
10 de julio de 2017

The Meeting of the Grand Poobahs

 posted by  on Jul 09 2017 in Anna Von Reitz

By Anna Von Reitz
Immediately after the Revolutionary War each one of the new nation states began issuing money. Those that issued coinage of gold and silver fared all right, but struggled with supply. Those that issued paper "script" were almost immediately beset with counterfeiting problems.
It turns out that the British government (yes, this is after the end of the Revolutionary War) deliberately flooded the market with counterfeit script to "confound" the newly formed states' economies.
People started saying that things "weren't worth a Continental! (dollar)" as a result.
It was substantially because of this British counterfeiting fiasco, that the states delegated their right to issue money to a national authority--- their own land jurisdiction Congress.
After the so-called Civil War the British-based interlopers craftily substituted their own private corporate "Congress" and proceeded to substitute and counterfeit our currency for profit.
Lincoln issued "Green backs" instead of silver dollars, floated on the value of our labor (our backs) and 1040 Bonds -- so called because you could choose to redeem them after ten or forty years-- which were used to extract the value of our labor and put it in European pockets.
This same scheme morphed into the "1040 Form" which was enforced by the foreign, private Internal Revenue Service as a tax--- used to back U.S. Treasury Bonds, and later, IMF Bonds.
The ultimate counterfeit job was pulled off by the "Federal Reserve System" substituting their paper promises known as "Federal Reserve Notes" for our American Silver Dollars. The scam was so successful that even people in America called these pieces of paper "dollars".
There were numerous ways used to embezzle value from us.
First, the "Federal Reserve" paid only a few pennies to print the "Federal Reserve Notes", and received back the whole face value of the note, plus interest, for their trouble.
Hello? Read that part over again as many times as necessary until you truly understand it.
Second, via the Emergency Banking Act and other patently bogus legislation, the fake corporate "Congress" established in 1868, granted itself the right to "exchange" their Federal Reserve Notes for our actual American Silver Dollars on a "dollar for dollar" basis.
Hmmm..... since when does a "promise to pay" create an equitable exchange for actual silver? Especially when such an exchange is enforced on people without their consent by private, mostly foreign-owned corporations masquerading as their lawful government?
Using this patently bogus "legislation" as their excuse, the vermin emptied out Fort Knox right under the watchful eyes of the U.S. Army. Bill Clinton transported the last of it during his administration.
Third, the asset backing the "Federal Reserve Notes" was gradually, steadily downgraded--- first, FDR removed the gold backing, then Nixon removed the silver backing, then we bobbled along with the "Petrodollar" with oil backing the Federal Reserve Notes, until finally, in 2009, the "Federal Reserve System" was declared bankrupt.
The British and French controlled "U.S. Government" went right on printing "Federal Reserve Notes" backed by nothing at all. In fact, they stepped up production and printed as many of these "Federal Reserve Notes" as they humanly, possibly could. And they continued to encourage and promote the confusion between their I.O.U.s and our actual American Silver Dollars.
During the Obummer Administration actual "federal" printing presses and mint plates were exported out of this country to Thailand, France, and the Philippines, and over a trillion fake $100 bills were printed. Thankfully, not all of them got distributed, but many did--- truckloads and railroad cars full of them.
There were other problems showing up, too.
The British Finance Ministry finally jerked awake and made the public observance that something was wrong with the figures of total tonnage of world gold supplies. They had been informed that only 1500 tons of gold had ever been mined in the history of the world, and that's the basis they were using to peg gold values--but that is obviously a gross underestimate even a grade school child would eventually detect, and finally the House of Lords did, too.
Oh, my. And then, all these "gold bonds" started showing up, trillions and trillions of dollars worth of old bonds, some of them actual, some of them counterfeits. Boxes and boxes of promises-to-pay made by various governments at various times to pay in gold, to pay in silver, to pay, pay, pay--- but of course, they never did. The various parties were overturned by war, or new administrations or new governmental services corporations took over and the bonds were never paid.
About the time that the Federal Reserve System was bankrupted, the Chinese jerked awake and got concerned about actual deposits of gold that the Nationalist Chinese government made to the New York Federal Reserve Bank in 1928.
The gold had been sitting there "on deposit" since 1928, and the Bilkers had never even paid the interest due on it.
The New York Fed refused to pay.
So through the good offices of Neil Keenan, the Chinese government brought suit in the U.S. District Court of New York and sued to have their deposit, or at least the interest due on their deposit, returned. That was 2011.
It is now six years later. The fraud and the counterfeiting is finally at an end, but with the effect that virtually all the world's currencies have been compromised and the lack of accurate records about precious metals supplies and other vital data has led to a situation in which "nobody knows the value of anything"---quote unquote.
I heard that and I started laughing. It was a very strange sound under the circumstance. Everyone else present looked more somber than a gravestone in the pouring rain.
All I could think was---- "Isn't THAT the truth? People have never known the value of anything. How else could they value little pieces of metal above honor or love? Cherish pieces of paper above children or clean water or peace? LOL!"
The speaker might have added that the task of determining who owns what anymore is also largely beyond repair. The bankers and the Spooks and politicians got a little greedy on the side and sold gold and silver that didn't belong to them, and issued bonds against gold and silver that didn't belong to them, and traded gold and silver that didn't belong to them, so that the real ownership and interest in the vastly greater-than-ever-recorded stockpiles of gold and silver is largely unknown, too, and difficult to determine.
There are ten would-be owners for every coin and most of them have at least some credible evidence that can't be discounted without careful and honest investigation.
It turns out that beginning in the 1920's and especially after the Second World War, vast amounts of gold and silver and precious stones and art and everything else simply disappeared and got deposited in empty bunkers and bank vaults all over the world, creating a largely artificial scarcity of coinage and available money throughout the world. This underground stockpile of what stands for wealth in this world was kept on a so-called "off ledger" accounting system.
Just as the government had "budgeted" and "non-budgeted" income streams, the banks had "on ledger" and "off ledger" accounts. With the same results. Embezzlement. Fraud. Graft.
Back to the meeting of Grand Poobahs:
While everyone else sat there in a swelter of impending doom, I felt suddenly free and joyous, like a kid again. It felt like the aftermath of when my house burned down and all I had left was a rusty ax head.
"So," I recapped, "nobody can place an accurate value on anything, and the actual ownership of most of the world's wealth is in serious doubt. Am I getting this straight?"
Nods all around the table, averted eyes, even a few blushes.
If you ever saw people who were "shame-faced" this was it.
"And yet," I continued, "everyone knows that all the peoples of the world and all the governments have assets and aren't really broke......"
It was a real Come to Jesus moment. Imagine waking up one morning and being told that you have a 150 years of dishonest bookkeeping to deal with?
And then being told that although you have almost unimaginable stockpiles of wealth, you can't spend any of it, because the ownership of everything is clouded.
Oh, and by the way, the entire world thinks that your government is responsible for the criminally insane corporations that have done all this. They think that "Federal Reserve Notes" are dollars. They are blaming you for this.
Yeah, right.
Okay, let's get this straight.
The unincorporated United States of America--- the actual American states and people --- have been the first and chief victims of these shysters. They did it to us, the same time they did it to everyone else.
Also for the record, our "dollar" is defined as fine silver and always has been and still is.
And now that you finally know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth---- we are indeed at a turning point of our planetary history. Why? Because in order to keep everyone on Earth afloat and fed and living, we have to give each other credit.
We have to admit that everyone, every single one of us, has value. We have skills. We have labor. We have natural resources. We have land. We have copyrights and patents. Each one of us and the whole Earth that we are heir to, is supremely valuable and in the end, these things are the only things of value that men trade, aside from our love and our respect.
So let's give each other that --- both love and respect, and then, let's give each other all the credit needed to flourish and thrive.
Now that I am a great-grandmother myself I look back on my own Grandma with new insight and understanding. I remember her looking at an immense pile of cow manure and shaking her head and saying, "It takes a lot of cow manure to grow a rose bush."
Yes, it does. It surely does.
This whole situation is a giant pile of manure caused by a large number of international criminals, but we can do with it what we will, limited only by our vision of a better world and our willingness to --- literally --- give each other credit, as individuals and as nations.
Stay calm, everybody. Stay focused on what is actually valuable-- your lives, your family, your homes, your food, your water, your work, your passions, your health, the people you love-- and take all the "symbols of value" with a grain of salt.
We've been trained to value the image instead of the fact, like dogs trained to salivate when they see a picture of dog food. This was done to defraud us of our time and our energy and our material wealth and to keep us on a hamster wheel.

This is the moment in time when you are truly free to consider what matters --- what is truly valuable --- and to act accordingly.

RETIRO DE IMPLANTES DE CONTROL para la dominación colectiva en el proceso de nuestra auto-curación y el auto perdón

Por ningún motivo este material debe producirnos MIEDOS, pues se trata precisamente de eliminarlo como el principal implante para la dominación colectiva en el proceso de nuestra auto-curación y el auto perdón,

Hacienda destapa las trampas hipotecarias de los hermanos Granados

Francisco Granado sale de la cárcel de Estremera.
Francisco Granado sale de la cárcel de Estremera.EL PAÍS

La Agencia Tributaria ha entregado en la Audiencia Nacional un informe sobre las supuestas irregularidades en la compra de tres viviendas realizadas en los últimos años por Alfonso Granados, hermano del político. Los expertos fiscales destacan la rapidez con la que se amortizó uno de los préstamos hipotecarios, las elevadas discrepancias entre tasación y precio escriturado, y el origen desconocido de parte de los fondos. Anticorrupción ya ha pedido ocho diligencias para investigar las cuentas del familiar del ex secretario general del PP madrileño.
Seis días después de que Francisco Granados enviara en mayo un escrito a la Audiencia Nacional proponiendo hacer frente a la fianza de 400.000 euros que le había impuesto el juez Eloy Velasco con varios inmuebles y fincas de familiares, la Fiscalía Anticorrupción solicitaba a los expertos de la Agencia Tributaria un informe sobre el origen del dinero con el que se había adquirido una de las viviendas que el político ofrecía como aval para su excarcelación. Hacienda remitió 48 horas después un informe, al que ha tenido acceso EL PAÍS, en el que se apuntan a la existencia de diversas irregularidades en su adquisición por parte de Alfonso Granados Lerena, hermano del político.

Poco después, el juez rechazó dicha propiedad como garantía de la fianza y Anticorrupción solicitó la practica de ocho diligencias sobre la misma al considerar que aquellas compras del familiar del ex secretario general del PP de Madrid fueron en realidad operaciones “instrumentales” financiadas por este último.
El origen de las sospechas se remonta a mayo de 2016. Entonces, la Unidad Central Operativa (UCO) de la Guardia Civil remitió a la Audiencia Nacional un informe sobre un documento manuscrito atribuido a Francisco Granados intervenido en el despacho del constructor David Marjaliza en el que se apuntaba que la supuesta compra en 2011 de una vivienda en la calle Conde de Aranda de Madrid por parte de Alfonso Granados fue realizada con, al menos, 360.000 euros de dinero negro en metálico. Según aquel informe, el hermano del político ejerció en esa operación presuntamente de testaferro.

El nuevo informe de la Agencia Tributaria apunta en el mismo sentido y destaca las sospechosas cifras y movimientos de fondos que reflejan, no sólo la adquisición de aquel piso, sino también otra compra anterior y una posterior realizadas por el familiar de Granados de manera sucesiva.
Los expertos de Hacienda destacan que en la compra por 550.000 euros del último inmueble adquirido por el hermano de Granados —situado en la calle San Francisco, de Madrid, y que se iba a utilizar como parte de la fianza del exdirigente regional del PP— se abonaron 110.000 euros con fondos de una cuenta bancaria a nombre de Alfonso Granados que sólo unos meses antes tenía como saldo 1.219 euros. El resto del dinero se saldó con dos cheques cargados a otra cuenta de Alfonso Granados abierta dos años antes en una segunda entidad. Por ello, la Agencia Tributaria solicita información sobre los movimientos de ambos depósitos y, en concreto, de “las entradas y salidas de fondos [...]por importe superior a 5.000 euros”.

Compras sospechosas

Esta agencia recalca también que parte de todos estos fondos proceden supuestamente de la venta días antes del inmueble de la calle Aranda, cuya compra en 2011 fue la que despertó las sospechas de la UCO. Hacienda destaca que este piso fue tasado en 750.200 euros, pese a lo cual el valor que figura en la escritura de compra fue de 645.000 euros. Una importante diferencia que lleva a preguntarse a los autores del informe “cuál es el origen de los fondos para llevar a cabo esta compra inmobiliaria”.
Además, el documento destaca que el préstamo hipotecario de 200.000 euros utilizado para su compra fue amortizado en tan solo cuatro años por Alfonso Granados mediante “medios de pago” que “no aparecen acreditados”. Por ello, el informe de la Agencia Tributaria reclama nuevos datos al Consejo General del Notariado para saber si se ha notificado “algún incumplimiento” en esta compra y su financiación por parte del hermano del político “y si el principal del préstamo fue realmente aplicado a esta compra inmobiliaria o no”.
Finalmente, el documento analiza la compra de una tercera vivienda, esta situada en la calle Argensola de Madrid, cuya venta en 2011 por 400.000 euros sirvió supuestamente para adquirir la de Conde de Aranda. Sobre esta operación, Hacienda llama la atención en que existen dos escrituras notariales “por carta de pago y cancelación” de sendas hipotecas. De una de ellas, por un valor de 186.313 euros, el informe destaca que no existe información en la base de datos de la Agencia Tributaria. Un vacío documental que, según destacan los expertos de Hacienda, impide saber qué cantidad del dinero obtenido con la venta del piso se destinó realmente a la compra del siguiente inmueble.
Un dato más que, según Hacienda, refuerza las sospechas de que en la compra del piso de Conde de Aranda se usaron “fondos de terceros”, en referencia a los 360.000 euros que recogía la nota de Francisco Granados hallada en poder de Marjaliza

9 de julio de 2017

el matón americano está descubriendo que ya no puede dictar su forma unilateral.

El mundo multipolar llega: Rusia, China se enfrentan a EE.UU. Bully

El mundo multipolar llega: Rusia, China se enfrentan a EE.UU. Bully

La dominación hegemónica de los Estados Unidos en el mundo se dirige hacia las salidas. La disminución del poder unipolar de Estados Unidos ha estado en marcha durante varios años, en línea con la aparición de un mundo multipolar. Esta semana, Rusia y China mostraron una determinación importante de enfrentar las tácticas de intimidación estadounidenses sobre Corea del Norte. La confrontación sugiere un punto de inflexión en la transición de la dominación del mundo americano a una multipolar.
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, reiteró la posibilidad de un ataque militar a Corea del Norte mientras estaba en Polonia esta semana. Esto fue también mientras Washington estaba presionando a China y Rusia para que se unieran a una respuesta más dura a Corea del Norte sobre su lanzamiento de misiles balísticos días antes - las dos primeras naciones habían sido recientemente sancionadas de nuevo por los EE.UU. Hablar de la audacia americana y doble pensar.
Sin embargo, la cruda arrogancia mostrada por los EE.UU. parece haber alcanzado un nuevo límite de tolerancia en Moscú y Beijing. Ambos están comenzando a demostrar una pérdida de paciencia con los estadounidenses insoportables.
En respuesta al lanzamiento de misiles balísticos de Corea del Norte, Washington desplegó su presunción típica, casualmente amenazando con llevar a cabo una huelga militar "represalia". Trump dijo que estaba considerando opciones «severas» sobre el «comportamiento muy peligroso» de Pyongyang.
Pero la postura de Rusia y China esta vez con los estadounidenses se había endurecido significativamente. Ambos advirtieron explícitamente a Estados Unidos de que no tomarían medidas militares contra Corea del Norte.
Además, Rusia y China dijeron que se opondrían a Washington imponiendo nuevas sanciones al gobierno de Kim Jong-un. Este último ya ha sido sometido a seis rondas de sanciones dirigidas por Estados Unidos.
En resumen, el matón americano está descubriendo que ya no puede dictar su forma unilateral.
Al dirigirse a una sesión de emergencia del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, los embajadores rusos y chinos rechazaron el estridente llamado estadounidense a "una acción global contra una amenaza mundial". El enviado ruso Vladimir Safronkov se mantuvo firme con su homólogo chino, diciendo que la amenaza de la acción militar estadounidense simplemente no era una opción y que se necesitaba una política diferente de la estadounidense fallida de abrogar cada vez más sanciones a Corea del Norte.
Uno puede imaginar la exasperación que se siente dentro de Washington de decirle sin rodeos «no» a su beligerancia invariable y auto-ungida.
La ruta alternativa propuesta por Rusia y China era la radical - radical desde el punto de vista americano - de la diplomacia. Tal vez ha llevado a los rusos y el tiempo de atraso chino para llegar a este punto. Pero lo que es notablemente evidente ahora es que se están afirmar contra los Estados Unidos con mayor confianza. Y lo que están afirmando en este caso es una solución eminentemente razonable a la crisis coreana. Piden congelar el programa de armas nucleares de Pyongyang en conjunción con la congelación de los ejercicios militares constantes en la península, así como la retirada de su sistema antiaéreo THAAD. El siguiente paso es entonces celebrar negociaciones multilaterales para un arreglo pacífico integral, sin condiciones previas.
Un enfoque tan eminentemente razonable es un anatema para los americanos. Porque niega su arrogancia unilateral y autojusticia para dictar términos.
Este es un desarrollo significativo, que presagia una nueva determinación por parte de Rusia y China para enfrentarse frontalmente al acosador estadounidense. Durante demasiado tiempo, Washington se ha quedado con la agresión ultrajante, la anarquía, la hipocresía y la arrogancia absurda, no sólo sobre Corea, sino sobre innumerables asuntos internacionales. En la escena mundial se comporta como un matón del patio de la escuela, o quizás más exactamente que debe ser un matón de la calle. Dar vueltas golpeando a otras personas, generalmente a los débiles, como le gusta. Entonces, cuando Washington se siente particularmente afrentado por algo percibido como leve, invoca el derecho internacional y la rectitud.
Esta semana, lo que vimos sobre el lanzamiento de misiles de Corea del Norte y la reacción típica de los estadounidenses fue Rusia y China diciendo a Washington: sus días de agresión de auto-licencia y abuso de la ley internacional han terminado; Su hegemonía unipolar americana es redundante.
Bienvenido al mundo multipolar forjado en gran medida por Rusia y China, donde todas las naciones deben acatar las normas internacionales y el derecho, principalmente la búsqueda suprema de la diplomacia. 
Oh, el shock para la arrogancia americana de recibir un despertar tan grosero.
La ilegalidad del «excepcionalismo» estadounidense es un tema que el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, ha venido golpeando constantemente durante la última década. Pero ahora parece que Rusia y China son lo suficientemente fuertes política, económica y militarmente para comenzar a afirmar y actuar sobre la convicción de que los días de la arrogancia y la anarquía estadounidenses ya han terminado. No es casualidad que la firme oposición ruso-china a la agresión estadounidense contra Corea del Norte llegara al mismo tiempo que Putin acogería a su homólogo, el presidente Xi Jinping, en Moscú, donde ambos líderes celebraron una alianza estratégica chino-rusa aún más profunda.
Moscú y Pekín censuraron a Corea del Norte por su 11mo lanzamiento de misiles hasta ahora este año. Dijeron que violó las sanciones de la ONU impuestas a Pyongyang desde que explotó por primera vez una ojiva nuclear en 2006. Sin embargo, trataron de poner una perspectiva adecuada sobre el evento, en lugar de reflexionar demonizando a Corea del Norte como los estadounidenses nunca dejan de hacer.
El misil balístico intercontinental (ICBM) lanzado esta semana por Corea del Norte no estaba armado con una ojiva, pero Pyongyang dijo que ahora tiene la capacidad de hacerlo y atacar en cualquier parte del mundo. La trayectoria del ICBM indica que Corea del Norte ahora podría golpear el estado de Alaska de los EEUU. Eso anuncia un gran avance en la capacidad militar de Corea del Norte. A principios de este año, el Presidente Trump afirmó que a Corea del Norte nunca se le permitiría llegar a ese punto. Bueno, lo hizo esta semana.
Sin embargo, Rusia y China se dan cuenta de que la crisis de Corea es un asunto complejo, no la narrativa simplista de Washington sobre un «régimen deshonroso» que amenaza la paz mundial. Moscú y Pekín son muy conscientes de que Washington es parte del problema, con sus incansables ejercicios militares y amenazas provocativas a la soberanía de Corea del Norte.
Rusia y China entienden que la única solución razonable no es una escalada imprudente, sino un compromiso negociado por todas las partes, incluyendo Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur, Estados Unidos, Japón, China y Rusia. Las negociaciones multilaterales pasadas se han desatado en gran parte debido a la actitud imperiosa de Washington. Eliminar el conflicto en la península coreana requiere la liquidación de las fuerzas militares por todas las partes, y una responsabilidad primaria de eso es con los EE.UU., el protagonista externo en la región.
A medida que la alianza estratégica Rusia-China se hace cada vez más fuerte anunciando un orden mundial "post-Occidente", como dijo el ministro ruso de Relaciones Exteriores, Serguéi Lavrov, dominado por el capitalismo estadounidense, el petrodólar estadounidense y su máquina militar, parece inconfundible que tanto Rusia y China han alcanzado un límite práctico de tolerancia a la arrogancia sin ley de Washington.
En las últimas semanas, Washington ha aplastado más sanciones contra Rusia y China, ha llevado a cabo incursiones militares provocativas en sus dominios territoriales y siguió desacreditándolos con distorsiones de los medios de comunicación. Washington posee miles de ICBMs, los pone a prueba todo el tiempo, e instala sistemas de misiles alrededor del territorio ruso y chino. Washington ha librado o patrocinado encubiertamente guerras criminales en todo Oriente Medio durante las últimas dos décadas, lo que ha resultado en millones de muertes inocentes y en el desove de grupos terroristas.
Corea del Norte no ha atacado a nadie, tiene un arsenal de quizás 10 armas nucleares y realiza sus pruebas de misiles lejos de cualquier territorio de su vecino.
Sin embargo, los norteamericanos sin ley que asesinan en masa -la única nación que ha dejado armas nucleares en las poblaciones civiles- tienen la audacia de declarar a Corea del Norte una amenaza para la paz mundial e insisten en el "derecho" a atacar preventivamente a Pyongyang. Y si Rusia y China no aceptan esta demanda norteamericana, entonces Washington amenaza con aumentar más sanciones contra ellos.
El matón americano está claramente más allá de su propio despotismo megalomaníaco. Pero la diferencia grande y crucial ahora es que Rusia y China se están moviendo para poner finalmente este matón en su lugar. El mundo multipolar ha llegado. Y la única cosa "radical" que Rusia y China están insistiendo es que Estados Unidos se comporta como todos los demás y se atiene al derecho internacional. Ese requisito básico es una indicación de lo anárquicos que son los estadounidenses.
Al dirigirse a los partidarios de la plaza polaca de Varsovia esta semana, Trump declaró con bravata que "el Occidente (es decir, Estados Unidos) nunca retrocederá".
Bueno, ya veremos eso. Como se ha señalado, el mundo multipolar ha llegado y Estados Unidos está siendo obligado a retroceder por un ascendente de Rusia y China, que también tienen la opinión del mundo de su lado.

Multipolar World Arrives: Russia, China Face Down US Bully

The United States’ hegemonic dominance in the world is heading to the exits. The decline in US unipolar power has been underway for several years, in line with the emergence of a multipolar world. This week, Russia and China showed important resolve to face down American bully tactics over North Korea. The confrontation suggests a turning point in the transition from American world dominance to a multipolar one.
US President Donald Trump reiterated the possibility of military attack on North Korea while in Poland this week. This was also while Washington was hectoring China and Russia to join in a tougher response to North Korea over its ballistic missile launch days before – the former two nations themselves having recently been sanctioned anew by the US. Talk about American audacity and double think.
However, the crass arrogance shown by the US seems to have hit a new limit of tolerance in Moscow and Beijing. Both are beginning to demonstrate a loss of patience with the bumptious, insufferable Americans.
Reacting to North Korea’s breakthrough ballistic missile launch, Washington deployed its typical conceit, casually threatening to carry out a «retaliatory» military strike. Trump said he was considering «severe» options over Pyongyang’s «very, very dangerous behavior».
But Russia and China’s stance this time to the Americans had significantly stiffened. Both explicitly warned the US against taking military action against North Korea.
Moreover, Russia and China said that they would oppose Washington imposing further sanctions on the government of Kim Jong-un. The latter has already been subjected to six rounds of US-led sanctions.
In short, the American bully is finding that it is no longer able to dictate its unilateral way.
Addressing an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council, the Russian and Chinese ambassadors rejected the shrill American call for «global action to a global threat». Russian envoy Vladimir Safronkov stood firmly with his Chinese counterpart, saying that threatened American military action was simply not an option, and that a different policy was needed from the failed American one of slapping ever-more sanctions on North Korea.
One can imagine the exasperation felt within Washington of being bluntly told «no» to its invariable, self-anointed belligerence.
The alternative route being proposed by Russia and China was the «radical» one – radical from the American point of view – of diplomacy. It has perhaps taken the Russians and Chinese overdue time to reach this point. But what is remarkably apparent now is that they are asserting themselves against the US with increased confidence. And what they are asserting in this case is an eminently reasonable solution to the Korean crisis. They are calling for a freeze on Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program in conjunction with the US freezing its constant military exercises on the peninsula, as well as withdrawing its anti-missile THAAD system. The next step is to then hold multilateral negotiations for a comprehensive peaceful settlement, without preconditions.
Such an eminently reasonable approach is anathema to the Americans. Because it negates their unilateral arrogance and self-righteousness to dictate terms.
This is a significant development, one that portends a new determination by Russia and China to confront the American bully head-on. For too long, Washington has gotten away with outrageous aggression, lawlessness, hypocrisy and absurd hubris, not just over Korea but on countless other international issues. On the world stage it behaves like a schoolyard bully, or perhaps more accurately that should be a street thug. Going around beating up other people, usually the weak, as it likes. Then when Washington feels particularly affronted about some perceived slight, it invokes international law and righteousness.
This week, what we saw over the North Korea missile launch and the typical American over-reaction was Russia and China saying to Washington: your days of self-licensing aggression and abusing international law are over; your American unipolar hegemony is redundant.
Welcome to the multipolar world forged largely by Russia and China where all nations must abide by international norms and law, principally the paramount pursuit of diplomacy. 
Oh the shock to American arrogance to receive such a rude awakening.
The lawlessness of American «exceptionalism» is a theme that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been constantly hammering over the past decade. But it seems now that Russia and China are strong enough politically, economically and militarily to begin asserting and acting on the conviction that the days of American arrogance and lawlessness are indeed over. It is no coincidence that the firm Russian-Chinese opposition to American aggression over North Korea came at the same time that Putin was hosting his counterpart President Xi Jinping in Moscow, where both leaders hailed an even deeper Sino-Russian strategic alliance.
Moscow and Beijing censured North Korea over its 11th missile launch so far this year. They said it violated UN sanctions imposed on Pyongyang since it first exploded a nuclear warhead in 2006. Still, they sought to put a proper perspective on the event, rather than reflexively demonizing North Korea as the Americans never cease to do.
The intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launched this week by North Korea was not armed with a warhead but Pyongyang said it now has the capability to do so and to strike anywhere on the globe. The trajectory of the ICBM indicates that North Korea could now hit the US state of Alaska. That heralds a major breakthrough in North Korea’s military capability. Earlier this year, President Trump claimed that North Korea would never be allowed to reach that point. Well, it just did this week.
Nevertheless, Russia and China realize that the Korean crisis is a complex issue, not the simplistic narrative put out by Washington about a «rogue regime» threatening world peace. Moscow and Beijing are well aware that Washington is very much part of the problem, with its relentless military exercises and provocative threats to North Korea’s sovereignty.
Russia and China understand that the only reasonable solution is not reckless escalation, but a negotiated engagement by all sides, including North Korea, South Korea, the US, Japan, China and Russia. Past multilateral negotiations have come unstuck largely because of Washington’s high-handed imperious attitude. Winding down conflict on the Korean Peninsula necessitates the winding down of military forces by all sides, and a primary responsibility for that lies with the US, the external protagonist in the region.
As the Russia-China strategic alliance grows ever stronger heralding a «post-West» world order, as Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov put it, one which was dominated by American capitalism, the US petrodollar and its military machine, it seems unmistakable that both Russia and China have reached a practical limit of tolerance to Washington’s lawless arrogance.
In recent weeks, Washington has slapped more sanctions on both Russia and China, conducted provocative military incursions into their territorial domains, and continued to disparage them with media distortions. Washington possesses thousands of ICBMs, test-fires them all the time, and installs missile systems around Russian and Chinese territory. Washington has waged or covertly sponsored criminal wars across the Middle East over the past two decades, resulting in millions of innocent deaths and spawning of terror groups.
North Korea has attacked no-one, has an arsenal of perhaps 10 nuclear weapons and conducts its missile tests far from any of its neighbor’s territory.
Yet the lawless, mass-murdering Americans – the only nation to have actually dropped nuclear weapons on civilian populations – have the audacity to declare North Korea a threat to world peace and insist on the «right» to preemptively attack Pyongyang. And if Russia and China do not acquiesce to this American demand then Washington threatens to increase more sanctions on them.
The American bully is patently beyond itself from its own megalomanic despotism. But the big, crucial difference now is that Russia and China are moving to finally put this bully in its place. The multipolar world has arrived. And the only «radical» thing that Russia and China are insisting on is that the US behaves like everyone else and abides by international law. That basic requirement is an indication of how lawless the Americans are.
Addressing bussed-in supporters in Poland’s Warsaw Square this week, Trump declared with bravado that «the West [that is, the US] will never back down».
Well, we’ll see about that. As noted, the multipolar world has arrived and America is being compelled to back down by an ascendant Russia and China who also happen to have world opinion on their side.

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