
12 de marzo de 2019


Resultat d'imatges de arcangel michael














publicado por Everth Thenansehed  1er oficial de la Federación galáctica de mundos libres
a través de Joan Ashtar 

 © misteri 1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Esta publicación puede reproducirse libremente a condición de respetar su integridad y mencionar al autor como fuente de la misma y se incluya esta URL y el aviso del Copyright

Commander Ashira: Life Is With You and For You, Always

et galactic fleet eraoflightdotcom
Hello Dear One,
We are here for you, always.
We want to start out today, with that – with you considering how you feel in relationship to considering our ever-present support, love and comraderie.
We want you to know that we are always aware of you. What you are feeling, what you are thinking, how you think things are going and how much you are aware of the vaster you.
Whether or not you think of the vaster you, when you are feeling good, you and the vastness you are merge in consciousness and this serves you.
In this merged state, you experience unity, while embodied, with all that you are.
Doing this is extremely beneficial to you. It feels good. It furthers the good feeling that brings it about and takes you into more of the same. It is always you, allowing you to come forth, that empowers whenever you feel good. The mood follows the alignment and then extends it into more moments of joy, beauty, love, appreciation – benevolence, unconditional benevolence, in expression, through you and you experience this emotionally.
When life causes you to want more, the fullness you are becomes more. Always expressing your vibrational choices in form, and becoming a continually up-to-speed frequency expression for you to use to navigate and feel your way home.
This is how Life works.
Life, is with you, for you, always
We remind you of these things that we know you’ve heard, or may even know. May even live from regularly. Consistently. We do that because that is who we are.
We are the vastness of being. We speak as One for we are One and we know we are One.
We are you in a broader expression – you, as in all that you are.
We are the fullness of being emanating into your life in a way you feel as joy, upliftment, ease, expansion, spaciousness, love, warmth even.
When we are being allowed you feel good and your feeling good allows us to be perceived.
When you are feeling good that state connects with streams of energy in form, in expression and translates those streams into what you perceive. This is how your life comes about.
Do you believe this?
These two questions – how do you feel about the notion that we are ever-present and aware of you, and with you, fully supporting your life? And how do you feel when we articulate that your life comes about by the translation of vibration that is determined by your prevailing mood? These two questions and your practiced response to them, matters.
Do you see how simple it is to live here, if you know these things? Trust them? Believe in them and know them, from experience, to be real and reliable?
If they feel real, it is because you’ve made them real. What you give your attention to is what will feel real, feel like a fact to you – this is how beliefs come about – through your repeated attention to thought-forms.
We offer these thoughts to you, to give you a pathway that is based on how life works and to remind you of this. Tuning to these thought-forms and allowing them to take root within you can generate amazing experiences, beginning with tremendous and steady peace of mind.
We want to remind you that Life is FOR YOU.
Life is WITH YOU.
You, beloved One, are One with us.
And we, together, as One, are in an ever expanding affirmative experience.
Life is all-inclusive and what comes about does so as a result of your focus and attention. Everything you give attention to, you make more of in your experience. You say, “Yes,” to that which you treat as real and important, that which you pay attention to.
Your embodied experience is an experience of life expanding by Life generously and without hesitation answering YES to everything that is given your attention.
This is how it is with Life. With you. With each of you.
Life says YES to everything you give your attention to. How you’re feeling when you give it your attention tells you what you’re amplifying, making real for you – making more of. This sensation based approach to discernment is really helpful. Do you feel that? Have you let yourself consider that and allow it to be real for you?
If you haven’t, yet, are you willing?
Being willing to do so, matters in terms of joy, a feeling of confidence and capacity in life, a feeling of well-being.
Daring to make real these principles, in your embodied consciousness, lines you up with Life. Empowers you. When you know this, your life is easier, more graceful, more fun, feels more free.
Your sensation-based capacity for navigating and discernment, when used, means you don’t have to figure out the details.
That’s what your feeling capacity gives to you. Because you always know – “Do I like how I feel right now? Pretty much yes? Pretty much not so much?”
Because you can always easily answer a question about, “Am I feeling good,” or “Does this thought feel good,” you are always able to navigate life – once you understand how life works.
The thing we see, and we would like to merge with you and share with you now, is this: Life does not require of you more clarity than that. And you haven’t really allowed that yet to be real, in a steady way. Most of you have had moments when you intuitively know this, but the conscious grasping of this as a principle you can rely on? That hasn’t taken root yet, and as a result, life feels harder and less satisfying to you, than it needs to.
Recently we’ve been expressing to you, that the vastness you are, the vastness we are, is more general in focus. This is true. Even while holding, vibrationally as a state of expression all that is and continually expressing all that is coming about, as you – the collective you- continually refine and choose, even with that…
Nonetheless, our focus is rather broad.
As an analogy – think of how your focus would be if you were to see this beautiful planet, from space. You would be aware, in some ways, of the fact that there is tremendous detail in your world and yet from a distance, although one can acknowledge that the detail is there, you would not necessarily experience consciously looking at each and every detail all at once, or even, ever. This does not deny the specificity of expression.
This is our attempt to provide a way of imagining this more general way of living for you, so you might begin to explore being easier, lighter, more general about LIFE. Your Life.
If you would, Oh – beloved friends…how good it could be for you. Right here, right now!
Life is giving to you all you’ve said YES to, and in fact, we know what you mean when you say things. So even though you pay attention and focus on what you don’t want, WE, as LIFE, know what you really mean. And we say, YES to that.
That then, comes about. Vibrationally.  Is in-formed by you – by the focus you are living and continually expressing.
You will always continue to choose and prefer, and find new things you like and have a preference about the things you experience – like them? Or – not so much.
Yet, in living, in navigating, in choosing your focus in general, throughout the day, if you were more general and less concerned with thinking there was a precise way to live…
If you played around a bit with feelings. With feeling for feelings you like. And making the experience of playing around for feelings you like, a much bigger part of your life.
Interestingly, you will see, if you pay attention in these ways, that you can feel happier – happier perhaps and with more consistency than ever before.
This will happen, even if you do nothing but this. Meaning – no action is required for this more wonderful experience to come about.
Isn’t that nice? Isn’t the realization that ease can come about and happiness can come about, really regardless of what is going on, quite liberating?
Just you, feeling around more for good feelings. Moving towards the thoughts, the things, the sensations, the places, the choices, that feel good, feel easy – that then naturally, perpetuate that good feeling.
Valuing pleasure, valuing your own preferences, giving attention to thought for the purpose of using thought in it’s truly intended way – to feel good!
And when you notice thoughts don’t feel good – of any kind – discovering you can, and then learning to be willing to drop them, and return to a thought, to give your attention to something that does feel good.
And – even more amazing? Discovering you can do this, change things in this way without figuring it out. Without labeling things good or bad, right or wrong, better or worse – except for knowing what feels better – and moving toward that. Being more general about it.
Day in day out, becoming a pleasure seeker. A savorer. A blissful person who is light, seemingly perhaps out of touch, but happy.
Perhaps a person who others think should be doing something else, something more, but, in fact, a person who has discovered (drum roll) the steadiness of JOY.
You came here to use your beautiful senses and your mind, to think thoughts that feel good and to notice things that feel good when you put your attention on them and choose them to think about and notice, to talk about and enjoy your life.
You came here for joy and we, beloved ones, are with you! We’re with you in the joy!
In the joy, you can feel us!
What you may feel, that will tip you off that we are with you, is WELL BEING.
Immense radiant spacious hilarious THIS IS HOW IT’S MEANT TO BE feelings…feelings, dear friend, of the perfection of life and the largesse of Being.
Life is handing out treats and lavishing you with good things every instant.
You, when you’re present in joy, feel this in abundance.
And in those moments, you are who you really are, while here – in a body, on a planet. You being the real you: an unconditionally joyful presence, of eternal and infinite expression, pleased with Life and joyfully appreciating it all.
This is flowing with Life with a capital “L,” Life as in All Life.
This is riding the ascending energy by letting it express directly through you. This is you allowing higher consciousness to flow and Life to be One with you, here and now.
This truth, this way, once you connect the dots and feel it for yourself seems obvious. That’s because it’s obvious when you are in alignment with you! When you are feeling it. When you’re One with Life, clarity is yours. It simply IS.
That it eludes you sometimes is not about availability, it’s about what you’re tuned to. What your aim is and how you feel – this is how you create, determine “what,” of the infinite possibilities gets translated into this moment and the next as your experience.
When you lose your focus, when you cannot feel us as clearly, just relax. Let go.
Remind yourself that nothing is wrong. Remind yourself of what your feelings mean – they’re always telling you how you’re tuned. What your relationships is, in focus, right now, relative to All You Are. That’s all. Learn to not scare yourself when you don’t like how you feel. Learn to remember what your feelings mean so you don’t take a less than wonderful feeling and then turn it into some idea you’ve done something wrong, or there is something wrong with you – because that is not what it means, even if you’ve practiced that into feeling like that is what it means.
We’d like to invite you, too, to play with us. To call upon us – we are always here. We are beings of light; we work with light. We can attune you with light, to who you truly are. We’d love that if you’re willing and it interests you. We respect your sovereignty, so you are in charge here – we play and come into your energy field when you openly call, or willingly pay attention to us.
So Life is for you, and always with you.
What if that were so? What if you dared to experiment with that?
What if you cared more about how you felt, dared to stop trying so hard, and gave up practicing and acting as if you weren’t One with Infinite Intelligence?
What if you started to let Life give you more and really, just practiced thinking you are innately worthy, deserving, supportive and loved?
That, dear friend, would feel mighty good, because that is how WE see and know you. So thinking that and believing it, bring you into harmony with Us, with Life, with All That Is, with the Vastness of Being – with the real you. With wholeness.
Let go and let all that you are give to you, dear friend.
Let your way be light, easy, fresh. Relaxed. Pleasurably. Full of joy.
Let yourselves come home.
Anytime. Every moment. It – your life – can feel like this.
Take it to heart.
Put it to the test.
We love you very much.
We are complete. I AM ASHIRA, with the Vastness of Being.
» Source » Channel: Ailia Mira


Un espacio dedicado a comprender y vivir la doctrina ESPIRITUAL de este tercer tiempo.


Verdaderas cátedras son las que se han manifestado al mundo en esta era del Espíritu Santo por medio de los portavoces del tercer tiempo. Siete sellos implanto Roque Rojas en 1866; mas aquellos primeros grupos se dividieron y no supieron vivir en armonía. Surgió el ELIASISMO y diversos TEMPLOS DE LOS 7 SELLOS.

EL SEXTO SELLO del cual provenimos estuvo a cargo de Damiana Oviedo, la doncella cuyo entendimiento fue el primero en recibir la luz del Rayo Divino.

En 1884 principio la enseñanza. No llego en cuanto hombre, sino espiritualmente limitado en un rayo de luz para posarlo sobre el entendimiento humano. Ese fue el medio elegido por la voluntad de dios para hablarnos en este tiempo.

La comunicación con el mundo espiritual en esta forma materializada y tangible fue breve, porque en 1950 esta lección y experiencia termino. Quienes aprovecharon debidamente, obtuvieron innumerables frutos, entre ellos el de preparación para la comunicación de espíritu a espíritu (nosotros - Dios), o sea la comunicación directa sin necesidad de la facultad que concedió temporalmente al entendimiento. De varios recintos y de diferentes portavoces se rescataron cientos de enseñanzas. Legado invaluable que todo ser que descubre su gran luz, atesora en lo más profundo del corazón. Gracias al arduo trabajo de nuestros primeros hermanos para recorrer los templos y hacer un resumen, tenemos el registro de enseñanzas llenas de sabiduría en 12 tomos del Libro de la Vida Verdadera.


La sanación de los enfermos es una misión distintiva de la doctrina Espiritualista Trinitaria Mariana. Entendemos que se encomienda a quien conoce el amor de Dios ayudar al prójimo. La sanación espiritual es algo que no se acaba de entender por el mundo científico de nuestros días. Dentro de los templos y fuera de ellos existen muchos hermanos que dependiendo de su preparación espiritual ayudan a los más necesitados, cumpliendo así con la más importante ley de Dios que es el amor: "El amor a Dios, al Autor de la Vida, al Padre, al Creador, y el amor de los unos a los otros".

Las potencias y dones del espíritu son atributos que han sido revelados y por medio de una vida honesta y limpia de pensamiento, llena de actos nobles y de trabajo para ayudar a la humanidad son desarrollados.

La sanación y la espiritualidad en general, será desarrollada en todo el mundo, incluso dentro de las diversas religiones que hoy entienden la espiritualidad de modos diferentes. El mundo apenas presiente que las enfermedades más dolorosas, no son las del cuerpo, sino las que llevamos en el espíritu. Y grandes serán los milagros que nos dará el Padre en esta era.

• 2-39-12: La oración es una gracia que Dios ha entregado ¡al hombre para que le sirva de escala para elevarse, de arma para defenderse, de libro para instruirse y de bálsamo para ungirse y sanar de todo mal!


Ya desde las primeras cátedras de antes del año 1950 se advirtieron muchos acontecimientos que hoy podemos ver realizados, de entre ellos ya el Padre advertía nuestro proceder actual y hoy existen diferentes grupos que cumple cada quien en diferentes formas.

El principal motivo de separación ha sido la forma en que cada quien interpreta lo que es correcto. Al igual que cuando un hermano espiritualista detecta que en su templo o en sus reuniones existen irregularidades, generalmente busca otro recinto o la compañía de otros hermanos, los cuales lleven el cumplimiento de la obra de una forma más limpia. También así al paso de los años se han generado distintos grupos tan diversos que en ocasiones parecieran de origen completamente diferente.

Sin embargo en la lucha por escalar y cumplir como pueblo y de forma individual, existen puntos sumamente importantes a mejorar en cada uno de los recintos y grupos. Debiendo de prestar mucha importancia a lo siguiente:

•No caer en Idolatría ni fanatismo: El espiritualista de ningún modo debe caer en la idolatría de símbolos, imágenes, personas, vestimentas, libros, espíritus, etc.
•Sin lucro: La obra espiritualista no busca de ningún modo lucrar por la ayuda prestada ni por ningún otro concepto. 

•Sin jerarquías: (Enseñanza 2-32-59: No forméis idolatrías, fanatismo, ni jerarquías materiales. No hay más grandeza que la luz que engalana al espíritu que por su virtud ha alcanzado la perfección). Aunque en los templos generalmente existen diferentes funciones es importante que sea la humildad el sello distintivo de cada cargo. Evitando la vanidad en el corazón

Enseñanza 3-70-36: Yo os presentare ante la humanidad como mis servidores, como los Espiritualistas Trinitarios Marianos del Tercer Tiempo. Los Espiritualistas, porque seréis más espíritu que materia; los Trinitarios, porque habéis recibido mi manifestación en tres tiempos; Marianos porque amáis a María, vuestra Madre Universal, que es la que ha velado por vosotros para que no desmayéis en la jornada

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Gnostic Illuminati Negotiate End of Western Civil War

Pope Francis has been relieved of power as a part of a deal being negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the 13 ruling bloodlines, say two sources, one a European royal, the other a Pentagon boss. The two Western power centers, one based on meritocracy, the other on historical rule, have agreed to a jubilee and a massive campaign to “save the planet,” the sources say.

The Gnostic Illuminati, strongest in the military-industrial complex, and the bloodlines, who control finance and the media, agreed to compromise because they have to present a united Western front in order to make a deal with a resurgent Asia, they said. Francis, who may stay on as a figurehead, was relieved of power because of the fiasco over convicted pedophile Cardinal Pell who ran the Vatican Bank, the sources say. The Vatican and the Vatican Bank with its 6,000 bribery accounts of so-called “world leaders” are now run by “a troika of cardinals,” the Pentagon source says.

In public, this fundamental change can be seen in the fact that ten cardinals have been defrocked recently. The most recent was French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, who was convicted last week of covering up pedophilia. over-ups/

Here is what the representative of the 13 bloodlines had to say about the situation: “Cardinal Pell was an admission and acceptance of the Satanic Practices at our orders.” He added that the other cardinals were removed as part of a process of “weaning them off” of Satanic practices. “Pope Francis was fired because … … he was too high-profile in the National Cyber Security Center. His past life in Argentina came back to haunt him.

Nobody—nobody in the outside world—is allowed to occupy office if they cannot be controlled by their compromise,” the source said. Furthermore, today (March 11, 2019) is the eighth anniversary of the mass-murder attack against Fukushima, Japan, and the deal is being reached in part because the bloodlines were threatened with retaliation for this attack unless they reached a deal, Asian secret society sources say.

In addition, Asian secret society sources say the West needs to finish cleaning itself up before a final agreement on saving the planet can be reached. On this front, a sustained attack against Zionism, the main source of Western evil, is a good sign. “The truthful words of Representative Ilhan Omar about Zionist influence over the U.S. Congress (not based on votes—there are only nine million Jewish voters—but rather on bribery and blackmail and lies) have thrown the Democratic Party into a crisis that could lead to its demise. CIA and Pentagon sources say Jared Kushner and John Bolton will be dismissed from the White House soon, and President Trump will disclose 9/11 truth in such a way as to terminate Zionist influence over the U.S. economy, government, and society,” was how former CIA operations officer Robert David Steele described the situation.

A Pentagon source agreed, saying “Zionism is dead. Their lobby was neutered as the House passed a resolution 407 to 23 that did not rebuke Ilhan Omar but watered down anti-Semitism, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fired her Jewish chief of staff Danny Weiss.” Now Syria has formally warned Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights, or face war. Syria did this because it has the backing of Turkey, Russia, and Iran to force Israel to respect international law, while the U.S. military has made it clear that it will not fight for Israel, according to Pentagon and other sources.

The royal family and Pentagon sources both confirmed that Israel’s nuclear arsenal—its “Samson option”—has been neutralized, which is why that rogue state can now be forced to cease its messianic anti-social behavior. If they think God wanted them to murder over 100 million people so they could rebuild an ancient temple, they clearly do not understand God. Meanwhile inside the U.S., targeted assassinations of key individuals have been taking place at an accelerated pace in order to restore democracy and the rule of law, CIA sources say. “The hammer is about to drop, as Attorney General Bill Barr met John Huber prior to FISA declassification and mass arrests,” a Pentagon source noted. The source was referring to the fact that Huber is being forced to finally take action against Hillary Clinton, Obama, etc. for Uranium One, etc.

The pharmacidical industry is also “under assault as Eli Lilly was forced to introduce generic insulin at half price while FDA director and Big Pharma shill Scott Gottlieb was fired for pushing states to cancel vaccine exemptions,” the Pentagon sources note. This move to make vaccines mandatory was a desperate last-ditch attempt by the Khararian mafia to use toxic vaccines to murder a large percentage of the population in an attempt to save themselves from justice, CIA sources note.

A huge, secret war is also being waged by the Khazarian mafia to grab control of Africa’s resources in a desperate attempt to avoid the bankruptcy of their Washington, D.C.-based United States Corporation, say Mossad and CIA sources. Africa is nearly twice as big as Russia and larger than Canada, and bigger than China plus the U.S. combined. The last thing the Khazarian mafia wants is for Africans to take back control of their own resources.

The most visible recent move in this secret war was the downing on Sunday of an Ethiopian Boeing 737 aircraft. Mossad sources say the aircraft was remotely hijacked and its passengers, including 19 UN officials, were killed as part of an attempt to disrupt a UN conference aimed at ending poverty and environmental destruction in Africa.

However, the remote hijacking of this aircraft is looking to have been a really stupid move by the Khazarians and is likely to lead to the bankruptcy of the Boeing Corporation. That is because it is the second time in four months that a Boeing aircraft has been crashed via remote control by the Khazarian mafia. China, Ethiopian Air (Africa’s largest airline), and the Cayman Islands have grounded all Boeing 737s, and other airlines and countries are sure to follow until the remote-control hijackers are removed from control of Boeing. -737-max-8-jets-in-wake-of-disaster

It is certainly no coincidence that after all military officers left the Trump regime, a Boeing executive, Patrick Shanahan, was made Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense. Shanahan has no real power over the U.S. military, because they no longer obey the bankrupt Washington, D.C.-based corporate government, Pentagon sources say. Here is what an X-files source had to say about the situation: “Many of the lizard families have shares in Boeing, and Boeing is tied up with Lockheed Martian [sic] as well.”

In any case, the secret battle for Africa is continuing on other fronts, especially over control of mineral resources. Hints of this war can be seen in various recent news headlines. The most bizarre was the story about diamond billionaire Ehud Lanaido dying “during penis enlargement surgery.”

In fact, “he was taken to a special private clinic on the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris late at night, long after the clinic was closed,” a Mossad source said. “He was a direct competitor of Benny Steinmetz, who up until a few months ago was on the run from several governments, including Belgium and Africa, for billions of dollars allegedly owed in back taxes from illegal purchases and sales of rough and polished diamonds smuggled out of Angola and Sierra Leone for many years,” the source continued. “These two diamond dealers, among the biggest in the world of diamond trading, were targeted by those at the very top. One was removed, and one was put back on his pedestal as King of the business.

Notice how close the timing is on the rise and fall of the two titans,” the source noted. Here is the second headline he was referring to: “Mining Billionaire Ends Bitter Guinea Dispute After Months of Secret Negotiations.” -sarkozy-brokered-deal If you read the article, you can see that Steinmetz was helped by a who’s who in the Zionist Khazarian mafia, including George Soros (i.e., his cut-out), Tony Blair, and Nicholas

Also related to this was the news that Indian diamond mogul Nirov Modi is to be extradited. Modi allegedly absconded with over 2 billion dollars from Indian banks. “I am told that he will be picked up and become the ‘poster child’ for the legal system to show the world that you cannot escape the long arm of justice,” the Mossad source said. “Don’t forget, he is not one of the inside ‘boys’—the wrong bloodline, and thus expendable in this Game of Thrones with the Khazarian Zionists,” he added. acked-down-to-swanky-london-apartment-2186288.html

Further developments related to the ongoing African resource grab can be seen in a letter to the editor sent by the Khoi-San peoples, who warned of the use of a fake king in an attempt to steal their land and resources. The Khazarian mafia are also attempting a similar resource grab in South America. There, the latest move was the use of cyber and energy weapons to sabotage Venezuela’s energy grid. The rest of the world has agreed to continue funding the U.S. military and transform them into a benevolent planetary protection force. They can start earning their money by rounding up all these criminals and either putting them in jail or killing them.

Ashtar: una gran ola de energía

Estar contigo una vez más en estos tiempos continuos, en estos momentos. Estos momentos que aún están por separar a los que están listos y los que no lo están. Ahora, eso no quiere decir que muchos en todo el planeta fallecerán en el proceso de la muerte: nunca diríamos eso.
Pero eso quiere decir que debido a las energías que vienen al planeta, a los que ya han entrado y a los que aún están por sumergirse en este planeta, a esas ondas de energía de las que se ha hablado todavía no se han llegado. Y viniendo, son. Vas a experimentar una gran ola de energía en un futuro muy cercano. Sí, en tu mes en el que estás ahora. Está viniendo.
¿Va a separar el trigo de la paja? No como ustedes lo entienden. Pero va a provocar una separación. Una separación de vibraciones. Para aquellos que vibran en los niveles más altos, y aquellos que vibran en los niveles más bajos,  habrá  una separación. No es que dejen el planeta. Todavía no es tiempo para eso.
Pero es hora de contar dentro de ustedes mismos, todos y cada uno en el planeta, un ajuste de cuentas. Alcance en lo más profundo de ustedes mismos y encuentre esa reverberación dentro de ustedes mismos que los conecta no solo con este planeta, con la tierra, con Gaia, sino con todos los planetas del sistema solar, con el sol, con todos los soles centrales de Las galaxias y el sol central del universo, la conexión con la Fuente, en sí misma, de este universo.
Esto es lo que está sucediendo con estas ondas de energía, y esta onda principal que viene, que afectará a muchas, no como EL cambio o EL evento del que se ha hablado, todavía no. Pero como un cambio importante en la energía que resonará en toda la galaxia de la que Melquisedek te habló. Una reverberación que los conecta a todos ustedes, a  todos  ustedes, los Wayshowers, que los conectan a todos nuevamente como uno solo. Y tú eres  uno , mis amigos. Eres uno con el otro, eres uno con nosotros, en nuestros barcos, en nuestras flotas. Eres uno con los Agarthans, y uno con toda la Compañía del Cielo, y todos los seres cósmicos que aún no conoces. Pero llegarás a conocerlos, porque sin duda te conocen, a todos y cada uno de ustedes.
Así que ahora es el momento de llegar a lo más profundo de ustedes mismos y encontrar esa reverberación dentro de ustedes que los conecte con el TODO, porque el TODO está conectado con ustedes.
Soy Ashtar. Siempre aprecio estos momentos en los que puedo estar con ustedes y compartir estos modales de esta manera, para continuar ayudándolos y ayudándolos en el camino de esta transición, esta transición que prepara a todos y cada uno de ustedes para la gran ascensión. este planeta
Toda mi paz y mi amor estén con todos ustedes, por ahora y para siempre.
»  Fuente » Canal: James McConnell

la oportunidad de encontrar su equilibrio


Saber que todo está bien, amados.

Bienvenido a casa.

Estamos caminando a tu lado, a cada paso del camino.

Queridos, ustedes son amados más allá de toda medida. Siempre.

Soy el Arcángel Miguel y te traigo esta verdad.


Gracias, Arcángel Miguel

Archangel Michael:

"Saludos, Amados.

Te enviamos bendiciones de Amor y Luz en este Momento del Ahora, y te invitamos a abrir tu corazón a nuestro mensaje para ti.

Queridos, cuando Mercurio se volvió retrógrado, tienen la oportunidad de encontrar su equilibrio girando hacia adentro para recibir la dirección de su vida y ascensión.

Este es el momento de liberar, integrar nuevas energías y permitir que su luz interior se expanda.

Las alineaciones planetarias están ayudando en este proceso.

También es el momento de visualizar, de escribir lo que te trae alegría, quién deseas convertirte, tus ascensiones, el amor que hay dentro de ti y para los demás, etc.

Tu divina presencia interior / YO SOY es tu centro para encontrar tu estabilidad.

¡Te estás preparando para grandes cosas por venir y lo estás haciendo maravillosamente!

Esta es la fusión de las dimensiones superiores con su dimensión actual y las alineaciones planetarias están moviendo sus frecuencias vibratorias hacia adelante para experimentar estas dimensiones superiores más completamente.

A medida que vastas cantidades de energía se mueven a través de ustedes, recomendamos concentrarse en su respiración, respirando lenta y conscientemente la luz blanca hacia adentro y hacia afuera.

Tomar siestas y ralentizar las cosas también es útil.

No fuerce ni empuje cosas que no están fluyendo.

Encuentra pequeñas aberturas de flujo y síguelas..

Publicado por EVERTH THENANSHED,  1er Oficial de la Federación Galáctica de planetas libres.

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados.Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, se le da crédito al autor y esto La URL está incluida en https://misteri1963.blogspot.comyel

the opportunity to find your balance


Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you, Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear Ones, as Mercury went retrograde, you have the opportunity to find your balance by turning inward to receive the direction of your life and ascension.

This is the time to release, integrate new energies and allow for your inner light to expand. 

The planetary alignments are assisting in this process. 

It is also the time to envision, to writing out what brings you joy, who you wish to become, your ascensions, the love within you and for others and so forth.

Your Divine Inner Being/I AM presence is your center for finding your stability. 

You are preparing for great things to come and you are doing wonderfully!

This is the merging of the higher dimensions with your current dimension and the planetary alignments are moving your vibrational frequencies forward to experience these higher dimensions more fully.

As vast amounts of energy are moving through you, we recommend to focus on your breath, by slowly and consciously breathing white light in and out.

Taking naps and slowing things down is helpful as well. 

Don't force or push things that aren't flowing. 

Find little openings of flow and follow them.

Entrada destacada


SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...