
13 de mayo de 2017

There is a judge named time puts everyone in place

Psychology / Valeria Sabater
Native American-representing-the-time-last
All of us are free of our actions but not the consequences. A gesture, a word or a bad deed always cause a more or less noticeable impact, and believe it or not, time is a very wise judge. Despite not give judgment immediately, always it seems to agree with whoever has it.
The famous psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner, for example, we were surprised recently with one of his reasoning: "a bad person never becomes a good professional." For the "father of multiple intelligences" someone guided only by self-interest never achieves excellence and this is a reality that too often revealed in the mirror time.
Each reap what you sow, and while many are free of their actions, they are not the consequences because, sooner or later, the judge called time to give the reason they have it.
It is important to note that such commonalities, as a contemptuous tone voice or overuse of jokes and ironies in language, often have serious consequences in the emotional world and staff from victims who receive it. Not being able to take responsibility for such acts responds to the lack of maturity that, sooner or later brings consequences.
We invite you to reflect on it.
Eventually, that judge so wise
An example: visualize a father educating severely and lack of affection to their children. We know that style of upbringing and education will have consequences, however, the worst thing is that this Father seeks these actions offer the world strong people and a certain style of behavior. However, what probably get is something very different from what was intended: unhappiness, fear and low self - esteem.
Eventually, these children turned into adults, handing down their decision: stay away or avoid that parent, something that perhaps this person reaches not understand. The reason for this is that often hurt who "does not feel responsible for their actions," it lacks adequate emotional closeness and prefers to use guilt (my children are ungrateful, my children do not want me).
A basic and essential way to keep in mind that every act, however small, has consequences, is to use what is known as "full responsibility". Being responsible means not only take the blame for our actions, it is to understand that we have a must responsiveness to others, that human maturity begins taking responsibility for each of our words, actions or thoughts that we generate to promote our well-being and of others.
Responsibility, an act of courage
Understand that, for example, loneliness now is a consequence of a bad action of the past is certainly a good step to discover that we are all united by a very fine thread where a negative or disruptive movement, it brings a result a knot or breaking the thread. That link.
Make sure that your actions speak louder than your words, your responsibility is the reflection of a soul; To do this, try to always have good thoughts. So be sure that time will treat you as you deserve.
It is necessary to note that we are "owners" of much of our life circumstances, and that one way of promoting our well-being and those around us is through personal responsibility: all an act of courage that we invite you to implement through these simple principle.
Keys to become aware of our responsibility
The first step to become aware of "full responsibility" is to abandon our islands of recollection in which we focus much of what happens abroad based on our needs. Therefore, this series of constructs are also suitable for children. Using them we can teach them that their actions have consequences.
What you think, what you express, what you do, what callas. Our whole person generates a kind of language and an impact on others, to the point of creating a positive or negative emotionality. We must be able to intuit and foremost, to whom we empathize ahead.
Anticipate the consequences of your actions: be your own judge. With this clue we're not referring to fall into a kind of "self" by which we become our own executioners before he said or done anything. It is just try to anticipate what impact it may have a certain action in others and, consequently, also in ourselves.
Being responsible means understanding that we are not "free" at all. The person who sees no limits on their actions, their desires and needs, practice the debauchery that, sooner or later, also has consequences. The respondent phrase "my freedom ends where yours begins" acquires its meaning here.However, it is also interesting to try to promote other people's freedom and growth, thus feeding a cycle of mutual enrichment.
Worth putting into practice.

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