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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Science astronomy. Mostrar todas las entradas

10 de junio de 2019

Planet Alert June 2019

Hello all of you beautiful light Beings. Are you ready to go through a very accelerated period of chaos, or are you able to tune into the high frequency energy that has been coming to Earth for a couple of years now? I hope you are feeling the wonderful love vibration that is now here in full force. All you have to do is focus on tuning into that wonderful energy. It is really nice to feel the vibration of love. The energy also seems to be lighter and brighter here in Seattle. I look outside and see beauty everywhere, even if it is raining or cloudy.
We just experienced the New Moon on June 3, 2019 at 3:02 AM PDT and this new moon ushered in a very chaotic period of time. This energy will last for a couple of months, or more so keep your cool as things began to change. We have needed to experience chaos because out of chaos comes a new reality. I am really excited about all the new energy that has come to Earth in the past three years so we can now create the reality we choose to live in. We should be flying high right now, although some people are still depressed and going through the releasing process so they can become clear channels of light.
The planet Mars is dominant right now and Mars will be dominant until July 25, 2019. Mars will be opposing Saturn and Pluto all month by declination. This is a very challenging energy for the world. Mars was activating Washington D.C on the day of this past new moon. It was exact on June 4/5. Washington D.C. corresponds to the polarity of 13 degrees Cancer/Capricorn. Pluto, the transformer is in Capricorn which rules governments, and makes a square to the Dwarf planet Eris which rules chaos. This energy will be affecting Washington D.C. very strongly until July 4 when the sun will again be highlighting that city.
When Pluto is in opposition to a person’s Saturn, especially if they are in a position of leadership it brings a very disturbing energy into effect. Trump’s Saturn is in exact opposition to Pluto right now and making a square to Eris. The energy from this transit can make the individual subject to dishonesty, blackmail, or power struggles in his business, professional, or political affairs. This is not a good energy for our president. We will see how this energy works out for him. Trump has acted as a great awakener for many people. Look at how many people have become aware of what is going on in the world. This is the first step to Unity Consciousness.
There is much light on earth right now and if you look you can see how bright the light has become since March of 2019. There are many good things happening in our world that we are not aware of. We just hear about the bad things and that is what creates fear. It would be nice if the news would tell us about the good things that are also happening in our world.
June will be a very busy month because the sun is in the sign of Gemini. The full moon will be on June 17, 2019 at 1:31 AM PDT. At that time Saturn will be exactly conjunct the south node of the moon on 18 degrees Capricorn. This energy will again bring up things from the past that needs to be looked at and released. The energy of this full moon will also bring us protection from groups of people who have our best interest at heart. We are in the time of the return of the Thunder Beings who are space friends and they are here in mass right now to help us get through this change. No worry! We are protected. Check out this link The Event Briefing Operation Freedom Earth Continues.
We will also feel the energy from the Summer Solstice which occurs on June 21 at 8:54 AM PDT. The Sun lines up with the energy of the Galactic Center at that time. We always feel a strong energy when we experience a Solstice or an Equinox. Scientists have proven that an energy wave occurs at those time periods.
There will be two eclipses in July. The first one will be a solar eclipse on July 2, 2019 at 12:16 PM PDT. Being the sun will be affecting Washington D.C by degree at that time this will be a very important event for our government. The spotlight will be on our Capitol and our president.
At the time of this eclipse the sun will be on 10 degrees Cancer. This is the degree of “The overcoming of fear and its rewards”. If we start overcoming our fear, this eclipse will be wonderful energy. I know that everyone is not ready to do that, although for those who are ready to release their fear it will be a wonderful event. On the negative side Pluto will be conjunct Lilith squaring Eris. Chaos will continue all over the world.
There have been many storms and the intensity of these storms has increased. The Midwest sure had their share of storms and now the energy is moving from the Mississippi River eastward over the East Coast and down south including Venezuela and the Caribbean. Venezuela has been under the influence of Pluto (transformer) and the people there have been experiencing much chaos for a long time. This will continue.
Because we are at the ending of an age there have been many Earth changes all over the world. The Earth has been cleansing herself by all of the flooding that has been occurring in many areas. The storms are increasing so fast that it seems like there is a large event going on almost every day. I noticed that Mt Etna started erupting again. Europe has also been having many changes in various ways.
I see that the leaders of Russia and China just signed a treaty. This sounds like Bible prophecy to me. I have heard for years that at the time of the end Russia and China will unite against the United States. How will that work out? Right now, we are in a trade war with China. It looks like that will continue for a while and this is not good for our farmers. We also have a challenge with Iran. It is always darkest before the dawn so stay out of fear as the old continues to crumble and the new begins to appear.
We are moving into a new time-line right now where everything will change and we will become free, as soon as we realize that we are free. We have had much help from our space friends for many years. They have neutralized atomic bombs when they have been loaded and ready to go because they will not allow an atomic war. They have taken out many dark bases that were all over the world. They will continue to help us move into this new world of peace and unity consciousness. It is just a breath away. Enjoy life, be happy, go out into nature and enjoy the flowers, the trees, and the animals. We do live on a beautiful planet. So Be It!
I send you much love and light! *** Mahala Gayle ***
I am a Galactic communicator from the Pleiades Star System and also have a strong connection to Arcturus. I can be reached at Blessings to all of you!

23 de septiembre de 2018

A “Super-Earth” exoplanet has been discovered

galaxies eraoflight
A “Super-Earth” exoplanet has been discovered ‒ exactly at the location described in “Star Trek” as the planet Vulcan, the homeworld of one of the sci-fi franchise’s most well-known characters, Spock.
A team of scientists spotted an exoplanet twice the size of the Earth as through the the Dharma Planet Survey (DPS) led by University of Florida astronomer Jian Ge. The “Super-Earth” orbits the HD 26965 system, commonly known as 40 Eridani – a triple star system, Vice reports.
The system consists of the orange dwarf Eridani A, which is much like our sun, as well as white dwarf Eridani B and red dwarf Eridani C. The newly spotted exoplanet orbits Eridani A – exactly the star “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry picked for the one more likely for Vulcan to orbit in a 1991 letter. Vulcan’s exactly location was never pinpointed in the original series of movies, but Roddenberry, in consultation with astronomers Sallie Baliunas, Robert Donahue, and George Nassiopoulos, declared that Eridani A seemed just about perfect.
“An intelligent civilization could have evolved over the eons on a planet circling 40 Eridani,” Roddenberry and the astronomers suggested in a 1991 letter to the editor published in Sky & Telescope, noting that three stars “would gleam brilliantly in the Vulcan sky.”
In a statement from University of Florida, Ge said that the exoplanet “is only 16 light-years from Earth, making it the closest super-Earth orbiting another sun-like star,” also noting that it orbits with a 42 day period “just inside the star’s optimal habitable zone,” meaning it is possible, in theory, for the planet to have liquid water on its surface.
“This star can be seen with the naked eye, unlike the host stars of most of the known planets discovered to date,” said University of Florida astronomer Bo Ma, one of the study’s authors. “Now, anyone can see 40 Eridani A on a clear night and be proud to point out Spock’s home.”
However, it is unlikely that this particular Super-Earth hosts a civilization that “lives long and prospers.” New research published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society this summer said that this particular exoplanet is probably tidally locked to its host star. That means that same side of the Super-Earth is always facing Eridani A, making it likely that half of the planet is too hot to host life. However, it is possible that the dark side could be more hospitable.
Meanwhile, NASA’s TESS team, using a satellite launched by a SpaceX rocket in April, announced this week they had discovered two more exoplanets around the brightest stars near the Earth. One is another Super-Earth orbiting the star Pi Mensae, which is 60 light-years from Earth. The planet has triple the mass and 10 times the radius of Earth, yet reportedly it demonstrates a water-like density. The second planet is 49 light-years from Earth and orbits the M dwarf star LHS 3844. The TESS team called it a “hot Earth,” as it is slightly closer to its system’s star than our planet is to the sun.
“This find is being reviewed by other scientists, and we’re looking forward to studying this cool ‘hot Earth,” the tweet concluded.
The @NASA_TESS team is excited to announce the mission’s first candidate planet — a super-Earth around the bright star Pi Mensae, nearly 60 light-years away. The planet orbits every 6.3 days. The discovery is now being reviewed by other scientists to validate it. Stay tuned!
3:31 PM – Sep 19, 2018
A second @NASA_TESS candidate planet has been discovered! Slightly bigger than Earth, this planet orbits LHS 3844, a M dwarf star 49 light-years away, every 11 hours. This find is being reviewed by other scientists, and we’re looking forward to studying this cool “hot Earth.”
9:52 AM – Sep 20, 2018
TESS is the first-ever spaceborne all-sky transit survey and will conduct a feat that NASA explained is impossible to accomplish using a ground-based survey: looking for candidate systems and exoplanets that could potentially become humanity’s new homeworld.

28 de julio de 2018

July & August 2018 Internal External Multidimensional Alignments

I’ve written about the Ascension Process Inner Body Vibrations many times over the years at both TRANSITIONS and HighHeartLife. I’ve shared how these inner vibrations have manifested and changed over the years in my own physical body and Light body, and what this process has felt like and sounded to me. As with all Ascension Process related transformations, this too has increased and grown in frequency and size over the years. Transmuting and ascending density up and out of the old lower frequencies takes linear time so that the Process doesn’t destroy our physical bodies or anything else.
Brief recap: I first became aware of Inner Body Vibrations within my physical body around 2001. They were very apparent when I was in the in-between state of sleep and slowly waking up and returning to my physical body or vice versa. Because I can intentionally hold and maintain this in-between state and consciousness, I utilized this multidimensional holding pattern ability to spend more time in this transitional state to investigate these internal vibrations happening in my physical body.
At first they would run “ON” for an exact count of three seconds, followed by “OFF” for an exact count of four seconds, then back “ON” again and so forth. This pattern lasted for the first couple of years but over time they slowly increased being “ON” for longer and longer periods until, years later, the inner vibrations were and are “ON” constantly. Stair-steps. Once they were running constantly, while in this in-between sleep and wake or wake and sleep I began also hearing what sounded to me to be a roaring of energy. This sound also increased over the years until it was comparable to standing at the edge of a runway with a huge passenger jet plane revving its engines for take off! It eventually became unbelievable loud and the inner vibrations shook and rattled me through and through. This entire Inner Body Vibrations business has never been physically painful thankfully; one of the only Ascension Process symptoms that hasn’t!
Since 2001, these inner body vibrations have expanded from small localized areas in my lower body, to constant full-body and head vibrations. Increasing inner Light energy frequencies within our physical bodies to the level they are today is the NEW normal level of our inner frequency rate. I first felt these inner body vibrations, then I also began clairaudiently hearing them and then another progression with them began for me after the Total Solar Eclipse last year in August 2017. Days after that 2017 Solar eclipse that traveled across the USA, I began clairvoyantly Seeing my inner body vibrations while in the in-between awake and asleep, asleep and awake state. It was then that I realized this entire inner body vibrations—embodying and Embodying increasing higher frequency and larger amounts of Light energies and NEW codes, DNA etc.—has been unfolding within me and my body in ways I wasn’t completely aware of and am still learning about this aspect of our ongoing Ascension and Embodiment Process. As we grow and expand so too does our Higher Abilities.
With the start of 2018, the pattern I had been clairvoyantly Seeing of my inner vibrations or frequencies changed into a completely new and more complex pattern of Lights. As always I searched for images that come the closest to what I See to share with you in my articles. I knew I wouldn’t find anything close to what I’ve been Seeing since August 2017, and every change of it since January 2018, so I’m having to use images that portray what I See but don’t actually look like them. The images used here are only to help show the progression of all this and bring us all up to date with the current conjunction or alignment with the Re-Alignment unfolding this month internally within us and externally also. So please know that the colors, shapes and patterns in these images are NOT the same as what I’ve Seen but are as close as I could get to the actual progression of all this.
The first level and frequency state of the inner body vibrations I clairvoyantly Saw in August 2017, looked somewhat like this image but it and all of them MOVE very quickly within this sort of rectangular shape. None of them were ever stationary but moved about rapidly. Again, different levels of increasing frequency, preparation and slowly approaching internal and external Re-Alignment. So this first representation was constantly moving quickly within this rectangular shape visual I saw.

The second level and frequency state I’ve seen since January 2018, looked more like this image; much more active and moving, pulsing randomly and quickly from corner to corner and all around ten times faster than the first visual and representative image. It’s easy to see that the frequencies have been and continue to quicken and amplify in vibration internally within us and externally as well.

The latest visual change to my inner body vibrations looks more like this image. It is vertical now with an opening in the center of all that super fast vertical up down movement. When I See this at this level of frequency now the whole thing is moving up and down so fast it’s shocking. This most recent progression change happened early July 2018, and continues today. While viewing it I feel it in my HighHeart and reverberating throughout me entire being and also See and Feel it taking place externally too in and to the Earth, Sun, solar system and more. As within, so without…
When I experienced the second increase shift with the start of 2018, I started to understand that what I was experiencing and Seeing was and continues to be my inner Light frequencies and Light and Physical bodies continually increasing vibrationally to be able of aligning with and Embodying the NEW energies that have already started entering us and external reality too. The symbolic opening in the center of the latest inner body vibration frequencies (and image) is a multidimensional area and opening that those First Everything-ers ready and able to Embody this are energetically coming into alignment with so as to Embody full Re-Alignment with the NEW much higher Ascension Process and NEW Earth.
If you understand astrological alignments then you know about conjunctions between planets. Over time a faster moving planet comes within orb of another planet(s) (very close to) which activates the energies of the conjunction between them. We First Everything-ers have been slowly coming within orb so to speak for many, many years with this July 2018 (and beyond) Re-Alignment opening where tremendous NEW higher frequency evolutionary Ascension and Embodiment energies and NEW codes etc. will flow through that opening and directly into each of us and external NEW reality. The July 27, 2018 Total eclipse of the Moon at 4° Aquarius 45′ is the other energetic bookend to last years August 21, 2017 Total Solar Sun eclipse. Those who are capable will experience Embodying the energies that come through this multidimensional internal personal and external alignment opening so that we are wholly and completely Re-Aligned with the NEW higher everything internally and externally.
Now is this the end-all be-all to the Ascension Process? Is this the “event” many have been talking about? No, it is not, it is another step, a very BIG and important step yes but another step in what’s been happening for a very long time now. Don’t get sidetracked now with thoughts about wondering what this will do to you, to others, to global reality. This is not the time to focus on the results of what you and I need to continue doing individually now to align with and Embody the Re-Alignment opening energies bringing higher NEW energies, codes, NEW Earth and everything else. This is happening already but it will get much more focused and intense as we move toward, through and beyond Fridays Total Lunar eclipse and 2018 Lion’s Gate transmissions. Don’t be surprised by whatever you experience from here on out because huge positive changes are being transmitted now. ❤ ❤ ❤
July 24, 2018
Donations can be made here and thank you for the energy exchange.
 Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2018. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included

12 de julio de 2018

Energy Update: Ascension Symptoms Due To Approaching New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse

by EraOfLight

mike quinsey eraoflight
Blessings Beloveds
Todays article is a quick update of the current energies.
We are experiencing Ascension Symptoms due to the approaching New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse on July 13th. Yes, it happens this way many can feel the effects before the event occurs. Many are becoming very sensitive to MOON fluctuations now and the Eclipses are known for bringing in energy before, during and after the event.
Symptoms that many are experiencing are:
This manifests as just getting done eating a meal and only a short time later feeling as if you have not eaten. Sweets and salty snacks have been coming in for areas of cravings. Some of these cravings are very hard to ignore when they come in !
My eyes have been VERY blurry for 3 days now. It is hard to drive a car and hard to be online and see what I am reading or writing. This has been reported by many.
Lack of sleep is being reported and this is also happening to me. I am getting very few hours of sleep every night for the past week or so. I am not tired when I should be and I wake up many times and then get up after a shorter sleep period.
I am seeing all kinds of animals who have crossed over appearing to me quickly and then disappearing. This is usual for me, it is the amount I see during periods of higher intensity that increases.
Intense dreams are back again with relevant/psychic messages. I was shown something in a short nap that I did not ask the question to again.  Many are reporting intense dreams of all kinds.
Blissful feelings are back for us to enjoy and love. These feelings of love and bliss are so wonderful and hard to describe. The best way to describe is a feeling of Intense love and connectedness with All Things.
Frequency Changes
These are all symptoms of frequency changes due to planetary events on their way. New Moon/ Partial Solar Eclipse. Ascension symptoms come in as a way of showing us the frequency changes we are experiencing. Every time we move up in vibration, we will feel the ascension symptoms.
As I have reported many times in my past articles, NO ONE will ever outgrow ascension symptoms. They are after all, symptoms of ascension, symptoms that we are in fact ascending out of this 3D reality.
If you love the 3D reality and are struggling to hang on to it, it will delay your ascension process. You must want to experience more. You must want to reside in higher consciousness. You must want to see the benefits to everyone living in harmony and love. 3D is a world of duality and opposites.  The 3D world and all of its constructs are leaving.
Most in the ascension process are ready to move out of this learning lesson and onto a better reality of peace, love, harmony, kindness, and cooperation. If we were not ready, it would not be happening. It is only happening because we reached a point in our awareness that started to surpass the human stage and enter into the galactic stage.
I will be posting a longer detailed article shortly about advanced symptoms that we as ascenders can experience, based on my own unique psychic insight and experiences. .
Remember these dates as the Eclipse Season approaches:

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

23 de junio de 2018

Horus: Cycle of the Sun and the New Paradigm

by EraOfLight
I Heru, speak through the heart of my Beloved to the Hearts of you all.
I speak this day to you all dear Brethren of the Light that have come forth this time to bring about change upon your Planet Earth.
For I come forth to bring you the Cycle of the Sun of which upon this Hour we are now shifting further into a New Paradigm, a New Earth and a New Golden Age. This shift is a journey of preparation and of purification.
I have spoken for many Eons and have lived and experienced this path over many Eons with many of you that are experiencing this great momentum.
I come to you from afar, from a distant place not of your knowing, not of your shining sun or system, not of your awareness, not yet. And here I am, watching the sun come into your world, bringing the message of love, the teachings of the One, I AM.
Never have I been alone, and not now. We come at intervals when the planes are thinnest, when the planes are wracked with change, and we can reach through and touch those reaching up. And here we come again. And it will not matter that all will not see. It only matters that the message comes.
For this is how the vibration changes and humanity evolves.
 There is a singularity occurring. It is a pinpoint upon a star. We bring it into this world along a beam of light that you can ride its understanding and that your lives can change when you reach out and touch the message.
And though critical mass has been reached, still there is doubt, still there is uncertainty in the masses. Still the everyday occurrence that is the everyday living prevails. And it must. It must for some for this is how they will live in the world in this cycle and the next, and the one after and the one after that. And that is their way.
And there are tiers and tiers and tiers of layers. And each layer reaches down and lifts the other up. And this can only be done through the seeing and through the knowing. This can only be done when each tier reaches a vibration enough to sustain the knowledge of that tier.
And then there is a rippling, a leaking of sorts, and the knowledge of that tier gets passed down. It ripples into the world of the tier below, and each being along that plane, along that vibration listens and sees, and their molecules change and their energies shift and light brightens in a way that vibrates differently. And then again they reach up and out and to one another, and link arms and sentience.
And this is how change occurs. This is how the Knowing, with the capital K that my companion uses in our teachings, this is how the knowledge is disseminated, how it grows, how it is understood and how it effects change; change in the cellular system; change in the microcosm that reflects change of the macrocosm occurring beyond. Each tier rippling down, a waterfall of change. One cannot be effected without the other. Each is reliant upon the other. One does not exist without the other. It is a cascade of Knowing, a cascade of understanding. And this effects being in the world. Do you understand?
When you listen, when you enquire, when you reach up, an energetic spark occurs. It filters through the veil. The ones unseen and those who are around, they reach in and they provide answers to you in your imagining, in your dream, in your awareness, in your unconscious states. And here your self, the one who is not always in the being who is in the carnate being, that self recognizes truth. And that self brings that truth into the world. And that truth touches another being. And it causes an on-going effect. And this is what we call evolutionary change. Yes it is.
My coming through my companion is reaching through into the world, and all whom she touches, all whom she vibrates with, are changing. They will ripple out and they will change others. And so it goes.
And it is not always felt, and it is not always understood. It is not always in the manner of our making or your making that it comes to be. We can only try. And it is not always successful. But this is what I tell you now: it is continuous. It continues to come like a wave upon a wave upon a wave into the world. Each wave is different. Each vibration upon the wave is different. Do you see? The yellow is effecting change different to the blue, to the red, to the crimson, to the white. All different. All different. This is how it is and this is how it goes.
And each change, each vibration, each ray in harmony with one another, is part of the whole, part of the one that is only knowable when you come to look at it. When you come to turn around and see that being within, that being that I referred to, the one that comes into the carnate being occasionally, when thought about, when reached up, when Known, then it is that the I AM steps forth. And mighty is that being in the world. And mighty is the current that that being flows through.
For in this Knowledge that is coming through is the Sun of your own Divinity, your own Likeness, your own Brightness. For when you connect deep within your own Divinity your Essence is revealed, your abilities and attributes that you have learnt throughout the journey of your Soul unfolds. This is how it is.
We have shifted many Planets and Star Systems in this System of Worlds and all is as planned for this now – for this day – For this is a time of Reconciliation and Great Balance.
We have now reached a time of greater understanding that we bring forth a manner of shifts in this system of worlds to raise the energy and vibration of your planet and as the vibration increases – humanity will shift and heal and come forth into a greater sense of awareness, a greater sense of Divinity.
I come forth to you all at this time of great revealing, for in this great time of revealing all is revealed in the Light, all is revealed in the Energy of Light.
Many ascending Souls at this hour are connecting with time frames and it will be from these time frames that many Ascending Souls will speak of their Truths. For all is being revealed at this time.
Dear Ones embrace once more the Energy of the Sun and of the Moon for it is this that is now being aligned to draw upon the balance upon your Earth, The Threefold Trinity Transcends all balance within this system of worlds as we now enter the Great Portals that have been opened once more.
Over the coming months upon your Earth many Souls will find themselves entering these Portals of Great Balance to align and reconcile all individual timelines to gather strength and abundance for the paths that lie ahead.
We embrace once more the progress of your ascension and we embrace once more the current wave that is now taking place upon your Earth igniting many Souls to a Higher State of Consciousness.
I leave you with love, compassion and great encouragement.
I AM Heru and I speak through Elaine this day.
» » Channel: Elaine DeGiorgio

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

4 de diciembre de 2017

Russian scientist says that the solar system is moving towards a new energy "zone" that is transforming the magnetic fields of the planets.

First seen in the  Blog of Stillness In The Storm 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

(  Art Rosenblum  )   RUSSIAN SCIENTIST SAYS THE SOLAR SYSTEM IS MOVING TO A NEW "ZONE" of energy that is transforming the magnetic fields of the planets. 

by   Art Rosenblum  , December 1, 2017

This is the Russian perspective on earth changes. Hard facts are not reported in the United States. The atmospheres of the planets are changing. Dr. Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their atmospheres

For example, the Martian atmosphere becomes much thicker than it was before. The probe observation of Mars in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused its collapse, because the atmosphere was twice denser than calculated, and basically the wind on that little mirror was so high that it flew right off device. 

Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere. 

Furthermore, the moon is growing an atmosphere composed of a compound which Dmitriev called "Natrium". Dmitriev says that, around the moon, there is this layer of Natrium 6,000 kilometers deep that was not there before.

And we are having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that was not there before; simply did not exist in the amount you have now. It is not related to global warming and is not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or anything like that. It is only emerging. 

Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing. 

The planets are experiencing significant changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, shows marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has come to have such a high energy load actually no visible ionizing radiation tube which is formed between its moon, Io. Actually, you can see the luminous energy tube in photographs taken more recently.

And the planets are having a change in their fields. The magnetic fields are becoming stronger. Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. The magnetic field of Uranus is changing. Neptune's magnetic field is increasing. These planets become brighter. Their magnetic field strength is increasing. Their atmospheric qualities are changing. 

Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were displaced from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees, both are pretty big changes.

The overall changes could be divided essentially into three categories: changes in the energy field, changes in light and atmospheric changes. 

The general volcanic activity has increased 500 percent since 1975.

On Earth, we're seeing the changes even more completely. For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by about 500 percent. General seismic activity has increased by 400 percent since 1973. 

Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993.

Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters. He showed that if you compare the years 1963 to 1993, the total amount of natural disasters of all kinds, whether dealing with hurricanes, typhoons, landslides, tidal waves, whatever, has increased by 410 percent. 

The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901.

There is a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has been researching the sun.  He found that since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than before. 

More than just Earth Changes

So, in general, what we are seeing is much more than what they call Earth Changes. Some people have the idea that there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun is happening here. 

Very, very few people know about the work being done at the National Russian Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They have concluded that the only possible could be causing this energetic change throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of energy that is different, ie higher.

The basic structure of the heliosphere (courtesy of NASA)

The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000 percent. 

Now, look at this. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg around the Solar System, known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is a teardrop shape, with long and thin end of the droplet pointing in the opposite direction to the direction we are traveling. It's like a comet, where the tail is always pointing away from the sun. 

The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and have observed a bright and excited energy of plasma there. This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see on the front of the Solar System. 

Today, that glowing plasma has reached 100 astronomical units. Although Dmitriev's work does not give an exact time line, we can assume that this increase happened in the same period from 1963 to 1993 as the increase he found in natural disasters. Each time it happened, is a 1,000 percent increase in the overall brightness of the energy at the front of the solar system.

And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where energy is more loaded. That energy with increased load excites the plasma and makes forms more, so you can see brighter and brighter. This energy flows into the sun, which in turn emits the energy and extends along its equatorial plane, called the ecliptic. 

This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel faster and load energy on the planets. 

And this is conscious energy that is changing the way the planet, how it works and what kind of life support functions. The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are changing. That is the real cause and hidden spontaneous mass evolutions in previous epochs of time.

All this is happening all at once, and everything is working up to a crescendo where there will be a sudden change. 

In other words, we reach the point where we are so advanced in the new energy level there will be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wave lengths emitted by the sun as it radiates energy from itself. This increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the solar system. The planets are pushed a bit farther from the Sun and the atoms and molecules that make up actually expand in terms of its physical size. 

Peace and Love,  
Art Rosenblum  
Aquarian Research Foundation  
5620 Morton St., Philadelphia, PA 19144.  
Web: j

16 de noviembre de 2017

Is planet earth...begin Terra formed by non humans?

by Buck Rogers
October 29, 2017
from WakingTimes Website

Some things happening on planet earth today just don't make sense if you're looking at them from the perspective of an ordinary human being.

For one example, look at the amount of financial debt being accrued around the world. We're talking trillions and trillions of dollars. It seems utterly cartoonish that human beings could owe this much money to other human beings.

The numbers actually make more sense if consider that our creditors may actually be off-planet entities.

Take also for example, the widespread industrial scale destruction of the planet:
...none of it makes sense.

But if you expand the realm of possibility when trying to comprehend all of this, it actually makes more sense that the driving forces behind such wholesale destruction of the planet aren't from here...

Those pressing for all of this aren't  dependent on these ecosystems for life.

Perhaps our earth is being used by off-planet entities for its resources, and the planet is being actively terraformed to maximize the efficiency of resource extraction.

"the hypothetical process of deliberately modifying its (a planet's) atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology to be similar to the environment of Earth to make it habitable by Earth-like life."
They use the term hypothetical because as far as we know it has never been done, however, a holistic look at events on earth at present fit the description of terraforming, except in reverse...

Earth is being terraformed to look like some other place.

Writer V. Susan Ferguson wonders if an extraterrestrial race is already here, in the millions, and if the planet is being altered to be more favorable to their particular needs.
"They are Terraforming our Earth to make it suitable for the hybrids that are now said to number in the millions.

A planet that has been slowly chemically altered, made physically denser, warmer, drier and slightly more radioactive and methane-rich is evident.

The insanity of building nuclear power plants next to ocean shores as in Fukushima show an intent to increase radiation.

The melting of the Arctic, Greenland, and Antarctica is causing the release of vast amounts of methane. Are the hybrids immune to large amounts of radiation and methane.

Do aluminum resistant GMOs agree with their immune systems?"
Is this the hypothesis that most accurately fits a world where geoengineering is broadly evident and is more and more frequently described by the mainstream news as a necessary part of adapting to climate change?
"Unknown to most, it became exceedingly clear by approximately 2025 that governments had in fact reengineered (geoengineered) Earth's atmosphere, its oceans and the planet's electromagnetic grid to facilitate the use of scalar and sonic technology in such a way as was harmful and in some cases detrimental globally."
E.M. Nicolay & H.L. Jang
These projects are so massive and involve complex cooperation between industry and government.

Regarding the amount of investment it takes to finance projects like these, in Earth An Alien Enterprise - The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-Up in Human History,Timothy Good quotes William J. Pawlec, a former U.S. Air Force computer and programming specialist:
"What concerns me is when these projects go 'beyond black' - people with ulterior motives have gotten in control of these projects and/or the funding of them, and/or the ability of what is really scary, to write their own unlimited checks with no recourse to anybody.

They are not even a budget item anymore. They literally authorize the Treasury to cut them checks, (and) it becomes evident that they have agendas that are independent of the goals of the United States.

And the attitude is seemingly one of control - power and control."
William J. Pawlec
Meanwhile, the demolition of the environment only accelerates, and all the while it appears that nature is somehow being weaponized so that both the weather and the earth's electromagnetic field can be utilized for geopolitical ends.

Regarding the use of technology to reshape the earth's electromagnetic environment, Ferguson refers to Nicolay:
E.M. Nicolay says that perhaps the most destructive use of these technologies that have 'weaponized' our atmosphere is the use of the Earth itself,
"as a medium for transmitting massive scalar and electromagneticenergy waves that could silently be used for enormously destructive purposes anywhere in the world." 
Awareness of the potential for bullying countries into agreements regarding trade and military installations can be considered when we read of unprecedented anomalous hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, droughts, and bizarre firestorms.

They blame these occurrences on global warming, which then justifies more geoengineering. Read between the lines. Our planet is dying.

"By the mid to late 2010's hardly any region on Earth was free of the newly ionized and metalized atmosphere, or by virtue of particle fallout, the ionization of the electromagnetic grid system of the planet. 

Earth itself, and its atmosphere, were (are) now the ideal medium for the transfer of vast waves of scalar energy, which could be used to control weather patterns, control natural phenomena, or directed and delivered with near pinpoint accuracy and devastating results."




Final Thoughts

There is something to think about here.

We can ignore these problems all we want, but they are not going away, but will rather continue to exacerbate environmental and societal stress.

Our current popular understanding of how the world is managed does not have an explanation for such heinous crimes against mother nature, of which we are the ultimate victims.

Could there be some sort of extraterrestrial or breakaway civilization having its way with this planet, for some end which we cannot be allowed to know for certain?


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