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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta United States. Mostrar todas las entradas

11 de mayo de 2019

New federal legislation requires a full audit of the gold reserves of the United States

Washington, DC (May 8, 2019)  - The representative of the United States. UU. Alex Mooney (R-WV) introduced legislation this week to provide the first audit of the gold reserves of the United States since the Eisenhower administration.
The  Law of Transparency Gold Reserve  (HR 2559), supported by the Defense League Money Money and advocates of government responsibility, directs the Comptroller of the United States to conduct a "thorough analysis, inventory and audit of all gold reserves, including gold "deep storage 'of the United States in the place or places where such reserves are saved."
However, HR 2559 requires more than a physical analysis, inventory and auditing. Even if all the gold in the United States can be physically counted, however, it may be subject to obligations of third parties or otherwise be affected by the bank financialization.
Therefore, the bill audit gold Mooney also requires "a full accounting of any and all sales, purchases, payments or receipts ... a complete accounting of each and every one of the charges, including those due to leases, swaps or similar transactions currently in existence or entered in [in the last 15 years and] an analysis of the adequacy of the measures taken to ensure the physical security of such reserves. "
Congressman alex mooney
Rep Alex Mooney (R-WV)
Over the years, the US Treasury has faced accusations that it has sold, traded, leased or imposes taxes on some of the gold reserves of the United States.
At the same time, Russia and China are accumulating physical gold at a pace that experts believe could ultimately threaten the financial dominance of the United States and, by extension, national security.
The bill audit Golden Mooney Representative seeks to restore confidence in the administration of US gold, a vital and strategic financial asset that does not involve counterparty risks of national currencies backless.
"The Treasury EE. UU. He has refused to provide the American people an understanding and inventory of gold holdings of our nation , " said  Mooney Representative  . "
Private holdings gold  metal deposits  are audited routinely, but the US Treasuries. UU. He has not allowed an audit and inventory analysis (independent or not) of the gold reserves of the United States  since 1953  .
Bullion Depository US
Deposit bullion United States (Fort Knox, Kentucky)
In fact, HR 2559 provides the first true and complete audit because the audit conducted during the Eisenhower administration never really completed. HR 2559 also requires a new audit every 5 years thereafter.
"Given the strategic importance of monetary gold, there should be no doubt about their status and security," said Jp Cortez, policy director of the Sound Money Defense League.
"The US Treasury should be kept at least to the standards of private depositories and public companies when it comes to financial governance".
The bill directs the Government Accountability Office toprovide the results of the audit to the Congress and made available to the public without redactions. The text of HR 2559 can be found  here  .

The  Defense League Money Money  is a public policy group that works to recover gold and silver as money US Constitution. The organization also maintains the  index  solid money from the United States,  which classifies sound money policies of the 50 states

3 de mayo de 2019

It will soon be time for President Trump to unleash military arrests of all the domestic enemies in America: Tech CEOs, journo-terrorists, treasonous lawmakers and more (see full list)

Events are rapidly coalescing to the inevitable conclusion that America must either rise up and defend itself or fall to the lawless, lunatic Leftists and globalists who seek to destroy it from within.
Soon, it will be time for President Trump to take decisive action to eliminate the domestic enemies of America (see full list below) and restore the rule of law to this sovereign nation. Although I don’t have any special inside information about Trump’s plans, an analysis of accelerating events points to an historic showdown as pro-American forces face off against anti-American traitors throughout every level of government and society.
With deranged, lawless Democrats now demanding the impeachment of Attorney General William Barr for completely fabricated reasons — i.e. they don’t like the fact that he won’t go along with the Russia collusion hoax that was fabricated by the treasonous deep state — we are getting closer each day to the need for military arrests of those lawmakers and domestic terrorist organizations (see list below) who are actively conspiring to defeat America as founded and turn this country over to globalists to be looted, dismantled and erased from history.

President Trump must know that We the People are ready and willing to defend this nation against domestic enemies

The President needs to know that We the People wholly support his efforts to drain the swamp and “lock them up.” We are law-abiding patriots and defenders of the both First and Second Amendments, and we are ready to back President Trump’s decisive commands with city-by-city, county-by-county defenses to identify and arrest all enemies of America who are attempting to destroy this nation from within.
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To be clear, yes, I’m talking about armed, law-abiding citizens all across America who are willing to defend America from the traitors who are trying to destroy it.
From idiotic lunatics who would push America into an all-out economic collapse (Ocasio-Cortez) to high-level treasonous criminals who armed America’s enemies with nuclear weapons and leaked U.S. military secrets to China and Iran (Barack Obama), all those who threaten the United States of America must be identified, arrested and removed from power as part of the process of restoring the rule of law in America.
I don’t have any special inside information of what Trump is planning, and I don’t speak for Trump in any way. But some of the actions that Trump could take to restore the rule of law in America and eliminate the sabotage actions of the domestic enemies currently operating in America include the following:
  • Deploy the military police nationwide to arrest and detain the CEOs of all tech companies and financial institutions that are systematically de-platforming conservatives, Trump supporters and Christians.
  • Every CEO of every tech company (Google, Twitter, etc.) or financial institution (Chase, Mastercard, GoFundMe, etc.) that has de-platformed users for being conservatives must be charged and prosecuted for willfully denying Americans their basic civil rights to engage in speech and commerce.
  • The domain names of all such tech companies and financial companies should be seized by the State Dept. and held in escrow until such time that the corporations sign consent decrees that guarantee the freedom of speech and freedom of commerce for all Americans, without interference, shadowbanning, de-platforming or algorithmic censorship.
  • RICO Act racketeering laws can be used to level felony criminal charges against all those engaged in these activities.
  • Every fake news media organization that actively participated in the sourcing and publishing of fabricated “leaks” what were intended to further the political coup effort against President Trump should have its conspirators arrested and removed from public influence. CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post and Buzzfeed, among others, have collapsed into “journo-terrorism” hubs where they attempt to terrorize the American public with fabricated news hoaxes with the aim of destabilizing the Trump administration. These activities are not expressions of a “free press” but rather active efforts to commit sedition and treason as part of a coordinated, deep state political coup to overthrow the results of the 2016 election and nullify the will of the voters. The left-wing media has essentially merged with the deep state and now functions as the propaganda extension of the very treasonous groups that are attempting to overthrow America’s democracy.
  • Every member of Congress, in both the House and Senate, who has actively participated in furthering the Russia collusion hoax and attempted coup against the United States of America should be arrested by military police and charged with sedition, then removed from public office and held to face military trials. Sen. John McCain should be charged posthumously for his role in the “Trump dossier” which was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant application to spy on Trump campaign and administration personnel (in total violation of U.S. law).
  • As part of the cleanup operation to eliminate domestic terrorist groups that are operating inside the United States, Antifa must be designated a domestic terrorism organization, and all those who collude with Antifa to carry out acts of violence against conservative Americans must be arrested and charged with terror-related acts of conspiracy. This will include a very large number of college and university professors who exploit their positions of academic power to recruit and deploy domestic terrorist groups against the United States government.
  • The mayors of “sanctuary cities” and the governors of “sanctuary states” must be declared to be engaged in an active insurrection against the United States of America, then arrested and subjected to military tribunals for their active roles in undermining the nation through willful complicity with criminal felons and terror-linked groups.
  • All governors who signed laws authorizing the voting of illegal aliens must be arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit voter fraud. A national voter ID law must be put into place and fully enforced. Until California or any state agrees to enforce voter ID laws, that state’s members of Congress must be suspended and prevented from participating in federal legislation in any way whatsoever. The message to California? If you don’t enforce voter ID laws, you will lose your Senators, members of Congress and your Electoral College votes. You cannot participate in democracy if you aren’t willing to follow the basic rules of democracy.
  • Activate American patriots to defend the national borders. Militia groups must be called up by the President to defend America’s territories against foreign invaders. Those attempting to illegally enter the United States via border crossings must be ordered to turn around and go home. Those caught inside the border must be arrested and immediately deported to their home countries. The message must be clear: Immigrants are only welcomed in the United States through legal processes, not illegal border crossings. If you want to become an American, wait in line like everybody else who immigrated legally.
By now, President Trump knows that the American people are ready and willing to activate their Second Amendment responsibility nationwide, to protect and defend the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. There are millions of military veterans and both active duty and former law enforcement Americans who are ready and willing to enforce the rule of law and, at the direction of the Commander in Chief, do their part to identify and eliminate the threat of “enemies within.”
Most real Americans have reached the point where they now realize their country will be completely overrun and destroyed if something isn’t done to halt the enemies within. Time is growing short. The will of the American people to defend their nation is stronger than ever, but most Americans will not act unless they are given authorization by the President.
That authorization will not come before the 2020 election, but once Trump wins a second term, there’s nothing holding back a full-fledged defense of America and the complete rooting out and elimination of America’s domestic enemies.
I have no doubt that President Trump already knows the American people are with him and are ready to defend his presidency and defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Get prepared while you can, since the Democrats are desperately trying to disarm the American people before the “big showdown” takes place. I am also directing you to this very important tactical analysisof how a civil war might go down and why the treasonous Left will “suffer a brutal loss” as power, water and food supply lines to their cities are cut off by pro-America forces who are defending this nation against traitors and terrorists. That article is based on this article by Matt Bracken at It’s also a very important read.
God bless America. #MAGA like a MOFO

2 de mayo de 2019

Trump Will Meet With Top Advisers To Discuss Plans To Challenge Climate Change Reports, Source Says

Michael Bastasch | Energy Editor
  • President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet Wednesday with close advisers to discuss creating a commission to scrutinize government climate change reports.
  • The commission would be spearheaded by Princeton physicist William Happer, who sees CO2 emissions as a net benefit for the planet.
  • Democrats have attacked Happer’s plan, but it’s gotten backing from a vast coalition of conservative groups and activists.
President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet Wednesday with White House officials to discuss creating a commission to scrutinize climate change reports, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Top National Security Council (NSC) officials John Bolton and William Happer will press Trump to create a commission to scrutinize major climate change reports, like last year’s National Climate Assessment, the source told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Should Trump agree, the plan is to issue an executive order creating a climate commission within the NSC, said the source who spoke on condition of anonymity. The White House did not respond to TheDCNF’s request for comment, and with unrest breaking out in Venezuela, such a meeting could be postponed.
The source added that National Economic Council head Larry Kudlow and Kelvin Droegemeier, a meteorologist who heads the Office of Science & Technology Policy, will be among those meeting with Trump to argue against creating a climate commission. (RELATED: Pelosi, Schumer Want To Turn Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Into A Climate Change Bill)
U.S. President Donald Trump meets with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg at the White House in Washington
National Security Advisor John Bolton speaks while U.S. President Donald Trump and Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan listen during a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 2, 2019. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts.
Happer, a Princeton physicist, has pushed for Trump to create a commission to scrutinize U.S. military and intelligence claims that global warming is a national security threat. Happer was brought on to the NSC in September to analyze emerging technologies.
Happer’s plan is similar to the failed effort spearheaded by former Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt to hold a “red team” exercise to debate climate science. Pruitt’s plan was heavily criticized and eventually abandoned.
Likewise, Happer’s push for a climate commission has been viciously attacked by politicians and environmentalists. House Democrats opposed Happer’s push for a climate panel, saying his intent was to undermine the “consensus.”
The Democratic chairs of four house committees wroteto Trump over “recent reports that the National Security Council (NSC) is planning to assemble a secret panel, led by a discredited climate change denier, to undermine the overwhelming scientific consensus on the nature and threats of climate change.”
Many conservative activists, on the other hand, have come out in favor of setting up a commission to scrutinize climate claims, including nearly 140 groups and experts who sent a letter of support to Trump in March.
NCAA Womens Basketball: Baylor Champions-White House Visit
Apr 29, 2019; Washington, D.C., USA; President Donald Trump speaks at a ceremony honoring the 2019 womenÕs NCAA basketball champion Baylor Lady Bears in the Oval Office at the White House. Mandatory Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports.
“We suggest that climate science requires at least the same level of scrutiny as the engineering employed in building a bridge or a new airplane,” conservatives wrote to Trump.
“If the defenders are confident that the science contained in official reports is robust, then they should welcome a review that would finally put to rest the doubts that have been raised,” conservatives wrote.
“On the other hand, their opposition could be taken as evidence that the scientific basis of the climate consensus is in fact highly suspect and cannot withstand critical review,” conservatives wrote.
Happer sits on the board of the CO2 Coalition, a group of scientists and policy experts who think carbon dioxide will end up being a net benefit to the planet by stimulating plant growth.
“I like to call this the CO2 anti-defamation league,” Happer said at a conservative conference in 2016, “because there is the CO2 molecule, and it has undergone decade after decade of abuse, for no reason.”
Most climate scientists probably disagree with Happer on the benefits of warming, but NASA satellites have observed so-called “global greening” over the past three decades, which experts attribute largely to CO2 emissions

31 de marzo de 2019

Anna Von Reitz: The American National Credit

For those of you who missed my partial run-down of what Americans are owed, you should all know that Americans are owed back the National Credit, about $21 trillion dollars worth of credit that has already been earned and which stands on the books of the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.
How did this American National Credit Accrue?
For over a 100 years (1913 to date) we have been exchanging our actual goods, natural resources, and labor for I.O.U.s — Promissory Notes called “Federal Reserve Notes”. We have never been paid.
Via this mechanism, a vast National Debt has been accumulated by the United States [Inc.] and its corporate franchises known as “Citizens of the United States”. There has also been a very substantial debt accrued by the British Territorial Government doing business “the” United States of America and its corporate franchises known as “United States Citizens”.
Taken together, this accounts for the “US National Debt”, of about $21 trillion dollars, which is owed entirely by these two kinds of “US Citizens”.
We, Americans, have been falsely and purposefully misidentified as “US Citizens” with the clear object of making us responsible for paying the US Debt. At the same time, we have been declared “missing” and “legally dead” so as to prevent us from claiming all the credit that is in fact owed to us.
It’s a commercial fraud scheme designed to exchange pieces of paper for actual goods and services and never have to pay back anything to the victims.
But in fact, we are very much alive and we are Americans and we were –for most of us anyway—never knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily acting as US Citizens. We are owed the $21 trillion National Credit.
Why is the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE involved and holding our credit?
This goes back to the Lieber Code issued as General Order 100 in 1863. It replaced “all law” and became the law of the British Territorial Government. Among other things, it made the US Army responsible for protecting our money— but as they were also spending our money, there was a natural conflict of interest involved.
So, they passed off the actual bookkeeping to their co-workers in the Municipal United States Government— the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. As a result, a gigantic “Foreign Credit” began building up on the books of the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.
This “Foreign Credit” is largely owed to us. It represents the “US National Debt” on one side of the ledger, and the American National Credit on the other side of the ledger.
The problem is, we have never been able to access our credit.
It was simply locked up on the false pretense that we were all “dead” and all our individual credit-side ACCOUNTS were closed, while debts continued to accrue against our fraudulently probated ESTATES.
Just like what happens when someone dies and their estate is probated, financial transactions continue after their death. Bills continue to come in and credits continue to accrue —- sometimes for a long time.
That’s the “system” they have been using to pretend that we are dead on one hand, and yet still allow themselves to have access to our falsely constructed “ESTATES” on the other.
To finesse this Gross Breach of Trust and financial fraud, they declared us “Authorized Representatives” of our own ESTATES and held us responsible for paying all debts of the ESTATES—- without, however, giving us access to all the credit owed to us to offset these ESTATE debts.
Thus the Foreign Credit owed to us continued to accumulate on the books of the DOD and the US Debt also continued to grow — and the Municipal Government strong-arm racketeered us to pay up debts we never owed under the false pretense that we were all knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily acting as United States Citizens—unpaid volunteers, no less.
Of course, the perpetrators indoctrinated us to “assume” that we were “US Citizens” from an early age. They changed our political status records while we were still babies in our cradles and used coercion and semantic deceit to do it. In this way, by identity theft, mis-characterization, falsification of records, semantic deceit, impersonation, and probate fraud, they “killed off” all the Americans who are owed credit, and left nothing but the debt-bearing “US Citizens” behind.
So they could wallow like cats in cream, give us Monopoly Money I.O.U.s that cost next to nothing for them to produce, and receive actual goods and labor in exchange. It was the ultimate capitalist dream.
Something for nothing.
And the Federal Reserve acting in collusion with Cede and Company and the DTTC and WIPO and the US Patent and Trademark Office orchestrated all of it. We have the complete story and all the goods on all of them.
For over a hundred years the mysterious Foreign Credit kept on growing in the dark….and the “US National Debt” kept accruing.
I almost hear the theme from “JAWS” playing in the background….
To make a long story short — I observed that in a debt-credit system, it is impossible to accrue a debt. All transactions in such a system are zero-sum transactions. For every debt, an answering credit is created.
So like the old woman in the “Where’s the beef?” commercial, I started the Hounds of Hell on a mission to find out, “Where’s the American National Credit?”
We found it in 2011. It’s being held (and held up) by the Municipal DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and managed by the Seven Grumpy Old Men — the Military Bankers responsible for the Office of Military Settlements/OMS in California.
They have this Albatross of criminal mismanagement firmly anchored around their respective necks and are still too stubborn to face the facts and return the credit where its due — to the hard-working people of this country and their lawful government, The United States of America [Unincorporated].
Some things you can’t go back to not knowing once you know them. This is one of those things.
In order for them to pay you back the credit that is already accrued and owed to you, you have to “come back from the dead” — return “from across the seas (of BS paperwork)”— and record your presence on the land and soil as an American, born and bred.
You have to raise your hand and say, “Hey, a mistake has been made. I’m an American State National (or American State Citizen). I’m not any kind of US Citizen.”
And that is what we are doing by the hundreds, by the thousands, and soon by the millions.
Here’s the irony.
The DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE can wipe out most of the combined US Debt simply by transferring the credit to our lawful government and letting us establish a Credit Voucher system for Americans to offset debts.
The US Citizens would be happy, because all that US Debt would fall away off their shoulders.
The Americans would be happy, because they would also be free of debts that they have never in fact owed.
This is just one of multiple fraud schemes and false claims associated with our assets. There’s more. A lot more. And it is time for a reckoning.
What can you do?
Become aware. Wake up. Smell the java.
If you aren’t actually a Federal Civilian or Military Employee — and receiving a payroll check — you have zero reason to adopt any form of “US Citizenship”. Your actual government is still here, still waiting for you to claim your true identity as an American.
There’s some paperwork to fill out and record. Go to: , Article 928, go to: .
There’s some “technical issues” — like new passports and travel cards instead of “Driver Licenses” and cancellation of registrations to be resolved.
There are vacant offices to be filled.
There are State Assemblies to fully populate. State Courts to be staffed.
Federal-level States of States need to be reconstructed.
No doubt, there’s a lot of work in front of us, but we know where we are going and basically, how to get there.
Once you have your paperwork on the record and your private records in order, it’s time to “Sign In”. Go to: .
We are building the national data base of Americans who have come home to the land and soil — both American State Nationals and American State Citizens.
This data base will allow The United States of America [Unincorporated] to reclaim the assets we are owed and provide the political basis for Americans to take peaceful and proper action in their own behalf to: (1) reclaim all the constitutional guarantees; (2) enforce the Public Law; (3) enforce our international and commercial remedies; (4) pre-screen people eligible to receive Credit Vouchers to offset US Debt; (5) negotiate and issue proper passports, travel cards, and tax exemption certificates; (6) operate the republican form of government we are owed.
We have plenty of slaves clinging to their chains as if they were security blankets, trying to scare everyone into accepting the status quo and going for another round of the same old fraud scheme, while they themselves hide behind fake names like “Merlin” or “Virgo Triad” or “Sun-Tzu”.
If I were trying to sell what these agents are pushing, I’d be hiding behind a fake name, too.
But I am not hiding. I am standing here on my own and telling you the God’s Honest Truth.
Chances are that you are and have always been an American, not any kind of US Citizen at all.
Chances are that you are owed more credit than you can even imagine, and shouldn’t be paying any debts at all. No utility bills, either.
Oh. And by the way — what happens to the American National Credit if you don’t stand up, get organized, and claim it? The commercial banks are pushing to have it all declared “abandoned funds” and given away as a sop to cover their sins.
See this article and over 1700 others on Anna’s website here:

30 de marzo de 2019

Trump Directs State Dept. to End Aid to 3 Central American Countries

President Trump’s move to punish Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador came after he indicated he could close the United States border with Mexico next week. Credit Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump said on Friday that there would be a “very good likelihood” that he would seal off the United States border with Mexico next week, even as he moved to punish Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador for migrant caravans by cutting off all foreign aid to the countries.
The moves escalated a sustained berating of countries he blames for being unable to stop the flow of migrants trying to make their way north.
“I will close the border if Mexico doesn’t get with it,” Mr. Trump said to reporters who had gathered at Mar-a-Lago, his winter retreat in Florida. “If Mexico doesn’t stop it.”
At Mr. Trump’s direction, the State Department on Friday began the process of informing Congress that it intended to end the foreign aid. A person with knowledge of the decision said that Mr. Trump met with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday, after which diplomats were directed to begin the process of cutting off the funds by drafting letters to lawmakers. Mr. Trump publicly said as much on Friday in comments to reporters.
“No money goes there anymore,” Mr. Trump said. “We’re giving them tremendous aid. We stopped payment.”
The State Department issued a statement late on Friday saying: “At the secretary’s instruction, we are carrying out the president’s direction and ending FY 2017 and FY 2018 foreign assistance programs for the Northern Triangle. We will be engaging Congress as part of this process.”
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Mr. Trump has threatened to close off the border and cut off aid to the three countries — known as the Northern Triangle — several times before and has not followed through.
But his comments on Friday signaled a new escalation and a diplomatic assault on America’s neighbors in the hemisphere as his administration confirmed that it would review ways to reshuffle Border Patrol agents, shut down traffic lanes and close ports of entry at the southwest border. He began the day with a morning tweet saying that he would close the border “next week,” and then told reporters that he was prepared to close off trade and commercial ports of entry.
A full or partial sealing of the border would effectively close off the United States from one of its largest trading partners, but it could leave American citizens who cross back and forth with a sluggish or potentially nonexistent system of returning to the United States.
“I’m not playing games,” Mr. Trump said on Friday, as he threatened to close the border with Mexico.
[Sign up for Crossing the Border, a limited-run newsletter about life where the United States and Mexico meet.]
The president has been emboldened since the release of a report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, found that his campaign had not cooperated with the Russian government. And a partisan upholding of his national emergency declaration over a wall along the southwestern border has prompted Mr. Trump to ratchet up harsh words against immigration as he seeks to galvanize supporters ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
As he engaged in multiple photo opportunities throughout the day, Mr. Trump’s actions and comments indicated that his mind was not on the scenes at hand but on immigration.
“How are we doing at the border?” he asked a military official on a tour of Lake Okeechobee, the site of a restoration project in the central part of the state. During a meeting at Mar-a-Lago to announce that Linda McMahon, who has led the Small Business Administration, had resigned, he again turned to immigration.
“We have the most laughed-at immigration laws of anywhere in the world,” Mr. Trump said to reporters as he and Ms. McMahon sat in the ornate front room of the club. “They’re the Democrats’ laws, and I got stuck with them.”
Mr. Trump’s decision to end the aid to the Central American countries is likely to anger members of Congress from both parties, who have supported spending money to try to address the root causes of the violence that has caused migrants to flee those countries to come to the United States.
Currently, the United States spends about $620 million a year for gang prevention programs and other initiatives aimed at helping support civil society in the three countries. Advocates say that cutting the funds will only accelerate the migrant flows into the United States.
But the president has repeatedly expressed anger that the United States sends money to the countries even as caravans of migrants make their way to the border.
In an email from the director of the Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources on Friday night, senior State Department and United States Agency for International Development officials were instructed to “redirect” all 2018 assistance “away from these countries” and to “cease and desist” all 2017 spending already started.
The email sent State Department officials scrambling to carry out the president’s order. It was unclear how quickly the funding would cease since the governments had not yet been notified formally of the decision.
It is also unclear whether the department can redirect all of the money to other parts of the world. Some of the money meant for the 2017 fiscal year has already been allocated to specific contracts, so it might not be able to be withdrawn, according to a person familiar with the effort.
Mr. Trump told reporters that he would consider shutting down ports along the border, a decision that could imperil the transit of goods between the United States and Mexico. According to government figures, Mexico is the United States’ third-largest goods trading partner, with $557.6 billion worth of products flowing across the border in both directions.
A move by Mr. Trump to shut down or drastically curb trade with Mexico would pose significant risks to the American economy. It would also represent a stunning reversal in trade relations between the two countries, which last August put their differences aside to renegotiate their portion of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The new deal, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, still needs to be approved by Congress.
The president lamented that Mexico was making a “fortune” off the United States, and said Mexico’s immigration laws were the “strongest immigration laws of anywhere in the world.” (Mexico is much weaker than the United States at enforcing its border laws.) Mr. Trump also again invoked migrant caravans — including one containing hundreds of people heading to the United States — as a reason Mexico needed to act.
“Mexico is tough,” Mr. Trump said. “If they don’t stop them, we’re closing the border.”
Americans would feel the effects in other ways. Border control agencies are already reviewing ways to slow down immigration processing at the border. A senior homeland security official confirmed on Friday that shutting down ports of entry along the southwest border was “on the table” to handle the surge in migrants seeking asylum.
Kirstjen Nielsen, the homeland security secretary, said in a statement that she had asked volunteers to add more support at the border, and suggested that American citizens may encounter difficulty getting through as a result.
“Make no mistake: Americans may feel effects from this emergency,” Ms. Nielsen said. “As personnel are reallocated to join the crisis-response effort, there may be commercial delays, higher vehicle wait times at the border and longer pedestrian lines.”
She added that “despite these impacts, we cannot shirk our responsibility to the American people to do everything possible to secure our country while also upholding our humanitarian values.”
Stephen H. Legomsky, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis, said there were a few options available to Mr. Trump if he wanted to move to stop the flow of people at the border, including slowing down processing at ports of entry. The administration has already limited the number of migrants who can apply for asylum each day.
“He could pretend that this was necessary in the interest of national security,” Mr. Legomsky said, “and it could be that the courts would be hesitant to second guess a national security claim by a president.”
Mr. Legomsky said putting up trade roadblocks and slowing down the processing of people would have harmful effects, both on American citizens who could find themselves “marooned” in Mexico and on families, including groups of women and children, who are fleeing violence and poverty.
“There’s a huge humanitarian concern,” Mr. Legomsky said. “So many of the people are these Central American mothers and children fleeing from high levels of violence. They would be effectively stuck in the border areas which are also extremely dangerous.”
On Thursday, the president said that he did not share concern over the plight of people in danger. In front of supporters at a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., he used harsh language to describe the thousands of people who have tried to flee violence and poverty, calling the problem an “invasion” and referring to asylum seekers as a “big fat con job.”
In a news conference in El Paso on Wednesday, Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, said that an influx of migrants had reached a “breaking point.”
In February, there were 76,000 crossings at the border, which marked an 11-year high and signaled that the Trump administration’s harsher policies have not stopped the flow of people trying to enter the country.
The threat to close the border is one that Mr. Trump has made previously but not carried out. But he has not yet attached a deadline by which he would take such a drastic measure, and did not respond to reporters who asked on Friday whether he would set one.
The homeland security official said the Trump administration had not yet decided to shut down a major port, but that the department had been forced to divert agents from ports of entries and interior checkpoints to handle large groups of migrants trying to illegally come into the United States, including families.
Katie Rogers reported from Palm Beach, Fla., and Michael D. Shear and Zolan Kanno-Youngs from Washington. Alan Rappeport contributed reporting.

27 de marzo de 2019

TRUMP seized the US Federal Reserve

(Additionally TRUMP has control Satellite ... also the quantum system "QFS" ... and working with KIM POSSIBLE - FIDECOMISARIA ... TRUMP now my turn GCR / RV - KIM POSSIBLE:! FED - Federal Reserve.

Mr. Santos ..... Posted on 26 sea. It's time ..... 2019? 
* Since about 80% of all USD - Outstanding ARE SUPER COUNTERFEIT NOTES, it is safe to conclude that there is room for improvement within the  Secret Service.

* They were given a deadline to the Rothschilds / DRAGONS - ELDERLY CHINESE March 15, 2019 ... To Do - Perform GCR / RV ... As usual WHAT COULD MAKE NO.

* In essence WORLD LEADERS .. "negotiated GENOCIDE" and "SLAVERY" 90% of the population ... so that a few could enjoy what was left ... When we kill them all. 

* As we have been reporting for more than a year, the GCR / RV never happen the way that we reported, ..and If they do, I'd run and hide because good MISSED ... And Restarting Real he would have started.

* And of course the hard Deadline extended until Thursday, March 20 ... Because ... STEVE Mnuchin deliver promised "funds of the Rothschilds" by then .... But again nothing.

* Projects financed Begin to Measure KIM - POSSIBLE ... instruct the coming weeks. This is true and Real ..... And that comes without Genocide ... Neither slavery. 

Trump executes its plan to seize the Fed - Federal Reserve. Slowly and unobtrusively seizes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. A step in the International Monetary reset?

Thenansehed published by Everth  1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds  by Joan misteri Ashtar © 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

White Hats Report # Trump’s Mid-term report card

By Paladin / January 23, 2019

As we reach and pass the two year mark for Trump’s presidency, it’s time for a performance review

Economy: A-
The unrelenting attack on the over-reaching, ridiculous and business killing regulations has been swift and decisive. The tax cuts for both individuals and businesses are also a contributing factor to this grade. More people have jobs as record numbers of employment across all sectors are being experienced. Wages need to continue to increase but at a faster pace. This should occur once the impact of the tax cuts on businesses becomes more apparent as upgrades to existing facilities and the development of new ones continues.
Another round of tax cuts is due as this will continue to put more discretionary income into the economy, driving competition, innovation, investments and technological advances. This country was built by entrepreneurs and putting more capital into the hands of Americans will restart that trend that has been stifled by the cabal sponsored presidents going back 50+ years.
Finance/Banking: B-
After staying virtually silent during the campaign and much of his first year in office regarding the Federal Reserve, Trump has FINALLY started shining the light on this criminal organization. The raising of rates since he took office is not surprising as its time people realize the Federal Reserve is responsible for EVERY downturn, recession, depression and WAR since they came into existence in 1913. The raising of rates is to (1) stifle the economic growth of the US (2) to recover some of the money aka “quantitative easing” (shell game) of the pathetic Soetoro years when they printed funny money like drunken sailors as the debt doubled from $10T to $20T under Barry’s watch and (3) to provide ammunition to their paid, deep state contractors in the House, Senate and Media to use against Trump in the run up to the 2020 election.
We’ve provided Trump with ample evidence of the fraud the Federal Reserve has been perpetrating since their creation under cover of darkness before Christmas in 1913. The two contracts we released in White Hats Report #63, one a trading program agreement between Yohannes Riyadi of Indonesia and the Greenspan headed Federal Reserve in 2003 and the one executed in 2013 to pay Riyadi the money and profits they stole from him in the preceding 10 years as per the 2003 contract. This, however, is just more Federal Reserve fraud as they have no intention of paying Riyadi, only extending their con game a few more years and running out the clock before another fraudulent gambit is employed.
The bankers are the cancer that infects the entire planet; their usurious practices know no bounds and their theft of our hard labor, efficiencies, discoveries and futures must be stopped now! If Trump wants to go down in history as the best of the best, he’ll need to scatter them to the winds. This is his toughest assignment by far and will be his biggest accomplishment if he can pull it off. The fate of human kind on this planet hangs in the balance.
Draining the SWAMP: C
This sector has been one of the most ongoing issues that remain unresolved. The Mueller investigation highlights the need to do this and the snakes and alligators in the form of Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Baker, Yates, et al is a good start. However, there is much more to be accomplished before the reputation, effectiveness and confidence in the DOJ (and FBI) can be restored. It’s become quite clear that once you reach a certain level on the food chain, you are ABOVE the law and you are not accountable for your actions, whether they be treason, fraud, murder, extortion, theft or blackmail.
This has to change and change fast if Trump wishes to get a second term and save the US from cabal destruction. Draining the swamp is one thing, holding people accountable for their crimes is completely another.
Lock her/them UP: F
This grade is self explanatory as two years in; no significant arrests have been made. Yes, low level pedophile networks have been infiltrated and destroyed (NXIVM being the main one so far) but much work remains to be done. It’s time the vast network of military installations all over the world be dismantled, the troops brought home and the rat lines of human trafficking, drug trafficking and illegal arms sales disguised as official military business be destroyed.
All Intel agencies need to be scattered to the winds and reconstituted under mandates that comport with American values and objectives. This includes the NSA, CIA, ONI and various other agencies created not for US security but for cabal influence and enforcement.
At home, the Bush and Clinton crime families and their minions and enablers need to be arrested, tried, convicted and sentences served for their long history of treason against the US and worldwide crimes against humanity. This also includes the banking family cartels who act as Rothschild surrogates in the US and their network of banking fraudsters and con men.
Sessions was a disaster and Comey a spineless snake and sorry excuse for the head law enforcement officer of the country. We can only hope Wray and Barr take their oath of office seriously and restore the rule of law as it applies to EVERYONE in the US.
If this is not done, Trump’s term as president, whether it is 4 or 8 years will be for naught as it will only serve to delay the inevitable rather than save the planet. Yes, a tall order but we feel Trump is and always has been up to the task. Whether he can successfully complete it remains to be seen.
We bring out the following questions/issues that Trump’s DOJ MUST address:
1. Complete whitewash to all pedophile arrests and disgusting parties such as Epstein and Weiner only get a smack on the wrist. Where is the list of perps and why has no action been taken?
2. The sheer scale of Bush /Clinton crime families is off the Richter scale. Why has a crime commission not been appointed and when will it be?
3. Where has the $15T of funds created by cross firing bogus SWIFTs using DHS clearance codes ended up? (White Hats Report #36, #41, #43, #45, #46, #49 – #51, #54, #56 and #62)
4. As Rossier (aka Ferrera) rapidly sunk Pureheart Investments, LTD from trace in Switzerland, why was it not investigated? (White Hats Report #36, #41, #45 and #49)
5. Herzog has threatened to expose the full Bush /Clinton .CIA crime files if he’s extradited to the US. Interpol arrested Herzog and recovered the Bush contracts and proof of frauds. Why was he not brought back to America? His crimes are massive. (White Hats Report #2-#6, #10, #12, #15, #18, #22, #27, #31, #34, #35, #38-#40, #42, #47, #52 and #62-#65)
6. Why hasn’t the list of Epstein’s attendees at Lolita Island not been made public?
7. Why are the Hillary/Abedin files not exposed?
8. Why has Benghazi never been prosecuted?
9. Where have the vast Grey screen funds gone to? Who has them?
10. Where is Soetoro’s birth certificate?
11. How many crimes has Mueller covered up for the Bush crime family?
12. When will the vast array of US Defense Contractors and boots on the ground killing be exposed? How many vast Billions or Trillions has the Pentagon Fed Program pumped out funding them. Who has gotten mega rich and for how much?
Foreign Policy: A
This is the most “under the radar” superb performance category of Trump’s presidency. Yes, it does overlap with trade and treaties but this goes deeper and the ramifications are more profound that only a few understand. Before getting to the heart of this category, let us first review the appetizers.
North Korea: Ongoing but progress has been made for the long held stranglehold of the cabal has been broken in North Korea and continued attention can achieve success and peace for both the Korean peninsula and the rest of the region. The overweight kid with the bad hair cut needs support and guidance to bring his country into the 21st century and cease being the proxy for his NWO controllers.
Europe/EU: Trump has been quick to put this region on notice that the US will not continue to foot the bill for NATO when other countries are not contributing their fair share. The UK’s vote to leave the European Union has served to show the world that these groups of unelected, unaccountable cabal puppets will not be allowed to usurp sovereignty from the people. The US stands behind the UK in their efforts to execute the wishes of the people because it will serve as an example to the rest of the countries mired in the bureaucratic nightmare of the Brussels grifter gang they can forge their own path forward, too.
China: China is the future, an emerging world power, trying to get caught up with the rest of the planet both economically and socially. Laying a solid foundation for an ongoing relationship after the cabal’s attempt to take down both countries by using deception and fraud has failed…for now. If Trump can solidify a trade agreement that rebalances the scales and brings stability to both countries, he deserves a Nobel Prize.
The cabal backed former US Administrations set up one sided trade agreements with China (favoring the Chinese), then convinced them to finance a big part of the US debt….with the intention of taking down the US via the Federal Reserve. Crashing the US economy would cause the US government to default on money owed to China on their investments in treasury notes. Further, their businesses would be severely crippled by a reduction in goods supplied by China to the US consumer because of the tariff imbalance Trump is trying to correct.
By not paying back debt owed to China in a crash and a severe slowdown in trade, the cabal would weaken both countries and make them ripe for a one world government solution which would also include a one world currency. Ever heard of the New World Order? Agenda 21?
Trump and Xi are moving forward in an attempt to forge a new, solid foundation for the future of both countries. It will not be easy as there are a lot of moving parts for each leader to integrate into an agreement that works for both parties.
Is there ANYONE in the world you would rather have negotiating your side of this important agreement than Trump?
No, there isn’t.
Saudi Arabia: If China represents the future, Saudi Arabia represents the past. The past that includes two Saudi Kings helping fund the shadow government (one in the 1960s, the other in the 1980s), a famous American gangster, 911, the petro dollar, Global Oil Traders, SA, Al-CIAda (aka ISIS), the Group of Five, 5 Star Trust (among others), Khashoggi, illegal arms deals, family business ties and Pureheart…and the list goes on. This 60 year history, filled with secret arrangements, secret deals, secret alliances and secret businesses has never seen the light of day. The cabal criminal underground that plans and stages world “events” to herd the cattle to slaughter, all while masquerading in public as politicians, business leaders, Kings, Princes and financial experts.
15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Why did Soetoro veto (overridden) a bill passed by Congress to allow lawsuits to go forward against perpetrators of 911, including….Saudi Arabia? Why was there no response against Saudi Arabia for 911 during the Bush Administration? What family was allowed to leave the US via plane when ALL other flights were grounded? Where was the accused “master mind” from? In the 911 Commission report, which country benefited from the 28 page redactions?
Trump’s first foreign trip as President was to where? Saudi Arabia. He knows the history of this sordid relationship between the US shadow government and Saudi Kings. This important trip changed the relationship between the two countries. An arms deal was struck to sever the cord between Saudi Arabia and the US military industrial complex. Trump has opened up US energy natural resources to wean us off of foreign oil dependence. You see the US shadow government cut a deal with the Saudis to supply us, through OPEC, with our energy requirements in exchange for the creation of the petro dollar. The profits would be poured back to the shadow government in the form of invested capital so the cycle could continue, away from public eyes, off the radar and bypassing oversight of the elected officials and therefore, public scrutiny.
What was the Saudi oil money paid to the US shadow government used for? Trading programs; black budgets; the secret space program; establishing and maintaining delivery systems for the illegal trafficking of humans, arms and drugs; extortion, blackmail, bribes, payoffs, assassinations, coups, false flag events and other nefarious deeds that Trump is trying to stop. Addressing this relationship early on is indicative of the importance of it.
In January, 2015, King Salman took the throne in Saudi Arabia when his half brother died. He has moved Saudi Arabia away from the old alliances with the cabal and outdated oppressive ideas, naming his son, Muhammad bin Salman initially as Deputy Crown Prince and now Crown Prince. This move bypassed a whole slew of Saudi royalty to name his young son as successor to the throne. MBS has endeavored to initiate progressive change in his country, starting with loosening restrictions on the female gender while trying to avoid assassination attempts and ferreting out the US shadow government agents in the Saudi royalty by relieving them of their official positions in government and arresting others to be tried for corruption and other charges.
Trump’s election has been the single most event to bring the deep state/shadow government/cabal puppets out of the shadows. They can easily be identified because they’re the ones whining the loudest about anything Trump does. Be it politicians or news media or business “leaders” or entertainers. Their noise level is commiserate with how much they have to lose if their crimes are exposed to the public and prosecuted in court. The recent “outrage” regarding the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey is a prime example. This would be a good time to inform/remind the readers that Jamal’s late rich uncle, Adnan, reported at one time to be the world’s biggest arms dealer and heavily involved in the Iran-Contra affair. Of course the Iran-Contra debacle was run out of the Vice President’s office, the only one NOT to be implicated in the whole sordid story. How does that happen?
Getting back to Jamal Khashoggi, what’s all the ruckus about? No one gave a damn or raised hell when journalist/reporter Gary Webb was murdered while exposing the Iran Contra affair, the drug trafficking in minority neighborhoods in California (via “Freeway” Ricky Ross) and the direct involvement of the CIA. So what’s so important about Khashoggi? It’s clear, he was one of them. Did he have knowledge about 911? Attempts to assassinate MBS? Knowledge of what happened in Las Vegas in October, 2017?
You decide.
The cabal controlled media and their co-conspirators in Congress are pushing back on MBS for Khashoggi yet these same shills stayed silent on 911, instead getting on the Iraq WMD bandwagon that proved to be false. Now they use Khashoggi as a reason to do battle with both Trump AND MBS. While they sat idle all these years and kept silent about the human rights issues in Saudi Arabia, particularly the oppression of females, they squawk and whine as if they’ve all of a sudden become moral.
Trump and MBS are their respective countries leaders who are attempting to change direction and right the ship. They should both be commended for their efforts.
Media Relations: A
Two words: Keep Tweeting
Trade/Treaties : A+
Get out of NAFTA: Check
Get out of the TPP: Check
Get out of the Paris Climate Accord agreement: Check
Get out of the Iran Nuclear Deal: Check
Renegotiate trade with Canada & Mexico: Check
Renegotiate trade with Europe: Check
Renegotiate trade with China: Ongoing
This is Trump’s strong suit and the above list displays his innate ability to negotiate deals. NAFTA, TPP, PCA and the Iran nuclear deal were all contracts created by the deep state to steer the world toward one world government, using the failing EU model as a blue print. You know the one, right? Where a gang of unaccountable, unelected and irresponsible bureaucrats usurp the constitutional rights of the citizens by way of a treaty or contract that is neither legal nor moral?
The citizens of the UK voted to get OUT of the EU two and a half years ago yet a preppy, incompetent PM can’t manage to implement the wishes of her own people, the ones who put her in office. Rather, she goes to Brussels and takes the submissive role and asks permission instead of dealing from strength and the confidence that her constituents are supporting her.
The boy king in France has shown he’s in WAY over his head, the revealing of yet another cabal controlled, globalist puppet. He can only take orders rather than govern and lead.
Trump is setting the standard here for all the world leaders and the pushback on the globalist NWO agenda is being challenged. Hopefully, for the sake of all humanity, this continues.
Appointments: C
This has been a mixed bag since Trump was elected, the list of failures is long including Sessions, Tillerson, Priebus and Cohn to name a few. Successes include Pompeo, Conway, Haspel, Sanders and Miller. The jury is still out on Wray, Barr (if confirmed), Gorsuch and Kavanaugh although the clown show put on by the Democrats to stop Kavanaugh’s appointment to SCOTUS is revealing in and of itself.
The turnover here is a bit unsettling and contributes to the delay in draining the swamp and making arrests. We strongly suggest Trump assemble a competent team to vet his appointments and hires so that the dismantling of the cabal/shadow government/deep state goes a little faster and more efficiently. After all, that’s why we hired him.
Building the WALL: A+
Another reason we hired him was to secure the border. The fact that the Democrats resist this; urged, supported and backed by the deep state, really tells us all we need to know. None of them care that the American voters put Trump into office for this reason, above all else. Trump is standing his ground with the continued government “shut down”, too bad that doesn’t include the Congressional representatives or it would’ve been over weeks ago. The hypocrisy of the deep state contractors in the House and Senate, led by the two impotent party leaders, Pelosi and Schumer, only serves to further expose the cabal controlled US government. Trump needs to hold firm on this as this is one of the few authorities the Founding Fathers put into the Constitution. Almost two hundred and fifty years later, the Federal government has grown into this overbearing behemoth that intrudes and interferes into the lives of American citizens and is way overdue for a trimming of the fat.
Immigration: TBD
This perceived problem has been intentionally created by the prior Administrations and Congressional sub contractor classes to bring the end game to fruition: open borders. Their long range plan has always been to reduce the US to a 3rd world country with two classes, the rich and the poor. The advanced open border doctrine is evidenced by some states creating “sanctuary” where illegal immigrants are automatically granted rights and privileges reserved ONLY for legal US citizens. NO ONE talks about the disastrous negative financial impact of this process as it will eventually bankrupt cities, counties and states. Wage rates go lower, taxes are not collected, disposable income is spent outside the country and not put back into the local economies, free services are provided to illegals that are both paid for by legal taxpayers and denied them at the same time not to mention the trafficking in children, drugs and criminals pouring across the border.
The US is a welcoming, hospitable country. We always have been, it’s in our DNA. This country started as a refuge from the tyrannical governments of Europe. With an expanding US economy and the baby boom generation reaching retirement age, jobs will be available for many to be productive and contribute in a positive way.
This can and should be addressed once the border is secure and that’s the reason for the above grade.
Health Care: B
Let’s be clear, the Affordable Care Act was neither affordable nor did it have anything to do with care but rather about installing the chip, gaining access to every American’s confidential health care records, bankrupting the US and population control. Read the Georgia guide stones.
And if you think CJ Roberts of SCOTUS is a conservative, think again. Why did he change the ACA mandate from a fine to a tax? Given the separation of powers as enumerated in the Constitution, he has no such authority to change ANY law passed by Congress. His sole authority rests with interpreting the laws laid out in the Constitution and applying that standard to laws passed by Congress. Either it was Constitutional or it wasn’t, neither he nor any other SCOTUS justice has the authority to alter a law to fit the Constitution. However, since the US is a corporation and not a Republic, the Constitution doesn’t apply. THAT..Is a discussion for another day.
Trump dismantled this by getting rid of the individual mandate which left this disaster of a law without teeth or enforcement and it is dying a slow death. When it reaches its expiration date, Trump needs to provide a solution once and for all.
Overall: 3.00 GPA (B)
Note to our readers: The above categories were all given equal weight or importance in arriving at a GPA. Had we weighted them, Trump’s overall grade would be closer to C or C-. Conversely, should Trump completely drain the swamp and/or arrest, prosecute and convict the cabal gangsters from top to bottom, a weighted version would always garner him an A.
There are several categories we haven’t mentioned; disclosure, release of technology, Israel, Russia, strengthening infrastructure and Big Pharma are among a few that will need to be addressed in the future to fulfill our expectations of Trump. The categories we’ve listed, in our mind, take priority as once they’re maintained and/or resolved, the other, second tier issues can be addressed.
We also recognize that this is a master chess game played at the highest levels, and with any great strategic battle…
Timing is everything.

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