
4 de agosto de 2018

Mike Quinsey and Higher Self: All According to Plan

Mike Quinsey Message,
August 03,2018                                             

3rd August 2018. Mike Quinsey.
There are so many uplifting messages coming through Kryon, I could easily include extracts every week. However, I want to try and keep to my normal way of introducing them where possible every 4 weeks, but occasionally I feel prompted to fit in a relatively short extract. The one following apart from some very minor editing is a complete extract. For anyone wishing to listen to this message it is part of a slightly different format to usual, as there is first an introduction before Kryon commences to speak at 12.06 minutes, and when completed it is followed by another message by Kryon to the end at 57.40 minutes.
Your soul resides inside and outside of you, residing in God in some mysterious way is the beauty of the Creator of everything, and it is a Oneness that goes way beyond you, or the land you live in, it is a Oneness with the air you breathe which is also from the Creator, and if you could suspend all the things you have been told, this is the way it works, this is what to expect, here is what is next if you suspend that. I would like to tell you something, that you can start building a truth that goes beyond anything anyone has ever told you, and you can call it “your name goes here truth” because it is the truth of you, and you start asking questions and if you want to metaphorically muscle test them do it. “Am I here on purpose” – Yes, “Does the Creator of the Universe know me” – Yes, “Is it possible that when I die as human being that the beautiful part of me goes back to the Creative Source” – Yes. Therefore it makes you eternal it makes you not a human, the human is simply a vessel that is being used right now that is in the mirror every day, but the real you is magnificent and is loved by God. God is the name you made up – human being, if you do not like the name make up something else you do like, the Eternal Light, The Great Central Sun, Spirit, The Creator of all Things” give it a name. It is You, and what this will actually do if you can simply suspend all of the chatter of what you are supposed to be, what this does is enable you and empower you to solve the things you came in with, now we get personal. The God in you and the God in me are the same, you are entangled with everyone here and without even knowing that which is the problem you walked in with, I can say it is solvable more than solvable, when you start the chemistry of your belief your body responds. The profundity of what you have from the Creator inside you is lost on most and when you start understanding that the fire of creation and life itself resides in you, realise that all things there that would straighten out your life are there already in the field. It is a matter of selecting them with a human consciousness that starts to be tuned to the truth .There is nothing wrong in following those who give messages as long as they are the truth of love.
The next steps are very much down to the Human Race as every soul now has the opportunity to lift their vibrations, and their Guides will assist once the see that there is an intention to do so. There are of course many distractions and it requires a good amount of faith in the future to move through the present period without being affected. The difference from the period prior to 2012 is that there is more help at hand, and things will gradually become easier as the ability of the dark Ones to carry on with their interference is becoming more and more difficult. Their power base is weakening and their plans are being disrupted as they can no longer exercise the degree of control they would wish to carry them out for total domination. They have lost many of their leading supporters and others are being arrested who are essential to their plans. The break-up of their body of control is still continuing and will do so until they can be totally removed. There will be no way back for them and victory for the Forces of Light is assured.
Unbeknown to you much is being done to overcome the underground activities of the dark Ones, who have been well established for a very long time, and have advanced well beyond your present level of technology. However, it does not take much in modern weaponry to destroy their installations, and progress has been made in that respect. Their biggest problem arises from much of their funding having been cut off, although they still manage to steal through fraudulent means. The net is closing in on them and eventually there will be no escape route, or avoiding justice for their crimes against Humanity. Their plans to escape from the Earth have also been blocked and they will have to face the consequence of their actions.
The massive funds kept safe and under the control of St. Germain will when possible and in due course ensure, that great strides are made to quickly bring much needed changes about. It will be well beyond the ability of the dark Ones to interfere with the release of such monies that are safe and well protected. The siphoning off of money intended for good work will also be prevented by the total safeguards already in place. Be assured that plans for the restoration of the Earth have already been made, and as was previously mentioned are in no way going to be allowed to fail. Advanced methods are ready to be used to carry out restoration work so quickly you will be very surprised to say the least. You have been waiting a long time for something positive to happen, and it is hoped that your wait will soon be over.
All we can say to you is be ready and positive by giving little if any encouragement to those who still desire to stop changes from taking place. Their efforts will be to no avail as decisions have already been made that will prevent any negative activity directed against the Lightworkers being successful. Certainly the dark Ones never give up trying to interfere with you, but as time passes they are getting more and more dejected and disappointed at their waning power. At this point it may be worthwhile pointing out that the dark Ones are souls chosen for their extensive experience in playing the negative roles, and in a way that may sound odd to you but are actually carrying out their roles to play the “bad Ones”, and by serving you in this way they gain some credit. Their ultimate fate will eventually be decided by the higher powers, and not those on Earth
You are now well into a cycle that is opening up many more opportunities to raise your vibrations to help you go all of the way to Ascension. As the years slip by you will find proof of the changes that will help you achieve your goal. So it is important that you keep your eyes firmly on your chosen pathway, and not be distracted.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

Los Ángeles y los Arcturianos a través de Suzanne Lie

En la Compañía de los Ángeles

Querido UNO, es decir, cualquier UNO dentro de los reinos superiores de la realidad con quienes tengo la intención de comunicarme, estoy listo para recibir tu mensaje. No sé por qué comencé mi comunicación de esta manera, pero fue lo que entró en mi conocimiento para escribir, que es cómo recibo y documento todos mis mensajes. 

De hecho, ahora escucho a los Arcturianos, los Pleyadianos y varios miembros del Reino Angélico enviar su mensaje unificado dentro de este AHORA. Creo que quieren que los sintonice esta mañana. 

Nos mudamos hace unos años a un entorno completamente diferente. Adoro este ambiente, como lo es en el campo, pero mis amigos y familiares de toda mi vida están a muchas horas de distancia. Demasiado tiempo para conducir fácilmente, pero demasiado cerca para volar, ya que llegar al aeropuerto significa ir tan lejos como sería visitar nuestro "viejo hogar".

La casa en la que vivimos aquí es increíble, y estamos rodeados de naturaleza con el océano cerca. Hemos logrado vivir la mayor parte de nuestra vida matrimonial muy cerca, y / o caminando hasta el Océano Pacífico, lo cual es una gran bendición.

Aquellos de ustedes que viven cerca del océano, o un gran cuerpo de agua, saben de lo que estoy hablando. De hecho, si vives cerca de, o en un lugar, donde estás rodeado por la hermosa naturaleza de Gaia, sabes lo que estoy diciendo.

No sé por qué escribo esto, pero siempre "simplemente dejo ir" y dejo que el mensaje llegue a través de mí. No puedo decir que los Arcturianos me están dando este mensaje, pero los siento conmigo. 

Maravillosamente, también siento a los Ángeles. OH, qué bendición para sentir a los Ángeles, o un ángel, cerca. ¿Cómo nos sentimos cerca de un Ángel o Ángeles? (Escribí en mayúsculas a Ángel y Ángeles con amor y respeto por ellos.) La respuesta para mí sería que siento una paz y una calma que con demasiada frecuencia es difícil de contener en mi vida diaria. 

"¿Por qué usé la palabra" contener? ", Me pregunto. Usualmente me encuentro conectado con los Arcturianos y / o los Pleyadianos, pero hoy, siento a los Ángeles. El Arcángel Zadkiel, y su (como los ángeles no tienen género de la misma manera que los humanos) me está enviando el regalo más maravilloso del "AMOR Angélico".

El AMOR angelical es una bendición tan querida, y cuando lo siento ahora me encuentro en una paz profunda. Esta "paz profunda" no es una sensación fácil de mantener, y estoy escuchando / sintiéndome querido Zadkiel recordándome que he olvidado sintonizar lo suficiente el Reino Angélico. 

¿Qué es "suficiente"? Pregunto dentro de mí. Me responden con el Amor Violeta de Zadkiel diciendo: "Suficiente" es una palabra humana que está vinculada por la necesidad humana de tener "una cierta cantidad". 

Nosotros, su familia de ángeles, les hablamos a  todos ustedes a través de la resonancia del "amor incondicional". Hoy, hemos llegado a su conciencia para recordarles a todos los que reciben este mensaje que el amor, especialmente el amor incondicional, fluye en un círculo. 

En otras palabras, el amor incondicional que le das a tu realidad VOLVERá a ti, el remitente. Por supuesto, todos los campos de energía que se envían regresan al remitente. Algunos de estos campos de energía te recuerdan cómo te sientes realmente. 

Por otro lado, algunos de estos campos de energía te recuerdan que NOSOTROS, tu Familia de Alta Dimensión ¡ESTAMOS SIEMPRE CONTIGO!

Lamentablemente, o quizás afortunadamente, TODA la energía que se envía vuelve al remitente. Hay un componente de "energía fuera igual a energía atrás" que es parte del "sistema operativo primario" de Gaia. Así como tu propio cerebro, trabaja a través de "la energía está recuperando energía", también lo hace tu realidad física. 

De hecho, esta energía / energía de vuelta funciona mucho más rápido cuando tu conciencia está resonando en la cuarta dimensión, e instantáneamente cuando tu conciencia resuena con la realidad de la quinta dimensión de AQUÍ y AHORA. De hecho, es porque cada vez más miembros del reino humano de Gaia comienzan a darse cuenta de este hecho.

Aquellos que son conscientemente conscientes de que la energía es igual a la energía, tienen conciencia de cómo están creando su propia realidad. ¿El conocimiento de este hecho lo hace más fácil? 

No necesariamente. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de que usted es el creador de su propia realidad a través de la energía que capta, se mantiene dentro y circula en su realidad, es esencial.

Si bien la conciencia de uno solo resuena en la tercera dimensión, puede caer fácilmente en la sensación de "ser víctima". De hecho, muchas personas que hacen un gran daño a otras personas, lugares o cosas, están sacando el daño que creen que tienen. han recibido.

Estas personas aún no han podido creer que son los creadores de su propia realidad. Sí, incluso si "no fue tu culpa", estaba en algún lugar de tu conciencia y / o tu aura. 

Sin embargo, si esta energía ha regresado a ti, esa es en realidad una maravillosa oportunidad para Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire, Transmuting ALL shadow en Light, Light, Light.

La acción de encender el Fuego Violeta te permite la oportunidad de aceptar que esta energía, experiencia, dificultad, ha venido a ti para recordarte que TÚ puedes Blaze el Fuego Violeta para transmutar aquello que está disminuyendo tu conciencia o provocando dificultades.

No diremos que su problema se resuelva al instante, ya que sus problemas son en realidad obsequios. Sus "problemas" le dicen lo que NO está funcionando en su vida. Y, si recuerdas recordar que los problemas son tus maestros, tu karma y tu maestro en tu "Escuela de la Tierra".

Así como cada persona tiene su propio "sistema operativo", de la misma manera que su equipo moderno tiene un sistema operativo, Gaia tiene un sistema operativo. Cuando has elegido encarnarte en el cuerpo terrestre de Gaia, has elegido vivir dentro del "sistema de operación" de Gaia. 

Así como cada persona tiene su propio "sistema operativo" que han desarrollado a partir de la suma / total de todas las encarnaciones que han llevado a cabo en la Tierra, la propia Gaia tiene un sistema operativo. El sistema operativo de Gaia es "la energía que sale a su planeta" regresará al receptor. 

Gaia eligió este sistema operativo ya que eligió ser un "planeta de enseñanza". Lo que Gaia enseña, para aquellos que están dispuestos a aprender, es que TÚ creas tu vida por lo que lanzas y en tu vida.

En otras palabras, si eliges ayudar a otros y enviar Amor incondicional tanto como sea posible dentro de cada AHORA, recibirás ayuda para otros y Amor incondicional de otros. 

Estos "otros" no necesitan ser otros humanos. Las plantas y los animales podrían ser los devolvedores del amor que envías. De hecho, Gaia, su YO planetario también devolverá tu amor. Algunos pueden llamarlo "afortunado", pero eso es solo porque aún no se han dado cuenta de que todos ustedes son creadores de su propia realidad. 

Si pones amor y bondad, recibirás amor y bondad de los demás. Por otro lado, si apagas el miedo y la ira, recibes miedo y enojo en tu propia realidad. Usamos la palabra "realidad" porque, a pesar de que todos ustedes comparten el mismo planeta, viven muchas, muchas formas diferentes de realidad. 

Estas "formas de realidad" están conectadas directamente con la energía que está detrás de la energía, desde sus encarnaciones anteriores. Gaia es un "planeta de aprendizaje" en el que uno puede aprender, si está listo. Algunas vidas pueden ser tan difíciles, que solo estás aprendiendo "cómo sobrevivir".

Sin embargo, aprender cómo sobrevivir en tu frágil forma humana de tercera dimensión es un gran regalo que has dado a tus propias encarnaciones futuras. Puedes pensar que las encarnaciones pasadas son olvidadas, pero solo se olvidan en la conciencia tridimensional.

Tan pronto como seas capaz de expandir tu "sentido del yo" más allá de las situaciones terrestres y de los vasos terrestres de tu vida actual, y recuerdes lo que has aprendido en otras encarnaciones, te has dado acceso a innumerables lecciones de vida que puedes incorporar en tu presente encarnación.

De hecho, aquellos de ustedes que han permitido que su yo recuerde su antiguo ser y / o sus vidas anteriores en una Nave estelar o en su Mundo natal, tienen una gran habilidad para ayudar a Gaia con Su Ascensión planetaria en la dimensión quinta dimensión de la realidad.

De hecho, muchos humanos vivos dentro de tu AHORA han elegido tomar un recipiente de tierra tridimensional para ayudar a Gaia durante este tiempo inmensamente desafiante de ascensión planetaria. Si miras todas las vidas de todos los Maestros Ascendidos, NO tuvieron vidas fáciles. 

Esto fue porque escogieron seguir su "razón de encarnación", más bien siguieron el "sendero fácil de la comodidad personal". También recordaron que la energía viaja en círculos. Por lo tanto, la energía que ponen en su realidad eventualmente regresará al emisor.

Por lo tanto, aquellos, como los Maestros Ascendidos, eligieron permanecer en comunicación con su SER SUPERIOR, y / o su Guía Superior, incluso si parecía demasiado difícil. De hecho, vivir a través de las instrucciones de tu propio SER SUPERIOR es muy desafiante, y solo una pequeña minoría de la humanidad es capaz de recordar su SER SUPERIOR, y mucho menos seguir a su SER SUPERIOR. 

El formato tridimensional de "solo ser humano" puede ser muy desafiante y se parece mucho a viajar por la vida en un auto de carreras, pero solo usando tu primera marcha. Al permitir que su conciencia se expanda a la cuarta dimensión, sus pensamientos, emociones y acciones creativas innatas lo guiarán a través de su vida.

También eres guiado, si eliges aceptar ese regalo, para expandir tu conciencia y abarcar la quinta dimensión. La quinta dimensión tiene un sistema operativo de vida totalmente diferente en el AQUÍ del AHORA.  

Afortunadamente, ya has aprendido a través de tu conciencia tridimensional cómo operar de manera efectiva y amorosa en tu mundo tridimensional.

Tu conciencia cuatridimensional es el núcleo de tu yo humano más creativo, así como también la entrada al camino hacia tu ser de quinta dimensión que ya no está limitado por el tiempo y el espacio de la tercera dimensión. 

De hecho, tu ser de quinta dimensión te presenta a tus MISMAS galácticos que resuenan con las realidades dimensionales superiores que invisiblemente cierran y protegen a Gaia.

Si deseas conocer estas versiones de mayor dimensión de tu SER multidimensional, todo lo que necesitas hacer es

Queridas expresiones dimensionales superiores de mi SER multidimensional, ESTOY listo para comunicarme contigo regularmente. Prometo que documentaré nuestras reuniones de alguna manera y la compartiré con otros. De esta manera, SIEMPRE recordaré que tus mensajes dimensionales superiores vienen:


Una vez que REALIZAR y VIVIR el conocimiento de que USTEDES son un canal para los campos de energía de ascensión dimensionales superiores, su vida cambiará de formas que no puede imaginar desde la perspectiva de su yo tridimensional.

Agradecemos, amor incondicional, y apoyamos totalmente a nuestros valientes voluntarios para ayudar a Gaia con su proceso de ASCENSIÓN PLANETARIA. Sabemos que aquellos que elijan este Camino experimentarán una guía más elevada y una experiencia nueva más allá de lo que hayan experimentado antes.

Por favor, sepan que este es el Clarion CALL
Y abrazo a todos ustedes que eligen unirse a nosotros en esta llamada.

Bendiciones de amor incondicional.

Tu Familia Angélica, 
Los Arcturianos y tu Familia de Alta Dimensión

The Angels and the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear ONE, meaning any ONE within the higher realms of reality with whom I am meant to communicate, I am ready to receive your message. I don’t know why I started my communication in this manner, but it was what came into my awareness to write, which is how I receive and document all my messages.

In fact, I now hear the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and several members of the Angelic Kingdom sending their unified message within this NOW. I think they want me to tune into them this morning.

We moved a few years ago to a completely different environment. I adore this environment, as it is in the country, but my life long friends and family are many hours away. Too long to easily drive, but too close to fly, as getting to the airport would mean going as far as it would be to visit our “old home.”

The house we live in here is amazing, and we are surrounded by nature with the ocean nearby. We have managed to live most of our married life very close, and/or walking distance to the Pacific Ocean, which is a great blessing.

Those of you who live close to the ocean, or a large body of water, know what I am talking about. In fact, if you live close to, or in a place, where you are surrounded by Gaia’s beautiful nature, you know what I am saying.

I don’t know why I am writing this, but I always “just let go” and allow the message to come through me. I cannot say that the Arcturians are giving me this message, but I feel them with me.

Wonderfully, I also feel the Angels. OH, what a dear blessing to feel the Angels, or an Angel, close by. How do we feel an Angel, or Angels, close by? (I capitalized Angel and Angels in loving respect to them.) The answer for me would be that I feel a peace and calm that is too often difficult to contain in my daily life.

“Why did I use the word “contain?” I ask myself. Usually I find myself connected to the Arcturians and/or the Pleiadians, but today, I feel the Angels. Archangel Zadkiel, and his/her (as angels do not have gender in the same manner as humans do) is sending me the most wonderful gift of “Angelic LOVE.”

Angelic LOVE is such a dear blessing, and as I feel it now I find myself in a deep peace. This “deep peace” is not an easy feeling to maintain, and I am hearing/feeling dear Zadkiel reminding me that I have forgotten to tune into the Angelic Kingdom enough.

What is “enough?” I ask inside myself. I am answered with the Violet Love of Zadkiel saying: “Enough” is a human word which is bound by the human need to have “a certain amount.”

We, your Family of Angels, speak to allof youvia the resonance of “Unconditional Love.” Today, we have come into your awareness to remind all who receive this message that love, especially unconditional love, flows in a circle.

In other words, the unconditional love that you give out into your reality WILL and DOES return to you, the sender. Of course, all energy fields that are sent out, return to the sender. Some of these energy fields remind you how you are really feeling.

On the other hand, some of these energy fields remind you that WE, your Higher Dimensional Family are ALWAYS WITH YOU!

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, ALL energy that is sent out returns to the sender. There is a component of the “energy out equals energy back” that is part of Gaia’s “primary operating system.” Just as your own brains, work via “energy out is energy back,” so does your physical reality.

In fact, this energy out/energy back works much faster when your consciousness is resonating to the fourth dimension, and instantly when your consciousness resonates to the fifth dimensional reality of HERE and NOW. In fact, it is because more and more members of Gaia’s human kingdom are beginning to realize this fact.

Those who are consciously aware of energy out equals energy back, have a conscious awareness of how they are creating their own reality. Does the knowing of this fact make it easier?

Not necessarily. However, the knowing that you are the creator of your own reality via the energy that you take in, hold inside, and circulate out into your reality, is essential.

While one’s consciousness only resonates to the third dimension, they can easily fall into the feeling of “being a victim.” In fact, many people who do great damage to other persons, places or things, are putting out the damage that they believe they have received.

These people have not been able—yet—to believe that they are the creators of their own reality. Yes, even if it “was not your fault” it was somewhere in your consciousness and/or your aura.

However, if this energy has come back to you, that is actually a wonderful opportunity for you to Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire, Transmuting ALL shadow into Light, Light, Light!

The action of blazing the Violet Fire allows you the opportunity to accept that this energy, experience, hardship, has come to you to remind you that YOU can Blaze the Violet Fire to transmute that which is lowering your consciousness or causing you hardships.

We will not say that your problem will instantly be resolved, as your problems are actually gifts. Your “problems” are telling you what is NOT working in your life. And, if you can remember to remember that problems are your teachers, your karma and your teacher in your “Earth School.”

Just as each person has their own “operating system,” in the same manner that your modern equipment has an operating system, Gaia has an operating system. When you have chosen to take an incarnation on Gaia’s Earth body, you have chosen to live within the “system of operation” for Gaia.

Just as each person has their own “operating system” which they have developed from the sum/total of all the incarnations they have taken on Earth, Gaia herself has an operating system. Gaia’s operating system is “energy that goes out into Her planet” will return to the receiver.

Gaia chose this operating system as She chose to be a “teaching planet.” What Gaia teaches, to those who are willing to learn, is that YOU create your life by what you put out and into your life.

In other words, if you choose to assist others and send out Unconditional Love as much as possible within each NOW, you will receive assistance for others and Unconditional Love from others.

These “others” do not need to be other humans. Plants and animals could be the returners of the love you send. In fact, Gaia her planetary SELF will also return your love. Some may call you “lucky,” but that is only because they have not YET realized that you are all creators of your own reality.

If you put out love and kindness, you will receive love and kindness from others. On the other hand, if you put out fear and anger, you receive fear and anger in your own reality. We use the word “reality” because, even though you all share the same planet, you live many, many different forms of reality.

These “forms of reality” are directly connected to energy out is energy back, from your former incarnations. Gaia is a “learning planet” in which one can learn, if they are ready. Some lifetimes can be so difficult, that you are only learning “how to survive.”

However, learning how to survive in your fragile third dimensional, human form is a great gift that you have given to your own future incarnations. You may think that past incarnations are all forgotten, but are only forgotten in third dimensional consciousness.

As soon as you are able to expand your “sense of self” beyond the particular earth vessel and earth situations of your current life, and remember what you have learned in other incarnations, you have given yourself access to myriad life lessons that you can incorporate into your present incarnation.

In fact, those of you who have allowed your self to remember your former self and/or your former lives on a Starship or your Homeworld, have a great ability to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimensional dimension of reality.

In fact, many humans alive within your NOW have chosen to take a 3D earth vessel to assist Gaia during this immensely challenging time of planetary ascension. If you look at all the lives of all the Ascended Masters, they did NOT have easy lives.

This was because they chose to follow their “reason for incarnation,” rather follow the “easy path of personal comfort.” They also remembered that energy travels in circles. Therefore, the energy that they put out into their reality would eventually come back to the sender.

Therefore, those, such as the Ascended Masters, chose to stay in communication with their Higher SELF, and/or their Higher Guidance, even if it seemed too difficult. In fact, living via the instructions of your own Higher SELF is very challenging, and only a small minority of humanity is able to even remember their Higher SELF, much less follow their Higher SELF.

The third dimensional format of “just being a human” can be very challenging and is much like traveling through life in a race car but only using your first gear. As you allow your consciousness to expand into the fourth dimension, your innate creative thoughts, emotions and actions guide you through your life.

You are also guided, if you chose to accept that gift, to expand your consciousness to encompass the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension has a totally different operating system of living in the HERE of the NOW.

Fortunately, you have already learned via your third dimensional consciousness how to operate effectively and lovingly in your third dimensional world.

Your fourth dimensional consciousness, is the core of your most creative human self, as well as the entrance to the pathway to your fifth dimensional self who is no longer bound by third dimensional time and space.

In fact, your fifth dimensional self introduces you to your Galactic SELVES who resonate to the higher dimensional realities that are invisibly encircling and protecting Gaia.

If you wish to meet these higher dimensional versions of your Multidimensional SELF all you need do is

Dear higher dimensional expressions of my Multidimensional SELF, I AM ready to communicate with you on a regular basis. I promise that I will document our meetings in some manner and share it with others. In this manner, I will ALWAYS remember that your higher dimensional messages come:


Once you REALIZE and LIVE the knowing that YOU are a channel for the higher dimensional, ascension energy fields, your life will change in ways that you cannot imagine from the perspective of your third dimensional self.

We thank, unconditionally love, and totally support our brave volunteers to assist Gaia with Her process of PLANETARY ASCENSION. We know that those who choose this Path will experience higher guidance and new experience beyond what you have ever experienced before.

Please know that this is the Clarion CALL
And embrace all of you who choose to join us in this call.

Blessings of Unconditional Love.

Your Angelic Family,
The Arcturians and your Higher Dimensional Family

Suzanne Lie

The truth of the journey of Mary Magdalene Updated

Maria Magdalena

August 3, 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson - 3  rd August 2018 - Original Source: School Sacred Omna
Originally Channeled August 5, 2016 Updated 3 rd  August 2018
Natalie: I have now visited twice the Grotte de la Sainte Baume, which is a cave in southern France, where it is said that Mary Magdalene spent much of his time after the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. The cave is on the side of a mountain, and it takes about 45 minutes steep walk through a glorious and delightful forest to reach this sacred place. Before entering the cave, I began to communicate with Mary Magdalene to discover the purpose of my visit and why I was guided to visit the Grotto. After my second visit I received new wisdom and updated Mary Magdalene, who felt it was necessary to share once again with anyone willing to receive it .
Mary Magdalene is an honor to connect with you and high on the vibrations of the Divine Goddess and Goddess Isis. Even as a child I carried the symbol of the Golden Snake. A symbol to be initiated in the teachings of the Divine Feminine and Goddess Isis. I went and I'm still a High Priestess of the Goddess Isis Order dedicated to power, magic and love of the purest form of the sacred Goddess. While we honor and embody the Cosmic Goddess, also we cultivate the balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within our beings, recognizing this sacred union as our truth and creative power. I, Mary Magdalene, I was initiated in Magdalena, which furthered my spiritual development and took my understanding and experience of the Christ consciousness, an active, healing and creative energy of the Creator of the Universe.
My training was what paved my way to my union with Jesus and also prepared me to continue teaching us shared two after his ascension. Teachings that Jesus shared born of love and were in love, represented the union of male and female vibrations of the Creator in harmony and unity, awakening all the same inside. His teachings come from the knowledge we have acquired, understood and discovered through our childhood, and yet Jesus had a way to share the energies and wisdom to which we were accustomed in a new light, as if reborn and advance wisdom so that everyone could understand and embody. It really was being divinely inspired, allowed access to all vibrations of purer and higher light. During the times when Jesus shared his teachings, he would also receive the same downloads of energy and inspiration.
It was after Jesus ' ascension I was guided to continue sharing with others the detailed teachings and healing practices he had received. One of my main purpose at that time was to share my wisdom with the God of the Order of Isis, Cupcakes and followers of Christ beyond the neighboring countries and beyond. We knew we had friends everywhere who do not yet know, and they were waiting toreceive the energy and wisdom that Jesus had anchored and our community. My mission was to preserve the teachings for future generations. Divine instructions and tasks that the Creator gave me at that time seemed endless. He had to develop the presence of the Goddess and remember many fusion of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within them to nourish the world,  as well as healing a devastation that occurred in humanity because of misunderstandings when Jesus left Earth. Should distribute energy codes, templates and healing as well as physical scrolls, objects, tools and crystals spiritual value in certain sacred sites around the world. My purpose was to support the preservation and continuation of healing and awakening that Jesus had begun. I did not do this just because most of our sacred community that enveloped us Jesus and me through his ascension, traveled with me; men, women, children and even some of our animals. Jesus himself was there sometimes in your energy body, offering words of wisdom and ideas to encourage us tools and crystals spiritual value in certain sacred sites around the world. My purpose was to support the preservation and continuation of healing and awakening that Jesus had begun. I did not do this just because most of our sacred community that enveloped us Jesus and me through his ascension, traveled with me; men, women, children and even some of our animals. Jesus himself was there sometimes in your energy body, offering words of wisdom and ideas to encourage us tools and crystals spiritual value in certain sacred sites around the world. My purpose was to support the preservation and continuation of healing and awakening that Jesus had begun. I did not do this just because most of our sacred community that enveloped us Jesus and me through his ascension, traveled with me; men, women, children and even some of our animals. Jesus himself was there sometimes in your energy body, offering words of wisdom and ideas to encourage us .
I had another very beautiful role, a role that every day physically healed my anguish of losing Jesus, although he understood the truth of the matter. This paper encouraged me to be determined to perform tasks that gave me the divine Creator and at the same time fill my days of fun, love and laughter. In my opinion it is the most sacred role of a woman, I was given the gift of motherhood. Sar'h was the creation of the Divine Creator to embody my energies as Mary Magdalene and holy vibrations of Jesus; she really was the image of our union in more ways than seemed possible. A sacred gift for Earth and for me. She had many names, the Golden Chalice, the Holy Grail, the Treasury Grail, the Golden Snake and the Union of the Divine Manifestation, to name a few. Sar'h already born when Jesus went through the crucifixion and resurrection initiation. When I started my travels I was pregnant with our second child to be born in France and was called Maya.
Our purpose in reaching the south of France was to begin the process of distribution of numerous scrolls, tools and templates sacred and physical energy that had been put in our possession. These should be given to specific people and hide in certain places to ensure safety. We were welcomed and supported by members of a Temple of Goddess Isis and an order dedicated to the Divine Feminine. These women and men of an inner beauty so profound supported our mission and also created a sanctuary that Maya was born in the light of the Divine Goddess. Later, the Order of Isis took us to a safe space near his temple. Our shelter was a cave in southern France now known as Grotte de la St Baume. This refuge was needed to ensure the safety of Sar'h and Maya, both energetically and physically.
There was a need for us to be protected from the outside world since Sar'h was immensely sensitive, she held and radiated such pure Christ Consciousness and yet, as a child could easily absorb the energies emanating others. If these energies were of a lower vibration, Sar'h get sick very quickly. She needed to be constantly surrounded by light and those who could master their thoughts and clean your energies. In this way, she could learn to protect themselves while sharing the purity within your being. There were also those who had heard of Sar'h and Maya and wanted to sabotage our work and our mission to spread the light and love of the Creator.
Natalie: During my time in the cave, the presence of Mary Magdalene was very strong even though this area, as a church, now has been overseen by monks over many years. Female Divine vibrations were still within your power. When Mary Magdalene appeared in my third eye in front of me it was Sar'h who pushed me. Sar'h I thought I was about twelve when Mary Magdalene pulled her into my consciousness. Mary Magdalene Sar'h wanted to share some of his ideas about his life in the cave. Never before he had met Sar'h consciously, so it was a new experience for me.
Sar'h shared some insights with me. The first was a procession of women, men and children dressed in white who bore the mark of the golden snake up through the woods to the cave. Sar'h told me he came to visit the cave every day bringing food and everything they needed. She said she enjoyed her visits as some of the initiates of the Temple of the Goddess Isis had similar to hers or were younger age, so I had time to talk and play with them before daily ceremony led by Mary Magdalene. She told me she loved to run through the woods with his friends and his sister, who did not know how the outside world was, however, he amused them to share stories about their experiences on the inner plane. Sar'h shared that also enjoyed the daily ceremony inside the cave, as it allowed him to see his mother at work, power, grace and wisdom that he emanated. During his stay in the cave, the Order of Isis lead all ceremonies and initiations inside the cave.
The second vision Sar'h shared with me was about her and Maya during the night cuddled in his mother 's arms inside the cave while Mary Magdalene shared her memories of Jesus. She would ask her mother to share everything he knew about his father from his birth to his ascension. Sar'h said he loved these times more, because sometimes in those intimate moments shared with her mother and sister, his father appeared as a forceful way in the cave to share some time with them. Sar'h told me he liked to live in the cave since she had everything she needed, and moved from the physical planes to the inner planes of the Creator of the Universe very easily. I think the fact that Mary Magdalene has shared the life of Jesus with Sar'h and Maya was his way to guide your daughters through their initiations and prepare them for adult life.
Mary Magdalene: when Sar'h reached the age of fifteen, I knew it was time to support Sar'h in the next stage of his life. I knew from the moment we arrived to the cave we were going to leave the safety of the cave and travel to a sacred druid community in England when Sar'h reached the age of majority. Our destination now known as Glastonbury. He knew his purpose was to get married and stay with the Druid Community. This made our trip to England was exciting because I knew that a new life waiting for Sar'h, and it was also heartbreaking because I knew that eventually, once it was established and we traveled through the area, would be making the trip back to France. without her.
It was not long before Sar'h was in love and married a soul that was deeply familiar, a soul with whom he had traveled with many lives together. They had many children and very happy life. Sar'h assumed the role of sharing the teachings of love conveyed to her by her father and me. His healing powers were amazingly beautiful. Sar'h spent fifty years in Glastonbury. At the age of sixty-eight years he traveled to Scotland, where he lived for what was left of his life when he was almost ahundred years.
I, Mary Magdalene, I continued taking care of Maya while in the druid community in England until she reached the age of majority. Maya was so strong and impetuous character, who had the ability to give the most advanced to another in the simplest way spiritual teachings, so that they understood completely, experiencing beautiful internal transitions. She had a charming way of communicating with people and was almost brave in their approach to life and ascension. She was determined and continued the work his father had started.
I, Mary Magdalene returned to the south of France and lived my days in the temple of the Goddess Isis with the Order of Isis who had cared for Sar'h, Maya and me for many years. I need no longer live in the cave to protect my children and ensure their safety, so I enjoyed my time surrounded by the beautiful souls of the temple. I visited the cave from time to time when I felt that Jesus wanted to Apparate and share some time with me. I traveled a bit in France and Europe. However, I had completed my tasks that had given me the divine Creator, so I could spend a long time in peace and solitude, sometimes reliving my memories, sometimes in profound communion with the Creator.
I wanted to share the truth of my trip after the ascension of Jesus, so that we can connect at a deeper level, and so they can have access to the truth of my being and my soul.
I am Mary Magdalene
Thank you

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