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26 de agosto de 2017

SAINT GERMAIN about NESARA and Money - The Rumor Banking Is Not True

Rumor Banking Is Not True 

Resultat d'imatges of sant germain
 August 17, 2006, 8:50 a.m.
From: .  Original English, Spanish translation by  Luis Prada .
rumors that are being spread these days through the GLP forum that Germain want to reply Hello everyone there. Apparently someone has posted a message saying banks globally will close in one week, get your money now. Some are worried that this is a horror game. There are often rumors are not true that are initiated in the other forum. Here is the answer of Germain.
Dear beloved, this can be a horror game but not be allowed to happen. If plans proceed for now as it is intended, the new provisional President of the United States and closing of the Federal Reserve will be announced simultaneously. No matter the scenario, US banks They will be closed from 3 to 5 business days to make conversions to the new Treasury system and end storage processes of the new currency.

For some time you have known this and it is always wise, under any circumstances, have some cash on hand. The closure of US banks will be covered in the news, and people will be given time to withdraw cash since the plastic will not work. The absence of banks can cause a few businesses have some money problems for a few days and some may not be open all the time to do business, so it's not a bad idea to have an adequate amount of food and necessities related, and a full tank of gas in each car to travel to work if they close some gas stations that operate primarily with bank cards.

There is no plan to close banks globally at the same time. There will be other countries that have printed new currency whose banks may or may not close at the same time. They will have to close at some point to make changes. Again someone is having fun creating fear among you.

Prosperity Funds and the Funds Claims Farms can not be distributed until changes occur in the US It is not safe to do so. Stop paying attention to false publications that exists around that concept. Nor is it safe to identify the recipient by delivering papers and there is a scam going to provide documentation that it is not legal to cause harm. All important papers will be delivered by courier, not through registered mail. This has always been the case.

There are still people trying to cheat and steal all funds, including my World Funds  [World Trusts]  and they must face the music down the street. False "Lightworkers" will be identified and recovered funds if erroneously distributed.  I have new people who will be accepting applications for funds of many types and applications will be subject to scrutiny and carefully tests should provide the appropriate use of funds. T Hodaviah dark there are those who claim to be Lightworkers are not hoping to get the funds for misuse and to be giving it to dark perverse ways to use people.

The problem with this idea is that these dark will be leaving the planet over the next several months and will not be around to use their thefts. Once the "star people" are on land and in public, many of darkness be easily identified and removed. Time trial, we call it .  I warn you against fraud. It will not serve youwell. There are resources, ways and means, to identify the dark after the Second Coming event that are not yet on the planet but under Monjoronson courts, so it should happen.

Beware of games, you, the players them! With the event of the Second Coming are the new rules of the game and they are hard, fast and final. So be it. It might have been easier for these dark crossing the fence. At the beginning of the Second Coming to decide the time it is over for you who are intentionally dark.So, that too. You will be removed from the planet as quickly as possible, your final opportunity to change is about to end.

Now regarding my World Funds. I have created many, in a variety of countries, so that the application can be handled locally mostly. These will be carefully approved and the application process will not be easy. These funds will begin receiving requests about 3 months after the Second Coming which helps alleviate the problem of dark make requests because the worst have left the planet. Be warned there will be some not very pleasant for some scenarios and Lightworkers need to help those in their circles who may experience some losses.

There are certain programs that receive fund shortly after the removal of the Federal Reserve have been approved by me and my staff. Others will have to wait for public disclosure of the application process to start applying. Many of you will need to wait, in the US, so that the active rebate programs for financing their missions are made. Their missions may be financed from their personal reimbursements, which will be just as we have said for some time, $ 75.000US a month for a little more than 12 years.

In the US, the decimal point will be moved a figure, so this amount of money becomes huge in the US, buying 10 times more than they do now. This can not be true in other economies but we are working hard to restructure all economies to a global standard monetary system within 5 years and, if all goes well, in considerably less time. All countries have experienced significant inflation, such as Europe and the US will experience changes to correct inflation. This is the first course to correct widespread problems of inflation.
Monjoronson program will be made public shortly after the Second Coming event, and hopefully this knowledge will cause some to straighten. Its courts are final on their findings and there is no recourse nor will there be the possibility of widely lengthy trials.  Those who defrauded investment funds will have to answer to their courts and not to the courts of the land. Enough said about that.
So, beloveds, stop worrying about all the things that spread in forums sometimes. I am the one who is in charge and so. Namaste, I AM Germain.
Related items s: 



Resultat d'imatges of sant germain

St. Germain and his 'Shining Plan': "NESARA / GESARA, money and the Second Coming"

Mysterious  and stealthy Conde, who claims to be  "immortal", "promoted",  have occupied 40 bodies  different and among whose alleged incarnations  (including possessing simultaneously two or more bodies), include such controversial and dissimilar co characters mo  Joseph, father of Jesus Nazareth, the Prophet Samuel, Prince Rackoczy, Cristóbal Colón, Roger and Francis Bacon (S hakespeare), the wizard Merlin, Simón Bolivar, Federico II  or according to some, the same  Aleister Crowley  and whose "ethereal" residences appear to be rather the the underworld, romantically known as the Kingdom of Agartha or intraterrestrials, released as  "Ascended Masters "the  "Great White Brotherhood" ... 
Although the following is a channeling  (provable or not) , of 2005, moreover, I believe sheds clearly who or who are the movers and shakers of this world ...

At the end of the text, I offer more documentation on this "strange" character ...  
you judge ...

In Lakech ... 
Gloria H. 

Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain Violinio channeled through  Candace Frieze , . Initially posted on this website on 28 May 2005. New updates are incorporated from time to time. I revisítelo. See summary of NESARA at:  . See also the NESARA official website at:  . NESARA Yes! NESARA  Now!

 Saturday morning May 28, 2005
Original English, Spanish translation by  Adela Padilla . 
Hello everyone! We have many questions about  NESARA , so Germain is answering in this message. I'll be out over the weekend of Memorial Day and when you return will begin work next message Rafael. This weekend will also have to write in an orderly way, what I plan to AbundantHope in its first year. With hope we will see NESARA announced this weekend! No problem known so far.However if something intervene, I will remain patient.

Having more knowledge, I have come to better understand the games played by the BBB & G, who will stop at nothing until the last possible conflict that might make it appear. After realizing what the bomb addressed to Peru could have done and attempted kidnapping, now I'm in the position that even desire it very much, I want to be done with maximum safety and care possible. During the wait horrible potential problems arise and can be addressed. Plans for the installation of NESARA worldwide are not yet completed in some areas. If the biggest problems can be solved, more time can be spent on more productive issues. The event of the Second Coming should not generate fear must be holy in nature. So, now,

Good morning my friends, it's a nice day!I AM Germain today and explain a little about  NESARA,  funding and money in general.

The prosperity funds are being carried out.  I've been giving a lot of money in recent weeks based on special needs.Some of you have wondered where the prosperity funds come. Really I launched what would be needed for these times about 200 years ago. Many in Europe at that time began to book fortunes that continue to this day, when needs be made apparent and could bring together the changes we saw arriving at the time.Those of us who started the banking changes, we knew from experience what would happen in the future.

Banking as you know it today, allows easy circulation of money. Precious metals are difficult to use in the world as a medium of exchange. Banks have metals and is easier to use money instead Now they have electronic money which is the easiest to use of all for a global society still using money in its learning stages. I know most of you appreciate being able touse their cards to pay debts or buying goods. Many of you enjoy buying and paying bills online using electronic money.

Some in their churches are very much against this idea, seeing in it the mark of the beast. As with any technology there is the potential for good and the potential for evil. The BBB & G, creating the Federal Reserve System in the US and similar systems in other countries through the World Bank system, show how evil in money management.

There is no real value, as many of you know, in Notes  Airline]  Federal Reserve of the United States. This is supported by hot air and forced other markets and Control system. They have their war in Iraq, partly based on the fact that Islamic countries use gold, whether in currency and / or currency backed by gold. These countries knew that the US dollar had no real value and began to accept cash payments in precious metals or currency backed by them as payment for oil Euro currency is backed by precious metals and real value.

In my distant past I learned personally, the hard way, like most on Earth,the follies of money misused . I ran a great civilization that ended 50,000 years ago in the area that is now the Sahara Desert. At that time I personally practiced money management, much like the Federal Reserve does today. My people lost their sense of spirituality because they became so engulfed in money, wealth and materialism.

My company fell on my mismanagement. The money came to be worthless, just like what is happening now, based on a large scale, much of the world.My company collapsed and had no where to go, when money came to be worthless. Basically we had just printed and spent, developing few skills to which we could rely for survival. I learned a lot then. No I did to cause collapse and control. I did it because I wanted people to be happy and comfortable. They were too comfortable. But in this adventure I learned a lot about how money works.

These past 200 years have worked behind the scenes to get electronic money upand running. Well, then there was mail in the way it is now, but I started the banking system there is today. I did not start the Federal Reserve System, this mess is the work entirely of the BBB & G, but electronic money transfer is efficient and easy to use.

In the near future the money of all societies on earth will be the same and have the same value that you can not make the game of exchange rates.  It will become increasingly difficult to make money handling investments such as the stock market as currently operating and betting underway, such as the future market . The money will be made strictly through legitimate business practices.

Indeed, a few years after NESARA has been implemented and the changes totake effect worldwide, all will have enough money. When everyone has enough money, they will not play the game of inflation, the BBB & intentionally created to rob people in many ways.What will happen soon is that when you are swimming in plenty of money will find that this thing is useless and build a society that uses it . People of Inner Earth does not use money. Here everyone works and the whole day is 20 hours per week or less, they define their week on the surface.

These people do barter for luxury goods and will teach you how to do this on the surface. In fact, most large countries can produce what they need and not have to negotiate much. You are going to produce items that will not wear a few days after the warranty expires.

They will not need a new car every few years. Their vehicles virtually last forever. They will need to develop better means to travel the car. There are a variety of options to choose from and can vary from one country to another. It will be a while before they have teleportation available for use. In order for these technologies to become useful to do spiritual work.

Now back with NESARA. In the United States and many other countries around the world that have fraudulent banking systems and fraudulent tax systems citizens of these countries will get some kind of reimbursement is for a period of time. The amount will depend on the inflation rates of the countries involved and the length of time that has lasted fraudulent system.

For many countries it has not been established yet still, as NESARA was created in the United States for the United States. Other countries were interested in the idea and several had developed plans to be put into practice in a short time after NESARA was announced in the US 2,004 last March. Since the Galactic Federation took over the implementation of NESARA at the end of last May, it was decided to carry out a much larger area to fall just put it into practice worldwide.

Previous to this, if NESARA had announced more than a year ago, there would be political and economic pressures applied to resistant countries to encourage them to make similar changes. It would have been much more difficult to work and bring NESARA to many countries in places like Africa, the separate countries of the Soviet Union and almost all of Central and South America.

World peace, true peace would still be a long way in these small countries under dictators who had not cooperated and left power. Although the US to retreat and bring its troops back home, many small countries would still be at war in one way or another.

With the takeover by the Galactic Federation, as all involved studied Earth, it became clear that the best way to proceed would be to install around the world, period, in a short time. This world is very sick, as we all know, both its environment and its people. It really is not feasible to expect, with the effects increasing the energies of the  Photon Belt  and  earth changes  that Mother Earth wishes to clean the negativity of the planet.

Although the planet was quite ill at the time of Atlantis near the end of that era, it was not even close to how sick he is now. It had a similar population back then, but there was still a lot of spirituality and spiritual technologies that are not contaminated. We did not use oil, except for some plastics by then. Plastics have their place and are useful.

I will now describe the changes to the US , as they are for those most detailed and planned. Europe, Canada, Russia, India and China have similar changes. We are still working data for many smaller countries of the world divided by war. We can not make monetary changes in these countries until there is a stable government. This article is more about monetary policy changes. They know that the bad governments are being replaced.

And they are aware that the debts of credit cards will be eliminated. This is for everyone, citizen or not the United States. Your mortgage debt will also be forgiven but this is only for citizens. They will have to fill out paperwork proving that they are citizens. They will not have to make payments to theannouncement. Overall, there will be debt forgiveness credit card in any country that charge excessive interest and credit costs. In many Islamic countries not charged interest. In these countries debts are therefore legal and ethical and will not be downloaded. NESARA will be quite different from one country to another.

Now I want to cover an area briefly covered in the  reports of the Dove . C ach citizen of the United States, over 21 years, will receive a sum of ten million dollars, as money taken by fraud in banking and taxes since 1913 when the Federal Reserve System was created.
It really is not possible to reach a real figure. The designers of NESARA basically took a figure hat, so to speak. Deposits should begin in about a year. One reason for the wait is that those who have been illegally stealing money for a long time, and as a result are very rich, they are removed these ill-gotten funds (including money gained from drug trafficking), as part of its punishment or what we prefer to call rehabilitation. This action will provide some of the funds that come to you.

This money will be deposited monthly in bank accounts. It will be US $ 75,000 a month, until they have reached ten million, slightly less than 12 years. In addition to this, to some degree offset massive inflation for many years since 1913, particularly in the USA new price will simply moving a decimal point one space to the left. This does not fully compensate for inflation but mathematically is simple to do. Once the money above start being distributed some of you with visions and a plan can apply to receive a larger portion atbeginning, ifcan prove the need.

This means, moving the decimal point, all cost 1/10 than it did. Wages willalso change, being also the 1/10 of the original. What is the reason for this in the United States? It will help correct the trade deficit and problems to take the work to cheaper locations abroad. They will be competitive with the rest of the world.

Your dollar has been terribly misused in creating inflation 
willfully. If you have not read some of the Protocols of Zion, now it would be a good time to do so. They describe in some detail the monetary plans for slavery and ways to make money from money. An ideal society that still uses money learns that inflation is a real murderer. Inflation occurs only as a result of greed, plain and simple.

Not only in the United States but also in countries where the value of money is comparable to the dollar, exchange rates, we have similar adjustments in the economy to make their money equal in value. The poorest countries will not need these settings.  We plan that in 5 years or less will be a universal currency.Much of it will be electronic but banks will have precious metals to back it up.

So now, what will the citizens of the United States and other countries with this money? US $ 75,000 a month with an economy back into lower gears , it is in some way more than they could spend on a life of luxury. Nor will there be enough goods to buy with it, as luxury goods. Not all of you can buy a personal yacht, for example.

This is where you choose to become a messiah, one way or another. They can create programs to take care of people with him. They can create better schools. They can update technology, as new technology is giving them. If we did it my way, we 'd stop money right now and each time would contribute to their society. Money is imaginary at all. But his many societies around the world are not ready for this yet.

Still they need money as currency. It will be a big test for many people in the United States and rich countries alike, what they do with this money. Some insurance will experience power in a negative way. This will not last long because as you all have much need not fall under the power of others. It will not be more inflation so it will not work buy a lot of apartments and rent them increasingly increased prices.

It will be interesting what will happen with housing. I imagine that many of you are not going to continue living in a tiny little apartment, or old worn and old homes like mobile homes. I would advise some of you interested in the new housing market which will be created from this wealth to wait to do so until they understand the newest technologies and to implement them.

The power grid in many countries should disappear. They receive new technology, each building can have its own electricity supply that is clean and efficient. They have lots of electricity in the air to obtain it. This can be easily used and is not required to obtain fuel.

Please do not be in a hurry to build and create buildings using the old energy technologies. Please wait a little, not only if they are builders but also buyers.Worldwide there are apartment buildings. If properly constructed they should be kept and used over a period of time. They can be reformed and pull walls to make larger rooms. Few believe, but bigger apartments in these buildings.

No longer you will need to put people in small places to make huge profits. In fact many prefer to live in those buildings, as many do not want solar to care for , or traveling long distances to work. In many areas that are highly populated, there is enough land to spread. Look change for the better these communities. I wouldsuggest that with all the money available, they are converted into units that can be purchased rather than leased, removing from among the money that is derived from rents in the way that there is at present.

You will need to use the car for a while until new techniques. Iran is fighting for highways, roads, as they are known. Many probably possess hovercraft for some of the transportation requirements. They should also build communities in which many can work either from home, or near, and it will be diminished the large amount of time spent on the daily commute.
Its large supermarkets need to disappear. They should have small community shops for fresh food. They should have areas to grow fresh vegetables in communities. Yet they imported foods from other countries, but these will be shipped as quite different.With the use of "flying saucers" food can be harvested and transported within hours for immediate consumption.

Many of you looking for messianic missions should seek in the food and how it is delivered. S i are already working in the area of food, in whatever form it is, stay there and bring new changes. Restaurants will remain important. Indeed, around the world they will need more of them, as people travel for business, recreation and learning much more frequently. Friends of the Earth Internal try to teach them many things about food in all areas of importance. If they choose something messianic to do not only need help to feed the world but we need help to bring all sorts of changes in every field imaginable.

The planet is changing its axis.   There was no change of seasons you experience. This happened when Atlantis sank and changes in photon band at that time. The normal existence of the planet is straight up and down, not tilted. When this returns to normal totally they have difficulty measuring the year will not be marked by changes of the seasons. Many of weather changes in recent years are the result of gradual changes in the tilt.

As a result the food we grow also change. Growing seasons will be longer, constant fact.

But I think I have strayed a bit. and back to prosperity funds. A number of individuals will receive funds, which have been purposely created over time by wealthy individuals for distribution by the world in general. Recipients of these funds redistribute it to others. This is what they saw when making ready to designated recipients.

These receivers can use their funds for a messianic project and also continue the distribution to others beyond their needs. Remember that months later the majority in the US and similar countries will have generous funds previously spoke. If you are citizens begin to create ideas on how to use this tax refund and interest.

In a year you will see coming new technologies and how they might choose to participate. Many of you should remain in their areas of interest and make changes from them. If this is not possible, by the nature of their jobs instead can simply write a check, giving funds to those who need them.

You will see much under construction in many different ways. So understand that if any funds of prosperity comes to them, and this is possible, you will receive your prosperity through back program. As I said, this will also happen in many other countries. I can not give the amounts to be repaid in this message, as it will be different from one place to another. And do not forget all of you who have credit and loans through commercial institutions get the benefit of forgiveness of debt.

But stolen monies will be returned by everyone, wherever this happened.African countries and other similar areas of the world may have little to return.Scoundrels who run these places are not so rich, they spend a lot of it. Any monies that may be returned in these countries will probably go to visionaries who can make some money because of this.
In the United States there are many who will receive funds, which were the farmers in the affairs of claims farms. These monies will be returned very soon after the announcement of NESARA in the United States. You know, on that show who they are. There are some who were farmers, who similarly were stolen, who may also receive funds but will first receive some education about this. Many who left their farms under pressure and loans that could not pay are not yet aware of the program claim.

Some of you who can leave their jobs they should do and travel to these places and fix them with their returns. Join in groups and pool their resources and skills, working the idea of ​​"Two or More in My Name." These poor countries with electricity so horrible, or lack of it, they need to benefit from new technologies are introduced.

They should create decent housing and food supplies for these people and use them in the process as they grow as sustainable communities and outside live in small huts. Pcs. Need to do more than just having a power line, they need to build communities and involve these people in creating sleep.

They might even be able to build communities that do not really need money, which eventually become self-sufficient. Let these people learn the value of utilizándoles help themselves to you as resources. Teach them to "fish", in other words. But you give them something to eat first because hungry people can not move beyond hunger until they have been fed.

Understand that  NESARA and the Second Coming Events  not immediately fix the world, only put on stage. I think we'll see a very different world over a period of five years. Their space visitors will enforce peace in a short time, allowing them to start their work.

Until funds and ideas begin to not work, they can feed many, in areas that are impoverished, until the rest of you can help in other ways. The prime people will not do everything. You must do everything. They serve more in an advisory capacity. They impart the knowledge they need to change their world, but you yourselves should make use of this knowledge and create changes.

And as I mentioned, people of Inner Earth impart knowledge, they have been there and done that, as the expression goes, and are eager to share with you their own learning and experience. But the Inner Earth society has no problems surface population, and the degree of political conflicts at all, so you do not have all the solutions. This will also be a time of learning for them, as they begin to mingle with you.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian FederationSo, my friends, begin your dreams and ideas seriously. Study their world and their needs.Look first at home, if that suits them, so it needs fixing. Go to the Internet and read about elsewhere. Africa is more in need than others. It is divided both by war and unstable.Even though there are poor in almost any country, African countries are those that have more poverty.

Societies in South America have many poor, but they also have great resources.If you. Live in South America, look around you. They have a lot on what improvements, but their resources and education are better than in Africa .What Africa does have, however, is a great people in general, who are drawn to live as live and once fed and cured of their illnesses, she will be a powerful force to help each other, if you. Supply them they only money and some resources.

We'll take care of the problem of dictators that exists in many places. There will be star people in temporary governments in many African countries because there is no one right time to do at the moment. Russia is starting to get ready to do this by helping countries that left the Soviet Union in a positive way. You do not read about it of course but it is happening.

Actually, Putin will not be replaced at this time, he has come so fully to the Light.He has many challenges ahead and they depend. Russia will also have honest elections in due time, but not in four months, what will happen in the United States. Many countries will have to wait more than 4 months for honest elections because they are very unstable to have them.

So I'm trying to say that changes will vary from country to country, depending on local situations. But within a year there will be much greater flow of money from a variety of sources worldwide. Good morning my friends. I AM Violinio Germain.

I am now going to include a few websites that feature translations of these messages. I forgot to do it repeatedly.
Dutch site:  Dutch.
Site Bilingual English / Spanish:  . It has beautiful illustrations of messages.
Spanish only, with translations of a few Bitácoras Phoenix:
... Have a great weekend! Take care, Candace

Editor 's Notes: For those wishing to become Messiah in the area of education worldwide read the article  "The Twelve Ingredients of the World Teacher"  in:  . See a continuation of this message in the article " The Work of the New Messiah " by Immanuel Esu Sananda through Candace Frieze.
Also read  The World After NESARA .

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