
14 de febrero de 2017

La acusación popular pedirá que Rajoy comparezca en el juicio Gürtel

Cabecera interior Gurtel

Este lunes, en la misma sesión en la que la exministra Ana Mato ha tenido que declarar por imputada a título lucrativo en el juicio a la primera etapa de la trama Gürtel, también lo ha tenido que hacer también el Partido Popular, pero parece que lo de colaborar con la justicia se queda sólo para las ruedas de prensa.
Así pues, el abogado del PP Jesús Santos, en calidad de representante legal del partido, ha optado por no declarar ante el tribunal de la Audiencia Nacional, remitiéndose a su escrito de defensa.
Que venga el jefe
Esta actitud en ningún caso colaboradora con la justicia,considerada como una asunción de culpabilidad por parte de la Fiscalía, ha colmado la paciencia de la acusación particular que ejerceADADE. 
Mariano Benítez, el letrado que representa a esta asociación, presente este lunes en el juicio, ha anunciado a ELPLURAL.COM que preparan un escrito para pedir al juez que acuda a declarar la máxima autoridad del PP, Mariano Rajoy.
Benítezcomo recordó en una entrevista el pasado octubre, desdeADADE ya se pidió la comparecencia del presidente del Gobierno durante la etapa de instrucción del juez Pablo Ruz. 

El presidente del grupo recuerda que le preguntó a Luis Bárcenas el 15 de julio de 2015... 

"¿estas menciones (en los papeles de Bárcenas) que hace usted a MR¿era Mariano Rajoy? ¿Trajes, corbatas eran para él?"

... “Sí, sí, era Mariano Rajoy”, me dijo.

La colaboración del PP
Lo cierto es que la actuación del PP no sorprende, nada más hay que verlas diferentes declaraciones de sus dirigentes o actuaciones contra los procesos judiciales que les han afectado
El PP y el Gobierno de Rajoy, han cuestionado, desacreditado, recusado y querellado contra los diversos jueces que han o están aún investigando los numerosos casos de corrupción en los que están implicados, investigados o procesados.
Incluso, un ejemplo muy claro y acreditado, han destruido pruebas claves para esclarecer los hechos, como, por ejemplo, los 2 discos duros de los portátiles de Luis Bárcenas.

BREAKING – Facebook Is Post Blocking This Video For Obvious Reasons You Need To See

BREAKING – Facebook Is Post Blocking This Video For Obvious Reasons You Need To See

“Here we have the world’s most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations, their communications with each other, and their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. intelligence,” said Julian Assange during an interview with Russia Today.
Assange also added that Facebook, Google, Yahoo and other U.S.-based organizations seated online for public use have built-in interfaces designed specifically for U.S. intelligence. 
“It’s not a matter of serving a subpoena– they have an interface they have developed for U.S. intelligence to use,” he claimed. “Now, is the case that Facebook is actually run by U.S. intelligence? No, it’s not like that. It’s simply that U.S. intelligence is able to bring to bear legal and political pressure to them. And it’s costly for them to hand out individual.” 
This video below is blatantly exposing the real agenda of the Federal agency, CIA, and what exactly Facebook has been hired to perform as their (Facebook) official duties for them (CIA) under the color of law. Watch and Share! 

"Passing Tests" by Peter Kasaj

God started the teaching and testing process.

The first and very simple test, was in the Garden of Eden, when the devil tempted Eve (woman), with the apple. The devil told Eve, that, if she ate the apple, she would become like God (another lie) (Genesis 3:5).

PK input (zim is like honeypot-to test you)

The Lord measures a soul, by its power to resist temptation from Satan, and by the good it does for others.

God was telling them: “In the day that you listen to that liar again, instead of to Me - eat from the Tree (source) of the Knowledge of Evil (lies) - you will die (Gen. 2:17 & Deut. 30:15).”

The serpent (Satan the liar/devil) told Eve that God was lying to her, and that if she believed him, instead of God, she would be like God, which, of course, coming from the liar (devil), was a LIE.

PK input (our I AM society)

Before God would trust Abraham enough, to give him a great responsibility, He had to be sure, that he would not fail Him. God therefore taught Abraham, little by little, testing him, every step of the way, and on the passing of tests, gave him still more enlightenment and responsibility.

He had to be sure of Abraham’s love; total obedience, and devotion to Him. ONLY if Abraham passed THIS test, could God trust him enough, to give him, personally, the responsibility, of bringing enlightenment, to a very dark world. This was because; if Abraham was “Self”-motivated, and not totally obedient to God; he may have used God’s enlightenment for his own personal benefit, and not for the good of everyone (Matt. 10:37- 38)

Those of you, on higher spiritual-levels, had better stop wasting, and abusing, your superior intelligence, to STEAL money from the people on the lower levels, using your own home-made human laws/legislation, to keep you out of human prisons, and use your intelligence, to face, and pass, your harder tests, instead.

Start-off, by setting a good example, with deeds, and not just words, and show the others The Way, and the good that you are capable of.

Be grateful, for the greater-sensitivity that accompanies more awareness; it is not the curse, that it often seems; it is a blessing in disguise. Use it, to your spiritual advantage, in your tests.

The more sensitive you are, the greater is the pain that you feel, in the SELF-crucifixions, and the more points you can earn. Because you feel more pain, this should give you more encouragement, to get rid of the “SELF”, as the pain is attached to the “Self”, and, when IT goes, the pain goes with it. Once you have destroyed the “Self”, your greater-sensitivity will bring you greater spiritual joy, instead of the pain of self-crucifixion.

Peter Kasaj

Arte moderno para meditar si somos idiotas o nos toman el pelo

Arte moderno

Hay quien dice que el arte moderno no se entiende, que es una tomadura de pelo. Yo no se porque dicen eso, en que se basan para decir que un Goya por ejemplo es mejor que cualquiera de estas obras modernas que he encontrado en un paseo que me he dado por el MOMA de Nueva York, (que pena que el paseo solo haya sido virtual).

Vamos con lo que llamamos "arte moderno"

Esto es una cuerda elástica clavada a la pared y al suelo. El artista, Fred Sandback lo hizo en 1967 y no sabía que nombre ponerle, así que la llamo "Sin Título" (y sin comentarios). En la descripción pone: Painted elastic rayon cord and metal sleeve clamps(Cordón pintado de rayón elástico y abrazaderas metálicas manga)

Esto, que yo creía que era el felpudo, es una obra maestra de Mona Hatoum llamada Pin Rug.

Esta se llama Red-Orange Panel with Curve, p'a que vas a pensar más.

Este otro, que aprovecho que se le había roto la persiana para hacer arte, se titula The Middle of the World. (Habrá que buscar la otra mitad.)

Este es el trapo donde limpiaba los pinceles Christopher Wool, que lo tenía colgando de un marco y un crítico se enamoro de él. (No se me ocurre que otra cosa puede ser)

John Baldessari se le ocurrió pegar un clip en una tela, y ahí está expuesto. Por completar un poco la escultura escribió debajo "and", y ya no es lo mismo, coño.

Este dice que se inspiro en Grecia. Debía ser un día muy gris con mucha polución.

Este lo hizo la señora de la limpieza de un artista, que en el rato en que acabó de barrer y fue a por el recogedor el jefe lo vendió.

Este otro tenía para hacer tres cuadritos, pero no tenía muchas ganas de trabajar y los vendió tal y como los había comprado.

Este caso tenía muchas pelusas por el estudio y se le ocurrió vender alguna:

Mientras papa pintaba el niño se entretenía con las maderas rotas...

Este último es ya un clásico que todos conocéis. El artista se dio cuenta de cualquier mierda que pintara o esculpiera la vendía, y decidió darles lo que querían. Si su metabolismo es normal puede fabricar uno al día.

En fin Serafín, después de ver esto no entiendo como no hay nada mío colgado en el MOMA.

Así ya para terminar os dejo con un "experimento" que realizó Tele 5 hace algunos años colando en ARCO un cuadro realizado por niños.

Publicado en "Humor".

Més d'un centenar d'espanyols tenen empreses pantalla a l'illa de Madeira

• Ingressos de milions d'euros amb només un treballador i sense pagar impostos de societats, alguns dels beneficis, segons revela una investigació de periodistes a nivell internacional, entre els quals "La Vanguardia"

El ferri que connecta Porto amb l'illa de Madeira Foto: Wikicommons

Més d'un centenar d'espanyols gestionen el seu patrimoni a través d'empreses pantalla a l'illa portuguesa de Madeira. I és que l'arxipèlag s'ha convertit en els darrers anys en el destí de molts dels diners que empresaris fan a altres llocs del món. El motiu? La no necessitat de pagar impostos de societats. Així, càrrecs propers al dictador Muamar el Gadafi, Mascherano, empresaris cubans o el citat centenar d'espanyols gestionen els seus patrimonis aquí. El que comparteixen aquestes societats és que ingressen milions d'euros i només tenen un treballador -en la majoria d'ocasions, un testaferro-, despeses d'explotació i un domicili compartit amb moltes altres.
Segons explica avui La Vanguardia, aquestes revelacions formen part d'un seguit de reportatges que aniran publicant, juntament amb altres mitjans com Le Monde o la radiotelevisió alemanya ARD. Hotelers, companyies d'importació o exportació, a més de grans fortunes seran les protagonistes d'aquests reportatges, els quals pretenen posar noms i cognoms a persones que han utilitzat l'illa per estalviar-se grans quantitats de diners en impostos als seus països.
Alguns dels noms ja inclosos en aquesta primera informació són els de l'ex-madridista Xabi Alonso, el representant de jugadors Manuel García i el despatx d'advocats barceloní Pretus. Va ser des d'aquest gabinet que es van gestionar moltes de les obertures aparegudes als "papers de Panamà". També l'exbarcelonista Boudwijn ‘Bolo’ Zenden o la filla del president d'Angola, Isabel dos Santos són altres que han aparegut a La Vanguardia.


Los minerales son combinaciones químicas y solidas de los elementos que hay en la tiera, por otra parte las piedras estan formadas por minerales.

1-Ser naturales
2-No ser organicos
3-Tener composiciónes químicas homogeneas


Los minerales son substancias puras; solo tienen un solo tipo de substancia en la composición. Cuando esto no ocurre y alguna propiedad del mineral cambia: ejem. el color, se dice que ese mineral tiene bariedades. ejem. cuarzo.


AMORFOS: son los que tienen los componentes desordenados: ejem. ágata
CRISTALIZADOS: son los que tienen los componentes ordenados: ejem. cuarzo cristal de roca.


Los silicatos son los minerales que tienen silicio en su composición. Solo hay seis: cuarzo, feldespato, moscobita, biotita, olibino y arcilla. Todos los demas minerales son no-silicatos. El granito es una piedra que esta formada por tres silicatos.


SON: los minerales que en su composición principalmente tienen oxigeno y silicio.

¿CUALES SON?: cuarzo, feldespato, moscobita, biotita, olibino y arcilla.


SON:los minerales que en su composición no contienen silicio.


ELEMENTOS NATIVOS: son los que tienen un solo elemento en la composizión, ejem: oro, plata, cobre, zufre.
ÓXIDOS: son los que tienen oxigeno y otro elemento, ejem: oligisto y hematite son óxidos de hierro.
SULFUROS: son los que tienen azufre y un metal, ejem: blenda es un sulfuro de zinc.
SULFATOS: son los que tienen azufre, oxigeno y un metal, ejem: Epsomita.
CARBONATOS: son los que tienen carbono, oxigeno y un metal, ejem: calcita es un carbonato de calcio.
HALUROS: son los que tienen un metal y cloro o fluor, ejem: halita es un cloruro sodico.


El diamante y el grafito (la mina del lapiz) son lo mismo, puro carbono, pero son diferentes por como estan formadas y donde. Por esto las propiedades también son diferentes ejem: el diamante es el mineral más duro del mundo y el grafito es tan blando que se rompe rasgandolo contra el papel. A este tipo de casos se les llama formas alotropicas. 

Netanyahu Arrives in the US Ahead of Meeting with Trump

PM will hold discussions with Secretary of State Tillerson as well as Republican and Democratic leaders during visit
February 14, 2017, 5:33 am

Benjamin Netanyahu, right, and his wife Sara Netanyahu disembark a plane at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, DC, on Monday February 14, 2017. (Avi Ohayun/GPO)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu touched down at Maryland’s Andrews Air Force Base late Monday ahead of his first meeting with US President Donald Trump.

The Israeli leader will meet with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday morning, before a Wednesday audience with Trump at the White House.

Netanyahu is also scheduled to meet Democratic and Republican congressional leaders.

Photos released by the Prime Minister’s Office hours after landing showed Netanyahu huddling at official White House guest residence Blair House with national security adviser Yaakov Nagel, military attache Eliezer Toledano, chief of staff Yoav Horowitz and Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer.

From left to right: Acting Security Advisor Nagel, Military Attache to the Prime Minister Toledano, PM Netanyahu’s chief of staff Horowitz, Israeli Ambassador to the US Dermer and PM Netanyahu, at the Blair House in Washington, February 13 (Avi Ohayun/GPO)

Before taking off for Washington, Netanyahu said the US-Israel alliance was “about to get even stronger” during the Trump era.

“President Trump and I see eye-to-eye on the dangers emanating from the region,” Netanyahu said in English shortly before boarding the plane, “but also on the opportunities. And we’ll talk about both, as well as upgrading the relations between Israel and the United States in many, many fields.”

The two men last met at the end of the September, some six weeks before Trump’s upset victory.

In Hebrew comments at the airport, Netanyahu also addressed the pressure he has been facing from Jewish Home cabinet ministers to use the Wednesday’s Oval Office meeting as a forum for announcing the dissolution of the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

At Sunday’s cabinet meeting, Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked urged Netanyahu to end his public support for Palestinian statehood, and argued that Trump’s term in the White House offered a unique opportunity to do so.

Education Minister Naftali Bennett arrives at the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on February 12, 2017. (Emil Salman/POOL)

According to purported leaks from the closed-door meeting first reported by Channel 2, Netanyahu tried to dampen expectations on the far-right. The Trump administration, which he reportedly said was indeed friendlier to Israel than that of Barack Obama, would not tolerate unlimited construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, he said. He cautioned ministers not to push Israel into a confrontation with the president.

“Trump believes in a deal and in running peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians,” the prime minister was quoted as saying. “We should be careful and not do things that will cause everything to break down. We mustn’t get into a confrontation with him.”

As he boarded the plane Monday, Netanyahu noted he had consulted with a wide range of agencies and fellow ministers, but suggested he would ultimately be the one deciding how to steer Israeli policy in the new Trump era.

“We had many discussions ahead of this visit, with the heads of the security establishment, the National Security Council, the Foreign Ministry, and of course yesterday at the cabinet — a thorough, deep, serious discussion,” he told reporters in Hebrew.

“At the end of the discussion [in the cabinet], I said something I want to share with you,” he said. “I’m paraphrasing: I said I will lead and I will chart the course. That’s exactly what I intend to do, to lead and chart this historic alliance between Israel and the US for the national interest of Israel, and of course, for all Israeli citizens.”

In the four weeks since Trump entered office, Israel has approved thousands of new homes over the Green Line, announced plans for the creation of the first new settlement in two decades, and passed a controversial settlement-home legalization law. The White House has refrained from condemning the moves, but warned earlier this month they may not be “helpful.”

On Thursday, Trump for the first time criticized settlements, in an interview with the Israel Hayom daily. Settlements, Trump said, “don’t help the [peace] process.” Trump added: “Every time you take land for settlements, there is less land left. But we are looking at that, and we are looking at some other options we’ll see. But no, I am not somebody that believes that going forward with these settlements is a good thing for peace.”

Source: Times of Israel

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 14, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR as of Feb. 14 2017

Compiled in the early morning hours EST of 14 Feb. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. Feb. 13 2017 11:11 pm EST Geopolitical GCR/RV Overview: "War or Peace" - Geopolitical/GCR/RV Overview - Monday - February 13, 2017

1. Per the Chinese Elders the entire world waits upon this one epic sovereignty dispute to resolve before we RV - War: or Peace:

2. General Dunford has his finger on the trigger whenever it does, as Israel dangerously risks being shut out 100% from any future RV monies.

3. We shall see what Israeli Prime Minister BiBi Netanyahu choosesWed. Feb. 15 with President Trump in Washington.

4. Or maybe Bibi was forced to choose this past Saturday Feb. 11 at midnight?

B. Feb. 13 2017 4:05 pm EST TNT OleSailor: "Our Time is Near" - Mon. PM TNT Thoughts

1. The US Secretary of the Treasury Congressional debate starts at noon today Feb. 13 and will last 7 hours.

2. There will be a three hour vote period from 7 till 10 pm EST.

3. At 10 pm the swearing in ceremony will be televised on CSpan.

4. As soon as that is done we hope to see Trump and/or the Sec of Treasury announce the gold standard for US currency.

5. The 800 numbers should soon follow.

C. Feb. 13 2017 TNT Call RayRen98:

1. The Central Bank of Iraq still has not updated their rates after 30+ days - something is going on there.

2. The UN rates are usually updated by now as well, but there is no new posting yet.

3. My best source keeps saying “It’s done, just be patient.”

4. I’ve received information that some banks have started contacting large currency holders. Some members are being told to check in every day because the banks think something might happen.

5. Some believe that the swearing in of the Secretary of the Treasury will get the ball rolling, and others think it is already rolling.

6. Things are looking good and there are several indicators that this will be a good week.

D. Feb. 13 2017 12:01 pm EST WSOMN AdminBill: "Nearing an End" - WSOMN AdminBill Intel 9:30 AM MT 2-13-17

1. This should be a very interesting week for us all.

2. Do not look for an event to occur, just sit back and be ready to take action.

3. My intel says that the process is nearing an end and should be completed this week.

4. I'm not sure when each currency will roll out, though once it starts the rest will follow. 5. Be it exchanging Zim, Dinar, or Dong, ect, we will be happy.

E. Feb. 13 2017 9:55 am EST GCR Timeline TNT Maninc56: "New Treasury Secretary" - Thoughts from TNT Maninc56

1. CSpan 2 programming schedule for Mon Feb. 13 shows what we have waited for regarding the new US Treasury Secretary.

2. At 12 noon EST Mon., the 7 hour debate/discussion time allowed for Steve Mnuchin is scheduled.

3. At 7 p.m. EST Mon. evening Feb. 13, the confirmation vote takes place with a 3+ hour time-frame.

4. At 10:00 p.m. EST the swearing in takes place.

5. Three separate sources state the 800#s will be released shortly thereafter.

6. Info people are saying Tuesday/Wednesday for making appointments and doing exchanges.

7. Bottom line is that we should be listening for President Trump and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to disclose our return to the gold standard.

8. Our currency - United States Notes - will once again be asset-backed and tied to gold.

9. The Global Currency Reset taking place brings all nations' monetary systems back to asset-backed currency.

F. Feb. 13 2017 2:55 am EST Intel Situation Report: "White Knights" - Intel SITREP - 02:00 EST - Monday - February 13, 2017

1. The Elders finally flipped the proverbial and physical switch shortly after midnight on Sat. Feb. 11, 2017.

2. This was their gift to humanity also signifying the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

3. All accounts worldwide went immediately gold backed, active with new rates and accessible in some countries on Sunday morning @ 2am EST - while all the banks and markets worldwide were closed.

4. General Dunford was also told at that time to "get his troops ready" - so he did - all day Sunday AM and PM.

5. We're told all security and banking assets were mobilized and are right now in "jump position" on high readiness alert status.

6. Republic Oath Keeper White Knights (very different than White Hats) were told to "be ready for Monday morning activation."

7. The exit timing of all these sovereign national leaders who were late holdouts was always scheduled for this time period due to the changes required for our Republic to become GESARA complaint post-2016 election.

8. BiBi Netanyahu gave into surrender pressure last year around Thanksgiving when he thought the RV was immanent. Poroshenko in Kiev too.

9. Donald Trump is not in charge of Republic affairs and was put in place to do whatever Republic handlers instructed him to do or say to gain his family's amnesty. Trump's required media cycle tour of duty ends sometime in early March.

10. Paul Ryan will take over per Trump's resignation followed by a Congressional vote in accordance with the Constitution.

11. Ryan's Vice President is still unknown. It's not Dunford however. Ryan was a long time secret military operative trained and committed for this exact task of restoring the Republic.

12. That's why many of Trump's ridiculous cabinet confirmations have been continuously drawn out. The Chinese Elders were buying time untill the end of new year celebrations. Look for several of Trump's cabinet picks to be quickly replaced as soon as Ryan takes the Oath of Office to the Presidency.

13. People are gonna "freak out" when they see the screen rates - ZIM especially - high, not low.

G. Feb. 13 2017 10:08 am EST Fulford Report: Benjamin Fulford Report: "Internal Power Struggles" -- February 13, 2017 benjamin

1. There are intense power struggles taking place in the United States and China these days meaning that big new initiatives for the planet as a whole will have to wait until the dust settles in both countries, Chinese and American sources say.

2. The struggle in the US is between the deep state faction behind Trump and the remnants of the Bush/Clinton deep state apparatus. In China, three main factions are duking it out as part of an elaborate power dance that will produce a new central government line up sometime around the end of March.

3. When these power struggles are over, then we can expect major reforms of the Federal Reserve Board, the United Nations, the IMF, the EU etc. to begin in earnest.

4. The US power struggle has intensified now that Jeff Sessions has been formally appointed Attorney General. Immediately following his appointment Trump issued an executive order that “re-focuses the Federal Government’s energy and resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations, such as drug cartels.” As a Pentagon official described it “Trump declared war on the Bushes and Mexican drug cartels.”

5. The anti-drug cowboys in the US military and agencies are finally getting the message that force alone will not stop illegal drug use, Pentagon officials are saying.

6. Trump may decide legalize and regulate narcotics. This would help bring the roughly $2 trillion annual illegal drug business into the tax paying mainstream and reduce drug related death.

7. If done properly, the massive pharmaceutical industry could be brought on board, easy to do since already around 30% of drugs prescribed by doctors are opium based. The drug companies could add a whole new menu of goodies doctors could offer patients if they could start making medicines based on the other major narcotics.

8. Doing this would also devastate the US private prison slave industry by releasing half of the 9.5 million Americans who are either in jail or on parole.

9. It would also radically lower crime rates. Ask the Swiss, who experienced an 80% drop in crimes committed by junkies immediately after they started letting doctors administer heroin to addicts. Most of the junkies were also able to eventually kick their addictions. Since 90% of the world’s heroin is produced in Afghanistan, legalization and regulation of its opium crop would most likely lead to peace in that country.

10. The Trump administration is also talking about stopping CIA drug shipments that go via US military bases. In Japan, for example, the Yokota airbase has long been a central distribution hub for North Korean amphetamines, according to senior Japanese gangsters. Shutting that trade down or else legalizing it would help clean up the Japanese political system big time. The same is true with the heroin trade going via other big US Airforce bases such as Incirlink in Turkey and Ramstein in Germany.

11. With so much money and power at stake though, you can be sure though that the Bush faction is not going down without a fight. The entire ISIS/Mossad/Bush CIA/Nazi (Khazarian mafia Nazi faction) nexus is on the warpath and the fact that prominent ISIS linked criminals like Senator John McCain have not been arrested yet shows the power struggle is not nearly over.

12. The Khazarian Nazis have been blackmailing the Pentagon White Hats with threats of nuclear terror, sabotage, scalar weapons etc. It is a good bet the ongoing disaster at the Oroville Dam in Northern California was an act of sabotage by the Nazi faction aimed at sending a message to the Trump regime.

13. There is also large scale cyberwarfare going on. For example, Donald Trump’s Twitter page was replaced on my computer with a page filled heavy duty attack messages against Trump.

14. The Federal Judiciary is also heavily loaded with anti-Trump people. Here is what the Pentagon source had to say about that: “After liberal activist judges ignored the law and usurped power to block Trump’s Muslim ban to stop ISIS infiltration, the federal judiciary may be purged all the way to the Supreme Court.”

15. The hardest power struggle of all, though, will be over control of the Federal Reserve Board. On that front, the announced resignation last week of two top Fed officials, Board of Governors member Daniel Tarullo and top Fed lawyer Scott Alvarez means that, when combined with existing vacancies Trump will be filling, the Trump regime can now take effective control of the Fed. The last President to pull off a feat like that and not get assassinated was Andrew Jackson, but Trump has the backing of the US military so he might just pull it off.

16. Since the globally traded US dollars have been shifted now towards a system centered on China, it increases the chances that the US will be issuing treasury dollars separate from international dollars, possibly within a few months. This will also, as mentioned at the top of the article, mean a total revamp of the international financial and political architecture. However, this will have to wait until the power struggles in the US and China are completed.

17. Secretary of State Tillerson has convinced Trump to go back to the one China policy and stop provoking China. Tillerson is also “busy ridding the State Department of Neocons as well as Israeli and Muslim agents.” As a result nasty thugs like Richard Armitage, Victoria Nuland and Elliot Abrams have lost their power to wreak havoc in different parts of the world.

18. The Japanese government has been thrown into considerable turmoil by the loss of power of their traditional bosses like Rothschild agent Michael Greenberg and Bush agent Richard Armitage. That is why they sent Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and a big delegation on a major brown-nosing visit to the Trump regime last week. Abe looted the Japanese national pension fund to buy favour with Trump, much to the consternation of many in Japan. This is how Abe was able to promise to finance the construction of a fast train service linking Washington DC and New York.

19. The Japanese were told the US had discontinued its policy of preventing Japan from having close relations with Russia and there would be less US interference in domestic Japanese politics, such as the murdering of disobedient Prime Ministers. That is because the US wants to keep Japan on its side as it negotiates world changes with China.

20. The Chinese government is preparing for a once in 5 years power change that will mean 5 of the 7 standing members of the politburo will be stepping down. The battle is over who will replace them and who will be crowned as successor to President Xi Jinping. There are three main factions involved in this conflict. The consesus is that China’s Elders will emphasize continuity and stability of government so Xi will remain in power for another 5 year term.

21. We are hearing that, behind the scenes, the Chinese and Americans are cooperating in the fight against the Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.

22. The next big moves on a global level will probably be seen in March.

H. Feb. 13 2017 9:49 am EST Humanitarian Projects: Guest Posts Regarding Humanitarian Projects for February 2017

I. GCR Summaries:

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 13, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 12, 2017

Guest Posts Regarding Humanitarian Projects for February 2017

J. Websites which may display 800#s when available: - Top of page discusses 800#s - Latest Tweet

gm (@wingit=+}l) | Twitter - Latest Tweet Video

Judy Note: My over 27 years of research on survivors of a Cabal/Illuminati international child exploitation ring tells me that since the inception of the CIA after World War II, the agency has been using a US taxpayer black budget to finance horrendous child abuse and mind control. Children have been regularly sexually abused at high end parties to blackmail prominent leaders - a practice that was uncovered in 2016 through over 50,000 Clinton-John Podesta emails published by Wikileaks.

President Trump has made it clear that this CIA-funded child exploitation, drug and arms running would be no more, for he was cleaning up the swamp.

In her 2012 biography "Twenty Two Faces" Jenny Hill exposed this many centuries-old international child sexual abuse and human sacrifice ring run by political, religious and banker elites. Hill claimed that as a six year-old she was tortured and witnessed the murder of another child, Kathleen Shea, in a Satanic human sacrifice ceremony.

Like thousands of other Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor children thought to be undergoing this torture even today, the abusive experiences resulted in fracturing her mind into multiple personalities. This child exploitation was said to be overseen by a Nazi mind control agent brought into the US by the CIA after World War

Such horrendous acts where global elites practiced the sexual abuse and human sacrifice of children was also uncovered in the global Pedogate and local US Pizzagate ScandalsPIZZAGATE: A SPECIAL REPORT ON THE WASHINGTON, D.C. PEDOPHILA SCANDAL, Video: Satanic Child Sacrifices and Child Rape -- Save Children's Lives!, in Kevin Annett's International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State's three-year prosecution of global leaders including Queen Elizabeth and the Vatican by six international judges at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels: and more recently by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: Official Statement from Mayor Rudy Giuliani -- PizzaGate Scandal, Pedophile Ring, Fake News, 9/11 Cover-up and Moreby way of Giuliani's Twitter Account:

We will be eternally grateful for these heros who continue to bravely fight this Ninth Circle Satanic Cult and their ongoing rape, torture and murder of innocent children. The good guys included the restored US Republic's "White Hats and White Knights," Annett's ITCCS and Tim Ballard's Operation Underground Railroad.

You are invited to participate in the eradication of this unthinkable child sex trafficking, torture and homicide.

1. Listen to the latest intel about the global elite's international child exploitation ring on Radio Free

2. Donate your time and/or funds to the ITCCS: Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of ... and Operation Underground Railroad: Operation Underground Railroad

3. Research history of the banker connection to Pizzagate and Pedogate: New Republic via GCR -- 235 Points of Fact as of June 3, 2016

4. Pay attention to alternative news as they expose the Pizzagate Scandal and massive child trafficking rings worldwide:

Authorities say 474 people have been arrested in a multiday sting operation focused on human trafficking in California. Sheriff: 474 Arrested in California Human Trafficking Stings, 28 ...

Pedophiles & the Shadow State:

Satanism, Temple of Set & Pedophilia in San Francisco:

Franklin Cover-Up & Johnny Gosch Story David Seaman:
Conspiracy of Silence

Terra Zetzz at 2:45:00 AM

Observan por primera vez a una supernova recién nacida.

Se detectó la luz que liberó tan solo tres horas después de estallar, lo que ha permitido deducir qué ocurrió en la estrella antes de morir de forma tan dramática

Restos de la supernova SN1006, no estudiada en esta investigación - NASA/NRAO/MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE

Las supernovas son explosiones espectaculares que ocurren en las profundidades del espacio. Emiten tanta energía y tanta luz que, donde antes no veíamos nada a simple vista, puede aparecer de repente un nuevo punto brillante en la bóveda celeste, como si una nueva estrella hubiera nacido (de ahí el término de «nova»). Pero nada más lejos de la realidad. De hecho, se cree que las supernovas ocurren cuando las estrellas más gigantescas mueren y son engullidas por su propia gravedad. Y otras veces, cuando algún miembro de una pareja de una estrella doble le roba el gas a su «hermana». El resultado en ambos casos es distinto, pero en general se caracteriza porque se produce una potente explosión capaz de desgarrar el cuerpo de las estrellas y de producir elementos químicos pesados en su camino.
Algo así ocurrió hace 160 millones de años en una galaxia «cercana» conocida como NGC 7610. Los telescopios captaron su luz el 6 de octubre de 2013 y, tal como han concluido los científicos, en un artículo publicado en Nature Physics este lunes, esta ha sido la primera observación de las etapas más tempranas de una supernova: apenas tres horas después de su gran explosión.
«Enseguida supimos que teníamos algo realmente único entre manos», dijo para AFP Ofer Yaron, primer autor del estudio e investigador en el Instituto Weizmann de Ciencia, en Israel. «Pudimos ver este evento cuando era muy joven».

El evento en cuestión ha recibido el nombre de supernova SN 2013fs. Y su interés reside en que promete averiguar un poco más sobre las primeras etapas de las supernovas y, por lo tanto, sobre lo que ocurre en las estrellas masivas justo antes de morir de una forma tan dramática.

El fin de una supergigante roja

Los datos han mostrado que la explosión de una estrella supergigante roja causó una supernova de tipo II, las más comunes de las supernovas. Según concluyeron los científicos, la estrella quedó rodeada por un disco de material un año antes de explotar. Después, en el acto final, la estrella perdió importantes cantidades de gas y de masa antes de comenzar su colapso.
El problema es que no se puede saber dónde ni cuándo se producirá una explosión de supernova, así que lo más habitual es detectarlas cuando ya han evolucionado y se han dispersado. Hasta este lunes, se consideraba como supernova reciente a aquella detectada una semana después de su explosión (eso sin contar con la antigüedad de la luz, emitida millones de años antes). Tal como dijo Yaron, lo habitual es que se pueda observar las supernovas durante cerca de un año, aunque el pico de brillo se extinga pasados unos días o semanas.
La Nebulosa del Cangrejo está formada por los restos de una supernova ya dispersada- NASA, ESA, J. Hester and A. Loll (Arizona State University)

En esta ocasión, la luz de SN 2013fs fue captada por el Observatorio Palomar en California (Estados Unidos), que barre el cielo de forma automática y constante en busca de eventos astrofísicos. Pronto, científicos de todo el mundo observaron la supernova. El Observatorio W.M Keck de Hawaii, (Estados Unidos) analizó la intensidad de su luz, y el satélite Swift, de la NASA, barrió la zona en busca de luz ultravioleta y rayos X.
Ofer Yaron y sus colegas pusieron todas las piezas juntas y reconstruyeron los últimos momentos de la estrella. Gracias a eso, pudieron averiguar que antes de morir la estrella estuvo expulsando al espacio importantes capas de material, lo que sugiere, en opinión de los autores, que este tipo de fenómenos es habitual en la explosión de estrellas masivas.
Yaron ha exlicado que, si las estrellas masivas son inestables meses antes de morir, su estructura podría ser diferente a lo que se pensaba. Y por eso este estudio podría tener implicaciones a la hora de entender estos procesos, y quizás más adelante poder predecirlos

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...