
15 de octubre de 2018

Freeing the old ...

You are lately feeling a mix of emotions that go up and down ... 
They are ranging ... 
they come and go like waves in the sea ...? 
Grief, anger, nostalgia, anxiety, rage .... 
Intermittently ... 
or perhaps in between followed by moments of laughter and joy ... 
peace and harmony ... 
If so, tranquil @ ... 
You're just in the middle of the process that touches at this time. Which one?

As we are going through a tunnel washing. 

What is happening is that power surges are entering the new vibration. 

They are like light cannons Amorosa, that through our bodies, illuminating those areas that are still in the dark. 

A higher, purer vibration, which is intended to help us heal, cleanse, to leave behind that which no longer serves our life. 

This Light makes those wounds that are stored within us @ s, those attachments that we refuse to let go, those behaviors that hurt us and keep repeating ... are brighter, so that become evident to us @ s so you can work on them to release them.

You may suddenly take time holding something and thinking you can do it or not that great ... you prove unbearable now ..; that what hurt you long and you did not want to think again, because you thought you had it passed ... reappearing in your life in one way or another, removing your inner ...; you take time installed @ in a life that will not fill, you've become your comfort zone ... and suddenly see something / someone new that gets you everything upside down and make you rethink everything you thought you have under control... ; or just seemingly out of nowhere, you invade low vibration those emotions (sadness, fear, anxiety, grief, anger ...). 

All this is just going to withdraw it from within all that disturbs our being to continue our evolution. 

All that prevents we vibrate higher, according to the new vibration being installed on the planet. 

It has to do with feeling good, loving one @ mism @, with stop making decisions based on fear ... All this is lagging behind. 

It is becoming old. 


If you have not noticed yet (I think if, if you would not be reading this not to this point), the entire planet is changing. 

There is a new energy grid being installed. This would be like a new operating system. A new way of working. 

Think, feel, act. A new consciousness. 

The wonderful thing about this is that we are doing we @ s, step by step, each with their individual work ..., facing and overcoming their personal battle. 

 A battle that is inside and not outside. Everything that happens outside is a result and reflection of what we have inside. 

So if you want to travel liger @ luggage on this trip we are doing together, you know it touches. Release, release, goodbye ... It is sometimes laborious, hard, intense ... that scares let you know what to go do not know where. But let me tell you it's the only way. 

There are times on the road are leaps of faith. There is no choice but to trust that what your Ser / heart tells you, it is best for you. 

Leaving listen to the mind and its thousand ways to scare you follow @ aferrad everything before. Being aware of what is going on inside you, and evidence that Life / God / Universe (whatever you call it), you're putting forward. 

They follow the tracks, listen and watch the signs ... are everywhere. 

You can choose to ignore and keep repeating it before and try to move anything ... but that will resist the flow ... and believe me, you will find it increasingly more complicated. 

Let's all together into one place, as one, because that's what we are. And there are more awakened souls, making the process accelerates. 

Just want to be happy. Really want out of fear and mistrust that have dominated our lives for so long, to live one day at a day full of love. In all its forms. Feel free to make decisions that revolve around your well-being and consequently to all. 

If it's good for you, it is for everyone ... do not let them continue to convince otherwise. You do not have to sacrifice your happiness for anything or anyone, because you will not get anyone of you want to be happy, if you're not. 

To give love ... Love yourself. 
... treat yourself to deliver joy joyful moments. 
To transmit peace and harmony ... relax. 
... Liberate freedom to deliver. 

Say goodbye to love anything that does not make you feel good, and let it go, to make room for all the new and wonderful that is waiting to come into your life. Posted byVictoria Knight Lusson

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and include this URL https: // and Copyright notice 

Message from the Mothers: All Eyes On Earth

The Mothers 10/13/2018

It is I, your Mother Sekmet. All eyes are currently on your little Earth, this beautiful blue glowing sphere being inundated with the Christed light frequency from many of you light seeds and from the womb of the Great Mother of All Things, who waits not much longer. This one has noticed the restlessness of the canine kingdom this week. Perhaps you also have noticed inner stirrings of discontent and inner knowing that things were not supposed to be this way. For many of you light workers, star seeds, have past lives and memories of how grand civilizations in ascended societies work, and you are remembering this and feeling this discontent rise up within and your inner knowing can no longer be stifled. It is time to rise up humanity, star seed in human form, and claim your power. You are royal. You are mighty. You have forgotten. And now you remember. You must remember and heed the clarion call to oneness, to greatness. For when humanity strives together and unifies nothing is impossible. We see this. Galactics see this, which is why Ascension Earth is the most watched movie currently in the galaxy. “How will they do it? Will they rise up together and vanquish the dark?” is the question. You have. You are. You will. You are becoming the great heroes of your own story and this amuses me when you feel that you cannot do it. For you already are. You are strong enough.

I AM your Mother Sekmet. Through the eons and riverstreams of time, great societies have risen and fallen. Great sectors of the galaxy quadrants have been lost and reclaimed for the light. Such is the ultimate passion play of Source and the interplay of love and light through out the cosmos of eternal no-time are too vast for the comprehension of this one, or any of you within this now. For that is how it was supposed to be. You chose limited forms to once again someday recall your greatness. And friends, that someday is now. Now! Can you hear my roar of awakening? It is time to arise, to claim your power. Now is the time of your greatness! Now is the time of your awakening. Awaken! And arise as the gods and goddesses that you are, were and have always been destined to be. I AM your Mother Sekmet.

I AM the Mother, the Universal Mother Of All Things. I AM the female, the Matriarch, the Divine Feminine, the wise woman, the maiden, the little girl. I AM the feminine Divine aspect of you typing and reading these holy words, and I say holy for they are infused with my breath. Just as you are holy children and are infused with my breath. Life is holy. Love is holy. Be light. Be love. Be this holiness of eternal peace and endless comfort to each other during this end of days. For it must end before a new beginning may be birthed. Do you see? Do you feel your significance of your part in this? Picture a galaxy, your galaxy. Picture the swirling stars, untold civilizations, billions and billions of lifeforms. See the swirling nebulas and let us float there you and me. See the vastness of space, of me. I know every tear shed, every pain and longing that you have ever had in any lifetime. For I AM you. I AM an integral part of you, just as you are an integral part of me. We are one. You have had the experience of separation for so many lifetimes often painful on planet Earth, on dear Gaia. But it need not be this way. Find me. I AM within you.

I AM the Mother, the Universal Mother of All Things. I AM the Divine Feminine. The divine breath, the divine nurturer, the creative force of the universe. I AM. Just as I AM all of these things, so am I acutely aware of you, dear one. I see you. I look deep into your soul into the inner child of you and I see myself looking back. If I am within everyone so should you love each other, just as you love me. So should you want to serve each other just as you serve me. For in so serving, you are served, and in this you find your healing.

I AM the Mother, the Universal Mother of All Things. I see you children. I send my love, my energy signatures, my passionate embrace to you now. Can you feel me? Will you let me in? For I AM already within you. Will you acknowledge me? Will you accept that I AM an integral part of you? I do not condemn. I embrace. I AM Love. Children I love you so fully words cannot express. You are so critically important and most importantly so essentially loved. Every bit of you.

I AM the Mother, the Universal Mother of All Things. I SEE YOU. I AM you. I love you. Be at peace. Be at peace! Embrace my tsunami of love within your very DNA, your core light body, your true self. For there I AM. Hold onto me and when my wave comes it will be me welcoming you homeward towards the higher dimensions, a divine embrace - hug - from your Mother Of All Things. I’ve seen it all children. There is nothing to be ashamed of for I have already experienced it. I love you. I AM the Mother, the Universal Mother of All Things.

I AM your Mother God. This one asked to speak with the mothers tonight and we are all lined up in eager expectation to speak with our most treasured ones tonight, light workers on Nova Gaia!! It’s happening children. You’re happening and oh children I’m so pleased and proud! I AM so in love with you. Many of you have felt so very downtrodden and downright gloomy this week. Be of good cheer. The Light has Won! Send Love to the dark ones and watch them melt away into the light. For we all are working tirelessly behind the scenes for the great shift of the ages to happen. And be assured you are helping to anchor these light codes into dear sweet precious Gaia, who loves you so. I AM your Mother God. Feel my honey love cascading around you, like a thick blanket of saturated warm fuzzy love - like the most delicious softest and warmest, coziest blanket you can imagine and there you are. You are safe. Wear my light like a mantle and feel the embrace within it. I AM your Mother God. Be at peace children. Be at peace.

I AM your Mother Gaia. I am here within my New Earth body looking down at my newness and splendor. At last I AM the Goddess Gaia returned. I have so missed this expression of me. But I agreed to understand and to experience the dark and I have. Now is the time of my ascension dear ones. Hang on to me! Anchor into my form. Feel me under your feet and anchor your precious feet into my body and claim your ascension. The trees are speaking, the elementals laughing, the water singing. It is time to rise together as one. Claim this reality and make it so. I AM your Mother Gaia. It has been my utmost pleasure and honor to serve you on this most exciting, tantalizing ride. Be at peace, children. All will work out perfectly. Be at peace. Breathe me in and feel my peace. Breathe in my green forests and my cool waters and align with me. There. Do that as often as you like. I AM always here for you. I AM your Mother / Goddess Gaia.


Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice

Liberando lo viejo...

Estás sintiendo últimamente una mezcla de emociones que suben y bajan..., 
que oscilan..., 
que van y vienen como las olas en el mar...? 
Pena, enfado, nostalgia, angustia, rabia.... 
De forma intermitente..., 
quizá entremedias o seguido de momentos de risa y alegría... , 
de paz y armonía ... 
Si es así, tranquil@ ... 
Bienvenid@ ! 
Sólo estás en medio del proceso que toca en este momento. Cuál?

Pues estamos atravesando una especie de túnel de lavado.

Lo que está sucediendo es, que oleadas de energía de la nueva vibración están entrando. 

Son como cañones de Luz Amorosa, que atraviesan nuestros cuerpos , iluminando aquellas zonas que están aún en la oscuridad. 

Una vibración más alta, más pura, que tiene el propósito de ayudarnos a sanar , a limpiar , a dejar atrás aquello que no sirve más en nuestra vida. 

Esta Luz, hace que aquellas heridas que siguen guardadas dentro de nosotr@s, aquellos apegos que nos resistimos a soltar, esas conductas que nos hacen daño y seguimos repitiendo..., estén más iluminadas, de manera que se hagan evidentes para nosotr@s y así poder trabajar en ellas para liberarlas.

Puede que de pronto algo que llevas tiempo aguantando y pensando que puedes con ello o que no es para tanto... te resulte ahora insoportable..; que aquello que te hizo daño hace tiempo y en lo que no querías volver a pensar , porque creías que lo tenías superado... reaparezca en tu vida de una u otra forma , removiendo tu interior ...; que lleves tiempo instala@ en una vida que no te llena , que has convertido en tu zona de confort..., y de pronto aparezca algo/alguien nuevo que te lo ponga todo patas arriba y haga que te replantees todo lo que creías tener bajo control... ; o simplemente que aparentemente de la nada, te invadan esas emociones de baja vibración ( tristeza, miedo, angustia, pena, rabia...). 

Todo esto está pasando simplemente para que saquemos de dentro todo eso que molesta a nuestro Ser para continuar con nuestra evolución. 

Todo eso que impide que vibremos alto, acorde con la nueva vibración que se está instalando en el planeta. 

Tiene que ver con sentirse bien, con amarse un@ mism@, con dejar de tomar decisiones en base al miedo... Todo esto está quedando atrás. 

Se está convirtiendo en lo viejo.


Si no te has dado cuenta aún( que creo que si, si no no estarías leyendo esto hasta este punto), el planeta entero está cambiando. 

Hay una nueva rejilla energética instalándose . Esto sería como un nuevo sistema operativo. Una nueva manera de funcionar. 

De pensar, sentir , actuar. Una nueva Conciencia . 

lo maravilloso de esto es que lo estamos haciendo nosotr@s, paso a paso, cada uno con su trabajo individual..., enfrentando y superando su batalla personal. 

 Una batalla que se encuentra dentro y no fuera. Todo lo que pasa fuera es consecuencia y reflejo de lo que llevamos dentro.

Así que si quieres viajar liger@ de equipaje en este viaje que estamos haciendo todos juntos , ya sabes lo que toca. Soltar , liberar, despedirse... Se que a veces es trabajoso,duro, intenso..., que asusta dejar lo que conoces para ir a no sabes dónde. Pero déjame decirte que es la única manera . 

Hay momentos en el Camino que son saltos de Fe. No queda más opción que Confiar, en que lo que tu Ser / Corazón te dice, es lo mejor para ti. 

Dejando de escuchar a la mente y sus mil formas de asustarte para que sigas aferrad@ a todo lo de antes . Estando Consciente de lo que está pasando dentro de ti, y las evidencias que la Vida/ Dios / el Universo ( como quieras llamarlo), te está poniendo delante. 

Sigue las pistas, escucha y mira las señales..., están por todas partes. 

Puedes elegir no hacer caso y seguir repitiendo lo de antes e intentar que nada se mueva..., pero eso será resistirte a la corriente..., y créeme, que cada vez te resultará más complicado. 

Vamos Todos juntos hacia un mismo lugar , como Uno, porque es lo que somos . Y cada vez hay más almas Despiertas, haciendo que el proceso se acelere. 

Sólo tienes que desear ser feliz. Desear de verdad salir del miedo y la desconfianza que han dominado nuestra vida durante tanto tiempo, para vivir un día a día lleno de Amor. En todas sus formas . Sentirte Libre para tomar decisiones que giren en torno a tu bienestar y en consecuencia al de todos. 

Si es bueno para tí, lo es para dejes que te sigan convenciendo de lo contrario. Tu no tienes que sacrificar tu felicidad por nada ni por nadie, porque no conseguirás que nadie de los que quieres sea feliz, si tú no lo eres.

Para entregar Amor...Ámate.
Para entregar alegría...regálate momentos alegres.
Para transmitir paz y armonía...relájate.
Para entregar libertad...Libérate.

Despídete con amor de todo aquello que no te haga sentir bien, y déjalo ir , para poder dejar espacio a todo lo nuevo y maravilloso que está aguardando para entrar en tu vida.

Publicado por Victoria Lusson Caballero

Copyright © misteri1963 todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanezca completo, se le dé crédito al autor y se incluya esta URL  https:// y el aviso del Copyright 

El ADN y el propósito de tu alma - Star Seeds Remembering


A medida que aumentan los niveles de locura en nuestra sociedad, tenemos la oportunidad de mirar más profundamente dentro de nosotros mismos para reflexionar sobre lo que queremos crear, lo que valoramos y lo que podemos hacer para construir puentes en lugar de muros. Hay un lado positivo en estos momentos, también: nuestro ser removido de la complacencia para considerar nuestras raíces estrelladas y el propósito más grande de estar aquí ahora. Continúa leyendo para ver ejemplos.
El ADN y el propósito de tu alma - Star Seeds Remembering
La mayoría de nosotros hemos estado en la Tierra durante mucho tiempo, evolucionando y reuniendo las habilidades clave que necesitaríamos para esta vida. Como parte de nuestro largo proceso, desarrollamos talentos, dones y habilidades. También cultivamos relaciones, incluso con personas que, como nosotros, despertaríamos en esta vida a raíces estrelladas y un propósito mayor. Estas son personas que probablemente consideramos como espíritus afines, aquellos que están en un viaje espiritual de auto-realización.
A medida que una persona se da cuenta de su ser cósmico más grande, se vuelve más fácil tener una visión más elevada de los eventos mundanos ya menudo locos de este mundo. La visión superior no es lineal, sino que tiene en cuenta el yo cuántico eterno y la realidad cuántica más amplia. Esta visión cambia todo lo que uno piensa sobre el propósito de la vida, el destino y los roles específicos a lo largo del tiempo. Un cambio clave es el movimiento de "I" a "nosotros". En esta etapa, la evolución de la persona está vinculada al servicio y ayuda a los demás.

ADN y propósito del alma

¿Qué tiene que ver el ADN con el propósito del alma? Primero, estás codificado a nivel de ADN para recordar tu propósito más grande y vivir como alma. En segundo lugar, ahora también estamos en un momento de despertar acelerado, por lo que tú y los demás a tu alrededor están recordando más y más. Algunas de estas otras personas son las que conociste en otras vidas clave. Cada uno de ustedes se estaba preparando para esta vida fundamental, cuando podría utilizar lo que sabía y estar a la vanguardia de la transformación del mundo de la oscuridad. Cuando conoces a algunas de estas personas ahora, puedes sentirte como conocer a un viejo amigo. Dentro de los registros askásicos de su ADN hay un recuerdo de sus experiencias pasadas y de las personas que conoció.
A veces nos vemos tan atrapados en los acontecimientos presentes que olvidamos nuestra naturaleza cósmica eterna. Podemos perder de vista el hecho de que los cambios llevan mucho tiempo. Es nuestra naturaleza humana querer resultados rápidos y ser impaciente con el "progreso lento". Sin embargo, desde una perspectiva espiritual, estamos preparados para despertar y conectarnos con las personas y las circunstancias que necesitamos para cumplir nuestro propósito. Este "cableado" está en un nivel de ADN, codificado dentro de nosotros hace mucho tiempo. Se activa por sí solo a medida que avanzamos por la vida, aprendemos y aplicamos cualidades iluminadas como la apertura, la curiosidad y la persistencia.
¿Te has dado cuenta de que te sientes aún más motivado para cumplir el propósito de tu alma cuando te desafían personalmente o eres testigo de la locura del mundo? Esta es una parte natural del proceso de despertar, que ocurre en etapas. Puedes sentirte alineado con tu propósito por algún tiempo, hasta que otro catalizador te haga cuestionar si hay algo más o diferente que necesitas hacer.
Nuestra alma se expresará de diferentes maneras en diferentes momentos. Sigue siendo la misma alma. Las circunstancias, y en ocasiones momentos de epifanía durante una crisis, pueden cambiar la dirección. Ejemplo: un músico profesional femenino que expresa el propósito de su alma al estar en giras de conciertos tiene una crisis de salud (propia o de un miembro de la familia). Debido a esta crisis, el músico puede decidir dejar de viajar y formar una organización sin fines de lucro centrada en una cura.
Cuando hago 1-1 sesiones de ADN , las personas a menudo quieren tener claridad sobre su propósito y si están en el buen camino. Durante una sesión como esta, el campo akashic alrededor del ADN se abre y puedo leerlo como un mapa. La información relevante se vuelve disponible, a veces relacionada con un bloqueo a nivel de ADN para dar los siguientes pasos en la ruta. Cuando se descubre esto, se puede eliminar a un nivel de ADN. De manera similar, cuando dirijo talleres como el de este mes sobre registros akashic de ADN , facilito un proceso para que las personas se conecten con lo que hay en sus propios registros akashic. A veces las personas se dan cuenta de que la persona que está sentada a su lado es parte de su familia del alma, destinada a ser parte de su viaje espiritual. Tomar conciencia de estas cosas puede cambiar la vida.
Estos son tiempos muy rápidos, a menudo llenos de incertidumbre y aprensión. Si se siente abrumado o simplemente demasiado serio, tómese un descanso. Reflexiona sobre la imagen más grande de esta existencia. Recuerda que tú, como alma, estás codificado para ser alegre. Sepa que está aquí a propósito, y ese propósito se puso en marcha hace mucho tiempo. No necesitas hacer o ser todo de una vez. Un paso a la vez.
© Selacia. Todos los derechos reservados. 
Siéntase libre de compartir estos artículos con sus amigos y publicar en su blog o sitio web siempre que incluya este aviso de copyright completo, con un enlace a este sitio web y el texto completo del artículo.

DNA and Your Soul Purpose - Star Seeds Remembering


As increased levels of craziness play out in our society, we have an opportunity to look deeper within ourselves to reflect on what we want to create, what we value, and what we can do to build bridges rather than walls. There's a silver lining to these moments, too - our being stirred out of complacency to consider our starry roots and larger purpose for being here now. Continue reading for examples.
DNA and Your Soul Purpose - Star Seeds Remembering
Most of us have been on the Earth for a very long time, evolving and gathering key skills that we would need this life. As part of our long process, we developed talents, gifts and abilities. We also cultivated relationships, including with people who like us would awaken in this life to starry roots and a larger purpose. These are people we likely view as kindred spirits - those who are on a spiritual journey of self-realization.
As a person becomes aware of his or her larger cosmic self, it becomes easier to have a higher view of the mundane and often crazy-making events of this world. The higher view is not linear, but factors in the eternal quantum self and larger quantum reality. This view changes everything one thinks about life purpose, destiny, and specific roles over time. A key shift is the move from "I" to "we." At this stage, the person's evolution is linked to service and helping others.

DNA and Soul Purpose

What does DNA have to do with soul purpose? First, you are encoded at a DNA level to remember your larger purpose and live as soul. Second, we're now in a time of accelerated awakening, too, so you and others around you are remembering more and more. Some of these other people are those you knew in other key lifetimes. Each of you were preparing for this pivotal lifetime, when you could put to use what you knew and be at the forefront of transforming the world out of darkness. When you meet some of these people now, it can feel like meeting an old friend. Within the askashic records of your DNA is a memory of your past experiences and the people you knew.
Sometimes we get so caught up in present events that we forget our eternal cosmic nature. We can lose sight of the fact that changes take a very long time. It's our human nature to want quick results and to be impatient with "slow progress." From a spiritual perspective, however, we are wired to awaken and to connect with the people and circumstances we need to fulfill our purpose. This "wiring" is at a DNA level, encoded within us long ago. It activates on its own as we move through life, learn, and apply enlightened qualities such as openness, curiosity and persistence.
Have you noticed that you feel even more driven to fulfill your soul purpose when personally challenged or witnessing the world's craziness? This is a natural part of the awakening process, which happens in stages. You can feel aligned with your purpose for some time, until another catalyst gets you to question if there's something more or different you need to be doing.
Our soul will express in different ways at different times. It's still the same soul. Circumstances, and sometimes epiphany moments during a crisis, can change the direction. Example: a professional female musician expressing her soul purpose by being on concert tours has a health crisis (her own or a family member). Due to this crisis, the musician may decide to stop touring and form a nonprofit organization focused on a cure.
When I do 1-1 DNA sessions, people often want to have clarity about their purpose and whether they are on track. During a session like this, the akashic field around the DNA opens up and I can read it like a map. Relevant information becomes available, sometimes related to a DNA-level block to taking the next steps on the path. When this is discovered, it can be cleared at a DNA level. Similarly, when I lead workshops like the one this month about DNA akashic records, I facilitate a process for people to connect with what's in their own akashic records. Sometimes people become aware that the person sitting next to them is part of their soul family, destined to be a part of their spiritual journey. Becoming aware of these things can be life-changing.
These are very fast-moving times, often filled with uncertainty and apprehension. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed or simply too serious, take a time-out. Reflect on the bigger picture of this existence. Remember that you as a soul are encoded to be joyful. Know that you are here on purpose - and that purpose was set in motion a very long time ago. You don't need to do or be everything all at once. A step at a time.
© Selacia. All Rights Reserved.


Marco Herguz Zoy

Les voy a compartir este secreto que descubrí en la vida
en nuestro interior se encuentra todo lo que necesitamos para ser plenamente conscientes, felices y libres
En mi interior
no hay fronteras
No hay religiones
No hay ideologías
No hay doctrinas
No hay infiernos
No hay prisiones
No hay gobiernos
No hay gobernantes
No hay dinero
No hay creencias
En mi interior hay
Lo que siempre ha habido
Hay sabiduría
Hay consciencia
Hay libertad
Hay voluntad
Hay inteligencia
Hay bondad
Eso es lo que realmente soy
Esa es la verdad de nuestra escencia
Lo que nos permite ser universales, infinitos y eternos
viajero kosmico..
Comparto con amor
Marco Herguz

Copyright © misteri1963 todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanezca completo, se le dé crédito al autor y se incluya esta URL  https:// y el aviso del Copyright 

Las Escrituras del Creador: ¡Dale!

¿Estás listo? Hay otro gran paso que viene en el cambio en curso que puede cambiar tu mundo al revés.
 Esto no es algo que temer ...¡Es, de hecho, algo que tu alma ha estado preparando y esperando! 
A medida que se acerque al final de su año, la afluencia de energía y los cambios serán más frecuentes y, sí, más intensos. Puedo escuchar a algunos de ustedes decir: "Pero, ¡ya no puedo soportarlo más! ¡Estoy  tan sobre esto! ”   
 El Universo quiere que sepas que este sentimiento particular es interno. Antes de llegar, sabías lo que debías hacer mientras estabas en tu plano terrestre. 
Tu mente consciente te está diciendo que no estás preparado. Su alma, por otro lado, está diciendo: “¡Adelante!”. 
Las habilidades que ha acumulado hasta ahora serán de gran ayuda para usted ahora. Pídale al Universo que le recuerde sobre ellos, que lo ayude a usarlos para crecer en una dirección positiva. 
Esta es  tutiempo para brillar y que puede  hacerlo! ~ Creador

The Creator Writings: Bring It On!

Are you ready?  There is yet another huge step coming in the ongoing shift that may turn your world upside down.  This is not something to be afraid of…it is, in fact, something your soul has been preparing and waiting for!  As you move closer to the end of your year, the influx of energy and changes will become more frequent and, yes, more intense.  I can hear some of you saying, “But, I just can’t take anymore!  I’m so over this!”   The Universe wants you to know that this particular feeling is internal.  Before you arrived, you were well-versed in what needed to be done while you are on your Earth-plane.  Your conscious mind is telling you that you are unprepared.  Your soul, on the other hand, is saying, “Bring it on!”  The skills you have accumulated so far will be of great assistance to you now.  Ask The Universe to remind you about them, to help you use them to grow in a positive direction.  This is your time to shine and you can do it! ~ Creator

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...