
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Union. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Union. Mostrar todas las entradas

7 de mayo de 2018


The "satraps" in Brussels have approved for themselves, retirement at 50. Long live the Europe of thieves! - retirement at 50 for officials of the European Economic Union has been approved monthly pension of 9,000 €. It's normal that there is nothing for us! You may have noticed that politicians have a strong interest in entering the European Administration, why? 
Very simple, this year 340 officers retire with 50 years and a pension of 9,000 € monthly (not a joke, retirees are 340 x 9,000 € / month x 12 months x 40 years = 1,468,000,000 € you have to pay us and our children). And this is only a very small part.

Thus leaving room for new officials from countries that have recently entered EU (Poland, Malta, ... everyone is entitled to a piece of TETA). 
Who pays for this? We who have worked and contributed to achieve a shameful pension, while those who make the laws are gifts like this. The difference between them- the gods of Olympus ,and we-walk- citizens is too important; They abuse us and our patience shamelessly. 

European technocrats have pensions that even parliamentarians have, which is saying:
Giovanni Buttarelli, Assistant controller data protection shall be entitled to a pension of € 1,515 per month after 1 year and 11 months of service.More than an ordinary citizen after 40 years of contributions. His colleague, Peter Hustinx, after 10 years of service will get a pension of 9,000 € monthly. 

It's simple, nobody happens accounts and do what they want. 

Roger Grass, prosecutor at the European Court leaves with 12.500 €. monthly. 

Pernilla Lindh, Judge Court, € 12,900 per month. 

Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, Spanish, general counsel, 14,000 € per month. 

You can see a list in French at: 
http: //www.sauvegarde/

In that list one Jacques Barrot (73 years old) appears with a pension of € 4,728.60 for 5 years as European Commissioner for Transport. To this must be added his pension as a former deputy in France, the former minister, the former president of the General Council of the Haute Loire, the mayor of Yssingeaux and final crown, February 23, 2010 he was named member the Constitutional Council. It is as if, on the same day, you won the lottery, the EuroMillions, the bonoloto and football pools.

For them, only 15 years of service, 70% of their final salary as a pension, in addition to accumulating pensions. We have to work 40 years (in no time will be 42) and charge less. The pension system also say it is bankrupt (put fear to cut rates ), they are increasingly asking us to work more years to qualify for a meager pension, but for them 15 years enough and also pension number and millions are made. 

They are making fun of us in the face, they are milked. Were only members of the European Commission before; now we must add judges, lawyers, attorneys, mediators, drivers ... a whole bunch of leeches. 
And the best: NO QUOTED a penny, we pay.

They occupy these positions to ensure that Nice example "compliance with laws" that "costs are as low as possible ..." 
And give us lessons on budgeting, judge us, create policies to save ... I I think it is a provocation. we 

should take action or will not be us nothing. Iremember our ancestors in the Middle Ages they had a king or a feudal lord who burdened them with taxes. If they paid could not lose a hand, or a child, or . a cow, or anything I think they were lucky: the now no need to use such so outrageous violence is enough to make a law that allows them to log into your account and get you the money without telling you or charge you a surcharge of 300%. for something you have not paid on time.

'PLEASE PASS, if only for people NOT LIVE FOOLED !!

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