last movement of the team led by Vladimir Putin in the global geopolitical chessboard.

As you all know the US Congress has signed (against the advice of its own president Donald Trump) a series of sanctions against the Eurasian nation that not only look like a declaration of trade war, but have been taken as such by its Prime Minister Medvedev .

Well, the response of the Russian government (as the unofficial source called Sorcha Faal) occurred immediately, with the adoption of technology "blockchain" ( "block chain", based on the criptomonedas) through its own development of Central Bank Russian named "Masterchain" whose motto / cryptocurrency bears the name "Gas" (see news RT on that particular yesterday)

According to the reporter controversial Sorcha Faal reports that Putin had given orders today for your entire system is transferred to the blockchain technology Etherum, including that from now on all company accounts, contracts, meant bureaucracy in titles that for centuries MAKE tHE SEA NOTARIOS REPLACED bY TECHNOLOGY p2p ESA; that is to say; decentralized. All decentralized economy.

If you have not realized the importance that you just read, I turn it back to.
If after having read and reread you still feel a chill or euphoria while, take a breath, because I'll explain OW Putin he gave the order to free humanity from slavery.

Notaries and registrars of property (remember the work of Mariano Rajoy) are the heart of the system of slavery that we suffer, the key for capital flight and strangling the real economy exchange comes and the service of citizens.
 Putin signing this, quite simply order has struck the synagogue of Satan, which is (obviously) which actually owns the property, as are those with such registers.

So that the counter Putin (through technology blockchain) is much more brutal than US sanctions, because it means they will no longer operate the centralized system of Zionist banking. Actuaries are the true heart of the system, the "Check" that validates all transactions; by skipping this protocol, the system is regenerated, it is released.

But there is more: because the measure came a day after (in a very controversial measure) pioneer badge blockchain technology (Bitcoin) has been split into two, one addressed to micropayments, called Bit Coin Cash .
Since the Chinese have been those who have pressed for the adoption of this improvement (which is to opposite many miners) and since there was a day before Russia decides to move its economy to this technology intuit (intuit only) that all part of the same conspiracy (positive) and that has to do with sending the famous prosperity funds.

Either way (and even in our countries still do not see) you can say goodbye to the hated inheritance taxes that subject us notaries and property registrars whenever we want Realize paperwork.

Like when he appeared digital, analog telephony was doomed to disappear, blockchain today's economy has begun to make obsolete notaries and registrars of property: in short, the synagogue of Satan.

BREAKING: Russian Embassy in Damascus under terrorist mortar attack


BREAKING: Russian Embassy in Damascus under terrorist mortar attack

Luckily no one appears to be injured.

Two mortars fell inside the territory of the Russian Embassy in Damascus while two others reportedly landed just outside.
Russia has called on the United Nations Security Council, including western nations to condemn the terrorist attack.
This is not the first time that jihdists have attacked the Russian Embassy in Damascus in reprisals for Russia’s assistance to Syria in fighting Salafist terrorism in the country.
No one is thought to be injured.

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