
8 de octubre de 2016

La carta de una enfermera que revela qué pasa en los hospitales

Para comprender la realidad de un trabajo hace falta conocer los puntos de vista de un gran número de trabajadores, jefes y clientes de dicho sector. Aun así, es probable que nunca se pueda obtener la imagen completa de la situación laboral de dicho entorno. Sin embargo, periódicamente se viralizantextos escritos por los profesionales de determinados sectores que en cuestión de horas son compartidos entre sus compañeros.
Todos ellos suelen tener la capacidad de sintetizar en muy pocas líneas el descontento de un sector de profesionales tocando todos esos puntos sensibles que dificultan el día a día y de los que parece que nadie más habla. El último fenómeno ha sido esta carta que una enfermera ha publicado en el grupo de Facebook 'Support for Nurses, Midwives and Frontline Staff in Ireland', y que rápidamente ha sido difundido en otros grupos de enfermeras de habla inglesa. Esta es la traducción de la misiva:
“Hoy, de nuevo y como me ha pasado tantas veces, he roto a llorar preguntándome por qué diablos tuve que estudiar enfermería. Soy una estudiante de cuarto en un Hospital de Salud mental, en mi último año como supernumeraria.
Esta mañana me he levantado enferma, con dolor de garganta, la nariz taponada, dolor de cabeza y, por si no fuera poco, tengo vértigos. He pensado en avisar que estoy enferma pero en el hospital ya están cortos de personal y saturados de trabajo. Me necesitan.
He conducido para allá a toda prisa para llevar a mi hija al colegio (soy madre soltera) en un coche que no me puedo permitir, preguntándome cómo voy a pagar la gasolina si casi no llego a fin de mes, OTRA VEZ. También me preocupa cómo voy a pagar la comida durante el resto de la semana si solo me quedan 25 euros y necesito comprar gasolina.
El estrés provoca que las discusiones entre profesionales sean habituales. (iStock)© Proporcionado por El Confidencial El estrés provoca que las discusiones entre profesionales sean habituales. (iStock)
Cuando llegué al trabajo recibí una llamada telefónica de la otra enfermera con la que compartía turno ese día para decirme que estaba enferma y teníafiebre. Había llegado a ese hospital tan solo tres días antes y me dijeron que era responsable de aproximadamente más de 20 pacientes que sufrían de varios problemas mentales.
Algunos de ellos están gravemente enfermos. Tengo muy poco conocimiento sobre cómo organizar el lugar, de hecho no sé casi nada y creo que esa responsabilidad no debería dejarse en manos de un estudiante que nunca ha estado en un hospital de día.
Tuve que llamar a todos los clientes para hacerles saber que sus sesiones grupales habían sido canceladas debido a la escasez de trabajadores. Creo que es injusto para los clientes ya que la ayuda que se les presta en el hospital de día es extremadamente importante en su recuperación. El gran trabajo que las enfermeras llevan a cabo es muy importante para estas personas.
Nunca desayuno ni como apropiadamente o voy al baño cuando lo necesito.Me apaño para comerme unas galletitas (son todo lo que puedo permitirme) entre llamadas de teléfono que consisten sobre todo en intentar ayudar a gente que quiere hacerse daño, gente que tiene problemas, gente que necesita un apoyo adecuado de alguien que no sea una estudiante de enfermería enferma, cansada y que no puede ni ir al baño intentando sacar adelante un hospital. Llegué a marearme.
Las palabras no pueden describir lo miserable que me he sentido hoy y otras veces en el pasado. Si alguien me pidiese consejo a la hora de buscar una carrera como enfermera le recomendaría que no lo hiciera. Es, de lejos, la peor decisión que he tomado. El HSE [servicio de salud irlandés] tiene sorprendentemente pocos trabajadores con mucha carga de trabajo.
Es realmente doloroso saber que los conductores de autobús pasan entre cuatro y seis semanas formándose y se les paga más que a una enfermera después de pasar cuatro años estudiando. Estamos increíblemente poco valoradas y nos resulta difícil movilizarnos en grandes cantidades porque la gente puede morir si lo hacemos ya que estamos cortas de personas. ¿¿¿Quién diablos va a cuidar de los pacientes si vamos a la huelga?
En las manos de las enfermeras se encuentra la salud de sus pacientes. (iStock)© Proporcionado por El Confidencial En las manos de las enfermeras se encuentra la salud de sus pacientes. (iStock)
No me pagaron ni un céntimo por el trabajo que hice hoy, ya que ni siquiera soy becaria. Nada. Incluso cuando consiga mi cualificación me pagarán una miseria por el trabajo que realizo, como le ocurre al resto de enfermeras.
Apenas puedo alimentar a mi hija y no puedo pagar los impuestos, el seguro de mi coche o la electricidad. A menudo me hielo en invierno porque no puedo permitirme la calefacción. No puedo permitirme ropas, mis calcetines están llenos de agujeros (no bromeo) y no tengo ninguna vida social porque simplemente no puedo permitirme ir a ninguna parte (no exagero).
Tengo que pagar 270 euros por los libros del colegio de mi hija y ¡no los tengo! No puedo dormir bien por la noche porque tengo tanta ansiedad por el dinero y el trabajo, y estoy jodida por mi nada prometedora elección de carrera profesional.
Estoy deprimida, agotada y jodidamente enfadada. He llorado todo el camino desde casa en el coche y apenas podía ver la carretera. Mi hija no debería haber tenido que animarme cuando crucé llorando el umbral de mi casa debería ser yo la que le animase en los malos tiempos. Me preparó un te y me escribió en la taza con tiza “todo va a ir bien, te quiero”. Lloro mientras estoy escribiendo esto. Tantas veces me ha visto en este estado. Me he hartado.
¿Y qué es lo peor?
Que cuando me cualifique, aún lo pasaré mal y me pagarán una mierda. No es justo que la única opción para que mi hija y yo tengamos la calidad de vida que merecemos sea dejar mi país. No tiene sentido. Me hace hervir la sangre.
Manifestación de profesionales del sector sanitario con motivo del contagio de ébola de Teresa Romero. (Efe)© Proporcionado por El Confidencial Manifestación de profesionales del sector sanitario con motivo del contagio de ébola de Teresa Romero. (Efe)
Si me quedo aquí mi salud mental se verá afectada y no podré cuidar a nadie. Si me marcho tendré que dejar a mi familia, a mis amigos y mi hogar, mi cultura y sacar a mi hija de la escuela, separarla de sus amigos, su vida y las cosas que ama. Estoy al límite. Me siento arruinada, vencida, desanimada y mi alma está destruida. Soy una antigua sombra de mi yo feliz, de ojos brillantes y social. Estoy perdida.
¿Cómo se espera que las enfermeras cuiden de los demás si no podemos cuidar de nosotras mismas? ¿Por qué el gobierno no se preocupa por nosotras? ¿Porqué se nos valora tan poco?
Firmado: una estudiante de enfermería cansada a punto de darse por vencida”

¿Local o global?

No se puede perder de vista que la carta habla de una situación muy particular, la de Irlanda (como explicaba 'The Irish Times', muchos de sus trabajadores han abandonado el país en busca de mejores sueldos y condiciones), pero tampoco que enuncia algunos problemas comunes a uno de los trabajos más exigentes. Sueldos bajos, largos horarios, una gran responsabilidad y un escaso reconocimiento en comparación con los médicosson algunas de las quejas habituales entre enfermeras.
Curiosamente, muchos de los enfermeros del Reino Unido son españoles que han encontrado allí mejores condiciones que en nuestro país. Como explicaba un reportaje publicado en El Confidencial, el gobierno británico ofrece interesantes incentivos para los enfermeros ante su endémica falta de personal sanitario. En España los sueldos varían según cada región, aunque elbase suele rondar los mil euros. Durante los últimos años se han sucedido diversas manifestaciones, por motivos que van desde la aprobación del decreto catalán de enfermería a las quejas por el sistema de contratación debolsa única
También las enfermeras españolas se han quejado en sus blogs acerca de la naturaleza de su trabajo. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de Enfermera de trinchera,Enfermera 2.0 o de Nurse on Fire que recogen anécdotas, quejas y ostras observaciones sobre el trabajo de una enfermera. Es una labor que tiene una de las tasas de empleo más altas de España; otra cuestión, sin embargo, es la realidad de un trabajo con muchos más claroscuros de lo que se puede pensar desde fuera.

© Proporcionado por El Confidencial

Putin “Erupts” Over Million Dollar “Spy Payments” To Hillary Clinton

Putin “Erupts” Over Million Dollar “Spy Payments” To Hillary Clinton
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
The ongoing Security Council (SC) “war” between Alexander Bortnikov, Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), andValentina Matviyenko, Chairwoman of the Council of Federation, regarding Hillary Clinton’s secret emails reached a new and toxic level earlier today after President Putin was reported to have “gone ballistic/erupted” upon his being told that the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) had, to date, paid to this American presidential candidate upwards of $85 million—with another $200 million expected to be paid out to her by the end of 2017.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, and as we had previously (6 May) reported on, Director Bortnikov and Chairwoman Matviyenko have been locked in a bitter struggle over how best the Federation can maximize the usage of Hillary Clinton’s secret emails and telephone calls currently in the possession of SVR—with Bortnikov favoring using them for “persuasion/blackmail” as is currently being done, and Matviyenko advocating their being released to destroy what she considers the “most dangerous American woman in history”.
It should be noted that President Putin has consistently sided with Chairwoman Matviyenko in this argument over Hillary Clinton’s emails and phone calls, and that led to his 25 July order that all state ministries should now be acting in “full defense” of American billionaire Donald Trump.
Upsetting what many in the Kremlin believed was a “settled issued” on Hillary Clinton, this report continues, was today’s Security Council meeting—that was scheduled to be about the budget needs of Federation government and military intelligence services for the upcoming year 2017.
Important to understand about this report is that unlike the United States, where just a fortnight ago the Pentagon was discovered to have “disappeared” $6.5 trillion with no one being able to say where it went, and no one in the Obama-Hillary regime being held accountable for it, Federation law requires a yearly accounting of all tax monies collected and spent by the government to be publically accounted for by the president himself. 

In today’s Security Council meeting, however, President Putin became “first alerted” that the SVR had “grossly” overspent its budget this year due to its “unplanned payments” to what is called the “Clinton Toy Network” [КлинтонИгрушка Сеть] (spy ring?) that was “extremely vital”, in 2013, to the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation (Rosatom) in its being able to purchase the North American mining giant Uranium One and giving the Federation control over nearly all of the United States and Canada’s uranium ore deposits.
To succeed in Rosatom’s takeover of Uranium One, however, this report continues, the Security Council, in 2012, authorized SVR payments to the “Clinton Toy Network in order to secure Hillary Clinton’s approval for the sale—as she was then US Secretary of State and without her approval the sale could not have been made. 
The SVR’s payments to Hillary Clinton to secure her approval of the Uranium One sale, this report explains, “took many routes”, including hundreds of thousand of dollars paid to her husband, and former US President, Bill Clinton for private “talks/speeches” in Russia, and other millions “gifted/grafted” to their Clinton Foundation.  
The top “Clinton Toy Network” negotiator with the SVR in securing these payments for Hillary Clinton, this report notes, is the American lobbyist Tony Podesta, whose brother, John Podesta, is Clinton’s Campaign Chairman—both of whom established, in 1988, the Washington D.C. high-power lobbing firm Podesta Group—and whom, in March, were given permission by the Obama regime to register as the main lobbyist for the American subsidiary of the Russian state-held Sberbank.

Hillary Clinton (left) and John Podesta (right)

Sberbank, this report explains, is Russia’s largest bank, the third largest in Europe, and the 33rdlargest bank in the world, that Hillary Clinton’s Podesta Group used to funnel into the US their SVR payments—and that the Panama Papers recently confirmed.
Curiously, this Security Council report doesn’t reflect any anxiety of the SVR’s payments to Hillary Clinton through her “Clinton Toy Network” (too big to jail?) being investigated by US authorities, but, instead, minutely details President Putin’s “extreme anger” against the Clinton’s because they keep demanding more money from the Federation—and as this reports details President Putin exploding, “When is it ever enough with them!”.

As to what angered President Putin most about Hillary Clinton, this report explains, was her “demand” to the SVR that the Federation begin paying the Podesta Group upwards of $200 million once she assumes the US presidency as “compensation” for the monies she will lose by having to shut down her Clinton Foundation for what is described “political theater” to appease the American people—but that she is not “prepared/willing” to be without the hundreds-of-millions of dollars it “puts into  her pocket” every year.
With President Putin having previously told the Russian people frightened about Hillary Clinton becoming the US president that if she’s elected “it will be war, this report concludes, Germany has responded by ordering its citizens to begin stockpiling food and water, Russia is now training its battlefield soldiers to blare the loudspeaker message “NATO soldiers, lay down your arms, stop being [Hillary Clinton] pawns”, but in America nothing is being done to prepare those people for World War III as their propaganda media has stopped telling them the truth altogether.  

August 22, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been alongstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guruWayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

White House Emails Reveal Largest Plot Ever Discovered To Destroy America

White House Emails Reveal Largest Plot Ever Discovered To Destroy America 
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An absolutely chilling Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report to the Security Council (SC) circulating in the Kremlin today is using secretly obtained” Obama-Clinton regime White House emails to detail what can only be described as the largest plot ever discovered to destroy democracy in America, and that rivals the1932-1933 Business Plot where powerful elites in the United States sought to overthrow the newly elected President Franklin Roosevelt and establish a fascist state and align it with Germany’s National Socialist Party. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
With the Business Plot having failed because the elite coup leaders choose America’s most famous military figure, General Smedley Butler, to lead their 500,000 man private army against President Roosevelt, but who remained patriotic to the citizens of his nation and reported them to the US Congress, this report says, today’s Obama-Clinton regime plot against the American people “may very well succeed”.

To how the SVR discovered this current plot against the American people by the Obama regime, this report explains, was due to “electronic countermeasures” employed by Federation intelligence analysts against a Romanian computer hacker named Marcel Lazăr Lehel (aka Guccifer) who had attempted to gain access to Russian computer systems—but whom had, also,gained access to Hillary Clinton’s illegal private email servers that, in turn, “gave/allowed” these intelligence analysts access to the White House documents cited in this report.  
Though the exact wording of these White House emails are forbidden to be publically released under Federation law due to their highly secret classification rating, the SVR in citing them in this report to the Security Council (who are allowed to read them in full) detail how the Obama-Clinton regime has joined with America’s top technology giants to subvert the upcoming US presidential election.

Taking the lead with the Obama-Clinton regime in this plot against the American people, this report continues, is the global technology giant Alphabet Inc. (owner of the internet search giant Google) who the SVR has confirmed visited the White House 427 times since President Obama took office, or more than once a week over a period of nearly seven years, and whose trips included 363 meetings in total, attended by 169 Google/Alphabet Inc. employees — from executives to software engineers — and 182 officials from the White House.
To why Google-Alphabet Inc. joined this Obama-Clinton plot, this report explains, was due to the stunning US government contracts they were “gifted”, and that began in 2010 when they were given the email contract for the US government worth millions—and who now gain the majority of their revenue from the over $80 billion paid by the American government to them and other large US technology companies.

Not just in direct US government contracts have these American technology giants benefited either, this report continues, but, also, from the over $4 billion in public relations monies spent by the Obama-Clinton regime in boosting their profiles among the citizens of that nation too. 
In exchange for these billions-of-dollars, this report explains, these White House emails detail how Google-Alphabet Inc. would use “all of its power” to shut down dissent in America, and even worse, “spin” the 2016 presidential election towards Hillary Clinton and away from Donald Trump.
Joining with Google-Alphabet Inc. in subverting the 2016 US presidential election, SVR analysts in this report detail citing these White House emails, are American technology giants Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and at least 15 other internet companies owned and affiliated with them.
Though many independent journalists in the US have begun reporting on how these technology giants are now colluding with the Obama-Clinton regime to destroy Donald Trump, and called by some as “the left’s greatest weapon in peoples hands right now”, this alarming SVR report shockingly details what how it is being done with over 500 pages of examples, some of which include:
From Google:
1.)    Their disabling of advertisements on all websites critical of the Obama-Clinton regime, including the globally popular, in order to destroy them.
5.)    Being supported in their hiding Hillary Clinton health information by the New York Times, with one of their insiders admitting what they’re doing.  

From Facebook:

From Twitter:

Though literally thousands of other examples can be cited from this SVR report detailing how the White House has corrupted these, and many more, American technology giants in order to destroy the US democratic system, this reports frightening conclusion details how the NSA is now actively supporting this too—and that was evidenced by yesterday’s US government attack against website (while Twitter, working with the NSA was shutting down the DCLeaks account) that destroyed the over 2,500 documents proving how George Soros was actively working with the Obama-Clinton regime to overthrow President Putin and destroy Russia—and is why Putin has warned: “It it’s Hillary, it’s war”. 

August 28, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been alongstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guruWayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

New York Times Hosts “Top Secret” Meet To Cover-up Hillary Clinton Health, Destroy Fox News

New York Times Hosts “Top Secret” Meet To Cover-up Hillary Clinton Health, Destroy Fox News
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A stunning report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) for the Security Council (SC) states that the New York Times hosted a “top secret” George Soros sponsored meeting on 22 August with at least 50 of America’s media elites where the hiding of Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues from the US public and the “destruction” of the Fox News Television Network was “strategized and discussed”.  [Note:Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Important to note about this report is its relying on “internal and confidential” emails from the New York Times, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN television networks, the Washington Post, and other top US mainstream media outlets—all of whom the American news is now reporting have been “hacked” by what is believed to unknown persons associated with Russian intelligence services.
According to this report, this 22 August “top secret” meeting of these American media elites was held at the home of Alexander Soros, the 31-year-old playboy son of George Soros, at his “Hamptons”, New York, mansionwhere he “supplied/gave freely” to the participants a large number of female models for “companionship—and that was described in one New York Times email as being the “must attend event of the season”.  [Note:Hamptons refers to a New York Stateseaside region that features some of the most expensive and luxurious residential properties in the US and is one of the “playgrounds” of America’s elites.]
The “centerpiece/main focus” of this meeting, this report continues, was a nearly 2-hour long video conference between these American media elites and George Soros with the discussions being solely related to how best the US media could keep covering up Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues, while at the same time strategizing how they could destroy the Fox News Television Network based on what two New York Times emails described as the “Thiel Model”.  

The “Thiel Model”, SVR analysts in this report explains, refers to the legal tactics used by American billionaire, and Donald Trump supporter, Peter Thiel—whosuccessfully used his vast wealth to destroy a left-wing media empire named Gawker after they had exposed him as being a homosexual.
To how Thiel destroyed Gawker, this report continues, was by hissecretly financing a lawsuitagainst this left-wing media giant, and it owners, by a man named Terry Bollea (aka Hulk Hogan)—and that billionaire, and Hillary Clinton supporter, George Soros (with the aid of America’s elite media establishment) is now duplicating with his secret financing of former Fox News correspondents Gretchen Carlsonand Andrea Tantaros who both allege they were “sexually harassed” while working there.
Though SVR analysts in this report “seriously doubt” that George Soros and his US media elite allies can actually destroy Fox News fordaring to expose the “Hillary-Soros” agenda, they do note that these “unfounded/unproven” allegations against this media giant has been successful in toppling their longtime and beloved CEO Roger Ailes
Unlike Peter Thiel, however, who successfully destroyed Gawker through the US legal system (US Federal jury trial), this report continues, the George Soros “inspired” “Thiel Model” to destroy Fox News calls for the public smearing of this media giant on a daily basis by America’s elite press—and which they have begun to do in force.

More critical to both George Soros and America’s elite media then destroying Fox News, though, this report notes, is how they can continue to cover-up the grave health issues of Hillary Clinton—that have gotten so severe that this past weekend she had to take a private air flight to go 32 kilometers (20 miles) and now has to wear winter clothing in the heat of summer.
While in the midst of what many describe as the most contentious US presidential election in modern history, this report continues, Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues have, also, forced her tocancel nearly all of her remaining campaign appearances, refuse to meet with reporters for an open press conference in 264 days—but has not stopped her from fundraising like she did this past weekend when she attended five events that were invitation-only with the press excluded, so there is no public record of what she said to the millionaires and multi-millionaires who flocked to see her.
To the one rare public appearance Hillary Clinton has made over the past few weeks to show her “good health”, this report says, was this past week on a scripted comedy television programme where she “opened a jar of pickles” to prove she was not ill—and thatAmerica’s elite media celebrated.

With “proof” that Hillary Clinton can open a jar of pickles, andAmerica’s panicked elite mainstream media telling everyone that only they should be believed when health questions are raised about her, this report continues, the calls growing for more serious, and critical, questions regarding her wellness are growing by the day, and include:
2.) Leaked Wikileaks emails proving that a member of her staff, Phillippe Reines, reached out to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for help with Hillary Clinton’s “cracked head” back in 2012.
3.) A small number of informantshave come forward to claim that Clinton is suffering from multiple sclerosis. The condition is an autoimmune disease that can affect major functions of the body, such as the brain and spinal cord.
4.) Rutgers University Professor of Medicine Bob Lahita stating recently that concerns about Hillary Clinton's health are not conspiracy theories and, instead, should be taken very seriously.
5.) Board-certified internist, addiction medicine specialist and TV personality, Dr. Drew Pinsky, who recently stated that he is “gravely concerned” about Hillary Clinton's physical well-being.

With George Soros and America’s media elites determined to hide Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues from the US public, this report warns, these people are now being subjected to a political propaganda campaign never before seen in that nations history, but whose effectiveness will not be known until the 8 November election.
As to why George Soros’s hatred of Donald Trump has reached such a level that he has not only given millions of dollars to Hillary Clinton herself, but now, also all of America’s elite media, this report concludes, is due to his disdain of national borders he believes should not exist—and who was supported this past week by European Union chief Jean-Claude Juncker who shockingly declared to the whole world: “Borders are the worst invention ever!

August 24, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been alongstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guruWayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

Hillary Clinton Makes Millions To Destroy Samsung So Apple Can Sell More iPhones

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (ROSPOTREBNADZOR) says that US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was paid millions-of-dollars by American based multinational technology company Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cookfor the “express purpose” of destroying the South Korean multinational conglomerate company Samsung in order to promote the sale of the iPhone 7that is being released in the United States today[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, ROSPOTREBNADZOR investigators became concerned about this matter this past week after the Obama-Clinton regime, through their propaganda media outlets, began an all out assault on Samsung claiming that this companies Galaxy Note 7 phonewas a danger because of battery “fires/explosion events” and that they all needed to be recalled—and with a recall, versus Samsung replacing any defective phone returned to them, meant the purchasers of them would be given a refund so they could buy the iPhone 7.  
Upon their initial investigation of the Galaxy Note 7 phone though, this report continues, ROSPOTREBNADZOR experts determined that of the estimated 2.5 million of these phones manufactured by Samsung, only 0.01 percent of them were affected by this “critical defect”—meaning that that were fewer than 1,000 of these defective phones worldwide and that Samsung had already admitted was due “a very rare manufacturing process error

With “fire/explosion” events in these types of phones being common due to their lithium batteries overcharging, this report notes, ROSPOTREBNADZOR has long agreed with American experts who, in 2013, stated that these types of occurrences should not be newsworthy because “they are unavoidable, and to some extent, normal”.
As to why these phone “fire/explosion” events are now considered normal, this report explains, is due to today's cell phone batteries being made by pressing together stacks of battery components in order to cram in as much capacity as possible, and if an error is made will puncture the film surrounding the battery causing it to overheat when charged—and that Apple Inc. is the worst offender of with its iPhone batteries catching fire and exploding on planes in flightin peoples beds, and causing serious injures such as third-degree burns
In spite of the hundreds, if not thousands, of iPhone “fire/explosion” events occurring over the years, this report continues, the only recall forced upon Apple Inc. by the Obama-Clinton regime was this past January when they voluntarily recalled power adaptors causing fires, but never the phones themselves.

With ROSPOTREBNADZOR investigators, therefore, being “perplexed/confused” as to why the Obama-Clinton regime forced Samsung to recall their phones, this report says, they requested investigative assistance from the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)—who maintain tens-of-thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Upon the SVR’s examination of Hillary Clinton’s emails regarding Samsung, this report continues, numerous ones were discovered written between her aides and Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook that discussed “maneuvers/machinations” the Obama-Clinton regime could take in order to “assist/aid” in the sale of the iPhone 7—and to which Hillary Clinton personally traveled to discuss with CEO Tim Cook this past August where he held a fundraiser for her that gave her millions-of-dollars

Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook (left) and Hillary Clinton (center) wearing her $12,000 Armani jacket

After Hillary Clinton received these millions-of-dollars from Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook, the SVR in this report notes, she began an immediate email correspondence with Elliot Kaye, who is the chairman of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and is a longtime friend of US Attorney General Loretta Lynch from the time they spent working together at the Clinton linkedWashington D. C.-headquartered international law firm Hogan & Hartson.
SVR analysts in this report do note that that even though Hillary Clinton’s direct emails to Chairman Kaye appear to be “simple/innocuous” and merely questioning what the CPSC was “planning to do about the Samsung problem”, in light of this Obama-Clinton regimes yesterday forcing Samsung to recall its phones “most certainly” means this issue should be viewed in its most sinister context.
As to why the SVR has put such a sinister label on this affair, this report explains, is due to Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook’s longstanding ties to the corrupt Obama-Clinton regime, and who, by 2013, had given so many millions of dollars to them he was given a “seat of honor” next to First Lady Michelle Obama at a State of the Union address and was given help by former President Bill Clinton prior to his testifying before the US Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations about his company dodging its taxes through complex legal maneuvers.

Apple Inc. rise in cash since Obama-Clinton taking power in 2009

To Apple Inc. itself, this report further notes, it is regarded as one of the most corrupt companies in the world whose contempt for all governments is displayed by its claiming it has tax residence nowhere, but is being fought against by the European Union who this past month ordered it to pay $15 billion in back taxes, and in Japan too where that government today ordered it pay $118 million in taxes for underreporting income.
With the American people not appearing to care that one of their most corrupt regimes in history has now partnered with one of America’s most corrupt corporations to destroy Samsung, this report concludes, it is no wonder that Hillary Clinton is nearing taking over their entire nation as president—and should that happen, warns former US diplomat and advisor to the US Senate's Republican leadership,James Jatras, they may not like what comes next:
Other reports in this series include:

September 16, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been alongstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guruWayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

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