
4 de agosto de 2018

The truth of the journey of Mary Magdalene Updated

Maria Magdalena

August 3, 2017

Channeled through Natalie Glasson - 3  rd August 2018 - Original Source: School Sacred Omna
Originally Channeled August 5, 2016 Updated 3 rd  August 2018
Natalie: I have now visited twice the Grotte de la Sainte Baume, which is a cave in southern France, where it is said that Mary Magdalene spent much of his time after the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. The cave is on the side of a mountain, and it takes about 45 minutes steep walk through a glorious and delightful forest to reach this sacred place. Before entering the cave, I began to communicate with Mary Magdalene to discover the purpose of my visit and why I was guided to visit the Grotto. After my second visit I received new wisdom and updated Mary Magdalene, who felt it was necessary to share once again with anyone willing to receive it .
Mary Magdalene is an honor to connect with you and high on the vibrations of the Divine Goddess and Goddess Isis. Even as a child I carried the symbol of the Golden Snake. A symbol to be initiated in the teachings of the Divine Feminine and Goddess Isis. I went and I'm still a High Priestess of the Goddess Isis Order dedicated to power, magic and love of the purest form of the sacred Goddess. While we honor and embody the Cosmic Goddess, also we cultivate the balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within our beings, recognizing this sacred union as our truth and creative power. I, Mary Magdalene, I was initiated in Magdalena, which furthered my spiritual development and took my understanding and experience of the Christ consciousness, an active, healing and creative energy of the Creator of the Universe.
My training was what paved my way to my union with Jesus and also prepared me to continue teaching us shared two after his ascension. Teachings that Jesus shared born of love and were in love, represented the union of male and female vibrations of the Creator in harmony and unity, awakening all the same inside. His teachings come from the knowledge we have acquired, understood and discovered through our childhood, and yet Jesus had a way to share the energies and wisdom to which we were accustomed in a new light, as if reborn and advance wisdom so that everyone could understand and embody. It really was being divinely inspired, allowed access to all vibrations of purer and higher light. During the times when Jesus shared his teachings, he would also receive the same downloads of energy and inspiration.
It was after Jesus ' ascension I was guided to continue sharing with others the detailed teachings and healing practices he had received. One of my main purpose at that time was to share my wisdom with the God of the Order of Isis, Cupcakes and followers of Christ beyond the neighboring countries and beyond. We knew we had friends everywhere who do not yet know, and they were waiting toreceive the energy and wisdom that Jesus had anchored and our community. My mission was to preserve the teachings for future generations. Divine instructions and tasks that the Creator gave me at that time seemed endless. He had to develop the presence of the Goddess and remember many fusion of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within them to nourish the world,  as well as healing a devastation that occurred in humanity because of misunderstandings when Jesus left Earth. Should distribute energy codes, templates and healing as well as physical scrolls, objects, tools and crystals spiritual value in certain sacred sites around the world. My purpose was to support the preservation and continuation of healing and awakening that Jesus had begun. I did not do this just because most of our sacred community that enveloped us Jesus and me through his ascension, traveled with me; men, women, children and even some of our animals. Jesus himself was there sometimes in your energy body, offering words of wisdom and ideas to encourage us tools and crystals spiritual value in certain sacred sites around the world. My purpose was to support the preservation and continuation of healing and awakening that Jesus had begun. I did not do this just because most of our sacred community that enveloped us Jesus and me through his ascension, traveled with me; men, women, children and even some of our animals. Jesus himself was there sometimes in your energy body, offering words of wisdom and ideas to encourage us tools and crystals spiritual value in certain sacred sites around the world. My purpose was to support the preservation and continuation of healing and awakening that Jesus had begun. I did not do this just because most of our sacred community that enveloped us Jesus and me through his ascension, traveled with me; men, women, children and even some of our animals. Jesus himself was there sometimes in your energy body, offering words of wisdom and ideas to encourage us .
I had another very beautiful role, a role that every day physically healed my anguish of losing Jesus, although he understood the truth of the matter. This paper encouraged me to be determined to perform tasks that gave me the divine Creator and at the same time fill my days of fun, love and laughter. In my opinion it is the most sacred role of a woman, I was given the gift of motherhood. Sar'h was the creation of the Divine Creator to embody my energies as Mary Magdalene and holy vibrations of Jesus; she really was the image of our union in more ways than seemed possible. A sacred gift for Earth and for me. She had many names, the Golden Chalice, the Holy Grail, the Treasury Grail, the Golden Snake and the Union of the Divine Manifestation, to name a few. Sar'h already born when Jesus went through the crucifixion and resurrection initiation. When I started my travels I was pregnant with our second child to be born in France and was called Maya.
Our purpose in reaching the south of France was to begin the process of distribution of numerous scrolls, tools and templates sacred and physical energy that had been put in our possession. These should be given to specific people and hide in certain places to ensure safety. We were welcomed and supported by members of a Temple of Goddess Isis and an order dedicated to the Divine Feminine. These women and men of an inner beauty so profound supported our mission and also created a sanctuary that Maya was born in the light of the Divine Goddess. Later, the Order of Isis took us to a safe space near his temple. Our shelter was a cave in southern France now known as Grotte de la St Baume. This refuge was needed to ensure the safety of Sar'h and Maya, both energetically and physically.
There was a need for us to be protected from the outside world since Sar'h was immensely sensitive, she held and radiated such pure Christ Consciousness and yet, as a child could easily absorb the energies emanating others. If these energies were of a lower vibration, Sar'h get sick very quickly. She needed to be constantly surrounded by light and those who could master their thoughts and clean your energies. In this way, she could learn to protect themselves while sharing the purity within your being. There were also those who had heard of Sar'h and Maya and wanted to sabotage our work and our mission to spread the light and love of the Creator.
Natalie: During my time in the cave, the presence of Mary Magdalene was very strong even though this area, as a church, now has been overseen by monks over many years. Female Divine vibrations were still within your power. When Mary Magdalene appeared in my third eye in front of me it was Sar'h who pushed me. Sar'h I thought I was about twelve when Mary Magdalene pulled her into my consciousness. Mary Magdalene Sar'h wanted to share some of his ideas about his life in the cave. Never before he had met Sar'h consciously, so it was a new experience for me.
Sar'h shared some insights with me. The first was a procession of women, men and children dressed in white who bore the mark of the golden snake up through the woods to the cave. Sar'h told me he came to visit the cave every day bringing food and everything they needed. She said she enjoyed her visits as some of the initiates of the Temple of the Goddess Isis had similar to hers or were younger age, so I had time to talk and play with them before daily ceremony led by Mary Magdalene. She told me she loved to run through the woods with his friends and his sister, who did not know how the outside world was, however, he amused them to share stories about their experiences on the inner plane. Sar'h shared that also enjoyed the daily ceremony inside the cave, as it allowed him to see his mother at work, power, grace and wisdom that he emanated. During his stay in the cave, the Order of Isis lead all ceremonies and initiations inside the cave.
The second vision Sar'h shared with me was about her and Maya during the night cuddled in his mother 's arms inside the cave while Mary Magdalene shared her memories of Jesus. She would ask her mother to share everything he knew about his father from his birth to his ascension. Sar'h said he loved these times more, because sometimes in those intimate moments shared with her mother and sister, his father appeared as a forceful way in the cave to share some time with them. Sar'h told me he liked to live in the cave since she had everything she needed, and moved from the physical planes to the inner planes of the Creator of the Universe very easily. I think the fact that Mary Magdalene has shared the life of Jesus with Sar'h and Maya was his way to guide your daughters through their initiations and prepare them for adult life.
Mary Magdalene: when Sar'h reached the age of fifteen, I knew it was time to support Sar'h in the next stage of his life. I knew from the moment we arrived to the cave we were going to leave the safety of the cave and travel to a sacred druid community in England when Sar'h reached the age of majority. Our destination now known as Glastonbury. He knew his purpose was to get married and stay with the Druid Community. This made our trip to England was exciting because I knew that a new life waiting for Sar'h, and it was also heartbreaking because I knew that eventually, once it was established and we traveled through the area, would be making the trip back to France. without her.
It was not long before Sar'h was in love and married a soul that was deeply familiar, a soul with whom he had traveled with many lives together. They had many children and very happy life. Sar'h assumed the role of sharing the teachings of love conveyed to her by her father and me. His healing powers were amazingly beautiful. Sar'h spent fifty years in Glastonbury. At the age of sixty-eight years he traveled to Scotland, where he lived for what was left of his life when he was almost ahundred years.
I, Mary Magdalene, I continued taking care of Maya while in the druid community in England until she reached the age of majority. Maya was so strong and impetuous character, who had the ability to give the most advanced to another in the simplest way spiritual teachings, so that they understood completely, experiencing beautiful internal transitions. She had a charming way of communicating with people and was almost brave in their approach to life and ascension. She was determined and continued the work his father had started.
I, Mary Magdalene returned to the south of France and lived my days in the temple of the Goddess Isis with the Order of Isis who had cared for Sar'h, Maya and me for many years. I need no longer live in the cave to protect my children and ensure their safety, so I enjoyed my time surrounded by the beautiful souls of the temple. I visited the cave from time to time when I felt that Jesus wanted to Apparate and share some time with me. I traveled a bit in France and Europe. However, I had completed my tasks that had given me the divine Creator, so I could spend a long time in peace and solitude, sometimes reliving my memories, sometimes in profound communion with the Creator.
I wanted to share the truth of my trip after the ascension of Jesus, so that we can connect at a deeper level, and so they can have access to the truth of my being and my soul.
I am Mary Magdalene
Thank you

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