This is why we are really in lockdown... wake up people ffs... 🙏
▪️ The entire world is in lockdown.
Let that sink in..
(If it hasn’t already)
▪️5G is being rolled out world wide conveniently at the same time....
(Research health effects of 5G)
▪️Prince Harry and Megan leave the royal family.
(I would too if I found out my own family had my mother killed, and were satan worshipping, child traffickers)
▪️Prince Andrew is now a convicted pedophile and was extremely close with Jeffrey Epstein.
(Another convicted pedophile)
Research Epstein Island
(if you have a strong stomach)
▪️Research Pizzagate
(if you can handle it)
▪️Wikileaks exposed Hillary Clinton for being a child sex trafficker (along with Obama, Podesta and many other people in power) and she conveniently deletes over 300,000 emails, and destroys a laptop and mobile phone she used while in office... and gets away with it??
▪️Trump gets elected.
▪️Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood’s biggest germ was finally arrested for sex crimes (another elite pedo)... all of a sudden he gets the “virus”...?
▪️Prince Charles & now also the Queen conveniently have the “virus”, yet the queen fled the palace to self isolate weeks ago...?
▪️All of your Hollywood favorites have the virus. Adrenochrome is your topic here, research it.
▪️Bill Gates is pushing vaccines and global depopulation, and he conveniently owns 15% of the WHO (World Health Organisation). Yes, the WHO is a business, go figure. Which is also owned by George Soros and the Rockefeller's. Don’t know them? Research them. (This information alone should make your stomach churn).
▪️Google is currently uncensored and you can access this information. (Why now?)
Whilst you’re there, keep googling “Adrenochrome” and start to follow the trail...
▪️An Adrenochrome batch was made in Wuhan... how fitting...?
(Connecting the dots yet?)
▪️US has deployed 30,000 troops to Europe. “for training”. Without masks or any hand sanitizer...
▪️600 Mexican drug cartels have recently been arrested, one of the biggest busts in history by the U.S... why didn’t we hear about that?
Trump openly speaks about this more and more in his daily press releases as the days roll on, speaking about winning the ‘war', and barely mentioning the actual virus in his ‘Coronavirus’ briefings.
▪️ 298 Saudi royals, billionaires, lawyers and judges were recently arrested for crimes and corruption.
▪️3 Chinese, including 1 Harvard professor, were prosecuted for economic espionage a few weeks ago.. which is all extremely relevant to Wuhan, Covid-19 and everything that’s going on right now. Research this.
▪️Trump crashed the Federal bank, they bought all of the gold and now hold the keys to creating a gold backed currency, removing the fiat. The Fed and Treasury were basically merged meaning that Trump is now the Chairman for the global banking system with the people’s money. Not the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Soros, Goldman's, the list goes on.. this is HISTORIC.
▪️For this to be possible, the economy must be crashed. All corrupt coin needs to be drained. A 14-28 day lock down is the best way to do this and even better way to re-distribute the money back to the people on government grants, paying refunds for business and ato offsets.. making sense yet? No longer will 99% of the worlds wealth be owned by an evil, greedy and corrupt 1%.
Believe what you want. Take what I say with a grain of salt... but open your eyes beyond the virus... and gosh.. just do some research! It’s all happening.
▪️Dozens of the worlds most powerful CEO’s have stood down.. why? Disney, Microsoft, Groupon and over 1300 of the top CEO’s.. gone. This was before the crash mind you... what are they running from???
▪️ Thousands of arrests have been made for child trafficking, human trafficking and sex abuse.. but the media is not telling you that... what are they hiding? Nurses are coming forward speaking publicly about the fact they’re treating hundreds of children in hospitals right now.. not for Coronavirus but for malnutrition, some extremely deformed, and all with extreme psychiatric damage due to trauma.
▪️ It’s widely known there are underground tunnel systems (research D.U.M.B ) that have been used for decades to traffick people for sex slaves and organ harvesting, across the globe. There is currently a monumental military operation going down, lead by POTUS to uncover these children, arrest those involved, and stop this evil once and for all.
What you are seeing is a war. An invisible war that Trump keeps taking about...
It’s a war between Trump and his Secret Service against the elites, bankers and mainstream media.
A war between good and evil.
Pay attention to the bigger picture. Trump has arrested and caught more pedophile and child trafficking rings in the world... but I bet you didn’t know that because the mainstream media (George Soros funded media) make out that he’s a moron...
Trump will go down in history in the coming weeks.
There is no need to panic or have fear. This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned dollars, loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled wool over your eyes.. we have been living as slaves to the system for long enough.
You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you won’t want to believe it.
The list goes on and on and on.
If you still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from Osama Bin Ladin who trained donkeys to fly Cessnas, which then magically turned into Boeing’s and flew aluminium planes into 580m steel reinforced towers that collapsed like a deck of cards, not to mention tower 7 which was a block away but folded. (Let’s not forget the 6 Navy Seals who took Osama down that were killed in a mysterious chopper crash. RIP fellas).... you’re in for a wake up call...
Some of the big banks WILL go bankrupt, they are already on their knees, Income tax WILL go away and the elites will no longer rule you or the world.
It’s time to PRAY!
Don’t believe me? Do the research for yourself.
Personally, I would read the Clinton emails on Wikileaks. Once you read that you’ll believe the rest. Many of the most powerful people are more sick and evil than you could ever imagine.
Start listening to Trumps daily press briefings.
Read between the lines
Ty lauren jane
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Jared Rand Update - Upcoming Galactic Technologies To Be Released To The Public: MedBeds, Free Energy, Replicators
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Grow Limbs, Age Reduction, Health |
JANUARY 2018 1/3/2017 - Jared Rand - Upcoming Technologies Listen To Call
Free Conference Call Replay Link:
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AscensionWithEarth Perspective:
These technologies can be used as a stepping stone to re-introduce humanity to the amazing power of our infinite and boundless natural abilities. Please remember that technology like those mentioned on this call are still part of the holographic matrix. Your true sovereign and spiritual soul can achieve the same results without technology. You exist beyond all matrices and mathematical constructs. You also do not need "light chambers" to "ascend", as everything you need to "ascend" is already a divine power within you! External technologies are really just an extension of what our spiritual powers are capable of. It is time to reclaim our spiritual sovereignty!
Applied Sacred Geometry by Jo Dunning The beginnings of The Pulse Technique *and Quantum Energetic Disciplines
™ |
Most people today find they would like to change some aspect of their life. Perhaps it might be something about their personality, health or relationships. Or maybe it is more in the area of finances or job. Many people have tried a variety of approaches to making these changes, often with little success. Now finally, there is a way to make changes that is simple and easy The results of this new approach are often so astounding they are sometimes called miraculous.
This new method is able to go beyond the traditional approaches to change. It goes beyond what might seem to be the cause of the problem and beyond the usual attempts at resolution. It is able to address the unseen and often unknown aspects of our experiences by using an entirely new method known as Applied Sacred Geometry*
This new field of study involved pioneering efforts of exploration, discovery and development over several years and has now been gathered into one body of knowledge known as Quantum Energetic Disciplines™. This new approach to health, wholeness and aliveness on all levels features techniques which use the discoveries of Applied Sacred Geometry * which can now be easily learned and used to create dramatic and lasting life changes. This body of work features the foundational technique known as The Pulse Technique.
The information now available in this new discipline allows us to go beyond the usual understanding about personality, health, beliefs and life and address the real cause of each of our life issues and experiences. It is in this realm we find the real “cause of the cause” and are able to create rapid and lasting change. Once a change takes place in this area of our Being we are able to easily shift the ways in which we experience and respond to life. We soon find the old issues are just no longer present, we can think more clearly, remain calm and peaceful, accomplish the things we desire, our body returns itself to healthy and we can live life with much greater happiness, wisdom and understanding.
Most other methods do not have the tools or the awareness to move beyond what has been known and into this new and exciting territory. Using this new information and the techniques it offers we can now access and change things we never dreamed possible. This new body of knowledge has been developed into what is now known as Quantum Energetic Disciplines™. The life changing techniques it contains are revolutionary beginning with the first process called The Pulse Technique. These discoveries are beyond the realm of Quantum physics and into the advanced area of Applied Sacred Geometry.
This new field of discovery works with the energy patterns which create and hold the experiences in our life. These energy patterns are the real cause of the experiences and challenges in our life. This energy takes on an almost infinite variety of highly intricate shapes which, when combined, create the entire system through which we are able to experience and respond to all of life. These patterns are associated with every belief, opinion, judgment, world view, and idea as well as with all body parts and functions, all levels of consciousness and all experiences.
In fact, this system of intricate patterns seems to create the entire framework through which all of our awareness of life unfolds. The patterns are located in an area about 55 feet in diameter that surrounds our body. This area is called the field, and contains every aspect of our life from the very beginning until this moment, right now. It contains the record of every personality pattern, experience, desire, belief, thought and event — everything!
There are multiple millions of patterns stored in our field simultaneously which combine in various ways to create the life we have. These millions of patterns fit easily in our field because the laws of Quantum Physics are quite different from the laws of Newtonian physics. The new discoveries in Quantum Physics go beyond the usual rules of time and space and explain how so many things could occupy such a seemingly small space at the same time.
Of the many millions of patterns that surround us in our field, only a comparative few are used at once time. The patterns we use are constantly shifting, changing, and combining to create our reality. As we grow and develop, the many intricate lines of the related pattern also change and evolve.
As these patterns change, we begin to experience life differently. We free ourselves of emotional concerns, become healthy, increase our levels of awareness, gain or lose weight, balance our metabolism, improve self-esteem, let go of judgments, become more abundant, release limiting childhood experiences, feel safe, build intimacy, and a multitude of other things.
This new area of personal growth using Quantum Energetic Disciplines™ works directly with the energy patterns that create our reality. In these very advanced techniques, the specific pattern that is creating the issue you would like to change is transformed and along with it the ways in which it was limiting you and your life.
For many individuals who have experienced these techniques, the change takes place almost immediately or within a few days. For other individuals who selected a pattern that was interlaced with many other patterns, the change is more gradual and takes place over several weeks or perhaps months.
The results of The Pulse Technique* and the other techniques of Quantum Energetic Disciplines™ are remarkable, with most people noticing positive changes taking place quickly. Many people discover after only one session with these amazing techniques that long-standing concerns which have resisted many years of treatment or therapy seem to change quickly and easily, with little or no effort.
The pioneering research with these techniques was done over several years of working individually with only one person at a time. However, as the work evolved, it became possible to create dramatic change while working simultaneously with several people at the same time and then eventually with large groups. Each person in the group was still able to choose the specific item that they would like to change in their life. This allows the change to remain completely individualized.
The wonderful thing about these techniques is that when working in a group format, no discussion about the item you have selected is necessary. This allows the work to remain completely confidential, even in a large group. To change one item only takes a few minutes, so it is possible in a short period of time to really make significant changes in your life.
This new frontier of change and personal growth using the techniques of Quantum Energetic Disciplines™ is very exciting, and has far-reaching applications. The changes were initially used to clear emotional concerns, but this quickly and naturally evolved into using these techniques to assist with every aspect of life: physical body, relationship, weight, finances, self-esteem, etc.
However, the most recent applications of the techniques are by far the most exciting and have the most far-reaching implications. These new techniques are now being used to explore the frontiers of human consciousness and spirituality. With these techniques individuals are now creating new ways of achieving very expanded levels of consciousness and spiritual awareness in a very short period of time.
As we continue to grow and expand our understanding of ourselves and life we will soon be discovering even greater uses for these exciting techniques. This body of work known as Quantum Energetic Disciplines™ is still growing with new techniques being developed and new applications for the techniques discovered. Soon many people will be aware of the simple and rapid changes they can achieve using The Pulse Technique* and the other techniques of Quantum Energetic Disciplines™. It is now easy to become free from the many challenges we face and instead step into a whole new way of experiencing life. A way filled with happiness, peace, freedom and aliveness.
Jo Dunning is the founder and developer of Quantum Energetic Disciplines which features The Pulse Technique. She offers training in these techniques as well as retreats and workshops and is often a featured speaker on radio and television shows.
“PC Magazine” Fires Author and Relocates Article Citing Health Effects of 5G
OCTOBER 4, 2018
By B.N. Frank
On August 22, 2018, PC Magazine published John Dvorak’s article, “The Problem with 5G” which cites health risks as a major concern with this technology. On August 26, 2018 Activist Post published an article about John’s article. Unfortunately, John was fired on September 20 and PC Magazine replaced this article’s link with an article written by someone else. They also relocated John’s article to a different link.
As you all know, I was unceremoniously fired from PC Magazine on Sept. 20th, 2018. I just figured it was the new people coming in and I was an unneeded throwback to the old regime.This sort of thing happens a lot. Then one of the No Agenda producers noticed a recent column of mine was pulled from the magazine and redirected to someone else’s column about the same subject. It also went missing from the index of Dvorak columns. If you did a google search for the column it showed up but clicking on the Google link resulted in a re-direction to the other column.The difference was my column was interpreted as critical of 5G. The replacement (and an additional column that came later), was more of a cheerleading column.In fact, my column was more reporting than opinion as I was reflecting on all the bad press 5G was getting from every corner. My conclusion was that, unless this stopped, 5G would never get off the ground.I never once considered that expunging my column then firing me would be part of this process. I’ve asked the editors about this and got no replies.This is a cautionary tale. Anyone writing for any publisher in today’s commercial market, where the managed advertorial and native ad seems to be the only way to make money, needs to be cautious.”
Activist Post has published many articles about research proving that there are health risks from exposure to 5G as well as all other sources of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation. Despite massive widespread protest in the U.S, federal legislation was passed last week to install it everywhere anyway.
So much for the Trump’s promise to give the country back to the people.
Voice to Skull Technology Is Embedded in 5G-Mind Control Reaches Its Apex
Recently I has approached by a self-described “insider” who had at one time worked for DARPA. He insisted that the new 5G technology being rolled out across the country was both lethal and contained mind control elements that should alarm all people. I thought the claims were outrageous and with scientific justification. Don’t misunderstand me, I know that mind control exists, however, 5G being an element of mind control surprised me. Subsequently, I began a literature search and I found the mother load.
Subsequent to my search, I found thepatent that should scare the hell out of all Americans.
“United States Patent 6,017,302 Loos January 25, 2000Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systemsAbstract: In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency.Inventors: Loos; Hendricus G. (Laguna Beach, CA)Family ID:25505170Appl. No.:08/961,907 Filed:October 31, 1997…
The patent goes on to further describe the workings of this acoustic technology.
Experiments have shown that atmospheric acoustic stimulation of deeply subliminal intensity can excite in a human subject the sensory resonances near 1/2 Hz and 2.5 Hz. The 1/2 Hz resonance is characterized by ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation, drowsiness, a tonic smile, tenseness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz that is used. The observable effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include a slowing of certain cortical functions, sleepiness, and, after long exposure, dizziness and disorientation.
According to my inside source, that when the brain reaches the 2.5Hz, it is vulnerable to implantation of ideas and suggestions for behavioral modification. I was stunned when I found this passage in the description section of the patent because it matched what I was told by the former DARPA source.
The finding that these sensory resonances can be excited by atmospheric acoustic signals of deeply subliminal intensity opens the way to an apparatus and method for acoustic manipulation of a subject’s nervous system, wherein weak acoustic pulses are induced in the atmosphere at the subject’s ears, and the pulse frequency is tuned to the resonance frequency of the selected sensory resonance. The method can be used by the general public for control of insomnia and anxiety, and for facilitation of relaxation and sexual arousal.
Based upon the above description, we are seeing acute and dramatic behavioral modification as a result of this technology.
Clinical use of the method includes the control and perhaps a treatment of anxiety disorders, tremors, and seizures. A suitable embodiment for these applications is a small portable battery-powered subaudio acoustic radiator which can be tuned to the resonance frequency of the selected sensory resonance.
The significance of the behavioral modification potential of this technology is dramatically described in the preceding paragraph.
The following paragraph of the patent description, explains how this technology can be used at a distance.
There is an embodiment suitable for law enforcement operations in which a subject’s nervous system is manipulated from a considerable distance, as in a standoff situation. Subliminal subaudio acoustic pulses at the subject’s location may then be induced by acoustic waves radiating from a venting acoustic monopole, or by a pulsed air jet, especially when aimed at the subject or at another material surface, where the jet velocity fluctuations are wholly or partly converted into static pressure fluctuations.The described physiological effects occur only if the intensity of the acoustic stimulation falls in a certain range, called the effective intensity window. This window has been measured in exploratory fashion for the 2.5 Hz resonance.”
The ability to embed mind control into the 5G range is discussed in the patent:
The very low frequency waves needed for the acoustic stimulation of the vestibular nerve may also be provided by a sound system in which weak subaudio pulses are added to audible audio program material. This may be done in the customary manner way of adding the currents from these signals at the inverting input of an operational amplifier. The amplitude of the pulses is chosen such that the strength of the resulting acoustic pulses lies in the effective intensity window. Experiments in our laboratory have shown that the presence of audible signals, such as music or speech, does not interfere with the excitation of sensory resonances.The invention can also be implemented as a sound tape or CD ROM which contains audible audio program material together with subliminal subaudio signals. The recording can be done by mixing the audio and subaudio signals in the usual manner. In choosing the subaudio signal level, one must compensate for the poor frequency response of the recorder and the electronics, at the ultra low subaudio frequencies used.
The above paragraph contains a description of what is known as voice-to-skull technology. the process was popularized by Dr. Nick Begich. In his book, Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Begich describes how he provided the European Union legislature with a personal demonstration of implanting voices into someone’s head in a technological approach, Begich referred to as voice-to-skull technology. The European Union leaders were so stunned, they passed a resolution against the use of the technology.
Unmistakable Referencing to Mind Control
Brain mapping under the guise of research has the strong appearance of being a whole lot more than someone’s laboratory investigation. Consider the very telling excerpt in which project managers state that they want to implant electrodes in hundreds of cell membranes by an army of nan0particles which will allow these nanoparticles to become apart of the cell membrane functioning. The process is descried in the project managers own words:
“…Nanoprobes bearing several dozen electrodes, for instance, could be stacked to probe hundreds of thousands of recording sites and transmit data wirelessly.Alternatively, nanoparticles carrying molecules that bring them to specific cell types could lodge in cell membranes so surgical placement wouldn’t be necessary. The nanoparticles could also carry molecules that can sense electrical activity, pressure, or even certain chemicals revealing brain activity.”
What is described above, is the delivery system for this technology. I sum up the finding in the following short video.
United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992, Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No. 458339 Filed December 28, 1989, discusses the microwave technology necessary for mind control. In this patent, we witness the move from the mind control of certain individuals who might have been programmed, which is frightening enough, to witnessing entire populations being controlled. 5G coming to a neighborhood very soon! Welcome to the Brave New World, where very soon, the globalists will own everything, including your thoughts
OCTOBER 18, 2017

It is a secret to voices in the intelligence circles, which a group of Israeli specialists in neuroscience and technology has spent years working secretly in Catalonia in the implementation of techniques and technologies of mental control of the masses.
The implementation of these brainwashing technologies are those that explain the massive street mobilization of Catalan separatism, the radicality of its subversive character, the transversality of that movement affecting people of different ages and the fanaticized obedience of these masses to the dictates of the Catalan-Zionist leaders.
The rise of radical separatism has not been generated solely through the deceptive speeches of the separatist leaders and their means, but largely based on these techniques of brainwashing, many of which have been induced through messages Subliminals in the disastrous TV3, an authentic test field of international Zionism and the cause of the expansion of pedophilia in the region, through the infamous Super3 child club, whose main function is not only to indoctrinate children in separatist obedience but to favor the networks of pedophile abuse led by the Generalitat's Directorate General for Attention to Children and Adolescents (DGAIA).
In the last hours, there have been a series of events that predict that this mental control of the fanatized Catalan masses is about to rise to a new stage.
On Monday, October 16, arrived at the Barcelona airport in El Prat, a large group of specialists, under the protection and guardianship of agents of the Mossad, which presages that some kind of great event sponsored by Zionism in the region separatist
The group, under the cover of Israeli diplomacy, introduced unknown technological material for a diplomatic bag in Spain. It should be noted that the material was not particularly bulky, although its content was presumably especially sensitive to the advanced technology.
The group was headed by the prestigious Zionist neuroscientist Haim Sompolinsky, accompanied by a team of experts from Bar-Ilan University, The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Sagol School of Neuroscience of Tel Aviv University.
They were all welcomed by the honorary consul of Israel in Barcelona, the dangerous Zionist agent Josef David Sánchez-Molina Rubín, who has been playing for years with the patience of the Spanish government he has betrayed on several occasions without having earned a deserved punishment .
After being received discreetly by (the satanist) Jordi Turull as representative of the Generalitat, the scientists divided their activities into three groups. Some of them have been installed at the CTTI (Telecommunications and Information Technology Center of the Generalitat). Another group has been installed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, while the main group, with the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team at Eurecat, uses UPC laboratories and facilities.
According to the first reports compiled by the CNI and leaked to SIN networks, the team of Jewish scientists would be implementing the device known as "Pastor" (רועה צאן).
Broadly speaking, said device consists of an advanced software that unlawfully uses mobile telephony antennas to send in a hidden way, waves of different frequencies capable of affecting the human brain by inducing predetermined behaviors in the affected people.
In turn, mobile phones themselves also receive instructions to emit such waves, which turns any massive manifestation into a 'controlled flock' (hence the name of "pastor" for that device), as we have been able to see what happens In the separatist manifestations, where the people there congregated respond in unison as if they had no will and were controlled by invisible threads.
Said technologies would not have been effective a few years ago, but with the massive proliferation of the use of smartphones, anyone attending a demonstration sees their brain bombed by waves from their own cell phone, as well as by nearby cell phones, turning people congregated in a fanatic mass easily controllable.
The arrival of the Jewish specialists to Barcelona and the feverish work that they are carrying out in the last hours, they foretell that in the next days the events and the masses blind and fanatized by the separatist order will be precipitated will be used as a shock force to implement the Catalan-Zionist project of destruction of our country, already converted into the last hope of the world in the fight against the Masonic-Jew plan of world control.

It is a secret to voices in the intelligence circles, which a group of Israeli specialists in neuroscience and technology has spent years working secretly in Catalonia in the implementation of techniques and technologies of mental control of the masses.
The implementation of these brainwashing technologies are those that explain the massive street mobilization of Catalan separatism, the radicality of its subversive character, the transversality of that movement affecting people of different ages and the fanaticized obedience of these masses to the dictates of the Catalan-Zionist leaders.
The rise of radical separatism has not been generated solely through the deceptive speeches of the separatist leaders and their means, but largely based on these techniques of brainwashing, many of which have been induced through messages Subliminals in the disastrous TV3, an authentic test field of international Zionism and the cause of the expansion of pedophilia in the region, through the infamous Super3 child club, whose main function is not only to indoctrinate children in separatist obedience but to favor the networks of pedophile abuse led by the Generalitat's Directorate General for Attention to Children and Adolescents (DGAIA).
In the last hours, there have been a series of events that predict that this mental control of the fanatized Catalan masses is about to rise to a new stage.
On Monday, October 16, arrived at the Barcelona airport in El Prat, a large group of specialists, under the protection and guardianship of agents of the Mossad, which presages that some kind of great event sponsored by Zionism in the region separatist
The group, under the cover of Israeli diplomacy, introduced unknown technological material for a diplomatic bag in Spain. It should be noted that the material was not particularly bulky, although its content was presumably especially sensitive to the advanced technology.
The group was headed by the prestigious Zionist neuroscientist Haim Sompolinsky, accompanied by a team of experts from Bar-Ilan University, The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Sagol School of Neuroscience of Tel Aviv University.
They were all welcomed by the honorary consul of Israel in Barcelona, the dangerous Zionist agent Josef David Sánchez-Molina Rubín, who has been playing for years with the patience of the Spanish government he has betrayed on several occasions without having earned a deserved punishment .
After being received discreetly by (the satanist) Jordi Turull as representative of the Generalitat, the scientists divided their activities into three groups. Some of them have been installed at the CTTI (Telecommunications and Information Technology Center of the Generalitat). Another group has been installed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, while the main group, with the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team at Eurecat, uses UPC laboratories and facilities.
According to the first reports compiled by the CNI and leaked to SIN networks, the team of Jewish scientists would be implementing the device known as "Pastor" (רועה צאן).
Broadly speaking, said device consists of an advanced software that unlawfully uses mobile telephony antennas to send in a hidden way, waves of different frequencies capable of affecting the human brain by inducing predetermined behaviors in the affected people.
In turn, mobile phones themselves also receive instructions to emit such waves, which turns any massive manifestation into a 'controlled flock' (hence the name of "pastor" for that device), as we have been able to see what happens In the separatist manifestations, where the people there congregated respond in unison as if they had no will and were controlled by invisible threads.
Said technologies would not have been effective a few years ago, but with the massive proliferation of the use of smartphones, anyone attending a demonstration sees their brain bombed by waves from their own cell phone, as well as by nearby cell phones, turning people congregated in a fanatic mass easily controllable.
The arrival of the Jewish specialists to Barcelona and the feverish work that they are carrying out in the last hours, they foretell that in the next days the events and the masses blind and fanatized by the separatist order will be precipitated will be used as a shock force to implement the Catalan-Zionist project of destruction of our country, already converted into the last hope of the world in the fight against the Masonic-Jew plan of world control.
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