
22 de octubre de 2018

El Grupo Arcturiano: Usted está ayudando con el nacimiento de lo nuevo

Queridos amigos. Observamos que muchos de ustedes se han preocupado, confundido e incluso abatido por las condiciones en el mundo de hoy, pero tenga en cuenta que está presenciando la desaparición de un sistema de creencias obsoleto que hasta ahora ha sido rico para aquellos que se benefician de las condiciones de La ira, el miedo y la guerra. Temen y se resisten a cualquier cambio en las expresiones de dualidad y separación que los han apoyado durante tanto tiempo y, por lo tanto, están intensificando sus esfuerzos para mantener el status quo.
El miedo, la ira y el sufrimiento crean una fuente de energía para aquellos que, por elección, no pueden acceder a las energías de la Luz dentro de sí mismos. Habiendo elegido separarse de las energías de dimensiones superiores, promueven y luego utilizan la energía creada por el miedo y el sufrimiento de los demás. Esto es lo que subyace en las oscuras prácticas que de vez en cuando lees o escuchas.
Esté alerta a todo lo que vea y escuche en estos tiempos energéticamente poderosos. Inmediatamente reconozca y luego traduzca las apariencias externas a su realidad, así como el reconocimiento de la verdadera naturaleza de todos los involucrados. Cuando una mayoría es capaz de mantener sus niveles de energía altos, aquellos que confían en las energías más densas se verán obligados a cambiar o irse.
No estamos diciendo que metes la cabeza en la arena mientras gritas; "Dios es todo: este niño agonizante, este accidente, esta violencia no es real". Estamos diciendo que cuando ves este tipo de cosas, procedes con amor, sin importar los pasos humanos que se te guíe intuitivamente, mientras que al mismo tiempo sabiendo que está presenciando las manifestaciones de dualidad / conciencia de separación y no realidades espirituales.
Ustedes que están despiertos están creando los cambios que el mundo ha estado anhelando. Usted está en la Tierra en este momento para ayudar con el nacimiento de una conciencia colectiva nueva y superior en la Tierra. Otros planetas en el pasado también experimentaron el cambio de ascensión por el que está atravesando la Tierra y, debido a esto, sus residentes entienden lo que los humanos están experimentando y están tratando de ayudar de cualquier manera que puedan.
Debido a que la Tierra es un planeta de libre albedrío, los galácticos evolucionados y los maestros ascendidos no tienen permitido hacer el trabajo por ustedes. Si lo hicieran, no ayudaría al proceso de aprendizaje de nadie, al igual que los llamados "helicópteros" padres que se desplazan, protegen y dirigen a sus hijos hasta el punto de bloquear las experiencias necesarias para su crecimiento y aprendizaje.
Aquellos de planetas evolucionados tienen mucho que compartir tecnológica y espiritualmente, pero deben mantenerse como observadores hasta que la humanidad esté lista para aceptarlos como seres queridos en lugar de enemigos malvados.
Hay algunos que simplemente esperan expectantes a que una flota de naves galácticas se precipite y salve al mundo, pero esto no puede suceder porque se debe respetar el libre albedrío de los humanos. Solo la gente de la Tierra puede lograr los cambios que esperan y por los que pueden orar. Ustedes son los creadores, formados de energía creadora individualizada.
La razón por la que aconsejamos que no veamos y escuchemos las noticias es que, a menos que una persona pueda permanecer centrada y alerta, es muy fácil volver a caer en lo que es antiguo y familiar, aquello en lo que está intentando ir más allá. El estrés, la tristeza, la ira y el miedo alimentan y mantienen vivo lo falso, porque ustedes son creadores.
Si aún no lo ha hecho, de una vez por todas, renuncie a esperar a que alguien, alguien, lo salve, física, emocional, mental o espiritualmente, ese trabajo es solo suyo. Está perfectamente bien utilizar soluciones 3D en el camino, pero eventualmente cada estudiante serio de la verdad debe darse cuenta de que todo fluye desde adentro de acuerdo con su estado de conciencia alcanzado.
La falsa ideología de la mayoría de las religiones organizadas se basa en la premisa de que un intermediario (santo, maestro ascendido, gurú, sacerdote, chamán, antepasado o incluso el sacerdote o pastor local) es necesario para que usted, que es un pecador humilde, para acceder a Dios de cualquier manera significativa, un Dios separado de ti.
El negocio de “salvar el alma” es un generador de dinero para que las iglesias las mantengan vivas y necesarias en las mentes de aquellos que aún no se dan cuenta de que Dios está completamente presente en ellas y no en un edificio, organización o persona “santa”. La idea de la necesidad de ser "salvado" no es más que la promoción de creencias falsas en la separación.
Todo lo que se necesita para acceder a Dios ya existe dentro de cada individuo porque una persona nunca puede estar separada de lo que es, sin importar si lo saben o no. Simplemente es…
La evolución es el proceso de despertar a niveles más altos de realidad global e individualmente. Por lo general, comienza con una conciencia intelectual de alguna verdad como una "idea interesante" que crece y se desarrolla a través de muchos viajes laterales a lo largo de la vida para finalmente convertirse en un estado de conciencia alcanzado.
El proceso de despertar para la mayoría comienza como una sensación general de insatisfacción y cansancio con los conceptos tridimensionales sobre casi todo. Esto viene de haber vivido y experimentado la dualidad y la separación en vidas suficientes para finalmente lograr un estado de conciencia que no siente una satisfacción real ni siquiera con la "buena" humanidad.
Estos sentimientos continúan e incluso se intensifican a medida que el individuo intenta cambiar las cosas a través de varios métodos 3D o, incluso en casos extremos, se quitan la vida. Con el tiempo, la mayoría llega a ese punto de que "ya es suficiente, debe haber una mejor manera" y la persona se vuelve receptiva y abierta a formas más elevadas de entender la realidad.
Todos ustedes han pasado por experiencias similares en esta vida u otra o no podrían entender mensajes como este. Quizás tú mismo u otros que conoces están en este mismo momento pasando por experiencias como esta. Una vez que entiendes lo que está pasando, es más fácil dejar ir y permitir el proceso.
Ha llegado el momento en que todos los que saben intelectualmente la verdad deben comenzar a practicar, abrazar y permitir que nazca a un estado vivo de conciencia en lugar de continuar sosteniendo la verdad como un conocimiento intelectual interesante para debatir y discutir. Para algunos, esto significa retirar la confianza y el poder que han dotado de ciertas prácticas, caminos o herramientas que los ayudaron a llegar a donde están ahora.
Ejemplo; Los cristales transportan maravillosas energías de alta resonancia, las energías han sido por mucho tiempo y aún se usan para ayudar a la humanidad de muchas maneras diferentes, pero nunca debes olvidar que los cristales no te dan algo que ya no tienes. La energía cristalina se alinea e intensifica esas energías ya presentes en ti. Cuando dependes de ellos o de cualquier otra cosa fuera de ti para hacerte rico, sanar tu cuerpo o brindarte amor romántico, te involucras en la adoración de ídolos.
Aquellos que aún viven plenamente en la tercera dimensión, pueden y con frecuencia logran lo que buscan de lo externo, de los conceptos y creencias materiales porque se manifiestan de su estado de conciencia alcanzado. Sin embargo, para aquellos de ustedes que están despiertos y viven en un nivel más evolucionado, encontrarán que esos mismos métodos 3D ya no funcionan como antes porque ya no están alineados con ellos.
Eres lo suficientemente evolucionado espiritualmente para ir más allá de experimentar los altibajos y lo bueno y lo malo de la conciencia de la dualidad. Comience a aceptarse y entenderse a sí mismo como si ya no estuviera en conciencia tridimensional. Usted está aprendiendo a lograr un cambio desde un nivel superior, un nivel que no resulta en los pares de opuestos que acompañan a tantas manifestaciones / logros estrictamente en 3D.
No se compare o piense que es un fracaso cuando observa a aquellos que viven vidas tridimensionales que parecen alcanzar fácilmente cosas que también le gustaría tener, y que lo hacen con muy poco esfuerzo a través de métodos de manipulación tridimensional.
La conciencia siempre se expresará a sí misma y una conciencia de dualidad y separación se expresará como "buena" un día y es opuesta a la siguiente. Como estudiantes evolucionados de la verdad, están buscando ese estado de conciencia de realidad donde los pares de opuestos no existen.
Las tradiciones y las herramientas que las acompañan han sido y siguen siendo una parte importante de la mayoría de los viajes espirituales y han servido a la humanidad a lo largo de los siglos al ayudar a los buscadores a abrirse a nuevos niveles de comprensión. Sin embargo, la dependencia de ellos debe terminar cuando el estudiante de la verdad está espiritualmente listo para transferir conscientemente el poder desde el exterior hacia el interior.
Continuar aferrarse a un estado de conciencia que ha sido superado por el miedo a lo desconocido o simplemente porque es cómodo y familiar hará que el proceso evolutivo se estanque y te mantenga atado a los conceptos de separación. Nadie debe permanecer en el mismo estado de conciencia para siempre. La evolución continúa, es un viaje infinito continuo de recordar.
Llega un momento para que cada estudiante de la verdad acepte que ya encarna la sustancia de todo lo que buscó de una determinada enseñanza, herramienta, camino, ceremonia o ritual, etc. Nada real existe fuera de ti. Eres completo y completo, ahora y siempre lo has sido. Usted es
Tenga en cuenta que NO estamos diciendo que no puede disfrutar de su libro, cristales o ceremonias espirituales favoritos. Lo que estamos diciendo es que cuando usted pone plena esperanza y fe en las cosas, o personas fuera de usted, en la creencia de que las "necesita", está adorando a los ídolos y usted, quien lee estos mensajes, va mucho más allá de eso. Trate de pensar en las herramientas como ayudantes que lo ayudan a descubrir el TÚ real dentro de usted, y no a serlo para usted.
Vivir desde tu mayor conciencia de verdad alcanzada en todo momento permite que fluya y aumente hasta que se convierta en quien eres. No debe dejar de lado su nivel de conciencia alcanzado hasta mañana, cuando piense que se sentirá más preparado, o cuando su guru o iglesia le diga que está bien, o cuando la familia y los amigos lo aprueben, o cuando su pareja despierte espiritualmente.
Tú eres el amor que has buscado sin éxito de otros y las cosas vida tras vida y ahora estás espiritualmente calificado para rendirte buscando fuera de ti mismo porque has alcanzado un nivel de conciencia que sabe que la plenitud del Amor Divino es tu verdadera esencia y la de todos. formas de vida. Ahora es el momento de descubrir exactamente lo que esto significa.
El Ser Divino que es USTED está completo y completo en todos los sentidos y, a medida que esta realización se integra completamente y se convierte en su conciencia, IT se expresará en todas las facetas de la vida cotidiana.
Se el cambio que quieres ver.
Somos el Grupo Arcturiano 21/10/18.
Las donaciones son bienvenidas.
»  Fuente » Canal: Marilyn Raffaele

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, se otorga crédito al autor y se incluye esta URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright

The Arcturian Group: You Are Assisting With The Birthing Of The New

Dear Friends. We observe that many of you have become concerned, confused, and even despondent about conditions in today’s world, but keep in mind that you are witnessing the demise of an obsolete belief system that up to now has provided richly for those who benefit from conditions of anger, fear, and war. They fear and resist any changes to the expressions of duality and separation that have supported them for so long and are thus intensifying their efforts to maintain the status quo.
Fear, anger, and suffering create an energy source for those who by choice cannot access the energies of Light within themselves. Having chosen to cut themselves off from higher dimensional energies, they promote and then utilize the energy created from the fear and suffering of others. This is what underlies the dark practices you occasionally read or hear about.
Be alert to everything you see and hear in these energetically powerful times. Immediately recognize and then translate outer appearances into their reality, as well as acknowledging the true nature of everyone involved. When a majority is able to keep their energy levels high, those relying on the denser energies will be forced either to change or leave.
We are not saying that you stick your head in the sand while shouting; “God is all–this dying child, this accident, this violence is not real.” We are saying that when you see these sorts of things, you lovingly proceed with whatever human footsteps you are intuitively guided to take, while at the same time knowing that you are witnessing the manifestations of duality/separation consciousness and not spiritual realities.
You who are awake are creating the changes the world has been longing for. You are on Earth at this time to assist with the birthing of a new and higher collective consciousness on Earth. Other planets have in the past also experienced the ascension shift that Earth is now going through and because of this their residents understand what humans are experiencing and are trying to assist in whatever ways they can
Because Earth is a free-will planet, evolved galactics and ascended masters are not permitted to do the work for you. If they did this, it would not help anyone’s learning process, much like so called “helicopter” parents who hover, protect, and direct their children to the point of blocking the experiences necessary for their growth and learning.
Those from evolved planets have much to share technologically and spiritually, but must hold back as observers until mankind is ready to accept them as fellow beings rather than evil enemies.
There are some who simply wait expectantly for a fleet of galactic ships to swoop in and save the world but this cannot happen because the free will of humans must be honored. Only the people of Earth themselves can bring about the changes they hope and pray for. You are the creators, formed of creator energy individualized.
The reason we advise cutting back on watching and listening to the news is that unless a person is able to remain centered and alert, it is very easy to fall back into what is old and familiar, that which you are trying to move beyond. Stress, sorrow, anger, and fear feed and keep the false alive–because you are creators.
If you haven’t done it already, once and for all give up waiting for someone, anyone, to save you, physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually– that job is yours alone. It is perfectly fine to utilize 3D solutions along the way, but eventually every serious student of truth must realize that everything flows from within in accordance with their attained state of consciousness.
The false ideology of most organized religions is based in the premise that an intermediary (saint, ascended master, guru, priest, shaman, ancestor, or even the local priest or pastor) is necessary in order for you, who are a lowly sinner, to access God in any meaningful way–a God separate from you.
The business of “soul saving” is a money maker for churches keeping them alive and necessary in the minds of those who do not yet realize that God is fully present within them and not in a building, organization, or “holy” person. The idea of needing to be “saved” is nothing more than the promotion of false beliefs in separation.
Everything needed to access God already exists within each and every individual because a person can never be separate from what they are regardless of whether they know it or not. It just is…
Evolution is the process of awakening into higher levels of reality globally and individually. It usually begins with an intellectual awareness of some truth as being an “interesting idea” which grows and develops through many side journeys over lifetimes to finally become an attained state of consciousness.
The awakening process for most begins as a general sense of dissatisfaction and weariness with third dimensional concepts about pretty much everything. This comes from having lived in and experienced duality and separation in enough lifetimes to finally bring about a state of consciousness that feels no real satisfaction with even “good” humanhood.
These feelings continue and even intensify as the individual attempts to change things through various 3D methods or even in extreme cases take their own life. With time most reach that point of “enough is enough, there must be a better way” and the person becomes receptive and open to higher ways of understanding reality.
You have all gone through similar experiences either in this lifetime or another or you would not be able to understand messages such as this. Perhaps you yourself or others you know of are at this very time going through experiences like this. Once you understand what is going on, it is easier to let go and allow the process.
The time has arrived in which all who intellectually know truth must begin to practice, embrace, and allow it to birth into a living state of consciousness rather than continuing to hold truth as interesting intellectual knowledge to be debated and discussed. For some this means withdrawing the trust and power they have endowed on certain practices, paths, or tools that helped them get to where they are now.
Example; Crystals carry wonderful high resonating energies, energies have been for ages and still are used to assist mankind in many different ways, but you must never forget that crystals do not give you something you do not already have. Crystal energy aligns with and intensifies those energies already present within you. When you depend upon them or anything else outside of you to make you rich, heal your body, or bring you romantic love, you engage in idol worship.
Those still living fully in the third dimension, can and often do attain what they seek from the outer, from material concepts and beliefs because they are manifesting of their attained state of consciousness. However, for those of you who are awake and living at a more evolved level, will find that those same 3D methods no longer work as they once did because you are no longer in alignment with them.
You are spiritually evolved enough to move beyond experiencing the ups and downs and the good and bad of duality consciousness. Begin to accept and understand yourself as no longer being in and of three dimensional consciousness. You are learning to bring about change from a higher level, a level that does not result in the pairs of opposites that accompany so many strictly 3D manifestations/accomplishments.
Do not compare or think yourself to be a failure when you observe those living three dimensional lives who seem to easily attain things you also would like to have, and doing it with very little effort through methods of three dimensional manipulation.
Consciousness will always express itself and a consciousness of duality and separation will express as “good” one day and its opposite the next. As evolved students of truth, you are seeking that state of reality consciousness where the pairs of opposites do not exist.
Traditions and their accompanying tools have been and remain a big part of most spiritual journeys and have served mankind throughout the ages by assisting seekers open to new levels of understanding. However, dependence upon them is meant to end when the student of truth is spiritually ready to consciously transfer power from the without to the within.
Continuing to cling to a state of consciousness that has been outgrown from fear of the unknown or simply because it is comfortable and familiar will cause the evolutionary process to stagnate and keep you in bondage to concepts of separation. No one is meant to remain in the same state of consciousness forever. Evolution continues–it is an ongoing infinite journey of remembering.
There comes a time for every student of truth to accept that they already embody the substance of everything they sought from a certain teaching, tool, path, ceremony or ritual etc. Nothing real exists outside of you. You are whole and complete, now and always have been. You are IT.
Please be advised that we are NOT saying you cannot enjoy your favorite spiritual book, crystals, or ceremonies. What we are saying that when you place full hope and faith in things, or persons outside of you in the belief that you “need” them, you are worshiping idols and you who read these messages are well beyond that. Try to think of tools as being helpers assisting you to discover the real YOU within, and not to be it for you.
Living from your highest attained awareness of truth at all times allows it to flow and increase until it becomes who you are. Being your attained level of awareness must not be put off until tomorrow when you think you will feel more ready, or when your guru or church tells you is is ok, or when family and friends approve, or when your partner spiritually wakes up.
You are the love you have sought without success from others and things lifetime after lifetime and are now spiritually qualified to surrender seeking outside of yourselves because you have attained a level of awareness that knows the fullness of Divine Love is your real essence and that of all life forms. It is now time to discover exactly what this means.
The Divine Self that is YOU is complete and whole in every way and as this realization fully integrates and becomes your consciousness, IT will express IT-Self in every facet ordinary daily living.
Be the change you want to see.
We are the Arcturian Group 10/21/18
Donations are welcomed.
» Source » Channel: Marilyn Raffaele

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

21 de octubre de 2018


 - 21 de octubre de 2018 (Descargo de responsabilidad:

La siguiente es una descripción general de la situación actual basada en fugas de inteligencia recibidas de varias fuentes que pueden o no ser exactas. Otras fuentes confirmadas también pueden incluirse en esta descripción general).

Zimbabwe es Ahora aludiendo a liquidar los atrasos mundiales.

El RV se lanzará una vez que el sistema financiero fiat actual se "rompa".

La próxima "ruptura" en el sistema financiero fiduciario (según lo planeado por la Alianza BRICS) ya se está insinuando.

Los países incluso están aceptando abrazar la idea de una "alternativa" a SWIFT.

El sistema financiero Quantum reemplazará el antiguo sistema financiero fiduciario una vez que se rompa.

En otras noticias, la divulgación suave de un nuevo material llamado "Grafeno" ha comenzado. Zimbabwe se convertirá en el principal proveedor / proveedor ilimitado de Graphene después del RV.

El grafeno abrirá las puertas a varias nuevas tecnologías y avances que en última instancia ayudarán al ascenso de la humanidad.

Las fuentes esperan que el sistema financiero fiduciario se derrumbe en algún momento de este mes, lo que luego traería el RV y el QFS.

El lanzamiento de un evento de canje de moneda privada (RV) en todo el mundo este mes permitirá que GESARA se anuncie el próximo mes de noviembre.

Fuente: Operación de divulgación
Comparto con amor
Marco Herguz

grafeno: El material del futuro que cambia el juego

21/10/2018 12:49:00 AM  Noticias 
Grafeno: el material del futuro que cambia el juego JEFF DESJARDINS el 14 de marzo de 2017 a las 12:36 p.m. La tecnología es tan buena como los materiales de los que está hecha. Gran parte de la era de la información moderna no sería posible sin el silicio y la Ley de Moore, y los autos eléctricos serían mucho menos viables sin los avances recientes en la ciencia de los materiales detrás de las baterías de iones de litio . Es por eso que el grafeno, un supermaterial bidimensional hecho de carbono, es tan emocionante. Es más duro que los diamantes, 300 veces más fuerte que el acero, flexible, transparente y un mejor conductor que el cobre (alrededor de 1.000x). Si cumple con su potencial, el grafeno podría revolucionar todo, desde las computadoras hasta el almacenamiento de energía. GRAFENO: ¿ES EL PRÓXIMO MATERIAL DE LA MARAVILLA?

La siguiente infografía nos llega del 911Metallurgist , y analiza las increíbles propiedades y posibles aplicaciones de grafeno. →

Visto en Facebook

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, se otorga crédito al autor y se incluye esta URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright


1 - liberación de los fondos de prosperidad para la humanidad para liberarnos de la esclavitud de la deuda.

2 - Esto es el campanazo del inicio del RV y por tanto la GCR, que a la vez detonan la ley GESARA, esto implica que el nuevo sistema financiero QUANTUM estará basado en la prosperidad para todos, lo que detona millones de proyectos humanitarios para los países mas necesitados.
    También facilita 6,000+ patentes que nos habían negado, incluyen energía gratis, salud gratis, educación eficiente (no obsoleta), comida sana y la reconstrucción del planeta tierra.

3 - Cancelación de todas las deudas publicas y privadas, nuevos gobiernos basados en la meritocracias durante una transición a un nuevo mundo de luz.

4 - Aterrizaje de los hermanos galácticos, ellos nos llevara (a cada uno su mentor) a las cámaras de luz de cristal para finalizar el proceso de estar listos para reinsertarnos en el nuevo mundo galáctico.

5 - Charlas sobre la verdadera historia de la humanidad y aprendizaje de los mundos galácticos a cargo de los maestros ascendidos (Jesús, buda y miles mas)

6 - Estan listas nuestras casas de cristal en agartha para tener todo gratis, desde vivienda, alimento, etc.




Seen in maestroviejo

In the penultimate post we saw a chronology of the Annunaki. The good thing about this chronology is that all of it is based on tablets, archaeological discoveries and verifiable material base.

An alternative theory, which includes the chronology of Annunakis and gives answers to the chronology of Exopolitics the SXX, but starts much earlier and gives a totally different every sense, is that of the Pleiadians.

However the sources of this history are not material. The following pieces of information about the Cosmic and Earth history have been passed in several texts by missionaries Rahma as Tell-Elam (Sixto Paz from Peru), NorDac (Ricardo Gonzalez of Peru), Hell-Aham (Cristian Sanchez de Argentina) Talmir (Mauricio García de Chile) and Camilo Valdivieso (Chile), between 1997 and 2007.

It all began in Peru in 1974 a collective process of communication and contact with "Higher Intelligences," known today as "Mission Rahma."

I have to say that this theory affects me personally. At that time, the 70, I contacted these beings, without meaning to. (I know it was them, chronology data).

The experience was complicated and gradually, we notice how the real world was replaced by another. In each communication session things happened and you had to fulfill instructions were given.

These instructions will definitely diverged from your ordinary life. But you could not get out. You saw things, and were acting in a frame.

For anyone out, we were crazy, possessed of no reason, as belonging to a sect.
It is difficult to establish a theory when your informers are placed in another space, in another field in another reality.

However, this experience left me forever marked. Since then I had another perception of reality. I even experience a special feeling, to do certain things, as they say; It is as if remembering what had never learned.

The passage of time and life returned things to "normal."

Today, from a few years of experience, I can say that the influence persists and the attraction continues.

There are multiple universes, but essentially we can synthesize in three Universes, one contained within the other: the initial or Primordial Universe, which is the internal, is called spiritual universe, Essential or original. This has created the Mental Universe, also called Eternal or Intermediate. And this in turn has created the Universe material, physical or external. Each acting through the other.

Material Universe covers the first 7 Dimensions, inhabited by the ascenders in Evolution. The Mental Universe covers Dimensions 8 to 10, inhabited by Beings Ultraterrestrials known as Helel or Glittering. And the spiritual universe encompasses the dimensions 11 and 12, which rests God Almighty One.

The Helel are grouped into 9 orders, known as the Angelology Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. The latter, more senior, are children of one God.

The Helel are the real creators of the Universe Material not being the first, and probably not the last. There have been many and very different principles, as the Prime Creator is experienced himself through his creatures.

The material universe was created by the Mental Universe, because the Mental experienced himself through the material, thereby seeking the source of everything. Because it is through action directed material with Consciousness, which mentally can get to experience the spiritual essence.

In this latest creation, the first civilizations that emerged did so directed by Helel, who set a pattern of development, seeking to achieve a mental ideal that they themselves had proposed.


With the development of Spaceships, exploring the universe and its mysteries was a constant. Thus the discovery that rapidly changed the technological development of the first civilizations came: his scouts found a strange form of crystals, bright green, near the center of large nebulae and nearby formations the dangerous core of some galaxies -where often they killed by being sucked into black holes supermasivos-.
Then his scientists took samples and studied intensely, concluding that it was an unknown phenomenon of "transmigration" Mental and condensation of light to the material universe was created.

These crystals were different from those known in their worlds of origin. The recent discovery of those awesome bright green objects put everything in check: they had a supernatural origin that allowed them to accumulate more energy than conventional crystals.

This, as you can imagine, was a major technological leap for those civilizations that, over time, were applying the use of these items for industry, space navigation, and later for war. They were called "Ergomenón." And according to its geometry and programming could be applied to different tasks. But they had not yet seen it all.

A group of scientists decided to study the center of the Great Orion Nebula. It was not the first time they did, but a lucky accident led them to give the greatest discovery.

The important Nave, which moved through the torrent of ultraviolet radiation from the Great Nebula-and resisting the harsh conditions there reinantes- suddenly hit an object that was initially thought mass training. Through their screens they saw the body of rock, already fragmented, and distinguished discovered inside an emerald glow that already knew.

Immediately they introduced the object into the ship and, when cleaning your cash "camouflage" met a beautiful octahedral crystal, which immediately went on and showed them what Oracle the future of their civilization, a great war to come, and emergence of a new race that would give hope to the whole universe.

This became known as the prophecy of Anrrom, word meaning "Day of the Great Light."

Scientists found the Great Crystal, surprised, understood that that body had been one of the first to "pass" the Material Universe when the entire plane was created. He represented the way in which the Mental Light was solid: a kind of Cosmic Alchemy, and thus the secret of how the planets and stars, portals and galaxies were "constructed". That wonderful glass enclosed Formula Creation.

Was it a living being that glass? What source maintained the order of their perfect geometric structure? How could "see" the future?

Whatever the answer was, Extraterrestrials Explorers could not abandon him in space. They knew they had no choice but to take it with them. Finally they took it as a mission, and became its first Custodians.

This was a compelling reason why civilizations became interested in the Orion Nebula ...


Then a group of great Beings Insectoids was to sample Orion Nebula (including Ergomenones) as part of a scientific study -to improve both race- and spiritual, they wished to understand the mystery of creation of essences.

The Orion Nebula is a spiritual counterpart, known as RAH, "The Giver of Life." Indeed, RAH is the "Cosmic Pond," the Spirit or "Alma Mater" from which "distill" Essences or souls of intelligent beings of the constellation Orion.

(Although RAH NorDac refers to as "The Giver of Life," perhaps more correct to say "The Giver of Life" as it is conceived as a Cosmic Mother).

The Stinkfly group came from Planet Acudrux, the Antares system Scorpio.
This visit was not welcomed, because the zeal of the Orions against the "sanctity" of RAH or "The Giver of Life" was extreme. And the tension could not be handled, given that visitors Antares, were doing their studies without having communicated to the Council of Orion.
As a result of this episode, a real war broke out which committed other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. A war in which entire worlds were exterminated.

They were employed terrible and deadly weapons, and leaders of both parties -Orión and Escorpio- concentrated its technological lead in creating new weapons and even clone armies.

a breed genetically created in Orion, serving this war. Although frail body and small stature, those gray men would be endowed with a great capacity for learning, becoming powerful science and technology operators. Were the main allies of the Orions.

But it was not enough.

The Antarian had developed lethal weapons were tipping the balance in his favor. However, for Orions the war would continue, even at the expense of their own demise, which seemed to be as important as the innocent worlds that were directly or indirectly affected by this dreadful Cosmic War, known in the Rahma Groups like "The War Ancient".

Touched by the dangerous development of this war, the Supreme Commander of the Forces of Orion, Satanel or Satanael A man-snake Rigel system Starbuck, conducted an intensive campaign to secure a truce in the midst of the cosmic confrontation, the which he managed, interviewing even with the very Antares Council. It was the beginning of peace.

33 Emissaries of Peace

In the Great War they had been involved Civilizations 14 Orion on the one hand, and Antares and its allies on the other. And fruit of peace and mutual exchange in harmony, the "Council of 33" was created, with one representative for each civilization. Satanel, for their tireless efforts towards peace, was unanimously elected to be the representative of the League of Orion ...

The site chosen to house this cosmic initiative would be Ahelón, the third planet in the Mintaka Orion system that became the headquarters of three major Tips: the 14 Orion, that of the 24 Best of the Galaxy, and the newly Council established 33, the base of operations of the "Galactic Emissaries of Peace."

(NorDac claims to have been designed in essence or spirit to Ahelón from the Great Pyramid of Giza, since this pyramid represent the Mintaka system where Planet Ahelón be found. However, researcher Robert Bauval, discoverer of the strange relationship between the Pyramids Gizeh and stars called Orion's Belt says that the Great Pyramid would represent the Alnitak Star and not Mintaka. has wrong NorDac at this point? it was then projected to Alnitak system, and that is where you will find the Ahelón planet?).

Meanwhile, the little gray men controlled by Satanel were displaced to Zeta Reticuli system of the Big Dipper. And the Army Orion was turned into an order of "Guardians and Wardens of Galactic Peace."

Then, the first explorers, they had found the Great Crystal, exiled and left it to the custody of a group of 9 Guardians and Wardens, secretly engaged with the prophecy of Anrrom. Its function was to care, revere and respect the Ergomenón Master.

also it built a great ship, white as snow, and pyramid-shaped or bell. It would be known as the "Ship Bell" -in what we could understand our meaning of language- its wake-up call, peace now returned to space and laid the foundations of a new order.

This great ship would take 33 to visit different worlds to plant one called to join Galactic Confederation. They came to do this on 9 occasions, before the rebellion of Satanel ...


Mankind on Earth has a level of collective Evolution 3.3 (3D and 3D Body Awareness), although there are isolated individuals Level 3.4, 3.5 and even 3.6. The Orions and other civilizations, however, had quickly reached these levels in a collective way. But then he could not go further, producing a general stagnation.

This was something terrible, because the material universe is dynamic, and stagnation means a serious crisis, a real contradiction. This led to a kind of cosmic council occurred between the Seraphim Helel, to discuss the causes and consequences of such stagnation.

In the evolutionary process, it had managed to connect the Universe Material with Mental through the Mind. But he had failed to connect the material through the Spiritual Essence. Therefore, advanced civilizations, had become spiritual mentally, but not spiritually spiritual.

During the Council, one of the Seraphim Helel contributed that, in its opinion, the mistake was due to the fact that too easily allowed to aspire to the knowledge, subtracting merits the effort to find him. Therefore recommended that the figure is reversed, and you need to complicate things were done, introduced in the material universe, Seres Mental collaborate in the concealment of information and hinder full access to it.

These entities act as dissociative, separating what was united, and creating the illusion of impossibility and lack of access to higher and Transcendent. These entities would become called Demons, who eventually they would on Earth by adding various types of spirits, including those of land caught dead in Lower Astral.

The problem that arose was that the entity that suggested amending the Rules of the Game, considered to be followed working with the most advanced civilizations that depended directly from them. These disciples of those Cosmic Guardians deserved in his opinion, the priority in the Evolutionary Advancement Project, also because, according to him, they remained little to reach Level 3.7.

But if it is true that the other Helel Seraphim valued their contribution, they were not in accordance with the conditions and the relationship with the most advanced civilizations are variasen, which could be perceived or interpreted as a betrayal by the Helel. And rather sought new alternatives and experience, had worked with recently Civilizations that were started or had not yet emerged, and were to have an uncertain fate. For example, planets suitable for higher development, but they were to have a sudden disappearance.


Therefore, another Helel Serafin raised the possibility of creating an alternative by a special experiment in Planets Class "UR" ie Blue planets whose vibration makes them planets predestined for a higher spiritual development, as long as they manage to overcome their acute crises instability.

These worlds are subject to a short life because they easily fit into seizure or attract other space bodies colliding with them, destroying them. But at the same time, this instability allows for great biodiversity. Therefore, usually they selected as natural laboratories experimenting with new and alternative forms of Life and Evolution.

two planets per galaxy of a total of 4 Local Group Galaxies were selected. 8 worlds were all the same opportunities, and always, from belonging to Class "UR". But planets where life had ceased process violently, and could make appropriate modifications.
(According to information collected by the American channeling Barbara Marciniak, would Planets 12).

The project was to try to create conditions so that later emerge in them Civilizations with a psychic and spiritual potential able to locate and open themselves Portales Dimensional, to reconnect at the time the Universes together via Dimensions Plans and Consciousness. To achieve what others had failed, but in a time without time.

Thus, we have a expectant Evolution as a parallel evolution, created next.
Being a Spatio-Temporal Navigation fact, you can create alternative times, where they can shuffle convenient new possibilities. You can jump into a time that is spiral shaped, and thus traveling past worlds that were destroyed in the process of formation, and that if he were to avoid such destruction, depending on the time the amendment did, not It would be altering inconveniently, but largely, they would be creating new opportunities with very positive consequences that could benefit many.

If you were to meet the schedule for each of those worlds it would not negatively affect the universal order, because originally it had not been. And if for any reason the process was interrupted on the way, nor affect, because anyway it was not to be. every precaution possible interventions create positive and no negative alternative would be taken.

One of the 4 selected galaxies would be the Milky Way, and one of the 2 planets chosen within this, Earth would become ...
But this change was not pleased with that author of the original proposal and diagnosis of the evolutionary stasis, that we know as Lucifer legendarily ...

A Lucifer disliked the possibility that new and Civilizations "upstart" who had received direct instruction from them as a source, they could quickly reach very high levels and even succeed in Evolutionary soar above the other ancient civilizations. And then he expressed his discontent in various ways sabotaging the Cosmic Plan that emerged from that council.

In addition, the other Helel Serafin said an "error" in one of the most powerful civilizations of Space, and summed up the crisis that was living: Orion. His warrior and colonizer trend was becoming a serious problem in the material universe.

To find the key for understanding from another perspective and solve this situation, it was decided that planting patterns of life on planets UR comes from the Source Mother who originated the life of those civilizations. In the case of Earth, a molecule of life from the Orion Nebula would be sown.

It thus would under one purpose: if the inhabitants of these planets were able to return to Real Time Universe, through a more harmonious and responsible attitude, on the basis of Love as a tool for evolutionary ascent, would show these civilizations that it is possible correct these trends, following a more comprehensive and complete spiritual perspective.

The other Helel Seraphim is that we know legendarily as Micael, Enmanuel or the Cosmic Christ ...


In the case of Earth, not only he knew the planet would reach a certain development that would then truncate, but in the Real Time Universe, the fatal outcome had already occurred.

The process had been interrupted when the planet suffered from a great cataclysm Cosmic, leaving him as a castaway in the throes of death.
Therefore, speaking Envoys, he tried to change things so that the planet survive in a first stage of its instability and Universal Dynamics fairly aggressive.

So, once life arose conscious processing capacity, it must fight for their own survival both material and spiritual, but always under external monitoring, pending the progress being achieved.

Who observed and directed the Project of Life on Earth, they decided to send a group of "Operators Time" which would travel through cosmic folds or Stargates the past, in a space contained within the large space, following a route based in the figure of the spiral, or "Wheel of Time".

Thus, they created a sort of "time lag" in our planet, giving a parallel life in an alternative time, that will accompany us until we reconnect with the Real Time Universe.

As the Earth project required certain conditions for the Cosmic Plan including the appearance of human beings, the "Operators of Time" established this "paradox" to create those civilizations with specific conditions that allow an accelerated evolution, such as of the human race.

This paradox space-time would have resulted in a speeding up of time in some areas of the universe where it would be possible that these races evolve to a higher than normal speed.


Thus, were commissioned by the Council of the Confederation of Worlds, to travel through cosmic folds or steps interdimensional, a group of so-called Elohim-engineers Genetic, also known as "Jardineros Cosmic" or "Sowers of Life" -.

They were beings from the constellation Cygnus, who came to our world when they were in the process of training its oceans, 3,000 million years ago ours.
Ships of these Sowers of Life, landed for the first time in what is now Lake Vostok corresponds to the current Antarctic continent, which was then in the Earth Ecuador.

They sped up the process, sowing spores with the intention of changing the acidity of the seas and turn them into alkaline, and thus change the chemical conditions of the planet to deposit a molecule self-replicating life, which would lead later in the development of forms of complex life. Molecule "Mother," came from the Orion Nebula.

Subsequently, also they called "Ancient Fathers" Bases Submarinas formed on the ocean floor to monitor the planetary process. Crews, of course, came and went through the space-time, thus being subject to a different time that existed on Earth.


But cosmic dynamics could not be fully reversed, despite the changes which resulted in the intervention. And some 1,200 million years ago, Earth brought upon himself the impact of a meteor shower, which ended with most of life.

It is missing some mechanism to adjust the Earth in its own dynamics and survival time. So, a second and final phase of setting alternative time was carried out by beings from the Maya system of the Pleiades: Engineers Genetic and Architects of Planets, who installed a kind of "machine", which is now Lake Vostok.

Called "Kayona Machine" is like the "Voltage Stabilizer" by describing somehow the planet and its artificial time. It is all the knowledge of how these beings dominate the concept of time. That technology, before our magic eyes, have been installed in our world on a new journey to the past, because it had to be in operation before the Meteoric Rain.

Thanks to this, the Elohim of Cygnus could continue their work "Cosmic Gardeners" and "Sowers of Life" until the time of his replacement.



Seen: maestroviejo

THE God of Orion and the Pleiades

260 million years ago, a ship from the Orion Rigel System, landed at what is now Canyon Talampaya (La Rioja, Argentina). It fell first cosmonaut and then made two more. All were dressed in diving suits due to the prevailing climate at that time was still unstable.
They took different soil samples, and made tests with all kinds of living there, to check their progress and development in this part of the planet.
Then, the scenery was quite peculiar: it was like a lush jungle, but the size of the trees was really impressive, beating the tallest trees in our days long. The sky was also different because he had an intense reddish color, highlighting it several moons. Some seemed of enormous size, because of its proximity to Earth.

The natives, much later, through Great Initiates, could see in the archives of history this time and left written in stone as a symbol of the beginning of everything in Talampaya. The Petroglyph Astronauts still preserved there remember that "the cosmos down to earth parents and then returned to their home beyond the stars."

The arrivals were Elohims and Guardians and Wardens chosen as the most suitable for the conditions of the planet, since its same genetic component of Orion, was also in the spores sown by the Ancient Fathers.

This group from Orion, first located the site and then installed a permanent Base Laboratory. Then they arrive at different times over quotas.

Elohim Orion produced more than one genetic touch, helping the development of reptiles. And they sought to create a special type thereof in order to achieve an intelligent being with Orion's own characteristics, but in turn with some components of this planet, the product of natural evolution.
(According to scientific sources, 250 million years ago, "he appeared" in Talampaya--just the Lagosuchus Talampayensis, one of the first dinosaur species).

For millions of years and at different times, the Orions continued to maintain there the Base-Laboratorio, but there came a time when there were different opinions about how to continue working towards an intelligent origin.
It was when the Confederation decided to add a new approach to the Plan, which led to send a new group of 7 Elohim.

Then a ship-Lab 50 km diameter giant which also functioned as a greenhouse, landed in Talampaya. Its shape was cylindrical but bulging in the middle and narrower at its ends, which were rounded and bright. Its origin was Pleiadean.

These new Elohim began to perform other genetic combinations-helping the development of mammals-, taking with it the original draft of the Orions.

This variant of the experiment brought about disagreements and growing tensions between the beings of Orion and the Pleiades. So that at any given time, the Pleiadians Elohim left the Base, and with their experiments aboard the great ship-laboratory in which they arrived, they marched away from the Orions to continue their project.

THE GUARDIAN hiperbóreos

By then, and to safeguard the earth 's process, it makes 245 million years was sent to Earth a contingent of Guardians and Wardens, mainly from planet Apu, the Alpha Centauri system. This starts what is known as the Secondary Era.
Due to the instability of the Planet, the Guardians and Wardens were in the continent called Hiperbóreo, calling Thule its capital. Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen and the islands of northern Europe would geological vestiges of the fabulous Hiperbórea, who enjoyed a tropical climate with an extraordinary vegetation.

Guardians called Hyperboreans were giants compared to the actual land, as were more than 3 meters high. Physical and energetic constitution allowed them to withstand the intense radiation emitting volcanic activity.

Nevertheless, tensions and disagreements among the Elohim continued, until the process was once again interrupted 65 million years ago, when the earth brought upon himself the impact of a moon-about 10 kms in diameter, submerging Planet in terrible earthquakes, floods, clouds of dust and gas ... the global collapse was such that ended most of the megaflora and megafauna.
The Hiperbóreos Guardians, knowing the fatal outcome approaching, began to organize the evacuation shortly before this happened. But all accelerated, leading to open a dimensional door emergency at the northern end of the world, which managed to escape the remnants that could not escape otherwise.
Today, the door open in Space and Time continues to act for those who approach it like a window into another era, and offers a glimpse of how the planet was many millions of years ago.


Then, our world was there, alone and abandoned to their fate. A world wrapped in the darkness of their own convulsions, amid which writhed like a helpless helpless little creature, condemned to death by nature.
As had been 8 Planets scheduled for the Project, one rule was not significant, so we continued to work with the other 7. But later similar problems were repeated with 3 more others, getting to the point that despite the provision of care these totally destroyed, while the visible remains of them today. This forced a more thorough job with the 4 survivors.
When the other three planets were destroyed, and thought about how dangerous it was the rapid reduction possibilities, the Helel Enmanuel did reconsider the case of Earth, where the destruction had dimmed, and therefore was whether to give a second chance.
Planet not only still in place, but itself was recovering from the great destruction, entering a new stage promisingly we know as the Tertiary, with the very nature adapted to the conditions prevailing life.
The Helel Seraphim realized they were quick to dismiss a participant, so immediately it was decided that the Elohim should come and procurasen accelerate the process, recovering the past and leveling advances to match all the other time.


Then the Pleiadians Geneticists settled with his great ship-Lab in Lemuria continent-a now defunct located in the Indian Ocean, bringing different species of insects and plants from other planets to install and expand the wide range that existed in this world .

Also they brought with plants with hallucinogenic properties, which used to override the accelerated aging process that the atmosphere of our planet made them suffer.
From relatively advanced primates,
with a dose of Pleadeans genes, and by using the high genetic engineering of the latter, it was created the first human race, which end would achieve a high evolutionary development, as was considered in the Cosmic Plan.

Although there are those who believe they have received information that this would have happened a million years ago, others speak of 60 million years. And even the information received by Talmir suggests that this occurred not during the Tertiary, but at the end of high school: 65 million years ago, or more.
(According to scientific sources, the late Secondary Era, there was the Purgatorius Ceratops, the oldest known primates - so named for being contemporaries of Triceratops).
Thus, the result of the experiment, the Elohim got a variety of androgynous and hermaphroditic; ie beings who possessed both sexes. However, this new breed was not properly adapted to withstand the conditions on Earth at that time.
Instability planet through continual and violent volcanic eruptions, added to the unbreathable sulphurous atmosphere and acid waters prevented further -carentes these fragile beings much needed sense survival, due to the gentle life led within the laboratory- ship could prosper by being brought to the surface.
For this reason they must be reconditioned, separating the sexes by major surgery, and modifying its genetic make them more resistant to again.

Betrayed by Gadreel

Once you create the base of the first Earth Humanity, 7 Genetic Engineers met with Lemurian groups in the Ship Laboratory let us not forget that the huge alien vehicle functioned as greenhouse, and told them:
- In every plant, fruit or seed all you can eat without you pollute, but by no means will taste of plants found in the reserved area, because those species of plants are hallucinogenic plants. And these could cause you visions and perceptions for which they are not ready yet, and would prevent in the near future, develop the powers vested in them to dominate and control, that which is beyond your physical senses.
"In addition, consuming these plants would result in the deterioration of neurons, initiating an irreversible process of cell death and destruction that we could not even stop. Their auras would be equally affected by being torn and would be at the mercy of entities that are always on the lookout ... ".
The first Lemurian very dutifully accepted the recommendation not to approach these harmful plants. But one of the genetic engineers, an alien doctor named Gadriel or Gadreel, had joined secretly Lucifer, and being faithful to their interests, sought a way to boycott the program, prompting the first humans to use these forbidden plants.
He met separately with our ancestors and said:
-Probad of those plants, of which it is recommended you keep confidential. Do not listen to my colleagues who are fearful that quickly may be able to get power and knowledge. Also, how it would advance science without experimentation?
He endorsed the sly, hosting the first experience of drug use by mankind.
The first Lemurian passed it very badly: they lowered the pressure, felt cold, and when the other engineers realized the problem, they thought they definitely humans were unpredictable beings, that curiosity of them was very dangerous and could even put endanger the safety of themselves.
So, they decide to abort a second time and left Earth Project in its gigantic ship.


T ime later, when the rest of the Genetic Engineering learns what he had done, Gadreel is left in our world, a kind of underground prison in Talampaya, which would not leave until their companions volviesen for him, seeing he realized his mistake. So it was.
During this period, Gadreel, with the intention to amend its mistake, creates a race of humanoid creatures, Sunki, as a parallel to human initiative, they being the main inhabitants of the Underworld.
The Sunki are small humanoid creatures, barely a meter tall. They have no hair, and big black slanted eyes, stand on a round face that shows no nose, ears or lips, but a kind of holes in place. The color of your skin looks like a gray-terra cotta.

These beings of creation, continue fulfilling induce human consumption of all kinds of prohibited direct consumption, as alleged, yet misleading protection path, all kinds of wiles plants, and to facilitate contact with these beings and them achieve their favors, which would always be charged at a high price: finally be paying dependence, blocking the natural faculties and gradual self-destruction of the human being.

But not all of these entities have a tendency toward evil. Our world being part of a universe where raw Duality, there is a tendency towards both directions of polarity in all beings. Therefore there beings also beneficial intraterrestrial refugees worldwide.


Once considered that the project had failed Earth, the planet was abandoned to its fate, the first of the 8 Planets selected, which was ruled out of the Cosmic Plan.
Shortly after the abandonment and neglect that was engulfing the planet, ships came to our habitat, declaring "No Man's Land," which would allow them to extract a variety of metals, including gold.

But gold of the Earth was not of the quality and refinement was needed to create 12 disc by way of metallic mirrors, an almost translucent gold, which connected together through a larger treceavo, and that joins everyone should be placed at strategic points so they could capture a direction connection with the Cosmic Gate return to the Real Time Universe and facilitate energy carrier able to open doors between dimensions.
For the preparation of such discs were required combination of seven metals, in an alchemical process. But it was not enough merely alloy metals were required to intervene to manufacture the combination of voices and sounds, minds and hearts of the Planet and this alternative time. Upon entering the Time Alternative Earth, auditors were leaving behind a door quickly opened others, becoming 7 in the Cosmos, and not less than 12 on Earth, mistaking the return process and arriesgándolos lost in the case choosing the wrong website. Because one only is the right to return to time and time.

The 24 Elders of the Galaxy and 9 Andromeda, which are the government of our Galaxy and whole or Local Group, knew what it meant sending the experimenters to this other reality, and by the way I envisioned for those who reach the Planets Intervention could not back out , preventing them return immediately without completing their homework before, so forcing them because they had the interest that the project will achieve success.
Therefore Sowers, the Guardians and Wardens, and instructors, loved Level 4.4, paid the price of admission with partial trauma oblivion, we would call misdirection.
Elders and Mentors are a Level 6.6, have no physical corporeality, and are projected to Time Alternative, but not in it.
7 Doors are like the 7 Seals, to locate the correct door had to use humanity or be guided by it back home, accompanying his wake. But this would come to understand long after the interveners.
Originally no humans on Earth was used to work the mines, but later some primitive human groups were employed, or rather we would say: enslaved to those functions without any remorse.
(This resembles the Sumerian stories about the enslavement of early humans, by the Anunnaki of Nibiru 300,000 years ago to search for gold. However, it is possible that the use of hominids for gold mining or other minerals has occurred more than once and by more than one alien race in the history of the Earth).


Following this, humanity -in contact with Sunki and the Elementales-, moved in a disorderly manner, easily connecting to different spheres and planes. Then came the moment when the Lemurian Race began to be refined and highlight.
(Normally Rahma Missionaries consider that this occurred 80,000 years ago, but according to the version of Talmir still find ourselves at the end of the secondary era).
At that time humans know themselves and understand each other telepathically. Also they communicated using the language of birds, and imitating songs and sounds by way of whistles. All this, alerted those who directed the Cosmic Plan.
Had achieved progress of humanity, regardless of observation, monitoring, control and guidance of the intervenors, and all this was unacceptable. The project had been willing to be a teaching and learning meant for Extraterrestrials, and could not or would be successful without the presence, monitoring and close observation of Intervenors.

In addition, because the risk that only the humanity of Earth make the leap and Extraterrestrials trapped in that other reality will stay came. In this regard had passed the land, but not them. It was therefore decided to block the possibility of achieving an immediate success, making him forget the human being knowledge and memory of its powers, producing in him a terrible numbness and reverse.

E l next step was to return to Earth as an active part of the project because of the other 7 chosen Planets, 3 were completely destroyed, and 4 had stalled by excessive care and dependencies. The only planet in which the experimenters had lost control over the experiment, and were given the chance to achieve a good result was Earth.


Then, under the permanent guardianship of Pleiadeans -who still had to wear spacesuits, according to the story of Talmir-, the Lemurian began to organize themselves in small communities such as family villages.
There they received direct instruction from tutors: in the beginning knowledge of agriculture and also to domesticate certain beings who had at that time: the dinosaurs ... and these all types and sizes.
For example, a kind of triceratops -more larger than the common skin of a slightly pink and manchas- color, was used as a beast of burden.
Eventually also they learn sciences like mathematics, astronomy and astrology, enabling them to have a breakthrough and development in a short time.
(Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea, student of the mysterious stones of Ica in Peru until his death defended the existence of humanity and civilization previous to ours, which have existed 75 million years ago).

Communities were growing in number and size, not only wide but also deep into the earth as a form of defense against those untamed animals and natural disasters. They built tunnels and underground galleries, found others that already existed and were inhabited by Sunki, creating a close and fraternal relationship between them.
Therefore, the Pleiadians began to give them more independence, leaving them alone and visiting them every short periods, then they were spaced more and more.
Technology reached such a level, they were able to create portals DIMENSIONAL. They had also made significant development and management of their psychic abilities.
By this time, the Pleiadians had withdrawn from the earth, letting her pupils continue to develop alone, or almost alone ...


But the time came when the seat of the Council of 14 Orion received a visit from a stranger. A high being, lanky, dressed in a red suit that seemed to be made of a thick plastic. She wore a sort of elongated coat and hat on the head, similar to the Atef crown of the pharaohs of Egypt.
Visitor who barged unannounced at the Council of Orion, cleverly disguised his secret origin. It was Lucifer, who had failed to materialize in Orion something that is not difficult for a "Father Creator" - to directly influence the Council, and bring the Orions again to war. A war that sought to destroy "The Children Prohibited Orion 'Humanity Earth.
The connection point with the arrival of Lucifer Orion was a giant stargate, emanating from the Mintaka Star: a crack of light that communicates Universos, a phenomenon that occurs only in the nucleus of some stars and galaxies.
(Many sources indicate that Orion is one of the 13 largest portals of the Galaxy. But as we have seen, it is possible that the Portal Orion concerned actually the Alnitak star, NorDac was mistaken to identify with Mintaka).

The Council of Orion knew to stay oblivious to the dark intentions of the visitor. This led to Lucifer continually seek support in different Constellations, always trying to convince you that everything implemented by the Confederations was a hoax so that in the future all cosmic civilizations end up being enslaved by primitive beings. These ideas were gaining ground and supporters.


The individual who could be influenced more by Lucifer was undoubtedly his most direct disciple, Satanel, who was now embarked on a different company spread the call for peace in the universe.
NORDAC said to have had a vision of Satanel at this stage of the Saga of the Cosmic Plan. But he describes it as a human: tall, slender, fair-skinned, long black hair, and clear, deep, piercing eyes. Why, if it is assumed that Satanel was a man-snake?
Satanel may have temporarily changed its reptilian body a human one, in one of those expeditions of the Emissaries of Peace. Perhaps as a sign of goodwill, to appear before a civilization that surely was also human.
Notwithstanding this, one important member of the Council of the 33, would fall into the darkness to become the main supporter of the cause of Lucifer.

"RAH" was again the important point of discussion between the embodiment of Lucifer and Satanel, showing that last lesson -the origin of Antigua- War actually had not finished being learned.
Satanel eyes turned dark as space. Luzbel had managed to fill his heart with hatred for humans on Earth, because these were "Children Prohibited" of "RAH".
However, being "children" Orion was not the most terrible, but being endowed with something that did not have the same Orions: free will.
Luzbel skillfully managed to convince Satanel Humanity on Earth must be destroyed. And if that were not enough, he came to affirm to that we formed a danger to the selfsame Orions, because in the future, sooner or later, we would destroy them to become a more powerful civilization.
This was a blow very studied, because if the Resplendent could polarize Satanel, knew the General Old Master Watchers and now representative of all Orion would have myriads of followers. So it was.
Thus, gradually they began to become stressed relations between the Confederation and the Orions, as had become the main detractors of the decisions of the elders, and all this covered by the direct influence of a Resplendent.


In the first instance, the Satanel himself tried to convince himself of the 14 Council to send an advanced Annihilation Earth. And like Lucifer, he was unsuccessful.
Masters Sages understood that the very existence of humanity was part of the Cosmic Plan, a strategy that sought new forms of life, but with the same drawbacks as they like the warrior trend and colonizadora- could find the missing link that would restore the order violated and consequently achieve Higher Grades Evolution.
But Satanel not understand. It was full of hatred. He had been polarized. Then, possessed with anger, and powerless to convince the Council to destroy the earth, lifted his long, strange weapon. And this device fired frightening energies like if it were an electric- fire to Council members. He destroyed them all.
It was then as a theoretical and divergent views expressed opposition, passed a violent radical action. It was the beginning of the rebellion of Satanel, which Orion planets and other civilizations, such as Zeta Reticuli were folded.
(According to Colombian Contacted Solraser were 36 civilizations faced Confederation: civilizations Orion such as Alnilam, Bellatrix, Betelgeus and Rigel, supported by action as Barnard, Draco, Eridane, Lira, Marcab, Zeta Reticuli Zeta Tucane, and Zeta Zilon).
And the echoes of that dissent, which once had a true scope of Star Wars, still resonate in the Cosmos.

Urlasa, one of the 24 Best of the galaxy, raised the need to end soon with this war that was already putting in crisis the universe, to the point of confusing other Confederations which corresponded to his own act.
The proposal was accepted and decided on a total offense that took by surprise the legions of Lucifer Satanel and reducing them and dominating them completely.


On Earth, the Orion Scientific Base in Talampaya, who was also a military base, he joined Satanel Forces. Inside it there was a total consensus about it, and there were those who from the beginning took an ambiguous position. Foremost among the leaders there was a complete conviction to the rebellion, but many of them were subdued by satanic influence.
It was when the Confederation of Worlds sent a contingent of ships to retake the base and were attacked. Then there were great battles, many weapons were used, and finally a huge explosion destroyed all surface facilities. But it not what had been preventively relocated inside time before the great Monte Black Talampaya, protected by an energy shield.
There were many dead, so many that fell 24,000 in the near perimeter of the base, and within it, finally a rebellion broke out at the controls responding to Satanel. There was a melee that ultimately enabled the Confederation regained control.
At that place was a great Valley of the Fallen, where even today are 24,000 dead beings in the Great Battle Final. As well as 12 Jerarcas Orionites retained within crystals.
In addition laboratory equipment and results, all in the custody of the Great White Brotherhood, who founded right there Ankar City, which means "Light of Time" remained.
(Traditionally, Rahma Missionaries have placed these facts some 25,000 years ago, although Talmir places them at the end of the secondary era).



THE JUDGMENT OF THE ELDERLY The crushing of the rebellion led revelry in most of the Cosmos, despite missing most importantly, decide what was done with the insurgents. Voices came and went, each proposing to do justice in their own way, and even the cruelest punishments were invented. But the only ones who could establish a correct decision were the greatest. Another major, named Archer, said the best way to learn dissidents were sent to one of the planets that were within the projects they refused, and thus contribute to its development.

Then, the Rebels were arrested astrally in Ergomenones specially programmed to "bind" their Essences to Earth: a pyramid-shaped square base (collective), and other shaped Octahedron (individual); the latter of fewer on Earth, due to the strong power emanating. Retaining these crystals they were installed by the Rangers in caves. Thus, it is prevented Satanel and his followers encarnasen in adult bodies were hidden in Orion -and the Galactic Confederation unsuccessfully sought to "confiscate" -. The measure was logical. Otherwise, there would be started from a new Cosmic War ...

For everyone present was a good idea, wise and conciliatory, but for those who did not belong to the upper echelons of Evolution, the decision was absurd and contrary to the ideals of preservation of worlds like ours. Although the war, indeed, did not finish. The race of small gray men, created during the Ancient War, was controlled by Satanel. These beings would become later in the possibility of escape for trapped on Earth Orions. THE "RIGHT ARM" OF Satanel In addition, there was a woman, Vigilante Orion and "right arm" of Satanel in the Rebellion, who escaped the war in command of an important group of beings reptilian appearance. The Confederacy had lost their trail.

They traveled to Antares to ask a sort of asylum. They were received, and even tried to convince the powerful hierarchs Antarian pandering to a new war. And although his former enemies agreed not participate directly, they agreed to provide military technology that could turn this Vigilante and his small army of reptilians in an invincible advanced. With this, the Antarian were violating the Treaty of Galactic Peace, as a result of the Ancient War, it noted that no machinery for war plans or aggression should occur. But the fate of that group Orionine Antares was not as plentiful. His additional bodies , or physical - replicas were finally found by the Confederation in Orion, and thus controlled.

So, this little faithful to Satanel army was only a physical body-bearing "because" - to carry out their plans, and froze their only available bodies in Antares, only to be awoken at the right time it would take out the "War of the Wars". This point against against the forces of the Confederacy, had been overtaken by the possession of powerful weapons. Among them, a terrible and forbidden. Cannons were treated Antimatter, which had been adapted by the Antarian to destroy not only the physical body but also the "Virtual Memory" which involves everything learned over successive lives.

The creatures reached by these terrible weapons, as a result, "forget" everything and begin from scratch. A gun, of course, very convenient to be used not only against the Rangers of the Confederacy, but against the very humanity of the Earth ... EXODUS TO Jovian moons Shrugged Satanel, affected much life and spatial organization in Orion, which added to the strong crisis that resulted in the physical destruction of the Council of 14, he created an atmosphere of uncertainty and insecurity, despite the Galactic Confederation already had control.

Finally, an important sector of the Orions , which did not participate in the Cosmic War would trigger Satanel- added to the Galactic Council, abandoned Ahelón Orion and other worlds in space travel that would take them to the larger moons of Jupiter in our Solar System , which they called: ANETA (Io): Military Base of the Confederacy. ANATIA (Europe): "World Culture and Fine Creations." MORLEN (Ganymede): "World of perfection." CALONIA (Callisto): "Training World." Morlen, the new headquarters of the Council would be established. They gave up their warrior past, and left behind the technological abuses of cloning. They returned to the origins, to the point of bearing children again. DEPORTATION OF REBELS

The rebels were deported to our planet in about 30 dark Naves, with circular shape, but with the top pointy part. The first group landed near what is now the volcano Rano Raraku, Rapa Nui. And right there, inside the volcano, it was installed the first glass retention. (Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, spoke of a mass deportation of aliens by the Galactic Confederation in the late Secondary Era, 70 million years ago. According to his version, millions of people were thrown into the volcanoes of Hawaii, and other parts of the world, since its essence being trapped on Earth).

But a phenomenon that occurred in this first group, alerted the Confederacy. It was a premature aging, the result of having cloned bodies and be under a strange energetic influence for them: our planet. Finally, Satanel and Lucifer were left in Central Asia. What still did not know is that this was a point where he had buried two glasses of retention, so it was easier still control these interstellar legionaries.

When they began to quickly grow old the first to come, many of these Orions tried to find in laboratories able to build an alternative or "antidote" to be prolonged. But most of these initiatives were suppressed by the Rangers of the Pleiades, who patiently followed the instructions of the Galactic Confederation. However, once again it was not enough. The Orions Deportees, totally oblivious to the Assistance Mission for which they were sent in the first instance to Earth, continued to create dangerous tensions in the different points where they settled. Reptilians TERRESTRES

According Talmir when rebels saw that our planet was also inhabited by dinosaurs , which were somehow primitivos- their relatives, they found them an ideal way to end the burgeoning human civilization form. For this they had genetically intervene giant reptiles- the kind of carnivores, considerably reducing its size and providing them with a high intellectual level, turning quickly in his "disciples", which were schooled in order to annihilate humans and be they new models Alternative evolution of the cosmos.

It was in this way that a veritable army of Reptiles Smart emerged ... until a grotesque war, which was not what the Orion Reptilians had hoped broke. On the contrary, the battle was a slaughter of reptiles, due to technological superiority developed by humans. EXTERMINATION OF Deportees

The Rangers later received the order to destroy the few colonies that had managed to establish and operate on the planet. They did not intervene at first, because within the Orions own who participated in the rebellion, and now were deported Satanel on Earth, there was a group that did not want to participate in the new revolt; On the contrary, sincerely he wanted to help humanity with which he was identified by proceeding all from the same source of life. This tension was so intense that it was becoming an internal dispute among the deportees.

So the Pleiades Rangers were ordered to destroy them all. The flashpoint was such that he could not wait any longer ... The places where warlike intervened small Subterráneos facilities and laboratories, including enclaves as Paititi, Mount Shasta, Sakkara, Mount Sinai and Talampaya. The rebels Deported to Earth, and they wanted help - but humanity that were hit by this military intervention Pleyadianos- Rangers were given the opportunity to play in the future as human beings, and thus participate in the different missions Aid that would seek the realization of the Cosmic Plan. But always, after meeting each existence on Earth, their Essences return to Orion.

This mystery, of course, has no explanation in our physical plane but on a determination of the Guardians of Destiny, Seres Ultraterrestrials that from the Mental Universe, follow the details of the Cosmic Plan. Notwithstanding this, and seeing themselves trapped in the Astral Plane or fourth dimension of Earth, the dissidents declared a psychic war on humanity. And constituted an Internal Government Negative Planetarium, which seeks to manipulate those weak people of will and character, turning their charisms, to exercise through them, a fascination over the rest of mankind that leads to the community to self - destruction . Headed for disaster

Meanwhile, in a gesture of nobility, humans had forgiven Terrestrial Reptilian survivors, allowing them to live among them as long as they cooperate with the progress of civilization, which by then was made up of large city-states, which were governed by a Regent Council. But survivors not only cooperated, but began to fight another battle, this time using a different weapon: its high Psi, in combination with the deportees in the Astral. It was a slow but steady war, sowing discord within society, creating a climate of great negativity and tension, which sought to disintegrate from within the sheltered naively Civilization.

The climate of negativity became such that even the good relations maintained humans with Sunki turned hostile. The latter were dominated and used by surface whose toils and desire for power caused serious damage, destabilizing the planetary energies. All this eventually led to the Great Catastrophe: 65 million years ago, the moon was closer to Earth, rushed violently on it, completely destroying not only the cities but virtually all surface life. Modification of the orbit and the planet 's axis, and serious damage to the atmosphere, led to the almost total freeze it.

However, according to Talmir, many humans who had not been corrupted, managed to escape the carnage taking refuge in the bowels of the Earth, by opening the great Portal Dimensional, in what is now the North Pole. But they did not completely shut the door, it was opened in part to return when conditions were appropriate. However, later it would be used by all types of beings from the most diverse civilizations and with the most varied purposes. LIFE REVIVAL Continuing the story of Talmir, after the disaster and after a long time - in which they repeated freezing and de-freezing of the planet, and cataclysms Varios- meteoric showers, life reappeared again on the surface occurred.

(As we know from scientific sources, the last rain that hit Earth Meteoric occurred 27 million years ago). But the returnees inhabitants now had a new look: his skin was dark (like copper) and its appearance as a mixture between black and red, tall, spiky, with long, slender limbs. Even his skull had an elongated shape and pronounced backwards. Over time, the area where they had settled the Lemurian Culture (south east of Africa and Madagascar, Indian Ocean) became unstable by a string of earthquakes. This pushed them to explore the world. ANATEYLÁN

The panorama offered Antarctica was different then. A temperate climate with a dream landscape brandishing important mountain ranges; numerous rivers snaking its vast geography, irrigating vast valleys and plains to reach the surrounding ocean. There a city that would bring together all lemurs Colonies was founded. They called Anateylán, a name of their culture and it means: "We are all one." Lemurian originally founded there, near a large lake, where according to legends, life had originated. And they were right. It was the place where he had sown the molecule self-replicating life, and where he had installed the machine Kayona, millions of years ago.

(NorDac claims that the Lemurian Kayona called his city, which is probably a confusion. Talmir however, indicates that the name of the city was Anateylán, which seems more appropriate). Anateylán was a magnificent city, a blend of advanced technology with pyramidal constructions order appeared to have been raised on a marble - like material. Several gardens and waterfalls were visible amid great peace. A very wide track, leading to a larger pyramid, surrounded by several domes in the center of the city. It was the "Temple of principle", a monument erected to the Origin of Life on Earth.

This city, with time, would be frequented by star visitors who served the Confederation of Worlds of the Galaxy. Soon, Anateylán would become an enclave that brought together different cultures on Earth and settlers from other worlds, at a time when the Earth received frequent visits aliens. He went on to become a protected area by the Confederation itself. ANTARCTIC CIVILIZATION Thus the Antarctic Civilization was established rapidly, forming highly advanced and sophisticated cities: its buildings were rounded, some very high, and all of them inside a giant dome as a protective shield. Its inhabitants were also very advanced: they could move at will between dimensions, for they were aware of their subtle vehicles.

At that time, they had reached a high evolutionary and scientific development, from Anateylán were sent advanced that began to settle in other parts of the world. Some of these well - known today as Rapa Nui, which at that time was not an island but a gigantic conical mountain, whose summit -used as a hat in ceremonial altar and had Moais ... Another of the places "advanced" of this civilization, and currently kept archaeological remains, were the Atacama Desert and El Enladrillado in northern and southern Chile, respectively. Other points were in the current Polynesia and Australia, as well as Asia and South Africa. Even some had migrated off the planet, but within the solar system.

Yet we imagine the scope of this civilization, before Atlantis and superior to it in many respects, as one particular and very special: neither more nor less than the incarnation of the Christ Spirit. This was manifested for the first time on the planet, amid a dazzling light that came down from heaven, filling all ... (According to Javier Cabrera, the Ica Stones speak of a Christ that existed at a time when horses were 3 fingers each leg. According to scientific sources, the Mesohippus -antecesor horse, and three fingers on each pata-, lived during the Oligocene epoch extending between 33 and approximately) 23 million years.

However, the Antarctic civilization perish in a later Cataclysm, which for NorDac is the same that destroyed Atlantis. Although the Confederation suggested an evacuation, human settlers Anateylán, held firm to remain in the city until the end of it, so secret that protected and should not be moved elsewhere, and its symbolism of hope and unity. Many gathered in the underground who are under the Temple of principle, moments before the disaster. They chose to be there, under one of the oldest temples of the Earth: a temple that was respected by all, including visitors extraterrestrials.

With Catastrophe, our world experienced a violent and unexpected change in axis, which once temperate lands buried under the cloak of a polar ice. Anateylán was located further south, hundreds of meters below the current white landscape of Antarctica. The arrival of the 32 MENSAJEROS To counter negative self -government Satanel, the remaining 32 Messengers of Peace, came to Earth to establish a positive self -government. That is, capture on our planet an order that already existed in the universe, and that was reflected in the Confederation of Worlds of the Galaxy. It was the beginning of the White Brotherhood on Earth.

The great ship Campana, triangular appearance and so pure as snow white, settled in what is now the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. The location had been previously studied, because in that area of the world in the past several expeditions had settled aliens built huge tunnels for mineral exploitation. 32 Envoys took advantage of the existence of these galleries abandoned to adapt its mission to preserve and protect the true history of the Earth, which were "reading" of the Akashic Record or Memory Matrix Planet, and file it in an impressive collection of metal plates ingenious alloys, like the legendary "Orichalcum" Atlante.

This procedure was more than important, because every so often, powerful energies from space affect the magnetic field of the Earth by altering the information contained in its 'Register'. In simple terms, the 32 envoys sought a "backup" of all that information so that no external phenomenon lose it forever. It was also there in the "Halls of Amenti" where the Great Disco Solar Ilumana, a Master Plan which sought to "unite" the other 12 disks created to connect with the universe and understand its nature was built. Disc represents the Central Sun of the Galaxy. THE TIME NETWORK

13 discs called "Red Time", are currently distributed in temples Subways along America and Antarctica. Their names and locations are as follows: 01) Emanashi (Mount Shasta, USA). 02) Sipenbó (Valley of 7 Luminarias, Mexico). 03) Aromane (Ciudad Blanca, Honduras). 04) Xemancó (Laguna de Guatavita, Colombia). 05) urinam (Monte Roraima, Venezuela). 06) Jasintah (Cueva de Los Tayos, Ecuador). 07) Ilumana (City of Paititi, Peru). 08) Demayón (Lake Titicaca, Bolivia). 09) Ramayah (Volcano Licancabur, Chile). 10) Mitakunah (Canyon Talampaya, Argentina). 11) Omsarah (Sierra del Roncador, Brazil). 12) Ulimen (Estancia Aurora, Uruguay).

13) Íon (Lake Vostok, Antarctica). "BIRTH" THE GRAIL But the mission of the 32 had a secret ingredient had brought with them the great crystal that was found in the Orion Nebula. He was placed in an underground gallery specially fitted for protection under the floor of the Gobi silent. And when the Great Crystal was placed, it was "active", brightening with an emerald glow that seemed to come from another plane matter beyond. Then came the "birth" of the Great Crystal: a small object similar in nature, broke away from his mother.

This new cosmic stone, cup-shaped, first impression looked like a bowl for her wide mouth. However, when viewed close up , pentagonal aspect of its circumference appreciated. It was the birth of the Grail. That object, like the Great Crystal that spawned, was indestructible. But both were intensely guarded lest they fall into the wrong hands. FOUNDATION SHAMBHALA

32 Sent knew that only the humanity of this planet could reveal the mystery and Message from the Grand Cristal therefore rested some comfort in their minds when they saw the awakening and birth of his secret treasure. It was so they decided to move the great ship to the west end of the desert, where they dominate the high and holy mountains of Altai. From there would monitor every corner of the ancient Gobi.
They found the perfect Belukha massif to hide his ship under his corpulent structure instead. Then they took the Navigation Technology spacecraft to freeze their bodies , as if they were to embark on a long trip- being in a state of suspended animation. They did so, for dying on Earth , where beings from other worlds experience an aging prematuro- their souls should return to their home planets, and they had not finished their mission. Thus physically they were "asleep" in their capsules Hibernation, but spiritually active and vigilant from another plane. As the light of the great crystal remain on, which beam giver of life from his secret hideout in the Gobi, they remain here.

This process involved a transfer of posts: since joining the Great Glass to Earth the highest men in the world, many of them survivors of the catastrophe of Atlantis, undertook trip to the Gobi and Altai, feeling strongly the call of 32 and the energy of this cosmic object which now throbbed, which Maxin light or eternal torch of each Inner Retreat. Thus, the remnants of ancient antediluvian cultures, all wise beings who understood the error of their peers when the divorce between science and spirituality , as happened with the Atlántida- generated were established in the new Guardians of the Gobi and Materials adjacent high mountain ranges. It was the beginning of Shambhala. City Light, the seed of peace.

(The Missionaries Rahma generally place the foundation of Shambhala after the sinking of Atlantis, which occurred about 12,500 years ago. However, Tibetan texts claim that Shambhala was founded more than 18 million years ago by a group of 7 people who came from Venus. perhaps the arrival of the 32 Messengers, actually corresponds to a later chapter in the history of Shambhala). COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLAN The Great Crystal was magically linked to the Nodal Red Planet, including connecting tunnels and underground spaces, flooding everything with its bright green glow of creation.

For several thousand years, the inhabitants of this underground, watchful and protective Humanity of Secrets of the Gobi and the mountains, remained physically active. Today, most of those teachers have migrated to other planes, where they continue their great work. This is happening because another coaching change is awaited, as happened with the desire of the 32 envoys to perpetuate the chain, leaving willingly to forefront announced that everything is fulfilled. Extraterrestrial Messengers knew their mission, as on previous occasions, the Council had sent various missions to distant worlds to sow the seed of peace. The visit of these beings to Earth posed by the Tenth Crusade. And perhaps the last and final.

Thereafter, the Grail would be the care of the Guardians of the Underworld, who at certain times, allowed the stone to surface through his emissaries and be infiltrated gravitantes moments in our history. That sort of Esmeralda Space, in its natural state, looked like a bowl, so it was not hard mold to give a semblance of human drink and pass unnoticed. Then it is covered with metal, gold and stone to hide its origin, powers and mission.
Not to forget that the stone was more than an element of power. It was a powerful oracle that summarized the mystery of creation, and still storing large amounts of information wherever it was. For this reason the Masters expounded at key moments to the surface, without losing sight of their care and protection. In fact that little glass has returned again and again to various Inner Retreats in Asia and around the world, but without integrating the large living object it detached again. This will happen when the great work of the White Brotherhood ends. 32 'Sons of Light', as described by Toth the Atlantean in "The Emerald Tablets" are waiting for that moment, when the Anrrom, the "Day of the Great Light , " and the universe is redeemed.

MAIN SOURCES: • "The Book of Guardians and Wardens of Worlds" (Sixto Paz). • "Humanity and Intervenors after Eden" (article Sixto Paz). • "The Cosmic Plan" (Group Onanel, Mission Rahma). • "Report Talampaya" (Cristian Sánchez). • "Traveling the dawn of time" (Mauricio García). • "Revelation Atlante" (Camilo Valdivieso). • "Report Mintaka" (Ricardo González). • "Report Kayona" (Ricardo González). • "Eye of Shambhala" (Ricardo González)

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