
14 de abril de 2018

World Leaders cry for Syrian children, but Gaza is business as usual

World leaders mourn Syrian children False Flag White Helmets while ignoring genocides in Gaza, Yemen, Libya, Rohinyas and massacres of indigenous leaders in Colombia, Honduras and Mexico, among others.

After the  assault with chemical weapons that choked  more than 80  men, women and children in the city of Douma, eastern Ghouta, this weekend British Prime Minister, Theresa May, issued a stern warning to the highest levels of Syrian government:

"The regime and its sponsors, including Russia, must be held accountable," he said. This was a "completely barbaric attack".

Former Foreign Minister, William Hague, is recommending missile attacks on the Assad regime, while Tony Blair has entered the debate to persuade May that does not need parliamentary approval for air strikes.

The envoy of the United States to the UN, Nikki Haley, said Russia has in his hands the "blood of Syrian children" while US President Donald Trump has promised that there will be a "big price to pay."

The etching was really barbaric, but the total lack of integrity that these politicians have shown in dealing with other crises in the Middle East has led to question the sincerity of these statements and if they really have the best interests of the Syrian people at heart.

Let's start with Donald Trump. The US president has called for a ban on Muslim immigration and compared to Syrian refugees with snakes to kill the US. UU. 

With bites "vicious" and "  poisonous  ".Early last year, Al-Assad came out in support of this ban ,  arguing that attacked the terrorists and not the Syrian people.

Addressing a demonstration outside Downing Street, the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn condemned the Western silence about Israel's actions against demonstrators in Gaza, called on the British government to support the UN investigation and to review arms sales. 

Last year alone, the UK granted licenses worth 220 million dollars in weapons to Israel, which partly explains its silence on Gaza.

While the United States and the United Kingdom are appalled by the attack this weekend to Syria, do not hesitate to sell thousands of millions of dollars in weapons to Saudi Arabia, who heads a coalition of countries that currently bombard civilians, schools and hospitals Yemenis. 

In fact, on April 9, coalition air strikes led by Saudi Arabia  killed 15 people  in Yemen, but is unlikely to have heard.

Britain is now the second largest supplier world's largest arms and two thirds of this trade goes to the Middle East. 

Last year, Britain sold over 5 billion dollars in arms to Saudi Arabia and is aware that this military equipment could have been used to kill civilians because other members of parliament and  human rights organizations they  have presented evidence directly.

While the British government seeks an independent mission to investigate whether al-Assad is responsible for the chemical weapons attack, it has blocked a UN investigation into allegations of war crimes and civilian deaths in Yemen.

Last year, the UK also sold weapons worth 24 million dollars to Egypt, despite strong man, military Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has imprisoned 60,000 political prisoners and torturing to death. 

It was Hague who was Foreign Secretary at the time of the  slaughter of Rabaa  in Egypt when the army massacred more than 1,000 protesters in the streets. 

He simply said he was "deeply concerned" before his government  ahead with trade agreements with the country  .

During 2017, the monitoring organization Airwars revealed that civilian deaths from air and artillery of US-led forces in support of local land in Iraq and Syria coalition attacks increased by 200%;13,000 civilians were killed in Iraq this year, but the UK sold 176 million dollars worth of weapons to the country.

In recent weeks, the government Theresa May has been involved in a number of controversies in his country, although being a weak leader as she is, has failed to take action. 

Two days ago, the Minister of Interior, Amber Rudd said there was no link between police cuts and rising violent crime despite the fact that the department of which she is the head produced a report that concluded just this. Desperate to save himself, Rudd said he had not seen the report.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs, which should have been fired months ago, faced harsh criticism after declaring that the research lab UK defense had been "absolutely categorical" that the nerve agent used in the attack on the Russian spy and her daughter in Salisbury had originated in Russia when in fact failed to establish that he had done there.

The Foreign Office then erased a tweet blaming Moscow for the attack and Johnson tried to divert attention to Corbyn, labeling it as "useful idiot of the Kremlin". 

This is the same Secretary of Foreign Affairs said the Libyan city of Sirte may be the next Dubai  once the bodies have been removed  .

Whether foreign or domestic policy Theresa May can not hide the hypocrisy of certain members of his government that is becoming increasingly open. 

The government is right to criticize the last barbaric attack against the Syrian people, but you can not blame us if we do not trust any word of what he says.

Source:  Amelia Smith

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