, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : US ENTERS "PANIC MODE" EU IN STOCKS




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Then we translate an article written by Gordon Duff in his controversial website Veterans Today and New Eastern Outlook.

We note that this is one of those items that do not leave indifferent and containing information that many may seem really strange, shocking or even contradictory to the usual address them.
That is to say, is a "very conspiratorial" article that clearly departs from the official versions.
As we always say in these cases, it must be read with "caution", but undoubtedly its content is interesting and curious enough to take this into consideration ...

Presidential politics in the  US . It is leading to a potentially dark future, not only for the  US ., but also leads to a collapse of NATO and the EU.
The machinery of ultra-powerful pressure of the new anti-US Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia alliance, strengthened by Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Poland, is moving to try to gain control over the US presidency, again .
There is a particular risk level is rising and that risk is missing for publishing 28-page report of the 11-S, linking Saudi intelligence with the attacks on the World Trade Center.
9-11 + Secret + pages
It is believed that these pages refer to meetings between Mohammed Atta, alleged mastermind of 11-S, and teams of "art students" Israelis before the attacks. They all lived in Fort Lee, New Jersey, within walking distance of each other, and were seen meeting together by an FBI team led by Special Agent Mike Dick, who later survived an assassination attempt when he threatened to go public .
These pages, and perhaps others that still retained, not only contain the records of surveillance, including wiretapping of planning 11-S, but records of the arrests of dozens of Israeli agents were working with Atta.
Now that the long association between Israel and Saudi Arabia has been made public, this material is considered as a devastating threat, a threat that is worth manipulate a presidential election to the US and, if necessary, kill any candidate who can not be controlled.
There is certain that President Obama was never informed of the existence of another retentate and buried under the Bush administration, which includes information that could also link the Turkish intelligence with 11-S.
Then there is the preliminary report on the 11-S 2003, thought was brought to Russia by Edward Snowden and that in all probability, it is in the hands of Russian intelligence.Those familiar with that report, including those who helped write it, say it presents a drastically different view of the events of 11-S.
What is clear is that Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia during which warns quite evident to Saudi Arabia for its support to the Islamic State, the Nusra and other terrorist organizations, it may be the signal indicating a future military intervention USA both in Syria and in Iraq; an intervention that is likely to include thousands of US troops on the ground and a military confrontation in the making with Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
US Special Forces will Put on Syria Ground Boot: US envoy
What should be clear is who the real players of this great game. On the one hand we have the Turks, the Saudis and the Israelis and the other to Iraq, Syria and Iran. Where will all this lead? With the covert expansion of the Turkish army in Ukraine and now in Macedonia, where they are involved in destabilization operations, probably with the help of Israel, How you should then interpret Netanyahu's visit to Moscow this week?
We also have the growing struggle for Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, where we are now able to confirm that thousands of jihadists of the Islamic State have participated, fighting side by side with the Azerbaijani army, trained and armed by Israel.
Now we also have a secondary Kurdish struggle, no longer is simply an attempt by Turkey to eliminate an uncomfortable ethnic minority as they did with the Armenians, but something much more sinister. Germany arming the Peshmerga, not to fight against the Islamic State backed by Turkey but to join with Turkey against other Kurdish factions, the conflict is not only expanding, but the mosaic of interests becomes more evident.
Kurdish peshmerga fighters take position in Bashiqa, near Mosul.
Then there is another question to ask: do you work alone this triumvirate Middle East, which is orchestrating much chaos and has made a refugee crisis to destabilize the European Union?
¿Germany is a victim of this process, or as most Germans believe Merkel is an important part of this conspiracy? And if so, why? This leads us to explore a hypothesis that some years ago seemed limited to the world of Conspiracy Theories and maybe I should be reassessed.
According to these theories, it exists in Germany a secret intelligence organization with ties to the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
On the website Veterans Today he discussed the matter a year ago, and we became echo of it in the article Robot Fisherman  DANGEROUS AND MYSTERIOUS ORGANIZATION THAT NO ONE HAS HEARD :
In May 2014, a high - level informant linked to the Department of Justice US . She came to us with a story.

He said Germany carried out for decades a secret protocol with Israel by which Germany is funding the research and production of weapons for Israel and supplies to the submarines nation specially configured for the missile launch nuclear and Israel cruise exchange , supplies nuclear weapons Germany.
It is not clear "why" Germany, a power of NATO, wants to have nuclear weapons. There must be something else behind this whole thing ... and there is.
Germany, contrary to popular belief, is not the strongest "liberal democracy" in Europe, but something very different: a nation ruled by a shadow government, infiltrated by elements of the former Nazi Germany, sworn to overthrow the  "corrupt and decadent Western democracies."
It is a secret intelligence agency who survived the conflict and the machinations of the 1930s and 1940s by the name of DVD, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (German Defence Services).
The strange thing is that anyone who investigate on DVD is ostracized and ends up being treated like a madwoman, ends up dead or locked up in jail.
One of them was the writer and British intelligence analyst Michael Shrimpton was sentenced to prison. He was convicted for reporting to the British government that a nuclear weapon illegally exported from Bremerhaven, Germany, was strategically placed in London for their explosion destroyed the Olympic stadium during the Olympic Games in London in 2012.
Michael Shrimpton
Michael Shrimpton
Shrimpton claimed at the public hearing, a German organization known as DVD or Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (Services German Defense), a Nazi "vestige" of the Second World War "franchises" worldwide, was responsible for the attempted attempt.
Shrimpton was admitted to a psychiatric examination, he was lynched by the press and was imprisoned unjustly in prison, convicted on the basis of having himself made threats.
In that article, it mentions another article published a year earlier in Die Welt, which had been written by Colonel Hans Rühle, former head of Planning in the Ministry of Defense of Germany did.
The article had been referred to the website of VT by a former researcher at the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), a nuclear physicist. I had to say was amazing and had dramatic implications.
The title of the article, published in German is:  "Hat Deutschland Israels Atomwaffen finanziert?"
This long and exciting text written by an officer retired high level of the German army, not only demonstrated the existence of a secret Israeli nuclear program but outlining a broad criminal complicity of the German government, which should have resonated around the world.
However, the article immediately forgot, never translated into English and has never been cited by anyone, including especially those whose job it is to enforce the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
Colonel Hans Rühle
Colonel Hans Rühle
The article is, in fact, a wide confession of complicity of the German government in a strange and sinister conspiracy of epic proportions.
One thing is clear: Germany is funding Islamic state with billions in aid, mostly in the form of military equipment and money, all channeled through Turkey.
It is also clear that Germany, or that Merkel and DVD, are at the heart of the coup that overthrew the government of Poland, and are up to their necks in the overthrow of the government of Ukraine, which laid the groundwork for starting a wider war.
Germany is importing full of "tourists" from Ukraine, which are filling, out of season, tourist hotels near military training centers NATO buses. British military trainers and contractors are trained CIA.
The existence of the Ukrainian army being trained in Germany, removes all credibility to the filtered by the government of Merkel history, according to which Germany would be blackmailed by Turkey with the threat of using their intelligence networks based in Munich to kill children in German schools.
And this would also reveal another sinister matter: and that German DVD, in collaboration with the government of Merkel organization would be the actual epicenter of terrorism in Europe.
Something already denounced people like Michael Shrimpton, as mentioned before and it cost him dearly.
And not only him but other researchers such as Christopher Story.
Article DANGEROUS AND MYSTERIOUS ORGANIZATION ANYONE HEARD already talked about the case of Christopher Story and possible murder by DVD.
In 2010, Christopher Story, known by many as Edward Harle, died mysteriously.

People in intelligence, believe that Story was killed by DVD.
Christopher Edward Harle Story, (1938 - 14 July 2010) was a writer, editor and advisor to the British government specializing in intelligence and economic affairs, who is perhaps best known for their collaboration with KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in the book 1995, "the Perestroika Deception".
Since 1970, Story edited and published the "International Currency Review," which included among its subscribers the World Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England.
Christopher Story, was an agent of the British secret services, something that is not included in his official biography.
Story, a respected global issues currency and intelligence professor spoke of an organization created during the 1920s, formed by a coalition between the Bush family in the US, then part of the banking cartel Harriman-Rothschild based in New York and City of London and the "Hitler Project", which had also rightly written Webster Tarpley in his unauthorized biography of George HW Bush.
According to Story, the group that controlled the Federal Reserve in the United States and most of the world's central banks followed an agenda to conquer the world, while simultaneously open and covert.
Story Hitler defined as a "puppet" of that organization, which later DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst) would be called.
British Prime Minister Edward Heath, was a DVD operation as was Prime Minister Tony Blair and a number of senior British politicians.
Well this can not be more than theories absurd conspiracy, but a few days ago, the possibility that a former general of the US Marine General James Mattis, became a "dark horse" leaked (known as "dark horse" a candidate or competitor of which little is known, but unexpectedly wins or succeeds).
In particular, the possibility that during the upcoming Republican National Convention, an unknown alternative candidate, who relieved Ted Cruz and Donald Trump allowed to unseat be presented filtered.
General James Mattis
General James Mattis
What is strange about this is that Mattis is being supported by both factions left and right, all closely aligned with the interests of the Israeli lobby, you can now say that also represents the interests of both Turkey and Saudi Arabia .
Is Mattis, a general that nobody knows too much, someone capable of defeating Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? Does this mean that despite their public statements to the contrary, both Trump and Clinton are not acceptable to Israel and may be prone to follow the policy of Obama?
What we are seeing is a movement towards a New World Order in which the US, as we know it will no longer be active in world affairs.
What do they know we do not know the rest of us?

Well, everyone believe what they like about the content of this article.
At a minimum, items such as these offer different perspectives through which to see reality differently, but the fact is that some of their proposals are shocking ...

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