
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spiritual. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spiritual. Mostrar todas las entradas

13 de septiembre de 2020


1- The other does not exist to please you or to dislike you. The other one exists to teach you.

2- No one is guilty of what you're feeling. You're the one who opts for the feelings you have right now. Just you

3- The art of living without expectations, but with perspective is the key to not frustrating yourself.

4- Heal in yourself the addiction to the need for approval of the other. Only then can you enjoy the boldness and natural confidence of your spirit, your essence.

5- You have no control of anything, no matter how much you believe you do.
Give up control, only then will you have dominion over yourself and your life. Control is a reflection of fear, already domain is a reflection of the state of absolute absence of internal tensions and your encounter with peace.

6- Don't uncharacterize yourself to try to ′′ fit ′′ in the tight space of the thought that the other has towards you.

That won't work. When you cancel yourself out to please someone, your light goes out and it's just you, who stays in the dark feeling lost.

7- Don't believe what others say to you, however romantic and poetic it may be.

What matters is attitudes and not words.

8- Abandon pride and delusion of believing that everything will be as you want, desire or need.

9- Everything is fleeting. Up close life is a tragedy, by far it's a comedy. In a while you'll laugh at all the dramas you've created. For everything passes. All of it.

10- You are responsible for everything happening in your life. Your predominant thoughts and feelings will shape your reality, whether you like it or not. So if you want to change your reality, change your thoughts and feelings.

11- Emotional deficiency is not the need to receive, but to give yourself. Only you can supply your emotional needs.

Projecting them on someone is the same as asking for someone to feed to quench your hunger.

12- Live with simplicity and more reality.

Only then, who you really are, will really emerge. Laugh more and don't take everything so seriously. After all, the essence of life is to discover and enjoy this wonderful adventure called evolution.

Joanna de Angelis -
Book:Intimate Reformation


10 de agosto de 2020


"There is a Band of Women who are now coming forward as a force to be reckoned with. 

The women who are asked to be a part of this movement have been responding to an inner calling for many years. What these women have in common is a deep urge to remind humanity of what has been lost: commitment to the Divine Mother and all Her Powers of healing, grace, compassion, trust, intuitive knowing and heart-centred awareness. 
Each woman will have a unique role to play in this Plan, but they all share a common theme in terms of what they must deliver to the consciousness of our planet. 

The transformative power of a woman in touch with her divine essence is something that can no longer be dismissed, denied or rejected. Women all over the world have elected to be born here in this very lifetime - to risk their hearts all over again - to bring much-needed, urgent healing to a planet in crisis. 

For every single woman who has this sacred contract (to bring her innate healing codes of feminine power back into full consciousness on earth) there has been a significant process to endure as she confronts once again the profound resistance to the Goddess and all She stands for. 

Oh, yes, this Woman realises early on in her own 're-awakening'.

They don't like me here. 

My power threatens them. 

When I was last here, I diminished my truth so as not to bring attention to who I really am. I learned quickly that my sacred energy is not acceptable on this planet. I realised that it made others distinctly uncomfortable: reflected too much truth back to them, made them look at themselves in the mirror, and brought up their Shadow Selves all too rapidly.

Oh, yes, this Woman remembers. 

I decided, recently in my reincarnations here, that I would so diminish my own powers as to allow myself to be taken for granted, disrespected, dishonoured and put down by others. I decided that it was too frightening to let others see my glory and magnificence, so I hid inside toxic, disempowering and even abusive relationships. 

Oh, yes, this Woman remembers - I allowed my body, heart and Spirit to be violated and shamed, just so that I wouldn't threaten the status quo. I pretended that I was 'nobody', so that all those ego-driven, comatose souls around me would get to feel that they were really in control, that they really knew the answers, that they really had all the solutions. 

Oh, yes, this Woman remembers, no wonder I did not want to return here. 

Great atrocities occurred here against the Feminine Soul. I was a primary recipient of the enormous wounds against the spirit of the Goddess. I endured too much at the hands of shut-down, terrified, cold and closed-hearted humans who were deeply threatened by the All-Seeing Light of the Universe. 

Before the reincarnation into this very lifetime, all these women had a conversation with the Great Goddess. 

She reminded them that their Souls were the strongest that exist in the Cosmos. 

She reminded them that without their Love, without their Healing Presence, without their Radiance and ability to See Through the Veil of Illusions - Earth would die. 

The Women protested. 

In each conversation with the Great Goddess, every single woman broke down in uncontrollable tears and shook until she could not speak.

Please, please don't make me go back there.

Not at this time. 

Not when everything is so dense, so low, so twisted, so fearful. 

Don't make me wade through the mud and mire of a humanity so rooted in the ego. 

The sheer number of closed heart chakras is daunting, Great Mother. We cannot endure the traumas once again to our psyches. We want to stay in the stars, stay in the Great Etheric Temples, rest forever in the Light. 

We are tired. 

No, said the Great Mother, with love and firmness. 

No, said the Great Goddess, with eyes of commitment and devotion. 

No, spoke the Great Universal Shakti, with heart full of trust and faith. 





I will send my emissaries to you when the Time comes in your earthly lifetime to reclaim this Mission. 

Everything in your Life will change from that point. 

You will touch again the sorrow, you will touch again the grief, you will touch again the anger, you will touch again the lost Souls who mourned your leaving. 
But this time, you will draw from deep within yourselves the Power to Lead an ailing, sick humanity into health. 

You will find the friends, co-workers, partners and soul families to keep you going when the energies get rough. 

Most importantly, you will feel MY LIGHT, MY VOICE, MY GUIDANCE in whatever way that you need it. 

You will create great works of transformation and healing upon this weakened planet, called Earth. And She will become your Home again, for a time. 

You will reconnect with the love that is held deep at the Centre of the Earth, and you will be guided as to how to most effectively put your healing methods to use. 

Do not be affected by the fear that is raised in others who cannot withstand the power of your Light. 

You will effect great healing in all who are touched by you, even sparking off new awakenings as you go.

You will end your lifetime on Earth, this time, being honoured, revered and celebrated. This will mark a great moment of Soul resolution in all of you. There will be forgiveness, as those who previously hurt you will be drawn to make amends. This is a powerful part of their own karmic journey. Those who abandoned you during the times of persecution will seek you out once again, and reconnect in great love and soul reunion. 

You must hear this message today, for the Band of Sisters who are now gathered here are ready to surge forward. 

There are new directives arriving daily from Great Mother.

There is a great joining occurring now, as the Band of Feminine Light-Carriers encircle the Earth with their Love. 

They have returned, as promised, and they will do their duty. 

Prepare for the silence to be broken, as thousands and thousands of Spiritual Feminine powerhouses find their voices. 

This has always been decreed."

Sophie Bashford

30 de julio de 2020


Conscious Sensual Massage

I wish that I could teach every man to touch women in the way that she feels beautiful, loved, honored, worshipped.

I wish that every man would learn to touch from the heart.

I wish that every man would learn about the power of the gift of pleasure.

I wish that every man would learn the power of slow.

I wish that every man would learn about the power of a fulfilled woman.

I wish that every man would learn about how different our world could be, living more with the power of the feminine.

I wish that every man would see the incredible, endless beauty and mystery of women.

I wish that every man would see the beauty of the body and its limitless sensations and feelings.

I wish that every man would experience how healing it is for them to go on this journey of learning.

I wish that every man would see how teaching our sons this would make our relationships, our world, different.

I wish that every man would see how learning this teaches us so much about masculinity.

There is deep wisdom within us, within our bodies.

It's been said that everything we need is within us.
As we learn to listen to that, to receive that, to surrender to that, I see it more.

We are embodied beings.

This body, the way it works, the way it feels, the way it carries us through life, is a miracle.

The journey of touch, of learning to touch, takes us into the mystery and the possibility of that miracle.

Touch is a language, a communication that goes deeper than words, it's an inner knowing.

In sacred touch we express our divinity.

In sacred pleasure touch we open to a universe of energy, of possibilities.

In a relationship it's one of the ways to create and enhance deep intimacy and connection.

In this time of isolation so many of us are lacking touch and feeling the impact of it deeply. As the world begins to open its so important to touch, be touched.

~ Jonti Searll

Art by Samarel


Love the unlovable
Forgive the unforgivable
We are ALL ONE

Let's make, create and give birth to LOVE 💖🌹💖

In Liefde en Licht.

30 de junio de 2020

Ascension Report 144: GESARA Timeline Anchoring; Protect The Children in This Spiritual Showdown

Dearest brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you- rapidly ascending humanity. As we have stated numerous times in these Ascension reports the light has already won- the 5th-dimensional timeline has already anchored on the higher planes of consciousness, and what we are currently experiencing collectively is the holographic simulation movie designed to Awaken the vast majority of sleeping masses to the atrocious Ways of those whom the masses have given their power away to govern them.
This 5d timeline anchoring within our physical reality is 100% dependent on the number of souls who are Awakened or you could say red-pilled at this time, therefore starseeds, truthers, and digital Warriors of the most high please carry on doing exactly what you are doing. Please carry on planting seeds of truth and Awakening whenever you get the opportunity to, and please know that we are the news now- the mainstream media has failed humanity to such a spectacular degree, and very very soon the whole entire world will bear witness to the vast extent of the atrocities the Deep state Masters and puppets have instilled upon beautiful sacred humanity.
Never for one-second doubt, your potency or doubt how important your role is in this Great Awakening, for each soul who awakens out of the false limited third-dimensional matrix programming has an aura that spreads extremely far and wide, the reason for this is, as soon as one frees oneself from The Matrix and aligns with their Souls truth this can be viewed as an unplugging from a false artificial intelligence structure and replugging into ones god-self.
When you plug yourself back into your god-self …all power that was hidden from you is restored, all manifestational power is yours, and there is absolutely nothing that you cannot manifest if you put your heart, mind and soul to it.
We would like to now take a moment to speak about the role of children in this Great Awakening. As we stated earlier the 5th-dimensional timeline has already anchored on the higher planes of consciousness, and what we are experiencing is the lower dimensional planes of consciousness currently playing catch up.
One of the main areas this is being played out is within the current school system, the deep state’s agenda with the current school system, on the whole, is attempting to desensitize children to all that is Sacred holy and true within their divine blueprint. One way this is being implemented is by the use of temperature guns which are being aimed at the children’s third Eye/pineal gland /foreheads.
This one act alone is is Abominable in mother-father God’s eyes as children are like sponges and automatically believe every single thing adults say and perpetuate, and this is installing a notion in these children on an unconscious level that there is something wrong with them, they are unsafe, they are unclean, they are not wholesome and healthy, and also that it is ok for someone to fire a laser beam into their pineal gland…..In many ways, this one action could be viewed as programming them to receive the mark of the Beast, as this Antichrist agenda is Instilling a notion in them that there is something inherently wrong with them, which is a lie of the highest order..
This targeting of children’s pineal gland is very much at the forefront of this spiritual war that is taking place currently on the lower dimensional planes of consciousness, as the pineal gland is the gateway to full god remembrance and alignment with our multidimensional Avatar self.
Children in schools are also being encouraged to practice social distancing which is indeed a CIA torture program. Isolation is used in prisons for prisoners who are being punished for their behaviours within the prison, and is seen as the most intense form of punishment a prisoner could receive, again this notion of social distancing and isolation is part of the deep states agenda to  groom children to be completely switched off from their divine child codes, through instilling the false notion of punishment, which again taps into the illusory notion that there is something inherently wrong with them, and this is extremely damaging to the beautiful sacred divine child, as children are like sponges and automatically absorb and take on as truth every single thing that adults say and perpetuate.
The lower-dimensional enforcement of face masks for children and adults is also a very powerful symbol. They symbolise -silence, oppression, herd mentality, and The killing of one’s individuality… it has been scientifically proven that the masks do absolutely nothing to protect anybody from a virus (a virus which the body has created in order to cleanse itself and expel toxins, a virus which is a sign that the body is indeed working and functioning perfectly), if one truly wanted and needed to protect oneself from ever catching a virus they would have to wear a complete body suit much like a space person would wear whilst visiting the moon, it is only this level of protection which will entirely stop you from picking up any virus.
There are many people at the moment who are choosing to send their children into these battlegrounds zones, whereby the battle is for your child’s soul -these parents are falsely believing they have no choice, they are believing that their only choice is to stay in a low vibrational unsatisfactory job in order to pay bills and put food on the table and therefore their precious children must attend these corrupted institutions so that the parents can work.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are God’s son you are God’s daughter and it is your duty to awaken from the programme of the third-dimensional Matrix, as soon as you awaken you will remember that God is great and God always provides a win-win solution in every situation, you will remember that your destiny is not fixed that you have multiple choices to choose from, and you are obliged on a soul level to align with timelines that serve and benefit you and your family, you are invited to remember that your consciousness is the golden key to all of your hearts desires and that it is the third-dimensional Matrix which has indoctrinated you to falsely believe that you are a victim of your circumstances.
If you hold this belief that you are genuinely a victim of your circumstances, this is the very definition of being spiritually asleep and stuck in the third-dimensional Matrix and if that is so, may you be reminded that whatever it is that you believe is the exact timeline and reality that you will create.
The purpose of this sacred transmission is to remind you that this program is part of the illusion -part of the 3D matrix that your soul has contracted to free itself from, each one of us is extremely powerful, each of us can manifest anything our heart desires, there is no one person that is a greater manifester than another person, we each have the tools to be able to co-create our perfect life for ourselves and our children but you must know and believe this to make it so.
We are rapidly moving into a time where these Old third-dimensional structures such as corporations, schools, Media, religion and politics are collapsing all around us and it is our duty at this time to step into and fully embody our God given sovereignty.
You are not bound to a low vibrational job -you are choosing to stay in this job -could this be because you are too lazy to visualise a more prosperous and healthy future for you and your family, there is nobody on this earth who will save you as we must each claim our own crown of sovereignty on an individual level and free ourselves from all seemingly obligatory contracts that are anchored in the lower dimensional realms.
Please know it is our greatest honour to come forward and share these pearls of wisdom with so many of you in this sacred ascending community, and we would like to now take the opportunity to inform everybody of the next powerful transmission that will be taking place on the 7:7 portal- the 7th of July 2020.
In this transmission, we will be working with the fairy and unicorn portal that has opened up in the heart chakra of the world Glastonbury…. Many old nefarious energies have been trapped in Avalon for aeons and we the star seed ground crew are being asked by those in the higher realms to assist in the full activation of this fairy/unicorn portal..
We are also being strongly guided to work with the timeline of GESARA the global economic security and Reform Act. The Gesara timeline promises to restore the highest level of Dignity to every single living being on the Earth today, which includes the restoration and return of all stolen wealth by the Deep state- the Vatican, the royal families and Chinese nobility families….. We the ground crew are being asked by the higher dimensional realms to ground this GESARA timeline into the earthly grid to ensure the Swift alignment and manifestation of the Greatest Gift that humanity has ever seen, this timeline also includes the releasing of the 6000 off-world technology patents that have been kept hidden from humanity including med beds aka celestial healing Chambers, replicators, interdimensional travel, Looking Glass technology. ETC etc ..
I will share more details about the 7:7 transmission as they land  and please know I am extremely deeply honoured to be the facilitator of these powerful and Potent global ceremonies.
Please see below for full details to book onto the 7:7 transmission, and please know that as soon as you sign up to show up for this level of personal and collective work your higher self will start preparing your energetic field for these Potent seeds of transformation that will be activated in the transmission.
As ever there is so much to speak about, and I Jen would like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you for all of your love and support in sharing this writing and being part of this ground crew light tribe community.
It is my deepest honour to serve all of my brothers and sisters and to make Mother Father God proud of me, her daughter, and I will keep serving for all of Eternity.
In love and light Jenji and the white wolf tribe

20 de enero de 2020

How to Perform Astral Projection

Call it what you like — dream body, astral body, energy body, Buddhist light body, Taoist diamond body, Egyptian ka, Tantric subtle body, Hindu body of bliss — and in Christianity, the experience of different “heavens,” i.e. “I know a man who was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in our out of body, I do not know,” from Corinthians 12:1-4. The subtle body is a universal human experience, and apparently part of our standard human design like toenails and kidneys. It is this subtle body that projects astrally and is active during unconscious and lucid dreaming; astral projection and dreaming often go hand-in-hand as “out-of-body” experiences, or OBEs.
The subtle body, when cultivated, can survive the physical body as a matrix for consciousness, and astral projection and lucid dreaming are part of spiritual training paths for subtle body cultivation. Neophytes confuse the subtle body with the soul or spirit, two additional aspects of multi-dimensional humans.

Out of Body Experiences and Astral Projection

The OBE can be intentional or involuntary, as with near-death events when people report finding themselves floating near the ceiling of their hospital rooms, perhaps observing medical staff attempting to revive them. Trauma, illness, or water and food deprivation, as with Native American vision quests, can trigger OBEs. Lucid dream states are opportunities for intentional OBEs. For the purposes of this article, OBEs may be spontaneous, and astral projection a conscious choice, though some would argue otherwise.
Essentially, the OBE begins with an experience of leaving the body and consciously observing it from a detached perspective. With practice and lucidity, awareness can be directed to locations or activities like flight. Yes, flight. If you’ve had flying dreams — literal flying, no 747 required — or being in the sky, you’ve had OBEs. Some say that we have regular OBEs during sleep, often hovering a few inches over our physical bodies.
Neuroscientists are puzzled — while the experience is no longer dismissed out of hand by medical professionals, science holds the view that OBEs involve neurological or brain dysfunction. After his own experience, Dr. Raymond Moody MD became interested in near death OBEs, and for decades interviewed hundreds of experiencers and collected data, defining common qualities of OBEs. Moody identified nine common elements of a near-death OBE — some experiencing all, some, only two or three.

Benefits of OBE

The tantrics mastered lucid OBE and dream states to overcome the fear of death by learning that we are not our “bodies.” They also discovered that the physical body can experience deep healing during OBEs — the mind can be tough on the body. And rather than losing time to practice meditation during sleep, yogis continued working through the night while the body rested.
Some athletes learn lucid dreaming to practice and visualize their game. By working in a dream or out-of-body, not only do they visualize, they have a “felt sense” of their practice, and can actually acquire the muscle memory for winning habits. Others benefit from the opportunity to explore past lives as well as accelerated personal development.

Astral Projection Methods

There are dozens of methods to learn conscious OBE and astral projection. There are two approaches — one is to keep the mind awake while the body falls asleep. It’s tricky — the mind wants to do what the body is doing. The goal is to take the body into deeper and deeper states of relaxation without drifting into unconsciousness. Yoga Nidra is one method. Once the body enters sleep state, practitioners simply “roll” out of their physical form.
Ancient yogis would tie two frogs together before sleep. Once tied, the frogs would continuously croak— a yogi would use the sound to anchor awareness as the body drifted into sleep, and either leave the body, or enter lucid dream states. If, during a dream, the yogi could no longer hear the frogs, he/she knew lucidity had been lost, and could “wake” again within the dream.

Monroe Institute Steps

Bob Monroe, founder of the leading research organization in the field of human consciousness called The Monroe Institute, penned a body of work titled “Journeys Out of the Body” in 1971 in which he provides a detailed outline for how to astrally project one’s self in seven steps:
Step 1: Relax, both physically and mentally.
Step 2: Enter a hypnagogic state, or half-sleep.
Step 3: Deepen the state by prioritizing mental sensation over physical sensation.
Step 4: Pay attention to the presence of vibration in your environment, which becomes apparent in a state of deep attention.
Step 5: Incur the vibration in your physical body, and relax into its presence. The purpose of this is to gently jiggle the subtle body out of the physical body.
Step 6: Focus your thoughts on leaving the limbs and the torso, and try to do so one at a time.
Step 7: Known as “lifting out,” focus on effortlessly drifting out of your physical body.

The Astral Projection Rope Technique

From the work of Robert Bruce, founder of the Astral Dynamics movement, the rope technique is regarded one of the most accessible astral projection methods.
Step 1: Relax the physical body by visualizing each muscle.
Step 2: From your space of relaxation, enter a vibrational states; this should feel like an amplified version of a cell phone’s vibration mode pulsations coursing through the body.
Step 3: Imagine a rope hanging above you.
Step 4: Using the astral, or subtle, body, attempt to hold on to the rope with both hands. The physical body remains completely relaxed.
Step 5: Begin to climb the rope, hand over hand, all the while visualizing reaching the ceiling above you.
Step 6: Once you are aware of your full exit of the physical body, you are able to explore the astral plane.

Lucid Dreaming Techniques

Again, there are numerous lucid dreaming techniques. Some are designed to train the sleeper to wake within the dream, others offer methods of staying lucid while letting the body fall asleep.

A Nootropic Approach

Yes, it’s sounds weird. Nicotine has specific actions on brain chemistry — but no, it’s not about smoking. Considered a cognitive enhancer, nicotine is gaining fans among biochemical brain hackers. Many, using nicotine patches to quit smoking, have inadvertently discovered what happens when they forget to remove a patch before sleep. Nicotine can induce hyper-realistic, but bizarre dreams that are so outrageous that many simply say to themselves, “Omg. This MUST be a dream. It’s too nuts to be anything else.” And voila — lucidity is attained. This is not an endorsement of the method, as many report nightmares when using nicotine.

Lucid Dreaming With Habit and Repetition

We attain lucidity the instant we recognize we’re in a dream state. Some people train by asking themselves, several times a day for days or weeks, “is this a dream?” The question eventually gets stuck in the place songs and jingles get stuck and are hard to unstick — things like “Afternoon Delight” by the Starlight Vocal Band. You know what we’re talking about.
The premise is that the question begins to habitually repeat by itself, and that eventually the mind will ask during a dream. When the dreamer answers, “why yes, this IS a dream!” they achieve lucidity.
The best opportunities for becoming lucid within a dream are during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This stage happens in the first two hours after we fall asleep and before we wake up. By waking and going back to sleep during the night we increase REM sleep time. Some use the sleep/wake method by setting interval alarms during the night, getting up for a few minutes, and going back to sleep with an intention of keeping the mind awake. If awakened during a dream, immediately go back to sleep — if possible, re-enter the dream with lucidity.

6 de abril de 2019

The center of your heart is the point of entry

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Dear Ones, we invite you to move your awareness to your heart center...

Your heart center is a dimension on its own.

While you are in your physical body, your mental body, your emotional body and your etheric body, your heart center is a higher dimensional portal to Source and all Realms of Light.

Your heart center is the entry point for you to connect with who you are: Source Love. Creator. The Divine Spark.

When you wish to change your reality and experience, simply connect with your heart center to embody more of Source Love, Creator, The Divine Spark.

When you wish to create a better experience, allow for the Source/Creator part to come forth more. 

The expression of Source/Creator is constantly flowing to you. 

When you open the floodgates to this Divine energy, you are able to let it express itself more through you. 

Simply allow...

Tune into your heart center, place your hand on it and become still...

Wait in stillness...

Feel, see and perceive the first glimpses of your connection with Source...

Acknowledge them and continue to wait in stillness and continue with your with your awareness on your heart center...

You might feel a rush of love, joy and peace enter your being...

You might receive a message...

Continue in this state until you feel complete.

Welcome back! :-)

We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love...

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos."


Thank You, Adama! :-) 

27 de marzo de 2019

Our Advance Spiritual Traits

The most notable features that characterize those who have achieved great spiritual advancement are:
Material detachment:
They are not in any way clinging to their material belongings. Because they do not need to be who they are, or access a different life through them. Simply they use everything they need to live, and can reach without everything they own, without implying any disorder in their lives
Emotional detachment:
True love implies that beings who love each other are completely free for this reason, they are not attached to their loved ones. Aferrarlos do not want tocontrol them or consider an acquisition.His love is not possessive, jealous and distrustful on the other hand is quite generous, respectful and free. Who reaches that state, does not depend on others to live, because they have a rich inner life enough as fend for himself.
One of the features that account for the presence of an evolved being is simplicity and spontaneity manifested in every act of life. 
They connect with their own inner wisdom. Thus enabling act by appealing to an accurate and sharp intuition, this sixth sense to the surface, so typical of spiritual beings manifests effortlessly, without resorting to complex mental processes
Coherence of thought, feeling and action:
All human beings tend mental or physically sick because they often act against what we think or feel. We must come to have perfect consistency between thoughts, feelings and acts healthy.
Lack of self - importance:
Enlightened beings do not need titles, honors and public recognition. They do not flaunt their good deeds, just lead by example. Do not act correctly according to receive praise or affection, it is the only way they know to act. Also, they do not encourage the cult of his person, convinced that the only thing important is the spirit that own and no bodily form temporarily embody.
The complete mastery of the physical body is the first step that allows man toabsolutely dominate their emotional and mental field.
Concentration and observation:
For them, there are no impossible goals.They are not clinging to the difficulties are only able to see the solutions.Concentration and profound observation of the surrounding world, is the key to achieving this condition, which enables them to understand everything, understand everything. Favors the pursuit of truth and knowledge, so it does not cling to established concepts;investigates and verifies all by itself
Extrasensory abilities:
The total mastery of the physical, emotional and mental abilities, as mentioned, is a condition of the highly evolved beings. The third eye, the ability to anticipate the future or communicate with the mind effortlessly flowing in them. Should strive not just wake dominate as a result of knowing, and behave as enlightened beings.
The lighting creates a state of deep happiness. But it is not a fleeting happiness, a man tied to the moods, passions, to material welfare achievements. This is a permanent, deep and unchanging state, which is the happiness of the spirit. It is happiness that brings a true spiritual evolution.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.
© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided that respects their integrity and acknowledge the author, the translator and the URL as the source and copyright notice

10 de enero de 2019

5D Shift: What Will The New 5D Paradigm Look Like?

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/09/2019 - 06:41

Imagine a World were everything is interconnected as frequencies of light. Imagine everything working in harmony together. Where you feel at peace, cherished and nurtured, where there's infinite possibility in the day to express yourself and unfold the next highest version of you. Imagine a World where conflict has transformed into constructive confrontation to peel away that which doesn't serve, so as to find the next highest harmony. Imagine a place where there are always enough resources to be who you really are, and where fear and suffering have fallen away. This is what it's like to live fully in 5D consciousness in the New Paradigm. My only question is, why wait?...

The Not so Truman Show

It's time to wake up from the amnesia. It comes as quite a shock when you realise that as Homo Sapiens, you've been caught in an experiment by an Opposing Consciousness whose very purpose it is to control, downgrade and enslave. Ever seen the film The Truman Show? Take a moment, see the perfect metaphor of the reality game show people have been contained within...
You just know it don't you! If you're reading this, the delusion is already coming into view. But the Interventon is exceptionally clever. It keeps creating new episodes of the drama to bend and distort people back into the show. It could be that new 'eco-friendly system', where we're all consuming exactly what we want, just as long as it has that all important "eco" stamp on the label. Yet it's still a prison cell - this one just designed to assuage a degree of guilt about how society is obliterating the eco-systems and mercilessly exploiting other life.
Let's wake up, it doesn't have to be like this! Just like Truman, we can all step out of the Show!

The Grand Deception

The greatest part of the deception has been to disconnect Humanity from his multidimensional self. This primarily happens through the fourth density, playing on karmic attachment, inserting energetic implants, thus causing addiction to lower behaviourisms through lack of trust. Humanity has lost trust in the divine that the flow itself can furnish everything we need. It's not humanity's fault - by playing dissonant frequencies through the field via electrosmog, an eddy current in the flow - a "Truman Show" - has been created. It's a clever way of controlling reality. And yet there's no longevity to it. In the end all control breaks down: it's like you've put an achor in the space-time-continuum, a dam in the stream, but since everything is interconnected, spacetime bends and gathers around it until eventually the anchor is wripped up. And so the Intervention moves onto another planet, perhaps it's Mars this time - all aboard SpaceX or Virgin Galactic - with the happless Truman Show in tow. It's just another series in another landscape, but with the same limiting agenda.
How about we step out of the show now?
It's not that difficult to reclaim your multidimensionality. I'd say there needs to be a couple of essential things landing for you: (1) the realisation that you're in something like the Truman Show and don't want to be there anymore (2) the daily commitment to find your authentic soul truth.

What will 5D reality look like?

There are many characteristics of the soul, but when you're in your authentic soul-ray-harmonic, what people say is that it just feels 'right'. There is a 'rightness' to it. That's not right as in 'right' and 'wrong', just the sense and feeling that you're in resonance in that moment for you. Imagine you were an ET from another constellation and you'd never seen a guitar before or heard it play. Nevertheless, you'd instantly know when a chord was being played that was in tune. When you've felt your soul resonance once, there's nothing quite like it, nothing that this synthetic reality can ever replicate. So keep looking for that new chord, that new tune, keep playing it, because that's exactly how the illusion evaporates like some distant desert mirage. Whatever the smart-phone-distraction, whatever the next social-media-must-see, keep playing that tune which is yours, and sure as the sun coming up over the ocean, just like Truman, you will escape into reality.
What will 5D reality look like?

The 5D New Paradigm (actually 5D, 6D and 7D) already exists. We're living in two worlds right now not one. And the most essential thing is that you get to know the New Paradigm yourself, in your daily living, right now. We can share reflections, yes, but you have to live it for yourself to be there. Here's my vision-knowing, I felt to share so as to inspire...
Imgaine a world without concrete cities, highrise buildings, without cars and trains and planes. Imagine all the pollution and electrosmog gone. Imagine governments, police forces and armies dissipated. A place where there's no war or conflict. And most essentially, a place where ALL sentient life is respected and cherished. A place where there is no requirement, need nor desire to consume another creature. Imagine the consciousness of all life here being rejuvenated in a higher vibration of light. Imagine that as you express your authentic self, light bends around you to create a vehicle for your expression. Imagine waking up for the day (you actually never go to sleep), and your purpose is to learn, evolve and grow, to experience the fullness of who you are. Imagine that as you create, you're creating in harmony with a group of souls closely resonant on your frequency, so it feels totally harmonious. This is a brief glimpse of my knowing-sense of the New Paradigm. Crucially, I experience it as already here, already around us.
What might it look like for you?

We're not Waiting for some Big "Event"

The point is that you can't wait for the next big "Event" to realise this. Yes the planet is undergoing phenonmenal transformation and transition. Over time, the old reality will steadily break down. If you're truly honest with yourself, surely you can see it doing that right now. It's getting increasingly dissonant with the authentic vibrations day by day, doing its damndest to shift and shape so as to lock people into another episode. But that's just the karmic construct twisting and turning in its end game.
Here's the crucial point - to fully shift into the New Paradigm, you have to be ALREADY living it as the karmic construct peels off. If you're here in this reality, then the chances are that you have karma to process and so fragments of soul are bound into the old reality. It's these that keep creating the illusions of the Truman Show - people keep getting sucked back in through distortions in relationships, careers and general living circumstances. And yet if you're reading this, likelihood is that you've already had experiences of what it's like to be living in 5D (and 6D/7D). The essential thing is that you keep digging for these kinds of experiences in daily life. It's definitely NOT waiting for "The Event" - that's likely just another deception. Yes there will be plenty of events in the Shift to the New Paradigm, but the point is to live it right now.

Time to Step Right out of the Truman Show

So my encouragement is not to wait. You can explore higher dimensional consciousness in every aspect of your life. Beware, there are a zillion reasons the Truman Show keeps recreating to keep people locked into the illusion. Don't be fooled. In your soul you know the truth. Keep trusting in the guidance coming through you. Keep checking that against the synchronistic interplay of the flow. Keep exploring and inquiring. And don't worry about making 'mistakes' - I can tell you, I have only ever truly found the flow by the times I've mistakenly stepped out of it!
The New Paradigm is there for you right now. You know it intrinsically in the core of your being. When you're in it, it just feels 'right'. You're seeing and stepping through the density, out of the Truman Show...

I know this is not always easy. There are so many blinkers to keep people locked in. But I have the privilege of meeting and working with people around the world who are steadily breaking free, choice by choice, step by step, moment by moment. Yes the density pulls you back in for a time, but it's never long before the next wave sweeps you up again!

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...