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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta economy. Mostrar todas las entradas

12 de abril de 2019

Widespread Corruption in Governments and Financial Institutions

Easy money is made out of nothing, it is a counterfeited substitute that should not bear the name money but at most currency, as opposed to money created out of labour or resources through the input of energy. Due to bribery from the central banksters by law is this worthless debt money being made legal tender to give it parity with energy money, to draining valuable people’s energy into the elite coffers, which is one hundred per cent fraud in plain sight.

Treason, Corruption Bribery, and Fraud belong to the worst crimes imaginable and are widespread. Everyone, whether voluntarily or involuntarily can be drawn into this corrupted web, often without even being aware of it. History has proven this to be the oldest pestilence, impossible to be wiped out, unless sound money is introduced. In the best-managed and supervised societies this corruption plague is rampant! Let this article be a warning for all of us.

The Mafia is known to be corrupt, but the danger is in the detail. Many seemingly ordinary, daily circumstances are sufficiently seductive for people in high positions, as these unsuspecting individuals are drawn into the Grand Web of corruption before even realising it. The treacherous threat is: Once entangled, there is hardly a safe way-out, due to the anomalies of its seduction or, the danger of being perceived as a betrayer, or even worse, the probability of being blackmailed. Once in, there really is no safe, decent way out without running the severe risk that eventually could result in an early death, or at best, a ruined carrier. The gravest danger is the cabal’s ability to implicate the innocent, if one hasn’t yet been implicated by actions which can be used to blackmail.

Crooks are all around us, also in our government and in the banking industry, the pity being that they cannot be perceived by looking at people’s faces, recognising and reading these corrupt minds is impossible. When corruption is discovered and exposed, it is often after the fact. Finding out it in advance or catching the culprits red-handed is just about impossible. The only way out would be if you were to suspect foul-play in which you would be implicated, and to subsequently abort your involvement immediately. When whistle blowers report such cases, they are often unaware of the eventual personal grave dangers.

President Trump and the patriots have been draining the swamp, and subsequently purging extensive corruption networks that were far more complex than originally anticipated. Due to various interests of different entities, individuals and parties, many details are being omitted to date, details which can only be successfully resolved by highly specialised experts.

The rounding-up of various Mafia clans have shown the severe problems and complications that have been endured and the extraordinary efforts that have been employed. For example, uncovering networks as being financially fraudulent and exposing them as paedophilia hubs, has demonstrated the necessity of a hi-tech approach.

Not only developing nations, but specifically the banking industry, government and big business in the so-called sophisticated, industrialised world are all riddled with corruption and widespread fraud. These heavy crimes are usually not reported in the MSM as the cabal culprits are the owners of the same, most media pundits being accomplices in these crimes. However, to the contrary, petty crimes are reported every day in the media. There are two levels of justice, the top-brass are let off the hook, while the little people are punished for their crimes. This has caused a devastating effect on humanity, as the lies, misconduct, deception and crimes of the cabal puppets are never brought to justice. And that is the reason why, regrettably, Whistleblowers signalling corruption are treated terribly, while the culprits are sheltered from scrutiny. This is the society we live in, whether we like it or not.

Corruption involves Fraud, Blackmail and Crime
Corruption encompasses fraud and crime. In the simplest terms, fraud occurs when someone knowingly lies to obtain a benefit or advantage or when something is made to happen which benefits a certain party, while it should actually be turned down due to its fraudulent nature. If there is no lie, it is not qualified as fraud, even though there may be abuse.

In short: Fraud is the intentional use of deception which causes others to suffer loss. To intend deception, one could start with a bribe which in itself qualifies as corruption, leading to fraud and deception. Fraud encompasses a great variety of manipulations, to name just a few:

Financial Credit Fraud
Financial Audits Fraud
Estate Planning
Election Fraud
Official statistical figures
Setup for Espionage
Setup for Lies or High Treason

Easy money is the malfeasance that promotes corruption, fraud and deception. This criminality will never be eradicated as long as fake/fiat money is in use.

The destruction of fiat currencies has been the norm
Corruption is the abuse of power by public officials for personal gain. Fake money, or easy money, combined with power, always leads to corruption. It is a lethal combination that not only destroys people, but whole nations. Sadly, we have reached a point in history, where the unlimited amounts of fiat money that has been created will eventually destroy everything, ultimately ending the world’s fiat monetary system completely. Rest assured, the world is near the end of the current fiat monetary system.

The destruction of fiat currencies has been the norm throughout history, as no paper or fiat currency has ever survived. Therefore, it is to no avail to continuously introduce monetary systems that are not backed by value. These can and have never been sound and none will withstand the test of time.

Power, coupled with easy money seems to have such a corrupting effect on everyone who enters politics, as the urge to print and spend money that doesn’t exist, proves time and time again to be totally irresistible.

The Central Bank inventors are the principal initiators of corruption. They bribed various individuals in government to obtain the right of money creation for the nation. From that time onwards, corruption is widespread and ineradicable. A manifestation of this corruption is the very name of the central bank in America, which is called The Federal Reserve Bank. This institution is not Federal, has no Reserves and is not a Bank either.

Central Banksters have negatively changed the markets
The Central Bankers are villains who are organised into a cartel with privileged membership to steal all our wealth and transfer it into the hands of their very rich friends. After they intentionally created 2008 crisis, they started with the pre-planned Quantitative Easing (QE) to re-inflated the entire banking system. Central Bank assets have ballooned from around $900 billion in 2008 to over $4 trillion in less than 5 years.

The Federal Reserve manipulation of the dollar has undermined the lives of millions of civilians. It has driven down the standard of living for the average individual in two key ways. First, the average household is earning less money in real terms, at a time when prices are increasing. Second, it’s nearly impossible for people to protect the value of any extra cash they can save. The cash that is left in bank accounts will buy less next year than it does today.
In short, the Central Banksters have manipulated the markets in such a way that it is unbeneficial to all who are not part of their elite club of villains. It has also changed the rules of the game on how to invest. There are norms applied today that we would never have imagined 20 years ago. It is no longer enough to study business cycles and company fundamentals.

The Fed’s inflationary monetary policy continues to reap profits for Wall Street, while impoverishing Main Street. All the while, the current monetary regime is teetering on a cliff.

That’s the dreadful truth. So, what can you do on Main Street? Warn your colleagues en friends by sharing this information, and they in turn should share to theirs in showing how the world is being manipulated to the detriment of all the people. Wake Up Everyone, and make it known that we, the people don’t accept these lies, deception and tricks anymore!

The Central Banks cannot really control the economy. They can only influence the economy negatively. Fixing interest rates at any level, other than that which is derived by willing borrowers and lenders, they distort the price of credit – and the price of just about every other thing that is priced off of interest rates.

Distortion of prices always leads to problems – either shortages or surpluses. By fixing rates at ultra-low levels, Central Banks are stealing from one group and giving it to another. The middle class, savers and working class lose wealth. And when you are retired you are classified as being a useless eater. They then start making changes to the rules in their sick game, stating that you’re no longer entitled to what you have earned and saved through hard work during your whole life, in order to secure a solid and stable retirement.

Hedge fund managers, bankers, zombies – and of course, Central Bankers, emerge as the winners in their game. That’s why the rich are getting richer, while everyone else is losing ground. They call it a “stimulus” program. And they’re right: It’s very stimulating for those in the elite circles who get the money.

But the financial banksters crime doesn’t stop there, they have many more tricks up their sleeves. Part of their modus operandi is the pillaging of entire countries of their assets. This is called neo-colonialism.

Neo-colonialism and neo-feudalism
The economic pillaging of former colonies had its limits. As a consequence, the global financial power Elites developed the Neo-colonial Model, which deploys these same tactics in one’s home region.
A good example in our western society is Greece. Greece, and also other capital-deficient European nations like Portugal, were recognised as the periphery that could be exploited to the core, and the euro was the ideal tool to finance the economies of nations, which could never have generated credit/housing bubbles without the full-on fountains of cheap credit or easy money flooding their economies.

In Neo-colonialism, the forces of financialization are used by bribing the puppets in government to indenture the local populace to the financial core: the peripheral “colonials” borrow money to buy the finished goods manufactured in the core economies, enriching the Imperial Elites on the principle: collecting the profits made by selling goods to the debtors; the interest on credit extended to the peripheral colonies to buy the goods of the core economies (Germany, the Netherlands, etc.),under the motto “living the high life.” More examples of hidden transactional scams of the financialization of peripheral assets are for example Real estate and National debt.

In essence, the core banks of the EU, colonised the peripheral PIIGS nations via Euro financialization, which enabled a massive expansion of debt and consumption in the periphery. The facilitating banks and exporters extract enormous profits from this expansion of debt and consumption.

Now that the financialization scheme of the euro has run its course, the periphery’s neo-colonial standing has been unambiguously revealed: the assets and income of the PIIGS nations flow to the core, as interest on the private and sovereign debts are owed to the core’s central bank and its money-centred private banks.

As proof; Only 8% – of the Greek “bailout”- actually went to the citizenry of Greece and all the rest of the bail-out money received from the Troika was interest paid to the financial powers.

This is not just the perfection of neo-colonialism but of neo-feudalism as well. The peripheral PIIGS-nations of the EU are effectively neo-colonial debtors of the core, and the taxpayers of the core nations are now feudal serfs whose labour is devoted to making good on any loans to the periphery that go bad.

Neo-colonialism benefits the core’s total financial aristocracy – Rothschild Khazarian Mafia. They are the national oligarchies. They are the ‘Kleptocracy’ – the rulers that use their power to steal countries’ resources.

With the bankruptcy of Greece and Portugal now being undeniable, the endgame of the Neo-Colonial-Financialization Mode has finally been reached. There are no more markets to exploit through financialization, and the fact that the mountains of debt are un-payable can no longer be masked. At this point, the financial aristocracy – Deep State Cabal Mafia – has an unsolvable dilemma: Writing off defaulted debt also writes off assets and income streams, as all debt is somebody else’s asset and income stream.

Recapitulated: The EC in Brussels is not just the perfection of neo-colonialism, but as mentioned above, also of neo-feudalism. The peripheral PIIGS-nations of the EU are effectively neo-colonial debtors of the core, and the taxpayers of the core nations are now feudal serfs whose labour is devoted to making good on any loans to the periphery that go bad.

QFS ends corrupt Cabal central banking System
In the end, there’s always gold. The value of gold never goes down. With the activation of the QFS, the Galactic Alliance will completely destroy the Central Banking System that has been designed to destroy the world economy and put the world population into perpetual debt slavery.

The Quantum Financial System – QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been introduced to the world before. It has no peer; it has no equivalent in advanced technology of any other system before it. It is brand new. It reigns supreme in the technology it applies, to accomplish the one hundred percent financial security and transparency that all currency account holders require. With the QFS, the monetary system of the world can easily be changed to encompass gold-backed currencies that completely eliminate the transfer need of the old Cabal central banking system.

When the dust of the transition has finally settled and the existing Babylonian debt slavery model becomes a fact of history, the monetary system in which money was lent out, created out of nothing, at interest that had to be paid back under threat of the seizure of the collateral, will go down in the books as having been PURE THEFT.

When historians look back at all these events, they will probably describe the transition in the same way as the fall of Babylon. It will be the Single, Biggest historical event of the last six thousand years. The change may even end up being so big that they will have to find a new name for this new epoch, as the hidden Roman emperors no longer dominate our society.

Once their Babylonian debt-slavery system has imploded and has been eradicated, the world will enter a completely new Paradise-like era. To ensure you and your friends are well prepared for this upcoming era in which unbelievable, historical changes will unfold, it is recommended you read The Great Awakening that lays out the changes that are taking place and those that are imminent in our society. The changes will be monumental and all of mankind will participate in the creation of the New Golden Era.

FWC articles are now being read in various languages around the world. Expert translators participate in translations into Russian, Japanese, Ugandan, Czech, South African and all modern languages. Now that the language barriers have been removed, anyone can easily find out how their government and banks are playing a dangerous game against and with us.

Do not forget; Where we go one, we go all!

In the interest of all of us; Begin sharing FWC articles with everyone you know. The more awake people there are, the sooner the cabal mafia is permanently removed. Spread the word!

11 de abril de 2019

Basel 3: A Revolution That Once Again No One Noticed

Real revolutions are taking place not on squares, but in the quiet of offices, and that’s why nobody noticed the world revolution that took place on March 29th 2019. Only a small wave passed across the periphery of the information field, and the momentum faded away because the situation was described in terms unclear to the masses.
No “Freedom, equality, brotherhood”“Motherland or death”, or “Power to Councils, peace to the people, bread to the hungry, factories to the worker, and land to the farmers” – none of these masterpieces of world populism were used. And that’s why what happened was understood in Russia by only a few people. And they made such comments that the masses either did not fully listen to them or did not read up to the end. Or they did listen to the end, but didn’t understand anything.
But they should’ve, because the world changed so cardinally that it is indeed time for Nathan Rothschild, having crumpled a hat in his hand, to climb onto an armoured Rolls-Royce [a joke referencing what Lenin did – ed], and to shout from on top of it to all the Universe: “Comrades! The world revolution, the need for which revolutionaries spoke about for a long time, came true!” [paraphrasing what Lenin said – ed] And he would be completely right. It’s just that the results of the revolution will be implemented slowly, and that’s why they are imperceptible for the population. But the effects, nevertheless, will be soon seen by absolutely everyone, up to the last cook who even doesn’t seek to learn to govern the state soon.
This revolution is called “Basel III”, and it was made by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Its essence is in the following: BIS runs the IMF, and this, in turn, runs the central banks of all countries. The body of such control is called BCBS – the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. It isn’t just some worthless US State Department or Congress of American senators. It’s not a stupid Pentagon, a little Department of the Treasury, which runs around like the CIA’s servant on standby, or a house of collective farmers with the name “White House”.
This isn’t even the banks of the US Federal Reserve, which govern all of this “wealth”. This is a Government of all of them combined. That real world Government that people in the world try not to speak about aloud.
BCBS is the Politburo of the world, whose Secretary General, according to rumours, is comrade Baruch, and the underground structure of the Central Committee is even more secret. It has many euphemisms, the most adequate of which is “Zurich gnomes”. This is what Swiss bankers are called. Not even owners of commercial banks, but namely those ordinary-looking men sitting in the Swiss city of Basel who Hitler – who tried to attach the whole world to the Third Reich, and who preserved neutrality with Switzerland during all the war – didn’t dare to attack. And, as is known, in Switzerland, besides Swiss rifleman, in reality there isn’t even an army. So who was the frenzied Fuhrer afraid of?
Nevertheless, the “recommendations”that were made by BCBS on March 29th 2019 were immediately, at the snap of the fingers, accepted for execution by all the central banks of the world. And our Russian Central Bank is not an exception. There is even the statement of the press service of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation posted on the official website of the Central Bank. It is called “Concerning the terms of implementation of Basel III”. The planned world revolution was in 2017 (magic of dates and digits or just a coincidence [a reference to 1917 – ed]?), but it has started only now.
Its essence is simple. In the world the system of exclusive dollar domination established in 1944 in Bretton Woods and reformed in 1976 in Jamaica, where gold was recognised as an equivalent of world money that became invalid, is being cancelled. The dollar indeed became world money, and gold became an ordinary exchange good, like metal or sugar traded in London on commodity exchanges. However, the weather was determined there by only three firms of the “Pool of London” that belong to an even smaller number of owners, but, nevertheless, it’s not gold, but oil that became the dollar filler. 
We have lived in such a world ever since. Gold was considered as a reserve of the third category for all banks, from central to commercial ones, where the reserves were, first of all, in dollars and bonds of the US. The norms of Basel III demand an increase, first of all, in monetary reserves. This impeded the volumes of monetary resources of banks that could be used to carry out expansion, but it was a compulsory measure for saving the stability of a world banking system that showed to be insufficient in a crisis.
In Russia pseudo-patriots were very much indignant at this, demanding to reject Basel III, which they called a sign of “a lack of sovereignty”. In reality, this is a quite normal demand to observe international standards of bank security, which were becoming more rigid, but since we [Russians – ed] were not printing dollars, so of course it had an impact on us. And since the alternative is an exit from world financial communications into full isolation, so our authorities, of course, did not want to accept such nonsense that was even designated by pseudo-patriots as a “lack of sovereignty”. To call sovereignty – freedom, to put your head in the noose is, let’s agree, a strange interpretation of the term.
The Basel III decision meant that gold as a reserve of the third category was earlier estimated at 50% of its value on the balance sheets of world banks. At the same time, all owners of world money traded in gold not physically, but on paper, without the movement of real metal, the volume of which in the world wasn’t enough for real transactions. This was done in order to push down the price of gold, to keep it as low as possible. First of all, for the benefit of the dollar. After all, the dollar is tied to oil, which had to cost no less than the price of one gram of gold per barrel.
And now it was decided to place gold not in the third, but “just” in the first category. And it means that now it is possible to evaluate it not at 50, but at 100% of its value. This leads to the revaluation of the balance sheet total. And concerning Russia, it means that now we can quietly, on all legal grounds, pour nearly 3 trillion rubles into the economy. If to be precise, it is 2.95 trillion rubles or $45 billion at the exchange rate in addition to the current balance sheet total. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation can pour this money into our economy on all legal grounds. How it will happen in reality isn’t yet known. Haste here without calculating all the consequences is very dangerous. Although this emission is considered as noninflationary, actually everything is much more complicated.
During the next few months nothing will change in the world. The U-turn will be very slow. In the US the gold reserves officially total 8133.5 tons, but there is such a thing as a financial multiplier: for every gold dollar, the banks print 20-30 digital paper ones. I.e., the US can only officially receive $170 billion in addition, but taking into account the multiplier – $4.5 trillion. This explains why the Federal Reserve System holds back on increasing interests rates and so far maintains the course towards lowering the balance sheet total – they are cautious of a surge in hyperinflation. 
But all the largest states and holders of gold will now revaluate their gold and foreign exchange reserves: Germany, Italy, France, Russia, China, and Switzerland – countries where the gold reserves exceed 1,000 tons. Notice that there is no mumpish Britain in this list. Its reserves are less than 1000 tons. Experts suspect that it is perhaps not a coincidence that the dates of Brexit and the date of Basel III coincide. The increased financial power of the leaders of Europe – Germany and France – is capable of completely concluding the dismantlement of Britain on the European continent. It was necessary to get out as soon as possible.
Thus, it seems that it is possible to congratulate us – the dollar era lasting from 1944 to 2019 has ended. Now gold is restored in its rights and is not an exchange metal, but world money on an equal basis with the dollar, euro, and British pound. Now gold will start to rise in price, and its price will rise from $1200-1400 per troy ounce up to $1800-2000 by this autumn. Now it is clear why Russia and China during all these years so persistently decanted its export income into the growth of gold reserves. There is now such a situation where nobody in the world will sell gold.
Injections of extra money will suffice for the world economy for 5-6 months. In the US this money can be used to pay off the astronomical debt. Perhaps this wasn’t Zurich’s last motive for making such a decision. But after all, the most important thing is an attempt to slip out from under the Tower of Pisa that is the falling dollar.
Since the dollar and oil are connected, the growth of the price of gold will directly affect the growth of the price of oil. Now a barrel costs as much as 1.627 grams of gold. A price growth will cause the world economy – where 85% of the money dollar supply turns into stock surrogates like shares, bonds, and treasuries – to cave in. The stock exchange will not be able to bundle together such an additional mass of money any more. 
It will be good for oil industry workers – even, perhaps, best of all, but not for long. The economical crash because of expensive oil will become a crash for all oil industry workers too. It is precisely this that is the main reason why our rights for additional emissions can remain unused in full volume, although a gift in such a form will not be completely ignored. The May Decrees of Putin in the current context are being understood completely differently. Russia runs away from the oil-based economic model in all ways. Including by political reforms and changing the elites.
However, why is the decision of Basel a revolution? Because from the autumn the financial flood in the world economy will begin. It will entail the acceleration of Russia and China’s isolation from the dollar system and the crash of the economies that completely depend on the dollar – the vassal countries of the US. It will be worst of all for them. And this means that the reasons for increased distancing between the EU and the US will increase in number manyfold. A redrawing of the map of global unions awaits the world.
And the redrawing of these unions will be carried out not least by military methods. Or with their partial use, but in one way or another, reasoning involving force in the world will increase almost to the level of guaranteed war. “Almost” is our hope for rescue, because the US loses all main instruments of influence on this world. Except force.
But it’s not for this purpose that the “Zurich gnomes” created this world, so that the US is so simply turned into radioactive ashes. The US will be drenched with cold water like a broken down nuclear reactor, while the world has entered the zone of the most global transformations over the past few centuries. The revolution that so many waited for, were afraid of, and spoke so much about has started. Buckle up and don’t smoke, the captain and crew wish you a pleasant flight.
Aleksandr Khaldey

31 de marzo de 2019

Anna Von Reitz: The American National Credit

For those of you who missed my partial run-down of what Americans are owed, you should all know that Americans are owed back the National Credit, about $21 trillion dollars worth of credit that has already been earned and which stands on the books of the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.
How did this American National Credit Accrue?
For over a 100 years (1913 to date) we have been exchanging our actual goods, natural resources, and labor for I.O.U.s — Promissory Notes called “Federal Reserve Notes”. We have never been paid.
Via this mechanism, a vast National Debt has been accumulated by the United States [Inc.] and its corporate franchises known as “Citizens of the United States”. There has also been a very substantial debt accrued by the British Territorial Government doing business “the” United States of America and its corporate franchises known as “United States Citizens”.
Taken together, this accounts for the “US National Debt”, of about $21 trillion dollars, which is owed entirely by these two kinds of “US Citizens”.
We, Americans, have been falsely and purposefully misidentified as “US Citizens” with the clear object of making us responsible for paying the US Debt. At the same time, we have been declared “missing” and “legally dead” so as to prevent us from claiming all the credit that is in fact owed to us.
It’s a commercial fraud scheme designed to exchange pieces of paper for actual goods and services and never have to pay back anything to the victims.
But in fact, we are very much alive and we are Americans and we were –for most of us anyway—never knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily acting as US Citizens. We are owed the $21 trillion National Credit.
Why is the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE involved and holding our credit?
This goes back to the Lieber Code issued as General Order 100 in 1863. It replaced “all law” and became the law of the British Territorial Government. Among other things, it made the US Army responsible for protecting our money— but as they were also spending our money, there was a natural conflict of interest involved.
So, they passed off the actual bookkeeping to their co-workers in the Municipal United States Government— the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. As a result, a gigantic “Foreign Credit” began building up on the books of the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.
This “Foreign Credit” is largely owed to us. It represents the “US National Debt” on one side of the ledger, and the American National Credit on the other side of the ledger.
The problem is, we have never been able to access our credit.
It was simply locked up on the false pretense that we were all “dead” and all our individual credit-side ACCOUNTS were closed, while debts continued to accrue against our fraudulently probated ESTATES.
Just like what happens when someone dies and their estate is probated, financial transactions continue after their death. Bills continue to come in and credits continue to accrue —- sometimes for a long time.
That’s the “system” they have been using to pretend that we are dead on one hand, and yet still allow themselves to have access to our falsely constructed “ESTATES” on the other.
To finesse this Gross Breach of Trust and financial fraud, they declared us “Authorized Representatives” of our own ESTATES and held us responsible for paying all debts of the ESTATES—- without, however, giving us access to all the credit owed to us to offset these ESTATE debts.
Thus the Foreign Credit owed to us continued to accumulate on the books of the DOD and the US Debt also continued to grow — and the Municipal Government strong-arm racketeered us to pay up debts we never owed under the false pretense that we were all knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily acting as United States Citizens—unpaid volunteers, no less.
Of course, the perpetrators indoctrinated us to “assume” that we were “US Citizens” from an early age. They changed our political status records while we were still babies in our cradles and used coercion and semantic deceit to do it. In this way, by identity theft, mis-characterization, falsification of records, semantic deceit, impersonation, and probate fraud, they “killed off” all the Americans who are owed credit, and left nothing but the debt-bearing “US Citizens” behind.
So they could wallow like cats in cream, give us Monopoly Money I.O.U.s that cost next to nothing for them to produce, and receive actual goods and labor in exchange. It was the ultimate capitalist dream.
Something for nothing.
And the Federal Reserve acting in collusion with Cede and Company and the DTTC and WIPO and the US Patent and Trademark Office orchestrated all of it. We have the complete story and all the goods on all of them.
For over a hundred years the mysterious Foreign Credit kept on growing in the dark….and the “US National Debt” kept accruing.
I almost hear the theme from “JAWS” playing in the background….
To make a long story short — I observed that in a debt-credit system, it is impossible to accrue a debt. All transactions in such a system are zero-sum transactions. For every debt, an answering credit is created.
So like the old woman in the “Where’s the beef?” commercial, I started the Hounds of Hell on a mission to find out, “Where’s the American National Credit?”
We found it in 2011. It’s being held (and held up) by the Municipal DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and managed by the Seven Grumpy Old Men — the Military Bankers responsible for the Office of Military Settlements/OMS in California.
They have this Albatross of criminal mismanagement firmly anchored around their respective necks and are still too stubborn to face the facts and return the credit where its due — to the hard-working people of this country and their lawful government, The United States of America [Unincorporated].
Some things you can’t go back to not knowing once you know them. This is one of those things.
In order for them to pay you back the credit that is already accrued and owed to you, you have to “come back from the dead” — return “from across the seas (of BS paperwork)”— and record your presence on the land and soil as an American, born and bred.
You have to raise your hand and say, “Hey, a mistake has been made. I’m an American State National (or American State Citizen). I’m not any kind of US Citizen.”
And that is what we are doing by the hundreds, by the thousands, and soon by the millions.
Here’s the irony.
The DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE can wipe out most of the combined US Debt simply by transferring the credit to our lawful government and letting us establish a Credit Voucher system for Americans to offset debts.
The US Citizens would be happy, because all that US Debt would fall away off their shoulders.
The Americans would be happy, because they would also be free of debts that they have never in fact owed.
This is just one of multiple fraud schemes and false claims associated with our assets. There’s more. A lot more. And it is time for a reckoning.
What can you do?
Become aware. Wake up. Smell the java.
If you aren’t actually a Federal Civilian or Military Employee — and receiving a payroll check — you have zero reason to adopt any form of “US Citizenship”. Your actual government is still here, still waiting for you to claim your true identity as an American.
There’s some paperwork to fill out and record. Go to: , Article 928, go to: .
There’s some “technical issues” — like new passports and travel cards instead of “Driver Licenses” and cancellation of registrations to be resolved.
There are vacant offices to be filled.
There are State Assemblies to fully populate. State Courts to be staffed.
Federal-level States of States need to be reconstructed.
No doubt, there’s a lot of work in front of us, but we know where we are going and basically, how to get there.
Once you have your paperwork on the record and your private records in order, it’s time to “Sign In”. Go to: .
We are building the national data base of Americans who have come home to the land and soil — both American State Nationals and American State Citizens.
This data base will allow The United States of America [Unincorporated] to reclaim the assets we are owed and provide the political basis for Americans to take peaceful and proper action in their own behalf to: (1) reclaim all the constitutional guarantees; (2) enforce the Public Law; (3) enforce our international and commercial remedies; (4) pre-screen people eligible to receive Credit Vouchers to offset US Debt; (5) negotiate and issue proper passports, travel cards, and tax exemption certificates; (6) operate the republican form of government we are owed.
We have plenty of slaves clinging to their chains as if they were security blankets, trying to scare everyone into accepting the status quo and going for another round of the same old fraud scheme, while they themselves hide behind fake names like “Merlin” or “Virgo Triad” or “Sun-Tzu”.
If I were trying to sell what these agents are pushing, I’d be hiding behind a fake name, too.
But I am not hiding. I am standing here on my own and telling you the God’s Honest Truth.
Chances are that you are and have always been an American, not any kind of US Citizen at all.
Chances are that you are owed more credit than you can even imagine, and shouldn’t be paying any debts at all. No utility bills, either.
Oh. And by the way — what happens to the American National Credit if you don’t stand up, get organized, and claim it? The commercial banks are pushing to have it all declared “abandoned funds” and given away as a sop to cover their sins.
See this article and over 1700 others on Anna’s website here:

28 de marzo de 2019

Final Wakeup Call: Threat by Exponential Debt

Threat by Exponential Debt

End of fiat money hegemony is in sight

The credit market drives the entire economy

EU is under Debt Threat and more

Debt is needed to feign rise in GDP

Growing Debt Burden

The flip side of credit is debt, and this is where the problem lies. There’s no limit to how much real money can be created. In a world of real money: each additional currency unit represents additional wealth. But with fiat credit or debt-money it is different. With credit, spending can be increased dramatically. But there is a limit to how much can be borrowed. Eventually, a point is reached where the cash flow dries up to service the interest on the debt. Then the system is insolvent, and broke.

Fiat Currencies lead to corruption and a crushing debt-burden, both are at the root of world’s troubles. Virtually everywhere, governments and their citizens are borrowing more than ever before, and in many cases, they are far beyond any chance of orderly repayment. The point of no return has been passed – where interest payments drown the ability to generate free cash to cover those payments. Consequently, the debt burden is growing greater and greater. It must be clear by now; Banksters thrive spectacularly when fiat currencies are in place.

When interest rates are pushed down by central banks to artificially low levels and held there for an extremely long period of time, credit expands and the burden of debt grows. That has been happening for almost four decades. And now, the entire economy depends on something that cannot continue, as debt cannot grow forever.

As long as rates stay low, the system is maintained and supported, but as the amount of debt increases, the quality decreases. Debtors’ balance sheets become weaker and weaker. Eventually, the credit markets change direction. Interest rates start rising. Then the weight of all that debt comes crashing down like an avalanche. And once it gets started, there is no stopping it.

Real money versus credit money

With real money, the more you have, the richer you become. But as the quantity of credit money increases, the economy becomes more and more vulnerable to aturn in the credit cycle. And that’s what’s happening with debt now. There’s a very simple reason why the credit cycle has turned. Because the economic cycle has turned too. The back wind that was working for the markets from 2009 through mid-2015, has turned into a head wind and is now working against the cabal.

To put this into perspective; The central banks cannot print real money. They can only issue more tickets for seats that don’t exist. So, they only make the underlying problem worse, by lending more money to more people who will not be able to pay it back. Most importantly – the wealthy are first in line when the counterfeit tickets are distributed. The result being, should you go to the stadium, you would find them sitting in your seat.

When the housing bubble popped in 2008, it is estimated that about $800 billion worth of homes went into foreclosure. Homes are real assets. When owners couldn’t pay, the homes went to the banks that had lent the ‘money’ against them.

These banks hadn’t built the houses. They never owned them. They never earned the money that they lent to buy them either. Nor did the money come from savers who had deposited their money in the bank. It was money that no one had ever earned. It was fictional.

But this didn’t stop the banks from using this fake money to capture real wealth – people’s homes.

End of fiat money hegemony is in sight

The banking system is a fantastic business-model; they lend money they don’t have and charge lenders interest on it. Add to this, the ‘fractional reserve lending’ that allows the banks to lend ten times more than what they have on deposit. In other words, they lend ‘money’ they don’t have and which doesn’t even exist, correctly called – credit money– while they are legally authorised to charge interest on it.

The financial system is in a tight corner with many fingers stuck in the dyke, but it isn’t known in advance, which finger, if removed, would cause the dyke to burst. But it does look increasingly certain that the end of the fiat money hegemony is in sight. The only questions at this point are: When does it end, and when does the real panic begin?

Regardless of the timespan, the demise of paper currencies is a certainty.

“The economic law of honest exchange, demands only things of real value as currency and cannot be repealed. The chaos that will one day ensue from our almost 50-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or the equivalent thereof, for their oil, rather than dollars or euros.” Ron Paul.

The credit market drives the entire economy

The credit market is where all types of debt – government, consumer, and corporate – are bought and sold. Because the credit market, isn’t as exciting as the stock market, investors often ignore it altogether. The last financial crisis began with one type of consumer debt, the subprime mortgages. These started going bad, causing massive sell-offs of troubled loans.

It’s critical to understand what’s happening in credit. The credit market is the largest financial market around the globe, it drives the entire economy. It is highly cyclical. When interest rates are low and credit is cheap, “booms” are experienced. When rates rise and credit tightens “busts” are experienced. Since the 2008 financial crisis, credit has been kept cheap and easy to access. Creating, in the current credit cycle, the biggest excesses that ever have occurred in corporate debt. When the credit market starts to turn, as more and more high-yielding corporate “junk” bonds i.e. debt turns bad, the next crisis will be kicked off.

EU is under Debt Threat and more

Brexit isn’t the only big threat to the EU, at least three more big debt storms are looming, and any one of them could shatter the crumbling EU. Although not an EU-member, Turkey is in a depression and defaulting, while it is a big debtor to EU-banks. The implosion which is already underway will strike the EU severely. Brexit has been from the beginning of the process clearly shown that no one in power either in the U.K. or EU wanted Brexit to happen, despite the fact UK-voters had delivered it, in a stunning rebuke of the EU’s drive for a continent-wide empire.

The Greek debt crisis is out of the news cycle, but that doesn’t mean their debt has magically vanished. Greek banks have over 100 billion in nonperforming loans, confirmed by the plunging bank stocks.

Italian banks are swimming in billions worth of debt, making Italy another debt victim. Its economy is in recession and is in the first phase of collapse. Italy’s largest banks are on the brink of failure, causing other EU banks into the disaster zone as well. Deutsche Bank is probably the canary in the coal mine, with its share price below €10, down from the high of ten years ago of € 150 per share. Overall, bank shares in Europe have plunged to all-time lows.

The EU is in trouble from more sides: The Yellow Vest Anti-EU protests are intensifying in France, and other EU nations. In Italy and Germany these are inclined to become intensified. The UK is still on course to withdraw from the EU on March 29, with a NO deal.

Next May, the European Parliament will hold elections. Anti-EU parties are expected to gain control or near control, empowering them to elect the next members of the powerful European Commission (EC) and the European Central Bank.

As frequent readers already know, the banks are in control. Most companies can’t afford to pay off their debt when it comes due. Instead, they rely on banks to refinance it. But, banks have been undoing credit and refinancing the debt continuously. Even as corporate debt has ballooned and credit quality has weakened. The banks have been kicking the can down the road. Many companies can barely afford their interest payments. This game can’t go on forever.

Interest rates are rising at the same time massive amounts of debt are coming due. Suddenly, many companies won’t be able to refinance their debt, forcing them into bankruptcy. The default rate will rise sharply, causing investors to dump their bonds.

And as many people have become aware of, thanks to their corrupt bookkeeping, banks don’t worry much about huge credit losses. In the meantime, Global sovereign debt will peak this year at $50 trillion.

Debt Threats

When this debt crash occurs, it will be the largest destruction of wealth in history. There has never been a bigger bubble in bonds. That is being projected at $1.6 trillion of bonds and loans that will default.

Student debt poses another looming bubble threat. Over the past 10 years, students, most of whom have virtually no income, have racked up enormous debts. As of 2017, student debt totals more than $1.5 trillion, the second-largest source of household debt after home mortgages. All the signs show that the debt piled onto the youth will morph into another catastrophic bubble in the western economy.

The subprime car loans bubble is poised to cripple the economy. Most people have no idea how pervasive subprime loans have become in car loans. Over 90% of car sales is financed by loans or leases. These total in the US alone to more than $1 trillion.

Property bubble trouble

The property bubble is in trouble again. It is set to repeat itself with even more unsold and half-finished houses. Spain in 2008 was stuck throughout the country with over 3,5 million unsold properties. That number is set to grow again with new and unfinished properties from theupcoming crash ten years later.

Debts of this magnitude cannot be financed normally. Debts that can’t be repaid won’t be paid. In other words: It’s not just the magnitude of all the debts that’s the problem, but it is more who owes the money which is the bigger concern.

When the rich – a tiny percentage of the population – get in trouble with debt, it’s not a big economic problem. But when the poor and middle class get in trouble with debt – a huge percentage of the population – it’s a large economic and political problem. That’s what makes a GESARA “Debt Jubilee” inevitable.

Debt is needed to feign rise in GDP

The world’s so-called richest nations need $7 of debt to produce 50 cents of GDP growth. The world is bankrupt, and all of the financial statistics that are being published are just a mirage of a castle built on a foundation of worthless paper money. The world can of course never pay back the debt with real money, and the world can’t even pay the interest with real money.

Every 1% increase in the interest rate means additional costs for the G-7 of a staggering $1.4 trillion. That is absolutely massive. To put this into perspective, $1.4 trillion is only slightly less than the entire GDP of Canada. If interest rates increase by 10%, then this increase in interest expenses equals for the G-7 nations a quantity as large as the GDP of the entire United States.

Anyone with a sane mind will realise that this whole situation is untenable, and sadly, this will end very, very badly for the world’s population. An economic bankruptcy is not yet unfolding, but a moral and ethical bankruptcy is taking place at this very moment, on top of the continuous threat of fake wars. Added to the fact that most governments are taking away all freedoms and personal initiatives, rendering the people of the world dependent on state hand-outs, making matters even worse.

As explained here, the debt problems the world is facing are actually no problem at all, as the privately-owned central bank system created the money out of nothing over which we, the people are expected to pay interest, sanctioned by heavily bribed governments and politicians who make this happen.

GESARA is going to correct this treasonous, insidious misbehaviour of the cabal’s puppet governments, as they were all, in effect, initially appointed to govern their nations in an honest manner. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that they have extorted billions of our tax money for themselves and bribed politicians even more to keep the deception going.

Debt Reflation

For at least the past one hundred years, the monetary system has been manipulated, bringing the world to its knees through financial engineering that should have been alarming on its own for every well-educated economist. But the majority of economists have been masterfully kept in the dark about the hidden agenda, despite the occasional ringing of bells by people who had gained insight into the deception.

Through in-depth analyses, we have come to learn that the whole monetary system is – by design, – intentionally destructing itself. The excessive printing of fiat currency debt-money has arrived in its final ‘reflation’ stage of self-destruction, because the debt in the world has grown so excessively that the credit-system has gone into reverse mode, as the paradox occurs that no liquidity is left to pay back the debt.

Reflation is no longer possible and the deflationists are being proven correct. They are correct in regards to a credit system working in reverse with a negative feedback loop, stoking a deflationary death spiral.

There is just one small problem, what will happen to the currencies of these central bank issuers, who are also caught up in the negative feedback loop?

This is the main and most pressing financial question that has ever been faced. Will the fiat currencies survive and thrive during the deflation or will they be seen by the masses for what they are, IOU’s of bankrupt issuers at the very centre of the credit crisis quagmire? If you answer this question incorrectly, you have finished your own financial life.

The key question is against what assets will the currency “deflate”? The answer of course is as it has always been; “gold”. – While the pundits will have you believe “gold was devalued versus the dollar in 1934″, this for sure was quite the opposite. And while certain experts now will have you believe the “dollar” was the best investment in the 1930’s, for sure they are wrong!

The people are being brainwashed and kept in the illusion that debt is good and is unquestionably money with value, against which you can buy valuables, which of course isn’t true. It is time we start educating ourselves to discover that all that has been taught to us is wrong, and learn to change our thinking to see things as they really are. A good guide is THE GREAT AWAKENING, part 1 and part 2that explains and corrects the wrongs we have become accustomed to living with. Once your eyes are opened and you awaken to the Truth, you’ll notice the world is on course to changing with regard to all aspects of life. People that are educated about this will understand and enjoy the upcoming historical changes, that will liberate us from tens of thousands of years of debt enslavement.

Source: Final Wakeup Call

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