
6 de enero de 2019

Taiwan President includes a version in Catalan and with a stellate in a message in China

Tsai Ing-wen calls for international support to defend its sovereignty in a publication in several languages ​​on Facebook

The president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, ruled outunification with the PRC in a publication in several languages on Facebook, which includes a Catalan version with a starry flag. The president has called forinternational support to defend the sovereignty of the island and said that Taiwan will not accept the Chinese solution "one country, two systems'.

Hours later and over a longer message, Tsai has sworn to defend democracy on the island and their way of life, an affirmation that occurs in a context of tension between the two countries, following threats by Chinese President Xi Jinping, annexing the territory by force.
China claims sovereignty over Taiwan, which is only officially recognized by fifteen states of the world. Others, such as Spain, does not recognize Taiwan as a country but maintain unofficial relations.
Vicent Partal
Director of VilaWeb

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