
8 de marzo de 2018

The stock market is about to collapse, paving the way for the introduction of a "gold standard monetary system

Thursday, March 8, 2018

ALERT RV / INTELLIGENCE - March 7, 2018 

The Alliance is negotiating the unification of Korea in an effort to eliminate the remaining Cabal influence on the peninsula. 

The stock market is about to collapse, paving the way for the introduction of a "gold standard monetary system", also known as the new financial system. .. 

According to sources, the UST is now ready to introduce the gold standard in the US. UU. 

Once the US. UU. Switch to the gold standard after the collapse of the stock market, the IMF apply the "gold standard monetary system" as a global solution. 

Each country will be changed to a gold standard / assets that will restore all the coins to their actual values.

Collapse is expected to begin in mid-March, lasting an unknown number of days. 

The restoration will benefit mostly to countries suffering from poverty, as their purchasing power will increase dramatically. 

The first and main objective of the transition is tocompletely eliminate poverty. 

Restarting all currencies is just the beginning. 

Once all the coins are reset, the RV is released along with the 800 # to receive an appointment to share / exchange their fiat currencies and historical bonds. 

The purpose of the RV is to summon an army of aid workers to assist in the elimination of poverty.

It is also given to us by the benevolent forces of this planet to make up for all the suffering and pain we had to endure under the oppression of the evil Cabal gifts.

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