
14 de febrero de 2017

"Passing Tests" by Peter Kasaj

God started the teaching and testing process.

The first and very simple test, was in the Garden of Eden, when the devil tempted Eve (woman), with the apple. The devil told Eve, that, if she ate the apple, she would become like God (another lie) (Genesis 3:5).

PK input (zim is like honeypot-to test you)

The Lord measures a soul, by its power to resist temptation from Satan, and by the good it does for others.

God was telling them: “In the day that you listen to that liar again, instead of to Me - eat from the Tree (source) of the Knowledge of Evil (lies) - you will die (Gen. 2:17 & Deut. 30:15).”

The serpent (Satan the liar/devil) told Eve that God was lying to her, and that if she believed him, instead of God, she would be like God, which, of course, coming from the liar (devil), was a LIE.

PK input (our I AM society)

Before God would trust Abraham enough, to give him a great responsibility, He had to be sure, that he would not fail Him. God therefore taught Abraham, little by little, testing him, every step of the way, and on the passing of tests, gave him still more enlightenment and responsibility.

He had to be sure of Abraham’s love; total obedience, and devotion to Him. ONLY if Abraham passed THIS test, could God trust him enough, to give him, personally, the responsibility, of bringing enlightenment, to a very dark world. This was because; if Abraham was “Self”-motivated, and not totally obedient to God; he may have used God’s enlightenment for his own personal benefit, and not for the good of everyone (Matt. 10:37- 38)

Those of you, on higher spiritual-levels, had better stop wasting, and abusing, your superior intelligence, to STEAL money from the people on the lower levels, using your own home-made human laws/legislation, to keep you out of human prisons, and use your intelligence, to face, and pass, your harder tests, instead.

Start-off, by setting a good example, with deeds, and not just words, and show the others The Way, and the good that you are capable of.

Be grateful, for the greater-sensitivity that accompanies more awareness; it is not the curse, that it often seems; it is a blessing in disguise. Use it, to your spiritual advantage, in your tests.

The more sensitive you are, the greater is the pain that you feel, in the SELF-crucifixions, and the more points you can earn. Because you feel more pain, this should give you more encouragement, to get rid of the “SELF”, as the pain is attached to the “Self”, and, when IT goes, the pain goes with it. Once you have destroyed the “Self”, your greater-sensitivity will bring you greater spiritual joy, instead of the pain of self-crucifixion.

Peter Kasaj

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