
1 de mayo de 2018

Toxic Masculinity, Privilege, and Rape Culture

April 30, 2018

Source: Dauntless Dialogue | By Adam Riva

According to George Orwell, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

We are often inculcated with false platitudes that serve to destroy, rather than create – to kill rather than heal.

A prevailing narrative on university campuses is the idea of toxic masculinity. This toxicity is not attributed to beta males, male feminists, patriarchal Muslims, or absent fathers who abandon their families.

Instead, it is often attributed to ordinary men who are career driven, assertive, proud of their heritage, strong father figures, and patriots willing to protect borders, Constitutional liberties, and the division of labor via gender roles.

We do not have an excess of masculinity in the West – we have a deficiency of it.

Sexual Predation in Hollywood & the Harvey Weinstein Scandal

In 2017, the world watched as a lascivious giant toppled under the weight of his own lust for power, women, and power over women. For decades, Harvey Weinstein sat decadently atop the hierarchy of Hollywood, a toxic cesspool of bacchanalian self-indulgence.

Weinstein is perhaps the most recent manifestation of the Jimmy Savile archetype. Savile was exposed posthumously for sexually abusing at least 500 children for over 40 years, in addition to fornicating with dead bodies and attending Satanic rituals. Since the movie mogul fell and broke the ice, more than 100 highly powerful men in Hollywood have been alleged in sexual misconduct cases, in what may or may not be a runaway train referred to as the “Me Too” movement. Witch hunt or not, a trial by jury is largely irrelevant as the accused are often burned at the stake socially and financially for their accusations.

Hollywood is not representative of American culture, which no matter what the mainstream rags assert, is statistically not a “rape culture” when you cut through the propaganda. Rape is not widely accepted and applauded in America and its criminal justice system prosecutes whenever evidence proves beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Let’s examine some of the distinct attributes that differentiate Hollywood from ordinary Americans’ lives.

Hollywood is a subculture that self-identifies with “privilege.” This is demonstrated by privileged lifestyles, access, purchases, and experiences, all emboldened by exclusivity in clubs, parties, awards ceremonies, etc.

Hollywood also holds different values from ordinary Americans. For instance, divorce rates are statistically many times higher than average Americans.

According to International Business Times,

“An article based on interviews of divorce lawyers reveals that the most common factors for celebrity divorces are that one of the couple moves up or trades up in movie biz parlance, addiction of some kind, waning of stardom, public infidelity and narcissism.”

Another sign that Hollywood holds different values from ordinary Americans is the ways in which they vote, the ideologies they champion, or the way they are out of touch with the vast majority of Americans who have no interest in their politics and would rather just hear them sing or watch them act.

Hip hop has become the most listened to genre in the United States. Although it is driven by misogynistic and profane lyrics, promiscuity, wealth, excess, and immodesty,this musical style is given the pass by neofeminists and social justice warriors who instead lay all blame at the feet of a president who has only been in office for just over a year. Perhaps this is due to hip hop’s array of minorities that dominate the genre. Perhaps not.

Harvey Weinstein Compared to Donald Trump

This hegemonic subculture within the Hollywood hills is vehemently maligned against President Donald Trump and has done everything in its power to ridicule him and undermine his presidency.

From lampooning him on SNL, to incendiary PSA commercials, to Kathy Griffen filming a horrific ISIS-style decapitation of the President that actually freaked out the president’s son, Baron Trump. The examples are endless.

If Donald Trump truly was the monstrous dictator they make him out to be, they would remain silent on the matter like they did with Harvey Weinstein. Think about it. No one dares criticize Kim Jong Un in North Korea for fear of death or worse.

Truly grotesque abuse of power was epitomized by Weinstein, and predictably, no one said anything for three decades. Why? Because there were serious repercussions for anyone who did. It has now come to the light that Weinstein possessed a hit list containing the names of nearly 100 people.

Donald Trump, long before he was ever running for political office, cracked an inappropriate joke about grabbing a woman by the crotch, and this is somehow comparable to Harvey Weinstein actually physically preying upon aspiring actresses.

There’s one major difference between the radio silences of these two incidents. The media sat on the Trump tapes before releasing them at an opportune moment in an attempt to thwart his candidacy’s momentum.

In the case of Weinstein, no one said anything and no one planned on saying anything because they were genuinely afraid of the repercussions to their careers or reputations

Hollywood including the entertainment industry as a whole along with other big cities are dominated by the political Left and are characterized by collectivist principles

Psychological Factors for Slave/Master Relationships

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote prolifically on what he called the master-slave morality.

I have boiled this situation down into two categories of psychological propensities which are both rooted in biology. The first is hereditary genetics and the second is reproductive strategies.

Let’s first look at the hereditary reasons.

Power appeals to men’s hereditary lust for dominance, so it attracts the most aggressive types. This is why testosterone plays a significant role in the male/female disparity between occupations selected and wages earned. Social justice warriors would rather that you chalk all of this up to social conditioning or toxic masculinity.

But why does power generally appeal to men more? Simple. The men who are alive today have received hand-me-down DNA from Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Caligula, Vlad the Impaler, and other conquerors of ancient times. I’m not being facetious. One in 200 men alive today can trace their ancestry back to Genghis Khan alone. This brutal takeover of neighboring tribes by warlords and their armies is not to be dismissed as a tragedy that occurred a handful of times. This happened for 50,000 years or more, depending on which anthropologist you listen to.

Generally speaking, men have an affinity for dominance whereas women have an affinity for subjugation. Look no further than the 50 Shades of Grey anomaly.

It’s true. Some women have a desire to be dominated. This was further evidenced when Pornhub published its users’ keyword searches which revealed that a large percentage of women have rape fantasies and fetishes for rough and brutal sex.

Without justifying any of the heinous behavior of Harvey Weinstein or any of the hundreds of men accused of sexual predation in Hollywood, let’s try our best to understand how this situation arose.

In women, willful subjugation exists for the same reasons that men crave dominance. The women who are alive today have received hand-me-down DNA from the women who did not resist brutal takeovers by warlords of antiquity.

This isn’t rocket science. Power appeals to men’s dominance so it attracts the most assertive and aggressive types. Glamour appeals to women’s vanity so it attracts women who prioritize the attention, approval, and lust of others.

As far as the second reason I alluded to earlier regarding reproductive strategies, evolution in humans has ordained that men provide resources and security for the women who provide fertility. This can be seen across the animal kingdom. The woman effectively trades sexual access for the resources that the man can provide so that the woman can take the necessary time to gestate, birth, and raise the offspring.

This dichotomy in reproductive strategies fosters a greater propensity in men for resource acquisition whereas it fosters a greater propensity in women for beautification.

These are of course amoral tendencies that many people are quick to prescribe negative values to. There is nothing wrong with resource acquisition or beautification. In fact, these two traits are the very drivers of civilization as men build and women beautify, resulting in a progressive balance and a true display of the healthy kind of codependency.

Transactional Sex/Value-Based Sex

To the Left, sex is transactional. In this regard, sex is no longer about procreation, commitment, starting a family, fostering a spiritual bond, etc.

The Left has the strongest advocates for abortion (women’s rights), they shelter and outright incentivize childbirth out of wedlock through the welfare state, subsidizing women who don’t have a husband as a bread-earner, and encouraging women to have sex whenever with whoever they are attracted to superficially rather than vetting the character of a sexual partner as a potential life partner.

The Right generally sees sex as sacred. It is a covenant before God and it shouldn’t happen before marriage. It is intended to convey love and admiration and to bring children into existence.

Hollywood’s casting couch has a long history of transactional sex in which sexual favors are traded for status, film roles, money, etc. Sure, it’s not necessarily the most sacred interaction, but is it not consensual?

Neofeminists wish to abolish all traditional gender roles. Neofeminists have told men that their job is not to protect women because women can take care of themselves. Then, the moment something like the Harvey Weinstein Scandal happens, women complain that men should have rushed in to save the day.

Neofeminists complain about the objectification and hyper-sexualization of the female body. Is this actual oppression, or do women have a hand in this? After all, women work for these magazines, photographers, tv shows, movies, and modeling agencies. They willingly seek out these companies and submit themselves for photographs, porn, articles, gossip, makeup, you name it.

Ironically, feminists’ bodies are not as sexually desired by men as conservative women are, according to a recent study.

According to,

“Hot people are more likely to support right-wing parties because they are stronger and more successful than their more liberal peers, apparently. 

That’s according to a study carried out by Rolfe Daus Peterson, a political scholar from Susquehanna University and Carl Palmar, assistant professor in politics at Illinois State University.

The researchers claim that never before has the effects of physical attractiveness on politics been examined on this level and that there is “good reason to believe that individuals’ physical attractiveness may alter their political values and worldviews”.

They said that their findings prove attractive people tend to lean towards the right because they have better social skills and are more popular, competent and intelligent due to the “halo effect” – an idea that bias and stereotypes influence the way people judge others.”

Left/Right Dichotomy

Cities are typified by collectivism. Ergo, cities lean to Left politically and are generally the first to strip individual freedoms. Rural areas are typified by individualism. Ergo, rural America leans to the Right politically and are generally the first to defend individual freedoms.

“The smallest minority on Earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” – Ayn Rand

You could even make an argument that celebrities are the gods of the Left whereas the religious deities of Judeo-Christian religions are the gods of the Right. The virtues exemplified by these disparate gods are opposites in many ways.

For instance, the gods of the celebrity pantheon are materialistic, vain, gluttonous, narcissistic, unfaithful, and selfish. The Judeo-Christian god Jesus Christ or Yahweh is humble, modest, sacrificial, honest, faithful, and selfless.

R/K Selection Theory Has the Nation Divided

Trump and the conservative Right seek to exercise austerity, restraint, accountability, the deferral of gratification, and K-selected measures. They possess an internal locus of control, meaning they determine that they have a high degree of control over their environment and the course of their lives.

To the hedonistic Hollywood narcissists, restraint is perceived as genetic death because r-selected individuals are characterized by instant gratification, promiscuity, hypergamy, and an external locus of control, meaning they determine they have a low degree of control over their environment and the course of their lives.

R-selected species have no in-group preference so the second Harvey Weinstein was exposed, an avalanche of accusations began, the same way a rabbit will abandon another rabbit being eaten by a wolf. Not only is there no incentive for the rabbit to help the other rabbit being eaten by the wolf, there is a negative incentive which causes it to abandon the other rabbit.

Some r-selected species will even abandon or eat their own offspring. Thanks to actors like Elijah Wood and Corey Feldman and documentaries like An Open Secret, we know that systemic pedophilia is Hollywood biggest problem. This abuse of the young is r-selected behavior.

Another example of the lack of in-group preferences seen in r-selected people is how many women had actually encouraged other women to audition with Weinstein after they themselves were abused and mistreated.

On the other hand, conservatives rank high in conscientiousness. This helps to explain their desire to safeguard society against radical ideas perceived as threats. Liberals rank high in openness which helps to explain Hollywood’s openness to all things taboo.

Although multiculturalism, diversity, and tolerance are preached by leftists, the Left is no longer about openness and tolerance. It is an exclusive club where straight white conservative men are castigated and blamed for all things evil.

This is all despite the fact that “gender is a social construct” and we are told not to berate someone based on the way they were born.

Toxic masculinity is characterized by cowardice, helplessness, kowtowing, unreliability, and unaccountability.

Who is Raising Men in our Culture?

From the time a child is born, he is virtually exclusively in the care of women until he reaches higher education. Over 90% of mom’s stay at home while their partner has a career. Over 90% of daycare workers are women. Over 90% of elementary school teachers are women. More than half of high school teachers are women. Finally, if the child is lucky, by the time he reaches university he may have a balanced amount of male and female instructors. However, this is well past the formative years of neurodevelopment and personality development.

For some reason, neofeminism wants to place the blame solely on men.

As a direct result of neofeminism coupled with female driven political policies and the destruction of religious ethics, we are seeing an erosion of family values. Shortly after countries give women the right to vote, welfare states invariably arise. Welfare states incentive childbirth out of wedlock resulting in fewer father figures and less familial stability. Moreover, women have fewer consequences for choosing bad men to father their children.

True “female empowerment” is the restoration of choice, not affirmative action or identity politics which historically has never worked. True fairness is about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.

Egalitarianism is the Endgame

Throughout history, pendulums of power more often than not swing too far in either direction as the marginalized groups that aim for equality overcompensate with their diligence and create disparity of the opposite extreme.

Currently, many of within the pussyhat collectives are calling for the “rise of the matriarchy.” Matriarchy is merely tyranny with breasts and a vagina.

A matriarchy and a patriarchy are two sides of the same evil. Egalitarianism should be the endgame, not subjugation of either gender.

What better way is there to divide and conquer the world’s population than to pit the sexes against each other? After all, it’s a 50/50 split. Maturity is required to examine the human race’s current predicament and heal the psychospiritual schism between the genders.

If the human race desires a society of peace and fairness, it starts by accepting the duality of the sexes, understanding that equality of opportunity does not mean equality of outcome, and that men and women have an evolutionary adaptation for healthy codependency which should be celebrated, not scorned

Hollywood Child Protection Act Ignored; Here’s Why It Is Important

April 30, 2018 12:38pm

Source: Deadline | By David Robb

EXCLUSIVE: One of the key California laws designed to protect child actors from sexual predators has gone largely ignored and unenforced since it was enacted five years ago. The law requires publicists, managers, acting coaches and headshot photographers who work with child actors to be fingerprinted and pass an FBI background check to screen out registered sex offenders. Only then will they be issued a Child Performer Services Permit.

A Deadline investigation, however, has found that not a single Hollywood publicist who represents child actors has obtained a permit. Dozens of managers, acting coaches and photographers who work with child stars have also failed to comply with the law, which is punishable by a year in county jail and a $10,000 fine. And yet, no one has ever been charged with breaking it.

The law, AB 1660, prohibits registered sex offenders from “representing or providing specified services to artists or performers under 18 years of age.” Fingerprints and FBI background checks are required to ensure that registered sex offenders don’t skirt the law by working under assumed names.

The law was enacted to keep men like Robert Villard from entering – or in his case, re-entering – the industry after being convicted of a sex crime. Villard, in fact, was the poster-pedophile the law specifically targeted: for many years, he was a publicist, manager, acting coach and photographer of child actors, some of whom would go on to become major movie stars. But he also had a long history of sex crimes against children. In 1987, he was convicted of possessing child pornography, but the conviction was overturned on appeal. He was arrested again in 2001 after a police raid of his home turned up thousands of photos of scantily clad boys in sexually suggestive positions. He pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor and was sentenced to three years’ probation.

Villard, who sometimes operated under the assumed name of Bob Moniker, continued to work with child stars until he was busted again in 2005, this time pleading no contest to committing a lewd act on a 13-year-old boy to whom he was giving acting lessons. He served seven years in prison and got out just before Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB 1660 into law in September 2012.

BizParentz co-founder Anne Henry, the lead sponsor of AB 1660, said that the law was designed to protect child actors from convicted pedophiles like Villard. “Before this, there was nothing to stop him from returning to the industry and starting the abuse cycle all over again,” she told Deadline. “We wanted something to prevent that from happening.”

Other examples:

Martin Weiss, a personal manager to many young stars, got out of jail shortly before the law went into effect, having severed six months after pleading no contest to two counts of oral copulation with an 11-year-old boy whose career he was managing. Like Villard, he too operated under fake names including Maximilian Weiss, Paul Weiss and Menachem Mendel. But if either of them tries to apply under a fake name for a permit to represent child actors again, their fingerprints will give them away.
Jason James Murphy, a convicted pedophile who’d already spent five years in prison for kidnapping and molesting an 8-year-old boy, was arrested just a few days after Weiss. After getting out of prison, Murphy came to Hollywood, where he worked as a casting assistant and acting coach for child actors. He was arrested in December 2011 for failing to use the name under which he was a registered sex offender, but the judge dismissed the case, saying that Murphy had not attempted to conceal his identity, even though he was working with children under the professional name of Jason James.

Brian Peck is another registered sex offender who the law was designed to keep away from child actors. Peck, now 57, was convicted in 2004 of performing a lewd act on a child and oral copulation of a person under 16. His victim was a young boy to whom Peck had been giving private acting lessons at his home. But after spending 16 months in jail, he returned to Hollywood and resumed his career as a dialogue coach for child actors – which the law now prohibits.

Those cases helped propel AB 1660 through the legislature and onto the governor’s desk for his signature. At the time, the bill’s author, Assemblywoman Nora Campos, said that “Under the existing law, talent agents are regulated; however, casting directors, managers and photographers are not. This loophole makes it very easy for a predator to gain access to children working within the entertainment industry.”

Wide Support, Little Follow-Through

The bill had wide support. It was backed by the MPAA and by the Association of Talent Agents. SAG and AFTRA, pre-merger, were both behind it, too, and so were the Talent Managers Association and the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, among many other groups. The only opposition came from an organization called California Reform Sex Offender Laws – now the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws – which lobbies for the rights of convicted sex offenders.


“We were very supportive of the legislation,” said Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, SAG-AFTRA’s COO and general counsel, “and we remain insistent that it was necessary. It’s clear that this applies to photographers, managers, coaches, and publicists, and we’d like to see that any of these types of professionals who work with child performers are registered, as is required by the law. We are going to reach out to the people who should be registered under this statute and make sure they are aware of their obligation to register.”

And it’s “distressing,” he said, that so many industry professionals have failed to register. “The whole point of having this in the first place was to insure that industry people who work regularly with children would be subjected to background checks.”

Hollywood’s publicists, however, haven’t gotten the message. A database maintained by the state’s Department of Industrial Relations lists 292 valid permit-holders who are legally allowed to work with child actors. It’s intended as a guide to parents, but a Deadline review of every permit-holder reveals that not a single publicist holds a Child Performer Services Permit.

Deadline has found more than 20 Los Angeles-based publicists who don’t have permits but represent child stars on numerous hit TV shows including Stranger Things, This Is Us, Modern Family, Black-ish, Lost in Space, Revenge and Code Black. Publicists without permits also represent young stars on Nickelodeon’s School of Rock, Henry Danger and Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn, and on the Disney Channel’s Stuck in the Middle and Raven’s Home. They also represented child actors on numerous films including Fences and the upcoming Bumblebee, to name but a few.

“Any manager, publicist, photographer or acting coach who provides services to minors is responsible for complying with the law, which requires them to have a permit,” said Paola Laverde, public information officer for the Department of Industrial Relations, which enforces the law. “If the Labor Commissioner’s office finds a violation or is alerted to businesses working with minors in violation of the permit requirements, it will pass on those names to the appropriate prosecuting agency.”

Among the professions specifically addressed by the law are “public relations services or publicity, or both, including arranging personal appearances, developing and distributing press packets, managing fan mail, designing and maintaining Internet websites, and consulting on media relations for an artist or performer under 18 years of age.”

The law is more widely adhered to among personal managers, in part because the Talent Managers Association has been telling its members about it for years, strongly encouraging members who represent child actors to obtain the permits. “Our members are definitely aware of the law,” said TMA president Versa Manos. “We’ve sent emails to our members telling them that any manager who works with children must have a permit. We make that very clear. We want to make sure that parents know that their children’s managers are safe and have been cleared by the state. There’s nothing more important than the safety of the children.”

Talent Managers Association logo

Manos, who represents two child actors, has a permit, as do TMA vice president Nikki Mincks and corresponding secretary Betty McCormick. “We highly recommend that members who represent children have a child performer services permit,” McCormick told Deadline.

More than 40 managers are listed in the state’s database of permit-holders, but Deadline has found an equal number who don’t have permits but manage the careers of child performers anyway. These include managers of young stars on many of the shows mentioned above, as well as many others including Jane the Virgin, Shameless and Designated Survivor, as well as such films as A Wrinkle in Time and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, The Book of Henry and the upcoming It: Chapter Two.

In other words, publicists and managers all over town are guiding the careers of young performers who they’re legally not allowed to represent. The law does not apply to talent agents, who are covered by a different law requiring that only the head of their agencies be fingerprinted. It also doesn’t apply to studio teachers, who also have to be fingerprinted and pass a background check. Casting agents, producers, actors and directors aren’t required to have permits either, although many do – mostly to coach or teach young performers.

James Symington, who has a permit to manager minors, said that a “lack of awareness” about the law is most likely the reason so many managers of child actors don’t have permits. “I don’t know if people are aware of it. I think it’s about educating managers about what is required.”

From interviews, it’s clear many publicists don’t even know about the law, while others mistakenly think it doesn’t apply to them.

“We work with a lot of agents and managers who work with kids, and I’ve never heard of this, and I’ve been doing this for 20 years,” said an L.A.-based publicist who represents several child stars. “I work with 50-100 people every day and I don’t think any of them have heard of this either. It seems weird that publicists would even need this.”

After reading the law, she called back to say it doesn’t apply to her because of an exception spelled out in the law, which states that it doesn’t apply to: “A person whose contact with minor children is restricted to locations where, either by law or regulation, the minor must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian, and the parent or guardian must be within sight or sound of the minor.”

The law, she said, doesn’t apply to her because “I’m never alone with my child clients. They’re always with their parents.”

“They Need To Get Legal”

But that’s a misreading of the of the law according to Dana Mitchell, chief consultant to the Assembly Committee on Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media. She’s the legislative aide who helped draft AB 1660 and usher it through the state legislature.

Asked if publicists who say they’re never alone with their clients are exempt from the law, she answered “No,” but added: “I cannot give you a legal opinion on this matter, merely my own personal opinion regarding the intent of the author as relayed through our committee analysis.” She then explained that exempting publicists and managers who say they’re never alone with their child clients “was the exact circumstance we intended to prevent.”

The term “either by law or regulation” that’s contained in the exception, she said, only applies to those who work with child actors exclusively on set or on location – where other laws and union rules require studio teachers to be present and for a parent or guardian to be within sight and sound of their children at all times. The exception doesn’t apply, Mitchell said, to reps who meet their young clients in their offices, or attend publicity events, benefits and awards shows with them, or who advance their careers outside the actual workplace. In other words, she said, the exception doesn’t apply to publicists.

Asked if publicists would be exempt even if they were actually never alone with their clients, Mitchell said. “No, unless they only see children on the set or location – aka place of employment – where a parent and/or studio teacher must also be present under the California Code of Regulations and the Labor Code.”

“This law absolutely applies to publicists — no question. That’s a fact,” said Henry, the co-founder of BizParentz, an advocacy group for the parents of child actors. “When we testified before the legislature, we discussed publicists in particular because Bob Villard and a few other men were promoting themselves as publicists, and they are convicted sex offenders who we did not want to re-enter our industry.”

“Publicists often have very close relationships with their clients because they travel with them on publicity appearances,” she said. “They need to apply. There’s no excuse for them not having a permit. This law’s been in effect for five years, and there’s no excuse for industry professionals who work with children to be unaware of it.” She said she “horrified” that so many are, and that “They need to get legal.”

The Cinematographers Guild, IATSE Local 600, which absorbed the Publicists Guild back in 2002, says it’s up to the local’s 400 or so publicists to follow the law, even if they don’t know it exists. “It’s the members’ responsibility to have any required licensing,” said a spokesman for guild. “We have no visibility on who’s handling underage performers or anything like that.”

Even though so many who work with child actors have failed to obtain permits, the state Labor Commissioners’ office has never received a single complaint. And while hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars were spent starting up the database and processing the applicants – for a fee of $200 for a two-year-permit – very little has been spent on enforcement. Before the bill was passed into law, the Senate Budget Committee estimated that there would be “Likely minor costs annually to the Department of Industrial Relations for enforcement.”

“We have not received any complaints or allegations that the law is not being followed,” Laverde said.

“For all the great legislation that’s in effect to protect child actors, the problem is that enforcement is often lax,” said Amanda Biers-Melcher, mother of a 14-year-old child actor.

The law also stipulates that permits, fingerprints and FBI background checks are required of anyone “providing still photography, digital photography, video, and film services to a minor for use as an artist or performer.” But of the dozens of well-known photographers whose websites say they take headshots of child actors, Deadline has found only six who are registered: Rena Durham, Tamara Tihanyi-Knausz, Michael Chinnici, Colette Cugno, Sharlet Fouse and Luciana Nocks.

Durham said she was alerted to the law by a casting director. “Once she let me know about it, I made sure to register for the permit. I know I am one of the few that have it and I wish I could say that it makes a difference in the amount of bookings I get, but it doesn’t. The agencies continue to refer photographers who don’t have the permit and parents continue to go to these photographers – not sure if they just don’t know that it is required by law to have the permit or they just don’t care. As far as the photographers who don’t have the permit, many were advised of it and just don’t want the expense or hassle. It’s sad because the welfare of the children and the peace of minds of parents should be a priority.”

Permits are also required for those who provide “instruction, evaluation, lessons, coaching, seminars, workshops, or similar training as an artist, including but not limited to acting, singing, dance, voice, or similar instruction services for minor who is seeking to secure employment as an artist or performer.” But here too, dozens of coaches and acting teachers who cater to young performers have either not obtained permits or have not renewed expired permits.

Acting coach Anthony Meindl runs an acting workshop in town where all 15 of his teachers have permits. “All of our teachers have to have one,” he told Deadline. “We have 15 teachers. That’s a lot of licenses and a lot of permits. A casting director told us about it and we wanted to make sure we are complaint. We thought it was important for everyone to be registered.”

Concerned parents can run the names of people their children work with through the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Sex Offender Registry, but that database is of no use if a sex offender is working under an assumed name. To make sure that doesn’t happen, the state requires fingerprints and FBI background checks on everyone who applies for a permit.

A manager of the careers of 15 child actors told Deadline that she got her permit when the law first went into effect five years ago. “It’s very important to me,” she said. “I was very happy when they did it. I was one of the first ones to sign up. This is a big deal to me.”

A check of the state database, however, showed that her permit had expired last June. “I’m glad you told me,” she said. “I would have renewed it the second it expired. I’m going to renew it right away.” She’ll have to pay the $200 renewal fee, but she won’t have to be fingerprinted again.

Asked why she thought so many managers of child performers haven’t gotten the permits, she offered two reasons: “One, people are lazy; and two, nobody assumed anybody would follow through, and nobody has. They figure that if there are no consequences, what does it matter?”

Se ignora la Ley de Protección Infantil de Hollywood; He aquí por qué es importante

30 de abril de 2018 12:38 pm Fuente: fecha límite | Por David Robb EXCLUSIVO: Una de las leyes clave de California diseñada para proteger a los niños actores de los depredadores sexuales se ha ignorado y no se ha aplicado desde que se promulgó hace cinco años. La ley exige que los publicistas, gerentes, entrenadores en funciones y fotógrafos en la cabeza que trabajan con niños actores se tomen las huellas digitales y pasen una verificación de antecedentes del FBI para descartar a los delincuentes sexuales registrados. Solo entonces se les otorgará un Permiso de Servicios para Niños Ejecutantes.

Sin embargo, una investigación de fecha límite ha encontrado que ni un solo publicista de Hollywood que represente a niños actores ha obtenido un permiso.Decenas de gerentes, entrenadores en funciones y fotógrafos que trabajan con estrellas infantiles tampoco han cumplido con la ley, que se castiga con un año en la cárcel del condado y una multa de $ 10,000.Y, sin embargo, nadie ha sido acusado de romperlo. La ley, AB 1660, prohíbe a los delincuentes sexuales registrados "representar u ofrecer servicios específicos a artistas o artistas menores de 18 años". Se requieren huellas digitales y antecedentes del FBI para garantizar que los delincuentes sexuales registrados no eluden la ley trabajando bajo nombres supuestos.

La ley fue promulgada para evitar que hombres como Robert Villard ingresen, o en su caso, reingresen, a la industria después de ser condenados por un delito sexual.Villard, de hecho, era el aficionado al pedófilo al que apuntaba la ley: durante muchos años, fue publicista, gerente, entrenador en funciones y fotógrafo de actores infantiles, algunos de los cuales se convertirían en grandes estrellas de cine. Pero también tenía una larga historia de crímenes sexuales contra niños. En 1987, fue declarado culpable de posesión de pornografía infantil, pero la condena fue revocada en apelación.Fue arrestado nuevamente en el 2001 luego de que una redada policial en su casa mostrara miles de fotos de niños vestidos con ropa ligera en posiciones sexualmente sugestivas. No aceptó un delito menor y fue condenado a tres años de libertad condicional.

Villard, que a veces operaba bajo el nombre supuesto de Bob Moniker, continuó trabajando con estrellas infantiles hasta que fue arrestado de nuevo en 2005, esta vez no se oponía a cometer un acto lascivo con un niño de 13 años a quien estaba dando lecciones de actuación. Sirvió siete años de prisión y se retiró justo antes de que el gobernador Jerry Brown promulgara la ley AB 1660 en septiembre de 2012. La cofundadora de BizParentz, Anne Henry, principal patrocinadora de AB 1660, dijo que la ley estaba diseñada para proteger a los niños actores de los condenados pedófilos como Villard. "Antes de esto, no había nada que le impidiera regresar a la industria y comenzar nuevamente el ciclo de abuso", le dijo a Deadline. "Queríamos algo para evitar que eso sucediera". Otros ejemplos:

Martin Weiss, un gerente personal de muchas estrellas jóvenes, salió de la cárcel poco antes de que la ley entrara en vigor, habiéndose separado seis meses después de declararse no contencioso a dos cargos de cópula oral con un niño de 11 años cuya carrera él estaba manejando . Al igual que Villard, él también operaba bajo nombres falsos como Maximilian Weiss, Paul Weiss y Menachem Mendel. Pero si alguno de ellos intenta postularse bajo un nombre falso para obtener un permiso para representar nuevamente a los actores secundarios, sus huellas dactilares serán revelados.
Jason James Murphy, un pedófilo convicto que ya había pasado cinco años en prisión por secuestrar y molestar a un niño de 8 años, fue arrestado unos días después de Weiss. Después de salir de prisión, Murphy llegó a Hollywood, donde trabajó como asistente de casting y como entrenador de actores infantiles. Fue arrestado en diciembre de 2011 por no usar el nombre bajo el cual era un delincuente sexual registrado, pero el juez desestimó el caso, diciendo que Murphy no había intentado ocultar su identidad, a pesar de que estaba trabajando con niños bajo el nombre profesional. de Jason James.

Brian Peck es otro delincuente sexual registrado a quien la ley fue diseñada para mantenerse alejado de los actores infantiles.Peck, ahora de 57 años, fue condenado en 2004 por realizar un acto lascivo en un niño y por cópula oral de una persona menor de 16 años. Su víctima era un joven a quien Peck había estado dando clases particulares de actuación en su casa. Pero después de pasar 16 meses en la cárcel, regresó a Hollywood y reanudó su carrera como entrenador de diálogo para niños actores, que ahora la ley prohíbe.

Esos casos ayudaron a propulsar AB 1660 a través de la legislatura y al escritorio del gobernador para su firma. En ese momento, la autora del proyecto de ley, la asambleísta Nora Campos, dijo que "bajo la ley existente, los agentes de talento están regulados; sin embargo, los directores de casting, los gerentes y los fotógrafos no lo son. Esta laguna hace que sea muy fácil para un depredador tener acceso a los niños que trabajan en la industria del entretenimiento. "Soporte amplio, poco seguimiento El proyecto de ley tuvo un amplio apoyo. Fue respaldado por la MPAA y por la Asociación de Agentes de Talento. SAG y AFTRA, antes de la fusión, también lo respaldaron, al igual que la Asociación de Administradores de Talentos.

y la Oficina del Fiscal de la Ciudad de Los Angeles, entre muchos otros grupos. La única oposición provino de una organización llamada California Reform Sex Offender Laws, ahora la Alianza para las Leyes Constitucionales de Delitos Sexuales, que ejerce presión sobre los derechos de los delincuentes sexuales convictos. SAG-AFTRA "Apoyamos mucho la legislación", dijo Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, COO y asesor general de SAG-AFTRA, "y seguimos insistiendo en que era necesaria. Está claro que esto se aplica a fotógrafos, gerentes, entrenadores y publicistas, y nos gustaría ver que cualquiera de estos tipos de profesionales que trabajan con artistas infantiles estén registrados, tal como lo exige la ley. Vamos a llegar a las personas que deberían estar registradas bajo este estatuto y asegurarnos de que están conscientes de su obligación de registrarse ".

Y es "angustiante", dijo, que tantos profesionales de la industria no se hayan registrado. "El objetivo de tener esto en primer lugar era asegurar que las personas de la industria que trabajan regularmente con niños serían sometidas a controles de antecedentes". Los publicistas de Hollywood, sin embargo, no han captado el mensaje. Una base de datos mantenida por el Departamento de Relaciones Industriales del estado enumera 292 titulares de permisos válidos que están legalmente autorizados a trabajar con actores infantiles.Tiene la intención de ser una guía para los padres, pero una revisión del Plazo de cada titular del permiso revela que ni un solo publicista tiene un Permiso de Servicios para el Jugador del Niño.

Deadline ha encontrado a más de 20 publicistas radicados en Los Ángeles que no tienen permisos pero representan estrellas infantiles en numerosos programas de televisión como Stranger Things, This Is Us, Modern Family, Black-ish, Lost in Space, Revenge y Code Black. Publicistas sin permisos también representan a estrellas jóvenes en la Escuela de Rock de Nickelodeon, Henry Danger y Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn, y en Disney's Stuck in the Middle y Raven's Home. También representaron actores infantiles en numerosas películas como Fences y el próximo Bumblebee, por nombrar algunos.

"Cualquier gerente, publicista, fotógrafo o entrenador interino que brinde servicios a menores es responsable de cumplir con la ley, lo que requiere que tengan un permiso", dijo Paola Laverde, oficial de información pública del Departamento de Relaciones Industriales, que hace cumplir la ley. . "Si la oficina del Comisionado Laboral encuentra una violación o se le avisa a las empresas que trabajan con menores de edad en violación de los requisitos del permiso, transmitirá esos nombres a la fiscalía correspondiente".

Entre las profesiones específicamente abordadas por la ley se encuentran servicios de publicidad o publicidad, o ambas, incluida la organización de apariciones personales, desarrollo y distribución de paquetes de prensa, gestión de correo de admiradores, diseño y mantenimiento de sitios web de Internet y consultoría sobre relaciones con los medios para un artista o intérprete menores de 18 años ".

La ley es más ampliamente aceptada entre los gerentes personales, en parte porque la Asociación de Administradores de Talento ha estado contándoles a sus miembros al respecto durante años, alentando firmemente a los miembros que representan a los actores infantiles a obtener los permisos. "Nuestros miembros son definitivamente conscientes de la ley", dijo la presidenta de TMA, Versa Manos. "Hemos enviado correos electrónicos a nuestros miembros diciéndoles que cualquier gerente que trabaje con niños debe tener un permiso. Lo dejamos muy claro. Queremos asegurarnos de que los padres sepan que los gerentes de sus hijos están a salvo y que el estado los ha aprobado. No hay nada más importante que la seguridad de los niños ".Talent Managers Association logo

Manos, que representa a dos niños actores, tiene un permiso, al igual que la vicepresidenta de TMA Nikki Mincks y la secretaria correspondiente, Betty McCormick. "Recomendamos encarecidamente que los miembros que representan a niños tengan un permiso de servicios para artistas intérpretes o ejecutantes", dijo McCormick a Deadline.Más de 40 gerentes figuran en la base de datos estatal de titulares de permisos, pero Deadline ha encontrado un número igual que no tienen permisos, pero administran las carreras de los niños artistas de todos modos. Estos incluyen gerentes de estrellas jóvenes en muchos de los espectáculos mencionados anteriormente, así como muchos otros, incluyendo Jane the Virgin, Shameless y Designated Survivor, así como películas como A Wrinkle in Time y Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1. 2, El Libro de Henry y el próximo It: Capítulo Dos.

En otras palabras, los publicistas y gerentes de toda la ciudad están guiando las carreras de los jóvenes intérpretes que legalmente no pueden representar. La ley no se aplica a los agentes de talento, que están cubiertos por una ley diferente que exige que solo se tomen las huellas digitales del jefe de sus agencias. Tampoco se aplica a los profesores de estudio, a los que también se les deben tomar las huellas digitales y aprobar una verificación de antecedentes.Los agentes de reparto, los productores, los actores y los directores tampoco están obligados a tener permisos, aunque muchos sí lo hacen, principalmente para entrenar o enseñar a jóvenes intérpretes. James Symington, que tiene un permiso para administrar menores, dijo que la "falta de conciencia" sobre la ley es probablemente la razón por la cual muchos gerentes de actores infantiles no tienen permisos. "No sé si la gente lo sabe". Creo que se trata de educar a los gerentes sobre lo que se requiere ".

De las entrevistas, está claro que muchos publicistas ni siquiera conocen la ley, mientras que otros creen erróneamente que no se aplica a ellos. "Trabajamos con muchos agentes y gerentes que trabajan con niños, y nunca he oído hablar de esto, y lo he estado haciendo durante 20 años", dijo un publicista de Los Ángeles que representa a varias estrellas infantiles. "Trabajo con 50-100 personas todos los días y no creo que ninguno de ellos haya oído hablar de esto tampoco. Parece extraño que los publicistas incluso lo necesiten ".

Después de leer la ley, volvió a llamar para decir que no se aplica a ella debido a una excepción enunciada en la ley, que establece que no se aplica a: "Una persona cuyo contacto con menores de edad está restringido a lugares donde , ya sea por ley o reglamento, el menor debe estar acompañado en todo momento por un padre o tutor, y el padre o tutor debe estar a la vista o el sonido del menor. " La ley, dijo, no se aplica a ella porque "Nunca estoy solo con mis niños clientes. Siempre están con sus padres ". " Tienen que ser legales "

Pero eso es una lectura errónea de la ley según Dana Mitchell, consultora principal del Comité de Artes, Entretenimiento, Deportes, Turismo y Medios de Internet de la Asamblea. Ella es la asistente legislativa que ayudó a redactar la AB 1660 y la introdujo a través de la legislatura estatal. Cuando se le preguntó si los publicistas que dicen que nunca están a solas con sus clientes están exentos de la ley, ella respondió "No", pero agregó: "No puedo darle una opinión legal sobre este asunto, simplemente mi propia opinión personal con respecto a la intención del El autor transmitió a través de nuestro análisis del comité. "Luego explicó que eximir a los publicistas y gerentes que dicen que nunca están a solas con sus clientes secundarios" fue la circunstancia exacta que intentamos evitar ".

El término "ya sea por ley o regulación" que figura en la excepción, dijo, solo se aplica a quienes trabajan con actores infantiles exclusivamente en el set o en el lugar, donde otras leyes y reglas del sindicato requieren que los maestros del estudio estén presentes y para un padre o guardián para estar a la vista y el sonido de sus hijos en todo momento. La excepción no se aplica, dijo Mitchell, a los representantes que se reúnen con sus clientes jóvenes en sus oficinas, o asisten a eventos publicitarios, beneficios y premiaciones con ellos, o que avanzan en sus carreras fuera del lugar de trabajo real. En otras palabras, dijo, la excepción no se aplica a los publicistas.

Cuando se le preguntó si los publicistas estarían exentos, incluso si en realidad nunca estuvieran solos con sus clientes, dijo Mitchell. "No, a menos que solo vean niños en el plató o lugar, también conocido como lugar de empleo, donde un padre y / o maestro de estudio también deben estar presentes bajo el Código de Regulaciones de California y el Código Laboral". "Esta ley se aplica absolutamente a los publicistas - no hay duda. Eso es un hecho ", dijo Henry, cofundador de BizParentz, un grupo de defensa de los padres de niños actores."Cuando testificamos ante la legislatura, discutimos sobre los publicistas en particular porque Bob Villard y algunos otros hombres se promocionaban a sí mismos como publicistas, y son delincuentes sexuales convictos que no quisimos reincorporarnos a nuestra industria".

"Los publicistas a menudo tienen una relación muy estrecha con sus clientes porque viajan con ellos en apariciones publicitarias", dijo. "Necesitan postularse. No hay excusa para que no tengan un permiso.Esta ley ha estado vigente durante cinco años, y no hay excusa para que los profesionales de la industria que trabajan con niños no lo sepan ". Ella dijo que estaba" horrorizada "de que muchos lo fueran, y que" necesitan legalizarse ". Los cinematógrafos Guild, IATSE Local 600, que absorbió al Publicists Guild en 2002, dice que depende de 400 publicistas locales seguir la ley, incluso si no saben que existe. "Es responsabilidad de los miembros tener cualquier licencia requerida", dijo un portavoz del gremio. "No tenemos visibilidad sobre quién maneja a los artistas menores de edad ni nada de eso".

A pesar de que muchos de los que trabajan con niños actores no han podido obtener los permisos, la oficina de los Comisionados del Trabajo del estado nunca ha recibido una sola queja. Y aunque se gastaron cientos de miles de dólares de los contribuyentes en la puesta en marcha de la base de datos y el procesamiento de los solicitantes, por un honorario de $ 200 por un permiso de dos años, se ha gastado muy poco en su aplicación. Antes de que se aprobara el proyecto de ley, el Comité de Presupuesto del Senado calculó que habría "Costos menores probables anualmente al Departamento de Relaciones Industriales para hacerlos cumplir". "No hemos recibido ninguna queja o alegación de que no se respete la ley". Dijo Laverde.

"A pesar de la gran legislación que está en efecto para proteger a los niños actores, el problema es que la aplicación a menudo es poco estricta", dijo Amanda Biers-Melcher, madre de un niño actor de 14 años. La ley también estipula que se requieren permisos, huellas dactilares y antecedentes del FBI para cualquier persona que "brinde servicios de fotografía fija, fotografía digital, video y cine a un menor para su uso como artista o artista intérprete o ejecutante". Pero de las docenas de fotógrafos famosos cuyos sitios web dicen que toman fotos a la cabeza de actores infantiles, Deadline encontró solo seis que están registrados: Rena Durham, Tamara Tihanyi-Knausz, Michael Chinnici, Colette Cugno, Sharlet Fouse y Luciana Nocks.

Durham dijo que un director de casting la alertó de la ley. "Una vez que me lo contó, me aseguré de registrarme para el permiso. Sé que soy uno de los pocos que lo tienen y ojalá pudiera decir que hace una diferencia en la cantidad de reservas que recibo, pero no es así. Las agencias continúan recomendando a los fotógrafos que no tienen el permiso y los padres continúan yendo a ver a estos fotógrafos, sin estar seguros si simplemente no saben que la ley exige que tengan el permiso o simplemente no les importa. En cuanto a los fotógrafos que no tienen el permiso, a muchos se les avisó y simplemente no quieren el gasto o la molestia. Es triste porque el bienestar de los niños y la tranquilidad de los padres deberían ser una prioridad ".

También se requieren permisos para aquellos que brindan "instrucción, evaluación, lecciones, entrenamiento, seminarios, talleres o capacitación similar como artistas, que incluyen, entre otros, servicios de interpretación, canto, danza, voz o instrucción similar para menores que buscan para asegurar el empleo como artista o artista intérprete o ejecutante ". Pero también aquí, docenas de entrenadores y profesores de actuación que atienden a artistas jóvenes no han obtenido permisos o no han renovado los permisos caducados.

El entrenador interino Anthony Meindl dirige un taller de actuación en la ciudad donde los 15 maestros tienen permisos. "Todos nuestros maestros tienen que tener uno", le dijo a Deadline. "Tenemos 15 maestros. Esas son muchas licencias y muchos permisos.Un director de casting nos lo contó y queríamos asegurarnos de ser una queja.Pensamos que era importante que todos estuviéramos registrados ". Los padres preocupados pueden registrar los nombres de las personas con quienes trabajan sus hijos a través del Registro Nacional de Delincuentes Sexuales del Departamento de Justicia de los EE. UU. , Pero esa base de datos no sirve si un delincuente sexual trabaja bajo un nombre falso. Para asegurarse de que eso no suceda, el estado requiere huellas dactilares y verificaciones de antecedentes del FBI para todos los que solicitan un permiso.

Una gerente de las carreras de 15 niños actores dijo a Deadline que obtuvo su permiso cuando la ley entró en vigencia por primera vez hace cinco años. "Es muy importante para mí", dijo. "Estaba muy feliz cuando lo hicieron. Yo fui uno de los primeros en registrarme. Esto es un gran problema para mí ". Sin embargo, un control de la base de datos del estado mostró que su permiso había expirado en junio pasado."Me alegra que me hayas dicho", dijo. "Lo habría renovado en el momento en que expirara. Voy a renovarlo de inmediato ". Tendrá que pagar la tarifa de renovación de $ 200, pero no tendrá que volver a tomarle las huellas digitales.

Al preguntársele por qué creía que tantos gerentes de artistas infantiles no obtuvieron los permisos, ofreció dos razones: "Uno, la gente es floja; y dos, nadie asumió que alguien seguiría adelante, y nadie lo hizo. Se dan cuenta de que si no hay consecuencias, ¿qué importa?

Entrada destacada


SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...