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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta philosophy. Mostrar todas las entradas

4 de julio de 2018

The Pleiadians: Wave of Change

 The Pleiadians: Wave of Change

by EraOfLight
The Pleiades
Beloved ones we greet you, There is a huge wave of change coming onto the planet this month. The Sun will go through a further repositioning in relationship to Earth. This will create an opening of a doorway, where a higher frequency of light will birth an expanded vibrational light consciousness within the planet.
We will play our role by opening a stabilization point within the planet’s core, which will enable these light vibrations to flow across your earth plane. This light is designed and destined to create and accelerate change. Through the lifting of a series of veils you will be moved into a deeper access of your Higher vibrational self.
You will begin to perceive yourself from a different perspective than you have before and life, the way you know it now, will shift. These changes will arise through a natural reconnection to your Heart, unveiling to you an aspect of your own sacred consciousness.
Know that the illusion of drama is going to continue to intensify on your planet. This is the time to stay focused on your Heart. Do not engage within the drama. Breathe and let go. You can trust the unfolding of your own vision, no matter how things appear. It is vital that you hold a steady connection within the vastness of your own Heart. You have said Yes to carry a mantle for humanity.
We witness you as you birth.
The Pleiadians.
» Source » Channel: Christine Day

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

16 de junio de 2018

Think you are having a bad day? I'm Feeling Much Better Now! These are incredible stories!!

Think you are having a bad day?

Fire authorities in California found a corpse in a burned-out section of forest while assessing the damage done by a forest fire. The deceased male was dressed in a full wet suit, complete with scuba tanks on his back, flippers, and face mask.

A post-mortem test revealed that the man died not from burns, but from massive internal injuries. Dental records provided a positive identification. Investigators then set about to determine how a fully clothed diver ended up in the middle of a forest fire.

It was revealed that on the day of the fire, the man went diving off the coast, some 20 miles from the forest. The fire fighters, seeking to control the fire as quickly as possible, had called in a fleet of helicopters with very large dip buckets. Water was dipped from the ocean and emptied at the site of the forest fire.

You guessed it. One minute our diver was making like Flipper in the Pacific, the next, he was doing the breast stroke in a fire dip bucket 300 feet in the air.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. but keep reading....

Still think you're having a bad day ?

A man was working on his motorcycle on the patio, his wife nearby in the kitchen. While racing the engine, the motorcycle accidentally slipped into gear. The man, still holding onto the handlebars, was dragged along as it burst through the glass patio doors.

His wife, hearing the crash, ran in the room to find her husband cut and bleeding, the motorcycle, and the shattered patio door. She called for an ambulance and, because the house sat on a fairly large hill, went down the several flights of stairs to meet the paramedics and escort them to her husband.

While the attendants were loading her husband, the wife managed to right the motorcycle and push it outside. She also quickly blotted up the spilled petrol with some paper towels and tossed them into the toilet.

After being treated and released, the man returned home, looked at the shattered patio door and the damage done to his motorcycle. He went into the bathroom and consoled himself with a cigarette while attending to his business About to stand, he flipped the butt between his legs.

The wife, who was in the kitchen, heard a loud explosion and her husband screaming. Finding him lying on the bathroom floor with his trousers blown away and burns on his buttocks, legs and groin, she once again phoned for an ambulance. The same paramedic crew was dispatched.

As the paramedics carried the man down the stairs to the ambulance they asked the wife how he had come to burn himself. She told them. They started laughing so hard, one slipped, the stretcher dumping the husband out. He fell down the remaining stairs, breaking his arm.

Still having a bad day ?

Just remember, it could be worse..

The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska was $80,000. At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively saved animals were being released back into the wild amid cheers and applause from onlookers. A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both.

Still think you are having abad day ?

A woman came home to find her husband in the kitchen shaking frantically, almost in a dancing frenzy, with some kind of wire running from his waist towards the electric kettle. Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current, she whacked him with a handy plank of wood, breaking his arm in two places. Up to that moment, he had been happily listening to his Walkman.

STILL think you're having a bad day ?

Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn , Germany . Suddenly, all two thousand pigs broke loose and escaped through a broken fence, stampeding madly. The two hapless protesters were trampled to death.

What ?! STILL having a bad day ??

Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb. It came back with 'return to sender' stamped on it. Forgetting it was the bomb, he opened it and was blown to bits.

There now, feeling better ?

Posted by Freewill at

1 de octubre de 2017

Technique of Heaven and Earth

This is a powerful technique that can help increase vitality, protection, as well as assist in healing.
1. Stand up straight and breathe, raise your arms slowly over your head, and as you do, visualize your intention / will / bright white light, flowing upward from your Earth Star chakra (which is 20 cm below your through all of your meridians and chakras throughout the body, through your legs, through your central canal in your torso both in the front and back along the spine, through your arms and your head, chakra 20 cm above the head.
Soul Star
2. Now as you exhale, lower your arms slowly and visualize the same thing that comes back from the other side, from the soul star chakra to the Earth Star chakra through all your meridians and chakras along All your body.
3. Repeat this process, and as you do this, also visualize the same white light rotating around your aura, as it inhales, flows upward from the Earth's star chakra counterclockwise, and when you exhale down from the chakra of the soul star in a clockwise direction.
Take your time to breathe in and out and move your arms slowly, allow yourself to give intention to your entire body.
You can also use the Violet Flame, the White Fire of AN, the Blue Flame of the Archangel Michael, the Pink Light of the Goddess, etc., instead of the Bright White Light, whatever you feel guided in the moment.
Whatever you choose to work with, visualize it going up and down through all the meridians and chakras, and turning up and down in your aura, synchronized with breathing, as described above.
This technique can help, among other things, to become aware of any blockage that may exist somewhere in the body, which can be experienced as a difficulty to move energy beyond a certain point in your body, or difficulty in putting your attention in a particular place If you realize these things you can send more intent and energy to that place, send the Violet Flame or the White Fire of AN or any other energy that is guided, allow it to flow through it , and that is anchored in it.
Remember that the vast majority of problems in the body originate first in the non-physical plane, especially in the plasma and the etheric, so that by working in our energy body we can also help the physical body.
This technique can also increase vital force by strengthening the conversion-reversing vortex of the body that is centered in the heart. This increases protection, strength, orientation, etc.
You can practice this at least once a day and your power will increase. If the flow of energy makes you want to move other parts of your body then you can allow it, but it is recommended to keep it slow and focused. You can also, if necessary, do it without moving your arms, but it is more powerful when the visualization is connected with breathing and physical movement.
Victory of the Light

12 de agosto de 2017

How to Beckon Troubles to Leave

HeavenLetters: How to Beckon Troubles to Leave

heavenlettersAs you well know by now, you want to divest yourself of your troubles. You don’t want to highlight your scourges. No matter how dire and how huge, you already know that there is no profit in keeping on about your troubles. You would give up commentaries on the difficulties you experience if only you could let go of them. I am telling you how. You already know how to dwell on complaints. You fell into that. I do not tell you to kid yourself that all is hunky-dory. I, God, say to release the thorns in your side.
When a situation concerns a loved one’s leaving Earth, this is on a different scale. When it is a loved one, you want to keep that which you have to let go of. You know you have to let go. You have to reach a new balance. By comparison, when it’s a case of a loved one, it’s a whole new world.
Now We speak of lesser difficulties that weigh on you and that you don’t want.
Certainly, you are not a Pollyanna who seems to pretend her difficulties away, yet, bless Pollyanna, for she knew enough to divert her attention from difficulties.
Okay, if you want to know a secret on how to let difficulties go, begin by not regurgitating them. Certainly, you deplore difficulties. You don’t love them. You don’t like them. You can’t stand them. They get in your way. They are stumbling blocks. They catch in your craw. You might say you would give anything to not have difficulties.
Dear Foolish Children, too often you make difficulties the topic of the day or week or subject of the week, or theme of your Life. You parade difficulties around for all the world to hear. You complain and complain. You have every right to complain except, when you go on and on about what makes your Life difficult, you feature difficulties in your Life. You give difficulties the spotlight.
From the point of view of your difficulties, you must love them when you think and talk about them so much. Innocent difficulties note your complaints as revealing your pride and joy in them.
God knows there is a human tendency to complain and complain about difficulties, as if this could be a way to get them to leave. Of course, your human tendency to complain gives difficulties the best seat in the house!
If you truly desire difficulties to leave you alone, give them what you want. You want them to leave you alone. Let go of them yourself. Instead of going on and on about what pains you, turn the other cheek.
If your car keeps breaking down, instead of what you may presently say, say:
“How good it would be to have my car start every time and keep on to my destination! How I would love that! How happy I would be!”
Right this minute, having said that to yourself, you may already feel your mood less heavy-duty. All the blessings may not have reached you yet, yet I wager that your mood has already shifted. We can say, in regard to your mood, that you have turned in a lemon and received a lease on a new car.
You feel better. No one is fooling you. You are shifting yourself from one mood to a better mood. You are shifting from complaint to how you desire your Life to be. Before you dominated your Life with difficulties. Now you are gathering a new vision.
When it comes to a serious matter such as losing a loved one, well, yes, you may take it hard. You don’t pretend it away. And you don’t feel better to hear that you will get over it. The thing is that right now, your heart weeps.
Beloveds, remember the joys you and a loved one had together. Do this even when it makes you cry more right now. This is better than recounting the losses and griefs that may rattle your Beautiful Heart.
» Source – Channel: Gloria Wendroff

22 de julio de 2017

Lightworkers Will Experience These 20 Signals of Quantum Upgrades. You are one of them?


444 Light Activation is being activated. Lightworkers, volunteers, Earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate updates. Its time to lose the avatars. Pass the masks. Incarnate the truth. Buckle up we're going to have a great friends.


1. Connection to maxima of intensity of the lighter frequencies, floating and sensations, blissful reeds of flying love.

2. Lucid dreaming, astral projection, energetic enhances healing.

3. You see through the policy, to understand the relationship between corporate policy, pharmaceuticals, drugs and the arms industry.

4. More sensitive to the energy fields around us. Much more sensitive!

5. Deep and slow breathing, in solar, sacrum and root chakras. Flexing muscles we did not know we had as chi, energy is drawn deep into our being.

6. Appreciation of synchronicity, number codes, the language of nature as an integral part of our understanding of how this new world works.

7. Experiment with deja vu, sliding dimensions, time fluctuations, retrospective scenes.

8. renewed need or impulse to continue their mission of changing, healing, protecting the world.

9. Chakra activations that cause heart palpitations, low blood pressure, nausea, pain, flu symptoms.

10. Some people are attracted to you as a moth to a light.

11. Other people being reluctant to stay away from their energy.

12. Being less able to adopt stealth mode, they hide behind their avatar matrix. As a result of being more careful in who to pass the time.

13. Move the body to activate and stimulate the flow of energy. It points to chi gong, reiki, yoga. Be more flexible, more flexible, more fluid in movement. Hips and pelvis opening, chest and shoulders opening, new straightening, hips alignment.

14. Increased empathy and a need for energetic self-care to transmute negative and clear energy regularly.

15. Trust in the universal flow of love of frequency more. Know what will come to you.

16. Conscious reprogramming itself of the algorithms of the matrix. A greater awareness of how, when, why programming jobs and using tools to disconnect. Simplifying your life.

17. The practice of conscious manifestation. The use of mantras, focused intentions and meditation throughout the day and night to re-establish, rebalance and realign your inner vibration.

18. intense periods of release of karmic toxins and matrix. Expect physical symptoms to tremble, chills, waves of heat or nausea, aches and pains. Surrender. Allow. To accept. Being. Launching. Self-care practice.

19. Feelings of depression, anxiety, despair, restlessness, sudden mood swings and very low energy consumption can be experienced. This is the unbearable lightness of being. The overwhelming need for consciousness expansion.

20. The feeling connected with everything. Interconnection, unity that is lived in a fundamental soul level.

13 de mayo de 2017

There is a judge named time puts everyone in place

Psychology / Valeria Sabater
Native American-representing-the-time-last
All of us are free of our actions but not the consequences. A gesture, a word or a bad deed always cause a more or less noticeable impact, and believe it or not, time is a very wise judge. Despite not give judgment immediately, always it seems to agree with whoever has it.
The famous psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner, for example, we were surprised recently with one of his reasoning: "a bad person never becomes a good professional." For the "father of multiple intelligences" someone guided only by self-interest never achieves excellence and this is a reality that too often revealed in the mirror time.
Each reap what you sow, and while many are free of their actions, they are not the consequences because, sooner or later, the judge called time to give the reason they have it.
It is important to note that such commonalities, as a contemptuous tone voice or overuse of jokes and ironies in language, often have serious consequences in the emotional world and staff from victims who receive it. Not being able to take responsibility for such acts responds to the lack of maturity that, sooner or later brings consequences.
We invite you to reflect on it.
Eventually, that judge so wise
An example: visualize a father educating severely and lack of affection to their children. We know that style of upbringing and education will have consequences, however, the worst thing is that this Father seeks these actions offer the world strong people and a certain style of behavior. However, what probably get is something very different from what was intended: unhappiness, fear and low self - esteem.
Eventually, these children turned into adults, handing down their decision: stay away or avoid that parent, something that perhaps this person reaches not understand. The reason for this is that often hurt who "does not feel responsible for their actions," it lacks adequate emotional closeness and prefers to use guilt (my children are ungrateful, my children do not want me).
A basic and essential way to keep in mind that every act, however small, has consequences, is to use what is known as "full responsibility". Being responsible means not only take the blame for our actions, it is to understand that we have a must responsiveness to others, that human maturity begins taking responsibility for each of our words, actions or thoughts that we generate to promote our well-being and of others.
Responsibility, an act of courage
Understand that, for example, loneliness now is a consequence of a bad action of the past is certainly a good step to discover that we are all united by a very fine thread where a negative or disruptive movement, it brings a result a knot or breaking the thread. That link.
Make sure that your actions speak louder than your words, your responsibility is the reflection of a soul; To do this, try to always have good thoughts. So be sure that time will treat you as you deserve.
It is necessary to note that we are "owners" of much of our life circumstances, and that one way of promoting our well-being and those around us is through personal responsibility: all an act of courage that we invite you to implement through these simple principle.
Keys to become aware of our responsibility
The first step to become aware of "full responsibility" is to abandon our islands of recollection in which we focus much of what happens abroad based on our needs. Therefore, this series of constructs are also suitable for children. Using them we can teach them that their actions have consequences.
What you think, what you express, what you do, what callas. Our whole person generates a kind of language and an impact on others, to the point of creating a positive or negative emotionality. We must be able to intuit and foremost, to whom we empathize ahead.
Anticipate the consequences of your actions: be your own judge. With this clue we're not referring to fall into a kind of "self" by which we become our own executioners before he said or done anything. It is just try to anticipate what impact it may have a certain action in others and, consequently, also in ourselves.
Being responsible means understanding that we are not "free" at all. The person who sees no limits on their actions, their desires and needs, practice the debauchery that, sooner or later, also has consequences. The respondent phrase "my freedom ends where yours begins" acquires its meaning here.However, it is also interesting to try to promote other people's freedom and growth, thus feeding a cycle of mutual enrichment.
Worth putting into practice.

18 de abril de 2017

The Enlightened and the Entangled

by Zen Gardner
April 08, 2017
from BornOutsideTheBox Website

Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint.
His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits.
His book "You Are The Awakening"
has met rave reviews.

It's either/or, and it takes some serious commitment and doing, as well as not doing, to truly get free.

Most of us have no idea of what real freedom is, as we tend to listen to our minds predominantly rather than our hearts when it comes to understanding.

Besides being a very limited means of perception, our minds are severely corrupted since birth by the engineered world we're born into.

Molded by programmed parents and teachers and a societal milieu invented by psychopathic forces and their agents for the sole purpose of control, it's a fight from day one to fight off these influences and dig our way back to our true selves.

Upon arrival on this planet and its limited and constricting dimensions, our first response is survival, how to get along and maybe even excel in the maze we walked into.

We invent personalities and very complex support mechanisms to prop up our inventions to keep up with the myriad of other invented stories we continually encounter.

They call that 'adjusting.'

"It is no measure of health
to be well adjusted
to a profoundly sick society."
Jiddhu Krishnamurti

It's All About the Will and Courage to Search and Find
Something within each of us longs for something much greater.

We sense it's there but can't put our finger on it. The illusory construct we're born into is fully entangled in its own story, reinforcing itself like a cancer against the realization of deeper truths.

The true humans amongst us all experience this innate contradiction, yet we're told this is just the way it is...

This is where the heart drive comes in. Enlightenment has been made out to be some ethereal, far away unattainable state reserved only for the duly revered and hence separated from our personal potential. A complete fabrication.

This experience here is like a very low level, barely intelligence-challenging juvenile video game.

The answers are obvious.
As Occam's razor states so beautifully and succinctly, the simplest answer is usually the right one.
That's why children are so profound in their understanding, and many of the great teachers have said we need to become like little children again.

When we reject the love of the truth we're given over to delusion, and a very convoluted set of life sapping variables.

We then learn to accept or reject whatever we choose to according to what fits our perverted sense of self-serving understanding. After all, the world around us does it, why shouldn't I?

Meanwhile your inner soul and connection to true innate understanding weeps.

"Your vision will become clear
only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung


Just Look at the Challenge

Not only are we programmed from birth and thrown into a swamp of twisted lies...

The bombardment continues with soul and mind twisting education and societal "norms" backed by insane degrees of media propaganda - which again seems to be happily assimilated into this twisted, dumbed down normalcy bias.
  • What could be more challenging?
  • Is there a purpose to it, for each of us individually?
Having been twisted to incredible torques of trauma in my personal life I can only assume so.

Something survives that can still see the beauty around us and all that is implied behind it. The more I find out how swindled we've been, from the obvious to controlled opposition and plants to divert whole well intentioned movements, the more that resonates with my heart in complete contradiction to what I've been presented with.

Hence the more I know the more I don't know. A healthy attitude I've come to learn...

But at the same time the more arises a warrior spirit within me. Spirit rising. Herein lies the spark of life.

I'm all too aware of coping mechanisms and the like, so don't even bother going there if you're that jaded. Somehow truth surfaces. It may be paltry in the world we're witnessing in this dark age we're living in, with all its glitz and tech and glamour.

Humanity has been shrouded in immense darkness, cut off from what was once obvious to our child like spirits.

The Moral...? It's up to you.
How committed are you to truth, really? I know my settings. Do you know yours? Are you truly connected to them? Does fear of death still affect you?
A good barometer.

We are up against many common obstacles. Illusory and mentally induced ones in most cases, but nonetheless appearing real.

Like the famous expression, FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Pretty profound...

But do we implement these realizations, or file them away as comforting cover ups.

The battle we're in is very real. It's first of all personal. We can't change the external without having that real metanoia (changing one's mind), about face, in our own lives first.

That's not a popular subject in a world that wants its ears tickled with the latest media punch or on the alternative side conspiracy theory world wanting more and more "information", whatever truths they contain.

It's still stroking the same egoic body that sucks up to this Matrix of Deceit.

It may take you a while to make that connection to the concept of and resultant disconnection with false self, but it's essential. At least learn to be conscious of such a schism and then observe it. It's truly liberating.

All the best. I'll keep wondering. Can't help it.

Hope you do too...

"Yesterday I was clever,
so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise,
so I am changing myself."

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...