This is a powerful technique that can help increase vitality, protection, as well as assist in healing.
1. Stand up straight and breathe, raise your arms slowly over your head, and as you do, visualize your intention / will / bright white light, flowing upward from your Earth Star chakra (which is 20 cm below your through all of your meridians and chakras throughout the body, through your legs, through your central canal in your torso both in the front and back along the spine, through your arms and your head, chakra 20 cm above the head.
Soul Star
2. Now as you exhale, lower your arms slowly and visualize the same thing that comes back from the other side, from the soul star chakra to the Earth Star chakra through all your meridians and chakras along All your body.
3. Repeat this process, and as you do this, also visualize the same white light rotating around your aura, as it inhales, flows upward from the Earth's star chakra counterclockwise, and when you exhale down from the chakra of the soul star in a clockwise direction.
Take your time to breathe in and out and move your arms slowly, allow yourself to give intention to your entire body.
You can also use the Violet Flame, the White Fire of AN, the Blue Flame of the Archangel Michael, the Pink Light of the Goddess, etc., instead of the Bright White Light, whatever you feel guided in the moment.
Whatever you choose to work with, visualize it going up and down through all the meridians and chakras, and turning up and down in your aura, synchronized with breathing, as described above.
This technique can help, among other things, to become aware of any blockage that may exist somewhere in the body, which can be experienced as a difficulty to move energy beyond a certain point in your body, or difficulty in putting your attention in a particular place If you realize these things you can send more intent and energy to that place, send the Violet Flame or the White Fire of AN or any other energy that is guided, allow it to flow through it , and that is anchored in it.
Remember that the vast majority of problems in the body originate first in the non-physical plane, especially in the plasma and the etheric, so that by working in our energy body we can also help the physical body.
This technique can also increase vital force by strengthening the conversion-reversing vortex of the body that is centered in the heart. This increases protection, strength, orientation, etc.
You can practice this at least once a day and your power will increase. If the flow of energy makes you want to move other parts of your body then you can allow it, but it is recommended to keep it slow and focused. You can also, if necessary, do it without moving your arms, but it is more powerful when the visualization is connected with breathing and physical movement.
Victory of the Light