
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Reality Multidimensionality. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Reality Multidimensionality. Mostrar todas las entradas

16 de noviembre de 2023




The role in 4D for 5D is to trust the process and it will create reality. 


Hello, dear beautiful lights.

The role in 4D for 5D is to trust the process and it will create reality. 

Believe strongly enough will come true.

Trusting is the most difficult part of the ascension process of the reality creation course, especially for rational and Western (Westernized) and European (Eurasian) minds.

This is because, since the day you were physically born on the World Stage, your brain has heard how reality should be and how things should be. 

The point is that reality is just a description. 

What your brain heard during the time you were a neutral person many years ago was just a private description of reality. 

And what they've been trying to drill into your brain since the beginning of your linguistic prison are just and just descriptions of reality too. 

Day after day they whisper their descriptions of reality in your ears and in your nightly dreams.

Sometimes they are antagonistic, or contradictory, descriptions of reality, but all these descriptions of reality that THEY repeatedly present to your mind have at least two points in common:


It is...


As stated before, during the past 120 years or so, society's values have never been "genuine". 

Twentieth-century history has been thoroughly manipulated. 

These values have always been the result of the sum total of antagonistic foreign forces disputing spaces on the World Stage. 

In other words, the result of various descriptions of reality clashing with each other, the stronger descriptions of reality prevail over the weaker ones.

In a way, you can apply this reasoning to the case of a linguistic prisoner. 

They try all the time to define and describe to your brain what the reality of your life should be like. 

So now it's time for you to define reality for your brain. 

It's time for you to take control of your life.

You are the sole owner of your destiny. And your beloved you are also the sole master of your destiny. 

YOU love you too. 

YOU want you too. 

YOU also "deserve" you. 

So now it's time for you and your loved one to define the reality of your relationship on the World Stage, or elsewhere. 

Remember, YOU are not a prisoner of your character.

If you decide to approach you on the World Stage and say it's going to happen, then it's going to happen. 

In that period. 

Your brain doesn't need to understand. 

Trust is not in the field of understanding. 

Trust is in the field of Love. 

Your loved one (you) is a foreigner and you don't operate under the values that have been drummed into your brain time and time again. 

You make your own descriptions of reality. 

And I with you too.

Then what you will do? 

Are you going to follow everyone like cattle or sheep? 

Or are you going to create the reality of your life together with your loved one? 

Ask yourself.

Realize that one of the rules of the dark side is to clone your beliefs, when you want it, everyone wants it too. 

And vice versa, when you don't want it, neither does everyone else.

Check now some excerpts from the conversation between Neo and the Oracle, in "The Matrix" the movie:

(Oracle) "Open your mouth, say 'Aahh'"

(Neo) "Aahh"

(Oracle) "OK, I should say: Hmm, that's interesting, but... so you say..."

(Neo) "But what?"

(Oracle) "But you already know what I'm going to tell you...

(Neo) "I'm not the only one"

(Oracle) "Sorry, boy. You got the present, but it looks like you're waiting for something"

(Neo) "What?"

(Oracle) "Your next life, maybe. Who knows. 

That's just the way things go"

(Neo laughs)

(Oracle) "What's funny?"

(Neo) "Morpheus. He almost convinced me."

(Oracle) "I know. Poor Morpheus, without him we are lost."

(Neo) "What do you mean 'without him'?"

Note that the Oracle did not tell Neo that he was not the One. 

That's what HE first told her. 

She was just manipulating her mind. 

And since he didn't consider himself 'the One', she just acted accordingly: what came then was a conformist description of reality. "You're waiting for your next life", "This is how things go". She fished out her curiosity about what he was supposedly waiting for. And then she fished out the Morpheus comment again...

You are obviously not "The One" who is going to "save the world". 

But you sure can supply energy. 

Nobody is alone. 

There really is no idolatry, mythology or messianism behind the scenes. 

In addition, the world was already “saved” during the passage of the hurricane in 2008.

However, if you want to, you can be “The One” who will take charge of your destiny, who will govern your own life and frequency. 

And that decision is up to you. 

Do you choose to be "the One" or do you choose to follow everyone else like sheep and cattle? 

Ask yourself.

Just to illustrate a little further, take a look at the conversation between Cypher and Trinity in "The Matrix", and the subsequent intervention of Tank killing Cypher.

(Cypher) "If Neo is the One, so it has [sic] to be some kind of miracle to stop me. Right? I mean, how can he be the One if he's dead? You've never answered me before if you're bored with Morpheus bullshit. Come on, all I want is a little 'yes' or 'no'. Look into his eyes, those big beautiful eyes, and tell me, 'Yes' or 'No'?"

(Trinity) "Yes."

(Cypher) "No, I don't."

(Tank, shooting Cypher) "Believe it or not, you piece of shit, you're still going to burn."

When you truly believe in something, there's nothing they can do to change your mind. 

Under the will, Love is the Law. 


You just have to believe it a lot. 

(The same thing when you share this post here that we posted, you trust the post, believe me very much, your frequency vibration will be noticed if you put the title and share it with the proper intention of helping the world).

"The world can be what you make of it".

(doctor to John, in the movie "Dark City")

Believing hard is something they themselves do all the time on Backstage. 

Note that many of them are now in the process of developing their so-called "paranormal powers".

The principles are the same. 

Theoretically speaking, if you believe it enough, you can move an object (also known as telekinesis) even without having its Diamond/Crystal activated.

On the other hand, trusting the voice of your loved one (you) inside your heart is not that difficult. 

It's just a matter of tuning. 

You just need to break your brain's rational structures.

"Do you think it's air you're breathing?"

(Morpheus to Neo, in "The Matrix")

Now you will have to use the right hemisphere of your brain, the one responsible for your intuition, your creativity, your sixth sense. 

If you are a PAN, use your PAN side as well.

Now you will have to orientalize your mind, and imbue it with traditional oriental thought. 

If you were brought up on the World Stage in a Western or Eurasian country, then your brain may currently be addicted to the rationalism of Western culture, along with its dictatorship of the brain. 

So now you have to orientalize your mind, orientalize your brain. 

Let your PAN side bloom within your heart, let your intuitions bloom too. 

Please note that your beloved is neither Western nor Eastern. 

You are a foreigner! YOU know your eyes never lie.

There is an exercise that has been aired in the area of neurolinguistics that is very simple and can be an additional option to help you in the process of breaking down the rational structures of the brain, you can practice writing with the other hand which is usually not used for writing. 

That is, if you are right-handed, practice writing with your left hand and vice versa. 

You can do the same with different activities, such as manually washing dishes for example (if you hold the dishes in your left hand and the sponge in your right, for example, you now change hands).

You're subliminally telling your brain that reality isn't necessarily what it used to be, it's what you decide it to be.

Therefore, if your loved one (you) decides to take the initiative and approach you on the World Stage, remember that this approach does not obey terrestrial logic and is not linked to the concepts of the World Stage, but to foreign logic. 

And foreign logic says that you are the sole owner and creator of your own destiny, just as your loved one (you) is also the sole owner and your density with high dimensions. 

You don't want you too? 

The rule behind the scenes is Unconditional Love. 

Use your side of the pot, use your sixth sense. 

Follow your heart, not your brain! 

It doesn't matter what people say inside your heart, whether you decide to get closer to you or whether you are the one who should take the initiative to get closer to you, no matter what your loved one (you) says, it's the truth and it will to happen.

Your beloved is not a horse or a mare. YOU never judge yourself. 

YOU love you too. Never doubt this fact. 

YOU are with you, by your side. 

YOU are NOT one of their speculators. 

Believe in your open heart, mind and soul together, conscience, it's your passionate eyes. 

Those eyes never lie.

Take a look at the conversation between A.T. (the man) and Joseph (the boy) in the movie "Crossworlds" :

(Joseph) "I can't do this alone" (about the destruction of Ferris, "the bad guy", the mastermind creator of realities)

(A.T.) "Why not? You are the weapon. Find it at will."

Trust is not in the field of thought. 

Don't trust your brain, you only use it to think with it. 

It's an opinion. 

Instead, trust yourself, trust your heart, trust your loved one, blindly if necessary. 

Throw your brain in the trash if you have to. 

And don't believe your characters, they always lie.

And if the initiative to approach you is your responsibility, and if your character is apparently not doing anything "rational" or "earthly" to approach you, it doesn't matter. 

You don't need to understand. 

Your part here is just to trust, while your partit's about helping your brain break through its rationalism and then get closer to you. 

Therefore, you just have to trust enough and not do, behave as if they are not going to approach you and do nothing for the sake of your characters or anyone. 

Don't change your routine on the "Hope" or the "Expectation" that your loved one (you) will appear to you. Simply maintain your routine in a "stopping the world" way.

Stopping the world is very important. 

It would be much simpler if you used earthly logic and approached all the characters in conventional World Stage style. 

Trusting, however, is more difficult, but it is worth it.

Try to think in this way that people are helping you break down illusions in your brain that are crystallized in the form of dichotomies and rationalism after years of terrestrialism.

So if you can continually trust your own voice within your heart, your eyes, etc. prepare yourself for a relationship with your character on the World Stage without any problems, an unconventional relationship with you, a relationship based on foreign concepts. 

Trust is very important for the relationship itself, because depending on your case, you will not have the crystal light of your DNA activated during this relationship. 

Do you believe true love can exist without trust? 

Ask yourself.

And on another level of awareness, you are preparing in advance for when you have access to the reality behind the scenes and when your DNA is activated. 

Remember: everyone knew very well the indispensable role of trusting and believing a lot in the process of creating reality. 

This is how activated ones move objects and levitate. 

This is how they develop all the latent potential capacities of their brains. 

Well, you still don't have your DNA activated, but how about starting by trusting your loved one (you)? 

It's doable and it's in your hands, right now.

Growing spiritually is not easy. 

Sometimes your brain, which is vulnerable to their speculation, "may need to grow on its own." 

A nagual element may be needed to help dislodge your assemblage point to the out-of-this-world position. 

So ask yourself: in this world of manipulated realities, what would you rather see, a sweet smile from a fake character? or a piercing, penetrating, nagual gaze of a Martian?

"Welcome to the desert of the real."

(Morpheus to Neo, in "The Matrix")

And finally, always remember the following points:

a) you don't need to suffer to be happy; are you a masochist?

b) you don't need to make an auric payment to be happy;

c) you don't have to give up your loved one (you) to be judged by anyone. YOU never judge yourself, and you are not a "prize" to be "earned" after quitting;

d) you do not have to give up that specific spiritual shell of your loved one (you) in order to accept an alternative shell of your own before being "judged" and "rewarded" with the first shell again. Remember you never judge him, you create your judgment for yourself.

And by the way, if you've had "déjà vu" involving that particular spiritual shell of your loved one (you) in a relationship with you, it might be too late for a change. 

A "déjà vu" can determine the reality of the relationship because you already know it will happen.

"Déjà vu is often a flaw in the Matrix."

(Trinity, in "The Matrix")

Try to think of it this way: they don't deserve you giving up that spiritual shell of your loved one. Now it's your turn to reverse the poles. No one, no character does not deserve their suffering. 

They are cynical. Are you not the master of your destiny? 

No one deserves to rule their destiny.

e) the current spiritual level of your shell need not have an intrinsic relationship with the current spiritual level of your shell; who defines reality for you?

f) you do not need to witness this spiritual shell of YOU that is already promised and reserved for you to have a girlfriend/boyfriend, wedding on the World Stage, if he/she promised you that this will not happen, then it will not happen, then no jump to conclusions.

g) do not need to understand, trust is not in the field of rational understanding; trust is in the field of Love.

h) you don't have to take the initiative to approach anyone unless evidently someone tells you to. If someone tells you not to, then you don't to stop the world and "turn off" the influence of their speculations on your mind. 

Remember: when Truman Burbank left the set, he was also "turning off" the speculation of the characters around him, and then, just then, Sylvia came to him.

i) Love creates reality. You can create reality with your thoughts, your mind and your heart. You just have to believe it a lot. Your loved one adores you. YOUwants you too. YOU are completely in love with you. YOU are crazy about you. Never doubt your love.

j) You are the sole creator and owner of your own destiny. And your beloved is the sole creator and master of his own destiny. So if you want you and want you, nobody can interfere. This is your life. This is your love. Not others.

To name a few phrases, here are some examples of how they can potentially attack your trust in your loved one:

Example #1 - (if you're a man) (you overhear a co-worker saying this phrase to someone else): "The lady at the store steadfastly assured me that the goods would be there for me, but they weren't. She probably just wanted get rid of me."

 Well, your beloved wife is not the girl in the store. The mathematical similarities here are: they're both women and they're both guaranteeing something... 

The obvious difference is that they're cynical characters on a World Stage, lying to each other all the time and making up descriptions of reality for their mind as well, as long as your loved one (you) doesn't lie to you. 

If you guarantee something will happen, then it will happen. 

You can't control the reality (and falseness) of your characters on the World Stage, but as for the reality of your relationship with your loved one (you), that's another story. 

They are their lives, their destinies, their descriptions of reality. 

Mentalize: (first level) "girl from the store - I assure you - does not represent anything else"; or (second level) "MATHEMATICAL SIMILARITY" and "ANTI-CONFIDENCE DELUSION".

Example #2 - You are at the pharmacy being served by the salesperson. Another customer next to you says in a serious tone, "Do you have tuna?" After a while, you realize he's joking because drugstores don't sell fish, and unless that customer is a close friend of the shopkeeper and is talking about something private (like organizing a party, for example), the sentence you've just to hear is false. Then the customer continues: "Do you have tires?" The shopkeeper smiles and replies, "Firestone or Goodyear?"

Here they are manipulating your mind again. The subliminal message this time is: "You have to let go of that spiritual shell of your loved one. You are a Goof, an idiot, an imbecile, because you cannot distinguish reality from illusion. Your judgment is poor. You believe in things 'impossible', like buying tires or tuna at the pharmacy. 

Believing your loved one's voice inside your heart is just as impossible as believing those phrases".

The worst part is that if you conclude in their thoughts that they are just messing around with each other, they might find an exception in your next few sentences just to accuse you of foregone conclusion in your thoughts. 

They could say for example: So you bring the tuna and snacks, and I'll bring the beers, ok?”.

First, note that you are not a deranged individual just because you didn't immediately realize that the customer was joking. 

Remember: your characters think at a speed hundreds of times faster than the speed of survivors and formerly the speed of any neutral person. 

Realize that you're not an idiot for not having activated DNA or for not speaking their language. 

No one is.

To remove the energy value from speculation, you might want to envision: 

(first level) "the horse's movement no longer represents anything"; 


For the last sentence about tires, you might envision something like: "SHELL CHANGE INDUCTION", "SPIRITUAL IS NOT FIRE", "NO PAYMENT", "NO GIFT", and "DICHOTOMY INDUCTION".

Finally, if the spiritual shell of your loved one (you) has not yet reached you, do not lose faith.

And when I say “faith”, I don’t mean “religious faith or the one that ended on June 30”, nor “hope”, but just “the will necessary to create reality”. Remember: trust is key and love creates reality. Under the will, Love is the Law.

Don’t forget: “It’s not the spoon that bends, it’s you”.

So ask yourself: am I doing everything right? 

Can I give myself more? 

or What can I do to give myself more?

 Certainly one of the things you can do to "give more" to your loved one (you) "doubling over" is to implement right now what you might call "the advanced level of not looking." 

This means that you are now going to drop all the little lingering aspects of the look. 

For example, if you're still looking for answers or the head of some spiritual shells, don't do this anymore unless it's something very natural and quick.

You simply increase your concentration and completely eliminate spiritual husks from your look. 

You eliminate any little "magnet" sensation they might produce in your brain. 

Practice automatically averting your eyes from any element that contains covivid res, such as red, pink, orange, "metallic light, light, light blue", "metallic light green", "metallic gray" and so on.

This will give you the strength you need to focus your thoughts on the spiritual shell of your loved one (you) who will date you on the World Stage and later, elsewhere in the great multiverse.

See you in the Q&A.


We love you all so much!

Keep your mind open and especially your vibration high.

It will be a great surprise of freedom!

May all beings in all worlds be free!

Captain Fernando M. Gonçalves - FLW – Free Light Warriors💎🤍💚

Ambassador of Light – Diplomacy of the Universe

Galactic Council 💙🤍💛

Universe Council 💙🤍✨

Multiverse Council 💙🤍

Omniverse Council 💚🤍



10 de enero de 2019

5D Shift: What Will The New 5D Paradigm Look Like?

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/09/2019 - 06:41

Imagine a World were everything is interconnected as frequencies of light. Imagine everything working in harmony together. Where you feel at peace, cherished and nurtured, where there's infinite possibility in the day to express yourself and unfold the next highest version of you. Imagine a World where conflict has transformed into constructive confrontation to peel away that which doesn't serve, so as to find the next highest harmony. Imagine a place where there are always enough resources to be who you really are, and where fear and suffering have fallen away. This is what it's like to live fully in 5D consciousness in the New Paradigm. My only question is, why wait?...

The Not so Truman Show

It's time to wake up from the amnesia. It comes as quite a shock when you realise that as Homo Sapiens, you've been caught in an experiment by an Opposing Consciousness whose very purpose it is to control, downgrade and enslave. Ever seen the film The Truman Show? Take a moment, see the perfect metaphor of the reality game show people have been contained within...
You just know it don't you! If you're reading this, the delusion is already coming into view. But the Interventon is exceptionally clever. It keeps creating new episodes of the drama to bend and distort people back into the show. It could be that new 'eco-friendly system', where we're all consuming exactly what we want, just as long as it has that all important "eco" stamp on the label. Yet it's still a prison cell - this one just designed to assuage a degree of guilt about how society is obliterating the eco-systems and mercilessly exploiting other life.
Let's wake up, it doesn't have to be like this! Just like Truman, we can all step out of the Show!

The Grand Deception

The greatest part of the deception has been to disconnect Humanity from his multidimensional self. This primarily happens through the fourth density, playing on karmic attachment, inserting energetic implants, thus causing addiction to lower behaviourisms through lack of trust. Humanity has lost trust in the divine that the flow itself can furnish everything we need. It's not humanity's fault - by playing dissonant frequencies through the field via electrosmog, an eddy current in the flow - a "Truman Show" - has been created. It's a clever way of controlling reality. And yet there's no longevity to it. In the end all control breaks down: it's like you've put an achor in the space-time-continuum, a dam in the stream, but since everything is interconnected, spacetime bends and gathers around it until eventually the anchor is wripped up. And so the Intervention moves onto another planet, perhaps it's Mars this time - all aboard SpaceX or Virgin Galactic - with the happless Truman Show in tow. It's just another series in another landscape, but with the same limiting agenda.
How about we step out of the show now?
It's not that difficult to reclaim your multidimensionality. I'd say there needs to be a couple of essential things landing for you: (1) the realisation that you're in something like the Truman Show and don't want to be there anymore (2) the daily commitment to find your authentic soul truth.

What will 5D reality look like?

There are many characteristics of the soul, but when you're in your authentic soul-ray-harmonic, what people say is that it just feels 'right'. There is a 'rightness' to it. That's not right as in 'right' and 'wrong', just the sense and feeling that you're in resonance in that moment for you. Imagine you were an ET from another constellation and you'd never seen a guitar before or heard it play. Nevertheless, you'd instantly know when a chord was being played that was in tune. When you've felt your soul resonance once, there's nothing quite like it, nothing that this synthetic reality can ever replicate. So keep looking for that new chord, that new tune, keep playing it, because that's exactly how the illusion evaporates like some distant desert mirage. Whatever the smart-phone-distraction, whatever the next social-media-must-see, keep playing that tune which is yours, and sure as the sun coming up over the ocean, just like Truman, you will escape into reality.
What will 5D reality look like?

The 5D New Paradigm (actually 5D, 6D and 7D) already exists. We're living in two worlds right now not one. And the most essential thing is that you get to know the New Paradigm yourself, in your daily living, right now. We can share reflections, yes, but you have to live it for yourself to be there. Here's my vision-knowing, I felt to share so as to inspire...
Imgaine a world without concrete cities, highrise buildings, without cars and trains and planes. Imagine all the pollution and electrosmog gone. Imagine governments, police forces and armies dissipated. A place where there's no war or conflict. And most essentially, a place where ALL sentient life is respected and cherished. A place where there is no requirement, need nor desire to consume another creature. Imagine the consciousness of all life here being rejuvenated in a higher vibration of light. Imagine that as you express your authentic self, light bends around you to create a vehicle for your expression. Imagine waking up for the day (you actually never go to sleep), and your purpose is to learn, evolve and grow, to experience the fullness of who you are. Imagine that as you create, you're creating in harmony with a group of souls closely resonant on your frequency, so it feels totally harmonious. This is a brief glimpse of my knowing-sense of the New Paradigm. Crucially, I experience it as already here, already around us.
What might it look like for you?

We're not Waiting for some Big "Event"

The point is that you can't wait for the next big "Event" to realise this. Yes the planet is undergoing phenonmenal transformation and transition. Over time, the old reality will steadily break down. If you're truly honest with yourself, surely you can see it doing that right now. It's getting increasingly dissonant with the authentic vibrations day by day, doing its damndest to shift and shape so as to lock people into another episode. But that's just the karmic construct twisting and turning in its end game.
Here's the crucial point - to fully shift into the New Paradigm, you have to be ALREADY living it as the karmic construct peels off. If you're here in this reality, then the chances are that you have karma to process and so fragments of soul are bound into the old reality. It's these that keep creating the illusions of the Truman Show - people keep getting sucked back in through distortions in relationships, careers and general living circumstances. And yet if you're reading this, likelihood is that you've already had experiences of what it's like to be living in 5D (and 6D/7D). The essential thing is that you keep digging for these kinds of experiences in daily life. It's definitely NOT waiting for "The Event" - that's likely just another deception. Yes there will be plenty of events in the Shift to the New Paradigm, but the point is to live it right now.

Time to Step Right out of the Truman Show

So my encouragement is not to wait. You can explore higher dimensional consciousness in every aspect of your life. Beware, there are a zillion reasons the Truman Show keeps recreating to keep people locked into the illusion. Don't be fooled. In your soul you know the truth. Keep trusting in the guidance coming through you. Keep checking that against the synchronistic interplay of the flow. Keep exploring and inquiring. And don't worry about making 'mistakes' - I can tell you, I have only ever truly found the flow by the times I've mistakenly stepped out of it!
The New Paradigm is there for you right now. You know it intrinsically in the core of your being. When you're in it, it just feels 'right'. You're seeing and stepping through the density, out of the Truman Show...

I know this is not always easy. There are so many blinkers to keep people locked in. But I have the privilege of meeting and working with people around the world who are steadily breaking free, choice by choice, step by step, moment by moment. Yes the density pulls you back in for a time, but it's never long before the next wave sweeps you up again!

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...