, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : It is the US about to fall into the abyss of financial bankruptcy?



It is the US about to fall into the abyss of financial bankruptcy?

Asian secret societies Red and Green under 
new leadership promise to "shake the earth"
take and I put more information about who they are "green" , "red" and "blue" here is not whether it will be entirely true, but we does take a step forward in relations between secret societies
. (...) "current secret societies and their predecessors, military orders, are an important part of the" overseers "
currently, there are three groups of foremen who hide among their members of the top people in global politics, banking, business, military and the media. In much are the power behind the scenes, the "controllers" invisible heads of jefecitos that do give the face (or plasma) and the presidents of the countries.
These are the three teams foremen in eternal competition:
- green team: Society of Jesus (former Knights Templar), Swiss and Asian banks
- red team: Order of Malta, major monarchies, Skull & Bones, City of London
- blue team: Zionism and Jewish banking " last one representative claiming to be from the family of the head of the China Union World Hongmen informed the White Dragon Society that Red and Green were under new leadership week. He said that "when the Asian giants move, the earth it will shake, but our goal is world peace. "Not much can be written about the talks between elRojo, Blue and SDB, however you can be sure that great events will take place soon. There are also plenty of rumors from multiple sources, including the CIA and the Pentagon, that some kind of financial event much larger than the "shock" of Lehman is imminent. While experience has taught us to distrust specific dates, many sources even go so far as to say it will be on April 19.This is the day the Shanghai Gold Exchange will begin its gold trading platform intended to take over the pricing of gold from banks controlled by the mafiajázara. Http:// news-announcement / announcement / 537284.shtml probably no coincidence that last week the Deutschebank admitted in a trial that manipulates the prices of gold and silver and promised to release all information it has on other large banks participating in manipulation of prices. Thus we have the Chinese start trading gold while Western banks traditionally set the price of gold are being publicly ostracized by fraud. the Shanghai gold Exchange will also enable Asian monetizen vast amounts of gold out of the market they have, according to reports. This means that the Chinese yuan will be at least partially supported gold. This is the likely source of reports like this: announcing that China will announce that it will launch a international gold - backed Yuan and stop accepting US dollars from this week. We were unable to confirm this independently, but we can say that the SDB has advised the Chinese to make such a move in coordination with the military and agencies of the United States. Certainly, finance ministers and central bankers forming nations G20 were all together in Washington the week pasadatanto regularly scheduled meetings and emergency meetings. The governors of the Board of the Federal Reserve also had a lot of emergency meetings. A visible result was a story of historical significance of last week in which the "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , " said plans bankruptcy giants bank like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank New York Mellon and State Street Corp "are not credible." Put another thus, they are told to some of the major banks and owners of the Board of the Federal Reserve Khazar the cabal that basically are bankrupt de facto. sources in the Pentagon and CIA sources both also tell us that when the President of Federal Reserve Janet Yellen met with US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, Yellen called for the US army will be mobilized to round up troublemakers and put them in FEMA camps to prevent mass disturbances after the action planned by the Fed steal the savings of the people to save the big banks. "Let die the dollar and make a rescue , " is like the CIA source summed up the proposal Yellen. in any case, the military said no, he had other plans. Yellen should have accepted the agreement of gold that Asians offered last week, while I had the chance. But now the military have forced Yellen that the Fed send and publish the letter to JP Morgan for the world to know that "it is unstable." The military pressure was also behind the FDIC warning to the big five banks mentioned above. As a result Wells Fargo and other banks have begun training staff for an "emergency situation". The US military is also actively working to create a new dollar issued by the government backed with silver and gold from Asia to keep the economy United States running after the collapse of the banking system of debt slavery of Babylon of the Khazar mafia deEstados States, sources say the SDB. the situation is not much better in Europe. the IMF stated publicly last week that European banks have a "bad debt" amounting to 900 billion euros and could no longer postpone the management misma.Podemos guess that the actual numbers of delinquencies are much worse than the IMF it is willing to admit. in other words , many major European banks probably are bankrupt. Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and UBS are being scrutinized by regulators to see if they are solvents, Russian sources say. This may be why the mafia oligarchs Khazars suddenly have launched campaigns in the US and Europe to close tax havens and force bring to Europe or the US 31 billion dollar potential income tax havens where they can confiscate them and avoid bankruptcy. CIA sources say the Rothschilds have already managed to attract "thousands of millions "of dollars to Reno, Nevada with this scam roach motel. you can be sure that it is not their own money in tax havens which they plan to repatriate. One of the fortunes that are sure to seize it is active in Saudi Arabia in US dollars. last week there were media corporate propaganda reported that Saudi Arabia could sell hundreds of billions of assets and Treasuries dollar if the US government made ​​known the 28 secret pages report of the 11S or the families of the victims of S11 were allowed to sue Arabia But Saudi Arabia does not have that option and instead, will discover that their holdings in US They have already been confiscated. Even with the help of Turkey and Israel US and Russia could crush them like bugs if they oppose the confiscation. In fact, according to Pentagon sources, President Obama will visit Saudi Arabia this week to read the riot act and force them to stop their activities of criminals worldwide. Moreover, Obama will announce the 28 pages after his return from the visit, sources say. At the same time Obama visits Saudi Arabia, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been summoned to Moscow. There he will tell you that Return them Golan Heights to Syria and meet other UN resolutions regarding Israel or otherwise face sanctions and that "all options are on the table". This could mean a complete blockade of Israel. Moreover, sources say Obama, backed by the US Army, will not use the usual US veto to save Israel from the UN sanctions. They say the sources that the Russians also ask you to return gold stolen by the Rothschild Czar of Russia, the real rulers of Israel family. in the library of the Bank of Japan have a report on Japanese warships that arrived in Vladivostok in 1918 to evacuate 10 tons of gold from the czars before that the Communists could catch him. This gold was later sent to London, according to the Bank of Japan.This is probably just the tip of the iceberg of gold stolen from Russia. Speaking of stolen gold, there is a flurry of activity in connection with stashes of gold in Indonesia. This week Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is visiting Germany, UK, Belgium and the Netherlands to discuss gold Indonesia, among other things. CIA sources in Indonesia say is that gold was brought by the Japanese meaning that was stolen EFFECTIVE Asian countries, who are now demanding the same rights. Europeans also covet the gold. Photographs of the gold of Indonesia can be made ​​available to interested parties, sources say. In any case, at the end of the day, is likely to lack an agreement between the whitehats Pentagon (SDB) and the Chinese to solve this. a public sign that the White Hats US and the Chinese are already reaching agreements it can be confirmed by the fact that last week the Asian Investment and Infrastructure, controlled by the Chinese, and the World Bank controlled by the United States announced its first project jointly funded. http: // the next step is tremendously increasing investments of billions to trillions of dollars.Another agreement being worked on between the SDB and Chinese concerns to Japan. The two sides agree that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who ultimately obeys the Agnelli and Evelyn de Rothschild brothers, has to go.Sources involved in the negotiations say that the Chinese had been pushing for political and strongman Ichiro Ozawa, but it was too anti-American for the likes of the Pentagon. for that reason Hideo Higashikokubaru, a talent television and former governor of Miyazaki prefecture is being considered as the substitution of Abe, sources say. Higashikokubaru preside a jubilee and a redistribution of assets, they say. The other issue in development is that Japan is now preparing to legalize marijuana fully and give control of the bonanza of business resulting wings Asian secret societies. Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, meanwhile , intends to be an important industry of medical marijuana player, say sources of the secret society of Asia. While we're on the subject of Japan, it seems the earthquake last week in southern Japan, from seismographs and other tests, it has been a natural. the volcanic ring of fire around the Pacific basin is very active because a new continent is emerging in the Pacific Ocean, according to sources Freemason lodge P2. This will not happen overnight, of course, but now new islands are born in the region. 
Source and comments by victoriakent33 on April 20, 2016 in Uncategorized

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